From by guest on March 1, 2016. For personal use only. Changes Peritoneal Mast Cells By Yuzuru Two in Numbers and Types Cavity of Mice After Kanakura, different produce cell Kuriu, types of cells in the cell colonies colonies precursors cells (IP) eration was process between injection CFU-Mast then M-CFU-Mast and few peritoneal mast cells,35 mast proliferation cells by using x C57BL/6)F,- mice as genetically differentiation single of the in vivo identifiable mast (hereafter A for rela- cell-deficient WBB6F,- peritoneal W/WT) mast cell was + I + of inhibit the 1988 marrow Grune cells syndrome) On appeared the colony other hand, formation by confirmed the both that result 5% of the Nakahata 3 (IL for clonal tiation type that produced cells but light (L-CFU-Mast) the the microscopy.’ Although In the present of the eradication L-CFU-Mast ship. cell lymphoid et al’ colonymast cells the suggesting When first. L-CFU-Mast of differentiated did L-CFU-Mast from that had been Blood, Vol 71, mice cells mast two days were injected the bloodstream. No 3 (March), irradiated 1988: mast pp 573-580 fly.3I4 Mice were Radiation used METHODS / + between ) and + were mice. laminar flow bocyte chimerism (BMT) according 2 to 4 months WBB6F,injected with chimeras. (850 rad) and C57BL/6-bg/bg The 2 / + + C57BL/6-(bg’/bg, months mice were were bone method reported Cancer Pathology. X-irradiated were marrow Survivors after of age. mice bone recipient enclosure. to the with cells (10’) of kept within a checked marrow for granu- transplantation by Murphy et al.’5 Mice the mice by of Second Medical Laboratory Animal Department School, May Supported by grantsfrom Culture. Foundation, the and Address reprint sity 8. 1 987; Ministry Takeda Foundation, the Biomedical Internal Osaka, Hamamatsu, accepted the Asahi School, Science Welfare, the Mochida Science and MD, Institute, 4-3-57. and Mitsubishi Memorial Culture. Kitamura, Research Nakanoshima Shizuoka 7, 1987. ofEducation. to Yukihiko Biomedical Osaka and Japan. Ministry Fundfor Research Medicine, Japan; October of Health and Science Foundation, requests Pathology. Medical Kita-Ku. Center, Submitted of Division Osaka Kita-Ku, of Univer- Osaka, 530 Japan. purified injection, Division and University Cancer relation- the Institute cell that the presence the recruitment of rescued AND ) were raised in our laboratory. From S-CFU-Mast In WBB6F,-+/+ and to M-CFU-Mast. by the number medium not increase, suggesting mast cells may suppress lethally cells, the water type, whereas type. Since of +/+ The giant granules of C57BL/ mice were used as markers to identify the origin of mast cells.”2 The original stocks of mutant mice were derived from The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, but W” and bg’ mutant genes have been maintained in C57BL/6 mice of our own inbred cob- formation, of a hierarchic after to Ch#{233}diak-l-Iigashi ofbg/bg were Mice of WBB6F,-(W/W’, Mice. water.’#{176}The and presence WBB6F,-+/+ peritoneal Then (M-CFU-Mast) units the and demonstrated of distilled mast suppress to M-CFU-Mast. (beige, were MATERIALS filter-air and small mast cell has not been clarified. peritoneal mast cells by ofdifferentiated increased colony-forming appeared, the process relationship After mast differentiated for colony injection In of mast cells was investigated to clarify between L-CFU-Mast and S-CFU-Mast. regeneration the (IP) were (CFU-Mast) Nakahata L-CFU-Mast units (S-CFU-Mast) study we eradicated intraperitoneal 4) cells.9 contained IL 3 alone between colony-forming the large resembling required relationship of mice not We by differen- units are precursors L-CFU-Mast that produced colony-forming colonies.8 The larger are 4 (IL mast cell vitro cells. demonstrated interleukin other units and of differentiated tiated in mast develop- S-CFU-Mast. Inc. S-CFU-Mast of L-CFU-Mast + I + 6-bg/bg sites.’ reported et al’ to small mast cell colonies mast cells, the peritoneal cavity forming al’ peritoneal 3) and growth of mast injection et purified of Nakahata interleukin necessary addition at about and the injection of distilled water into the peritoneal cavity of the radiation chimeras resulted in the development of bg/ bg-type M-CFU-Mast and then S-CFU-Mast, the presence of differentiated mast cells appeared to inhibit the differen- under the phase contrast microscope, picked up micromanipulator, and injected into the skin of WBB6F,-W/W” mice. Mast cell colonies comprising -2,000 cells of mice, bloodstream of L-CFU-Mast L-CFU-Mast and been cells in the to the the of distilled then appeared of C57BL/6-bg/bg M-CFU-Mast had injection and from & Stratton, mice, that but The the In marrow resulted cells L-CFU-Mast differentiation by type. chimeras mast increase. bone M-CFU-Mast of not M-CFU-Mast bg/bg of presence after type, of radiation purified days syndrome) were of bg/bg’-type When two mice by Kitamura Ch#{233}diak-Higashi were recruitment + I + rescued S-CFU-Mast the did WBB6F1- and L-CFU-Mast identified with the mast of Yukihiko injected L-CFU-Mast (beige, to and relationship. were the C57BL/6-bg/bg S used recently we demonstrated morphologically W/W’ recipients.6” suggesting widely on the and Yonezawa, cells irradiated The S- Precursors a hierarchic cavity lethally ment and Until done but of potential (WB are of mast injection. water S-CFU-Mast. appeared. functions.”2 been regen- increased, CELLS cell had studies and S-CFU-Mast by relationship M-CFU-Mast L-CFU-Mast MAST mast In the Takeshi presence peritoneal cell mast The the Asai, peritoneal cells water. water, but ERITONEAL tively mast to clarify M-CFU-Mast, distilled disappeared, of microscopy mast of distilled investigated of studies light respectively). the Cells in the Evidence That Marrow-Derived Hidekazu water “small” peritoneal injection of mice “Large” identifiable S-CFU-Mast. L-CFU-Mast, After by and eradicated intraperitoneal P lymphoid Nakano, marrow-derived by morphologically we Toru cavity bone Cell Colony-Forming of Distilled Water: of Bone methylcellulose. by and study Waki, peritoneal in “medium” produced (M-CFU-Mast present Noriko produced whereas are cells are resembling (L-CFU-Mast), colonies Differentiation Akira mast mast Suppress of Mast Injection bone The charge publication costs ofthis article payment. This article must “advertisement” indicate this fact. © I 988 by Grune in accordance & Stratton, with were defrayed therefore 18 U.S.C. be in part hereby §1734 by page marked solely to Inc. 0006-4971/88/7103-0124$3.0o/o 573 From by guest on March 1, 2016. For personal use only. 574 KANAKURA that were bg/bg shown granulocytes were used as + chimeras. Cell suspensions. 25 g, were injected 3 mL saline. of bg’/bg-type to have only +1 -+ Mice of either IP with At 3 mL various weighing sex, ofdistilled times water. after the approximately Controls received injection, mice were (Sigma), 60 ;g of human moL/L FeCl3 (Wako soybean lecithin (Sigma) per milliliter Clonal cell transferrin (Sigma) Pure Chemicals, (Sigma) per per Osaka, milliliter, and ET AL milliliter, 0.45 Japan), 9.6 16 j.g of zg of cholesterol for five days. cultures. Methylcellulose culture was carried out anesthetized by ether and were killed by decapitation; 3 mL of a-medium (Flow Laboratories, Rockville, MD) containing 10 IU/ mL heparin and 0.1% bovine serum albumin (BSA) was injected into the peritoneal cavity; the abdomen was gently massaged for 30 seconds. The peritoneal cavity was opened, and the fluid containing peritoneal cells was aspirated with a Pasteur pipette. Peritoneal cells according were plated in 35-mm Lux standard nontissue culture dishes (Flow). Dishes were incubated at 37#{176}C in a humidified atmosphere flushed with 5% CO2 in air. Mast cell colonies were counted on day 14 and were classified by their size into three types: small (four to 3 1 cells), washed and suspended in a-medium. cells were suspended in a-medium Blood samples were collected mononuclear cells were separated by B#{216}yum.” Two equal volume milliliters ( I .077 the and retro-orbital according and were g/mL; marrow spleen as described.” from blood carefully Pharmacia sinus. to the method of heparinized of saline Ficoll-Paque Sweden). Bone were mixed layered Fine The described Uppsala, and suspended in uous and dense gradient centrifugation density according to the methods described by B#{216}yum”and Yurt et al,” respectively. Peritoneal cells from ten mice were collected by peritoneal lavage of each mouse with 3 mL of Tyrode’s buffer containing 0.1% gelatin (Sigma Chemical Co. St Louis). The cells were sedimented at 400 g for 15 minutes at room temperature and washed twice with the buffer. 