Enrolment & Admission Policy

St George’s National School
Enrolment & Admission Policy
St George’s National School
Naul Rd,
Co Dublin
Revised 2012
St George’s National School
Enrolment and Admission Policy
General Information……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..4
1. Denominational Characteristic……………………………………………………………………………………..4
2. School Characteristics…………………………………………………………………………………………………..4
3. Uniform……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...........4
4. Class Size Policy……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4
5. School Funding………………………………………………………………………………………………………….........4
6. Curriculum………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
7. Religious Education Curriculum……………………………………………………………………………………..5
School Ethos Statement…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
2. Ethos or Characteristic Spirit………………………………………………………………………………….....6
3. An Inclusive Spirit…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
4. Specific Legislation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………6
5. Board of Management……………………………………………………………………………………………………..6
6. Deed of Variation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6
Application Procedures……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...9
1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9
2. General Enrolment Factors…………………………………………………………………………………………….9
3. School Capacity…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………9
4. Application Form……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..10
5. Late Applications/Late Information…………………………………………………………………………..10
6. Supporting Documentation…………………………………………………………………………………………….10
7. Enrolment Criteria…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
8. Minimum Age of Enrolment……………………………………………………………………………………………11
9. Enrolment Number…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11
10. Monitoring of Enrolment Requests………………………………………………………………………………11
11. Enrolment of Children with Special Needs……………………………………………………………..…12
12. Timetable…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12
13. Time of Enrolment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………13
14. Student Transfer from other National Schools……………………………………………………….13
15. National Schools within the Catchment Area…………………………………………………………...14
St George’s National School
16. National Schools outside Catchment Area……………………………………………………………….14
17. Enrolment Waiting List…………………………………………………………………………………………………..14
18. Review of Board of Management Decisions……………………………………………………………….14
19. Statutory Right of Appeal to the Secretary General…………………………………………….15
20. Priority of Religious Denominations…………………………………………………………………………….15
21. Priority of School Relationships…………………………………………………………………………………..16
22. Catchment Area……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….16
23. Priority of Residence………………………………………………………………………………………………………16
24. Priority of Age………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17
St George’s National School
General information
1. Denominational Characteristic
a) St George’s National School is a Church of Ireland (protestant) National School
run by a board of management under the patronage of the Archbishop of Dublin.
b) In this regard, The school’s board of management shall ensure as far as possible
that at all times a majority of the pupils in the school are members of the church of
Ireland unless, in particular circumstances, the patron consents in writing to a
minority of such students being members of the church of Ireland.
c) The school’s board of management shall manage and cause the school to be
managed in a manner which will uphold and foster the church of Ireland ethos (being
the doctrines, moral teachings, traditions, practices and customs of the Church of
Ireland as defined by the General synod thereof from time to time.) and shall not do
anything or permit anything to be done in the school, or management thereof which
would have or would be likely to have a detrimental effect on the Ethos of in the
2. School Characteristics
The School is a mixed gender school, which accepts both male and female students,
of school going age. It offers the full range of classes from junior infant up to and
including sixth class.
3. Uniform
The school does have a school uniform:
a) A navy tracksuit with red beading
b) A red polo shirt
c) Black non marking shoes
4. Class size policy
a) The children are currently taught in single stream classes.
b) Class sizes are reviewed annually in line with projected student
5. School Funding
a) The school is dependant on the grants and teacher resources provided
by the department of education and science. The school operates within
the regulations laid down, from time to time, by the department.
b) The school’s board of management seeks to provide an appropriate
education for each of its students and the efficient use of school
resources within the constraints of the resources and funding available
to it.
St George’s National School
6. Curriculum
The School follows the curricular programmes prescribed by the Department of
Education and Skills, and which may be amended from time to time, in accordance with
sections 9 and 30 of the Education Act (1998). All subjects are taught through the
medium of the English with the exception of Irish.
7. Religious Education Curriculum
a) The new National Curriculum points out that Religious Education is part
of the core curriculum in schools. Furthermore the Department of
Education and Skills reserve the responsibility for the design,
supervision and implementation of the religious education curriculum to
the different church authorities.
b) The Church of Ireland, in ecumenical cooperation with other churches in
Ireland has produced a new curriculum entitled Follow Me. It should be
understood, therefore, that Follow Me should be the mainstay of
Religious Education in the school. Other materials and occasional
presentations by visiting specialists, which are consistent with the
characteristic spirit of the school, may used in addition to the new
St George’s National School
School Ethos Statement
1. Introduction:
Ethos, as a concept, ideal and reality is becoming increasingly important in Irish
society. Far from being a bigoted or sectarian notion, it is intended to facilitate and
protect the multi-ethnicity and multi-cultural developments in our country. As Ireland
emerges as a post-modern, multi-faceted and pluralist community welcoming new
nationalities, cultures and faiths to our shores, and providing hospitality and a new
home here, the role of ethos in protecting, facilitating and empowering minorities
becomes increasingly manifest and important.
