Chapter 8.2 – The American System

Name____________________________________________________________Team__________ Class 10-
“The Era of Good Feelings”
Epoch Study Guide
Use WebBoard – The American Movement resources
Complete the evaluation report on each of the following:
The Second Great Awakening
Horace Mann
Dorothy Dix
American Poetry
American Storytelling
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Use WebBoard resources. Type in answers.
Chapter 8.2 – The American System
 What was the real result of our victory in the War of 1812?
 What was the “American System”? Who proposed it? Who named it? What
were the 3 major policy components?
 How would you describe the “Era of Good Feelings”?
 What were the sectional differences hidden under the surface?
 Describe the Rush-Bagot Treaty and the Adams-Onis Treaty.
Chapter 8.3 – The Missouri Compromise of 1820
 Who were the principles behind the compromise?
 What were the provisions of the Missouri Compromise of 1820?
 How did it affect the issue of slavery expansion and how it could be resolved in
the future?
 What was the Cotton Gin and how did it affect the growth of slavery?
Chapter 8.4 – The Monroe Doctrine
(Map on page 219)
 What were the provisions of the Monroe Doctrine?
 What was the significance to Latin America? (Remember your World History
Chapter 8.5 – The National Spirit
 What were some the slogans and symbols of the “Era of Good Feelings” and the
spirit of American nationalism?
The Epoch Essays
Teams A & B: Essay #1
Read American Issues – A Documentary Reader
Article 9.7 - The American System, 1816
Type a 2-page analysis based on the “consider” questions.
Team C: Essay #2
Read American History Volume I,
Article 19 - “Chief Justice Marshall Takes the Law in Hand”
Type a 2-page essay summarizing the author’s points on the subject.
Team D: Essay #3
Read “Slavery and the Constitution” by Secretary of State John Quincy Adams
Type a 1-2 page essay incorporating the answers to the following questions:
 Why did he politically support the “Missouri Compromise”?
 Why did he personally oppose the “Missouri compromise”?
 What is Adams’ opinion of Senator John Calhoun’s opinion regarding the
“labor” of slavery?
Team E: Essay #4
Read “On the Missouri Compromise” by Thomas Jefferson
Type a 1-2 page analysis based on the “consider” questions.
Team F: Essay #5
Read “Against Extending Slavery” by Rufus King
Type a 1-2 page analysis based on the “consider” questions.
Team G: Essay #6
Read “Against Restricting Slavery” by Anonymous
Type a 1-2 page analysis based on the “consider” questions.