Explaining reforms of assembly sizes Reassessing the cube root law relationship between population and assembly size Kristof Jacobs, Institute of Management Research, Radboud University (NL) Simon Otjes, Documentation Centre Dutch Political Parties, University of Groningen (NL) Abstract One of the consequences of the current economic crisis and the ensuing austerity measures is that many people question the number of politicians. Governments in Austria, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal have considered reducing the size of their assembly. Has the state of the economy historically affect actual reforms of the assembly size? We distinguish between three explanations: (1) the dominant technocratic approach which holds that assembly sizes vary with (the cube root of) population sizes (Taagepera & Shugart, 1989) and (2) a rational choice inspired explanation focusing on the effective number of parties (Benoit, 2004; Colomer, 2004). In this paper we test which of these two explanations explains assembly size best using regression and event history analysis for the period 1950-2010. We find that the technocratic explanation works well for the design of assembly sizes, but such factors are far less important once electoral systems are established: afterwards increases in assembly size are best explained by rational choice explanations. It seems then that the correlation between assembly size and cube root of the population size is more of a historical artefact than a law-like correlation. Paper prepared for the ECPR General Conference in Glasgow, 3 - 6 September 2014. 1 1. Introduction One of the consequences of the current economic crisis and the ensuing austerity measures is that citizens, journalists and politicians started to wonder: how many politicians do we really need? In France (2012), Hungary (2010, 2011), Ireland (2011), Italy (2012), Japan (2012), Mexico (2009, 2012), The Netherlands (2011), Portugal (2011), Puerto Rico (2011), Romania (2009) and the United Kingdom (2011) bills were introduced to reduce the number of national MPs.1 Many similar bills dealt with reductions of regional and/or local MPs. At the same time, while old political regimes crumbled because of inside pressures or were changed by external interference and new ones were established in countries such as Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Libya and Tunesia. In these countries new assembly sizes had to be determined and the same question – how many MPs do we need? – was asked. In both instances, the reform of existing assembly sizes and the original design of new assembly sizes, an objective answer to that question seems pretty difficult to give. In many cases, political scientists ‘as electoral engineers’ (Farrell, 2011:191) have been asked to comment or advise on the appropriate size (Lijphart, 1998). Typically, in such cases political scientists point to the so-called ‘cube root law’ devised by Rein Taagepera, which states that the number of seats in a given assembly approximates the square root of its population (Taagepera, 1972; Taagepera and Shugart, 1989; Taagepera and Recchia, 2002; Taagepera, 2007). Taagepera and Shugart label this relation a law by because the strong empirical connection is based on a deductive rational model. The empirical argument is twofold: (1) when assembly sizes are originally designed, one can expect the cube root law to hold, but (2) additionally -in the long term- ‘there should be a noticeable trend toward larger assemblies’ (Taagepera and Shugart, 1989:179).2 However, so far this second argument has not been examined rigorously in a longitudinal empirical test. As 1 The authors wish to thank Lidia Nunez for kindly allowing us to use this information. Surely, ‘[a]ssemblies may fall below the predicted size because such nations are late in adjusting assembly size to increased population and literacy’ (Taagepera and Shugart, 1989:179), but in the long term one should see a trend towards increasing assembly sizes. 2 2 such we do not know whether the relationship is a historical artifact or a genuine law.3 Our central question is therefore: How is the change in population size over time related to change in assembly size over time? Our main argument is that our understanding of assembly sizes can be improved substantially by differentiating between a design phase (when the assembly is put in place) and a reform phase (when the size is adapted). This distinction stems from the electoral systems literature where it is routinely made (Farrell, 2011). We find that the ‘law’ indeed works as expected in the design phase. For as far as assemblies are ever designed, the context of design is well-suited for the fairly technocratic logic that underpins the cube-root law since during design the political actors work under great uncertainty, need to establish a legitimate system and have other more pervasive tools at their disposal if they want to further their own self-interest. However, once a given assembly size is agreed upon, adjusting this size is a different game where a political logic dependent on the number of parties is more important than the earlier technocratic, population logic. We will proceed as follows: first we will discuss the theoretical framework and distinguish between the design and reform phase. In the empirical section we will carry out an Ordinary Least Squares regression analysis of population and assembly size of countries that have democratized since 1950. Next, we will use a longitudinal analysis, namely event history/survival analysis, to estimate whether population increases affect the assembly size on a unique dataset covering 120 democracies (time frame: 1950 to 2010). 2. Theoretical framework Arend Lijphart (1985, 3) once judged the study of electoral systems ‘the most underdeveloped subject in political science.’ Since then studies on the topic have 3 In fact, this is actually what Taagepera (2007) himself suggests: ‘By now we have appreciable time series for growth in population and assembly size. In view of the importance of assembly size in affecting the number of parties, a thorough reanalysis would be desirable.’ 