Newdale Primary school Maths Calculation Policy - Subtraction Reception Know that the number gets smaller because objects have been removed from the set. Practical models of subtraction Counting back on fingers, orally, number lines. Year 1 Record subtraction by showing jumps along number lines. Check their answer using addition/inverse. Subtracting bridging over 10 15 – 8 =7 Year 3 Partitioning on a numberline HTU – TU, HTU – HTU Partitioning on a numberline Count back from the larger number in partitioned steps of the smaller number to reach the unknown. 55 – 27 = 28 Partitioning on a numberline (larger numbers) Using number bonds for subtraction Know that numbers can be split to help solve a calculation so; 8 can be thought of as 5 and 3. There were 9 balloons. Two popped. How many are left? Progress to bigger numbers 9–2=7 Find the difference where numbers are close together. “How many more do I add to 7 to get to 9?” 783 - 356 = Partitioning the 27 into 20, 5 and 2. Find the difference, counting on. Practical demonstrations of take away. Year 2 Partitioning on a numberline TU – TU Find the difference by counting on Know they can also find the difference by counting on along a number line, begin to make decisions about which method is the most appropriate. 15 – 8 = +1 +1 + 1 +1 +1 +1 +1 __________________________________ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Expanded decomposition method 89 = 80 and 9 - 24 = 20 and 4 65 60 and 5 “9 subtract 4 equals 5 and 80 subtract 20 equals 60. 60 and 5 make 65” Newdale Primary school Maths Calculation Policy - Subtraction Year 4 Consolidate using expanded decomposition methods to include: ThHTU – HTU ThHTU – ThHTU and decimals (2dp) Expanded decomposition – carrying 81 = 80 1 - 57 50 7 __ _________= 24 81 = 70 11 - 57 50 7 __ _________= 24 “1 to subtract 7 is tricky so I will rearrange 81 into 70 and 11. 11 subtract 7 equals 4 and 70 subtract 50 equals 20. 20 and 4 make 24.” Expanded Decomposition with decimals £ 8.95 . -4 38 8.95 -4.38 £ 8 . 90 . 4 30 4 . 50 5 8 7 = 4.57 £ 80 . 30 . 50 15 8 7 = 4.57 £ 7 4 4 . Year 5 Compact Decomposition Key Skill: Children are taught to cross out the numbers and replace them with the exchanged number. Year 6 Add with increasingly large numbers using the compact method. Extend methods to include decimals to two decimal places.