

ThyExperiments Towards Truth

The How Of Death – A Clue


Saptarishis Astrology

Copy Editor: Andree Leclerc, Canada

W ith Obeisance to Lord Ganapathi, Lord Saturn and Bhrighu Maharaj, this method is presented at the holy feet of Sage Sukracharya for him to accept and bless it with longevity and most important workability. In ancient and not so ancient India, the first job of an astrologer was to ascertain the longevity and predict that as the first prediction . But this is no longer done as paramparas have failed in this respect of longevity determination. Hence, the astute astrologer has not found a single dependable technique inspite of thousands of researches done in astrology though one should look at Dr. Raman’s clue on Dwadasamsa which is still not totally dependable as per his own words, though we feel it is worth experimenting further. The next step was to predict how death will happen. Usually in Nadi readings this can be found at the end of the prediction.

In this aspect, many also have written but, so far, one can’t remember a simple and repeatable methodology in this regard. Few years back we had worked on a clue (not the one on Dwadasamsa mentioned above) given by Late Dr B. V. Raman in his lecture given in

London, which was printed in one of his old issues – but the technique derived by us was lengthy and cumbersome and now that technique is unfortunately forgotten & the article was lost in PC formatting. After the advent & feedback on Bhrighu Saral Paddathi, the mission of Saptarishis Astrology became more clearly to spread and bring out simpler methods of prediction for simple minded astrologers so that they, like us, can use methods effectively and not rely on ‘ Romantic or Statistical Astrology’ both of which do not work with accuracy in ‘real’ practice or are too cumbersome for any real benefit except impress temporarily the scientific-mathematical-astrology oriented modern student who does not put his head under the blade for each of his prediction but only tests an article on charts. Testing parameters and real predictive capability of the technique are two entirely different things.

Should the How Death Will Happen Be Predicted

N O, it should not be predicted but it becomes a vital tool to rectify charts. Yet our sages presented in their works the How & Why of Death . Even in Nadi readings one can observe that the how & why of death are predicted by the Sages which shows that astrology was used in the past to predict the nature of death – there was a purpose to it which would be hinted below. A warning must be given that such techniques should not be used by astrologers for: a) Fame or Money b) Scaring the client directly or indirectly c) To Show off one’s predictive ability

It can be used for

a) Someone who is wanting to progress in his spiritual journey and for whom knowledge of the future just acts as a tool to help him ‘Accept’ whatever has been ordained by God – this acceptance attitude, when truly developed, becomes a great spiritual tool in going to the next level or raising your Kundalini. Yet rarely the client or even astrology students have used astrology this way.

This technique is another Mota Mota Technique (Broad Technique) and not a ‘so be it’ pin pointed technique. It is a technique in experimentation & in working still. It also depends on the astrologers’ ability to use it and after having shared with some team members, it was found that their having better basics than this scribe enabled them to use it fantastically on blind charts. It has also been observed that in some charts we have completely failed. Furthermore, like any technique mentioned in our books, there is not only ‘One’ technique mentioned by the sages for a single event like poverty, wealth, death but various techniques mentioned and this is like that One of those many techniques and not the one and be all, a mistake often committed by obsessive critical cum vocal astrologers .

Objection To Revelations of Such Techniques

There will surely be objection from senior astrologers of the pre - 11:11 spiritual event.

Here is what must be understood very carefully and to grasp it would take some time if true effort is made. Here is what ‘ Last Book of Astrology ’ says ‘ Astrology is a vidya of the saints and not the common man, its final goal within the astrologer is de-attachment from what he sees in his own chart (and of others), it is only when he has burnt his chart he can be taught Astrology’ . This work is supposedly a dialogue between a man and a Yogi (in ethereal plane) who is supposed to be in charge of astrology on the earth plane. We have followed many of the views of the yogi in the last 4 years and our astrology has changed phenomenally. He says tools need to be given to astrologers by which they get used to their problems and accept it, by accepting it they will surrender more to the divine and to the 9 grahas and when they do that, the 9 grahas will start teaching in return more deeper astrology than what has been revealed till now in the last thousands of years. He says unless this mass consciousness is not changed among the world wide astrological community the 9H of the zodiac will not get balance and the result will be the 8 th from it which is earth and thus earthquakes, natural calamities etc will happen. He says this transformation in the mass consciousness will happen in religion

(many religions are slowly changing itself in last few years and accepting their mistakes), gurus and other areas of the 9H which includes astrologers, that’s the plan of God otherwise destruction of the earth (8 th from it) is certain. Some will say this technique will be misused by others but one can’t predict solely with this technique, it only offers a clue and most important the working of how the chart is functioning in the area of finding out how death will happen, which was probably a total mystery till now.