3 mushroomed. In the mid-1990s scholars started to look not only at the consequences of electoral systems, but also at explanations of the origin and changes to these electoral systems (Farrell, 2011:172). While the focus originally centered on major reforms of the electoral formula, since the mid 2000s scholars adopted a more comprehensive approach whereby other elements of the electoral legislation are studied (Leyenaar & Hazan, 2011:438), which opened up ‘a range of interesting questions’ (Farrell, 2011:172). Nowadays, scholars also try to explain changes to such elements as ballot structure (Jacobs & Leyenaar, 2011), gender quota (Celis, Krook & Meier, 2011), district magnitude (Pilet, 2007) or electoral thresholds (Hooghe & Deschouwer, 2011). By doing so, virtually all ‘major’ dimensions are now covered (Lijphart, 1994:10). There is one exception though, and that is the assembly size. So far we still have very little insight in how to explain changes to the assembly size. The little research trying to explain the size of legislatures is mainly based on the cube root law. In what follows we will first discuss this law and show why it is likely to only be partly true. Afterwards we offer a theoretical framework encompassing broader insights from the broader literature on electoral system design and reforms. 2.1 Assembly size, electoral systems and the cube root law The core of the cube root law is that the size of a legislature is expected to be close to the cube root of the population. Or more formally: S = (P)1/3, where S is the size of the legislature and P the population size. The law consists of two elements: a theoretical, deductive rationale and an empirical regularity (Taagepera and Shugart, 1989). The theoretical argument is based on a ‘rational model’ starting from the assumption that communication with constituents and other members of parliament is the most timeconsuming activity of representatives (Taagepera and Shugart, 1989:173).4 To minimize the number of ‘communication channels’ an optimal assembly size can be calculated. As Taagepera and Shugart (1989:179-182) elegantly show, this optimal size approximates 4 Though Taagepera and Shugart call the theoretical mechanism ‘rational’ most electoral reform scholars would call it a principled or technocratic argument based on the principles of representation and the quality of constituency service (Renwick, 2010: 39). Hence in what follows we will call the population size explanation the technocratic explanation. In the remainder of the paper, a ‘rational motivation’ will denote one where politicians maximize their power (Benoit, 2004). 4 the cube root law of the population size.5 Crucially, however, if the cube root law is genuinely a law, it should also hold in the future and as a consequence assemblies should adjust to population growth (Taagepera and Shugart, 1989: 179). The empirical part of the cube root law consists of simple cross-sectional analyses based on population and assembly size data from 1965 (Taagepera, 1972) and 1985 (Taagepera and Shugart, 1989).6 Both analyses are ‘static’: they compare the sizes of legislatures and population at one point in time. There are three reasons why especially the empirical part of the law is vulnerable and can be strengthened. (1) The authors suggest that population size is causally related to assembly size. Only population data from after the establishment the assembly are used (Taagepera, 1972; Taagepera and Shugart, 1989), A key condition for establishing causality is that the cause is measured before the effect and not simultaneously. In physics, the rigor of which Shugart and Taagepera wish to replicate, the causal order is the 'acid test of success' (Hoover 1993: 693). Taagepera and Shugart (1989: 176) themselves note that this is problematic because ‘[a]ssemblies may fall below the predicted size because such nations are late in adjusting.’ (2) The latter statement leads to a second concern, Taagepera and Shugart (1989) suggest that the relationship between population and assembly size is dynamic in that countries ‘adjust’ their assembly size based on population growth. This would require a longitudinal empirical test. However, only cross-sectional tests are provided based on data from 1965 and 1985. (3) In the final (best-fitting) model, population size is multiplied by literacy rates and working age population (Taagepera and Shugart, 1989:179). This is not aligned with the theory underpinning the cube root law, which is built on communication with all constituents (i.e. the whole electorate) and suggests that other variables may influence the 5 Because communication channels is understood as the one-to-one interaction routinely associated with constituency service and does not consider one-to-many mass media communication, ‘strictly speaking the model only applies to single-member districts’, though Taagepera and Shugart (1989:181) suggest that other systems may also ‘assume a similar relationship.’ 6 Taagepera and Recchia (2002) replicated the relationship for Upper Houses around 2000; Taagepera (2007) also tested the law for the European capitals. In both cases, the fit is lower than with the national legislatures. 5 relationship between population and assembly size. 7,8 All of this does not necessarily mean that the cube root law is wrong, but suggests that further empirical analyses are needed and it also suggests that other factors may be at play.9 Which other factors is, however, unclear. Somewhat strangely, so far the study of explaining assembly sizes has remained understudied and fairly isolated from the rest of the electoral reform literature. This is strange as Assembly sizes are clearly a part of electoral systems. Lijphart (1994:12) notes that ‘if electoral systems are defined as methods of translating votes to seats, the total numbers of seats available for this translation appears to be an integral and legitimate part of the systems of translation.’ Indeed, the total number of seats available affects the proportionality of the overall electoral system (Taagepera and Shugart, 1989:182-183; Lijphart, 1994:12-13; Colomer, 2004), especially at the lower end, where smaller assemblies have distinctly higher levels of disproportionality (Farrell, 2011:158). If assembly size is a part of the electoral system, one can expect that traditional explanations for changes of electoral systems can be applied to assembly size as well. As such, it is a good starting point to look for other factors that may explain changes in the assembly size. 2.2 Explanations of the original design of electoral systems There are three reasons why the population size has a substantial impact when the original assembly size is determined, namely uncertainty, legitimacy aspirations and the relatively limited impact they have on seat shares. When electoral systems are designed and the ‘original’ assembly size is laid out, this is often done as part of a transition to democracy. Farrell (2011) distinguishes between three waves of electoral system designs: a first wave when Western countries introduced universal suffrage, a second when a substantial number of former colonies gained 7 In all fairness, all three are probably a remnant of data availability and the statistical state of the art at the time of the writing (1972 and 1989 respectively). Taagepera (2007:189) later on explicitly hinted at problems with data availability. 