dracula - LMS-English-8

Chapters 20 -21 – Study Guide
1. Where are the 21 boxes missing from Carfax taken?
The 21 boxes were taken to Piccadilly. P.364
2. What change does Jonathan Harker notice about Mina?
Jonathan notices that Mina is much more pale and haggard. He said it as though she
thinks in her sleep. P.368
3. Renfield says that he wants life from other beings, but he does not want something
else. What is it he does not want?
Renfield says he wants life, but he does not want souls. P.369
4. Dr. Seward notices that twice Renfield stops himself before uttering a specific word.
What word is it?
The word that Seward notices Renfield pauses before saying is ‘drink.’ P.372
5. After Dr. Seward leaves Renfield, what does the doctor realize?
The doctor realizes that Renfield now wants human life, and that the Count has been to
him! P.374
6. Who do the realtors at Mitchell, Sons, and Candy claim purchased the house in
The realtors claim that a foreign man by the name of Count de Ville (Count Devil?)
bought the house on Piccadilly Street. P375
7. What does Dr. Seward hear coming from Renfield’s room that alarms him?
Dr. Seward heard a loud yell coming from Renfield’s room. An attendant informed him
that Renfield had had an accident, and was bleeding. P377
8. The asylum attendant reports to Dr. Seward that Renfield has met with an accident.
Describe Renfieds injuries.
Renfield was found lying on the floor in a pool of blood. He had a broken back, and his
face was bruised and bleeding. P.378
9. What procedure does Van Helsing perform on Renfield?
Professor Van Helsing performs a trephine. P.379
10. What does Count Dracula promise Renfield in exchange for letting him into the
The Count promised Renfield dogs, and cats, and all other sorts of lives. P.384
11. Why does Renfield become angry with the Count?
Renfield becomes angry with Count Dracula because he neglected to send him lives.
12. What does Renfield notice about Mina Harker?
Renfield noticed that Mrs. Harker was not the same. She was like tea after the tea had
been watered. P.385
13. Describe the encounter between Renfield and Dracula when the Count returns to the
When the Count returned to the asylum, Renfield tried to engage him, but the Counts eyes
burned through him. Count Dracula flung Renfield to the ground, inflicting his wounds.
14. Describe the scene Van Helsing, Dr. Seward, Lord Godalming, and Quincey Morris
witness after breaking down the door to the Harkers' bedroom.
After crashing the door, the men see Jonathan lying on the bed in a stupor, and a tall thin
man standing next to Mina. The Count held both Mina’s hands in one of his own, and
her neck in the other. A trickle of blood was running down her nightdress. P.387
15. Upon escaping, what does the Count do with the typed manuscript and phonograph
diary entries?
The Count burned all the manuscript and phonograph entries had been burned with blue
flames. P.392
16. Recount Mina’s description of her encounter with Dracula.
Mina said that horrible fantasies began to crowd around in her head. She saw a white
mist in the room. Just then, she saw the Count standing beside her. The Count
threatened to kill Jonathan if Mina made noise, and proceeded to suck her blood. Count
Dracula begins telling Mina how she will now do whatever he says. The Count also
made her drink his own blood! P.396