R eaders with more than 15 years of experience are requested to read this article and if the reader is still at the stage of astrology where he reads a technique and first applies it in his chart or his near one’s and gets ‘ worried’, then you are requested to delete this article. The Astrology of the Saptarishis can only be learnt when we have thrown our own charts in water – only when good or bad events don’t matter to you, then you are allowed to read astrology articles or books. This was the one of the only reasons why astrology was kept a gopniya (hidden) shastra, the rest of the reasons were made along

the way to guard against competition but it became the source of racism and slavery


The technique at times will sound too simple but, in real practice, it is not so simple. The more experienced astrologer and simple human being you become, the more simpler this technique will become to you in time - this must not be forgotten.

How Death Will Happen


a) Observe the Sign and the Lord of the 8


House b) Observe the Planets in the 8


House c) Observe aspects / associations on point a) & b) d) Now see where the 8L or Planets in 8H of Rasi Chart have gone in the Navamsa

Chart – this will be the House of Death e) The sign, house of this House of Death ‘In the Navamsa Chart’ will play crucial role

& give you clues. f) Note the above various contenders of death, at times during their dasas death ‘can’ happen if they are strong enough. ( First determine longevity through calculations then see if nearby dasa also matches or not ).

Please re-read the above few times to grasp it .

How exactly to apply this will be displayed in analysis of the various charts presented. In the above methodology, it is the 8 th house from lagna, in actual practice it is 8 th house from the strongest among Asc or Moon or Sun or AL or Ayur Lagna and this will depend on which Varga is strongest, D1, D9 or D45 or D60. In order not to complicate this by presenting too many parameters which land up increasing the possibility of a technique working during testing (but land up messing and using of that technique) this approach is not presented for now.

Chart: John F. Kennedy – Assassinated while in car on November 22, 1963

8H has 8L Mars (metal) and Mer (travelling) now get the clue with aspect from Saturn the 6L of accidents and enmity. Note the position of these planets in the Navamsa, Mars is in 3H of travelling with another karaka of short travels Moon so he should be told to be

careful while travelling as that could be ‘how his death will happen’ - he was shot (metal mars) while travelling in a car during Saturn AD. Note the Saturn that was pointed out as one of the contenders in the Rasi Chart has gone in the 12H of exit in the Navamsa chart.

Chart: John F. Kennedy Jr

Son of the U.S President John F. Kennedy. 8H has very watery sign Pisces and its lord is Jupiter in the 5H which is in the arudha of the 3H of flying with the 3L of flying Venus and 6L of accidents Saturn . Note these contenders of death in D9. In D9 Jupiter the Rasi 8L is in the 11H which is the 8th ( death ) from the 4H of vehicles and is with A3 showing flying.

He died in a plane crash in water . The other contender Saturn is in 2H of family in D9, he was with his spouse.



On 7/16/1999, while he and Carolyn were flying to Martha's Vineyard, he reported at 9:39

PM that they were 13 miles off the coast and coming in for a landing. Moments later the radar showed the plane dropping. After a full day of searching, debris was found in the water the following afternoon, but no survivors.

Death Technique when Activated by BCP

On 16th July 1999 when the accident happened he was at the age of 39, which means 3H of flying and short travels. It has Neptune over there in the 3H – Neptune signifies water and the dangers from it; anyone who sees his chart and who has used outer planets would advice him not to fly OVER water. Now the BCP Focus year being 3H its lord Venus is with the

8L of death Jupiter and 6L of accidents 'Activated' the above death contenders to deliver the results.

