Robust Regression by Boosting the Median ? Balázs Kégl1 Department of Computer Science and Operations Research University of Montreal, CP 6128 succ. Centre-Ville, Montr´ eal, Canada H3C 3J7 Abstract. Most boosting regression algorithms use the weighted average of base regressors as their final regressor. In this paper we analyze the choice of the weighted median. We propose a general boosting algorithm based on this approach. We prove boosting-type convergence of the algorithm and give clear conditions for the convergence of the robust training error. The algorithm recovers A DA B OOST and A DA B OOST % as special cases. For boosting confidence-rated predictions, it leads to a new approach that outputs a different decision and interprets robustness in a different manner than the approach based on the weighted average. In the general, non-binary case we suggest practical strategies based on the analysis of the algorithm and experiments. 1 Introduction Most boosting algorithms designed for regression use the weighted average of the base regressors as their final regressor (e.g., [5, 8, 14]). Although these algorithms have several theoretical and practical advantages, in general they are not natural extensions of A DA B OOST in the sense that they do not recover A DA B OOST as a special case. The main focus of this paper is the analysis of M ED B OOST, a generalization of A DA B OOST that uses the weighted median as the final regressor. Although average-type boosting received more attention in the regression domain, the idea of using the weighted median as the final regressor is not new. Freund [6] briefly mentions it and proves a special case of the main theorem of this paper. The A DA B OOST.R algorithm of Freund and Schapire [7] returns the weighted median but the response space is restricted to [0, 1] and the parameter updating steps are rather complicated. Drucker [4] also uses the weighted median of the base regressors as the final regressor but the parameter updates are heuristic and the convergence of the method is not analyzed. Bertoni et al. [2] consider an algorithm similar to M ED B OOST with response space [0, 1], and prove a convergence theorem in that special case that is weaker than our result by a factor of two. Avnimelech and Intrator [1] construct triplets of weak learners and show that the median of the three regressors has a smaller error than the individual regressors. The idea of using the weighted median has recently appeared in the context of bagging under the name of “bragging” [3]. ? This research was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. The main result of this paper is the proof of algorithmic convergence of M ED B OOST. The theorem also gives clear conditions for the convergence of the robust training error. The algorithm synthesizes several versions of boosting for binary classification. In particular, it recovers A DA B OOST and the marginal boosting algorithm A DA B OOST % of Rätsch and Warmuth [10] as special cases. For boosting confidence-rated predictions it leads to a strategy different from Schapire and Singer’s approach [13]. In particular, M ED B OOST outputs a different decision and interprets robustness in a different manner than the approach based on the weighted average. In the general, non-binary case we suggest practical strategies based on the analysis of the algorithm. We show that the algorithm provides a clear criteria for growing regression trees for base regressors. The analysis of the algorithm also suggests strategies for controlling the capacity of the base regressors and the final regressor. We also propose an approach to use window base regressors that can abstain. Learning curves obtained from experiments with this latter model show that M ED B OOST in regression behaves very similarly to A DA B OOST in classification. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we describe the algorithm and state the result on the algorithmic convergence. In Section 3 we show the relation between M ED B OOST and other boosting algorithms in the special case of binary classification. In Section 4 we analyse M ED B OOST in the general, non-binary case. Finally we present some experimental results in Section 5 and draw conclusions in Section 6. 