1. Write 370,810 in scientific notation. Step 1

Name _______________________________
Date _______________________
Block ______________
Mathematics Level 1
Scientific Notation
6th - Objective 1.06
1. Write 370,810 in scientific notation.
Step 1 - Move the decimal point of 370,810 to the left to get a number
between 1 and 10 times a power of ten.
370,810 = 3.7081 x 10exponent
Step 2 - Find the exponent by counting how many places you had to
move the decimal point.
The exponent will be 5.
Step 3 - Write the number in scientific notation.
370,810 = 3.7081 x 105
2. Write 0.00692 in scientific notation.
Step 1 - Move the decimal point of 0.00692 to the right to get a
number between 1 and 10 times a power of ten.
0.00692 = 6.92 x 10exponent
Step 2 - Find the exponent by counting how many places you had to
move the decimal point.
The exponent will be (-3).
Step 3 - Write the number in scientific notation.
0.00692 = 6.92 x 10-3
3. Write 0.00000006930 in scientific notation.
4. Write 290.38 in scientific notation.