The Art of Wuthering Heights

The Art of Wuthering Heights
3-4 pages- document all sources in a Works Cited
Due: _____________________
Please choose an atmospheric scene or episode from Volume I of Wuthering Heights. It should
conjure a melody or an impression through which you imagine an artistic representation. Then
choose a work of art which conveys the mood, not necessarily the content, of the scene. You will
then present this piece of art to the class with a brief explanation of the visual rhetoric represented
how it embodies the scene. You must include an explanation of the characteristics of the artplease don’t just say the painting is dark and so are the moors, or the painting is eerie and so is
this scene. In addition, you will submit a three- four page analysis analyzing the visual rhetoric
and how the work corresponds with your impressions of the scene. Please include direct quotes
from the novel to support your analysis and include Works Cited entries. Please use the Purdue
site on Visual Rhetoric and Mrs. Newell’s intro Power Point on my website as a reference.
Critique Essay- Wuthering Heights
3-4 pages- document all your sources in a Works Cited.
Due: _________________
Please choose a scholarly essay or excerpt from a journal on Wuthering Heights with which you
disagree. Then, write a formal paper summary response paper in which you summarize the
analysis and oppose the scholar’s theory(ies). You must prove your own interpretation with
support for your examination of the text; thus your own critical theory will evolve. You will be
sharing these in an informal round-table discussion. Please include direct quotes to support your
analysis and include Works Cited entries. A review of the summary-response =(critique)
methodology is on my website.
The Art of Wuthering Heights
3-4 pages- document all sources in a Works Cited
Due: _____________________
Please choose an atmospheric scene or episode from Volume I of Wuthering Heights. It should
conjure a melody or an impression through which you imagine an artistic representation. Then
choose a work of art which conveys the mood, not necessarily the content, of the scene. You will
then present this piece of art to the class with a brief explanation of the visual rhetoric represented
how it embodies the scene. You must include an explanation of the characteristics of the artplease don’t just say the painting is dark and so are the moors, or the painting is eerie and so is
this scene. In addition, you will submit a three- four page analysis analyzing the visual rhetoric
and how the work corresponds with your impressions of the scene. Please include direct quotes
from the novel to support your analysis and include Works Cited entries. Please use the Purdue
site on Visual Rhetoric and Mrs. Newell’s intro Power Point on my website as a reference.
Critique Essay- Wuthering Heights
3-4 pages- document all your sources in a Works Cited.
Due: _________________
Please choose a scholarly essay or excerpt from a journal on Wuthering Heights with which you
disagree. Then, write a formal paper summary response paper in which you summarize the
analysis and oppose the scholar’s theory(ies). You must prove your own interpretation with
support for your examination of the text; thus your own critical theory will evolve. You will be
sharing these in an informal round-table discussion. Please include direct quotes to support your
analysis and include Works Cited entries. A review of the summary-response =(critique)
methodology is on my website.