2 The M ED B OOST algorithm and the convergence result The algorithm (Figure 1) basically follows the lines of A DA B OOST. The main difference is that it returns the weighted median of the base regressors rather than their weighted average, which is consistent with A DA B OOST in the binary classification as shown in Section 3.1. Other differences come from the subtleties associated with the general case. For the formal description, let the training data be Dn = (x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xn , yn ) where data points (xi , yi ) are from the set Rd × R. The algorithm maintains a weight (t) (t) distribution w(t) = w1 , . . . , wn over the data points. The weights are initialized uniformly in line 1, and are updated in each iteration in line 12. We suppose that we are given a base learner algorithm BASE(Dn , w) that, in each iteration t, returns a base regressor h(t) coming from a subset of H = {h : Rd 7→P R}. In general, the baselearner n should attempt to minimize the average weighted cost i=1 wi C h(t) (xi ), yi on the 1 0 training data , where C (y, y ) is an -tube loss function satisfying C (y, y 0 ) ≥ I{|y−y0 |>} , (1) where the indicator function I{A} is 1 if its argument A is true and 0 otherwise. The most often we will consider two cost functions that satisfy this condition, the (0 − 1) cost function C(0−1) (y, y 0 ) = I{|y−y0 |>} , (2) 1 If the base learner cannot handle weighted data, we can, as usual, resample using the weight distribution. 2 M ED B OOST(Dn , C (y 0 , y), BASE(Dn , w), γ, T ) 1 w ← (1/n, . . . , 1/n) 2 for t ← 1 to T 3 h(t) ← BASE(Dn , w) 4 for i ← 1 to n . attempt to minimize n X ` ´ wi C h(t) (xi ), yi i=1 5 6 α(t) ` ´ θi ← 1 − 2C h(t) (xi ), yi n X (t) ← arg min eγα wi e−αθi α 7 if α (t) 9 i=1 =∞ . θi ≥ γ for all i = 1, . . . , n return f 8 . base rewards (t) (·) = medα (h(·)) if α(t) < 0 . equivalent to n X (t) wi θi < γ i=1 return f (t−1) (·) = medα (h(·)) 10 11 for i ← 1 to n 12 wi 13 (t+1) return f (T ) (t) ← w i Pn exp(−α(t) θi ) (t) j=1 wj exp(−α(t) θ j) (t) θi ) (t) exp(−α (t) Z = wi (·) = medα (h(·)) Fig. 1. The pseudocode of the M ED B OOST algorithm. Dn is the training data, C (y 0 , y) ≥ I{|y−y0 |>} is the cost function, BASE(Dn , w) is the base regression algorithm that attempts ` (t) ´ P (xi ), yi , γ is the robustness parameter, and T is to minimize the weighted cost n i=1 wi C h the number of iterations. and the L1 cost function 1 |y − y 0 |. (3) To emphasize the relation to binary classification and to simplify the notation in Figure 1 (t) and in Theorem 1 below, we define the base rewards θi for each training point (xi , yi ), (t) i = 1, . . . , n, and base regressor h , t = 1, . . . , T , as C(1) (y, y 0 ) = (t) θi = 1 − 2C (h(t) (xi ), yi ). (4) Note that by condition (1) on the cost function, the base rewards are upper bounded by ( 1 if h(t) (xi ) − yi ≤ , (t) θi ≤ (5) −1 otherwise. After computing the base rewards in line 5, the algorithm sets the weight α (t) of the base regressor h(t) to the value that minimizes E (t) (α) = eγα n X i=1 3 (t) wi e−αθi . If all base rewards are larger than γ, then α(t) = ∞ and E (t) (α(t) ) = 0, so the algorithm returns the actual regressor (line 8). Intuitively, this means that the capacity of the set of Pn (t) base regressors is too large. If α(t) < 0, or equivalently2 , if i=1 wi θi < γ, the algorithm returns the weighted median of the base regressors up to the last iteration (line 10). Intuitively, this means that the capacity of the set of base regressors is too small, so we cannot find a new base regressor that would decrease the training error. In general, α(t) can be found easily by line-search because of the convexity of E (t) (α). In several special cases, α(t) can be computed analytically. Note that Pn in practice, BASE(Dn , w) does not have to actually minimize the weighted cost3 i=1 wi C h(t) (xi ), yi . The algorithm can continue with any base regressor for which α(t) > 0. In lines 8, 10, or 13, the algorithm returns the weighted median of the base regressors. For the analysis of the algorithm, we formally define the final regressor in a more (T ) (T ) - and 1−γ -quantiles, general manner. Let fγ+ (x) and fγ− (x) be the weighted 1+γ 2 2 respectively, of the base regressors h(1) (x), . . . , h(T ) (x) with respective