
國立高雄師範大學 103 學年度學士班轉學生招生考試試題
系所別:英 語 學 系 二 年 級
目:文 學 作 品 導 讀
I. True/False Questions: Mark “O” if the statement is true or “X” if it is false.(20%)
1. A plot is a storyline told by the author -- that is, what happens.
2. A character is referred to as a style in a literary work.
3. The setting in a work is referred to its perspective from which the story is told.
4. A narrative point of view is referred to its perspective from which the story is told.
5. The function of poetry is to inform rather than to inflame.
6. In terms of literary genres, poetry is a genre of narrative.
7. Romantic poets generally appeal to reason and justice rather than personal feelings.
8. Ordinarily in sonnet scheme, the octave establishes a problem or situation which is resolved
in the sestet or the ending couplet.
9. A poetic scheme of four lines in a single stanza is called octave.
10. Haiku is a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, arranged in three lines of five, seven and
five syllables.
II. Multiple Choice: Please choose the most appropriate answer. (30%)
11. The word “fiction” connotes the meaning of _______.
(A) infection
(B) invention
(C) affection
(D) convention
第 1 頁,共 8 頁
系所別:英 語 學 系 二 年 級
目:文 學 作 品 導 讀
12. Sonnet is a rhyme scheme of _______-line lyric poem in a single stanza, in which each
line is composed of iambic tetrameter.
(A) six
(B) eight
(C) twelve
(D) fourteen
13. Which of the following writers was called a “lost generation”?
(A) Kate Chopin
(B) Ernest Hemingway
(C) James Joyce
(D) Charlotte Perkins Gilman
14. Which of the following writers was concerned with the lives of descendants of the French
who had settled in Louisiana, America?
(A) Kate Chopin
(B) Ernest Hemingway
(C) James Joyce
(D) Charlotte Perkins Gilman
15. Which of the following statements is NOT suggestive of a simile (a linguistic device to
make comparisons)?
(A) “That was the way all the Aubignys fell in love, as if struck by a pistol shot”
(“Desiree’s Baby”)
(B) “But my body was like a harp and her words and gestures were like fingers running
upon the wires” (“Araby”)
(C) Artists liked the ways the palms grew and the bright colors of the hotels facing the
garden and the sea (“Cat in the Rain”)
(D) “Bertha Mason—the true daughter of an infamous mother—dragged me through all
the hideous and degrading agonies which must attend a man bound to a wife at once
intemperate and unchaste.” (Jane Eyre)
16. Which of the following statements is NOT suggestive of an ungrounded sense of
(A) “My eyes were often full of tears (I could not tell why) and at times a flood from my
heart seemed to pour itself onto my bosom” (“Araby”)
(B) “They tell me I am in England but I don’t believe them. We lost our way to
England. When?
Where? I don’t remember, but we lost it. . . . This
cardboard house where I walk at night is not England.” (Wide Sargasso Sea)
(C) “Look at our child.
What does it mean? tell me…. Tell me what it means!” she
cried despairingly. (“ Desiree’s Baby”)
(D) “Liking him she opened the door and looked out” (“Cat in the Rain”)
第 2 頁,共 8 頁
系所別:英 語 學 系 二 年 級
目:文 學 作 品 導 讀
17. Which of the following passages suggests a sense of stagnation?
(A) “ I watched my master’s face pass from amiability to sternness.” (“Araby”)
(B) She stood one day against the stone pillar in whose shadow she had lain
asleep…(“Desiree’s Baby”)
(C) An uninhabited house of two stories stood at the blind end… (“ Araby”)
(D) “. . . I got up, took the keys and let myself out with a candle in my hand. It was easier
this time than ever before and I walked as though I were flying.” (Wide Sargasso Sea)
18. Which of the following passages is an example of personification?
(A) “The other houses of the street, conscious of decent lives within them, gazed at one
another with brown imperturbable faces.” (“Araby”)
(B) Water stood in pools in the gravel paths. (“Cat in the Rain”)
(C) “It was a large room with a red carpet and red curtains.
Everything else was white.
(Wide Sargasso Seas)
(D) “My ears were filled with the curses the maniac still shrieked out . . .” (Jane Eyre)
19. Sonnet was derived from Italy and, once introduced to England, became the most popular
lyric verse form in the ________ century, which is referred to as “Sonnet Vogue” by later
(A) early sixteenth (B) late sixteenth
(C) early seventeenth
(D) late seventeenth
20. In Robert Burns’s poem “My Luve is Like a Red, Red Rose,” L13 reads as “And fare thee
well my only luve” which means ______________.
(A) Hope you get well, my love.
(B) All is well with you, my luve.
(C) Farewell, my love.
(D) Your love is my welfare.
21. In William Shakespeare’s Sonnet “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day,” a line reads as
“Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,” in which “the eye of heaven” is referred to
(A) the sun
(B) the moon
(C) love
(D) God
第 3 頁,共 8 頁
系所別:英 語 學 系 二 年 級
目:文 學 作 品 導 讀
22. In Elizabeth Browning’s poem, Sonnet No. 43, L7-8 read as “I love thee freely, as men
strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.” The words “as they turn
from Praise” mean:
(A) as men feel ashamed when they are praised.
(B) as men spontaneously response to praise.
(C) as love usually complements with praise.
