Lecture 5: The Measurement and Processing of X-ray diffraction data 5.1 Specimen preparation & the problem of radiation damage: “Freezing” crystals 5.2 The oscillation method for single crystal X-ray diffraction data collection 5.3 Estimation of Diffracted Intensities 5.4 The Merging and Scaling of data 5.5 The Determination of the crystal space group: Symmetry and Systematic absences 5.6 A common pathology: Merohedral twinning (Omitted in 2015) 5.7 Basic characterization of a novel X-ray data set 5.7.1 Estimating the number of molecules in the asymmetric unit 5.7.3 Detecting rotational NCS 5.7.4 Detecting translational NCS (omitted in 2015) Wednesday, 18 March 15 1 The paper that founded the field of protein crystallography The essential observation: Protein crystals contain a lot of water which is essential to their integrity. Wednesday, 18 March 15 2 Another innovative idea from the brain of J.D. Bernal: The Bernal sphere … Wednesday, 18 March 15 3 … inhabitable space stations orbiting the earth Wednesday, 18 March 15 4 Capillary-mounting of protein crystals … formerly the standard method From Blundell and Johnson (1976) From Blow (2002) Wednesday, 18 March 15 5 Problems with capillary-mounting of protein crystals 1. It’s fiddly, and hard to do well, especially for small crystals. 2. Protein crystals at room temperature suffer severe radiation damage from exposure to X-rays. This process can be dramatically slowed (but not eliminated) by cooling the crystals to liquid Nitrogen temperatures. Wednesday, 18 March 15 6 Cryo-crystallography •Most X-ray diffraction data on protein crystals is now collected with the crystal maintained near the temperature of liquid nitrogen. ‣Liquid nitrogen boils at 77 K (-196 °C) ‣Crystals typically maintained at 110 K (-163 °C) for collection of diffraction data •Crystals are prepared for data collection by suspending them in a thin film of liquid, in a fiber loop, and then rapidly immersing them in liquid nitrogen. •Cryoprotectants (essentially antifreeze) are usually added to the buffer, to help suppress crystalline ice formation and prevent physical damage to crystals. •It’s quite common for crystals to get damaged during cooling and optimization of the cryoprotectant, and its concentration, is usually required. Wednesday, 18 March 15 7 Mounting protein crystals in fiber loops Harvesting and the Flash cooling process: The crystal is scooped up from the drop in a loop, and quickly immersed in liquid Nitrogen. A vial with a magnetic rim is used to protect and transport the Crystal/Loop/Pin/Base assembly Text Magnetic “wand”, used for handling From Rupp (2010) Magnetic base Pin Loop (invisible at this magnification) Cryovial with magnetic rim The basic setup Image courtesy Phil Jeffrey: http://xray0.princeton.edu/~phil/Facility/Guides/XrayDataCollection.html Wednesday, 18 March 15 8 8-+ ,-%= 1-& -($ E$ 8/ $&( %$0 $&6 &-( G$& -!* 1&' 1* 1&' 0$* "+$ E$ $&( ()$ -&= $*( /%$ -2 8*( '$+ .$ ("%= & -2 $$& "7* 1& 7-6 -&* *("% ("%= !"#" F$* J8"&(1(7 -2 0"("= !)"( 1* 0$*1+"E%$a Maintaining loop-mounted crystals close to liquid Nitrogen temperature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ednesday, 18 March 15 From Garman. Cool data: quantity AND quality. Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. (1999) vol. 55 (Pt 10) pp. 1641-53 9 Role of cryoprotectants A primary role of the cryoprotectant is to suppress formation of crystalline ice. X-ray diffraction image from a poorly cooled crystal Garman and Schneider (1997) J. Appl. Cryst. 30, 211-237 Wednesday, 18 March 15 10 Role of cryoprotectants Diffraction patterns obtained from flash cooled water-glycerol mixtures Because the tiny ice crystals are randomly oriented, they generally give rise to a powder diffraction pattern The resolution of the powder diffraction rings arising from crystalline ice are indicated (hexagonal ice has unit cell dimensions a=b= 4.51 Å, c= 7.35 Å) If ice rings are present in diffraction patterns collected from protein crystals, the data in the immediate vicinity of the ice ring cannot be reliably estimated. Garman and Doublié. Cryocooling of macromolecular crystals: optimization methods. Meth. Enzymol. (2003) vol. 368 pp. 188-216 Wednesday, 18 March 15 11 Role of cryoprotectants A secondary role of cryoprotectants is to prevent physical damage to the crystal resulting from the differential contraction of solvent and protein. a b c d Juers and Matthews (2004) Quart. Rev. Biophys. 