READ Odysseus faces many conflicts as he travels from Troy to Itha

Odysseus faces many conflicts as he travels from Troy to Ithaca—some caused by his own decision
making. Odysseus travels to different places, including the land of the Cicones, the land of the Lotus
Eaters, the land of the Cyclops, Aeolia, Circes’ island, the Underworld, land of the Sirens, the area of
Scylla and Charybdis, and the home of Helios the Sun God. Some people believe Odysseus can be
considered an epic hero because he is a larger-than-life figure from a historical legend who is usually
favored by deities. Odysseus participates in journeys and quests, faces adversaries, gathers allies along
his journey, and embodies the cultural and religious beliefs of the Ancient Greek people.
Think about the qualities and characteristics an epic hero. Consider the roles that Odysseus displays and
whether his decisions are efficient.
Write an argumentative essay in which you state your position on the issue of whether Odysseus is a
modern-day hero according to the actions and events in The Odyssey. Give reasons to defend your
As you write your composition, remember to –
include a thesis statement that states your position on the issue of whether Odysseus is
considered a modern-day hero
organize your ideas in a logical order, and connect those ideas using transitions
develop your ideas fully and thoughtfully with well-chosen reasons and observations
make sure your composition is no longer than one page
Brainstorming chart:
In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a
What are the characteristics of an epic hero?
Makes journeys/quests
Path is not always clear
Smart/Cunning Loyal
Faces dangers
Faces loneliness
Flying abilities
Faces temptations
Super strength
Protective gear (armor)
Has a guide
Armed w weapons (guns)
Usually male
“Neither fools nor invincible”
A weakness Resists temptation
Which of the above characteristics does Odysseus portray?
Bravery, strong, cunning, selfless, armed w weapons, weakness (curious; conceited), thoughtful, loyal,
determined, armor, agile
*Embodies all epic hero characteristics*
Which of the above characteristics does Odysseus not portray?
Honest; super strength; armed with guns; speed; respectful; loyal; flying abilities; resists temptation
Odysseus can be considered a modern day hero because he embodies
________, ________, and _______.
Odysseus cannot be considered a modern day hero because he lacks
_________, _______, and __________.
Odysseus can be considered a modern day hero because he embodies strength,
cunning abilities, and he has weaknesses.
First of all, Odysseus can be considered a modern day hero because he is very
Another reason why Odysseus can be considered a modern day hero is because
he has weaknesses.
The best reason why Odysseus can be considered a modern day hero is because
of his cunning abilities.
People may believe that Odysseus cannot be considered a modern day hero
because he cheats on his wife and he is therefore disloyal. However,
alfjas;lgdfjkljs;ljgk;lfj;lfjg;lasjg;lhj;lkfj;lbdj;lsg ;lgja;ohfsjkh;
Odysseus is the epitome of a hero who incorporates major attributes that create
an image of heroes today, and he creates hope and excitement for people who
have heard his stories.
Odysseus is an epic hero who was torn away from his family for
twenty years while fighting in the Trojan War. He had to face many
dangerous quests and adversaries while trying to reach his home in
Ithaca, showing many heroic qualities along the way. Odysseus can be
considered a modern day hero because he embodies strength,
cunning abilities, and he has weaknesses.
First of all, Odysseus can be considered a modern day hero because he is
physically strong. For example, Odysseus had to use his strength to overcome the
whirlpool created by Charybdis, a sea monster. He leapt for a tree branch,
“catching on like a bat under a bough…[with] no way of climbing” and “clung
grimly” until his ship reappeared (1081). He then bravely released the branch,
“plunging straight into the foam beside the timbers…and rowed hard…to pass by
Scylla,” a six-headed creature (1082). Odysseus is also able to battle against
hundreds of suitors with little support. He uses his strength to kill the leader of
the suitors, in which “Odysseus’ arrow hit [Antinous] under the chin / and
punched up to the feathers through his throat” (1107). The force of the arrow
was intense, hurling the suitor backward and causing him to “upset his table” as
“his nostrils jetted / crimson runnels” (1107).
Another reason why Odysseus can be considered a modern day hero is
because he has mortal weaknesses. Like any hero today, Odysseus, too, had to
face fears. For instance, when Odysseus travels to the Underworld, Odysseus
interacted with the dead who “came and sought the [sacrificial] pit” created by
the hero, and he “grew sick with fear” (1065). He also “wept with pity” for a lost
crew member, and he “grieved” for his dead mother, Anticlea (1067). And
although these weaknesses may appear to be faults, his emotions actually prove
Odysseus to be caring, and the reader cannot help but feel sympathetic for this
The best reason why Odysseus can be considered a modern day hero is
because of his cunning abilities. While visiting the land of the Cyclopes, Odysseus
outsmarts Polyphemus—Poseidon’s son—when attempting to escape his cave.
Odysseus first tricks Polyphemus into believing that the hero’s name is “Nohbdy,”
which tactfully keeps other Cyclopes from helping Polyphemus. Odysseus then
has a plan to ride under Polyphemus’ sheep in order to pass through the cave’s
entrance without being detected. “Blinded, and sick with pain from his head
wound, / the master [Polyphemus] stroked each ram, then let it pass, / but [the]
men riding on the pectoral fleece / the giant’s blind hands blundering never
found” (1059).
Some people may believe Odysseus cannot be considered a
modern hero because he is disloyal to his wife. However, he is loyal to
his crew members when he saves them from the Land of the Lotus
Eaters. For example, when three of his men refuse to return to the
ship, Odysseus “drove them, all three wailing, to the ships, / [and] tied
them down under their rowing benches” (1049). He refused to leave
any man behind and remained loyal to those who fought and traveled
with him.
Odysseus can be considered a modern day hero, as shown
through the actions and events that occurred throughout “The
Odyssey.” If such situations occurred today, Odysseus would create a
positive impact, using his various characteristics to show a heroism that
has been idolized for ages.
4th Body Paragraph:
Some people may believe Odysseus can be considered a modern
day hero because he is _smart__. However, he shows stupidity when
he decides to wait for the Cyclops in his cave. For example, his men
tell him that they want to leave immediately, but he “wanted to see
the monster for himself.”
Some people may believe Odysseus cannot be considered a
modern hero because he doesn’t have any super powers. However, he
is especially cunning, which allows him to scrape by obstacles
throughout his adventure. For example, asldfkjasdflj “----------.”
Odysseus can(not) be considered a modern day hero, as shown through
the actions and events that occurred throughout “The Odyssey.” If
such situations occurred today, Odysseus would (not) create a positive
impact. _________________________________.