NewS fRom the eaSt Bay SPCa

News f r om th e E ast Bay S PC A
Growl, Meow and Wine auction
cover photo winner, Bailey!
Spring 2010
from East Bay Spca Executive Director Allison Lindquist
Dear Supporters:
When we launched our newest program, Teaching Love and Compassion (TLC), last fall
we knew this new venture would bring tremendous rewards. No one could have predicted
just how much of an impact the program would have.
TLC is an intensive, six-week afterschool program designed to increase attitudes of
kindness, empathy and responsibility for both animals and fellow human beings. Students
apply to the program, and are selected by their teachers. TLC has been tremendously
successful in both urban and rural communities throughout the country.
M. Eliza Fried
Our first TLC class included fourteen middle school students who were matched with
seven of our Oakland Adoption Center dogs. Many of the dogs selected for the program
had been with us for months. We want to introduce you to some of our star pupils:
Toa, a nine-month-old Pug mix who would need surgery for a mal-positioned
(enthropion) eyelid before being placed in our Adoption Center.
TLC participant Moe shares
a hug with Allison.
Irene, a six-year-old Tibetan Spaniel mix, was surrendered to us in June. While we
thought Irene was as perfect as they come, potential adopters would shy away from
her due to her lack of fur in many places; we had treated her for fungal and bacterial
infections, but her fur didn’t grow back in some spots.
An adorable Pit Bull mix named Kayla had been with us for over a year. The sweet,
mellow eight-year-old had been through surgeries to remove several growths.
Finding a loving home for a Pit Bull is never easy, and it’s especially tough when our
Pit Bull guest is a senior.
You’ll have a chance to meet Peluchin in our “Happy Endings” section in this issue
of Animal Friends. This adorable (and very silly) boy was transferred into our care
last July, after spending time at a local animal control agency.
As each week passed, our TLC dogs and their student trainers blossomed, thanks to
our talented TLC staff. Our timid dogs came out of their shells… as did our shyer middle
schoolers. Our dogs in need of a “little structure” in their lives learned to settle down
when asked… and, believe it or not, so did our middle school students. The gifts that
emerge through the human and animal bond were clearly working their magic.
The TLC program’s magic helped find each dog a loving home, too. With their new-found
confidence and stellar obedience skills, the TLC dogs went from being overlooked to
our most popular shelter guests. We can’t think of a more rewarding outcome for
a new undertaking.
With gratitude,
Allison C. Lindquist, Executive Director
Board of Directors
Karen Boyd, Chair
Dawn Willoughby,
Bill Meisner, Treasurer
Andy Locke, Secretary
Su Cox
Caitlin Kortlang
Tom Harris
Jan Stamos
Allison Lindquist
Executive Director
Melissa Duford
Operations Director
M. Eliza Fried
Director of Development
& Marketing
Cindy Yuan
Director of Finance
Oakland Adoption Center
and Veterinary Clinic
8323 Baldwin Street
Oakland, CA 94621
Veterinary Clinic
Cat Behavior Hotline
Dog Behavior Hotline
Oakland Spay &
Neuter Clinic
410 Hegenberger Loop
Oakland, CA 94621
Tri-Valley Adoption
Center and Spay &
Neuter Clinic
4651 Gleason Drive
Dublin, CA 94568
Spay & Neuter Clinic
Cat Behavior Hotline
925.479.9670, x306
Dog Behavior Hotline
925.479.9670, x303
Kendra Adams
Design & production
Shelby Designs & Illustrates
COVER PHOTO: M. Eliza Fried
The East Bay SPCA is committed to the welfare of cats and dogs in the communities we serve.
We strive to eliminate animal cruelty, neglect and overpopulation by providing programs and education
that support people and companion animals.
A Castle to Call His Own...
M. Eliza Fried
Raja means prince in Sanskrit and
hope in Arabic, and this wonderful
guy encompasses both of these words.