2. Ethos or Characteristic Spirit
Ethos has been defined as who we are and what we are. This school is a Church of
Ireland school. In The Education Act, 1998 ethos is referred to as the
“…characteristic spirit of the school as determined by the cultural, educational,
moral, religious, social, linguistic and spiritual values and traditions….”. Education Act,
1998 section 15 (2) (b).
3. An Inclusive Spirit
While we refer to our school as “Church of Ireland” this means that the school
reflects the ethos and tradition of the sponsoring community and so primarily is a
parish school. This is not exclusive in intent. On the contrary, the Church of Ireland
is an ecumenical Church and fulfils its ministry in the modern Ireland in a spirit of
inclusiveness and openness to the needs and concerns of all in society.
4. Specific Legislation:
The State has recognised these trends and identified the importance of Ethos. It is
a concept upon which parts of some recent legislation is predicated: The Employment
Equality Act, 1998, The Education Act, 1998 and the Equal Status Act, 2000 are just
three examples.
5. Board of Management
The Board of Management (Section 15 of The Education Act, 1998), in managing the
school on behalf of the Patron, are required to uphold, and be accountable to the
Patron for so upholding “the characteristic spirit of the school”.
6. Deed of Variation
a) The Deed of Variation signed by all Boards of Management of Church of Ireland
schools is a legal instrument (to which the Minister for Education and Skills is
a party), which is to be appended to the lease of a school to ensure the
continuation of the denominational ethos and governance of a school.
St George’s National School
b) It states, inter alia, that the Board of Management “…shall make and keep
themselves familiar with the ethos (being the doctrines, moral teachings,
traditions, practices and customs of the Church of Ireland as defined by the
General Synod thereof from time to time) insofar as the same relates to
education and schools, and shall manage and cause the school to be managed in
a manner which will uphold and foster the ethos, and shall not do anything or
permit anything to be done in relation to the school, or the management
therefore, which would have or would be likely to have a detrimental effect on
the ethos in the school,…”
c) In practice this can be stated as follows:
The school will uphold and foster the Church of Ireland ethos (being the
doctrines, moral teachings, traditions, practices and customs of the
Church of Ireland as defined by the General synod thereof from time to
time.) and shall not do anything or permit anything to be done in the
school, or management thereof which would have or would be likely to
have a detrimental effect on the Ethos of in the school.
The school is a community where all pupils are equally valued and
respected – irrespective of gender, social background, family
circumstances, educational achievement, physical characteristics or
intellectual functioning. For example, students experience a sense of
caring and belong, they are treated fairly and their spiritual, moral and
religious development is encouraged as is their intellectual, social and
academic development.
The school is a community where moral values such as honesty,
truthfulness, justice, fairness, sensitivity to others, and civic
responsibility are nurtured and protected. The Justification of these
qualities is based on biblical teaching interpreted by the church.
The Church of Ireland National School is an integral part of the local
Church of Ireland community and has strong links with the parish. This,
for example, is shown by the fact that pupils attend services in the
parish church and the parish clergy visit the school on a regular basis.
5) The work of the school is conducted in an atmosphere of tolerance and
respect for religious differences. The enrolment policy of the school often
allows those of other faiths or none to become students.
6) Religious education occupies a central position in the school curriculum and
is regarded as a core subject; generally speaking all pupils in the school
attend classes in Religious Education. The teaching of religious doctrine is
restricted to specified times in the school
7) The Church of Ireland School is one where the traditions and teaching of
the Church of Ireland inform the position taken in regard to moral issues,
which arise in the teaching of secular subjects.
St George’s National School
8) The school nurtures freedom of thought and a personal relationship with
God. This is most evident in the teaching of Religious education, and in the
prayer life of the school community.
St George’s National School
Application Procedures
1. Introduction
The school’s board of management shall ensure as far as possible that at all
times a majority of the pupils in the school are members of the Church of Ireland
unless, in particular circumstances, the patron consents in writing to a minority of
such students being members of the church of Ireland.