37, 105-119 Schematic showing three possible responses of solvent to cooling. (a) The room-temperature crystal, with the portion in blue illustrating the solvent occupying the interstitial space between the four macromolecules in the unit cell. (b)–(d ) The crystal with its low-temperature packing arrangement, and three possibilities for solvent contraction. (b) The solvent shrinks less than the interstices, resulting in the extrusion of solvent into the neighboring interstices. (c) The solvent shrinks by the same amount as the interstitial space. Some solvent rearrangement is required to accommodate the lattice repacking. (d ) The solvent shrinks more than the interstices, resulting in import of solvent into the interstice from neighboring ones. Wednesday, 18 March 15 12 Radiation damage The problem of radiation damage is particularly acute at high intensity synchrotron radiation sources, where protein crystals can get toasted … very quickly. Freezing helps, but it’s not a universal panacea. Garman and Owen(2006) Acta Cryst D62, 32-47. Crystal of bacteriorhodopsin exposed (at 100K) to a 30 μM diameter X-ray beam at the ESRF, Grenoble Wednesday, 18 March 15 13 Radiation damage As we learned in Lecture 1, X-rays can interact with the crystal in 3 possible ways: 1. They can be elastically scattered, without loss of energy (Thomson scattering). 2. They can be inelastically scattered, and lose energy to the molecules in the crystal (Compton scattering). 3. They can be absorbed due to the Photoelectric effect. This generates free “photoelectrons” and results in emission of secondary radiation. •Only the first of these contributes to the useful part of the observed diffraction pattern. •However most (~90%) of the interactions of X-rays with the crystal are of types 2 and 3. •Therefore most of the X-rays interacting with the crystal deposit their energy into it, which causes radiation damage. Photo-absorption (mechanism 3) is the main contributor to radiation damage in protein crystallography. Wednesday, 18 March 15 14 Radiation damage Conceptually, radiation damage can be divided into two components. 1. Primary radiation damage. The initial deposition of energy generates photoelectrons, leading to rupture of covalent bonds and production of free radicals (highly reactive chemical species with unpaired electrons). Primary radiation damage is unavoidable and not dependent on temperature. Incident X-ray 2. Secondary radiation damage. Free radicals produced by the incident radiation can diffuse through the crystal and cause further damage. Secondary radiation damage is time and temperature dependent. Excepting free electrons, most radicals are immobilized at liquid Nitrogen temperatures. This is why cooling is good. But cooling does not eliminate secondary radiation damage. Wednesday, 18 March 15 15 Radiation damage Radiation damage in proteins localizes at particular sites. Common manifestations of radiation damage: • Disulfide bond rupture • Decarboxylation of Aspartatic and Glutamatic acids • Loss of hydroxyl group from Tyrosine • Carbon-sulfur bond cleavage in Methionine. • Disulfide bond rupture Schulze-Briese, Wagner, Tomizaki & Oetiker (2005) J. Synch. Rad. 12, 261-267. Increasing X-ray exposure The evolution of radiation damage in a disulfide bond (protein = insulin) Wednesday, 18 March 15 16 i.e. the ‘noise’) normalized to the intensity I1/! 1 of the first data set is not a robust metric since the noise ! D increases with dose and thus ID/! D reduces by an amount that more than represents the true loss of diffracting power. (ii) Rd, the pairwise R factor between identical and symmetry-related reflections occurring on different diffraction images, plotted against the difference in dose, !D, between Radiation damage Decarboxylation of Glutamic acid Figure 3 Photograph of a 400 mm neuraminidase crystal (subtype N9 fro influenza isolated from a noddy tern), space group I432, that h irradiated on ID14-4 at the ESRF at 100 K and then allowed to w to RT. The three black marks are from the 100 # 100 mm be discolouration is an indication of radiation damage. Carbon-Sulfur bond rupture in methionine Garman, E. F. Radiation damage in macromolecular crystallography: what is it and why should we care? Acta Crystallographica Section D 66, 339– 351 (2010). Specific structural damage inflicted on a cryocooled crystal of apoferritin during sequential data sets collected on beamline ID14-4 at Figure 4 ESRF. Figure 2 3 after An Specificdensity structural inflicted on a cryocooled of apoferritin idealized Rd(b) , the pairwise R factor between identi (a) Electron mapdamage surrounding Glu63 contoured crystal at 0.2 electrons/Å a dose of 2.5 plot MGyofand after 50 MGy. 3 after symmetry-related during density sequential sets collected on contoured beamline ID14-4 at