Summarized Credit Statistics S t a t i s t i c s Predict consumer financial behaviors Quality consumer financial data helps marketers gain insight about their potential customers — nothing is more informative. Because individual credit information may not be used for marketing purposes without a pre-approved offer, Experian developed Summarized Credit Statistics to characterize a neighborhood's consumer credit activity. High quality financial information z Summarized Credit Statistics are derived from Experian’s National Consumer Credit File, the most comprehensive credit data source in the marketplace, making z S u m m a r i z e d C r e d i t Summarized Credit Statistics a powerful predictive tool. This information effectively targets and lifts response for a diverse range of marketing offers, such as z invitations to apply for a credit card, home equity loans or financial advisement services. Summarized Credit Statistics are z calculated by aggregating the available consumer credit data within a ZIP+4 geographic area. They do not communicate any individual consumer credit histories, but rather depict the consumer credit activity in a finite neighborhood. z Diverse and predictive variables With 310 highly predictive selects, Summarized Credit Statistics provide access z to the most comprehensive summarized credit data on the market, emphasizing the high and low extremes of credit quality as well as the vast middle market. Use any combination of selects to identify your most Installment tradeline selects (20 categories) — locate consumers most likely to pay for large purchases on a monthly plan Real estate tradelines (17 categories) — provide insight into the mortgage loan status of households in a neighborhood Service/Professional (32 categories) — reflect behaviors of physicians, attorneys, accountants, etc. Revolving tradelines (50 categories) — indicate level of consumer debt. Use for offers of debt consolidation, low interest balance transfers, home equity loans, etc. Account rating selects — provide insight into the payment patterns within a neighborhood Balance-to-limit ratios — show the likely percentage of credit used out of total available credit limits Median credit selects Representing the median values of Experian’s National Equivalency Score, profitable target audience. National Risk Score and National Tradeline selects statistically derived and aggregated at the z z Number and types of tradelines (53 categories) — indicate likely responsiveness to certain types of offers Auto tradeline selects (20 categories) — give a clear picture of the average car loan information in a neighborhood Bankruptcy Score, these selects are ZIP+4 level. z Median equivalency score — assesses the potential risk for seriously derogatory behavior. The scores range from 360 to 840 (high score equals low risk) to accommodate the industry standard use of credit scores. z z Median risk score — similar to median equivalency score, this option also characterizes neighborhoods or market segments based on their likelihood of having future derogatory credit activity. This score range (0-1000) has a direct correlation, where a low score equals low risk. INSOURCESM data adds insight Median bankruptcy score — pinpoints neighborhoods or market segments that may be more likely to file for bankruptcy or become seriously delinquent over the next 12 months. This score is a leading indicator of potential derogatory impacts. Scores range from 108 to 1257, with a high score indicating greater likelihood. million living units. Select from variables such Streamline and simplify with factor variables For some prospecting, activation and/or usage scoring model applications, it may not be practical to select from the multitude of granular level detail available in the independent Summarized Credit Statistics variables. As an alternative, Experian® has developed Summarized Credit Statistics factor variables — weighted roll-ups of the 310 available selects into six broader, more manageable categories. Designed to alleviate time and other constraints, Factor variables have been validated for accuracy and predictability. Choose from these six factor Target more precisely by combining the predictive power of Summarized Credit Statistics with a comprehensive array of demographic and realty data and other life event triggers from INSOURCE. Experian’s consumer database contains marketing information on 215 million individuals in 110 as age, estimated household income, presence of children, automotive preference, estimated current home value and mortgage information. Additional applications Marketers can incorporate Summarized Credit Statistics into a wide variety of Experian applications, including data enhancement and custom modeling. Choose any combination of 310 data variables in the file to enhance your own consumer file. Use this data to build your own models — or utilize Experian’s industry-leading analytic expertise to create custom models — to predict response, activation, multi-buyers and retention rates. In addition, Experian offers several Summarized Credit Statistics licensing packages. Respect for consumer privacy You can be confident that our data solutions comply with state and federal regulations and consumers' privacy expectations. We variables: review all the marketing products and Factor 1 - good vs. bad credit Factor 2 - installment trades opportunities we undertake for privacy Factor 3 - active users information values. The process produces services we develop and the business Factor 4 - delinquent service/professional trades Factor 5 - seeking credit Factor 6 - extended revolving trades compliance and integrity with our direct marketing solutions that you and consumers can trust. To find out more about Summarized Credit Statistics, contact your Experian sales 955 American Lane Schaumburg, IL 60173-4998 representative or call 800 850 4389 800 850 4389. ©Experian 2004 All rights reserved Experian and the marks used herein are service marks or registered trademarks of Experian. 5842/3091 10/04