Multiple Comparisons Among Means Author(s): Olive Jean Dunn Source: Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 56, No. 293 (Mar., 1961), pp. 5264 Published by: American Statistical Association Stable URL: Accessed: 06/07/2010 05:39 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact American Statistical Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of the American Statistical Association. MULTIPLE COMPARISONS AMONG MEANS OLIVE JEAN DUNN University of California,Los Angeles Methods for constructingsimultaneousconfidenceintervalsfor all possiblelinear contrastsamong several means of normallydistributed variables have been given by Scheff6and Tukey. In this paper the possibilityis consideredof pickingin advance a number (say m) of linear contrastsamong k means, and then estimatingthese m linear contrastsby confidenceintervalsbased on a Studentt statistic,in such a way that the overall confidencelevel forthe m intervalsis greater than or equal to a preassignedvalue. It is foundthat forsome values of k, and form not too large,intervalsobtainedin thisway are shorter or the Studentizedrange.Whenthis thanthoseusingthe F distribution may be willingto selectthe linearcombinations is so, the experimenter in advance which he wishes to estimatein order to have m shorter intervalsinsteadof an infinitenumberoflongerintervals. 1. INTRODUCTION THERE simulworkdone on the problemof finding has been considerable taneous confidenceintervalsfor a numberof linear contrastsamong several means fornormallydistributedvariables. Scheff6[1] gives a methodfor constructingsimultaneousconfidenceintervalsforall possible linear contrasts among k means using the F distribution.Tukey's intervals for all possible linear contrastsamong k means use the distributionof the Studentizedrange [2]. Each of these methods may be extendedto give confidenceintervalsfor all possible linear combinationsof the k means, as opposed to linear contrasts only. In this paper the possibilityis consideredof pickingin advance a number (say m) of linear combinationsamong the k means, and then estimatingthese m linear combinationsby confidenceintervalsbased on a Student t statistic, so that the overall confidencelevel forthe m intervalsis greaterthan or equal to a preassignedvalue, 1-ax. It is possible that forsome values of k, and for m not too large, intervalsobtained in this way may be shorterin some sense than those usilngthe F distributionor the Studentizedrange. If this is so, the may be willingto selectthe linearcombinationsin advance which experimenter he wishesto estimatein orderto have m shorterintervalsinstead of an infinite numberof longerintervals. The purpose of this paper, then, is to suggestand evaluate a simple use of the Student t statisticfor simultaneousconfidenceintervalsforlinear combinationsamong several means, and to see underwhat conditionsthese intervals apply. The study was actually made withlinear contrastsin mind,since these are probablyestimatedmorefrequentlythan otherlinear combinationsamong means. The paper has been written,however,in termsof arbitrarylinear combinations,in order to stress the fact that the method is not limited to contrasts. The method given here is so simple and so general that I am sure it must have been used beforethis. I do not findit, however,so can only concludethat 52 53 MULTIPLE COMPARISONS AMONG MEANS has keptstatisticians perhapsits verysimplicity fromrealizingthat it is a In anycase,theusersofstatistics verygoodmethodin somesituations. in the mainseemunawareofit,so I feelthatit is worthpresenting. 