Thematic Essays: Belief Systems/Religions Religion: Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism BS: Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Animalism, Shintoism Vocabulary: Secular, Theocracy, Monotheism, Polytheism, Indulgence, Reincarnation Leaders in Religion: P: Gandhi, Mother Theresa, N: Martin Luther Events in Religion: P: Missionaries, Protestant Reformation N: Crusades, Holocaust, Change: Revolutions Non-violentPolitical- Russian Revolution (Peace, Bread, Land), VI Lenin (Bulsheuk) ends czar Nicholas II, brings Communism, Chinese Communism, Cuban Communist, French, Mexican Independence of Latin America Economic- Neolithic Revolution, Domestication, Improved Agriculture, Settle down(cities/civilization)Commercial Revolution, Agrarian Revolution Social- Enlightenment, Philosophers: Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire, Moutiesque >Bring SRev to PES, Renaissance, Aparthied, SA, B&W Legal Segregation-Nelson Mendela 1st Black President, Enlightenment-Europe ,1700’s-Influenced F&A Revs (LA), Religious- Glorious, took out RCC king put in Protestant William & Mary England ArtisticChangeCitizenship- Immigrants, Togetherness, Citizens, Rights? , Europe Early 1700’s- Ruler Absolute Monarch, PPL-for rights Athens (300BCE)-Direct Democracy, A lot Conflict- Class- 1.Feudalism top: monarchs Bottom: Serfs---- rigid social class system. 2. Religions: Indian H/M Pakistan & Buram , Islam Sunni/Shiite 3. Economic Conflict: Imperialism-Natural Resources Culture and intellectual life- Cultural Diffusion, Inventions PP-JG Economy, Hellenism-E,P,G,Z, Philosophers- Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, RenaissanceGothic, Rebirth of Greek and Roman culture- Humanism, AM+IMP+E+FR IR=C>C IMP+ Decision making Diversity Economic systems Environment and society Factors of production Human and physical Geography Human Rights Imperialism Interdependence Justice Movement of people and goods Nationalism Nation state Needs and wants Political system Power Scarcity Science and technology Urbanization Themes: Culture and Intellectual LifeLeader, program , or an invention that changed culture. Jews, Mao Ze Dong established communes on the farm. Communitycommunity life lived on farm. Gandhi- India- peace, civil disobedience-peaceful resistance. ExampleMartin Luther Intellectual leaders: John Locke: natural rights. Life ,liberty, property. Montesquieu: checks & balances. Voltaire: freedom fighter Rousseau: Social contract government for the people. Decision making - Democracy-voting -abs. monarch-appointed. Long term impact-cultural diffusion. Ideas of middle Europe crusade- long term cause- brought back science ,art, etc. Diversity: Irish-catholic. English- protestants. à fought over northern Ireland. RwandaHellenistic culture- Alexander the great- very diverse. Hellenist. Ottoman- longest lasting empire. Economic systems- barter system à exchange w/o money. Agriculture economy. Rise of capitalism. Socialism Belief systems Religions- Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Animism Why common: Purpose: they provide a moral and ethical code of behavior. Vocabulary- theocracy, monotheism-belief in one god, polytheism- belief in more than one god, secularism. Effect people- good- Christianity/Judaism- ten commandments. Bad- RCC - in Europe during middle ages- force people into religion indulgence. Christianity- believe in Jesus Christ(monotheism) Bible is there holy book. God Near Jerusalem Ten commandments. Judaism - monotheism Torah is there holy book Yahweh Near Jerusalem Ten commandments. Islam- monotheism Muslim Mohammed Koran 5 pillars Change- aka revolution Violent - French revolution - people upset over economy - absolute monarch - rights democracy (Louis XVI) Nonviolent- Enlightenment- new ideas(Persia) peoples rights(EuropeU.S.) Political - Russian revolution- poor conditions for PES VI Lennon bread, peace, land, and he brought communism. O- everyone was equal. Social (society)- Neolithic Revolution- no more nomads- sedentary lifestyles - 1- domestic animals 2- improved agriculture. Economic - industrial revolution- rise of capitalism make money (profit) enterprise. Other Chinese communist - nationalist overthrow Chinese. Government - 5 year plan - quotas every former lived together happily Latin American independence Cuban revolution (communism) Commercial (capitalism) Mexican revolution Scientific revolution- science came to PES- cause of enlightenment. French revolution -mad at government, absolute monarch. CausesP- abs. monarch had all power E- inflation & money spent on war S- 1st & 2nd estate- paid no taxed had all the power. 3rd paid taxes and had no power. EventDeclaration of the rights of man Enlightenment Republic- represent the public EffectsEnd the abs. monarch Caused the rein of terror Led to the rise of napoleon Napoleon error - domestic system -international system Made education mandatory Nationalized banks. France killed king Nationalism Colonialism Countries controlled by Spain - heard about killing of king so they’re going to revolt.