Thanksgiving Then and Now

Lesson Plan
Thanksgiving Then and Now
Grade Levels:
Grades 4th – 6th
Curriculum Areas:
Language Arts, Social Studies
Measurable Objectives:
TSW use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast the
Pilgrim’s “First Thanksgiving” to our Thanksgiving Day
TSW use the online resources to learn about the first
Thanksgiving in 1621
TSW will write a short essay on the similarities and
differences between Thanksgiving 1621 and Thanksgiving
LA Content Standards:
{SOC.4.51} Compare how a person today might view an issue or
event differently from a person living in an earlier time
{SOC.5.22} Identify different points of view about key
events in early American history
{LA.} Demonstrate understanding of information in
grade-appropriate texts using a variety of strategies,
including: comparing and contrasting literary elements and
Technology Productivity Tools (Resource Access and
Technology Standards:
Utilization Foundation Skill) Students use technology tools to
enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote
Students use productivity tools to work collaboratively in
developing technology-rich, authentic, student-centered
Technology Communication Tools (Communication Foundation
Students use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and
interact with peers, experts and other audiences.
Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate
and present information and ideas effectively to multiple
Technology Connection:
Computer with Internet Access
Venn Diagram Template (PowerPoint)
Thanksgiving Video –
History of Thanksgiving – Reading Comprehension/History
The “First” Thanksgiving – Worksheet
The Pilgrims’ 1621 Thanksgiving
The “First Thanksgiving” – Facts and Fancies
Thanks-Giving Square
The Truth About the Pilgrims and Thansgiving
In this lesson students compare the Pilgrims "First
Thanksgiving" in 1621 to a modern-day Thanksgiving
celebration. They use a Venn diagram to help them organize
their thoughts and research.
Younger students might focus on the foods that were part of
the feast the Pilgrims and Wampanoags shared.
Older students will use higher level thinking skills to dig
deeper into the events and significance of the day.
Start the lesson by drawing a large Venn diagram on a board
or chart. Give students a couple minutes to share things they
think of when they think of the Thanksgiving we celebrate
today. Write a few of those key words in the second circle on
the Venn diagram (labeled "Thanksgiving Today"). Then ask
students what they know about the Pilgrim’s first
Thanksgiving at Plymouth Plantation; write a few key words or
phrases about the Thanksgiving celebration of 1621 in the
first circle on the diagram (labeled "The Pilgrims’ ‘First
Next, look with students at the phrases in both circles that
might tell things that the Thanksgiving celebrations of 1621
and today have in common. Erase or cross out those things
from their respective circles and write them in the area of
the diagram where the two circles intersect.
Inform the students that they will now use the sites listed
above to research information on Thanksgiving. Challenge
them to located information that was not listed on the class
Venn diagram. Also, remind them to think about the first
Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving today. They can make a Tchart to record their information as they complete their
online research. (This can be done individually or in pairs.)
After the students have completed their research, they will
use PowerPoint to complete the Venn diagram. Encourage
them to add clip art to each side of their Venn diagram.
Allow students to share what they’ve learned about past and
present Thanksgiving with their classmates.
Students can use the information from the Venn diagram to
write a brief essay to describe some similarities and
differences between Thanksgiving 1621 and Thanksgiving
Extension: Students can design a menu that would include
some of the foods that might be unique to the first
Thanksgiving feast.
Teacher’s Name:
Computer w/Internet Access
Completed Venn diagram
Kathy Prine
C.M. Fagan