10 cells in I mL of Tyrode’s buffer were layered on 2 mL of 22.5% wt/vol Metrizamide (1.120 g/mL, Nyegaard & Co, Oslo, Norway) and centrifuged at room temperature for 15 minutes at 400 g. The cells remaining at the To obtain interface in dense were the fractions, collected pellet were 3 x 10 to and used to obtain washed and light resuspended fractions. in 1 mL The of cells Tyrode’s buffer. The above-mentioned procedure was repeated by using the cells resuspended from the pellet to obtain dense fractions in which purity of mast cells was 99%. To obtain light fractions the cells remaining at Tyrode’s bufferMetrizamide interface were washed and resuspended in Tyrode’s buffer. Five milliliters of the suspension was layered on 3 mL Ficoll-Paque and centrifuged at room temperature for 20 minutes at 400 g; the cells at the interface were washed and resuspended in 5 mL of Tyrode’s Ficoll-Paque buffer; the cell suspension and was centrifuged. was The interface again layered on was used as light HyClone, in either methylcellubose. cals) method method described by Nakahata et al.#{176} After being washed dilution of PWM a-thioglycerol sodium selenite (GIBCO, (Sigma), (Sigma), Grand 25 mmoL/L 1% of Island, HEPES deionized NY), (Sigma), bovine 0.1 mmoL/L 0.1 ,moL/L serum albumin UT), 1% and and 30% deionized 10% large fetal (500 cells, bovine BSA, (vol/vol) serum 10 moL/L PWM-SCM cells) mast cultured or peritoneal mast was cell colonies, cells.’2 concentration of hydroxyurea bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd; Wako was used as an index for cell proliferation described previously.2’ Briefly, 50 ,g/g N NaOH three times with a-medium, spleen cells were incubated at 2 x 106 cells/mL in a 1:1 mixture of a-medium and modified Ham’s F,2 medium (Flow Laboratories, Rockville, MD), containing a 1/300 This incorporated The by the (Sigma), cells that Cell counts. Number of cells was determined with standard hemocytometer. Mast cells were identified either by staining with neutral red (0.02% in 0.9% NaCI) or by the phase contrast microscope. These methods gave similar results. However, when the proportion of mast cells in the examined cell suspension was low, i05 Southern, peritoneal for previously.’ Shandon nucleated was suitable after (Cytospin, I0 al.2#{176} One killing cells in S phase, as reported by Kanamaru et al.’3 Incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine. Proportion of mast was in a cytocentrifuge containing et Hydroxyurea treatment. Bone marrow cells and peritoneal cells were washed twice in serum-free a-medium and then incubated for 60 minutes at 37#{176}C in prewarmed serum-free a-medium with or without 200 jzg/mL hydroxyurea (Sigma) at a concentration of 106 cells/mL. After incubation cells were washed three times in amedium supplemented with 2% fetal calfserum (FCS) and plated in minutes spun Nakahata cells, or 3 x 10’ bone marrow (Sigma), aminoglycans BrdUrd were by Staining ofcultured cells. Individual colonies were lifted from the methylcellubose medium by using 3-L Eppendorf pipette under direct microscopic visualization and were collected in Eppendorf microcentrifuge tubes containing 0.5 mL of Eagle’s medium. After washing two times with the medium, the samples were immediately spun in a cytocentrifuge at 600 rpm for five minutes. The slides were stained with alcian blue’9 or berberine sulfate.2’ Specimens stained with berberine sulfate were examined with Olympus epifluorescence microscope. Enerb#{228}ckdemonstrated that berberine sulfate specifically stains heparin-containing granules of connective tissue-type mast cells (CTMC) by cytofluorometry.2’ We recently confirmed this by showing that the fluorescence disappeared after the heparinase digestion.’6 Moreover, the staining with berberine sulfate is consistent with the chemical analysis of glycos- In one experiment the fractionation was done after removal of phagocytes by carbonyl iron (GAF Co. New York) as described Elliot, IL) at 600 rpm for five minutes; mast cells were counted after staining cytocentrifuged specimens with alcian blue.” Conditioned medium. Serum-free pokeweed mitogen stimulated spleen cell conditioned medium (PWM-SCM) was prepared Logan, (32 to 499 cells), fractions. cells mixture mononuclear 2-mercaptoethanol respectively. Peritoneal cells were separated (a 1 . I 20) fractions on discontin- centrifugation. I .077 g/mL) (FBS; described 1% methylcellulose medium gradient ( light a-medium, of Chemicals, method of a culture an were washed the l0 blood with The cells at the interface Density milliliter cells, on 3 mL a-medium. into to peritoneal injected the cells specimens intravenously injection, (IV); and were fixed in chilled were first stained for denaturation the were with alcian blue, neutralized killed 60 preparations (4#{176}C)70% ethanol of DNA,25 Chemi- according to the body weight of mice cytocentrifuge Pure of for 12 hours. treated with with 0.1 0.07 moL/L borate buffer (pH 8.5), and