307 - Schedule 1. January 25 – Introductions: Portfolio, syllabus, schedule. In-class reading: Frederick Douglass’s “Learning to Read and Write,” (WP, p. 94ff). Writer’s Reference on planning and drafting, p. 3-17. DISCUSS: Autobiography assignment, planning and drafting. READING ASSIGNMENT: Read Nancy Mairs’s “On Being a Cripple” (WP, p. 157ff), Alfred Lubrano’s “The Shock of Education: How College Corrupts” (Download from website), and Writer’s Reference on punctuation p. 259-276. WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Autobiography (8-10 pages) 2. February 1 – DUE: Autobiography DISCUSS: 1. Mairs and Lubrano 2. punctuation 3. Portfolio process, if needed 4. More on writing process READING ASSIGNMENT: Read DuBois’s “Of Our Spiritual Striving” (Online – linked on Blackboard and Marcia’s website), Hughes’s “Salvation” (WP, p. 142-145), and Gates’s “Rope Burn” (Online – download from Blackboard or Marcia’s website); Writer’s Reference on Sentence Style, p. 91-121. WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Spiritual Autobiography (Portfolio 1) 3. February 8 – DUE: Spiritual Autobiography (Portfolio 1) DISCUSS: 1. DuBois, Hughes, Gates 2. Sentence Style 3. Introduce Man’s Search for Meaning. Why are we reading this book? READING ASSIGNMENT: Man’s Search for Meaning (p. 3-96), Writer’s Reference on revising and writing paragraphs, p. 18-36 WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Draft of Portfolio Essay 2 4. February 15 – DUE: Completed rough draft of Portfolio Essay 2 DISCUSS: 1. Man’s Search for Meaning (p. 3-96) 2. Writer’s Reference, revising and writing paragraphs 3. Peer Review of Portfolio Essay 2 READING ASSIGNMENT: Man’s Search for Meaning (p. 97-134), Writer’s Reference on other punctuation (p. 276-293) WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Continue work on Portfolio Essay 2 5. February 22 – DUE: Portfolio Essay 2 DISCUSS: 1. Man’s Search for Meaning (p. 97-134) 2. Writer’s Reference review commas and other punctuation. READING ASSIGNMENT: Read Stephen L. Carter’s “The Insufficiency of Honesty” (WP, p. 318-323) and Lauren Slater’s “The Trouble with Self-Esteem” (WP, p. 857-64) WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Start Portfolio Essay 3 6. March 1 – DUE: Completed rough draft of Portfolio Essay 3 DISCUSS: 1. Carter and Slater’s essays. 2. Peer Review of Portfolio Essay 3 READING ASSIGNMENT: “How to Say Nothing in Five-Hundred Words” (Blackboard/Marcia’s website) WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Continue work on Portfolio Essay 3 7. March 8 – DUE: Portfolio Essay 3 ***LIBRARIAN VISIT DAY*** DISCUSS: 1. Library information session 2. “How to Say Nothing in Five-Hundred Words” 3. Introduction to The Hunger Games READING ASSIGNMENT: The Hunger Games, Part 1 (p. 1-130), and Writer’s Reference on Conducting Research (p. 318-352). WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Start Portfolio Essay 4 *** Spring Break, March 15. No class *** 308 - Schedule 1. March 22 – DUE: Draft of Porfolio Essay 4 DISCUSS: 1. The Hunger Games, Part 1 (p. 1-130) 2. Peer Review of Portfolio Essay 4 3. Writer’s Reference on Conducting Research 4. Questions about the library or use of databases READING ASSIGNMENT: Continue The Hunger Games (Part 2, 131- 245); Writer’s Reference on argument papers (p. 67-90); Amy Cunningham’s “Why Women Smile” (WP, p. 324-331) WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Continue work on Portfolio Essay 4 2. March 29 – DUE: Portfolio Essay 4 DISCUSS: 1. Argument papers 2. Exercise – Is this an argument? 3. The Hunger Games, part 2 4. “Why Women Smile” READING ASSIGNMENT: The Hunger Games, Part 3 (p. 246-374), Writer’s Reference on Thesis, Evidence, Plagiarism, MLA and APA (p. 355-60 and 416426) WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Start Portfolio Essay 5 3. April 5 – DUE: Draft of Portfolio Essay 5 DISCUSS: 1. The Hunger Games, Part 3 (p. 246-374) 2. Peer Review Portfolio Essay 5 3. Thesis, Evidence, Plagiarism, MLA and APA READING ASSIGNMENT: Writer’s Reference on documenting sources and intext citations, MLA and APA (p. 370-407, 433-50); Lakshmi Chaudhry’s “Mirror, Mirror on the Web” (WP, p. 632-40); Laura Kipnis’s “Against Love” (WP, p. 748-56). WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Continue work on Portfolio Essay 5 4. April 12 – DUE: Portfolio Essay 5 DISCUSS: 1. Writer’s Reference on Documenting sources and in-text citations, MLA and APA 2. Chaudhry and Kipnis’s essays READING ASSIGNMENT: Writer’s Reference: MLA and APA sample papers (p. 408-412, 484-488), Barry Schwartz’s “The Tyranny of Choice” (WP, p. 83442), Michael J. Sandel’s “The Case Against Perfection” (WP, p. 811-28). WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Draft of Research Paper 5. April 19 – DUE: Draft of Research Paper DISCUSS: 1. Peer Review of Research Paper 2. Research Presentations, Group 1 3. Schwartz and Sandel’s essays READING ASSIGNMENT: Sherry Turkle’s “How Computers Change the Way We Think” (WP, p. 564-569), Howard Zinn’s “Stories Hollywood Never Tells” (WP, p. 898-907) WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Continue work on Research Paper and Revise previous Portfolio Essays for final submission. 6. April 26 – DUE: Research Essay (Portfolio 6? Recommended for 300 class.) DISCUSS: 1. Research Presentations, Group 2 2. Turkle and Zinn’s essays READING ASSIGNMENT: None WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Revise all Portfolio essays for submission. 7. May 3 – DUE: Final Portfolio Research Presentations: Group 3