ESRF. (a) occurring on different diffraction (c) Electron mapdata surrounding Met96 at 0.2 electrons/Å a dose of 2.5 MGyreflections and (d) after 50 MGy "3 2Fo " Fc map of Glu63 contoured at 0.2 e Å after a dose of 2.5 MGy Wednesday, March 15 50 MGy. (c) 2F " F map of Met96 contoured at 0.2 e Å"3 and18(b) after plotted against the difference in dose, !D, between the images o 17 the reflections were collected (Diederichs, 2006). The plot is a stra The Screenless Oscillation Method The crystal is rotated through a small angle about an axis perpendicular to the X-ray beam, while the diffraction pattern is recorded on a suitable detector (generally a CCD or an imaging plate). The total angular range that has to be swept out to collect a complete dataset depends on the crystal symmetry and crystal orientation (also note that for some orientations of a crystal it is physically impossible to collect all the data by simply rotating around a single axis). Typically we might sweep through 180° in 1° increments, resulting in 180 diffraction images which must be further analyzed. From Outline of Crystallography for Biologists, Blow Wednesday, 18 March 15 18 Visualizing the Laue conditions geometrically We aren’t going to attempt a systematic treatment of diffraction geometry. But you should be aware of the following “geometric” interpretation of the Laue conditions Recall that these are the Laue conditions - the conditions for observing diffraction from a 3D crystal: s.a = h s.b = k s.c = l a, b, and c are the vectors which define the unit cell. h,k and l are integers. Diffraction only occurs when s - the scattering vector - satisfies these conditions. The points at which all 3 Laue conditions are satisfied are the points of the reciprocal lattice. Wednesday, 18 March 15 19 Visualizing the Laue conditions geometrically Imagine that we have the a axis of the cr ystal aligned with the axis of oscillation. Geometrically, the first of the Laue conditions specifies that diffraction is restricted to a series of cones arranged symmetrically about the oscillation axis. s.a = h s.b = k s.c = l (To understand this remember that s.a is proportional to the projection of s in the direction of a ) a From Woolfson. An Introduction to X-ray crystallography (1978) So 2θ s Wednesday, 18 March 15 S 20 Visualizing the Laue conditions geometrically If we record the diffraction pattern from this crystal on a flat detector we see that the fir st Laue condition restricts diffraction to arcs on the detector surface. The diffraction from a 3D cr ystal is restricted to points which lie at the intersection of the arcs arising from all 3 Laue conditions. The main point to take away - with a flat detector, the oscillation method gives rise to a “distorted” picture of the reciprocal lattice. Adapted from van Holde, Johnson & Ho. Principles of Physical Biochemistry. (2006) Wednesday, 18 March 15 21 What oscillation data looks like A movie made by compiling actual X-ray diffraction data from a crystal of GCN4-N16A peptide in space group P3121. Each frame is a 1° oscillation.. James Holton, Berkeleyo Wednesday, 18 March 15 22 Some practicalities Must select an oscillation angle, and a crystaldetector distance, sufficient to resolve the diffraction maxima and avoid overlaps. This crystal is orthorhombic: space group P212121 Cell dimensions: a= 76 Å b=77 Å c= 297 Å α = 90° β= 90° γ= 90° To resolve the closely spaced reflections along c* the detector could not be moved much closer. From Biomolecular Crystallography, Rupp Wednesday, 18 March 15 23 Some practicalities Must choose an appropriate exposure time. The same oscillation image, recorded with different exposure times 30 ms exposure Too noisy, high resolution data not reliably recorded From Biomolecular Crystallography, Rupp Wednesday, 18 March 15 1 s exposure About right 60 s exposure Overdone. Detector is saturated at low resolution, Little gain in high resolution region 24 The processing of oscillation data The basic steps to be carried out: •Autoindexing: Determine a lattice and crystal orientation that can predict the positions of the diffracted intensities. •Data integration: Get a numerical estimate of the diffracted intensity •Data Scaling and Merging: Put the intensity estimates from different images on a common scale and combine multiple measurements (“Reducing the data”). The user must make an assumption about the symmetry of the crystal. The assumptions about crystal symmetry need to be carefully examined. X-ray data processing is now highly automated. When it goes wrong it’s usually because of incorrect symmetry assignment by the user. Wednesday, 18 March 15 