weights α(1) , . . . , α(T ) . Formally, for 0 ≤ γ < 1, let ( ) PT (t) 1−γ (T ) t=1 α I{h(j) (x)<h(t) (x)} (j) fγ+ (x) = min h (x) : , (6) < PT (t) j 2 t=1 α ( ) PT (t) 1−γ (T ) t=1 α I{h(j) (x)>h(t) (x)} (j) fγ− (x) = max h (x) : . (7) < PT (t) j 2 t=1 α Then the weighted median is defined as (T ) f (T ) (·) = medα (h(·)) = f0+ (·). (8) For the analysis of the robust error, we define the γ-robust prediction ybi (γ) as the fur(T ) (T ) thest of the two quantiles fγ+ (xi ) and fγ− (xi ) from the real response yi . Formally, for i = 1, . . . , n, we let ( (T ) (T ) (T ) fγ+ (xi ) if fγ+ (xi ) − yi ≥ fγ− (xi ) − yi , (9) ybi (γ) = (T ) fγ− (xi ) otherwise. With this notation, the prediction at xi is ybi = ybi (0) = f (T ) (xi ). The main result of the paper analyzes the relative frequency of training points on which the γ-robust prediction ybi (γ) is not -precise, that is, ybi (γ) has a larger L1 error than . Formally, let the γ-robust training error of f (T ) defined4 as n L(γ) (f (T ) ) = 2 3 4 1X I{|byi (γ)−yi |>} . n i=1 (10) Since E (t) (α) is convex and E (t) (0) = 1, α(t) < 0 is equivalent to E (t)0 (0) = γ − Pn (t) i=1 wi θi > 0. Equivalent to minimizing E (t)0 (0), which is consistent to Mason et al.’s gradient descent approach in the function space [9]. For the sake of simplicity, in the notation we suppress the fact that L(γ) depends on the whole sequence of base regressors and weights, not only on the final regressor f (T ) . 4 If γ = 0, L(0) (f (T ) ) gives the relative frequency of training points on which the regressor f (T ) has a larger L1 error than . If we have equality in (1), this is exactly the average cost of the regressor f (T ) on the training data. A small value for L(0) (f (T ) ) indicates that the regressor predicts most of the training points with -precision, whereas a small value for L(γ) (f (T ) ) suggests that the prediction is not only precise but also robust in the sense that a small perturbation of the base regressors and their weights will not increase L(0) (f (T ) ). The following theorem upper bounds the γ-robust training error L(γ) of the regressor f (T ) output by M ED B OOST. Theorem 1. Let L(γ) (f (T ) ) defined as in (10) and suppose that condition (1) holds for (t) (t) the cost function C (·, ·). Define the base rewards θi as in (4), let wi be the weight of training point xi after the tth iteration (updated in line 12 in Figure 1), and let α(t) be the weight of the base regressor h(t) (·) (computed in line 6 in Figure 1). Then L(γ) (f (T ) ) ≤ T Y E (t) (α(t) ) = T Y eγα t=1 t=1 (t) n X (t) wi e−α (t) (t) θi . (11) i=1 The proof (see Appendix) is based on the observation that if the median of the base regressors goes further than from the real response yi at training point xi , then most of the base regressors must also be far from yi , giving small base rewards to this point. Then the proof follows the proof of Theorem 5 in [12] by exponentially bounding the step function. Note that the theorem implicitly appears in [6] for γ = 0 and for the (0 − 1) cost function (2). A weaker result5 with an explicit proof in the case of y, h(t) (x) ∈ [0, 1] and γ = 0 can be found in [2]. Note also that since E (t) (α) is convex and E (t) (0) = 1, a positive α(t) means that minα E (t) (α) = E (t) (α(t) ) < 1, so the condition in line 9 in Figure 1 guarantees that the the upper bound of (11) decreases in each step. 3 Binary classification as a special case In this section we show that, in a certain sense, M ED B OOST is a natural extension of the original A DA B OOST algorithm. We then derive marginal boosting [10], a recently developed variant of A DA B OOST, as a special case of M ED B OOST. Finally, we show that, as another special case, M ED B OOST provides an approach for boosting confidencerated predictions that is different from the algorithm proposed by Schapire and Singer [13]. 3.1 A DA B OOST In the problem of binary classification, the response variable y comes from the set {−1, 1}. In the original A DA B OOST algorithm, it is assumed that the base learners 5 is replaced by 2 in (9). 