2. TIE Let the k means be l,, * METHOD i,,and let the estimatesforthem be 1Ab * with means ,u *, whichare normallydistributed ,k and withvariancesatii2,i=1 * , k;let thecovariancebetween-i}and A,be a jo2 fori#j. Here the aii and aGiare assumedto be known,but e maybe unknown.Let 02 be an estimate of a2 whichis statistically of k41, , fk and independent suchthat va2/affollowsa Chi-squaredistribution withv degreesof freedom. in obtaining (Theseconditions are exactlythoseusedby Scheff6 his intervals [1]. The condition thatthe dispersion matrixofthe -i be knownexceptfora in orderto construct factora2 is necessary t statistics whicharefreeofnuisance parameters.) Let the m linearcombinations ofthe meanswhichare to be estimatedbe: Ilk, Os = Cl101 + + (I) *,=m. -s12t' CksIk, A linearcombination is, in particular, a linearcontrastif = is=1 The unbiased estimatesfor Qi, . ? - CIAl + . , amare *+ s Ckk, = 1, 2, **,m. (2) These are m normallydistributed variables,and the varianceofC is b2o-2, where Ak b8 k F, 1: aijxcisj, i=l j=- Thisreducestheproblemto oneI discussedearlier[3], offinding confidence intervalsforthemeansofm normally distributed variables. I The variatest1,- * *, tn,each ofwhichfollowsa t distribution withvdegrees of freedom, are formed: - to 0, b80. sM1, (3) **m. The variatest1,t2, t4,,have some joint distribution function;usinga Bonferroni inequality, one can obtaina lowerlimitto theprobability thatall theti'sliebetween-c and +c (wherec is anypositiveconstant)without knowing anythingabout thisjoint distribution exceptthat all the marginalsare Studentt distributions. Thus P[-c < ti < c i = 1,2, inJ > 1- 2m ff()(t)dt, (4) 54 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, MARCH 1961 wheref(")(t) is the frequencyfunctionfora Studentt variable with v degreesof freedom. If c is selected so that the righthand memberof (4) equals 1-a, then confidenceintervalswithlevel 1- a are obtained from P -c < ,s ,m] > 1-.(5) , They are s =1, 2, * *,m. 08 ? cb8& (6) Here the overallconfidencelevel forthe m linearcombinationsis 1- a, where c is definedby 00 a f(y)(t)dt f -- 2m Y and f(0)(t) is the frequencyfunctionofa Studenttvariable withvdegreesoffreedom.Some or all of theselinearcombinationsmay of coursebe linearcontrasts. , , are the sample means pi, When k, Pk Pk, and when pi, are statisticallyindependent,then ai = i/ni, whereni is the size of the sample for the yi's; for i-j, aij=O. The confidenceintervals for cl.l+ +Ck8.Ak become (C8UP1+ + Ck,Pk) ? s = 1, * C4/"Ec,,/f6, , m. (7) Table 1 gives values of c for 1- a .95 and forvarious values of v and of m; Table 2 givesc for1- a = .99. These tables as well as the othertables appearing in thispaper have been computedfromBiometrikaTablesforStatisticians,Pearson and Hartley [4]. 3. COMPARISON WITH INTERVALS USING F DISTRIBUTION Scheff6'sintervalsforany numberoflinearcontrastsamong k means are 08 ? Sbs& (8) where S2=(k-1)F,(kI-1, v). Here Fa,(k-1, v) is the 1-a point of the F distributionwith k-1 and v degrees of freedom,and the other symbolsare definedas in Section 2. When intervalsfora numberoflinearcombinationsare desired(not restricting them to linear contrasts),the intervalsare as given in (8), but with S2 kFa,(k, v). Since the t intervalsin (6) and F intervalsin (8) are seen to be of exactlythe same form,and requireexactlythe same assumptions,it