8 Taagepera (1972:385) actually explicitly included a term in his formula referring to unmeasured third variables in his earliest work on the topic. 9 In fact it may well be that the fit of the law is increased when the three problems are addressed. 6 independence and a third one when a number of former autocratic countries became democratic. During each of these waves the people deciding on the new electoral system had to operate under a context of uncertainty. The context was uncertain because little was known about the partisan preferences of the people, but also because typically a substantial part of the electoral system was designed from scratch, which meant it was hard to predict how the votes-seat translation would turn out. During each of those waves the designers also had to establish a legitimate system that symbolized a new, more democratic reality. Assembly sizes by their very nature have an impact on the proportionality of the electoral system, but mostly when the assembly size is small: when an assembly size is increased from one to two the impact is substantial, but when it increases from 1000 to 1001 (or even doubles to 2000) the impact on the proportionality is far smaller (Colomer, 2004). Given that during the electoral system design phase the whole electoral system is under scrutiny of change, at these times the assembly size is likely to be of relatively minor interest to self-interested politicians. As Jacobs and Leyenaar (2011) have found, these three elements provide the perfect fertile soil for principled or more technocratic arguments such as the population size. Hence we can expect that: Hypothesis 1. At the time of the original design, population size is associated with assembly size according to the cube root law. 2.3 Explanations of the reform of electoral systems However, it is one thing to design an electoral system for a newly established democracy; it is quite another to change an electoral system for an existing one. Under such circumstances fairly technocratic arguments such as the ‘optimal assembly size’ may be less important. There is no research on explanations of changes in the assembly size: typically researchers take a static view of assembly sizes. There is however an everexpanding body of literature dealing with changes to electoral systems in general, which we will apply to the topic of assembly sizes. Specifically one can distinguish three schools of thought in the field of electoral reform: the rational choice, institutionalist and historical comparativist schools (Farrell, 2011; Leyenaar and Hazan, 2011). 7 According to a first school, epitomized by Ken Benoit (2004), reformers are primarily interested in increasing their vote shares. According to this model, electoral reforms will occur when reformers have the ability (i.e. the required majority) to change the electoral system to their benefit. The best example of such a reform is the French 1985 shift to PR when the ruling French Socialist party was set to lose the upcoming election and wanted to limit its losses (Renwick, 2010). A second school, epitomized by Matthew Shugart (Shugart and Wattenberg, 2001; Shugart, 2008) uses an institutionalist perspective and points to a combination of inherent and contingent factors. The core of their argument is that electoral systems may have inherent problems and produce systemic failures and anomalous outcomes. For instance, majoritarian electoral systems can produce ‘wrong winners’ when that party with the most seats was not backed by a majority of the voters such as the American presidential election of 2000 where George W. Bush had more seats in the Electoral College but Al Gore won the majority of the votes. Such problems often lead to calls for reform, and incidentally to actual reforms. A third school, epitomized by Alan Renwick (2010) and Gideon Rahat (2008), integrates the two earlier ones and focuses on the broader picture using detailed case studies to examine the actual processes that led to the reform. One of the key insights of the school is that public opinion can have an impact on electoral reform through so-called ‘elitemass interaction’. In such cases, a minority of reformist politicians succeeds in implementing electoral reform by mobilizing and/or using public dissatisfaction or even outright public demand for reform (Renwick, 2010: 167). To sum up, one can expect reforms when (1) reformers increase their seat shares by doing so and/or (2) when the current electoral system fails to deliver (3) and/or when public opinion is mobilized to back the reformers. 2.4 Applying electoral reform explanations to increases of the assembly size How does this all translate to the study of assembly sizes? The more technocratic reasoning outlined by Taagepera and Shugart fits best with the institutionalist school: when the number of MPs is too low and when this shortage produces policy failures, the 8 assembly size needs to be increased. Consistent with the simple reasoning outlined by Taagepera and Shugart (1989) one can thus expect that: Hypothesis 2a. A wider gap between the population size and the assembly size increases the likelihood of assembly size enlargement. Let us now move to the expectation that sees MPs as rational actors seeking to increase their own benefit. As mentioned earlier assembly size has an impact on the proportionality of the electoral system: increasing the assembly size typically affects the district magnitude and thereby the effective electoral threshold. Enlargement of the legislature therefore typically reduces the seat shares of the larger parties, unless some form of compensation takes place. However, a bigger assembly size also reduces the personal power of individual politicians, as they have to compete with an increased number of other MPs e.g. for seats in the most prestigious parliamentary committees, the ownership of topics that are most popular with the media and the important positions within their own party. In sum, the power of individual politicians within the party is reduced as the number of direct competitors increases. As such one can expect increases in the assembly size when party leaders want to reduce the power of individual MPs or when smaller parties in the parliament have the power to negotiate their way into a coalition government, something which Colomer (2004: 3) calls the ‘micro-mega rule.’ Hence one can expect calls for expanding the assembly size when there are more smaller parties in the parliament (especially when they enter office in a coalition government). Under such circumstances, increasing the assembly size grants a relatively limited benefit in terms of seat shares for the smaller parties, but bigger parties have the benefit of weakening their MPs and increasing the power of the party leadership, especially in proportional systems. Therefore we can expect that: Hypothesis 2b. A higher number of parties increases the likelihood of assembly size enlargement. 9 What about the support of public opinion? If anything one can expect that citizens typically do not demand more politicians. In fact, in many instances – especially in times of economic crisis – a substantial portion of public opinion wants fewer MPs. In most other instances one would actually expect attempts to reduce the assembly size. This is indeed what Riera and Montero (2014) find in their study of bills on reductions of the Assembly size at the regional level. In response to public dissatisfaction, regions governed by a single-party majority wanted to reduce the assembly size (thereby reducing the proportionality and their seat share), while in regions governed by a large party that needed the support of a minor party introduced a bill that combined the reduction of the assembly with a lowering of the legal electoral threshold to offset the loss of proportionality. However, so far most of these reform proposals did not lead to actual reductions. Hence, one can expect that if public opinion has any influence, it will be a negative one.10 3. Data and method 3.1 Methods This article combines two different analyses that look at the same data from different perspectives. First, we carry out an analysis of the effect of population size on the design of assemblies; that is: the first time these assemblies are ‘formed'. Here we use a bivariate OLS regression with logged assembly size and population size in order to model the power law relationship between the two variables. Second, we carry out a survival analysis examining the effect of population growth on the likelihood of the enlargement of the legislature. This technique is best-suited to examine factors influencing the ‘survival of cases’ (here: how long it takes before an assembly is enlarged). Additionally it is also well-fit to carry out longitudinal analyses, something that is central in the cube root law. As population size and the effective number of parties change over time, we organized the data in the subject-period format to ensure the independent variables can 10 Unfortunately there are no longitudinal data on public dissatisfaction for a wide range of countries. As such including this variable would reduce the sample size dramatically. There are some data for economic performance, but even here data were only available for 55% of the observations, which seriously damages any analysis. Therefore we do not outline a hypothesis for this expectation. 10 vary over time.11 As our dependent variable is measured per election we apply the continuous-time models.12 Specifically, we will use a Cox regression in this analysis given that we have no strong theoretical grounds to expect that the baseline hazard function has any specific shape, which rules out parametric models. The advantage of Cox regressions is that they are very flexible regarding the baseline hazard function. They come at the cost introducing an additional assumption: the proportional hazards assumption.13 To test whether this assumption is violated we use Schoenfeld residuals. Lastly, as a country can experience multiple consecutive enlargements of the legislature, this needs to be controlled for. These so-called repeated events will be accounted for in the analysis by introducing shared frailties. 3.2 Pool of countries, controls and operationalizations In the design analysis, the dependent variable is the size of the assembly; in the redesign analysis, the dependent variable is the increase in size of assemblies. We obtain our assembly sizes from Bormann and Golder (2013) who have a comprehensive data set of the electoral system for every legislative election in democratic countries since the Second World War. This includes the size of the assembly that is elected. It covers 134 democracies and a total of 1197 legislative elections. They select regimes that Cheibub et al. (2010) have identified as democratic. This conception of democracy depends not only on the existence of democratically elected institutions but also alternation of power. This means that it is overly conservative: countries like South Africa, where the same party has been democratically re-elected to power four times, is not democratic. A key independent variable is the population size. We derive population sizes from the United Nations (2013a), which offers authoritative estimates of population sizes in most UN members and a number of territories. This data is available for the period 1950 and 2010. In the design analysis, we use population size as an independent variable. In the 11 This means we have values per election period nested in countries. Using discrete-time models (i.e. logit regression) would produce biased estimates as the time intervals are not of equal length: some governments fall early, while others last longer; some countries allow a maximum length of four years, while other allow five; which is why continuous-time models are required here (Mills, 2011:188). 