5 generate binary functions from a function set Hb that contains base decisions from the set h : Rd 7→ {−1, 1} . A DA B OOST returns the weighted average PT α(t) h(t) (x) (T ) gA (x) = t=1 PT (t) t=1 α of the base decision functions, which is then converted to a decision by the simple rule ( (T ) 1 if gA (x) ≥ 0, (T ) (12) fA (x) = −1 otherwise. The weighted median f (T ) (·) = medα (h(·)) returned by M ED B OOST is identical to (T ) fA in this simple case. Training errors of base decisions are counted in a natural (0−1) way by using the cost function C1 . With this cost function, the base rewards are familiarly defined as ( 1 if h(t) (xi ) = yi , (t) θi = −1 otherwise. The base decisions h(t) are found by minimizing the weighted error P (t) (t) = h(t) (xi )6=yi wi (line 3 in Figure 1), and the optimal weights of the base decisions can be computed explicitly (line 6 in Figure 1) as 1 − (t) 1 . α(t) = log 2 (t) Another convenient property of A DA B OOST is that the stopping condition in line 9 reduces to (t) > 21 which is never satisfied if Hb is closed under multiplication by −1. With these settings, L(0) (f (T ) ) becomes the training error of f (T ) , and Theorem 1 reduces to Theorem 9 in [7], that is, L(0) (f (T ) ) ≤ T q Y 2 (t) (1 − (t) ). t=1 One observation that partly explains the good generalization ability of A DA B OOST is that it tends to minimize not only the training error but also the γ-robust training error. In their groundbreaking paper, Schapire et al. [12] define the γ-robust training error of (T ) the real valued function gA as n (γ) (T ) LA (gA ) 1X n o. = I (T ) n i=1 gA (xi )yi ≤γ One of the main tools in this analysis is Theorem 5 [12] which shows that q T Y 1−γ (γ) (T ) 2 (t) LA (gA ) ≤ (1 − (t) )1+γ . (13) (14) t=1 The following lemma shows that in this special case, the two definitions of the γ-robust training errors coincide, so (14) is a special case of Theorem 1. 6 Lemma 1. Let α(1) , . . . , α (n) h(1) , . . . , h(n) ∈ Hbt be a sequence of binary decisions, let (T ) be a sequence of positive, real numbers, let gA (x) = and define f (T ) (x) as in (8). Then (γ) PT α(t) h(t) (x) t=1 PT , (t) t=1 α (T ) LA (gA ) = L(γ) (f (T ) ), (γ) (T ) where LA (gA ) and L(γ) (f (T ) ) are defined by (13) and (10), respectively. Proof. First observe that in this special case of binary base decisions, |b yi (γ) − yi | > 1 is equivalent to ybi (γ)yi = −1. Because of the one-sided error, ( (T ) fγ+ (xi ) ybi (γ) = (T ) fγ− (xi ) if yi = −1, if yi = 1, (T ) (T ) - and 1−γ -quantiles, respectively, dewhere fγ+ and fγ− are the weighted 1+γ 2 2 fined in (6-7). Without the loss of generality, suppose that yi = 1. Then ybi (γ)yi = −1 (T ) is equivalent to fγ− (xi ) = −1. Hence, by definition (7), we have 1−γ ≤ 2 PT t=1 I{1>h(t) (xi )} α PT (t) t=1 α (t) = PT (T ) which is equivalent to gA (xi ) ≤ γ. 3.2 t=1 I{h(t) (xi )=−1} α PT (t) t=1 α (t) = PT 1−h(t) (xi ) (t) α 2 , PT (t) t=1 α t=1 t u A DA B OOST% Although Schapire et al. [12] analyzed the γ-robust training error in the general case of γ > 0, the idea to modify A DA B OOST such that the right hand side of (11) is explicitly minimized has been proposed only later by Rätsch and Warmuth [10]. The algorithm was further analyzed in a recent paper by the same authors [11]. In this case, the optimal weights of the base decisions can still be computed explicitly (line 6 in Figure 1) as α (t) 1 = log 2 1 − (t) 1−γ × 1+γ (t) . The stopping condition in line 9 becomes (t) > 12 − γ, so, in principle, it can become true even if Hb is closed under multiplication by −1. For the above choice of α(t) ,Theorem 1 is identical to Lemma 2 in [10]. In particular, L (γ) (f (T ) s q T Y 1−γ (t) (t) 1+γ 2 )≤ (1 − ) t=1 7 1 (1 − γ)1−γ (1 + γ)1+γ . 3.3 Confidence-rated A DA B OOST Another general direction in which A DA B OOST can be extended is to relax the requirement that base-decisions must be binary. In Schapire and Singer’s approach [13], weak hypotheses h(t) range over R. As in A DA B OOST, the algorithm returns the weighted sum of the base decisions which is then converted to a decision by (12). An upper bound on the training error is proven for this general case, and the base decisions and their weights (in lines 3 and 6 in Figure 1) are found by minimizing this bound. The upper bound is formally identical to the right hand side of (11) with γ = 0, but with the setting of base rewards to (t) θi = h(t) (xi )yi . (15) Interestingly, this algorithm is not a special case of M ED