Name_________________________ Date_________ Core

Name_________________________ Date_________ Core_____
The Black Pearl by Scott O’Dell
Study Packet
I. DIRECTIONS: What do we associate with the word “pearl”? Brainstorm things that come to your mind when you hear this word.
6. Physical appearance: ______________________________________________________________________________
7. Origin: _________________________________________________________________________________________
8. Produced by (Who brings them to market?): ____________________________________________________________
9. Used by (Who buys them, and why?): _________________________________________________________________
Nautical Terminology
II. DIRECTIONS: The following activity features words associated with ships found in this novel. Look up each word and connect a line from the
word to the image or part of a ship that it belongs to, if possible.
10. gunwale -
11. astern -
12. furlong -
13. league -
14. starboard -
15. fleet -
16. harbor -
17. fathom -
18. anchor -
19. canoe -
20. voyage -
21. tiller -
22. bulwark
III. DIRECTIONS: Predictions are an important part of understanding a story. As a reader, you use facts and ideas the author gives, along with
your own knowledge to make predictions. As you continue to read, new information will come to light that may cause you to change your mind.
After reading through chapter two, make predictions about what will happen next using the following chart.
Characters we have met so far:
Summary of Chapters 1 & 2
What do you predict will happen next?
Evidence of your predictions:
IV. DIRECTIONS: Answer the following discussion questions in complete sentences.
27. Page 7, paragraph 4 features a description of El Diablo (a.k.a. Manta Diablo). Below, write three statements made about this legendary stingray:
28. According to page 8, why could Ramon rely on his grandfather’s account of the manta rather than his mother or his friends’ mothers?
29. Ramon’s mother cautions him about the Manta Diablo. Is there something that your parent cautions you about that you don’t really consider
serious or dangerous? Do you heed your parent’s caution or ignore it? Why?
30. On the last paragraph of page 9, what three foreshadowing clues are given about the story?
31. What is Ramon’s goal and what are three things he does to achieve his goal? (p. 11, 14-16)
32. What is Ramon and his father’s relationship like? How does it compare to your relationship with your own father?
33. Why doesn’t Ramon’s father want his son to go to sea? (p. 14)
V. DIRECTIONS: Complete the following vocabulary activity by providing the appropriate definition from the definition box.
faithless; unbelieving
to be jealous
grimace; frown
one who boasts or brags
approach; address
push; drive; encourage
34. confront (p. 20)
35. braggart (p. 19)
36. goad (p. 21)
37. sneer (p. 18)
38. envied (p. 18)
39. infidel (p. 20)
VI. DIRECTIONS: Identify and record examples of figurative language from the books. Look up “figurative language” in the glossary of
the yellow literature book for reference.
Page #
Type of fig. lang.
Literal Meaning
VII. DIRECTIONS: Answer the following discussion questions in complete sentences.
45. What problem does Ramon have? (p. 20)
46. Why do you think the Sevillano treats Ramon in this way – especially in front of Ramon’s father? (p. 20-21)
47. If Ramon’s father was aware of what the Sevillano was saying and doing, why didn’t he stop him? (p. 23)
48. Why did Ramon’s father call the Sevillano dangerous? (p. 26)
49. Describe an experience in which you had difficulty ignoring what someone else said to you. How did you feel? What did you do? How might
you have handled the situation differently?
50. Prediction: What kind of trouble will Ramon have with the Sevillano? How will he overcome how he feels about the Sevillano?
VIII. DIRECTIONS: How does the setting contribute to the mood or feeling of a story? Record three descriptions of the story’s setting and
describe the mood, or feeling, that it gives the reader.
Setting Description
p. 12 On this morning as I sat at my desk I could see the five blue
boats of our fleet riding at anchor… my father strode back and forth,
urging the men to hurry for he wanted to catch the outgoing tide.
p. 15 My father walked to the iron door and opened it. He looked at
the sky and at the glossy leaves of the laurel trees that hung quiet on
their branches.
p. 17. We went down the hill toward the beach. The sun was setting,
yet I could clearly see the fine blue boats of our fleet riding at anchor.
In the fading light they looked like silver, like live silver fish floating
there. Beyond them the harbor stretched away for leagues between
the headlands to the island and the open sea.
p. 31 I thought it must be the barren hills that closed in upon the
lagoon and the coppery haze that lay over it, and the beach of black
sand and the quiet. I was soon to hear that it was something else,
something far different from what I thought.
Mood or Feeling
urgency, action, anxious for adventure
IX. DIRECTIONS: The attribute web below helps you gather clues the author provides about what a character is like. Fill in the blanks
with words and phrases that describe different aspects of the character. Use a thesaurus for help.
**You will do this activity with your book club group.**
1. ___________________
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
3. _____________________
1. ___________________
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
3. _____________________
X. DIRECTIONS: Respond to the following discussion questions in complete sentences.
56. Why did Ramon offer Luzon 50 pesos for the pearl? (p. 28)
57. Why did Ramon feel uneasy when he reached the lagoon where the old man lived? (p. 31-32)
58. What were three superstitious beliefs the old man had? (p. 32)
59. List the steps in diving for pearls. What are the dangers? (p. 34-35)
60. What was Luzon doing all day while Ramon was trying to free the big shell? (p. 37-39) What does this say about his character?
61. Do you think the Manta Diablo was trying to make Ramon return the pearl to the sea? Why or why not? (p. 42)
62. State three pieces of evidence from the text proving that Ramon is not superstitious like Luzon. (p. 42-43)
63. Is Ramon’s happiness complete after showing the pearl to his father and parading home? Why or why not? (p. 47)
64. What decisions did Ramon’s father make about the great pearl on p. 51 and p. 52?
65. Why was the pearl given to the Madonna? What was the outcome of this?
XI. DIRECTIONS: Complete the following story elements graphic organizer as it applies to the novel.
66. Plot -
In the story,
...Ramon’s father had
67. Setting –
The story takes place...
68. Characters –
The main character is ______
and his personality is like...
69. Theme –
The theme is...
...the main character was
older and had already had
many adventures?
70. Conflict –
The conflict is…
…Ramon was more
superstitious and
respectful of the Manta
...the Manta Diablo lived
on land rather than in the
...the Sevillano was
humble rather than a