13 It is assumed that e.g. when the risk of democratic erosions in Country A is twice that of Country B, this risk ratio should remain more or less the same over time. 12 11 reform analysis, we start by calculating the assembly size that one would expect (E[S]) based on the cube root law and the population of that country (P1/3). E[S] = P1/3 The actual assembly size (S) is then subtracted from this expected assembly size. The resulting number represents the seat gap (G) between the expected and the actual assembly size. The higher the gap, the more likely an enlargement of the assembly according to the Taagepera-Shugart model. G = E[S]-S The Argentinean legislature for instance counted 149 members in 1951. As there were 17,506,714 Argentines at the time, based on the cube root law we would expect 260 MPs. The gap between the expected assembly size (260) and the actual assembly size (149) is thus 111 seats. In the reform analysis, we use a number of additional variables. Most importantly we use the effective number of parties in the parliament to test our rational choice hypothesis. The effective number of parties is included in the Bormann and Golder (2013) data set. We also add three control variables, namely the number of years a country is democratic and dummies measuring whether or not a country has a mixed member proportional system, a single member district electoral system or not. In order to measure the years a country is democratic we use the polity IV data set (Monty et al. 2014).14 The electoral system is used as a control variable because multi-member proportional electoral systems, like the German, tend to change the number of seats in assembly every election due to the existence of overhang mandates (Überhangmandate). The single member district dummy is included because the assembly size works differently in such political systems (i.e. it is directly related to the number of districts; cf. Colomer, 2004). 14 This is obviously only relevant for countries that were already democratic before 1950. 12 This means that our data comes with restrictions: the assembly data is available for 133 countries. However, no UN population data is available for 13 of these; because these countries no longer exist (e.g. West-Germany), are a micro-state (e.g. Nauru) or it is not a recognized UN-member (e.g. Taiwan). This leaves 120 states (these are listed in Appendix 1). 81 states that are included by the UN dataset, but they are excluded from the Bormann and Golder (2013), because they are not democratic or because they are not independent states. The excluded countries are listed in Appendix 2. An overview of the countries included in the design analysis is provided in Appendix 3. Lastly, the descriptives of the variables in the reform analysis can be found in Appendix 4 4. Population size and the ‘design’ of assembly sizes First we examine the design hypothesis. This proposes that during the design phase the relationship between population size and assembly size follows the cube root law. The technocratic model that Taagepera and Shugart (1989) formulated applies to the choices made during the design of an assembly. To this end we look at countries that formed their first assembly in the period 1950-2010 for which we have population and assembly size data. Appendix 3 lists 40 countries for which have this data. These are all countries that became independent between 1950 and 2010 as well as Bhutan, which held its first elections in this period. Many other countries democratized during this period, but the assembly size was not chosen ex nihilo during the transition to democracy. There was an (elected) assembly in the autocratic phase. The number of seats of this assembly was re-evaluated: these were cases of re-design not design. A number of countries that became independent are not included in this list because the Bormann and Golder (2013) do not include the first elected assembly. We evaluate two models: first, the Taagepera-Shugart model, which holds that the relationship between population size and assembly size follows the cube root law. For this deductively determined estimate we can calculate an r-squared value; we can also plot it (in Figure 1). As we do not estimate the coefficients deductively they do not come with standard errors, however. The cube root law explains 78% of the variance of the sizes of assemblies. As Taagepera and Shugart (1989) already observed, this prediction is 13 poorer for countries with a small number of inhabitants than for countries with a large number of inhabitants. We can also take inductive approach, entering the logged population size as the independent variable in a regression analysis to explain the logged assembly size. We can see the model in Table 2: there are two crucial differences between Model 2 and Model 1. There is an intercept that is significantly different from zero. This effectively means that structurally the assembly sizes are almost 90% smaller than we would predict on basis of the cube root law. At the same time however, the coefficient for logged population is significantly higher: It is 0.46 (as compared to 0.33, that Shugart and Taagepera predict). This implies that the relationship between assembly size and population size is much steeper than the theory would propose. We can use Zelig to estimate the 95% confidence intervals (Imai 2008, 2009). The lower offset and the higher coefficient mean that the predicted values differ significantly between the Shugart-Taagepera model and our model for all countries with less than ten million inhabitants. 85% of the countries in the analysis fall within this region. The cube root law explains 78% of the variance of assembly sizes. The inductive model has a higher explained variance and it explains 89% of the variance of assembly sizes. This analyses come with one major caveat: out of the 40 assemblies elected, 37 were successors to local self-governing councils, either those preparing for home-rule in decolonizing states (such as the Territorial Assembly that preceded the National Assembly in the Republic of the Congo) or state councils in federal states (such as Czech National Council that preceded the Chamber of Deputies). The fact that these are successor parliaments is evident from the fact that countries do not immediately hold new elections after they declare independence but elevate the existing regional council to parliament and allow its term to expire before holding new elections. This means that these councils are also actually not designed ex nihilo but that they are redesigns of existing councils. Only three entities are not the direct successor of such as council: the Bhutan National Assembly which was instituted for the first time, the German Bundestag, which