B OOST, and the differences give some interesting insights. The first, rather technical difference is that the choice of (t) θi (15) does not satisfy (4) if the range of h(t) is the whole real line. In M ED B OOST, Theorem 1 suggests to set = 1 in (10) so that L(0) (f (T ) ) is the training error of the decision generated from f (T ) by (12). If the range of the base decisions is restricted (1) to [−1, 1]6 , then the choice of the cost function C1 generates base rewards that are identical to (15) up to a factor of two. Note that the general settings of M ED B OOST (2) allow other cost functions, such as C1 (y, y 0 ) = (y − y 0 )2 , which might make the optimization easier in practice. The second, more fundamental difference between the two approaches is the decision they return and the way they measure the robustness of the decision. Unlike in (γ) (T ) the case of binary base decisions (Lemma 1), in this case LA (gA ) is not equal to (T ) L(γ) (f (T ) ). The following lemma shows that for given robustness of f (T ) (x), gA (x) can vary in a relatively large interval, depending on the actual base predictors and their weights. Lemma 2. For every margin 0 < γ < 1 and 0 < δ ≤ set of base predictors and weights such that (T ) 1−γ 2 , it is possible to construct a (T ) 1. fγ− (x) ≥ 0 and gA (x) < − 1−γ 2 + δ, (T ) (T ) 2. fγ− (x) < 0 and gA (x) ≥ 1+γ 2 −δ Proof. For the first statement, consider h(1) (x) = 0 with weight c(1) = 1+γ 2 , and (1) h(2) (x) = −1 with weight c(2) = 1−γ . For the second statement, let h (x) = 1 with 2 1−γ 2δ (2) (2) weight c(1) = 1+γ , and h (x) = − with weight c = . t u 2 1−γ 2 The lemma shows that it is even possible that the two methods predict different labels on a given point even though the base predictors and their weights are identical. Lemma 2 and the robustness definitions (10) and (13) suggest that average-type boosting gives high confidence to a set of base-decisions if their weighted average is far from 0 (even if they are highly dispersed around this mean), while M ED B OOST prefers sets of base-decisions such that most of their weight is on the good side (even if they are close to the decision threshold 0). 6 This is not a real restriction: allowing one-sided cost functions and looking at only the lower quantiles for y = 1 and upper quantiles for y = −1 is the same as truncating the range of base functions into [−1, 1]. 8 3.4 Base decisions that abstain Schapire and Singer [13] considers a special case of confidence-rated boosting when base decisionsare binary but they areallowed to abstain, so they come from the subset Ht of the set h : Rd 7→ {−1, 0, 1} . The problem is interesting because it seems to be the most complicated case when the optimal weights can be computed analytically. We also use a similar model in the experiments (Section 4) that illustrate the algorithm in the general case. If the final regressor f(T ) is converted to a decision differently from (12), this special case of Schapire and Singer’s approach is also a special case of M ED B OOST. In general, the asymmetry of (12) causes problems only in degenerate cases. If the median of the base decisions from Ht is returned, then there are non-degenerate cases when f (T ) = 0. In this case (12) would always assign label 1 to the given point which seems unreasonable. To solve this problem, let ( PT PT 1 if t=1 I{h(t) (x)=1} ≥ t=1 I{h(t) (x)=−1} , (T ) (16) g (x) = −1 otherwise. be the binary decision assigned to the output of M ED B OOST. With this modification, (0−0.5−1) and by using the cost function C1 (y, y 0 ) = 21 I{|y−y0 |> 1 } + 21 I{|y−y0 |>1} , 2 M ED B OOST is identical to the algorithm in [13]. The base rewards are defined as if h(t) (xi ) = yi , 1 (t) θi = h(t) (xi )yi = 0 (17) if h(t) (xi ) = 0, −1 otherwise. q (t) (t) (t) (t) Base decisions h(t) are found by minimizing 0 + 2 + − , where − = Pn (t) (t) = i=1 wi I{h(t) (xi )yi =−1} is the weighted error in the tth iteration, 0 Pn (t) (t) (t) (t) i=1 wi I{h(t) (xi )=0} is the weighted abstention rate, and + = 1 − − − 0 is the weighted correct rate. The optimal weights of the base decisions (line 6 in Figure 1) are ! (t) + 1 (t) . (18) α = log (t) 2 − (t) (t) The stopping condition in line 9 reduces to − > + . For the γ-robust training error Theorem 1 gives7 v