The school is provided to serve particular Catchment area but parents are free
to apply for admission to any school of their preference.
2. General Enrolment factors
The Board of Management will, in the light of articles 6(e), 9(m) and 15 (2) (d) of the
Education Act, 1998, give consideration to the following factors:
a) The number of available spaces in the school, which in turn involves:
b) The maximum no. of pupils in any classroom shall not exceed that permitted
by the Department of Education Staffing Schedule.
c) The number of pupils expected to leave the school
d) The overall floor space of the classrooms
e) The size of the smallest classroom in the school
f) The provision of appropriate ancillary facilities
g) The effect of the intake on the division/pairing of classes
h) The deployment of teachers
i) The resources of the school
j) The religious affiliation of the applicant’s child
k) Whether an applicant has an existing relationship with the school
l) The age of the applicant.
k) The place of residence of the applicant
m) The gender balance of pupils.
3. School Capacity
a) A classroom shall be deemed full when teacher-pupil ratio stipulated by
the Department of Education Staff Schedule for Ordinary primary
Schools has been attained.
b) A Class group may be deemed full when the pupil–teacher ratio has been
reached in one or more classrooms
St George’s National School
c) The maximum number of pupils enrolled shall not exceed product of the
number of class teachers multiplied by the pupil-ratio.
4. Application Form
a) All applications for places in the school shall be submitted on the
approved application form to the school Principal. An Ethos statement
and Code of Behaviour will be furnished to each applicant with a copy
of the enrolment form.
b) Applications are made on behalf of the prospective student by their
parent(s) or legal guardians. As defined by the provision of the
Guardian of infants act 1964 as amended.
c) Only such forms that have been completed in full will be considered by
the Board of Management.
d) Completion of such a form does not guarantee a place at the school.
e) Early completion of the form is not a factor in the allocation of places
at the school.
f) Siblings of pupils already at the school are not automatically entitled
to a place.
5. Late Applications/Late Information
a) “Late Applications” i.e. applications received in the school after the closing
date will be dealt with separately and may only be considered for admission
after all punctual applicants have been dealt with and vacancies still remain
within the school’s admissions number.
b) Where places subsequently become unsuccessful punctual applications will be
considered on an equal basis with any ‘Late’ applications received after the
specified closing date, and places allocated to the children who best satisfy
the school’s admissions criteria.
c) Parents should ensure that all relevant information is included on or with the
application as additional information (see Supporting Documents) which is
received after the closing date will only be considered by oversubscribed
schools in accordance with the procedure for “late applications”.
6. Supporting Documentation
All Applications MUST be accompanied with the following:
1) A Certified Copy of the applicants Birth Certificate.
2) Either
A Certified Copy of the Baptism Certificate for the Candidate.
A completed Certificate of Religious Affiliation which clearly states the
religion of the
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St George’s National School
7. Enrolment criteria
a) In the event of the number of applications being greater than its admissions
number, then the school will select pupils for the available places by applying
the following admissions Criteria as determined by its Board of Management.
b) Those criteria are
a)The religious affiliation of the applicant’s child
b)The Degree of relationship between the applicant and the school
c)The place of residence of the applicant
d)The age of prospective student
e)The gender balance of pupils
c) The criteria shall be applied in descending order. In the event that there are
more applicants for a particular criteria then the next criteria shall be
applied until such time as the admission number has been attained and waiting
list if necessary drawn up.
8. Minimum Age for enrolment
All applicants for Junior Infants must have attained their 4th birthday by 30th June
in the year of admission.
9. Enrolment number
a) The maximum number who can be admitted into Junior Infants is
determined by the board of management in accordance with the General
Factors for Enrolment 2(a)
b) The maximum number who can be admitted into other classes shall be
determined by the Board of Management with reference to the General
Factors for Enrolment 2(a) and the transfer of pupils from other primary
schools 14 (a) –(f).
10. Monitoring of Enrolment requests
a) Throughout the school year, the Principal and Chairman of the
Board of Management shall monitor applications for the following
school year.
b) Applications, except in a case of change of residence, are not
generally entertained in the course of the school year.