then incubated with mouse anti-BrdUrd monoclonal antibody (MoAb; Becton Dickinson, Mountain View, CA). The specimens were washed, incubated with a biotin- conjugated horse antimouse antibody (Vector Laboratory, Inc, Burlingame, CA), and incubated with an avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (Vector Laboratory). Visualization of the reaction product was achieved with the diaminobenzidine-H,02 reaction, as previously described.’6 Mast cells were identified by the presence of alcian blue-positive granules in the cytoplasm, and the incorporation of BrdUrd was recognized by the presence of dark brown granules on the nucleus. RESULTS Mast cell colony-forming cell (CFU-Mast) in the intact peritoneal cavity. Peritoneal cells of intact WBB6F,+ / + mice were cultured in methylcellubose with PWM-SCM. From by guest on March 1, 2016. For personal use only. DIFFERENTIATION OF MAST 575 CELLS -s--.- I ‘-M----- L - 180 : 1111_1_ 4 8 16 32 64 128 No of Mast Cells Colony per Fig 1 . Number of mast cell colonies that contained different numbers of cells 14 days after plating 1O peritoneal cells of WBB6F,+ I + mice. Each bar represents the mean of seven mice. Mast cell colonies were arbitrarily divided into three groups according to their size: (1 ) small colonies (S; four to 31 cells). (2) medium colonies (M; 32 to 499 cells), and (3) large colonies (L; >500 cells). When colonies were scored most colonies culture, previously.” colonies different histogram shows individual colonies, into groups to 31 cells), colonies the divided to their colonies (32 Mast cells mast Fig 2. Cytocentrifuge preparations of cells in dense (panels A and C) and light (panels B and D) fractions separated from peritoneal cells of WBB6F,+ I + mice. The fractionation was done after removal of phagocytes. The same number of cells (3 x 1 O) from dense and light fractions was applied to the cytocentrifuge. Panels A and B. stained with alcian blue; original magnification x 60. Alcian blue-positive cells were scarcely observed in the light fraction (panel B). Panels C and D, stained with MayGr#{252}nwald-Giemsa; original magnification x470. Most of cells in the dense fraction were mast cells (panel C). and most of cells in the light fraction were cells that resembled lymphoid cells by light microscopy (panel D). numbers mast cell colonies size: small colonies to 499 cells), and in colonies cell the in Although of cell spectrum we arbitrarily cells). of the of of cells. according (500 initiation number numbers a continuous medium after only mast cells, as described 1 depicts Figure containing three 14 days comprised (four large of each size were sulfate; about 35% cells in small colonies and about 7% cells in medium colonies were stained with berberine sulfate, but cells in large colonies were stained with scarcely berberine stained sulfate-positive cells, were colonies ment. Each I .077) ( colony (Fig and dense (a I . 120) dye (Table I). 2), and were differentiated mast cell cells small originate and the purcursors as described Table Type of CFU-Mast tAlthough L-CFU-Mast mast cell colonies mast cell mast by scarcely cells Nakahata 1 . Classification Number) 500 32-499 and samples. light fractions were considered cells, large lymphoid et al’ of CFU-Mast mast to tion by produced I). Recovered From Proportion of Berberine Sulfate-Positive Cells in Colonies (%) < of Numbers counted. cell cells (Table not significantly the IP 0. 1 7.2 35.0 cells and macrophages, resembling lymphoid were collected, affect cells. and - cells distilled of No the the number distilled mast number of of peritoneal water cells water and increased 1 1% of the value harvested water were resulted in detectable in gradually. observed by peritoneal Cavity at various were ofsmall, medium, Before the injection the Peritoneal was mice; after the cavity 24 hours after the injection of distilled cells first appeared at I week after the IP cells times cultured in and large ofdistilled were of WBB6F1- The mast in control injection 3). after and the injec- methylcellulose. mast cell colonies were water most colonies mast small cell colonies. + I + Mice Density Morphology Light Resembling Dense Mast cell Dense Cells from ten to 20 small colonies and cells from three to ten medium contained lymphoid to be the precursors saline the proportion of differentiated Although the IP injection injection of mast Peritoneal in methylcelappeared of distilled or saline-injected mice at 1 2 weeks after the water reached the preinjection level at 20 weeks (Fig chiefly