γ u q T Y u (t) (t) (t) (t) + L(γ) (g (T ) ) ≤ 0 + 2 + − t (t) . − t=1 7 Note that these settings minimize the upper bound for L(0) (f (T ) ). One could also minimize L(γ) (f (T ) ) as in A DA B OOST% to obtain a regularized version. The minimization can be done analytically, but the formulas are quite complicated so we omit them. 9 In the case of M ED B OOST, another possibility would be to let the final decision also to abstain by not using (16) to convert f (T ) to a binary decision. In this case, we can make abstaining more costly by setting γ to a small but non-zero value. Another option (1) is to choose C1 (y, y 0 ) as the cost function. In this case, the base rewards become (t) θi 1 = −1 −3 if h(t) (xi ) = yi , if h(t) (xi ) = 0, otherwise, so abstentions are also penalized. The optimization becomes more complicated but the optimal parameters can still be found analytically. 4 The general case In theory, the general fashion of the algorithm and the theorem allows the use of different cost functions, sets of base regressors, and base learning algorithms. In practice, however, base regressors of which the capacity cannot be controlled (e.g., linear regressors, regression stumps) seem to be impractical. To see why, consider the case of the (0 − 1) cost function (2) and γ = 0. In this case, Theorem 1 can be translated into the following PAC-type statement on weak/strong learning [6]: “if each weak regressor is -precise on more than 50% of the weighted points than the final regressor is -precise on all points”. In the first extreme case, when we cannot even find a base regressor that is -precise on more than 50% of the (unweighted) points, the algorithm terminates in the first iteration in line 9 in Figure 1. In the second extreme case, when all points are within from the base regressor h(t) , the algorithm would simply return h(t) in line 8 in Figure 1. This means that the capacity of the set of the base regressors must be carefully chosen such that the weighted errors (t) = n X (t) I{|h(t) (xi )−yi |>} wi (19) i=1 are less than half but, to avoid overfitting, not too close to zero. Regression trees A possible and practically feasible choice is to use regression trees as base regressors. The minimization of the weighted cost (line 3 in Figure 1) provides a clear criteria for splitting and pruning. The complexity can also be easily controlled by allowing a limited number of splits. According to the stopping criterion in line 9 in Figure 1, the growth of the tree must be continued until α(t) becomes positive, which is equivalent to (t) < 1/2 if the (0 − 1) cost function (2) is used. The algorithm stops either after T iterations, or when the tree returned by the base regressor is judged to be too complex. The complexity of the final regressor can also be controlled by using “strong” trees (with (t) 1/2) as base regressors with a nonzero γ. 10 Regressors that abstain Another general solution to the capacity control problem is to use base regressors that can abstain. Formally, we define the cost function ( 1 if h(t) abstains on xi , 0 (0−A−1) (y, y ) = 2 (0−1) C 0 C (y, y ) otherwise, so the base rewards become (t) θi 1 = 0 −1 if |h(t) (xi ) − yi | ≤ , if h(t) abstains on xi , otherwise. In the experiments in Section 5 we use window base functions that are constant inside a ball of radius r centered around data points, and abstain outside the ball. The minimization in line 3 in Figure 1 is straightforward since there are only finite number of base functions with different average costs. E (t) (α) in line 6 can be minimized analytically as in (18). The case of α(t) = ∞ must be handled with care if we want to minimize not only the error rate but also the abstain rate. The problem can be solved formally by setting γ to a small but non-zero value. Validation To be able to assess the regressor and to validate the parameters of the algorithm, suppose that the observation X and its response Y form a pair (X, Y ) of random variables taking values in Rd × R. We define the -tube error of a function f : Rd → R as L (f ) = P(Y > f (X) + ) + P(Y < f (X) − ). Suppose that the -mode function of the conditional distribution, defined as µ∗ = arg inf L (f ), f exists and that it is unique. Let L∗ = L (µ∗ ) be the -tube Bayes error of the