succeeded the West German Bundestag and the East German People's Chamber, and the India Lok Shaba, which succeeded the Central Legislative Assembly which administered both India and Pakistan. Of these three, the German Bundestag elected in 14 1990 is a clear example of redesign, which meant to incorporate East Germany into the West German political system. The Lok Shaba is arguably also a case of redesign, which was meant to form an Indian political system without Pakistan. This leaves only Bhutan in our data as a case of a parliament that was really brand new. Table 1: Models for design hypothesis Variable Intercept Model 1 Model 2 0 -2.22*** (NA) (0.39) a Population 0.33 0.46*** (NA) (0.03) R-squared 0.78 0.89 N 40 40 Dependent variable: logged assembly size *** > 0.01 > ** > 0.05 > * > 0.1 a Logged Note: Derived from Model 1 and 2. Red line representing the Shugart-Taagepera model and blue line representing the Model 2 with a 95% confidence interval. 5. Population size and the reform of assembly sizes 15 The 'static' analysis revealed that population size is clearly related to the assembly size when these assemblies are first ‘designed’. But Taagepera and Shugart (1989:179) also expected that assembly sizes would be ‘adjusted’ when population growth entailed that population and assembly size are out of tune. Table 2 shows the results of the Cox' regressions. Starting with the control variables, it seems that the type of electoral system does not matter: countries with mixed member proportional and single member district systems are not more likely to expand their legislatures than countries with other electoral systems.15 The number of years that a country is democratic, however, matters quite a lot. Long-standing democracies are more likely to increase their assembly size than newly established ones. New democracies often change their electoral systems quite frequently, but they typically focus on other elements that have a more direct impact on seat shares (Bielasiak & Hulsey, 2013). In newer democracies, parties apparently have other priorities than changing the assembly size. Based on the theory we would expect a positive and significant coefficient of our population variable (cf. hypothesis 2a). The direction of the coefficient is indeed positive, as we expected. However, the effect appears to be very small and is only marginally significant (p = 0.056). Indeed, the hazard ratio coefficient indicates that holding the other covariates constant, the likelihood of experiencing an enlargement of the legislature increases by just 0.1% per one-unit increase in our population variable.16 Perhaps the effect is underestimated because the range of that variable is very wide? Indeed a oneseat change is very small given that the population variable ranges from -279.40 to 516.70. Figure 2 therefore shows the effect for the full range of meaningful values of our population variable.17 It highlights that despite the wide range, the effect is very small. Only when the expected assembly size is 130 seats larger than the actual one, does the effect of the difference between the actual and expected assembly size become marginally significant. Even then it is only significant at the 0.1 level (not shown in 15 We use the label ‘likelihood’ to describe hazards/risks/conditional probabilities, as this makes interpretations more intuitive. 16 A one-unit increase here signifies that the difference between the expected assembly size (based on the population size) and the actual assembly size increases by one seat. 17 Meaningful, as in: excluding the outlier values. 16 figure) and it is never significant at the 0.05-level. Countries with a gap of 170 seats are just 20% more likely to experience an enlargement of the legislature than countries where the assembly is just the right size according to the cube root law. As such, hypothesis 2a cannot be corroborated. The rational choice perspective suggests that assembly sizes should increase when the effective number of parties increases. This seems to be the case. The p-value of the parties variable is below the 0.01 threshold (p = 0.0095) and the effect is positive, as we expected. The coefficient also suggests that the effect is more substantial: for every additional party, the likelihood of an enlargement of the legislature increases by 3.5%. Once again though, this number may be misleading, this time because the range of the effective number of parties variable is more limited than for the population variable. To put things in perspective, we therefore plotted the meaningful values for the effective number of parties variable in Figure 3. It turns out that the effect is somewhat moderate because in practice most countries have relatively few parties (between two and six to be precise). A country with six parties is about 14% more likely to experience an increase in the assembly size than a country with just two parties.18 18 We also carried out analyses including whether or not a country was in recession. Unfortunately, the number of observations then drops to just 663 and whole countries disappear as missing. For the sake of completeness, the results of this analysis are: after correcting for the fact that the variable has nonproportional hazards, the coefficients and p-values for our two main variables, the number of parties and the population size are very similar. The effect of the economic situation is absent at first, but becomes statistically significant and negative after six years of having the same assembly size. 17 Table 2. Models for the reform hypotheses Model 1. Controls only Coef. (s.e.) Haz. rat. Model 2. Number of parties Coef. (s.e.) Haz. rat. H2a. Population – assembly size gap (in seats) H2b. Effective number of parties 0.0351 (0.0129) 1.036** Model 3. Population Model 4 Full model Coef. (s.e.) Haz. rat. Coef. (s.e.) Haz. rat. 0.0012 (0.0006) 1.001 0.0012 (0.0006) 1.001 0.0343 (0.0132) 1.035** Years democratic 0.0063 (0.0019) 1.006*** 0.0062 (0.0018 1.006*** 0.0062 (0.0020) 1.006*** 0.0070 (0.0020) 1.007*** Single Member District -0.0302 (0.1572) 0.09703 0.0115 (0.1603) 1.012 -0.0318 (0.1623) 0.09703 0.0065 (0.1657) 1.006 MMP 0.1730 (0.2484) 1.189 0.1847 (0.2480) 1.203 0.1520 (0.2873) 1.164 0.1673 (0.2869) 1.182 Events 235 230 217 213 Observations 1063 1001 950 922 63.18*** 63.34*** 63.18*** 65.41*** 5.50 5.31 6.33 6.06 0.42 0.44 0.44 0.47 LR test Schoenfeld residuals test (chi sq. value) Generalized R 2 ***p<0.001, **p<0.01, *p<0,05 Note: All models include controls for number of past events by including shared frailties. Note2: Significant values for the Schoenfeld residuals would indicate that the effect of at least one variable changes over time. This is not the case for our variables, so no adjustments need to be made. 18 Figure 2. Effect of the population / assembly size gap19 Figure 3. Effect of the effective number of parties20 19 We used simulations to calculate the quantities of interest. To avoid distortion by outliers, the minimum/maximum value is always based on 1.5 times the inter-quartile distance. This number is subtracted from the Q1-value or added to Q3-value to determine the minimum and maximum X-values. 