During the six months he spent as
an Oakland Adoption Center guest,
Raja enjoys attention from one of
his subjects.
it soon became clear he was a regal
gentleman who enjoyed receiving
visitors. At twelve-years-young, Raja
was very independent yet loved to
socialize and greet his loyal subjects
who would visit him in our Volunteer
Office. Although Raja was diagnosed
with FIV (feline immunodeficiency
virus), he never let his health issues
slow him down. His favorite pastimes
were spending time on his throne (his
cat tree), and bestowing his grace on
his subjects with cuddles and hugs. He
was very generous with his affection
with all who came to pay homage,
including dogs awaiting adoption who
needed exposure to a friendly, classy
cat like Raja.
Raja needed a loving home and
a family that would understand he
required special care and attention
due to his health and age. FIV poses no
threat to humans, but is communicable
between cats. Raja’s age and
health issue may have made it more
challenging to find the perfect, forever
home. Staff wanted to be sure he would
be placed in the best home possible,
as this was Raja’s second visit to our
Adoption Center in his life. In short, he
needed to be treated like the royalty
that he was. Raja soon discovered
his most devoted subjects, a young
couple with another FIV-positive cat.
They understood right away that Raja
was a special cat who had so much
to offer to the right family. Raja now
has a loving family and a new castle,
where he rules with his boisterous
purr and playful personality. We will
miss our “prince”, but are so grateful
for this fairy tale ending for Raja.
~ k. adams
Peluchin: “Class Clown”
Peluchin appeared to be the
perfect gentleman when our Canine
staff made his acquaintance at a local
public shelter last July. Once he was
settled in at our Adoption Center,
Peluchin behavior assessment noted
that he was a confident little guy who
enjoyed being held and sitting on laps.
Peluchin’s behavior test notes didn’t
mention anything about silly antics.
As timed passed, our cute guest’s
list of staff and volunteer admirers
grew. We adored Peluchin, and he
adored us! He enjoyed spending his
days learning new tricks, playing
games and socializing with people.
So when we set out to select a special
group of dogs for our first TLC class,
Peluchin was an obvious candidate.
When the TLC students were
matched up with the dogs they would
train, Peluchin must have thought
he’d landed in heaven. He loved the
students and the attention that they
showered upon him, and it wasn’t long
before Peluchin started hamming it up
by showing his students how smart
and funny he was.
“Peluchin would get very silly in the
middle of many of the group’s training
sessions,” shares TLC staffer Ellen.
“He’d be in the midst of learning a new
trick and decide it would be fun to
dramatically collapse onto the ground
and roll around. All of the students
would crack up.”
Thankfully, Peluchin’s love for
learning was just as strong as his desire
to be silly. During his time as a TLC dog,
Peluchin mastered many commands
M. Eliza Fried
When we headed out last fall to
meet our first class of Teaching Love
and Compassion (TLC) students at
Lighthouse Community Charter School
in Oakland, we expected our group
of middle school students to include
at least one class clown. Little did we
know that the class joke-ster would
end up being one of our TLC dogs!
You can learn more about our new
TLC program in Allison’s letter on our
inside cover.
and tricks. With his new-found skills
and zest for fun, Peluchin soon found
a loving family, which included a boy
to call his own. We have a feeling that
clowning around is still a big part of
Peluchin’s daily life.
~ e. Fried
Training Older Dogs
Adages aren’t always right:
not only can old dogs learn new tricks,
but they should! I can think of at least
three reasons why you might consider
taking a training class with your
middle-aged or senior dog:
1. Training may help keep your
older dog healthier. Older dogs may
not be able to run, wrestle and play
like youngsters, but they still need
regular exercise. The gentle activity
of a training class can provide a
perfect workout without overtaxing
arthritic joints.
2. Training may help keep your
older dog happier. Aging can be as
distressing for dogs as it is for humans,
and some dogs experience an increase
in anxiety-related disorders as they
age. Even a dog that has never had
problems before may start having
difficulty settling down at night, or
may become anxious when left home
alone. Rewards-based training has
many positive side effects, including
increasing confidence and decreasing
stress. For this reason, a dog that is
kept mentally active through training
and other activities may be better able
to cope with age-related anxiety.
