Professionalism in Special Education (150 points) Instructions and Grading Criteria o o o o As a candidate in the teacher preparation program, the speech and communication program or other professional track, it is important to recognize that your commitment to the profession, and to students with disabilities, begins now, and can lead you to a very successful and rewarding career. You will read two documents, depending on your professional track (see Course outline), that examine standards of practice and ethics for professionals who work with students who have special needs. Then, you will explore your own philosophy and goals related to serving students with disabilities in the context of these readings. The final product of this reflection will be an essay that describes in what ways you exemplify ‘professionalism’, how you intend to maintain the perspective, attitude and deportment of a special education professional, and how you intend to continue your commitment to serving students with disabilities throughout your career. Each class member will read the CEC, ASHA or the NAEYC Code of Ethics, depending on your intended professional track. You will also read standards for practice from one of the documents provided, specific to your intended professional track. This may include the INTASC Model Standards, the CEC Standards for Beginning Teachers, the standards for certification from ASHA, or the standards for licensure from the national Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). For others enrolled in this course, please see me regarding your intended professional track. The essay will be evaluated for how well it incorporates detail from the readings with the personal reflection of your own philosophy and values, on how well it is organized, on it’s fluency and mechanics, how it demonstrates your commitment to your career goals, and on how well it represents you as a professional. 1. Reflect on your teaching philosophy (whether you have written one, or not), including what you believe about... special education and its role in a school system your role as a teacher or related professional your ethical obligations as a teacher or related professional toward your: students, students’ parents, school, and community 2. Identify what you believe to be the key dispositions, values, and beliefs that your philosophy represents, 3. Summarize these dispositions, values, and beliefs into a clear and cohesive statement to begin your professionalism paper, 4. Review the code of ethics and standards of professional practice for your chosen career (readings on next page), 5. Identify and note specific references within the documents for: a. one aspect of the code of ethics with which you believe you are highly prepared, b. one aspect of the code of ethics with which you are concerned or unprepared, c. three aspects of the standards of professional practice with which you feel highly prepared, d. three aspects of the standards of professional practice with which you are concerned or unprepared, 6. Establish connections among all of these elements of the code of ethics and standards for professional practice and the dispositions, values, and beliefs you have identified as your philosophy, 7. Formulate a clear and detailed plan for how you will respond to those areas where you have a concern or feel unprepared, including specific activities, timelines, organizations classes, etc., that will facilitate your plan, 8. Compose your paper, in the following order: a. A title page, including your name, date, and class (ESE 424),b. A summary of your values and beliefs; b. an explanation of those areas within the code of ethics and standards of professional practice with which you feel highly prepared, and why; c. an explanation of those areas of the code of ethics and standards for professional practice with which you feel unprepared or concerned, and why; d. a description of how your strengths and needs (as identified in the two preceding sections relate to your values and beliefs (i.e. how does your philosophy justify further education and training?); e. your plan for addressing your specific areas of need, and how this plan will meet those needs; f. a conclusion that brings your paper together; and Professionalism in Special Education Readings Please choose one reading from Column A and one from Column B for your chosen professional track. Read each and take notes on those sections that relate to the above criteria. Be sure to note the page and/or section from which important text is taken. Field of Professional A B Practice Code of Ethics Standards for Professional Practice Special Education Council for Exceptional Children (1997). CEC Code Council for Exceptional Children (1997). CEC | (including early childhood of Ethics for Educators of Persons with Individualized General Curriculum special education) Exceptionalities. Retrieved on November Referenced Standards. Retrieved on 12, 2006, from: January 3, 2006 from rofessionalDevelopment/ProfessionalStand rofessionalDevelopment/ProfessionalStand ards/EthicsPracticeStandards/default.htm ards/EthicsPracticeStandards/Individualized _General_Curriculum_Referenced_Standar ds.htm Speech Language pathology American Speech-Language-hearing Association (ASHA) (2001). Code of Ethics. Retrieved on January 2, 2008, from American Speech-Language-hearing Association (ASHA) (2006). Standards and Implementation Procedures For the Certificate of Clinical Competence. Retrieved on November 12, 2006, from: m Early childhood Education (not in special education) National Association for the Education of Young Children (2004). Code of Ethical conduct supplement for early childhood adult educators. Retrieved on August 16, 2007, from: National Association for the Education of Young Children (2001). NAEYC standards for professional preparation. Retrieved on August 16, 2007, from: Professionalism in Special Education Grading Criteria and Rubric Please use the following criteria to guide the writing of your essay. The essay must be submitted via e-mail attachment, in MS Word 2003 (or earlier) or Rich Text format (RTF) by class time on the date due. Category