Honor Roll/Probation Screen (SM6014) Description Use the Honor Roll/Probation screen (SM6014) to establish extract criteria for one or more categories of academic standards. Each category you establish can contain up to eight different honor roll or probation lists. Data Field List • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Category (key) Lst Num (display only) Cumulative GPA Cr Cumulative Cr Earn Cumulative GPA College Level GPA Cr College Level Cr Earn College Level GPA Quarterly GPA Cr Quarterly Cr Earn Quarterly GPA Quarterly Cr Reg Consec Qtr List Title Category (Category) Definition The code that identifies the honor/roll probation list you are defining. Length 2 characters Lst Num (List Number) Definition (Display only) The code that identifies the honor/roll probation list you are defining. Length 1 digit Cumulative GPA Cr (Cumulative GPA Credits) Definition The lowest number of cumulative GPA credits students must have earned to qualify for the honor roll/probation list you are defining. Your entry can be up to six digits long (including the decimal point) with four integers and one decimal place. Length 6 digits Cumulative Cr Earn (Cumulative Credits Earned) Definition The lowest number of cumulative credits students must have earned to qualify for the honor roll/probation list you are defining. Your entry can be up to six characters long (including the decimal point) with four integers and one decimal place. Length 6 digits Cumulative GPA Definition The lowest cumulative GPA required for students to qualify for the honor roll/probation list you are defining. Your entry can be up to four characters long (including the decimal point) with one integer and two decimal places. Length 4 digits College Level GPA Cr (College Level GPA Credit) Definition The lowest number of college level (classes numbered 100 or above) GPA credits students must have earned to qualify for the honor roll/probation list you are defining. Your entry can be up to six characters long (including the decimal point) with four integers and one decimal place. Length 6 digits College Level Cr Earned (College Level Credits Earned) Definition The lowest number of college level (classes numbered 100 or above) credits students must have earned to qualify for the honor roll/probation list you are defining. Your entry can be up to six characters long (including the decimal point) with four integers and one decimal place. Length 6 digits College Level GPA Definition The lowest college level (classes numbered 100 or above) GPA required for students to qualify for the honor roll/probation list you are defining. Your entry can be up to four characters long (including the decimal point) with two integers and one decimal place. Length 4 digits Quarterly GPA Cr (Quarterly GPA Credits) Definition The lowest number of GPA credits for the specific year/quarter students must have earned to qualify for the honor roll/probation list you are defining. Your entry can be up to five characters long (including the decimal point) with three integers and one decimal place. Length 5 digits Quarterly Cr Earn (Quarterly Credits Earned) Definition The lowest number of credits for the specific year/quarter students must have earned to qualify for the honor roll/probation list you are defining. Your entry can be up to five characters long (including the decimal point) with three integers and one decimal place. Length 5 digits Quarterly GPA Definition The lowest GPA for the specific year/quarter students must have earned to qualify for the honor roll/probation list you are defining. Your entry can be up to four characters long (including the decimal point) with two integers and one decimal place. Length 4 digits Quarterly Cr Reg (Quarterly Credits Registered) Definition The lowest number of registered credits for the specific year/quarter students must have enrolled in to qualify for the honor roll/probation list you are defining. Your entry can be up to five characters long (including the decimal point) with three integers and one decimal place. Length 5 digits Consec Qtr (Consecutive Quarters) Definition The lowest number of consecutive quarters for which the student has been on probation that is required before the student is placed on the probation list you are defining. Enter a number from 1 to 7. Length 1 character List Title Definition In the field located directly below each list, you can specify a title for each list you define. The title is used in the following ways: • It identifies each list on printed reports. • It is displayed on screen SD5018 (Honor Roll/Probation Exclude Grades, see page 10). • It can be posted to the student's transcript for the specific year/quarter Length 30 characters