cells (Fig 2). Since 4-32 22 mast cells cells and determined. injection ofdistilled cell number was in water peritoneal The the peritoneal water. Mast con- IP injection injection. did small after distilled the peritoneal cavity of WBB6F,-+/+ mice were killed at various times saline cells cultured colonies resembling (Cell S-CFU-Mast of six to produced of injected into the recipient destruction in the mast cells of Three of total peritoneal mast cells were from cells were fraction Size of Colonies L-CFU-Mast M-CFU-Mast ‘Mean cells they the light large medium differentiated from colonies from light microscopy mast when mast cells and comprised cells by light microscopy produced obtained all identifiable colonies In contrast, tamed differentiated resembling lymphoid lulose, were almost morphologically these methylcellulose. the light cells, mast milliliters Regeneration water. of berberine When light entirely cells. fractions peritoneal fraction medium and fluorescent and no colonies consisted or sulfate-negative phagocyte-free dense this cells from individual small or medium with berberine sulfate in one expericontained a mixture of positive and stained negative cells, sulfate-positive the with it was necessary to pool three to 20 small or colonies to determine the percentage of berberine Although medium Mast colonies were lymphoid cellt cell pooled to prepare a sample. removal of macrophages increased the concentration of L-CFU-Mast. cells by light microscopy (Fig 2) as described by Nakahata et al. Thus From by guest on March 1, 2016. For personal use only. 576 KANAKURA ET AL 108 1O ( § Total v . Cells foe 10 >. c1o5 lO , ;<;;_ Mast Cells a io 15 20 Weeks after Water Wijection Fig 3. Numbers of total nucleated cells and morphologically identifiable mast cells in the peritoneal cavity of WBB6F,+ I + mice at various times after the IP injection of distilled water. Each point represents the mean ± SE of five to eight mice. The SE of total nucleated cells was too small to be shown. The points on the left side represent the value observed at one day after the injection. Hatched areas represent the mean ± SE observed in intact WBB6F1+ I + mice. Fig 4. Numbers of L-CFUMast, M-CFU-Mast, and S-CFUMast in the peritoneal cavity of WBB6F,-+ I + mice at various times after the IP injection of distilled water. Each point represents the mean ± SE of five to eight mice. The points on the left side represent the value observed at one day after the injection. Hatched areas represent the mean ± SE observed in intact WBB6F1+ I + mice. row cells to analyze Neither small nor the peritoneal of distilled The medium cells harvested water, number at I week mast cell at 24 hours but only large of L-CFU-Mast after week injection (Fig developed after the preinjection increase + developed. and continued 4). The injection from the injection mast cell colonies exceeded the water up to the third colonies to increase of M-CFU-Mast identifiable mast Peritoneal cells recovered which had been injected with from dense and into the used for separation + I+ light distilled water. Thus and the light L-CFU-Mast, distilled fractions which water, fractions occurred (Figs with cells the from intact the whole in the light fraction (Table the number of L-CFU-Mast in the light fraction cantly larger than the number of morphologically able tion mast cells, L-CFU-Mast, Recruitment of CFU-Mast diation chimeras produced Table 2. Presence in the peritoneal by transplantation of L-CFU-Mast in the Light 20 weeks identifiable Mast and cells of of cavity. of bone No Mice Intact 1 wk after injection Peritoneal cells of ten of five replicate of light cells, cultures. 1 .077 in the but mast were small and cells in the 3). In other words, of bg’/bg-’ and cells / + then + radiation appeared chimeras; again. and CFU-Mast When were mast types water increased in the peritoneal the number of cavity of bg/ chimeras. We investigated whether the injection water induced the proliferation of CFU-Mast of in the peritoneal cavity. from WBB6F,-+/+ injection were divided incubated with or without Peritoneal cells that were mice at various times after into two aliquots; each was hydroxyurea. The number Ra- in the bone marrow, which was used as a control, after the hydroxyurea treatment (Table 4). Numof L-CFU-Mast in the bone marrow and the peritoneal bers of Peritoneal Cells Removed of Distilled from WBB6F1- + I + Mice at Various Times After CelIst No. per 10’ Light Mast Cell 114.0 1620.0 L-CFU-Mast Cellst* S-CFU-Mast 2.8 Mast 2.8 Cell 19.0 4.0 22.0 0.3 17.0 0.8 1.5 7.2 29.0 29.0 0.8 3.0 g/mL. tenths of cells were the Water 16.0 nine of GM-CFU decreased 1.0 pooled; at after the water injection, most morphologically mast cells and S-CFU-Mast and all M-CFUL-CFU-Mast were of bg/bg type (Table 3). 