is botheasy and useful to compare them. the set of linear The main difference betweenthemis that in the t-intervals, combinationswhichare to be estimatedmust be planned in advance, whereas with Scheff6'sintervalsthey may be selected afterlooking at the data, since Scheff6'smethodgives intervalsforall possiblellnearcombinationsof k means. MULTIPLE 55 AMONG MEANS COMPARISONS TABLE 1. VALUES OF c 'FOR 1-a=.95 c m\ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 100 250 * .05 f(1)(t)dt =1f ~2m 00 5 7 10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120 00 3.17 3.54 3.81 4.04 4.22 4.38 4.53 4.66 4.78 5.25 5.60 5.89 6.15 6.36 6.56 6.70 6.86 8.00 9.68 2.84 3.13 3.34 3.50 3.64 3.76 3.86 3.95 4.03 4.36 4.59 4.78 4.95 5.09 5.21 5.31 5.40 6.08 7.06 2.64 2.87 3.04 3.17 3.28 3.37 3.45 3.52 3.58 3.83 4.01 4.15 4.27 4.37 4.45 4.53 4.59 5.06 5.70 2.56 2.78 2.94 3.06 3.15 3.24 3.31 3.37 3.43 3.65 3.80 3.93 4.04 4.13 4.20 4.26 4.32 4.73 5.27 2.49 2.69 2.84 2.95 3.04 3.11 3.18 3.24 3.29 3.48 3.62 3.74 3.82 3.90 3.97 4.02 4.07 4.42 4.90 2.42 2.61 2.75 2.85 2.93 3.00 3.06 3.11 3.16 3.33 3.46 3.55 3.63 3.70 3.76 3.80 3.85 4.15 4.56 2.39 2.58 2.70 2.80 2.88 2.94 3.00 3.05 3.09 3.26 3.38 3.47 3.54 3.61 3.66 3.70 3.74 4.04 4.4* 2.36 2.54 2.66 2.75 2.83 2.89 2.94 2.99 3.03 3.19 3.30 3.39 3.46 3.52 3.57 3.61 3.65 3.90 4.2* 2.33 2.50 2.62 2.71 2.78 2.84 2.89 2.93 2.97 3.12 3.23 3.31 3.38 3.43 3.48 3.51 3.55 3.79 4.1* 2.30 2.47 2.58 2.66 2.73 2.79 2.84 2.88 2.92 3.06 3.16 3.24 3.30 3.34 3.39 3.42 3.46 3.69 3.97 2.27 2.43 2.54 2.62 2.68 2.74 2.79 2.83 2.86 2.99 3.09 3.16 3.22 3.27 3.31 3.34 3.37 3.58 3.83 2.24 2.39 2.50 2.58 2.64 2.69 2.74 2.77 2.81 2.94 3.02 3.09 3.15 3.19 3.23 3 .26 3.29 3.48 3.72 Obtainedby graphicalinterpolation. This is, ofcourse,a considerableadvantage forSchef6's method.It is, however, possiblein usingthe t-intervalsto select as the intervalsto be estimateda very large set of linear combinationswhichincludesall those whichmightconceivably be of interest.Then, on lookingat the data, one may decide on actually TABLE 2. VALUES OF c FOR 1-c =.99 .01 ? r f f(')(t)dt = 1 2m 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 100 250 * 5 7 10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120 4.78 5.25 5.60 5.89 6.15 6.36 6.56 6.70 6.86 7.51 8.00 8.37 8.68 8.95 9.19 9.41 9.68 11.04 13.26 4.03 4.36 4.59 4.78 4.95 5.09 5.21 5.31 5.40 5.79 6.08 6.30 6.49 6.67 6.83 6.93 7.06 7.80 8.83 3.58 3.83 4.01 4.15 4.27 4.37 4.45 4.53 4.59 4.86 5.06 5.20 5.33 5.44 5.52 5.60 5.70 6.20 6.9* 3.43 3.65 3.80 3.93 4.04 4.13 4.20 4.26 4.32 4.56 4.73 4.86 4.95 5.04 5.12 5.20 5.27 5.70 6.3* 3.29 3.48 3.62 3.74 3.82 3.90 3.97 4.02 4.07 4.29 4.42 4.53 4.61 4.71 4.78 4.84 4.90 5.20 5.8* 3.16 3.33 3.46 3.55 3.63 3.70 3.76 3.80 3.85 4.03 4.15 4.25 4.33 4.39 4.46 4.52 4.56 4.80 5.2* 3.09 3.26 3.38 3.47 3.54 3.61 3.66 3.70 3.74 3.91 4.04 4.1* 4.2* 4.3* 4.3* 4.3* 4.4* 4.7* 5.0* 3.03 3.19 3.30 3.39 3.46 3.52 3.57 3.61 3.65 3.80 3.90 3.98 4.13 4.26 4.1* 4.2* 4.2* 4.4* 4.9* 2.97 3.12 3.23 3.31 3.38 3.43 3.48 3.51 3.55 3.70 3.79 3.88 3.93 3.97 4.01 4.1* 4.1* 4.5* 4.8* 2.92 3.06 3.16 3.24 3.30 3.34 3.39 3.42 3.46 3.59 3.69 3.76 3.81 3.84 3.89 3.93 3.97 2.86 2.99 3.09 3.16 3.22 3.27 3.31 3.34 3.37 3.50 3.58 3.64 3.69 3.73 3.77 3.80 3.83 4.00 Obtainedby graphicalinterpolation. 