25 Autoindexing and data integration Modern autoindexing algorithms are based on the Fourier transform, and are very robust. They will output the crystal parameters (the unit cell dimensions, the centering operations, and the orientation of the crystal with respect to the laboratory coordinate system). This is required to predict the diffraction pattern, and assign each spot on the image an index hkl. We will skip the details of data integration, through which a numerical intensity estimate is derived from the images. It works well !! A typical macromolecular diffraction pattern for a strongly diffracting crystal. The original image is shown on the left, with the predicted reflections shown superposed on the right. Each reflection is shown as a box, colour-coded blue and yellow for fully recorded and partially recorded reflections, respectively. Leslie (2005) Acta Cryst D62, 48-57. Wednesday, 18 March 15 26 The processing of oscillation data What we want to end up with is a list of indices h k l and an estimate I(hkl) for the diffracted intensity. Note once again that experimentally we measure I(hkl) - the intensity - which is proportional to the square of the structure factor amplitudes |F(hkl)| which appear in the expression for the electron density. I(hkl) ∝ Wednesday, 18 March 15 2 |F(hkl)| 27 The assignment of symmetry •The big problem in data processing, is to correctly understand the symmetry of the crystal ... i.e. assign the crystal space group. • While this step has been automated, it’s good to have a strong understanding of the problem, because things still go wrong here. •To assign the symmetry of the crystal we have to work backwards from the diffraction data - by consideration of the geometry of the reciprocal lattice and the symmetry present in the diffraction pattern. •Recall that there are 230 space groups. However because protein molecules are chiral (they have handedness) we need consider only the 65 enantiomorphic space groups. At the end of the symmetry lectures we listed these “biological” space groups. Wednesday, 18 March 15 28 The 65 “Biological” Space Groups Bravais Lattice Possible space groups Associated point group Primitive Cubic P23 (195), P213 (198) P432 (207), P4132 (213), P4232 (208), P4332 (212) 23 432 I centered Cubic I23 (197), I213 (199) I432 (211), I4132 (214) 23 432 F centered Cubic F23 (196) F432 (209),F4132 (210) 23 432 Rhombohedral R3 (146) R32 (155) 3 32 Primitive Hexagonal P3 (143), P31 (144), P32 (145) P312 (149), P3112 (151), P3212 (153), P321 (150), P3121 (152), P3221 (154) P6 (168), P61 (169), P62 (171), P63 (173), P64 (172), P65 (170) P622 (177), P6122 (178), P6222 (180), P6322 (182), P6422 (181), P6522 (179) 3 32 6 622 Primitive Tetragonal P4 (75), P41 (76), P42 (77), P43 (78) P422 (89), P4212 (90), P4122 (91), P41212 (92), P4222 (93), P42212 (94), P4322, (95), P43212 (96) 4 422 I centred Tetragonal I4 (79), I41 (80) I422 (97), I4122 (98) 4 422 Primitive Orthorhombic P222 (16), P2221 (17), P21212 (18), P212121 (19) 222 C Centered Orthorhombic C222 (21), C2221 (20) 222 I Centered Orthorhombic I222 (23), I212121 (24) 222 F Centered Orthorhombic F222 (22) 222 Primitive Monoclinic P2 (3), P21 (4) 2 C Centered Monoclinic C2 (5) 2 Triclinic P1 (1) 1 Wednesday, 18 March 15 29 The assignment of space group symmetry ... overview 1. Collect diffraction data & successfully index the diffraction pattern. 2. Figure out which of the Crystal Systems / Bravais lattices we appear to be dealing with 4. Narrow the list of space group possibilities by consideration of systematically absent observations 3. Analyze the symmetry present in the diffraction pattern - deduce possible space groups Wednesday, 18 March 15 30 Bravais Lattices and Crystal Systems •Auto-indexing algorithms will produce a list of possible lattices, and the cell dimensions, and indicate the degree to which they can predict the diffraction pattern. This gives us our first indications of the likely symmetry of the of the crystal. •This is because symmetry places constraints on the angles and lengths of a conventionally chosen unit cell. Consult the table on the seven crystal systems (repeated on the following slide) •Initially we want to try and figure out which of the Bravais Lattices we are working with, since that narrows the space group possibilities. Remember that there are a total of 14 Bravais lattices, split among 7 Crystal Systems ... •However the cell dimensions are only a guide to the crystal symmetry. While they tell you the highest possible symmetry of the crystal, you can always have less symmetry than the cell dimensions might suggest. Wednesday, 18 March 15 