20 The number of parties is centered as hazard ratios always take 0 as the point of reference, a value that does not occur in our dataset. 19 6. Conclusion This study set out to determine the relationship between population and assembly size. We differentiated between two phases in which population size may play a role in decision-making about assembly sizes: the first is when assemblies are designed for the first time and second when assemblies are reformed, when their size is re-evaluated. Statistically, we find a strong and significant effect of population size on assembly size in the 'design phase'. The empirical patterns do not exactly fit the cube root law prediction, showing a pattern that is closer to a 'root law' than a 'cube root law'. The crucial problem however is that when critically reflect on the forty available cases of post-independence or post-dictatorship assembly, only one (1) is an actual example of designed assembly that does not have a predecessor. In the period 1950-2010, there are almost no examples of countries that democratized or became independent without having some form of selfgoverning council. This means that reform is much more important than design. Here we find considerably less support for the hypothesis that growing population size is a reason re-evaluate assembly sizes. This relationship is weak and barely significant. The likelihood of change in assembly size is not predicted by discrepancies between the population size and assembly size. The evidence presented here supports the hypothesis that the number of parties matters for assembly size: the more fractionalized an assembly, that is the more small parties there are, the more likely an assembly is to expand. The reason is, we propose, that small parties benefit in terms of their seat shares when an assembly expands. Practically, the size of the effect of the effective number of parties is similar to the effect of population size. However, given that the effective number of parties is a factor changes quite frequently and population growth is a long-term slowly evolving process, the effective number of parties is more likely to play a role in real-life debates about increasing the assembly size, than population size. This leaves us with a puzzling observation: why do assembly sizes at particular points in time actually match the population sizes of their respective countries, even though from an empirical perspective population size does not play a major role in re-evaluating assembly sizes? This study only surveyed the period 1950-2010, the relationship between 20 population growth and assembly size may actually have been set in the period before that. After that 1950 the relationship continued to exist for the simple reason that the order of magnitudes of the population sizes and the assembly sizes was set. For instance, the order of magnitude of the size of the Irish parliament was set in 1922 to reflect the country's population size then. Since then the population has increased and the size of the Dáil may have been updated: but the population of Ireland did not increase ten-fold. The very nature of the cube root calculation allows to absorb quite a lot of population growth. Therefore the rough cube root law may still hold, reflecting earlier population sizes. Second, in a similar line of argument the size of many self-governing regional or territorial bodies that existed before countries became independent may have been set up to reflect the size of the population in the region when they were first formed. Since then the population did not change an order of magnitude. Therefore again the cube root law may still hold, but it reflects much earlier population sizes. The same may also apply for representative assemblies that were formed during autocratic phases. This does mean, however, that cube root law is not a law: there is no direct causal relationship between the current population sizes and the current assembly sizes. The existence of a statistical relationship may only reflect a relationship between assembly and population sizes when they were set up. We find no proof of continuous updating of these assembly sizes in the period 1950-2010. In sum, present correlations between population and assembly size are probably more of a historical artifact than a sign of an empirical law. Future research may therefore want to expand their research in two directions: first, we may want to look in more detail at the size of assemblies when they are actually designed for the first time. This means that for Western democracies we would have to look at the pre-War period. We would need to go back to as far as 930 for the Icelandic Althing. For countries in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe that, since the Second World War, have become newly independent, we would need to look at the sizes of regional and territorial self-governing bodies. And finally for autocracies, we would have to look at the size of populations and assemblies for the first time at which assemblies were set up independent of the level of democracy in that country. 21 Second, future research may also want to provide a more elaborate longitudinal test of the relationship between population and assembly size. For instance, in this study we could not test the effect of public opinion, nor of factors that affect public opinion such a country's economic performance. Given the lack of empirical support for the effect of population size (from the institutionalist logic) and the relative small impact of the number of political parties (rational considerations by MPs), the literature would indicate that these kinds of explanations may be a third and more fruitful avenue. 