Fostering continuity & progression using Authors & Texts A selection of ideas for alternative lessons and for differentiation of the lessons in the national Transition Unit Y6 Day 4 Writing a journal entry which displays empathy Resource: Sample text 4 Idea 1 Shared work Discussion of character traits. Guided reading in smaller groups. Set up premise of hot seating with teacher/children in role as reporters etc. Thought consciencing with hot seating: person being questioned and also their conscience. Independent/ guided work Lower group Guided reading on specific extracts. Middle group Remove text from Kane’s perspective – character profile. Higher group Investigate concept of agony aunt- extracts from different sources and magazines etc. Report back findings about agony aunt letters. Plenary Idea 2 Shared work Discuss worries about going to secondary school. Discuss samples of agony aunt letters and replies. (Suitable material needed – not boyfriend and girlfriend problems!) Independent/ guided work Higher/Middle group Write letter to Yr 7 pupil in style of agony aunt letter. Lower group Guided writing: write letter to ‘Y7 agony aunt’. Plenary Discuss anticipated replies. Set up agony aunt ‘box’ for other problems which they would like to discuss at a later date. Idea 3 Shared work 1. Provide question prompts to draw out relevant ideas. 2. Hot seating: Andrea Independent/ guide work Higher/Middle Group Radio programme: produce script of Katie telling her dad about her worries re transferring to secondary school. Middle group Guided group, supported to complete above task. Lower group Write letter to agony aunt Provide framework for letter format. Group sharing script. Plenary Idea 4 Shared work 1. Four high level pupils to prepare the drama activity ahead of the lesson and demonstrate to class. 2. Pupils to take the hot-seating role for children to question. Lower ability to be given question cardshigher ability to generate own questions. Pupils to question in role too. 3. (Low ability?) – read a letter(s) to an agony aunt and explore the features. Independent/ group Lower group Write only one letter to agony aunt (with least able being given a writing frame). Middle group Write a letter or diary entry from the brother’s / father’s point of view. Higher group Write 2 letters – one from each girl’s perspective. Plenary Read aloud letters from male viewpoint. Discuss the differences in both content and use of language. Idea 5 Shared work Links: Independent/ guided group Lower group Middle group 1. Teacher to read pages to the class. (Could put text on an OHP.) 2. Each child to have a copy of the text – underline emotions and description of Katie. (Mixed pairing to complete this.) 3. Hot seat Andrea (one able pupil) re emotions and Katie (one able pupil) re her feelings. 4. Example of letter put on OHP for weaker students. Annotating and modelling the original OHP. PSHE – What makes you angry? RE – Anger in the Bible (sellers in the temple). Writing frame with key phrases. Provide agony aunt letters from magazines to use and change to fit in with story. Brainstorm words to use, then use a thesaurus to find ‘better’ alternative words. Hot-seating characters. Higher group Plenary Work on metaphors and similes (‘king-sized rat’). Write letter which incorporates similes and metaphors. Discuss how their letters use different language to spoken language. Put up examples of phrases that are typical of this kind of writing. Idea 6 Shared work Group discussion on fairness. Drama work – “Trisha” format. Analyse actual letters from teenage magazines. Dinner table scenario : (drama work) Katie’s conscience is made explicit through a second person conveying her ‘real’ thoughts. Independent/ group Lower group Guided session examine / write diary entry. Middle group Letter to agony aunt. Annotate for emotive language. Identify words and phrases. Higher group Letter to agony aunt – each pupil has to write their letter from opposite gender viewpoint. Plenary Sharing of letters Re-do role task and see whether empathic understanding has increased with regard to depth and quality of questioning. Idea 7 Shared work Use models of letters to agony aunt from magazines. Relate to soap opera storylines. Keywords: insecurity, strange new situation, change (use of thesaurus). Hot seating: with characters – small supported groups/talk partners. Also role play agony aunt. Have pre-prepared questions. Explain context e.g. Andy Pandy. Independent/ guided work Produce a recipe for a “Happy Family” . Use a letter frame for letter. The AA group to write letter from Katie to Agony Aunt. Diary entries. Write from parents’ point of view. Why are “Radish” and “Andy Pandy” are important to girls? Plenary Compare different character’s perception of the situation.