3. Your older dog just might be a
genius. Even if your dog was not the
star of her obedience class as a puppy
or adolescent, you might be surprised
at what she can accomplish now that
she’s more mature. Older dogs have
the patience and self control to master
all sorts of skills that you may have
given up on years ago, such heeling
around distractions, holding a long
down stay, or ignoring a thrown toy.
You and your dog have spent years
getting to know each other, and it’s
likely that you already know how to
communicate with her using a soft
voice and subtle body language. This
special bond will make training a joy,
and the bond will get even deeper as
you see what your dog is truly capable
of. Older dogs excel at tasks requiring
calmness and maturity, such as visiting
patients in care facilities. Our PALS
class trains dog and handler teams
to do this very special work.
The East Bay SPCA has many classes
that are appropriate for dogs of all ages.
You can sign up at,
or email if
you’d like suggestions about which class
is appropriate for your older dog.
Many of our feline shelter guests remind Shelter Manager
Linda Gonzales of a special cat she will always love…
Her name is Punchy
and she was my first cat. She
was a beautiful black cat with silky
medium length fur and a nice fluffy
tail. She would greet me every day
after work at the front steps of my
apartment building. Sometimes I would
find her gazing out from the unit in
which she resided. She wasn’t my cat,
yet. One day I came home to find her
unit vacated. Her owners had moved
away and left her behind. She was left
to fend for herself as she ran across
busy Oak Street in San Francisco.
I couldn’t leave her out in the cold.
I took her in and this was the beginning
of a new life for both of us. Her
previous owners hadn’t spayed her,
but that is another story.
Unfortunately, Punchy is no longer
with us, but years later I still find
myself drawn to black cats. Working
in the shelter I have learned that,
surprisingly, not everyone is eager
to give a black cat a home. I have
heard people say, “Black cats make
me nervous,” “I would never have a
black cat,” “Black cats are bad luck.”
It amazes me that this perspective
exists. Yet time and time again they
are overlooked for a Brown Tabby, a
Siamese or other colors/breeds. Black
and black and white cats spend the
longest amount of time in the shelter
waiting for their forever homes. They
are also the most common color/breed.
We work closely with other shelters in
the area and this is a common theme.
My heart goes out to the black cats
in the community who wait longingly
for our affection. If you find yourself
in a position to give a cat a home,
please consider a black or a black and
white cat. They can be some of the
most loving felines with exceptional
temperaments. Talk to anyone who
has owned one!
~ L. Gonzales
Saving Lives:
Our talented new Operations Director Melissa Duford
made a move from Colorado to help us save lives. We
are excited to introduce you to this dedicated animal
lover. Please join us in welcoming her to the Bay Area!
1. Why did you decide to
work at the East Bay SPCA?
I had been working for the Dumb
Friends League in Denver for six years
and was ready to apply the training
and skills that I had obtained over the
years to another organization. I was
excited to find a Director of Operations
position so that I could continue to
look at the “big picture” at a new
organization and help to bring them
to the next level. After interviewing
with this organization and meeting
the various staff and volunteers, it was
really inspiring for me to work with such
a driven, educated group of people
who were already doing pretty amazing
things for the animals that we care for
and for the community around us.
3. Can you share
a fun story about
your work in
animal welfare?
Hmmmm…one funny story,
that is hard! Every day is
filled with something that
makes me laugh. In this
field, you have to find those
little things that make you
smile each day. That’s what
keeps me going in a high
stress environment. The
staff that I work with, and
have worked with in the
past, are the generators
of all of those funny stories
which have made up my
career in animal welfare.
Melissa spends some quality time with Uma and Cloe.
4. Do you have any dogs/
cats/other animals?
We currently have three dogs. I am
actually convinced that (my husband)
Kyle and I have the three largest dogs
in the Bay Area. Uma is our Great
Dane. Then there is George, our crazy
Weimeraner (or as my step-daughter
says “Weimerheimer”) and last, but
most certainly not least, our Cloe,
who is a Shepherd/Beagle mix.
Our cat, Levi, recently passed away.
We are looking to extend our family
with another cat or two when we
find the perfect addition in the
upcoming months.
2. What do you love most
about your job?