2.81 2.94 3.02 3.09 3.15 3.19 3.23 3.26 3.29 3.40 3.48 3.54 3.59 3.63 3.66 3.69 3.72 3.89 4.11 56 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, MARCH 1961 computingintervalsfor only some of this set. Section 5 gives an example of this procedure. A second difference betweenthe methodsis that the lengthsofthe t-intervals depend on m, the number of linear combinations,whereas with Scheff6's methodthe lengthsdepend on k, the numberof means. It seems reasonable to suspect,then,that the t-ilntervals may be shorterforsmall m and large k, and TABLE 3. VALUES OF \ \ C2/S2 FOR 1-a=.95,.99 1 - a - .95 k 2 5 10 1 -a = .99 15 20 2 5 10 15 20 1.33 1.87 2.38 .52 .73 .93 .27 .38 .48 .18 .26 .33 .55 .68 .88 .14 .19 .25 .42 .52 .66 v =7 2 5 10 50 100 250 1.44 2.19 2.91 5.22 6.61 8.77 .49 .74 .99 1.77 2.24 2.97 .24 .37 .49 .88 1.12 1.48 .16 .25 .33 .59 .75 .99 .12 .19 .25 .44 .56 .75 4.00 4.97 6.36 1.56 1.94 2.48 .81 1.00 1.28 1.23 1.56 1.83 2.57 .56 .71 .84 1.17 .32 .40 .48 .67 .23 .29 .33 .48 .18 .22 .26 .37 1.19 1.44 1.63 2.09 2.28 2.55 .59 .72 .82 1.04 1.14 1.27 .36 .44 .50 .64 .70 .78 .27 .33 .37 .48 .52 .58 .22 .26 .30 .38 .42 .47 v =20 2 5 10 50 100 250 1.35 1.87 2.30 3.41 3.96 4.78 .51 .71 .87 1.29 1.50 1.81 .27 .38 .46 .69 .80 .97 .19 .26 .32 .48 .55 .67 .14 .20 .25 .37 .43 .51 2.84 3.34 1.30 1.53 .74 .87 .53 .62 .41 .48 p=00 2 5 10 50 100 250 1.31 1.73 2.06 2.82 3.15 3.60 .53 .70 .83 1.14 1.28 1.46 .30 .39 .47 .64 .72 .82 .21 .28 .33 .46 .51 .58 .17 .22 .26 .36 .40 .46 and small k. This turnsout to be that the F intervalsmay be shorterforlarge mn true. Perhaps the most appealing way of comparingthe two methods,fromthe standpointof the researchworker,is on the basis oflength.To do this,Table 3 gives values of c2/S2forcertainvalues of k and m, forv=7, 20 and oo,and for v), so that the table is 1-a-=.95 and .99. Here S2 is definedas (k-1)F,(k-1, applicable as it stands when linear contrastsare being estimated.The square root of C2/S2 is the ratio of the lengthof a t-intervalcomparedto the lengthof the correspondingScheff6interval. Thus for 1- a = .95, v= o, m= 50 and k= 10, one has c2/S2=.64. This means that if one wishesto estimate50 linear contrastsamong 10 means,that each of the 50 t-intervalsis .8 timesas long as MULTIPLE COMPARISONS 57 AMONG MEANS the correspondingintervalusing the F distribution.A second interpretationis that about 64 per cent as many observationsare necessaryusingthe t-intervals to obtain the same precisionas usingthe F distribution. If one is estimatinglinear combinationsamong means ratherthan simply linear contrasts,one entersthe table witha k value increasedby one. Thus for 50 linear combinationsamong 9 means, with 1 -a=. 95 and v= , one has c S-.64. = TABLE 4. VALUES OF ms, THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LINEAR CONTRASTS OF k MEANS FOR WHICH F INTERVALS ARE LONGER THAN t-INTERVALS, 1-a =.95, .99* 1-a-.95 \ Ic 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7 20 0 2 5 10 16 26 37 53 71 95 123 158 190 26X10 30X10 38X10 45 X 10 0 3 7 17 33 63 110 189 30X10 56X10 89 X 10 14 X 102 54X10 1-a=.99 X 7 20 X 0 3 9 24 55 129 281 614 126X 10 27 X 102 56 X 102 108X 102 223 X 102 426 X 102 872 X 102 182X 103 329 X 103 0 3 6 12 20 32 49 71 100 0 3 10 23 46 104 19X10 38X10 0 4 13 36 99 241 59X10 14 X 102 316 X 10 696 X 10 149X102 310 X 102 694 X 102 150X 103 312 X 103 66 X 104 12X 105 26 X 105 6X106 630 X 103 132X 104 * The last significant digitgivenin mscannotbe expectedto be exactlycorrectexceptwherems is smallerthan 100. For example,rns=26 X1IOindicatesthat at some pointin the calculationa numberwithonlytwo significant