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St George’s National School
11. Enrolment of children with special needs
a) In relation to applications for the enrolment of children with
special needs, the school may request a copy of the child’s
medical and/or psychological report or where such report is
not available, to request that the child be assessed
immediately. The purpose of the assessment report is to assist
the school in providing for the educational and training needs
of the child relevant to their disability or special needs and to
profile the support services required.
b) Following the receipt of the report, the school should assess
how the school could meet the needs specified in the report.
c) Where the board deems that further resources are required, it
will prior, to agreeing a school starting date, request the
department of education and Skills to provide the resources
required to meet the needs of the child as outlined in the
psychological or medical report.
d) These resources may include for example, access to or the
provision of any or a combination of the following:
1) Visiting teacher service
2) Resource teacher for special needs
3) Special needs assistant
4) Specialised equipment or furniture
5) Transport services
6) Other resources or services
e) The school shall meet with the parents of the child to discuss
the child’s needs and the schools suitability or capability in
meeting those needs.
f) Where necessary, a full case conference involving all parties
will be held, which may include parents, principal, class teacher,
remedial teacher, special class teacher, resource teacher for
special needs or psychologist as appropriate.
g) The school may, following enrolment of a pupil with special
needs defer the start date for the pupil until such a time as the
school is able to provide for the appropriate educational needs of
the pupil.
12. Timetable
a. Prior to the March or April meeting of the Board of Management, the Principal
and Chairman shall discuss the list of applicants in order to be in a position to
advise the Board at its meeting.
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St George’s National School
b. The Board of Management will consider all applications at its meeting in March or
April of each year.
13. Time of enrolment
a) Students are normally enrolled at the commencement of the school year,
that is September 1st.
b) On the acceptance of a student on the grounds of Change of residence,
that student may be enrolled at the commencement of the next school
term or at the discretion of the board of management following
consultations with the appropriate teaching staff and school principal.
Subject to the availability of school resources.
14. Student Transfer from other national schools
a) Where parents wish to transfer their child from one primary school to
another, then they should apply to the school and complete an official
application form. The school, on receipt of the application form will make a
decision as to whether or not it can admit the child using their Admissions
Criteria if necessary.
b) Parents should ensure that the school to which they wish to transfer their
child is prepared to admit him/her. They should not remove their child from
the school presently attended until they have received written notification
of their child's acceptance into the new school.
c) Applicants should ensure that they list the previous primary school(s)
attended by the prospective pupil.
d) The school shall seek such information from all the schools previously
attended as are deemed necessary to assess the appropriate educational
needs and requirements of the prospective student.
e) The school may also request the undertaking of educational assessments to
assist the school in assessing the educational needs and requirements of the
prospective student.
f) Where an application for the transfer from one primary school to another
the board of management shall consider the following factors:
1)If there is space in the classroom
2)If there is space in the class group
3)If an appropriate education can be provided for the student,
4)The availability of resources
5)The effect on the average class size in the school
6)The effect on the denominational balance of the school (the rights of
the patron)
7)The school’s published admissions policy
8)The board’s duty of care to the existing students of the school
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St George’s National School
g) Parents will be informed, in writing by the school, of the result of their
application as soon
as possible after their application has been received
and normally within 2 weeks of the board of management meeting.
15. National Schools within Catchment area
Students, who wish to transfer from another school in the locality or Catchment area,
are not allocated places at the school unless there are special circumstances as
detailed below:
1) The student was initially unsuccessful in applying for a place at the school. But the
applicants requested and with the boards agreement were placed on a waiting list
should a class place become available through one of the following:
2) The departure of a student from the appropriate class group.
3) An increase in the enrolment capacity of the school through the provision of extra
mainstream teaching resources.
16. National Schools outside of Catchment area.
a. Transfers from other schools, outside of the Catchment area, may be accepted,
where the applicant has changed residence to within the Catchment area and
where the school is the closest national school. Subject to the transfer meeting
the admission criteria.
b. If a school receives more applications than there are places available then the
Board of management must select pupils for admission by the use of their
admissions criteria.
17. Enrolment waiting List
a) A waiting list may be drawn up if the Board of Management wishes and
places may be reserved to accommodate those who move into the
Catchment area/parish during the year and who would be in priorities 20 (b)
(1) to 20 (b) (4)
b) Such a waiting list does not carry forward to subsequent years in the case
of a child who is not allocated a place.
c) The waiting list does not prejudice the entitlement of children in the
categories 20 (b) (1) to 20 (b) (2) (Church of Ireland children).
d) All applicants shall be informed, in writing, of the Board's decision.