distribution of (X, Y ). Using an -tube cost function in M ED B OOST, L(0) (f (T ) ) is the empirical -tube error of f (T ) , so, we can interpret the objective of M ED B OOST as that of minimizing the empirical -tube error. For a given , this also gives a clear criteria for validation as that of minimizing the -tube test error. Validating seems to be a much tougher problem. First note that because of the terminating condition in line 9 in Figure 1 we need base regressors with an empirical weighted -tube error smaller than 1/2, so if is such that L∗ > 1/2 then overfitting seems unavoidable (note that this situation cannot happen in the special case of binary classification). The practical behavior of the algorithm in this case is that it either returns an overfitting regressor (if the set of base regressors have a large enough capacity), or it stops in the first iteration in line 9. In both cases, the problem of a too small can be detected. If is such that L∗ < 1/2, then the algorithm is well-behaving. If L∗ = 0, similarly to the case of binary classification, we expect that the algorithm works particularly well (see Section 5.1). At this point, we can give no general criteria 11 for choosing the best , and it seems that is a design parameter rather than a parameter to validate. On the other hand, if the goal is to minimize a certain cost function (e.g, quadratic or absolute error), then all the parameters can be validated based on the test cost. In the second set of experiments (Section 5.2) we know µ∗ and we know that it is the same for all so we can validate based on the L1 error between µ∗ and f (T ) . In practice, when µ∗ is unknown, this is clearly unfeasible. 5 Experiments The experiments in this section were designed to illustrate the method in the general case. We concentrated on the similarities and differences between classification and regression rather than the practicalities of the method. Clearly, more experiments will be required to evaluate the algorithm from a practical viewpoint. 5.1 Linear base regressors The objective of these experiments is to show that if L∗ ≈ 0 and the base regressors are adequate in terms of the data generating distribution, then M ED B OOST works very well. To this end, we used a data generating model where X is uniform in [0, 1] and Y = 1 + X + δ where δ is a random noise generated by different symmetric distributions in the interval [−0.2, 0.2]. We used linear base regressors that minimize the weighted quadratic error in each iteration. To generate the base rewards, we used the (0−1) cost function C . We set γ = 0 and T = 100 although the algorithm usually stopped before reaching this limit. The final regressor was compared to the linear regressor that minimized the quadratic error. Both the comparison and the validation of was based on the L1 error between the regressor and µ∗ which is x + 1 if is large enough. Table 1 shows the average L1 errors and their standard deviations over 10000 experiments with n = 40 points generated in each. The results show that M ED B OOST beats the individual linear regressor in all experiments, and the margin grows with the variance of the noise distribution. Since the base learner minimizes the quadratic error, h(1) is the linear regressor, so we can say that additional base regressors improve the best linear regressor. Noise Best L1 distance from µ∗ STD M ED B OOST L INEAR Noise distribution Noise PDF in [−] Uniform Inverted triangle Quadratic Extreme 2.5 0.1155 0.19 0.0133 (0.0078) 0.0204 (0.0108) 25|δ| 0.1414 0.2 0.0101 (0.0069) 0.0250 (0.0132) 1.25(1 − |5δ|)−1/2 0.1461 0.2 0.0066 (0.0053) 0.0261 (0.0136) ±0.2 w. prob. 0.5 − 0.5 0.2 0.21 0.0147 (0.0153) 0.0358 (0.0191) Table 1. M ED B OOST versus linear regression. 