I love the fast pace and the fact
that every day is different. Each of
our programs makes an immense
difference in our community. I love
being able to see that difference
on a daily basis.
fun to try all of the different foods
and restaurants. We have also really
enjoyed hiking in the local parks,
especially the off-leash dog areas.
I have come to realize that I don’t miss
the snow at all, either. As far as working
in the Bay Area, I love the collaboration
between the local shelters. It is a great
feeling to see so many people working
together towards the same cause. ~ M. Duford
5. What do you enjoy most
about living and working
in the Bay Area
In our two months of living in the Bay
Area, I have fallen in love with the
amazing food that seems to be around
every corner. It has been so much
Creature Comforts
The East Bay SPCA is grateful for the many in-kind donations that individuals,
organizations and businesses make to help make shelter stays more comfortable for our
adoptable dogs and cats. This month, we want to give a special thank you to:
Pet Food Express for donating
much-needed dog and cat food
and supplies
Woodrose Gardens
for donating Rosie’s Kittie Grass
for our feline guests’ habitats
Hugs for Homeless Animals
a group of dedicated volunteers who
make quilted, knitted and crocheted
“snuggle” beds for our shelter animals
Girls Scouts for making toys for
our shelter animals
PAW PETS for donating toys for
our shelter dogs
The Clorox Company
for donating kitty litter
East County Shelter for sharing
their excess supplies that they
receive as donations
Many Volunteers who knit
beautiful sweaters for our animals
The East Bay SPCA is grateful
for the following Tribute gifts
received between October 11,
2009 through February 1, 2010
In memory
Alex Karl Nichols &
Sherry Hu-Nichols, Walter Hu
Alexa, a Golden Retriever
Mary Hall
Alice Rob Meyer
All my dogs June M. Wallace
Barney Carolyn J. Mar
Beau Ward, Linda &
Michael Davis
Beauty Erin Hughes
Beckett Ms. Beth Lorey
Munchkin Alanna B. Summers
My beloved “Angel Boy”, Oreo
Jan Adams
Cisco & Cassie Brian, Lynn &
Melanie McCrea
CJ Johnson Judith French
Comet Andrew R. Cohn
Corky John & Nan Seuser
Crissie Chris & Carla Ross
Crystal Gayle Kim Stella Kim
Dax Jennifer Taggart &
Kevin McCarty
Dottie Girl Janet Schoenemann
Duchess, Allie, Murf, Taffy &
Omar Hugh A. Peddy, Jr.
Ella Charlene Van Ness
EmyLu Grey Robert Martinez
Ethel Reek Bev Messner,
Nana & Papa
Fiesty Karin Jenkins
Furey Isaacs Turi Adams
Fuzz, Chico & Najee
Didy Flaherty
Brodie Serena Lee
Gabby Carla Anne &
Mark Galeoto
Garnet Plank Mabel Lester
Geek & Mouse Maris Thompson
Genevieve Roure Genny Greene
Glenda Witt Melissa Johnson
Gray Marlowe Nelson
Greta Dr. Eleanor Dunn
Grete West Karen Gerdes
Bruce & Billie Cummings
Jenny Cummings
Hank, Nutmeg & Casper
Sandra F. Wagner
Bruiser Donald &
Hannah Amador Gina Davidson
Benji Naydine & Mac MacDonald
Blackie Edith Olsen
Blackie Peter C. Morris
Boris Lynn Tetenbaum
Cheryl Berquist
Buddy Philip & Diane Lanum
Cajun Valerie Kieser
Calvin Christopher &
Victoria Thomas
Casey Lloyd & Terresia Rowe
Casey & Sadie Lorraine Lofe
Chelsea Elizabeth Legan
Chief & Rosie Dennis L. Markham
Chiquita Jackie Ollerdessen
Cindy & Lucky & Stripes Finger
Dorothy Finger
Henry Judith A. Lamberti