22 7. Appendices Appendix 1: countries included # Country 1 Albania 2 Antigua and Barbuda 3 Argentina 4 Armenia 5 Australia 6 Austria 7 Bahamas 8 Bangladesh 9 Barbados 10 Belgium 11 Belize 12 Benin 13 Bhutan 14 Bolivia 15 Brazil 16 Bulgaria 17 Burundi 18 Canada 19 Cape Verde 20 Central African Republic 21 Chile 22 Colombia 23 Comoros 24 Congo 25 Costa Rica 26 Croatia 27 Cuba 28 Cyprus 29 Czech Republic 30 Denmark 31 Dominican Republic 32 Ecuador 33 El Salvador 34 Estonia 35 Fiji 36 Finland 37 France 38 Georgia 39 Germany 40 Ghana 41 Greece Since 1992 1984 1951 1995 1951 1949 1977 1991 1966 1953 1984 1991 2008 1979 1950 1991 1993 1953 1991 1993 1953 1958 1992 1963 1953 1992 1950* 1985 1990 1950 1966 1952 1985 1992 1992 1951 1951 2004 1990 1979 1950 23 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Grenada Guatemala Guinea-Bissau Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Kenya Kiribati Korea Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Liberia Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Maldives Mali Malta Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Pakistan Panama Papua New Guinea 1976 1950 1999 1957 1990 1946 1951 1999 1951 1951 1953 1962 1952 1997 1982 1960 2007 1955* 1993 1951 2005 1992 1954 1994 1993 1994 2009* 1992 1966 2006* 1976 2000 1991 1998 1992 1951 1991 1952 1951 1990 1993 1964 1953 1977 1952 1977 24 88 Paraguay 89 Peru 90 Philippines 91 Poland 92 Portugal 93 Romania 94 Saint Lucia 95 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 96 Sao Tome and Principe 97 Senegal 98 Serbia 99 Sierra Leone 100 Slovakia 101 Slovenia 102 Solomon Islands 103 Somalia 104 Spain 105 Sri Lanka 106 Sudan 107 Suriname 108 Sweden 109 Switzerland 110 Thailand 111 Timor 112 Trinidad and Tobago 113 Turkey 114 Uganda 115 Ukraine 116 United Kingdom 117 United States of America 118 Uruguay 119 Vanuatu 120 Venezuela * only one case included 1989 1956 1953 1991 1976 1990 1979 1979 1991 2001 2007 1962 1994 1992 1980 1964 1977 1952 1958 1977 1952 1951 1975 2007 1966 1961 1980* 1994 1950 1950 1950 1983 1963 25 Appendix 2: countries excluded # Country 1 Afghanistan 2 Algeria 3 Andorra 4 Angola 5 Aruba 6 Azerbaijan 7 Bahrain 8 Belarus 9 Bosnia and Herzegovina 10 Botswana 11 Brunei Darussalam 12 Burkina Faso 13 Cambodia 14 Cameroon 15 Chad 16 Channel Islands 17 China 18 Hong Kong SAR 19 Macao SAR 20 Côte d'Ivoire 21 Curaçao 22 Czechoslovakia 23 Dem. People's Republic of Korea 24 Democratic Republic of the Congo 25 Djibouti 26 Dominica 27 Egypt 28 Equatorial Guinea 29 Eritrea 30 Ethiopia 31 French Guiana 32 French Polynesia 33 Gabon 34 Gambia 35 Guadeloupe 36 Guam 37 Guinea 38 Guyana 39 Haiti 40 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 41 Iraq 42 Jordan 43 Kazakhstan Reason of exclusion no democracy no democracy too small no democracy not independent no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy not independent no democracy not independent not independent no democracy not independent no longer exists no democracy no democracy no democracy too small no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy not independent not independent no democracy no democracy no democracy not independent no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy 26 Included in included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in Golder (2013) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in Golder (2013) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in Golder (2013) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Kuwait Lesotho Libya Liechtenstein Malaysia Marshall Islands Martinique Mayotte Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nauru New Caledonia Oman Palau Polynesia Puerto Rico Qatar Réunion Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Samoa San Marino Saudi Arabia Serbia and Montenegro Seychelles Singapore South Africa South Sudan State of Palestine Swaziland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Togo Tonga Tunisia Turkmenistan Tuvalu United Arab Emirates United States Virgin Islands Uzbekistan Viet Nam no democracy no democracy no democracy too small no democracy too small not independent not independent no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy too small not independent no democracy too small not independent not independent no democracy not independent no democracy no democracy too small not independent too small not independent no longer exists no democracy no democracy no democracy not existent yet not independent no democracy no democracy not independent no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy no democracy too small no democracy not independent no democracy no democracy 27 included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in Golder (2013) included in UN (2013a) included in Golder (2013) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in Golder (2013) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in Golder (2013) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in Golder (2013) included in UN (2013a) included in Golder (2013) included in UN (2013a) included in Golder (2013) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in Golder (2013) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in Golder (2013) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) 90 91 92 93 94 West Germany Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe no longer exists not independent no democracy no democracy no democracy 28 included in Golder (2013) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) included in UN (2013a) Appendix 3: Countries included to test design hypothesis # Country 1 Antigua and Barbuda 2 Armenia 3 Bahamas 4 Barbados 5 Belize 6 Bhutan 7 Congo 8 Croatia 9 Czech Republic 10 East Timor 11 Estonia 12 Germany 13 Grenada 14 India 15 Jamaica 16 Kiribati 17 People's Democratic Republic of Laos 18 Latvia 19 Lithuania 20 Macedonia 21 Malta 22 Mauritius 23 Federated States of Micronesia 24 Myanmar 25 Nigeria 26 Papua New Guinea 27 Serbia 28 Sierra Leone 29 Slovakia 30 Slovenia 31 Solomon Islands 32 Somalia 33 Sri Lanka 34 St. Lucia 35 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 36 Sudan 37 Suriname 38 Trinidad and Tobago 39 Ukraine 40 Vanuatu 29 Year 1984 1995 1977 1966 1984 2008 1963 1992 1996 2007 1992 1990 1976 1951 1962 1982 1955 1993 1992 1994 1966 1976 1991 1951 1964 1977 2007 1962 1994 1992 1980 1964 1952 1979 1979 1958 1977 1966 1994 1983 Appendix 4. 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