Chart: Indira Gandhi – shot at home on 31


Oct 1984

Our team member, writer and friend Babban Kumar Singh loves to play the Devil’s

Advocate for some reason. When we called him saying that we might have stumbled upon how to see how Death will happen, he gave us a blind chart to test us – he said on phone that the native had Cancer Lagna so we asked him where Saturn and Rahu were placed and he said Saturn was in lagna in Cancer (home) and Rahu was in the 6H with 4L of home Venus.

In addition we asked who aspected 8H he said Mars so in total Mars, Rahu & Saturn are to be looked in the Navamsa. So we got that Saturn was in the 11H, Mars in the 6H of accidents or police along with Sun (police) and Rahu in the 4H of home. We thought for a second and asked him if the native died due to some health issue at home or due to police firing by mistake. He said in a way it was police and then said it was the chart of Indira


You can see the 8L Rahu denotes cheating and is sitting in the 4H in Navamsa showing someone close to her heart (4H is heart) in her home (4H is home) will be the cause of her death, she was shot by her bodyguards (Sun – police) and it happened during Saturn MD and

Rahu AD the two contenders of her death as previously pointed out.

Sat MD: Rah AD: 1984-06-26 - 1987-05-03

Till the writing of this article, we were perplexed as to the role of Rahu being placed in

Gemini , then in Wikipedia we found this

On 31 October 1984, two of Gandhi's bodyguards, Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, assassinated her with their service weapons in the garden of the Prime Minister's residence at 1, Safdarjung Road, New

Delhi as she was walking, past a wicket gate guarded by Satwant and Beant, to be interviewed by the

British actor Peter Ustinov, who was filming a documentary for Irish television.

Rahu denotes film/tv and 3H denotes Tv specifically and Gemini is the 3 rd H in natural zodiac. What is to be gathered here is that the surroundings will always match with the chart, the drama will first be enacted in the chart which is what is so difficult for us astrologers to see.

Chart: Mechanics Chart from ADB

American mechanic. He went to work at a Lincoln-Mercury dealership in mid-1997 on a work release program from jail where he had been incarcerated for alcohol abuse. After two weeks he was released and rented an apartment. He was very mentally disturbed. At the Christmas party, he brought his ex-wife, but did not enter in the festivities. On

12/24/1997 he took a pistol and killed himself with a gunshot to the head.

Use our technique, see 8H is empty and its lord is Mercury signifying intellect or loss of it sitting in the 1H of Head with Sun Saturn Rahu , so all these 4 become contenders in the

Navamsa chart. Which out of these 4 will give the real result is the job of a Master

Astrologer or a Rishi and not us. Now note Sun, Rahu, Saturn and Mercury in the Navamsa to determine how the native will die.

Sun & 8L of death of Rasi Mercury is with Mars (bullet) aspecting Aries via Mars the very

Lord of Aries which stands for head; this Aries is in turn aspected by Saturn (our other contender) by its 10 th aspect doubly fortifying it. The AD or MD can be of any of the above 4, so we can note. He died on 24 th Dec 1997 by shooting himself in the head when his

Mer AD was running who is one of our contenders for death.

Vimsottari Dasa:

Jup MD: Merc AD: 1997-11-10 - 2000-02-16

Chart: Rajeev Shahi – Death by hanging on ceiling

This chart was supplied by Babban Kumar Singh, saying that the native died on 10 th Nov

2005 by hanging on his house ceiling. Note the 8L Venus comes to the Asc which is head and is conjoined with Mercury which makes Venus and Mer as contenders for death in the

Navamsa chart. Mercury sits in the 4H of one’s home in the D9 with Ketu (exit) and becoming headless or doing headless action.

Venus the other death contender goes in an airy sign Gemini in the 6H of accidents or unnatural death so it can be presumed that he would die in an unnatural death fashion. He died by hanging himself on the ceiling when Venus/Saturn/Venus Dasa was running.