0.3 were of determined 12.0 treatment. Density type S-CFU-Mast 4.0 mice BMT. chimeras (Table type peritoneal after + cells type + / of bg/bg mast bg-’+/+ harvested the water mar- Unfractionated + / IP bg/bg-.’ whereas 2 months + used after 14.0 wk after injection tMean per 1O 1.4 3wkafterinjection 5 . L-CFU-Mast type, mast The IP injection ofdistilled bg’/bg-type L-CFU-Mast each injecthe IP Injection were process of CFU-Mast Neutrophils of the bg/bg of irradiated changed cavity of distilled 2). Since after were disappeared WBB6F,- to have Fraction colonies L-CFU-Mast peritoneal was signifiidentifi- which increased not considered of distilled water, were morphology of mast cells. large were to chimera), methylcellulose, only differentiated The increase the injection of were colonies technique peritoneal in methylcellulose. was observed after the recruitment of distilled water. in cells numbers of cells were not recovered up to 5 weeks after the injection of we cultured mice to the donor type in the peritoneal cavity of bg/bg-.’ + / + chimeras. Three milliliters of distilled water was injected into the 3 and 4). same Weeks after Water Injection C57BL/6-bg/bg mice (bg’/bg-’+/+ chimeras medium WBB6F,+ / + mice, water, were separated distilled of peritoneal mice. Significant dense fraction in the cells I cells remained of +1+ type peritoneal cells of bg/bg-.. cultured followed the increase of L-CFU-Mast and reached the preinjection level at 3 weeks after the injection. Then the number ofS-CFU-Mast started to increase with the increase of morphologically I+ mast When level from WBB6F,-+/+ _________ 10 . fractionated; the remaining one tenth of cells 4.0 were cultured without any From by guest on March 1, 2016. For personal use only. DIFFERENTIATION Table OF 3. MAST Numbers CELLS 577 and Types of CFU-Mast and Morphologically Radiation Chimeras Identifiable Before and After No. per 1 0’ Peritoneal Number bg/bg- +1+ 1 wk after injection chimeras Cells Cells and Proportion Proportion of Mast bg/bg-type Mast 0.5 100% 3.5 0% 34.0 0% 9.0 100% 4.8 95% 0.3 ND injection 3.2 100% 7.8 100% 1 1.0 96% injection 1.0 100% 6.5 100% 31.0 98% after four 4. Effect of Hydroxyurea due to paucity Treatment of mast on the Number of Mast Cell Colonies Percent Organ Mice Intact after injection 3 wk after injection 5 injection wk after Percent a tNA. decrease significant CFU-Mast, most peritoneal of and Granulocyte-Macrophage the proportion of Colonies Decrease Colony 0 NAt Peritoneal cavity NAt 15 0 NAt Peritoneal cavity NAt 14 0 0 Peritoneal cavity + not NAt decreased by the of M-CFU-Mast and (Table 4). The injection of distilled proportions of L-CFU-Mast, Min S-phase and 27 cells/No. (Table 4). S-CFU-Mast in the of differentiated that incorporated 5, the proportion WBB6F,+ / + mast BrdUrd was I% mice, and by the injection of distilled The number comparable cell did ofCFU-Mast in the blood S-CFU-Mast were not present was a possibility that the increase peritoneal cavity reflected the in the blood, the IP injection of not increase deficient 5. Cavity the number of L-CFU-Mast Proportion of Mast Cells Injection in S-Phase at Various of Distilled Mice Intact 3 wk after Mast. mast injection Cells of cells that incorporated significant SE; number differences 0.2 ± 0.3 (6) ± 0.1 (5) ± 0.2 (7) in parentheses. mice of different experimental cells on Numbers of morphologically cell colony-forming units the water injection. such as the simple invasion of L-CFU- identifiable to induce cavity, there the invasion is a possibil- cells may inhibit the invasion. IP injection ofwater, and then two groups. injected group of smaller in mice (Table morphologically appeared into were mast number did not increase mice even after process, of of mast received the other the increase control mice. (7) mast injection divided (2 x l0) of morphologically into of mice Purified peritoneal the peritoneal cavity was used as a control. identifiable mast cells and mast were determined I and 3 weeks As shown identifiable of L-CFU-Mast, in Table 7, the presence mast cells significantly which was observed inhibin the DISCUSSION BrdUrd. The results are shown of mice is shown between IP ited ± 0.9 ± the S-Phase (%) 0.8 12 wk after injection in 0.6 1.0 Proportion Peritoneal After a passive of to be the increase