Hercules Katherine Surline
Husky Anonymous
Inkatatus & Tuppence
Nicola Smith
Izzy Catherine Gauchat
Jack Sandra & Jim Schloss
Jack Claudia Heath
Jasper Wesling Allison Wesling
Jenny Lisa Eriksen &
John Davey
Jinx Leslie Freund
Jodie Vivian Goldberg
John’s Misty Patricia Port
Jordan Sandra Miraglia
Josie Jo Donaldson
(Robyn, Carol, Cindy & Jo)
Josie Pat Williams
Julie Robert & Jacqueline Tornoe
Keely Barbara Allgoewer
Kelsey Englert Len & Lee Riedel
Kenna Lisa Fritz
Lady Kikki Vermell M. Keeles
Lalo & Gigi Dr. Amy Halio
Lena & Ash J.A. Fitzpatrick
Lightfoot Heather &
Jeffrey Lamb
Louise Pitterman Jill Oana,
Brian & Hugo
Lulu Mashid Karimi
Stephanie Sanders-Badt
Maggie Mae Sandra Ortiz
Maia & Diego Lenz Sandra Morey
Malina David & Shirley Lee
Mango Sonja S. Woodham,
My Girl — Cindy
Melba Joy Hansen
My Girl Ginger
Melba J. Hansen
My Sweet “Charlie Girl”
Patricia Bean
My Sweet Charlie Andrea Mann
Nanna Peter Gerritz
Nicholas & Alexi Robert Stewart
Nick McClure Jane & Jim Sleeva,
Hattie & Cooper
Norm, Beloved Oakland
Shelter Resident Phyllis Meyer
Oliver Susan Opsvig
Orbit Lori Taylor
P.C. Fred Forester
Pancho Martin Martel
Peanut Darlene Leduc
Peepers Ruth Haley
Peg & Blackie Margaret Deane
Perdita Natalie McCosker
Pets we have loved & miss
Ann Mueller
Pierpont & Kahlua
Mr. & Mrs. William Friede
Pitou, Noodle & Skippy
May Arndt
Jan Stamos
Pixie Pat & Kenneth Berndt
Martha (the cat who thought
she was a dog)
Melissa & David Gerber
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley F. Gibson
Max Conde Philip & Terry Henry
Mickey Janice Hermann
Midnight (Missy) Todd J. Egan
Prince Maria Alexander
Princess Shirley Lawrence
Rachel Judy & Jay Espovich
Mike & Travis Kris Benett
Ramtha Rosevear
Kristin Rosevear
Mimosa Nancy Teshima
Raphy Tamara Hartl
Mink aka Minky
Jane & Bill Prentiss
Rascal Clinton & May Arndt
Missy & Madanna
Jamal Farkhondeh
Molly-Biscon Beatrice P. Hilton
Monster T. Wigglebottom &
Mina Purrblossom Silkenpaw
Ellen B. Freed
Karen Dolder (Mom & David)
Linda Hunt, Millie & Eddie
Mugsy & Teddy Susan Ann Jung
Rascal Nan Smekofske
Red, Loyal Kitty Companion
Phyllis Meyer
Reno — “Biggest Little Dog
in the World”
Sharon & Edwin Castro
Rocky Maria Berkley
Rosie & Rocket Maureen Dear (Mo, Jake & Adam)
Rufus & Earl Rosalie Rhodes
In memory of
Joan P. Accardo Mary Ann & Sabian Clark Elaine Hartwig
Sadie & Frankie Carolyn Gay
Samantha Theresa King
Sassy & ChuChu Betty Meadors
Hank Andreotti, Myron & Margaret Levin, Loretta Lofts, Tony & Elsie Rago, Steve Stafford & the guys at LLNL Manufacturing shops, Mark Mount, Dave Dearborn, Diane
Martz, Charles Parrish, Curt
Cochran, Dave McIntosh,
Penny Pennington, Todd
Taylor, Teresa Norpel, Judy
White, Vira Okuda, Wally Yee,
Kelley Benedict &
Barbara Frazier
Jennie Adame Jerry J. Adame
Elsie Alumbaugh
Arlan & Laura Alumbaugh
Scarlett Stanley Petrick
Anthony Bagdis Muriel Bagdis
Shep Sally Jordan
Barbara B. Barsotti
Richard Barsotti
Shiloh Sandy Lura
Shorty Soo Hoo
Nancy Torres Almida
Sissy Sarah Dunley
Smokey Sharon Heaney
Smokey Joe Camel Proo M. Proo
Snookems Kim Kucer
Snoopy Arlene Smith
Sophia Carmella Truffle
Jo E. Bomser
Sophie Maya Gong
Sophie & Krista Taff-Rice
Anita Taff-Rice
Sophie Williams Kathie Ready
Spunky Midge Chiyo Fox
Sugar Susan Sherry
Sugar Cerón, R.I.P.