Chart: Bruce Lee – Cerebral Haemorrhage on 20


July 1973

On 7/20/1973 while at the apartment of an actress friend discussing the possibility of her co-starring in a movie with him, he suffered a severe headache. When he stretched out on her bed, she offered him the prescription drug Equagesic for his pain. Lee was declared dead an hour after he arrived at the hospital. First reports indicated that Lee suffered a cerebral haemorrhage brought on by the Equagesic. Since he hadn't taken enough to do more than cause an upset stomach an inquest was held. The coroner testified that Lee may have died of cannabis poisoning because traces of "pot" were discovered in the actor's stomach and intestines. Friends and associates maintain that Lee was murdered and theories range from angry Elders of the Manchu Dynasty to the CIA and jealous film rivals bumping him off. Wikipedia offers ‘ Black Belt magazine in 1985 carried the speculation that the death of Bruce Lee in 1973 may have been caused by "a delayed reaction to a Dim Mak strike he received several weeks prior to his collapse". As well other authors have said the death of

Bruce Lee may have been due to a " Vibrating Palm technique ".

Theories abound and astrology can only indicate roughly. Note the 8L is Mer with 3 planets aspected by Saturn and so is the 8H aspected by Saturn. Note Mer and Saturn for now in order to avoid too many contenders and see Mer is in Aries (Head) in Navamsa giving some direction towards cerebral haemorrhage being the case of death but at the same time Mer is in the 7H of relationships and business partners (that day he was with a woman actress and business partner Mr. Raymond Chow, the scenario is set ). At the same time,

Mercury is the 3L of hands in natural zodiac and the Dim Mak Strike or Vibrating Palm technique cannot be ruled out. Saturn aspects the 8H from the 6H of unnatural death becoming one of our contenders and he died during Saturn/Rahu/Saturn. As you know

Rahu defeats Mer in war and here Rahu has created the mystery of his death.

Chart: Gorlewski, Dennis

This is taken from Astro Data Bank

The 8 th lord is Moon (travel) placed with Sun and in the 8 th house there is Mars

(significator of accidents). So Moon Mars and Sun become the contenders to give death,

Mars is placed in the 6H of accidents in the D9, Sun carrying the highest shadbala can maybe become a bigger contender & is placed in the 3H of short travels in D9 in the sign of Sagi owned by Jupiter. Well he was an American motorcycle cop; he died after being hit by a dump truck while on duty February 1987. During Feb 87 he was running the antardasha of

Jupiter who is the lord of the Sun in D9 being the contender of death as per the proposed theory.

Chart: Patrick Swayze

– Died of Pancreatic Cancer



8L is Mars in the 3H in sign Scorpio with Gulika, the sign Scorp shows incurable disease.

8H hosts Jupiter – incidentally Jupiter is regarded as karaka for pancreas 1 .

So there are two major contenders of death Mars (8L) and Jupiter (in 8H). Observe this in the navamsa: Mars is located in the 7H of maraka and Jupiter is in the 12H of exit with A8

(chronic disease), aspecting the 6H of pancreas region . The native is actor Patrick Swayze who died of pancreatic cancer .


As our knowledge of medical astrology is not of mastery level we asked dear friend Master K S Charak on the phone regarding pancreas. He said take 5H & 6H and Jupiter & Venus as karaka. Readers can read his medical astrology classics which are available in every book store.

Transgressing for a bit, those who use Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi, observe A8 in the Rashi chart, note that he died in the 58 th year, take A8 as the Asc and the 58 th year would be the 7H whose lord Jupiter signifying pancreas is in the 8H of death and its dispositor Mars is in the

3H which is the secondary house of death.

Chart: Adolf Hitler

His time of birth has been suspect


and Indian Astrologers of one era have failed to dig deeper into it. It does not matter here as to what is his time of birth, we have not worked on his chart to rectify his time of birth but as an example of the technique just use the time of birth as rectified by Sumeet Chugh in his books. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler#Defeat_and_death

On 30 April 1945, after intense street-to-street combat, when Soviet troops were within a block or two of the Reich

Chancellery, Hitler committed suicide, shooting himself in the temple while simultaneously biting into a cyanide capsule. Hitler's body and that of Eva Braun were put in a bomb crater, doused in gasoline by SS Sturmbannführer

Otto Günsche and other Führerbunker aides, and set alight as the Red Army advanced and shelling continued.

Astrodata bank gives this http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Hitler%2C_Adolf

At 3:30 PM on April 30, he and his bride committed suicide. The dictator shot himself through the mouth and Eva took poison. Their bodies were carried to the courtyard where they were doused with gasoline and torched.