31 The seven crystal systems System Essential rotational symmetry Conventional choice of axes Unit Cell restrictions Possible Lattices Triclinic None No constraints None P Monoclinic Two-fold axis b parallel to 2-fold α = γ = 90° P,C Orthorhombic Three perpendicular 2-fold axes a, b, c parallel to 2fold axes α = β = γ = 90° P,C,I,F Trigonal/Hexagonal 3-fold or 6-fold axis c parallel to 3-fold or 6-fold a=b α = β = 90°, γ = 120° P Rhombohedral 3-fold axis a, b, c related by three fold axis a=b=c α=β=γ R Tetragonal 4-fold axis c parallel to 4-fold a=b α = β = γ = 90° P,I Cubic 4 3-fold axes a, b, c related by three fold axis a=b=c α = β = γ = 90° P,I,F Wednesday, 18 March 15 32 A reminder about centered cells ... For 7 of the 14 Bravais lattices, crystallographers select non-primitive cells, with more than 1 lattice point in the cell, because these better reflect the space group symmetry. Here they are ... Monoclinic crystal system C centering Tetragonal crystal system I centering Orthorhombic crystal system I centering C centering F centering Cubic crystal system I centering F centering Images from Ron Stenkamp, University of Washington Wednesday, 18 March 15 33 Bravais Lattices and Crystal Systems Let’s look at some examples … Primitive Lattice: Cell dimensions a= 23 Å b=34 Å c= 55 Å, Cell angles α = 87° β= 93° γ= 98° C Centered Lattice: Cell dimensions a= 23 Å b=34 Å c= 55 Å, Cell angles α = 90° β= 90° γ= 90° Primitive Lattice: Cell dimensions a= 60 Å b=60 Å c= 94 Å, Cell angles α = 90° β= 90° γ= 120° I Centered Lattice: Cell dimensions a= 60 Å b=60 Å c= 94 Å, Cell angles α = 90° β= 90° γ= 90° From Drenth (2002) Wednesday, 18 March 15 34 The seven crystal systems System Essential rotational symmetry Conventional choice of axes Unit Cell restrictions Possible Lattices Triclinic None No constraints None P Monoclinic Two-fold axis b parallel to 2-fold α = γ = 90° P,C Orthorhombic Three perpendicular 2-fold axes a, b, c parallel to 2fold axes α = β = γ = 90° P,C,I,F Trigonal/Hexagonal 3-fold or 6-fold axis c parallel to 3-fold or 6-fold a=b α = β = 90°, γ = 120° P Rhombohedral 3-fold axis a, b, c related by three fold axis a=b=c α=β=γ R Tetragonal 4-fold axis c parallel to 4-fold a=b α = β = γ = 90° P,I Cubic 4 3-fold axes a, b, c related by three fold axis a=b=c α = β = γ = 90° P,I,F Wednesday, 18 March 15 35 The Laue symmetry - The symmetry of the diffraction pattern To go further, we need to consider not just the unit cell dimensions, and the Bravais lattice, but the actual symmetry of the diffraction pattern. The symmetry of the diffraction pattern is just the rotational symmetry of the Space group, plus inversion, and is termed the Laue symmetry. Here’s an example, for Space group P2. Here is space group P2 … The rotational symmetry is just a 2-fold axis (formally: the cyclic point group 2) And the symmetry of the diffraction pattern is 2/m … 2 From International Tables for X-ray Crystallography. From Fundamentals of Crystals,Vainshtein. Even-fold axes in the space group generate mirror planes in the diffraction data, and it is their presence or absence that allows us to discriminate many of the space groups from their diffraction patterns Wednesday, 18 March 15 36 The Laue symmetry - The symmetry of the diffraction pattern Here’s a reminder of how coupling inversion with two-fold rotation generates a mirror plane, in case you’re not getting it … From Crystal Structure Analysis, Glusker and TrueBlood. Wednesday, 18 March 15 37 The Laue symmetry - The symmetry of the diffraction pattern Here’s another example The rotational symmetry is just a Here is space group P61 … 6-fold axis (formally: the cyclic point group 6) From International Tables for X-ray Crystallography. Wednesday, 18 March 15 And the symmetry of the diffraction pattern is 6/m … From Fundamentals of Crystals,Vainshtein. 38 The Laue symmetry - The symmetry of the diffraction pattern And a final example Here is spacegroup P6122… From International Tables for X-ray Crystallography. Wednesday, 18 March 15 The associated rotational symmetry is the dihedral point group 622 And the symmetry of the diffraction pattern is 6/mmm … From Fundamentals of Crystals,Vainshtein. 