12 5.2 Window base regressors that abstain In these experiments we tested M ED B OOST with window base regressors that abstain (Section 4) on a toy problem. The same data model was used as in Section 5.1 but this time the noise δ was Gaussian with zero mean and standard deviation of 0.1. In each experiment, 200 training and 10000 test points were used. We tested several combinations of and r. The typical learning curves in Figure 2 indicate that the algorithm behaves similarly to the binary classification case. First, there is no overfitting in the overtraining sense: the test error plus the rate of data points where f (t) abstains decreases monotonically. The second similarity is that the test error decreases even after the training error crosses L∗ which may be explained by the observation that M ED B OOST minimizes the γ-robust training error. Interestingly, when L∗ > 1/2 (Figure 2(a)), the actual test error goes below L∗ , and even the test error plus the rate of data points where f (t) abstains approaches L∗ quite well. Intuitively, this means that the algorithm “gives up” on hard points by abstaining rather than overfitting by trying to predict them. (b) (a) 1 0.4 training error test error training abstain test abstain training error + abstain test error + abstain bound bayes error 0.8 training error test error training abstain test abstain training error + abstain test error + abstain bound bayes error 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.15 0.1 0.2 0.05 0 0 0 50 100 t 150 200 0 50 100 t 150 200 Fig. 2. Learning curves of M ED B OOST with window base regressors that abstain. (a) = 0.05, r = 0.02. (b) = 0.16, r = 0.2. We also compared the two validation strategies based on test error and L1 distance from µ∗ . For a given , we found that the test error and L1 distance were always minimized at the same radius r. As expected, the L1 distance tends to be small for ’s for which L∗ < 1/2. When validating , we found that the minimum L1 distance is quite stable in a relatively large range of (Table 2). best r in L1 sense L1 dist. from µ∗ best r by test error test error L∗ 0.1 0.12 0.13 0.16 0.16 0.2 test error −L∗ 0.032 0.12 0.359 0.3274 0.032 0.033 0.16 0.227 0.1936 0.033 0.032 0.2 0.14 0.1096 0.03 Table 2. Validation of the parameters of M ED B OOST. 13 6 Conclusion In this paper we presented and analyzed M ED B OOST, a boosting algorithm for regression that uses the weighted median of base regressors as final regressor. We proved boosting-type convergence of the algorithm and gave clear conditions for the convergence of the robust training error. We showed that A DA B OOST is recovered as a special case of M ED B OOST. For boosting confidence-rated predictions we proposed a new approach based on M ED B OOST. In the general, non-binary case we suggested practical strategies and presented two feasible choices for the set of base regressors. Experiments with one of these models showed that M ED B OOST in regression behaves similarly to A DA B OOST in classification. Appendix Proof of Theorem 1 First, observe that by the definition (9) of the ybi (γ), it follows from robust prediction (T ) (T ) |b yi (γ) − yi | > that max fγ+ (xi ) − yi , fγ− (xi ) − yi > . Then we have three cases. (T ) (T ) 1. fγ+ (xi ) − yi > fγ− (xi ) − yi . (T ) (T ) (T ) (T ) Since fγ+ (xi ) − yi > and fγ+ (xi ) ≥ fγ− (xi ), we also have that fγ+ (xi ) − (T ) yi > . This together with the definition (6) of fγ+ implies that PT α(t) I{h(t) (xi )−yi >} 1−γ ≥ , thus PT (t) 2 t=1 α t=1 PT t=1 (t) Since 1−θi 2 ≥ I{|h(t) (xi )−yi |>} by (5), we have so γ T X α(t) ≥ T X α(t) I{|h(t) (xi )−yi |>} 1−γ ≥ . PT (t) 2 t=1 α PT (t) (t) (t) 1−θi t=1 α 2 PT (t) α t=1 α(t) θi . ≥ 1−γ , and 2 (20) t=1 t=1 (T ) (T ) 2. fγ+ (xi ) − yi < fγ− (xi ) − yi . (T ) (20) follows similarly as in Case 1 from the definition (7) of fγ− and the fact that (T ) in this case yi − fγ− (xi ) > . (T ) (T ) 3. fγ+ (xi ) − yi = fγ− (xi ) − yi . (T ) If fγ+ (xi ) ≥ yi then (20) follows as in Case 1, otherwise (20) follows as in Case 2. 14 We have shown that |b yi (γ) − yi | > implies (20), hence n L(γ) (f (T ) ) = 1X I{|byi (γ)−yi |>} n i=1 n ≤ 1X n o PT I PT (t) n i=1 γ t=1 α(t) − t=1 α(t) θi ≥0 ! T T n X X 1X (t) (t) (t) α θi α − ≤ exp γ (since ex ≥ I{x≥0} ) (21) n i=1 t=1 t=1 ! ! T T n X X X 1 (t) α(t) α(t) θi = exp γ exp − n t=1 t=1 i=1 ! T T n X Y X (T +1) α(t) = exp γ Z (t) wi (by line 12 in Figure 1) t=1 = exp γ T X α(t) t=1 = T Y ! t=1 T Y i=1 Z (t) t=1 (t) eγα Z (t) t=1 = T Y t=1 e γα(t) n X (t) wi e−α (t) (t) θi , i=1 Pn (t) (t) (t) where Z (t) = i=1 wi e−α θi is the normalizing factor used in line 12 in Figure 1. Note that from (21), the proof is identical to the proof of Theorem 5 in [12]. t u References 1. R. Avnimelech and N. Intrator. 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