Note 8L Venus is in the sign Aries (head) with Mars (bullet) with Gulika Mandi (poison), a clue is given, take these contenders of death Venus Mars in the D9 and observe. Note 8L


AstroDatabank says Zenit 11/1933, quotes B.R. BJA same "from a gentleman acquainted with Hitler's sister-inlaw," 7/1938 (The Editor of BJA, 4/1932, rectifies to 6:17 PM. Sabian Symbols No.462 gives 6:14 PM)

(In 6/1989, Claudia von Schierstedt confirmed the data to LMR, from research of archives. Austria at that time did not have the time of birth on the certificate but Heinz Noesselt, a co-worker at "Zenit," asked at the rectory, as the church did keep a notice of the birth and christening, and published the information in Zenit 11/1933, p. 431.

Hitler was born 20April 1889 6 1/2 in the evening, at Salzburger Vorstadt 219, Branau."

Venus is in the Navamsa in the lagna which is 1H and denotes upper head (he shot himself in the temple) and Mars (bullet) is there in the 1H in Navamsa.

D 60 Confirmations

Obviously his time of birth would not be accurate to the minute but it does not matter just use D60 signs as at times it gives superb clues . See the contenders of death as listed above that is

Ven (D1 8L) and Mars both are in the sign of Aries (Head), he supposedly shot himself in the head . One must note that recent newspaper reports speculates other means of his death and for decades some have speculated that Hitler escaped to a region called the Center of the


Chart: Christopher Reeve


On May 27, 1995, while riding at the Commonwealth Dressage event, which is a threeday competition in precision horsemanship, he was thrown forward and hit his head, suffering multiple fractures of the first and second cervical vertebrae in his spine. The trauma left him paralyzed and unable to breathe on his own.

Battling a systemic infection stemming from a pressure wound, Reeve suffered cardiac arrest and slipped into a coma on October 9, 2004 at his New York home. He passed away of heart failure the following day.

8H has Aquarius it has two lords Saturn and Rahu, note these as the primary contenders of death, see 8L Saturn is in the 3 rd house of riding he had a riding accident which paralysed him. He died due to heart failure, heart is Cancer sign and some even take Leo sign, Virgo sign is the sign of disease (natural 6H of diseases/accidents). Now see in D9 Saturn is placed in the sign of Cancer (heart) and in the 6H of accidents, Rahu the other contender is placed in the 8H of death in the sign of Virgo (accidents and diseases).

D60 has one contender Saturn in the sign of Gemini (riding) and Rahu in Cancer (heart).

He rode got paralysed (Saturn) and it was an incurable disease (Rahu) – and he died of heart failure (Cancer). If you take mean nodes in D60 you get Rahu in Taurus. D60 lagna could be accurate as Jupiter in D1 is the 6L of accidents, in D60 it is 3L of riding and 6L of accidents

and it is placed in Asc (whole body) effected and on the day of the accident, May 27 1995, he was running the AD of Jupiter.

Chart: Jerry Garcia


American musician and popular leader of the top rock group "The Grateful Dead." Together since the mid-'60s, the group had an incredible following and Garcia is a cult figure with popularity approaching worship by many "Deadheads." Death by Heart Attack on 9 August


See 8L Mars is with Rahu in the sign of Leo (heart). Note these two contenders of death in

D9 where Mars is in the 11H of Navamsa (8th of death from 4H of heart), Rahu is in Cancer

(heart) in the 12H of exit. He died of heart attack . This chart was illustrated to show another method which needs to be probed further and fine tuned.

Jerry’s father died of Drowning when Jerry was 5; in Nadi readings you would always find death details of many members of the family from one chart. See 9H is father, 8th from it

(4H) shows the longevity of the father. In the 4H sits A8 (death) – maybe early death. Now see that the lord of this house is Jupiter and note its position in the Navamsa – it is sitting in the 8H (natural water house) and in sign of Pisces (very watery sign) with Venus who is exalted. The death of father happened due to drowning.