39 Here are the Laue groups which describe the point group symmetry of X-ray diffraction patterns Crystal point group 4 ↓ Crystal point group 422 ↓ Crystal point group 1 ↓ Crystal point group 222 ↓ Crystal point group 6 ↓ Crystal point group 2 ↓ Crystal point group 3 ↓ Crystal point group 32 ↓ Crystal point group 23 ↓ Crystal point group 622 ↓ Crystal point group 432 ↓ Adapted from Fundamentals of Crystals, Vainshtein. Wednesday, 18 March 15 40 The Laue symmetry defines the asymmetric unit in reciprocal space. Crystal point group 222 ↓ Crystal point group 3 ↓ Crystal point group 32 ↓ Laue Symmetry Asymmetric unit Adapted from Fundamentals of Crystals, Vainshtein and Biomolecular Crystallography, Rupp Wednesday, 18 March 15 41 The assignment of symmetry Here’s an heuristic example of how we can use symmetry in the diffraction pattern of a protein crystal, to work backwards and assign the space group This image was generated by Precession photography, an old technique which gives a very straightforward picture of the reciprocal lattice. We can now easily generate and inspect similar plots using a computer. Wei et al (1979) J Biol Chem,254, 4892-4894 Wednesday, 18 March 15 42 The assignment of symmetry 2. Figure out which of the Bravais lattices & crystal systems we appear to be dealing with This diffraction pattern can be indexed on a primitive hexagonal lattice. That already tells us this crystal probably belongs to the trigonal/hexagonal crystal system. This is the hk0 plane of the reciprocal lattice (we are looking straight down the unique axis c*) Wei et al (1979) J Biol Chem,254, 4892-4894 Wednesday, 18 March 15 43 The assignment of symmetry 3. Analyze the symmetry present in the diffraction pattern - deduce possible space groups Now we need to examine the symmetry present in the diffraction pattern: We can see clear six fold rotational symmetry. That means we are dealing with either Laue group 6/m or 6/mmm Wei et al (1979) J Biol Chem,254, 4892-4894 Wednesday, 18 March 15 44 The assignment of symmetry 3. Analyze the symmetry present in the diffraction pattern - deduce possible space groups We can see the tell-tale mirror planes bisecting the diffraction pattern The Laue group is therefore 6/mmm. The crystal point group is therefore 622. That narrows the space group possibilities to six P622 (#177), P6122 (#178), P6222 (#180), P6322 (#182), P6422 (#181), P6522 (#179) Wei et al (1979) J Biol Chem,254, 4892-4894 Wednesday, 18 March 15 45 The assignment of symmetry 3. Analyze the symmetry present in the diffraction pattern - deduce possible space groups These days we don’t generate precession photographs but we can use statistics measuring the agreement between symmetry-related observations to accomplish the same job. Following indexing we would know that this crystal likely belonged to the trigonal/hexagonal crystal system. We could then merge the data 4 times, each time assuming one of the Laue symmetries consistent with this crystal system Wei et al (1979) J Biol Chem,254, 4892-4894 Wednesday, 18 March 15 46 The assignment of symmetry 3. Analyze the symmetry present in the diffraction pattern - deduce possible space groups If an assumed symmetry isn’t present you will be merging intensities which aren’t truly equivalent and your agreement statistics will start to look very much worse. Wei et al (1979) J Biol Chem,254, 4892-4894 Wednesday, 18 March 15 47 The assignment of symmetry 4. Narrow the list of space group possibilities by consideration of systematically absent observations However we do it, identifying the correct Laue symmetry for this crystal (6/mmm) narrows the space group possibilities to six: P622 (#177), P6122 (#178), P6222 (#180), P6322 (#182), P6422 (#181), P6522 (#179) Consideration of the systematic absences would narrow the possibilities further, leading to assignment of the space group as P6122 or P6522. Wei et al (1979) J Biol Chem,254, 4892-4894 Wednesday, 18 March 15 48 Systematic absences Screw rotation axes generate systematically absent reflections (structure factor amplitudes always zero) along certain lines in the reciprocal lattice. This is very important for space group determination, since it’s the only way to discriminate between many space groups. For example the four Orthorhombic space groups: P222, P212121, P21212 and P2221 which all have mmm Laue symmetry and the six Hexagonal space groups: P622, P6122, P6222, P6322, P6422, P6522 which all have 6/mmm Laue symmetry Let’s illustrate the meaning of systematic absences with an example … Wednesday, 18 March 15 49 Systematic absences 00l reciprocal lattice line Here’s an oscillation image from crystals of a protein called nmrA. The crystal space group is P6122 Cell dimensions: a= 82 Å b=82 Å c= 363 Å α = 90° β= 90° γ= 120° Because of the 61 screw axis we the 00l reflections will be absent if l is not a multiple of six And that’s what we see Nichols et al (2001) Acta Cryst D57, 1722-1725 Wednesday, 18 March 15 50 Crystallographic screw-rotations and systematic absences. Screw-rotation Class of reflection affected Reflections are present