digitswas used; in computingns=36, on the otherhand,threesignificant digitswerecarriedthroughout. It appears fromTable 3 that fora fairlylarge numberof means, the t-intervals are shorterforany m of reasonablesize. In Table 4 are listed values of ms, the maximumnumberof linear combinations for which the Scheff6intervalsare longerthan the t intervals.If, for a givenk,v, and 1 - a, one decides to estimatem linearcontrastsamong k means, one may examine ms from Table 4. If m<ims, the Student t intervals are shorter;if m> ms the Scheff6intervalsare shorter.Table 4 gives ms forv=7, 20, oo, 1- a =.95 and .99, and k =2, 3, * * , 20. The table indicates that for k as large as 10, one may forma large numberof contrastsusing the t-intervals and stillhave intervalssmallerthan ifthe F distributionhad been used. If one wishes to estimatelinear contrastsamong 9 means with v= 20, 1- a -.95, then enteringTable 4 at k= 9, one findsms= 189, so that if the number 58 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, MARCH 1961 of contraststo be estimatedis less than or equal to 189, the Student t intervals should be used ratherthan ScheffW's intervals. If linear combinationrather than just contrastsare beingestimated,thenone entersthe table with10 rather than 9 and findsms 300. Examinationof Table 4 indicatesthat the situationbecomes morefavorable forthe Studentt methodif,as all othervariables except one are held constant: 1) k is increased; or 2) v is increased; or 3) 1- a is increased. 4. COMPARISON WITH TUKEY' S INTERVALS , h are uubiased, normaIlydistributedestimatorsof px, if ,u< ,Sk with Var (pi) = a11a2and Cov (ai, -uj)=0, then confidenceintervals of level 1-xa forall possible linear contrasts k 0 = CIl + **+ Ck,lAk, i=l Ci= O are givenby 6 +-Z | ci I /aiiqa, 2 (9) whereq is the 1- a point of the Studentizedrange fora sample of size k, and withv a2 is an independentestimateof a2 such that a,&t/o has a x2 distribution degrees of freedom. For pAi-y, based on a sample ofsize n, thesebecome 6+ jE | csjq&/v/A/n. (10) It is apparent that, as formulatedhere,these intervalsare morelimitedin applicationthan the t intervalsand Scheff6'sintervals,since (1) they apply only to linear contrastsratherthan to arbitrarylinear combinations;(2) the variances are assumed to be equal; (3) the covariancesare assumed to be all zero. Tukey [2], states withoutproofthat they may be extended somewhatin all three directions. Limitation (1) may be removedby introducinga (k+l)st mean whose estimate, pk4l, is always zero. Tukey shows that there is no appreciable errorin simply using the same intervals for linear combinations as for linear contrasts,providedk > 2. To be ultraconservative,one may use the same intervals but enterthe tables of the Studentizedrange with k+ 1 ratherthan with k. In usingTukey's intervalsforcombinationsas opposed to contrasts,it should be notedthatformulas(9) and (10) mustbe alteredby replacing42EIciI by the largerof the sum of the positive {ci} and the negative of the sum of the negative {ct} . In an effortto remove limitation(2), Tukey considersthe case where Var (s) = as,2, k-1, * , Joand Cov (Ai, ,j) = 0, i#j, with the ai known con- MULTIPLE COMPARISONS 59 AMONG MEAN'S stants. In other words,the covariances among the , are zero and the ratios among theirvariances are known. By multiplyingthe qa in (9) by a factordependingoli the particularcontrastand on the various aii, instead of by -Van, he obtained intervalswith an overallconfidencelevel whichhe says is approximately1- a, adding that work is beinigdone on studyingthis approximation. Limitation (3) may also be removedwhen only contrastsare being consid, k, and Cov (-j, -j) al2q2o, i5j, whereall ered. If Var (,aj)=a,1o-2, i=l, and a12are known,then the confidenceintervalfor k = CilAi becomes 1k ?