Heather Ceron
Summer Nancy & Art Solomon
Sunday Shane Sheryle Bolton (Mom & Dad & Patsy)
Faye Begen Esther Schroeder
Ray Borneman Virginia Murphey
Judy Bradshaw
William Bradshaw,
Mary Ann Smith
Minnie Broas Jill Oana
Bob Brown Millie Lanzy
Warren M. Brown
Maureen Brown
Gregory Meinke Kirstin Ault,
Sky Davis, Katie Turner,
Kyle Waldinger &
Nancy Woods
Teresa Mines Dawn Barrett & Steve Egelman
My mommy Lisa R. Hardy
My mother & brother, Gertrude &
Johnathan Hansen
Carla Ann Galeoto
Billy J. Perkins
Dorothy Vander Hoeven
Dan Piumarta Lou &
Sue Alvarado, Vicky Chua, Femi Oyemakinde,
Walgreens Store 9248
Jan Rayl Yvonne Gabor
Lee Reis Bettina Nackley
Helen Rogers-Uhrich
Ralph & Arlene Reed
Katherine Rose Karen Fisher
Catherine E. Rose (Kay)
Gloria A. Palmer, John Rose
Mr. Jack Sharp Steve M. Kilen
James Shields Dr. Eleanor Dunn, Debra & Ron Walter,
Fay Wong
Barry Siders, who brought me
Biscuit Claudia Conklin-Siders
Ronald Luther Sorbo Steve Kilen
Mickey Burke-Karr Gail C. Burke
Herb Stein Ruth Schneider
Patricia Burnett Sandra Aguilar, Joyce Thompson, She loved cats
Eleanor L. Hart
Tracy & Joseph Grisler,
John W. Julson,
Jennifer Kennedy, Sherrill & Filbert Mendonca, Chris & Cathy Peterson, San Lorenzo
Little League
Sharen Burns Gary Huffman
Doris Caraballo Karen Knox, Frank, Robert & Michael
Molly Cassford-Curcio
Francesco Cassford-Curcio
Bill Corkran Maryann Tyler, Mr. Larry Tomich
Jeanne & Paul Barneich
Rudy Willer Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Pepper & Daisy Michael & Barbara Wirth
Sarah, my dog
John S. Whitehouse
Sasha Matthew Dressel
Slugger Joanne Sheaffer
Stanley & his two feral
rescue brothers Martha Perry
Tess Kendall &
Linda Gramatky Smith
Twix & Spot
Andrea Bogensperger
Violet Nicola Bourne
In Honor of People
Jackie Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. Vincenzo Traversa
Terry Blackshere & her decades of
service at the Oakland
SPCA Clinic Catherine Sylvia & Dwight Johnson
Charles William Bock, Sr.