only if 21axis in direction of a h00 h even 21axis in direction of b 0k0 k even 21axis in direction of c 00l l even 31or 32 axis in direction of c 00l l = 3n 41or 43 axis in direction of c 00l l = 4n 42 axis in direction of c 00l l = 2n 61or 65 axis in direction of c 00l l = 6n 62or 64 axis in direction of c 00l l = 3n 63 axis in direction of c 00l l = 2n Wednesday, 18 March 15 51 Systematic absences, another example ... From McPherson (2003) Wednesday, 18 March 15 52 Centered cells and systematic absences. Finally ... note that choice of a centered cell also leads to systematically absent observations. This additional complexity is one of the “costs” of selecting a centered unit cell. These absences aren’t useful for space group discrimination per se, but you should be aware of this. Cell type Class of reflection affected Condition for presence Primitive hkl None Body-centered (I) hkl h+k+l = n (where n is an even number) Centered on the C face (C) hkl h+k = n (where n is an even number) Centered on all faces (F) hkl h,k,l all = n (where n is an even number) or h,k,l all = n (where n is an odd number) i.e. h,k,l are permutable Wednesday, 18 March 15 53 A final note on the assignment of symmetry As you may have already noticed, some space groups cannot be discriminated on the basis of the diffraction pattern. That is, the Laue symmetry and the systematic absences are identical, yet the underlying space group is different. Examples … P61 and P65. P62 and P64 etc etc These space group pairs differ in the hand of their screw axis, and can only be discriminated during the process of phase determination (Lecture 6). In practice you have to do parallel calculations in both space groups, until the correct answer emerges. Wednesday, 18 March 15 54 Scaling and merging Determining the symmetry isn’t the only problem to be faced. Estimates of the intensities on individual images will not all be on the same scale, so we have to take care of that in data processing . Here’s a couple of physical reasons why the scale varies (we will not be exhaustive) … 1. The incident beam intensity may change with time. At a synchrotron this is certain to happen … Wednesday, 18 March 15 55 Scaling and merging 2. Absorption by the crystal and surrounding material may attenuate the primary and secondary beam. For a crystal of very unequal dimensions, absorption can vary greatly from reflection to reflection. Additional the loop and surrounding vitrified solvent can also absorb significantly attenuating thepapers X-ray scattering in some directions. research Figure 3 Composite of the mounted sample in orientations corresponding the three reference positions to Cryst assess(2008) the effect of pp. sample orientation Lealimages et al. Absorption correction based on a three-dimensional modeltoreconstruction from visual images.used J Appl vol. 41 729-737 on the absorption correction. Schematics of the side-on view are also shown for clarity. (a) Starting position, batch 1. (b) Mounted sample perpendicular to the detector, batch 40. (c) Mounted sample parallel to the detector, batch 130. is special:about here there is little distinguish (corresponding image batches 40 and aroundWeOrientation Scalingdatatakes care ofto these, andaround other issues. will notCworry how wetoscale. Just note that between the four scaling protocols. where the scale factors show higher deviation from unity. every230) image will usually have several scale factors associated with it. Some scaling packages will also In order to compare the performance of this method with an empirical correction (as implemented SCALA), the effecexplicitly model absorption by inthe crystal. tiveness of the algorithm was tested over the same three zones of the mounted sample. The tests used increasing amounts of data (in terms of number of image batches). The results (Fig. 7) Wednesday, 18 March 15 5. Discussion The final three-dimensional model of this crystal is of good 56 Scaling and merging: The usual measure of data agreement. Once we have put all the data on a common scale we must merge the redundant (symmetry-equivalent) observations to arrive at the final output. The . usual statistic that’s calculated is Rmerge (sometimes also called Rsymm) In words, this is nothing more than the sum of the differences of all measurements from the mean value of the measurement, divided by the sum of all measurements. Or in the form of an equation ∑ ∑ Rmerge = hkl i I i (hkl) − I (hkl) ∑ ∑ I i (hkl) hkl i € Wednesday, 18 March 15 57 Agreement statistics and resolution Because agreement statistics are resolution-dependent, in addition to overall statistics we usually