Chart: Adolf Eichmann

Double AA rating on birth time by ADB

German Lieutenant Colonel in the SS who drew up a "doomsday book" of 11 million Jews scheduled for extermination. At the time, he was a hero in Nazi Germany. However, Eichmann went down in history as an unspeakable monster. He escaped in 1945 and was hunted for years. After he was captured, Eichmann went through a lengthy trial and was convicted as a war criminal.

Note the 8L in Natal chart is Mars in the 8H and it is placed in the 2H of neck in the

Navamsa. Eichmann was hanged on 5/31/1962, 11:30 PM, Ramla, Israel. Usually hanging happens on the neck which is what the technique shows.

Chart: Brandon Lee – Not So Easy

American actor and noted family, the son of martial arts star Bruce Lee. His dad died on

7/20/1973 of a cerebral haemorrhage. Brandon, who followed in his dad's footsteps to make action-films was also killed at an early age, on 3/31/1992. While filming "The Crow," he was struck by a bullet lodged in the barrel of a gun that was supposed to have contained only blanks, Wilmington, NC.

8L Moon is with 3 planets Venus , Mercury & Sun . Finding out which contender will hit where is not easy, longevity needs to be calculated by mathematical formula and Yoga and then see the dasa; if the MD or AD hits one of the contenders then you see where that Contender is placed.

Let’s take the above example where there are 4 contenders. Which one to choose is a million dollar question but if you did maths, then take yoga, then take one BSP rule of where

Saturn sits, it implements in the 6th from itself in the 28th year & then know that the native is doing a film in which he portrays the character called Eric Draven … then you quickly check

Sarvatobhadra Chakra and see which planets aspect E – you would see it is the planet Saturn of Bhrighu Saral Paddathi striking it in the 28 th year … What a coincidence, since Saturn sits in the 3H of death and E is aspected by Ketu who sits in the 12 th house of Exit and Ketu signifies Mistake . Then you got to check the name of the movie too which was ‘ The Crow’ – so in Sarvatobhadra Chakra 3 you see ‘ T ’ & ‘ C ’. The letter ‘ T ’ is aspected by Saturn again and

C is aspected by 8L of death Moon & again Ketu . Worst is Crow is signified by Saturn in

Vedic Astrology and Saturn is natural karaka of death .

Coming back to the technique 8L of death Moon is placed in the 2H with Mer who is in the 5H of stomach where he was hit by the bullet – and it is with Mars which is metal and signifies bullet in this case. In D60 also Mer, the contender of death, is with Ketu (showing it was a mistake) in the 12H of exit – if the D60 is accurate, this takes place in the sign of Leo showing the stomach where he was hit. He died in Moon AD who is the 8L of death in Rasi.

Father From The Son

Any technique is sometimes very easily evident in a chart & sometimes not so easily seen – every experienced astrologer knows this fundamental principle of Universe but the critical astrologer fails to accept & becomes blind to the above fundamental. Father is 9H, 8 th from it is the sign Pisces whose lord is Jupiter (expansive) sitting in the 8 th from the 10H of father again (double whammy) and is with A8 (some death) and is in the sign Aries

(head/brain), all this aspected by the 3 rd aspect of Saturn so his father’s death should happen all of a sudden and it would have something to do with his brain. His dad died on 7/20/1973 of a cerebral haemorrhage .

Chart: O Henry – Story of Stories

This is one of our most favourite charts, his life, his story is what real men are made up of.

American author, one of America's favourite short story writers and one of the top selling writers of the early 20th century. His career was largely compressed into the final nine years of his life. His adaptation of his pen name, like his refusal to allow his photo to be printed and his habit of giving out false biographical information, was intended to hide from the world, and especially from his daughter Margaret, a criminal record. He had been


This is how we have experimented with Sarvatobhadra Chakra and much more.

indicted for embezzlement of bank funds in Austin, Texas and sent to a prison in Columbus,

Ohio 1898 to 1901. He spent his three years in prison writing so he could earn money to support his daughter.