18. Review of Board of Management Decisions
a) A subsequent review of a decision of the Board may be requested, by the
parent(s), generally on grounds only of additional information not previously
submitted at the time of application, and would be considered at the next
meeting of the Board.
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St George’s National School
b) The notification of the intention to appeal the decision of the board should
normally be made within 10 days of the receipt of the written decision of the
c) Acknowledgement of the appeal and proposed date of the review shall be
notified to the applicant, in writing within five school days of the receipt of
the intention to appeal.
d) The ground of the appeal with supporting documentation [where applicable]
should be forwarded to the board of management at least five days prior to
the review.
e) The board of management may request that applicant attend either or both
of the following
1. An interview with the principal teacher and chairperson
2. Part of the review hearing.
f) The result of the appeal will be notified to the applicant with five school
days of the conclusion of the appeal hearing
19. Statutory right of appeal to the Secretary General.
Section 29 (1) (C) of the Education Act, 1998 provides for
procedures under which in some circumstances appeal may be made to the Secretary
General of the Department of Education and Science.
20. Priority of Religious denominations
a) The following priority of religious denominations shall be applied by the
school in accordance with the equal status act 2000 which states that:
b) Section 7 (3) c) Where the establishment is a school providing primary or
post-primary education to students and the objective of the school is to
provide education in an environment which promotes certain religious
values, it admits person of a particular religious denomination in
preference to other or it refuses to admit as a student a person not of
that denomination and, in the case of refusal, it is proved that the refusal
is essential to maintain the ethos of the school
1) Children who are members of the church of Ireland, or is a member of
a church with which the Church of Ireland is in full communion with
(Anglican Communion).
2) Children of Inter-Church marriages of whom one party is a member of
the Church of Ireland.
3) Children who are members of other churches,
a) Children who are members of another church which is full
ecumenical partnership with the Church of Ireland. That is member
churches of the Irish council of Churches, Council of churches for
Britain and Ireland or Conference of European churches.
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St George’s National School
b) Children who are members of other Christian Churches for whom
specific provision is not made within the Irish Educational system.
c) Children who are members of other churches but who have an
existing relationship with the school as defined in Section 21.
d) Children of other faiths, sects, cults and of no religion.
e) Children who are members of churches which are involved in the
Irish Inter-Church meeting i.e. Roman Catholic Church and children
of other Christian denominations.
21. Priority of School relationships
A school relationship is defined as a link which currently exists between the school and
the applicant’s family
a) Children whose parent/guardian is presently a permanent member of school
teaching, ancillary/auxiliary staff; or are a member of the board of
b) Children who have brothers/sisters presently enrolled in the school
c) Children whose siblings are past pupils of the school.
d) Children whose parents/guardian are past pupils of the school
e) The oldest child of primary school age in a family with no primary school
relationship with any other primary school in the Catchment area.
f) Other children
22. Catchment Area
a) In relation to 20(b) (1) and 20 (b) (2)
The Catchment area is defined as the parish in which the school is
situated, Parishes in the diocese of Dublin adjacent to the parish and
parishes in the diocese of Meath adjacent to the parish.
b) In relation to 20 (b) (3) to 20 (b) (5)
The Catchment area is defined as the Roman Catholic Parish in which the
school is situated.
23. Priority of Residence
a. In relation to 20 (b) (1) and 20 (b) (2) The following priority is assigned:
a)Resident within Catchment Area
1. Resident within the Church of Ireland parish boundaries.
2. Resident within parochial union or group boundaries.
3. Resident outside parochial union or group boundary.
4. In a parish where there is no primary school under Church
of Ireland or protestant management
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St George’s National School
5. For whom the school is the closest Church of Ireland or
Protestant primary school
6. In a parish where a Church of Ireland primary school exists
but is unable to accept the applicant due to enrolment
b) Resident outside of Catchment Area
b. In relation to 20 (b) (3)
1. Resident within the Catchment area
2. Resident outside of the Catchment area
3. In a parish where there is no primary school under Church of
Ireland or protestant management
4. For whom the school is the closest Church of Ireland or
Protestant primary school
5. In parish where a church of Ireland primary school exists but is
unable to accept the applicant due to capacity.
c. In relation to 20 (b) (4) to 20 (b) (5)
1. Resident within the Catchment area
2. Resident outside of the Catchment area
24. Priority of Age
If there are more applicants satisfying the last one of the above criteria that can be
applied than there are places remaining then selection will take place on the basis of
the chronological order of the age of the children
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