Fraction Action – Flow Quick Start Guide

Fraction Action
In Fraction Action students use what they learned in Fraction Lab and must work together against the
clock to add fractions with like and unlike denominators. They discover which combinations do not
work. Students learn to apply their knowledge while enhancing their communication and collaboration
skills in this timed scenario.
Here is a list of the standard key command shortcuts for all scenarios:
1) To start a scenario, press the space bar
2) To pause a scenario, press the space bar again (a window frame will pop-up)
3) To reset a scenario, press 'R’
4) To view quick instructions for each scenario, press 'Ctrl-I'
5) To view configuration options (if applicable) press 'Ctrl-C'
6) To exit the application when it is full screen, press 'Esc'
This is what the scenario
looks like before the
students start. Graduated
cylinders for Player1,
Player 2, & Current are
visible in the foreground
with increments
represented by the
denominator of the
fraction see in front (e.g.,
if the cylinder is labeled
0/4, it has 4 increments;
if it is labeled 0/12, it has
12 increments).
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Player 1 and Player 2: Students will see their RIGHT hand “fills” their respective cylinder one increment
at a time and the fraction displayed on it changes to the fraction that the cylinder is filled.
Target Fraction: The Target Fraction cylinder will roll down the conveyor belt. The students must make
the match before the cylinder falls off the conveyor belt. This cylinder also has increments based on
the denominator shown on the front. Students must add their cylinders to meet the Target Fraction
Current: This cylinder shows the sum from Player 1 & Player 2’s cylinder (e.g., if Player 1’s cylinder is
filled to 1/8 and Player 2’s cylinder is filled to 4/8, “current” will show that it is filled to 5/8).
 Note: Current is an optional cylinder that can be turned off in the configuration panel to make
things more challenging for the students. Ctrl-C opens the panel; click “Show ‘Current’ Helper”
to turn off.
Student Question – Ask the class what the Target Fraction’s maximum value would be? (Equivalent to
the fraction 2/1 or two wholes)
Press the space bar to start the scenario.
o Have the students see if they can achieve the Target Fraction.
A match is made when the sum of the two fractions equals the Target Fraction. New Target Fractions
continue to roll down the conveyor belt until they run out of spare containers. Players by default get
three spare containers or misses.
 Press ‘R’ to reset the game.
 Press the space bar to start the scenario again.
Student Question –
Ask the players the
differences they
noticed in playing
the game (e.g., time,
movement of
objects, sounds, or
seeing their misses).
How did this affect
their decisions? Did
this change the way
they performed? Did
they come up with
answers faster than
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 Press ‘Ctrl-C’ to view the configuration options.
Like Fraction Lab, in the configuration panel, you can give different denominators to different players
and change the quizzable fractions to increase difficulty. You can also adjust for Smaller or Taller
Players. In Fraction Action, you can also change the number of Spare Containers or misses allowed and
the Game Speed.
Be sure that when you prepare your scenario denominators and quizzable fractions, you do not set
Target Fractions that cannot be reached UNLESS you want that to be a learning experience.
“The High Five”: If they believe there is no solution, players can “high-five” with their right hands
together for two seconds and they will still earn the point for their discovery.
Press ‘Ctrl-C’ to open
the configuration panel.
Enter Quizzable
Fractions, separated
by a comma.
Adjust for Smaller
or Taller Players
Change the
by player
Change the number of
Spare Containers or misses
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Adjust the Game Speed
– Slower or Faster
Create a new Configuration File:
Click ‘Save As’ to create a new file. A new window will ask you to enter the name of your file. Click OK
when finished. Your new file should appear in the profile listing. You can select, modify, or delete your
file at any time.
 Press ‘Ctrl-C’ to close the configuration panel.
 Press ‘R’ to reset, then press space bar to activate the new profile.
In Color Mode, Player 1’s cylinder fills
with red. Player 2’s cylinder fills with
white. The Target Fraction is no longer
just a combination of the two
fractions, but the right portion of red
to white creating varying tints of red,
a tint being a red or other hue mixed
with white. For example, a pure red
with no white added would require
Player 1 to fill the Current cylinder
See the chart illustrating the fractions
and possible variations of red with a
denominator of 4. See the chart to the right
illustrating the fractions and possible
variations of red with a denominator of 4.
Last Updated 8/20/12
SMALLab Learning, LLC