+-E | 2 i=l cif(all - (11) a12)12q. Thus the contrastsusingthe Studentizedrangehave been partiallyextended, but not to the moregeneralsituationwherethe variancesand covariancesofthe pAare aii-2 and atjo2,withthe aii and aij known.The extensionto unequal variances seemsto be somewhatarbitrary,and I do not know whetherit has been put on any satisfactorybasis. Comparison of the lengths of the Studentized range intervals with the tintervalsis complicatedby the factthat the lengthsofthe Tukey intervalsdepend on ccI i whereasthe lengthsofthe t intervalsdepend on k k Ej=1 t=1 aijci8cj,. Scheffe[1] comparesthe squared lengthof an F-intervalwith the squared lengthofthe same Studentizedrangeinterval,and thenconsidersthe maximum and minimumvalues ofthis ratio over all types of contrast.He pointsout that thissquared ratiois a maximumforintervalsofthe type/ii-ui, and a minimum forintervalsofthe type 2(/A + * * * + k/l2)/k - 2(lk/2+1 + + Ak)/k fork even, or ofthe type (Al + + t1k/2-1) / )-(/Ak/2 + ***+ Ak) /(-+ 1 fork odd. In Table 5 are givenvalues of c2/q2. From this table, forany particularcontrast one may compute the squared ratio of lengthsfor the t-intervalsand Studentizedrangeintervals.For variances equal to allo2 and covarianceszero, this squared ratio is .r;2 2 60 AMERICAN STATISTICAL TABLE 5. VALUES OF k m \ c2/q2 ASSOCIATION |~ 5 io10 MARCH 1961 FOR 1 -a =.95, .99 1-a.99 1-a.95 2 JOURNAL, 15 j 20 2 5 .66 .93 1.19 2.00 2.48 3.18 .33 .46 .59 1.00 1.24 1.59 |10 15 20 .23 .33 .42 .70 .87 1.11 .20 .27 .35 .59 .73 .94 .17 .25 .31 .53 .65 .84 v=7 2 5 10 50 100 250 .72 1.10 1.46 2.61 3.31 4.39 .32 .48 .63 1.14 1.44 1.91 .21 .32 .43 .77 .97 1.29 .18 .27 .36 .64 .81 1.07 .16 .24 .32 .57 .72 .95 v =20 2 5 10 50 100 250 .67 .93 1.15 1.70 1.98 2.39 .33 .45 .56 .83 .96 1.16 .23 .32 .40 .59 .69 .83 .20 .28 .34 .50 .58 .71 .18 .25 .30 .45 .53 .64 .62 .78 .92 1.29 1.43 1.67 .36 .45 .53 .74 .82 .97 .27 .34 .40 .56 .62 .73 .23 .30 .35 .49 .54 .64 .21 .27 .32 .45 .50 .58 2 5 10 50 100 250 .65 .87 1.03 1.41 1.58 1.80 .34 .45 .53 .73 .81 .93 .25 .33 .40 .54 .61 .69 .22 .29 .34 .47 .53 .60 .20 .27 .31 .43 .48 .55 .60 .72 .82 1.04 1.14 1.27 .37 .45 .51 .65 .72 .80 .30 .36 .41 .52 .57 .63 .27 .32 .36 .47 .51 .57 .25 .30 .34 .43 .47 .53 In Table 6 are givenvalues of mT, the maximumm such that everyt interval is shorterthan the correspondingTukey interval,even forthe least favorable (to the t interval) case, ,ui-,i. A glance at Table 6 shows that mTtends to be rathersmall. If one's primaryinterestis in intervalslike pi-4ii, then he may use this table to decide whichmethodto use. Otherwisea comparisonmust be made foreach type of intervalwhichis of interest. Again, as in the comparisonbetween Scheff6'sintervalsand the t intervals, the t intervalsseem to become better,otherthingsbeingequal, as 1) k becomes larger,or 2) v becomes larger,or 3) 1- a becomeslarger. In an analysis of variance situationwith a single variable of classification, the numberof means would tend to be small and primaryinterestmightbe in estimatingthe difference betweenmeans. Then Tukey's intervalsare perhaps preferable.When there are two variables of classification,then one perhaps wishesto estimaterow differences, and interactionsrather columndifferences, than the differences betweensinglemeans. Then the t intervalsare morelikely to be shorter. 