Charles William Bock, Jr., Karolyn Bock-Willmes
Ellen Boscov Beth Taylor
Baby Boy Monkey Bryant
Vicki Helbig & Your Baby Shower Hostesses
Allison Burkhalter &
her 9th Birthday
Barbara Burkhalter
Ron & Victoria Carpenter,
Merry Christmas
Robert & Margaret Dial
Josie Chapman, Merry Christmas
Steven Fruth
Lasnini & Family
Edward Zold Friends at
John F. Kennedy School
Evelyn Clevenger, Happy Birthday
Leslie E. Correll
In honor of pets
Rob & Debra Creighton
Jim & Carolyn Kaplan
Beau Jeste Haven
Robert Martinez
Dad, Susan & Daisy,
Merry Christmas Gabrielle Bussey Colin, Gordon & Jess
Louise Randolph
Sunny Rosemary Nightingale
Zoom Herring & Alex Herring
Susie Margaret Langston
Big Lady Hope Thorson
(Brad, Gabrielle & Mushroom)
Dorothy Crane
Esther (Sally) Green
Bubba & Danny Jennifer Bower
Steve Dennison, Happy Hanukah
Jonmi Koo & Kody
Sweet Boy Ivy M. Banks
Sweet Trotter Mary Leres
Sylvester Jan Stamos
Doreen Darbinian
Marion E. Hower
Dennis Dergan Donna Briesch
Cleo & Nicholas,
Happy Chanukah 2009
Beau Davidson
Christine Dover Hal & Pat Gelb
Audrey Down, Merry Christmas
Tana M. Lingvall
Orlando Chiavini
William Finger B.W. Moyer
Cleo, Zoe, Sasha & Milo
Dagmar & Gil Serota
Tank Susann Nichol
Marvin Leonard Fletcher
Sharon & Craig Fletcher
Cody, Merry Christmas
Mark & Phyliss Katich
Nannette Furrer Marlowe Nelson
Dawson Kathy Obee
Rich Harris
Phyllis & Richard Worthey
Enzio Day — a yorkie Alicia T. Day
Ray Imhoff Aryx Therapeutics, Furbaby Sushi Jane Caffey
David Edrington & Barbara
Robinson Daniel Krewson
Ginger Byron Lott
Beverly Garcia Roxanna Christy
Gryphon Jennifer Bowen
Diana Gleghorn Joan Paladini
Korissa, Kailey & Kody Lewis
Tammara Newman
Cindy Graham The Rhyno Family
Sylvie Jacqueline &
Mary Kay Moskal & Family
Tasha Gail C. Burke
Tasha Mae Christine D. Ng
Teddy Hurley Harken
Drulynne Vang
Martin Gibb & Karen Panico
Tessie Sandra Miraglia
David Iwawaki
Robert & Esther Rice
Toby & Holly
Fran & Robert Smith
Norma Jones
Mr. & Mrs. John Jones,
Travis Sharon Heaney
Trevin Weldon Carol Weldin
Tyler Brian Johnson
Vincent Evangelina Hernandez &
Roberto Celada
Whitney & Boompa, my babies
Carl Madriaga
Xena Debra Wills
Yoda McCance-Katz
Kathryn Cates-Wessel
Zoe Ruth Teshera
Flannery King Kryger
Dr. Dunn, Dr. Lin & the Staff at
the Lake Veterinary Hospital
Lynn Tetenbaum &
Steven Johnson
Brady Duterte’s First Birthday
Bonnie Duterte
Dale Gregory Wendy Brown
Lew Jones, Leonard & Katherine Marks
Lan Nguyen Joy Brace
Sofie Gregory Wendy Brown
Norma Levy Jones
Charlene Miller
Lilly Ann Faye Magee
Lyla & Daisy Maria Mora
Kate Gross & Bixby
Edward Gross
Mango Benjamin Fish
Judy Harris Sherry Potter
McCune Jim Berry
Lynn Heiberger & Dorian Cougias
Barry Golin
Mrs. Ernestine McCart
Virginia Garland,
Elaine & Bert, Ginny & Fred
Earl McConnell Beverly &
Jack Flynt, Florence Weyland, Jim Weyland
Kate McKillop Nancy Erman
My love-CJ Lisa R. Hardy
Neal Bodner Singer
Joanna Levi & The Levi Family
Otterpop (Lacey) Linda Schmidt
Penelope Caitlin Martindale
Evelyn Heide Lorraine Rodrigues
Kitty & Herb Henderson
Betty C. Montgomery
Continued to page 8...