in the concentrato be an active process, such into the peritoneal were is known genetically of L-CFU-Mast of WBB6F,-W/W” water, appeared ity that the presence WBB6F,-+/+ mice cells mice,2’ eradication by water of L-CFU-Mast mice and much effect Since cells in the blood in the peritoneal cavity was mice than in WBB6F,-+/+ as invasion, rather than leak from capillaries. after 7wkafterinjection the mean in the Times Water Mast 100. the the injection ofdistilled tion of L-CFU-Mast mast + I + Mice x but 6). Since the concentration in the peritoneal cavity the 6). of WBB6F,- cells) WBB6F,-+/+ WBB6F,-W/W” of one group; Table 6 by control of L-CFU-Mast Inhibitory (Table produced between L-CFU-Mast WBB6F,-W/W” water. the concentration 0 of colonies appear. also numbers was not increased water Colony Cell NAt / and Small Mast 0 were M-CFU-Mast Mast Cell Colony 29 by hydroxyurea-treated and Treatment Medium 29 + (Table 6). Although there of L-CFU-Mast in the increase of L-CFU-Mast by Hydroxyurea Large Mast Cell Colony 37 had the morphology We measured in Intact NAt cavity marrow did but Colonies Peritoneal the proportion of mast cells was measured. As shown in Table in the peritoneal cavity of intact in the blood 90% NAt cells, distilled 89% NAt M-CFU-Mast cavity in which 72.0 570.0 13 and S-CFU-Mast Since NDt 33 of colonies WBB6F,- were not not increase Macrophage No. of colonies produced (1 - = treatment, hydroxyurea S-CFU-Mast water did 0% 2.0 Bone marrow Bone numbers of intact cavity 1,040.0 + I + Mice WBB6F1- Granulocyte- wk Proportionf cells. Water-Injected 1 Cells Number to six mice. tTvpe of mast cells in the colony. tND, proportion could not be determined Table + I + -‘ Cells Proportion Number 12 wk after wk of bg/bg S-CFU-Mast Proportion Number Cavity Water 20 Mean of as in the Peritoneal of Distilled M-CFU-Mast L-CFU-Mast Mice Mast Injection There ‘oups. are no CFU-Mast of colonies L-CFU-Mast were divided into three as a criterion; S-CFU-Mast, produced small, medium, types by using M-CFU-Mast, and large the size and mast cell From by guest on March 1, 2016. For personal use only. 578 Table 6. Number of C FU-Mast of Various Types in Blood and Peritoneal lnj action Cavity of Distilled I + and -W/W of WBB6F1-+ Mice Blood + / + L-CFU-Mastt +1+ Intact 1 wk , after injection IntactW/W’ 1 wk after injection +1+ WIW’. Peritoneal cavity Intact w/wv, Blood a mononuclear tMean of colonies, cells five replicate mast Mast. The cells S-CFU-Mast was and morphology CFU-Mast were with The tiated IP injection mast cells. also eradicated mast mast cells sensitive by this cells with were colonies were not 0 0 0 0 0 C) 1.8 0 0 0 2. 1 0 0 0 14.5 was attributable rather than 0.2 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 sulfatefrom not only potential eradicated, preinjection level at 1 week water. Since the proportion the injection of morphologically without proliferation from within identifiable of L-CFU-Mast of distilled water. (with we (Fig when Table 7. numbers Effect of M-CFU-Mast of IP Injection of Purified mast cells that was 1 wk 3 wk Purified tThe P < after water after water peritoneal injection injection mast cells (2 x 10) were study’ numbers blood + since S-CFU-Mast low Peritoneal Mast not identifiable mast may suppress potential) to M-CFU-Mast mononuclear enter cells the and peritoneal in part L-CFU-Mast, produce mast as cell clusters of L-CFU-Mast discussed but by cells of above. and 0.2 No 6 1 8.2 ± 2.2 Yes 5 5.7 ± 0.6t No 6 1 2.0 ± 1 .0 Yes 5 3.7 ± 1.0 after were However, S-CFU-Mast in the mast simply Cavity the not injection injected of distilled with purified cavity of Water-Injected Cellsf Mast 2,620 2,720 2 1 3,000 mast cells by t test. Cells ± 7 water. peritoneal W/W’ cells at the reflect the peritoneal L-CFU-Mast 2.5 sites of We conof mast in the skin of WBB6F,- in the Peritoneal ± that peritoneal M-CFU-Mast, No. per 1O Nucleated mice the 5). In mast of L-CFU-Mast proportion No. of Mice days (Fig of cells cavity that contained cells. This explana- of differentiated of IP two were I + Mice 5 injected to we carried out a similar experiment, and types of mast cell precursors be correct all on Number No results are shown as the mean ± SE. .01 , when compared with the value of the control 5- but L-CFU-Mast mice,’ the low proportion of bg/bg-type injection sites of the peritoneal cells may Cells and I+ number may tion Mast Cells Intact proliferation of L-CFU-Mast measured not and S-CFU-Mast that the presence of morphobogically or without cells did sufficient the and . chimeras, M-CFU-Mast is a possibility mast cells, whereas only one of 48 injection peritoneal cells contained bg’/bg’-type mast cells. sidered at that time that the circulating precursors may . did bg-type cavity. disappearance to peritoneal Injection propor- radiation chimeras into the skin of WBB6F,w/wv mice. All 32 mast cell clusters that appeared at injection sites of blood mononuclear cells contained bg’/ WBB6F1-+ Mice water, in S-phase with the low proportion of mormast cells that incorporated whereas There number bg/bg’-” 5). Even + type. +1 injecting identifiable mast cells (with or potential) appears to suppress the effective invasion of L-CFU-Mast, and their may enhance the invasion from the bloodstream of distilled and S-CFU-Mast radiation type, the previous L- after of Therefore, the injection is consistent identifiable differentiation the bloodstream the peritoneal after This a certain the L- of number of M-CFU-Mast In bg/bg’-”+/+ to be with cells, increasing tions of bg’/bg’ were of but appeared the and to the invasion presence cavity 4.5 BrdUrd. Therefore the increased of M-CFU-Mast CFU-Mast may not be attributable to their division recruitment from L-CFU-Mast (Fig 5). terminal potential were increase. phologically eradicated differenand M-CFU-Mast pressure. In contrast identifiable mast to the proliferation after 1,470 0.9 from L-CFUdense cells with proliferation The IP injection of morphologically significantly inhibited the increase observed 1 18 7.2 L-CFU-Mast in S-phase was not augmented by the water injection, the increase of L-CFU-Mast in the peritoneal cavity Differentiated Mast Cells S-CFU-Mastt pooled. derived derived were treatment, proliferation exceeded the of distilled injection mice of berberine in without to the low osmotic of morphologically eradication CFU-Mast CFU-Mast the proportion highest of distilled water Since S-CFU-Mast differentiated also of five Cells 2. 1 of differentiated mast cells, whereas Llight cells that were not granulated. This is the report of Nakahata et al.8 consistent were cells lowest in colonies and M-CFU-Mast S-CFU-Mast the and peritoneal injection the cultures. respectively. positive 1 wk after W ith or Without 2.0 15.2 W/W’ Intact M-CFU-Mastt 2.3 1 wkafterinjection +/+. ET AL Water No. per 10’ Nucleated Organ Mice KANAKURA ± 230 1 ± 570 ± 4 ± 740 of From by guest on March 1, 2016. For personal use only. DIFFERENTIATION OF MAST CELLS 579 into four stages of stage 1 mast stages with cells 2 to 3 mast safranin cells increased; in-positive alcian blue-safranin were stained only the number stage granules. 4 mast of granules cells of figures granules blue; in stained contained Incorporation of mitotic identification staining: with alcian only with safran- [3H]thymidine indicated that and mast cells in stages I and 2 comprised a mitotic pool, whereas those in stages 3 and 4 were mitotically inactive.28 In mice, stage 4 mast cells of Combs et al28 are few, even in the adult 5. A scheme for differentiation of peritoneal mast cells. L, L-CFU-Mast; M, M-CFU-Mast; S. S-CFU-Mast; T represents a differentiated mast cell that lacks proliferation potential. M, 5, and T cannot be distinguished by morphological methods. The presence of differentiated mast cells (with or without proliferation potential) appears to suppress the invasion of L-CFU-Mast from the bloodstream to the peritoneal cavity (arrow 1 ) and the differentiation of L-CFU-Mast to M-CFU-Mast (arrow 2). Fig peritoneal cavity, and this sulfate instead of safranin.” is the reason Although direction proposed of differentiation that claim necessarily berberine lack of mean the lack B cells, radiation chimeras. method is more kinetic The other suitable words, than the the previous with consistent who investigated embryos. in the model differentiation for in Fig 5 is proposed of vitro method presented differentiation classified They present in vivo analysis of mast cell precursors. model of mast cell differentiation principally al,” In by Combs mast cells process et in rat of mast cells mast cells cells, does potential. may to originate finally bone marrow. 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For personal use only. 1988 71: 573-580 Changes in numbers and types of mast cell colony-forming cells in the peritoneal cavity of mice after injection of distilled water: evidence that mast cells suppress differentiation of bone marrow-derived precursors Y Kanakura, A Kuriu, N Waki, T Nakano, H Asai, T Yonezawa and Y Kitamura Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.