61 MUJLTIPLE COMPARISONS AMONG MEANS TABLE 6. VALUES OF mT, THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LINEAR CONTRASTS OF k MEANS FOR WHICH EVERY STUDENTIZED RANGE INTERVAL IS LONGER THAN THE CORRESPONDING t-INTERVAL, 1-a=.95, .99 1-a =.95 P \ Ic 2 3 7 20 00 7 20 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 3 5 7 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 11 13 14 1 12 16 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1-a .99 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 4 7 11 4 6 9 12 16 20 24 4 6 8 10 12 14 17 15 20 25 31 28 33 14 18 23 28 19 21 39 47 37 43 48 53 60 66 71 77 4 7 11 33 39 24 26 29 31 33 35 37 39 53 61 71 82 92 103 1ll 125 43 50 56 64 71 80 92 104 X 0 2 5 8 13 17 24 30 38 46 54 63 74 84 95 112 122 139 157 5. AN EXAMPLE in whichone may wishto chooseamong As an exampleof an experiment modelfora two-wayclassification with consider thefixed-effect thesemethods, in eachcell. a rows,b columns, andn observations in the ith row and thejth column.Then Let Xijk be the kthobservation (:i.)=o-2/n fori 1, a; j=1, ,b; E(xijk) = i -,/+ai+bj+Iij,andVar k= 1, * , n, with a and ,ai = 0, b Sbi b j11 I a 0 ,iij O Ii-O i= l, Ea. j l, .. * *b, The pooledestimateofthevariance,2, has n(a -1) (b-1) degreesoffreedom. Hereaii 1/n,ai = 0 foriij, andif aECiijAij oj is anylinearcombination oftheab means,thepointestimateforit is O= E2Cijzi., .j 62 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, MARCH 1961 and the confidenceintervalusing the t-statisticis ?C CijXJj. Cij/fna. In the firstcolumn of Table 7 are listed various linear combinationswhich wishto estimate.For ease in comparison,theyhave been the experimenter nmay multipliedwherenecessaryby a factorchoseinso that the lengthsof the Tukey intervalsare all equal. In the second columnare listedthe usual pointestimates. Those listed in rows 5 to 10 of the table are linear contrasts,whereasthose in rows 1 to 4 are not. In the thirdcolumnare given the numberof each type of linear combination;the fourthcolumngives 2 Ecij/n, i,j to be used in the confidenceintervalforthat type of contrast. The last two columinsof Table 7 give c ' 2 j ci/n fora= 3, b= 4, n-3 and fora = 4, b= 5, and n = 4. In these columns,c has been computedon the assumptionthat the experimenterwishesto estimateall the linear combinationslisted, with an overall confidencelevel of 1-xax.95. To compare the t-intervalswith Tukey's intervals,the values in columns (5) and (6) must be comparedwith2.99 and 2.64, respectively,since Tukey's intervals forall these linear combinationsare cjj:. ? (q/\/n)a. To compare the lengthsof the t-intervalswith Scheff4'sintervals,oinemust compare the values of c, 3.97 and 4.31, with 5.11 and 5.92, the corresponding values of S. It is possible that the experimentermay be interestedin estimatingnot all the linear combinations.In Table 8 are shown values of c forvarious sets of linear combinationsestimated:rows I to 10 inclusive (all the linear combinationslisted); rows 1 to 9 inclusive(all the linearcombinationslisted exceptthe differencesbetween means); rows 5 to 10 inclusive (all the linear contrasts listed); and rows 5 to 9 inclusive (all the linear contrastslisted except the differencesbetweenmeans). Table 8 also