PHILOSOPHY STATEMENT Does Not Meet 1 0-15 A philosophy statement is present, but is limited or ambiguous; A philosophy statement is missing; The philosophy statement does not give a clear perspective on dispositions, values, or beliefs; The philosophy statement is not related to your field; The philosophy statement does not explain ethical obligations, as descried in the instructions Meets 2 16-18 A philosophy statement is provided within your paper, and reflects general dispositions, values, and beliefs toward special education; Most or all of the ethical obligations identified in the instructions are completely and accurately described; The philosophy forms a solid foundation for the remainder of the paper; Exceeds 3 19-20 A concise, coherent, and cohesive statement of your philosophy is provided at the beginning of the paper; The philosophy forms a strong foundation for the paper; The presentation of your ethical obligations, dispositions, values, and beliefs are completely and clearly identified, and are wellsupported with examples, references, or other relevant evidence Score PROFESSIONAL STRENGTHS AND NEEDS 0-31 Your strengths and needs are described, but lack detail; Your strengths and needs are not connected to your philosophy statement; Your strengths and needs are present, but do not relate to the readings, or are not cited as such; 32-37 Your strengths and needs are described completely; You identify strengths and needs in both areas of ethics and standards for knowledge and skills; The strengths and needs you identify are connected well to the readings on ethics and standards; Connections are made to your philosophy statement, but may be general or incomplete; Your strengths and needs are accurately referenced to the two readings 38-40 Your strengths and needs are clearly and fully descried, with supporting examples, justifications, and other relevant evidence; Your strengths and needs are connected effectively to the philosophy statement with examples, justifications, and other relevant evidence; Your strengths and needs are fully, accurately, and clearly referenced to the readings; PROFESSIONAL GROWTH PLAN 0-15 No plan for remediating your needs is present, or one is present and lacks relevant information or details; Limited or generic activities are identified; A general or ambiguous timeline is provided 16-18 A plan for remediating your needs is provided; The professional growth plan provides specific examples for how all identified needs will be addressed; A clear timeline for professional growth activities is provided 19-20 A plan for remediating your needs is fully outlined; The professional growth plan is clearly and solidly connected to all identified needs; The professional growth plan contains clear, detailed, and extensive ideas for how to address all identified needs A realistic, but specific, timeline for professional development activities is provided ORGANIZATION 0-15 The paper does not include all required elements of the assignment; The paper does not transition effectively between or within paragraphs; The flow of the paper is awkward, repetitive, or confusing 16-18 The paper includes all required elements; The paper uses effective transitions between paragraphs; The flow of the paper is unclear or repetitive 19-20 The paper includes all required sections and topics; The paper demonstrates effective use of organizational strategies, including effective transitions within and between paragraphs, effective paragraph construction, and fluency of thoughts and ideas; WORD CHOICE 0-7 Word choice is general, simplistic, and uninteresting; Word choice is repetitive or ambiguous; Multiple instances of non-person first language or handicapisms/ableisms exist 8-9 The paper uses effective word choices, including those appropriate to the context and purpose of the paper; Word choice is not repetitive or ambiguous; Minor instances of non-person first language are evident; No handicapisms/ableisms exist SENTENCE FLUENCY 0-7 Sentences are simplistic and uniform; Sentence styles are complex, but poorly or inappropriately used 8-9 Sentence styles are simple, but clear and effective 10 The paper demonstrates thoughtful and effective choice of language to its context and purpose; The text of the paper is not repetitive, simplistic, or ambiguous; Person-first language is used effectively and exclusively, and handicapisms/ableisms are not present 10 The author makes excellent use of diverse sentence styles and complexities; Sentence styles are used effectively and appropriately VOICE 0-15 The assignment demonstrates limited or no commitment to the topic; The assignment is not engaging or interesting; Little or no sense of the author’s character, personality, or individuality is evident in the assignment 16-18 The tone of the paper demonstrates commitment to the profession and students with exceptionalities; The paper is clearly written, but does not fully engage the reader, is not interesting, or does not evoke the character, personality, or individuality of the writer CONVENTIONS 0-7 The assignment contains multiple errors in standard writing conventions, including spelling, grammar, or punctuation; The assignment is not submitted in the appropriate format; Key identifying information is missing, such as name, course, or date 8-9 The assignment demonstrates effective use of standard writing conventions, including minimal errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation; The paper is submitted in the appropriate format; The assignment includes identifying information, including name, course, and date 19-20 The tone of the paper provides strong and compelling evidence of commitment to the profession and students with exceptionalities; The tone of the paper is engaging and motivates the reader; The assignment evokes a clear sense of the author’s character, personality, or individuality 10 The paper demonstrates skillful use of standard writing conventions and grammar; The paper is submitted in the specified format, and includes the author’s name, course and section, and date; References are clear and consistently formatted, with appropriate detail TOTAL