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Lesly Hendricks Sandy Gangwer
Bethan Lamb Jeremy Lamb
Kathy Nani Michael Normant
Jason Hom Jonathan Chu
Sharen & Kibbens Langewisch
Shane Morton
Randall Newsome
David Newsome
Gena Lee & Anthony Roy,
Congratulations on your wedding
Susan Detwiler,
Susan Palleschi Judith Mears
Kristen Hopkins & David Phillips’
Engagement Aaron Hopkins
Jim Hopkins, Merry Christmas
Kristen Hopkins
Tracy Huddleson Gary Carter
Joan Jackson Reylonda Jackson
Lisa Jackson & Alan Lizotte
Reylonda Jackson
Alexia Jiminez Janet Ruehle
Tom Johnson, Happy Birthday Melanie Ferguson
Stephen M. Johnson,
Happy Holidays Susan J. Willey
Gwyn Jones Laura Wolff
Marion Kappler Janet Kucera
Amanda Keith Charles Baxter & Jinee Tao
Archie Klatt Michelle Klatt
Derril Koberlein
Rosaleen & Jim Kelly
Carl & Myra Koell
Carolyne Fahrbach
Julia Kovatch, Happy Birthday
Brooke Reimer
Tom Kramer Theresa Rinehart
Richard Hang, Karen Soriano
Amber Lunderville,
Merry Christmas
Wendy Anderson
Barbara Macgregor
Clara Huillade &
Bess Vance
Olivia Petzoldt, Happy Birthday &
Congratulations on your new dog
Pamela Fong
Lucy Pugsley Janet Contreras
Drusilla Blanc, Bess Vance
Michael Quebec Arthur E. & Anna & Dave Matherly
Mary Kay Lee Brussard
Barbara J. Bohart
Chuck Stilphen & Meg McAdam,
Merry Christmas
Cheryl & Mike Moschella
Carol Roach Jennifer Glitzner
Caren Sutton Perla Dean
Herm & Maggie Rowland
Bill Mazzocco
Tori’s Birthday Anne Kennedy, Anita Patel, Kristin Stewart
Kathy Sabin & her Birthday
Lisa Torres
The Treible Family,
Merry Christmas Kathy &
Nina Mazur Julie Denison
J. Douglas McCallister
Mark Livingston
Carol McKevitt Lorna Steele
Jody McKevitt Lynna Wong
Robert & Patsy Meyer
William McLetchie
Angela Minckler, Esq.
Adrienne Ramirez
Valarie Mizuhara
Chiyeko Tsuchitani
Jaime Moss, Merry Christmas
Mark & Phyliss Katich
Bruce & Sage Krewson
Daniel Krewson
Richard & Inez Moss,
Merry Christmas
Mark & Phyliss Katich
Art & Wilma Kroeker
Cynthia Warren &
Eric Munson, Merry Christmas
Mark & Phyliss Katich
Norman Warrentin
Roberta J. Park
Barbara Macgregor,
Suzie Sakuma Nancy Teshima
Carol McKenney
Sandi & Craig Teri & Tony Mull
Mimi Trevor on her birthday
J. Peter Irwin, Andrea & Cheryl Schliebus
Jana & James Keosian
David Shane, Happy Birthday
Mom & Dad & Patsy
Stephanie Silver &
her 40th Birthday Lisa Cooper, Jen Hunt & Kate Klaire
Maggie & Rick Smith
Katherine Solovieff
Barbra Southworth
Mary Rosenquist
The Steers Family,
Happy Holidays Susan J. Willey
Phillip Lamar
Cheryl Van Brunt Cindy Alpert
Lisa Vollmer B.J. St. John
Mary J. Walsh Augusta Dorman
Jim & Elaine Weathersbee,
Merry Christmas
Mark & Phyliss Katich
Glenda Witt Melissa Johnson
Laura Yee & Joey Yee Ben Woo & Cynthia Lee
You, mom Karen Emery
(Karen & the boys)
East Bay SPCA Adopt-a-thon
Rabbit Adoption Days
First Saturday of the month
Tri-Valley Adoption Center, Dublin
Pet First Aid
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Oakland Adoption Center, Oakland
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Tri-Valley Adoption Center, Dublin
Anna Myers Photography
Summer Animal Camp
Registration opens in March, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Jack London Square, Oakland
1st Wednesday Street Party
June through September, 2010
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Main Street, Downtown Pleasanton
Growl, Meow
and Wine
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Puparazzi portraits
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Tri-Valley Adoption Center, Dublin
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Offsite Adoptions
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Jack London Square, Oakland
Ongoing Monday, Tuesday and Friday
1 1:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Oakland City Center, Downtown Oakland