report agreement as a function of either . |S| = 2sinθ/λ (Å-1) or 1/|S| = λ/2sinθ (Å) ... this is the resolution In the last lecture we discussed how these quantities could be readily calculated from the Miller indices h,k,l and the lattice parameters (see lecture 4, slide 25) Wednesday, 18 March 15 58 Scaling and merging: The usual measure of data agreement. Rmerge increases at higher scattering angles (high resolution) as the data becomes weaker and less well measured. Like this … . |s| (Å-1) 1/|s| (Å) = resolution Adapted From Blow (2002). Wednesday, 18 March 15 59 Scaling and merging: The usual measure of data agreement. •A low overall Rmerge is an indication of good quality data. •However, a major problem with Rmerge as a quality indicator is that it is inherently dependent on the redundancy of the data. •The more often a given reflection is observed, the higher the Rmerge will be, even though by simple statistical reasoning the average value of the measurements becomes more precise. This is, a priori, flawed Wednesday, 18 March 15 60 Scaling and merging: A better measure of data agreement. The problems with Rmerge can be remedied by including a corrective term for the multiplicity, N, of the measurement. This statistic is known as Rmeasure . ∑ Rmeasure = hkl N ∑ I i (hkl) − I (hkl) N −1 i ∑ ∑ I i (hkl) hkl i Diederichs and Karplus. Improved R-factors for diffraction data analysis in macromolecular crystallography. Nat Struct Biol (1997) vol. 4 (4) pp. 269-75 € Wednesday, 18 March 15 61 Basic characterization of a novel X-ray data set Once you’ve collected a novel X-ray diffraction data set, there’s a few things you can (and should) do, even without phases ... 1.Have a look at the crystal packing density, and estimate the probable number of molecules in the asymmetric unit. 2. If there’s more than one molecule in the asymmetric unit, try and learn something about the non-crystallographic symmetry. Wednesday, 18 March 15 62 The Matthews coefficient and protein solvent content The standard way of describing protein crystal packing density, and by derivation, the solvent content, was introduced by Brian Matthews in 1968 (J. Mol. Biol. 33, 491-497). The Matthews coefficient (Vm ) is given by Volume of the unit cell Vm = No of molecules in the unit cell x Molecular weight Wednesday, 18 March 15 63 The Matthews coefficient and protein solvent content Volume of the unit cell Vm = No of molecules in the unit cell x Molecular weight 3/Da. The mean V for protein crystals is about 2.7 Å • m •To obtain an estimate for the %protein and %solvent in the cell, we need additional information … the density of the protein. On average this is 1.35 g/cm3. •Given this, it’s easy to show that the %protein in the unit cell is 123 / Vm ( and the %solvent is, of course, 100 - %protein). •Hence the average protein crystal is 123 / 2.7 = 45% protein and 1 - 45 = 55%Solvent (!!). Wednesday, 18 March 15 64 The Matthews coefficient and protein solvent content Frequency distribution of values observed for VM. Data taken from Matthews (1968) and from 10,471 non-redundant protein crystal forms from the November 2002 release of the Protein Data Bank. Kantardjieff and Rupp (2003) Prot. Sci 12,1865-1871 The principal utility of the Matthews coefficient is that it allows us to estimate the number of molecules there are likely to be in the unit cell of a uncharacterized crystal, and hence in the asymmetric unit. Wednesday, 18 March 15 65 Characterization of non-crystallographic symmetry If there is more than one copy of a molecule in the asymmetric unit, and these molecules have the same basic conformation, then there will be some non-crystallographic symmetry operations which relate them. We can often detect the rotation which relates them using the self-rotation function. We will not discuss this in any detail, but note that no phases are required - it can be calculated from the measured intensities alone. Here’s a very clear example for a heptameric molecule - part of the 20S proteosome - that has a 7-fold rotational symmetry. In this case there were 7 molecules in the asymmetric unit of the crystal. But in what direction is the 7-fold rotation axis pointing with respect to the unit cell axes ? A contour map of the self-rotation function is shown, for all possible directions of the 7-fold rotation axis. The “correct” orientation for the axis (i.e. the orientation observed in the crystal), corresponds to the peak in the self-rotation function. Johnston et al. The proteasome 11S regulator subunit REG alpha (PA28 alpha) is a heptamer. Protein Sci. (1997) vol. 6 (11) pp. 2469-73 Wednesday, 18 March 15 66