For this book report you will be required to create a movie poster based on the theme of
the book you have read. You will be graded on your creativity, attention to detail, as
well as the information that you provide. The poster will be presented in class and
explained. It should look like a movie poster that you see in the theatres—informative
and interesting to the viewer.
Materials: White Paper (provided in class), Markers / Colored pencils / Crayons
1. Select a book
Due 10/24
2. Your poster must contain pictures or original art to represent the theme of your
novel. (Do not copy the book cover.)
3. You must have two quotes from the novel that tell something important about the
4. List three “stars” (characters) of the book with pictures and a brief description. Tell
us what actor/actress you would have playing the role of each character.
5. Two quotes from fictitious critics about the book.
6. You must have a short summary of the novel somewhere on the poster board.
7. Your poster must be colorful and creative. It must be on the paper provided to you in
8. You must fill out a book report worksheet, detailing information from the book.
Book Report Form
Poster includes:
Two quotes from book 5 points each
Three “stars” 5 points each
Two critics’ quote 5 points each
20 points
30 points
10 points
15 points
10 points
15 points
100 points
Movie Poster Book Report Form
Title of Book: ___________________________________________________________
Author of Book: _________________________________________________________
Brief description of the plot (including rising action, climax, and resolution):
Is the plot believable in “real life”? Why or why not.
Were the characters believable or unbelievable? Why?
What is the overall theme of the story:
Describe the setting or settings of the story? (time period, geography, etc.)
Did you like or dislike the story? Why?
Answer these questions on a separate piece of paper. For each question, write the
question and then answer it in complete sentences! Your answers may be typed or
October 22, 2014
Dear Fifth Grade Families,
Your child is beginning to work on their first book report.
They will be creating a movie poster based on a fiction book they
will read. Their book needs to be teacher approved by Friday,
October 24, 2014. The books should be completely read by Monday,
November 10, 2014. The entire poster is due on Friday, November
14, 2014. Your child is responsible for creating a movie poster that
includes a short summary of the story and a question form that
needs to be completed. If you have any questions please contact
your child’s teacher.
Thank you,
The Fifth Grade Teachers
Due Dates:
Book Approved: Friday, October 24, 2014
Finished Reading: Monday, November 10, 2014
Completely Handed In: Friday, November 14, 2014
Please sign and return by Friday, October 24, 2014.
: Child’s Name
: Parents