(D) as love usually intensifies when lovers give praise.
23. Below is a poem written by William Wordsworth:
MY heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began,
So is it now I am a man,
So be it when I shall grow old
Or let me die!
The child is father of the man:
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety
In the last couplet the words “each to each” mean ____________.
(A) I, you and the rainbow
(B) God, me and the rainbow
(C) the past, the present, and the future
(D) each color in the rainbow
第 4 頁,共 8 頁
系所別:英 語 學 系 二 年 級
目:文 學 作 品 導 讀
24. Below is Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken.”
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
L8 reads as “it was grassy and wanted wear,” in which “it” means _______.
(A) the road
(B) the poet
(C) the wood
(D) the day
25. In the question above, “wanted wear” refers to as ___________.
(A) hoped to get water
(B) hoped to be worn
(C) hoped to be directed
(D) hoped to be developed
第 5 頁,共 8 頁
系所別:英 語 學 系 二 年 級
目:文 學 作 品 導 讀
III. Cloze(30%)
A. Wei Hsiu-tung’s book Art for Social Change and Cultural Awakening offers
perspectives on Taiwan’s democratization and globalization through the lens of the visual
arts, specifically artists’ engagement with society through artistic residences. Tung claims
that artists should have active roles in society, and art should be
. As she
optimistically notes, “By engaging directly with the public, artistic residence can increase
of ensuing cultural issues and offer ways to a better social life.” Tung teaches
art theory at the National University of Tainan in southern Taiwan and received her PhD
from the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design at the University of Central England in
Birmingham. Tung’s work is heavily comparative. In her book, she gives the readers a
degree of insight into Taiwanese history and identity. The first chapter of the book, she
of artistic residency and explains various theories on the role of
artists in society. The book focuses on the integration of art into the practicalities of life.
The book also touches on international exchanges and the interplay of global influence
and local context, with many examples of how various Taiwanese artists’ residencies
abroad have influenced their work and shaped the art scene in Taiwan. What lies at the
heart of such residence is a desire to work with others; to foster
, interest and
mutual understanding through the visual arts; and to give enjoyment and share artists’
motivation and aspirations.
26. (A) formative
(B) interrogative
(C) insightful
(D) technical
27. (A) transformative
(B) throwaway
(C) idealistic
(D) theoretical
28. (A) leaflet
(B) awareness
(C) literature
(D) brochure
29. (A) genetics
(B) conducts
(C) plates
(D) definitions
30. (A) travail
(B) moil
(C) labor
(D) participation
第 6 頁,共 8 頁
系所別:英 語 學 系 二 年 級
目:文 學 作 品 導 讀
B. On January 30, 2014, New Year’s Eve by the lunar calendar, the comedy Twa-tiu-tiann (大
稻埕) was released in theaters around Taiwan. The movie’s release date was scheduled to
coincide with the Lunar New Year holiday, a time when the fortunate people receive gifts
of cash and have more free time for leisure pursuits like seeing movies. Twa-tiu-tiann is
the Taiwanese-language name for an area that was one of the earliest parts of the Taipei
basin to be settled. Yeh Tien-lun(葉天倫), director of Twa-tiu-tiann(大稻埕) chose the
carefully. He says, “It’s intended to represent an ideal Taiwan. Local resistance
against Japanese colonial rule (1895-1945) was also on the rise. In the movie, the leading
actor, Jack, is a present-day university student. Jack takes notice of a particular painting
while visiting an art gallery in Twa-tiu-tiann (Taipei City’s Datong District). The
depicts a busy street lined with shops. Jack suddenly finds himself
back to the 1920s, when the picture was painted. Jack undergoes a rite of passage that sees
him move from idle
to awareness of local history and identity. The distinct
local style of recent Lunar New Year films has helped revive the long-neglected genre of
proletarian movies. In fact, Lunar New Year films appeal to family members of all ages. In
2008, Cape No. 7 was also a proletarian story about a band formed to provide an opening
act for a concert in Pingtung County, southern Taiwan. It was successful then. Today, in
the wake of the government’s promotion of Mandarin and the reaction against it, modern
movies include
in Hakka, indigenous tongues and Taiwanese language simply
because the mix accurately reflects Taiwan’s multiethnic and multilingual society.
31. (A) setting
(B) cash
(C) credit
(D) cheque
32. (A) codes
(B) ethics
(C) artwork
(D) values
33. (A) neglected
(B) transported
(C) collected
(D) mixed
34. (A) ignorance
(B) elation
(C) rising
(D) bliss
35. (A) degradation
(B) demotion
(C) overlook
(D) dialogues
第 7 頁,共 8 頁
系所別:英 語 學 系 二 年 級
目:文 學 作 品 導 讀
IV. Essay Writing(20%)
Title: Take Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” as an Example to Discuss the Function of
Hints: Literature is a term used to describe written material with the creative imagination
including works of poetry, drama, fiction and non-fiction. Literature is the art of
written works in a particular style or peculiar subject. Literature is the mirror of life.
Our lives and all the subjects that are related to our lives can be the subject matters or
elements of literature. In the story, Mrs. Mallard, with a paralyzed inability to accept
the news of her husband’s death, weeps at once, with sudden, but repeats under her
breath, “free, free, free!” What’s the significance of the story in terms of literature?
第 8 頁,共 8 頁