On the evening of June 3rd, 1910 he was overcome by pain. When taken to the hospital he emptied his pockets, finding that he had a total of 23 cents . His diabetes and cirrhosis of the liver were both far advanced. On the morning of June 5th, he stirred and said, " Turn up the lights. I don’t want to go home in the dark ," and died at 7:06 AM. His headstone does not even mention the name by which he became famous and beloved , but reads William Sydney Porter, 1862-


Rashi 8H is empty and 8L is Jupiter in the sign of Virgo (Disease) with exalted

Mercury and Saturn (Peeda karaka - disease karaka & poverty karaka also). The 8L Jupiter is in the 4H in D9 with A8, (death, chronic disease) and A6 (disease). Medical astrology says

Jupiter represents Liver and also causes diabetes ( one broad rule, Jupiter aspecting 4H or 4L can cause diabetes if other factors support as per some ). So his death could be either due to heart disease (Jup in 4H in D9) or due to Liver related issues.

On the evening of June 3rd, 1910 he was overcome by pain. When taken to the hospital he emptied his pockets, finding that he had a total of 23 cents 4 . His diabetes and cirrhosis of the liver were both far advanced. On the morning of June 5th, he stirred and said, "Turn up the lights. I don’t want to go home in the dark," and died at 7:06 AM. His headstone does not even mention the name by which he became famous and beloved, but reads William

Sydney Porter, 1862-1910.

Ironically at the end of his life he said ‘ I don’t want to go 'HOME' (Jupiter in 4H of home in

D9) in the dark (Jupiter is the light).

Chart: Bradley, Verna



Nep Ur

Data is from Astro Data Bank with Rodden’s AA rating. To predict how death has happened in this case is just not possible by us though we have seen a stunning prediction on death from the Legendary Parampara Maharashtrian Astrologer Shri Bhatkhandheji by using Outer planets (who probably never read western astrology) to predict from a chart that ‘ natives relative would have died by committing suicide in the well in the house’ . Let us see this current chart with Outer planets.

6L in Lagna strikes you first and then you notice the affliction to all the watery signs.

Astrologers must always break up a chart into which of the Tatva signs are afflicted – this has not been highlighted in the above article but this is a must for every chart that is often ignored by astrologers. 8H has Uranus who is lord of Aquarius which is sitting in the 4H of home and well. The 8 th Lord of death is Mercury who is with Gulika 5 ( poison ) and Neptune signifying water is in the 8 th house of ghatak from the 4H of well with 4 th co-lord Saturn.

Some take 4H for well since in olden days, the well was inside your compound; and some take 3H for well if the well is outside your compound. Do not forget that this Mercury is the dispositor of Neptune ( water ).

4 Usually there is a loose dictum that whenever 8L is with Saturn at the very moment of one’s end, one won’t have money, this obviously needs to be tested.

5 We are using Jhora settings of Gulika rising at beginning of Saturn’s portion & Mandi at middle of

Saturn’s portion, Parasara’s Light shows it in the 11H so does Shri Jyoti Star but it does not give the calculation of Gulika Mandi. Even if it is in the 11H house this Gulika (poison) would be with Neptune


Now the contenders of death, Mercury and Uranus in Navamsa, are in the 8H of death thereby being doubly fortified in the sign of Taurus signifying throat & oral consumption. Then piece together throat, water, well and poison and read below.





American female born into a traumatized black family. She died from poisoned well water on 12/22/1969, Houston, TX.

In chara dasa of K. N. Rao, it was the AD of Virgo where Neptune (water) is sitting in

D1 – it is the 8 th house of Ghatak from well in D1 and the 12H of exit in Navamsa where

Neptune and Rahu (poisoning) are placed; in D60, this Virgo is in the 12H of exit with Rahu

(poison) & Moon (water), death due to poisoned water. One may note that Rahu is the colord of Aquarius & in D60, where the real test of true or mean nodes is seen, it often remains ignored by astrologers to test the nodes true or mean position in D60 – by verifying, you would find that if one takes mean nodes, then Rahu is no longer in Virgo but in Cancer.

Sometimes by not using Outer Planets it becomes a bit difficult to see subtle things.

Wells & Classics

Transgressing into classical sources, lets look at what is said about wells in general in classics:-

Jataka Parijata Chp 1 Sh 10-12

The seat of Cancer or the Crab is a lake, a pond or a sand-bank in the midst of water.

