Native Americans and Puritans Unit Test

Native Americans and Puritans Unit Test Retake
Bacos 2011
Objective Section
For each of the following questions, choose the best answer and mark it on the scantron answer
1. What Puritan belief follows that only a select few will be saved by God?
a. Unconditional Election
b. Total Depravity
c. Limited Atonement
d. Irresistible Grace
2. Which of the following writers was not a Puritan writer?
a. William Bradford
b. Thomas Paine
c. John Winthrop
d. Jonathan Edwards
3. Which of the following is a concept of Native American literature?
a. Bible Reference
b. Cyclical Themes
c. Individuality
d. Moral Perfection
4. In “Sky Tree”, what was the story’s archetype?
a. The beaver
b. The Tree
c. The Sky
d. Aataentsic
5. In oral story telling, which of the following is not a way to enhance a story when
a. Body Language
b. Adapting to Audience
c. Delivery
d. Writing the story down
6. An important characteristic of Native American literature is that it —
a. is written in an ornate style
b. is written in short sentences
c. was originally not written but passed down orally
d. was told to an eager audience
7. Which of the following is NOT one of the Puritan beliefs under TULIP?
a. Total Depravity
b. Unconditional Election
c. Perseverance of the fittest
d. Limited Atonement
8. Puritan Plain style can be distinguished from ornate style because plain style —
a. uses specific terminology commonly employed in farming
b. emphasizes uncomplicated sentences and uses words from common speech
c. was originally employed in the flat, treeless regions of the Great Plains
d. employs a profound spiritual or religious tone
9. Because Puritans believed that the arrival of God’s grace was demonstrated by saintly
behavior, they –
a. thought it was easy to tell who was saved and who was damned
b. could try to earn salvation by giving money to the church
c. tried to behave in the best way possible
d. thought there was no need for rigorous self-examination
10. Which of the following ideas in TULIP explains why Puritans believe that all humans
are sinners?
a. Total Depravity
b. Unconditional Election
c. Limited Atonement
d. Irresistible Grace
11. What is an archetype?
a. someone who designs Puritan churches
b. a pattern that appears in literature in the form of a character or setting or
c. a witty saying about life
d. a metaphor used to describe a character
12. Many Native American literature pieces can be easily compared to –
a. the Puritan pieces from the same time
b. myths
c. early American novels
d. Gossip
13. Puritans believed that individuals could advance within the Great Chain of Being –
a. Only if they die and become a mineral
b. Only when they are “saved”
c. Never
d. Only if they were Puritan
14. Why did John Winthrop describe the Puritan community as “A City Upon a Hill?”
a. to enter sainthood
b. to make peace with Native Americans
c. to receive God’s grace
d. to live a life of example
15. In his sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” Edward’s purpose in
delivering this sermon is to –
a. frighten his listeners so much that
b. frighten his congregation into
they never return to church
mending their ways and
seeking salvation
c. give such a memorable speech that
d. dominate his congregation and
he will never be forgotten
maintain his position in the
Analysis Section
Based on their characteristics, determine whether the passages below are of Native American
or Puritan origin. In a few sentences describe what characteristic(s) of Native American or
Puritan writing are being displayed. (15 points total)
"The bow of God’s wrath is bent and the arrow made ready on the string, and justice
bends the arrow at your heart, and strains the bow, and it is nothing but the mere
pleasure of God, and that of an angry God, without any promise or obligation at all, that
keeps the arrow one moment from being made drunk with your blood."
Native American
“Immediately all of the water animals began to dive down and bring up soil. Beaver,
Mink, Muskrat, and Otter each brought up pawfuls of wet soil and placed the soil on the
Turtle’s back until the had made an island of great size. When they were through,
Aataentsic settled down gently on the new Earth, and the pieces of the great tree fell
beside her and took root.”
Native American
Hereafter trees and grasses will die only in the winter, but in the spring they will be
green again.
Native American
Subjective Section
On a separate sheet of paper answer the short answer questions. Make sure to develop your
answer into a well-written paragraph explaining your reasoning.
1. Choose one of the characteristics of Native American Literature and explain its use in
the literature as well as its benefits or draw-backs.
2. Examine the Puritan belief system (TULIP). Why do you think no one follows this
belief system in present day society? What were the benefits of this belief system during
the time of the Puritans?