gives the corresponding values of S. In these particularexamplesone shouldprobablypick the t-statisticover the Studentizedrange. The exceptionto this (consideringonly lengthof interval) would be ifone is mainlyinterestedin estimatesofAUij -.uitj; thisdoes not seem likely. It should be emphasized,however,that if the researchworkerwants separately. intervalsas shortas possible,each problemmust be exarmined 6. DISCUSSION OF THE STUDENT t METHOD It is interestingto considerwhat may be the actual probabilityof coverage usingthe Studentt method.In (4), we may let the leftside (the actual probability of coverage) be denoted by P and the rightside (the lower bound forthis MhULTIPLE COMPARISONS ~~~~ C4~ C- o 63 AMONG MEANS ^:| C C~ O 1 r--4-C Cl 1C 00 C Cl Cll CC CO Lr L r<-O !It - Vi H~~~~~~~~~~ i Q ~ I ~ ___ Se _ l ,x C)~ ~ _ _ ~ _ _ t 3 I _ _ _ _ _ M . v] _ _ _ c ' u~~~~~~~~~~~~C 4 r _ *-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 06 _ _ C; -C; _ _ 64 AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, MARCH 1961 TABLE 8. COMPARISON BETWEEN LENGTHS OF t-INTERVALS AND F-INTERVALS IN TWO-WAY CLASSIFICATION EXAMPLE (1 - ce=.95) Types s=4, b=5, n=4 a=3, b=4, n=3 _ Estimated Number Estimated c 1 to 10, incl. 1 to 9, incl. 84 48 5 to 9, incl. 28 64 5 to 10, incl. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S Number Estimated c S 3.97 3.73 5.11 5.11 195 75 4.31 3.93 5.92 5.92 3.53 4.93 45 3.71 5.78 3.87 4.93 165 4.26 _ 5.78 probabilityof coverage) be denoted by P, and considerthe difference between P and P. If all the correlationsapproachunity,thenin the limitall the linearcombinatiolnsbecome one and the same linear combination,and P attains its largest possible value. In this case, P = P(-c < t1 < c) = 1-2 ffv) (t)dt. P=1-a For v= .95, anld n= 100,c=3.48, and P =.9994. In [3] I conjecturedthat P attains its smallestpossible value when all the correlationsare zero. This was established,howvever, onlyform= 2 and 3. Extensive tables are not available at presenitto evaluate P whenlall the correlationsare zero,thoughPillai and Ramachandran [5] give 95 per cent points and 99 per ceintpointsof the necessarydistributionform less than or equal to 8. For v= cc, however,the normal tables may be used. For P =1- a, P = [1- (a/rn) so that P is the firsttwo terms in the binomial expansion of [I- (a//m)]r. The differeince between them is seen to be bounded by [(m - 1)/2n] a2, so that foriv= cc and a snmall,P is fairly close to the actual probabilityof coverage when all the correlationsare zero. In particular,for l-a = .95 aiid m =100, P = (1-.0005)100 =.95 12. Thus forv-= and a sm-iall,the inequality (4) gives resultswhichare almost as good as aniywhichare attainable when nothilngis knownabout the correlations.At presentI am attemptingto constructtables whichwill give some idea ofthe situationforsmall values of v and forcorrelationsbetween0 and 1. REFERENCES [l] HenryScheff6,'A methodof judgingall contrastsin the analysis of variance,"Biometrika, 40 (1953), 87-104. [2] John M. Tukey, "The problem of multiple comparisons,"mimeographednotes, PrincetonUniversity. [3] Olive Jean Dunn, 'Estimationof the meansof dependentvariables," Annals ofMathematicalStatistics,29 (1958), 1095-111. [4] E. S. Pearson and H. 0. Hartley,BiometrikaTables for Statisticians,Vol. 1, Cambridge,1956. [5] K. C. S. Pillai auidK. V. Ramachandran,"Distributionof a StudentizedOrderStatistic,"AnnalsofMathematical Statistics,25 (1954), 565-72.