Well is not mentioned here but let’s assume that Cancer shows water body of a well,

Pisces is river, sea. Now note the signs of Cancer in some of the divisionals of this chart.

Ketu (Exit) occupies Cancer in D1, 4L of well Saturn (disease karaka) is in Cancer in D9,

Rahu (poison) dispositor Mer is situated in Cancer with Venus the 8L of death in D60. The native must be warned to be careful of water bodies like ponds and wells.

Brihat Jataka Chp 2 Shl 12

Moon presides over wells and water

Sanketa Nidhi Ch 4 Shl 108

If Moon be in 11H, the man digs wells and succeeds in getting sacrifices and other rites performed.

8th house is the hidden/underground house, now 8th from 4th house of home will be

11H, and this will be what is underneath/ hidden like a well and Moon signifies Water and wells and thus with Moon in the 11H, man digs wells.

Saravali Ch 23 Shl 23

The Moon In Cancer: If the Moon is in Cancer at birth, the native will be fortunate, valorous, be endowed with residence, friends, journeys and astrological knowledge, be sensuous, grateful, be a minister, be truthful, will live abroad, be passionate, hairy bodied, fond of water and flowers, interested in construction of houses, wells etc., and will have a prominent neck.

Satyajatakam Ch 4 Shl 4

If the lord of the 4th house be in its own house, and be strongly placed there, it is extremely auspicious.

(If it be any one of the 5 major planets, Mahapurusha yoga will be caused). All the significations of the 4th house will thrive to a great extent. This is true even when the lord of the 4th house be placed in

Kendras or trikonas with strength. The native will get higher education, gains and happiness through his conveyances, buildings and mother. He will build new houses plant fruit trees and dig wells.

Satyajatakam Ch 4 Shl 13

In general, if the lord of the 4th house be in a Kendra or a kona, or in his own sign and be strong, its significations i.e. happiness, education, conveyances, lands, agriculture, etc., will thrive well. The native will dig wells and construct new houses.

Bhrighu Sutram Chapter 2 Shl 33-40

‘ Moon placed in 6H with Rahu or Ketu. In this disposition, watery places like wells or ponds may prove dangerous for his life’ .

Moon is water, Rahu Ketu shows the evil that can come in one’s life and 6H is the house of diseases, accidents & natural badhak house.


Y ou are requested to look at the 9 th divisional (D9) of the above chart, Verna Bradly, and see that the verse quote above of Bhrighu Sutram Chp 2, Shl 33-40 & combine it with Angihotri Maharaj, Banaras reference of Vol 2 Publitorial. Bhrighu Rishi, the greatest of all, says that Moon in 6H with Ketu signifies wells might prove dangerous to life which is what happened. Some writers have spent a lot of time on internet forums like

Jyotish Group trying to argue that houses placements are not valid in divisionals charts – they are requested to re-look at this chart and combine Bhrighu Rishi’s statements with that of Agnihotri Maharaj’s.

After going through the above classical quotes (especially Sanketa Nidhi) one is tempted to think that well might not truly be denoted by the 4H but by the 11H as it is the the 8 th house of underground from the 4H of home/land and water is found underground.

Readers are requested to probe further with charts where natives have comitted suicide in well or faced dangers in well and these verses will shed more light. At the same time, one is tempted to re-think more deeply & re-evaluate on :-

a) Verses of Sages do not work verbatim b) One can’t soley depend on blind interpretation of verses c) Ancient books were written thousands of years back – those verses and yogas do not work in present times of Kaliyuga

Some of the charts presented in this article work to the T in giving hints; in some one has to go in a roundabout manner. There were many more cases which have not been presented here as they were too simple and would add up space but they worked to the T. As stated earlier, this is not the only technique available to arrive at clues as to how death can occur. In some blind charts we have failed and only when the manner of death was told could we see it in a split second using this technique – what that means is the amount of practice one does greatly helps. It’s like going to the gym and exercising with 20 repetitions of 3 sets daily for 6 months before fat starts to reduce and faint visibility of cuts of muscles start to appear. We all need to develop our Jyotish muscles and, using a technique on 5 charts and forming judgement, is like insulting the gym of astrology.
