Landscape Ecology (2006) 21:837–848 DOI: 10.1007/s10980-005-5389-7 Springer 2006 -1 Research Article Colonisation as a common denominator in plant metapopulations and range expansions: effects on genetic diversity and sexual systems John R. Pannell* and Marcel E. Dorken Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3RB, UK; *Author for correspondence (e-mail: Received 1 December 2004; accepted in revised form 12 April 2005 Key words: Androdioecy, Baker’s Law, Colonisation, Dioecy, FST , Genetic diversity, Metapopulation dynamics, Monoecy, Population subdivision, Range expansion, Self-compatibility, Tristyly Abstract Colonisation plays a central role in both the initial occupancy of a region through range expansions as well as in metapopulations, where local extinctions are balanced by re-colonisations. In this paper, we review the effects that colonisation is expected to have on patterns of genetic variation within a species, and we draw attention to the possibility of interpreting these patterns as signatures of colonisation in the past. We briefly review theoretical predictions for the effect of colonisation on both neutral genetic diversity and on variation at genetic loci that regulate the sexual system of plant populations. The sexual system represents a particularly important trait in this context because it is affected by both selection during colonisation, and because it influences gene flow amongst populations. Finally, we introduce four case studies of plant species that show variation in their sexual systems that is consistent with theoretical predictions. Colonisation is a fundamental process for all organisms that occupy habitat in a fragmented landscape. This applies both to the non-equilibrium occupation by a species of new habitat during the expansion of its range into a new region (Hewitt 2000), as well as to its persistence in a metapopulation, in which local population extinctions are balanced by the colonisation of available habitat elsewhere in the region (Pannell and Charlesworth 2000; Wakeley 2004). Thus, although range expansions and metapopulation dynamics influence species distributions and abundance on different spatial scales, they share the process of colonisation as a common denominator. The ecological and demographic factors affecting colonisation are complex. They include the availability of suitable sites, the rate at which available habitat patches are occupied, and the number and origin of individuals that found each new population. Given the complexities of colonisation and dispersal, it would be sensible to omit them from models or hypotheses, whenever they are unlikely to contribute to our understanding of biological patterns observed in a landscape. The important question is, of course: when will colonisation matter, and when will it not? The answer to this question depends on the type of biological phenomenon we are interested in explaining. For example, colonisation might be important in regulating the proportion of habitat occupied by a species at a given point in time, but gene flow subsequent to colonisation might be sufficiently strong to erase the genetic signature left by colonisation. Here, colonisation matters, but it will be hard to detect without long-term studies. In contrast, if dispersal between populations is low, a 838 genetic signature of colonisation might persist beyond the time that populations reach demographic equilibrium following a colonisation event. In this situation, a population ecologist might find the metapopulation concept unhelpful, whereas an investigator interested in the level of genetic divergence between populations would be unable to explain observed data without it. In light of these potentially differing perspectives, it is instructive to consider ‘ecological metapopulations’ and ‘genetic metapopulations’ separately (Ives and Whitlock 2002); they might or might not coincide for any given species. It will be evident to any ecologist that plant populations are typically separated from one another in space in much the same way as animal populations are. However, although the utility of the metapopulation concept is fully accepted by zoologists, there is still some controversy about its applicability for plants (Bullock et al. 2002; Freckleton and Watkinson 2002). Two of the main points at issue here are the extent to which plant habitat patches can be easily recognised and studied as discrete local units (Pannell and Obbard 2003), and the difficulty of incorporating seed bank dynamics into metapopulation concepts (Freckleton and Watkinson 2002; Ouborg and Eriksson 2004). The question of how to define a local unit of study is particularly relevant, because patch dynamics can be driven by colonisation at small spatial scales within sites that remain permanently occupied at a larger scale. There is a great need for more empirical data bearing on this question from a demographic point of view. However, increasing evidence suggests that colonisation has left its mark in the way genetic diversity is distributed within and amongst plant populations, and these data can be understood within a well developed theoretical framework. Metapopulation theory makes predictions about the distribution of genetic diversity in recently colonised populations in a fragmented landscape, both for neutral genes (Pannell and Charlesworth 2000; Wakeley 2004) and for genes that affect important aspects of a species’ biology, such as its sexual system (Barrett and Pannell 1999; Ronce and Olivieri 2004). These predictions are important for two reasons. First, from the perspective of neutral genetic variation, failure to recognise the signature of colonisation can lead to erroneous estimates of historical patterns of dispersal based on molecular markers (Whitlock and McCauley 1999). Second, from the perspective of adaptive variation amongst populations, it is important to recognise that natural selection can operate not only within populations but also at the regional level, especially on traits that affect dispersal (Olivieri et al. 1997; Barrett and Pannell 1999). Species that vary in their sexual system, which includes both the mating system of a population and the allocation of resources to male and female reproductive functions amongst its individuals, provide examples for the outcome of selection operating at local and regional scales. Importantly, such variation can be difficult to interpret on the basis of within-population processes only and can serve as a useful signature of colonisation and the rate and scale of dispersal amongst populations. In this paper, our primary aim is to review briefly the way in which colonisation is expected to leave its mark in the genetic diversity of plant populations (Holderegger et al. 2005). We begin by providing an overview of some of the useful predictions made by metapopulation genetic theory for neutral genetic diversity in fragmented populations with colonisation and extinction dynamics. We then note that some of the same predictions can be made for the effects of colonisation during the range expansion of a species, and that the way ongoing colonisation shapes genetic diversity of a species at a regional level must be interpreted against the background of the signature left of earlier range expansion at a potentially much larger spatial scale. We conclude this conceptual overview by drawing attention to the interactions we expect to occur between colonisation and the sexual system, as well as to the signature that these interactions leave in neutral genetic diversity. In the second section of this review, we illustrate some of the ideas presented with reference to four species that show interesting large-scale variation in their sexual systems. Conceptual considerations The effect of colonisation on neutral genetic diversity Analysis of the effects of colonisation on patterns of genetic diversity has focused on aspects of genetic structure and measures of variation within species. These can usefully be subdivided into two 839 broad categories: (1) absolute measures of diversity and the frequency of genetic variants maintained within local populations, or in a metapopulation as a whole; and (2) the way that the total or metapopulation-wide diversity is partitioned amongst local populations. The total genetic diversity maintained across a metapopulation or species is often written as HT (when calculated on the basis of allele frequencies) or pT (for sequence data) (Nei 1987). Generally, population turnover is expected to cause a dramatic reduction in species-wide diversity, because genetic drift is enhanced by the fluctuations of population size and by the repeated genetic bottlenecks that accompany colonisations (Whitlock and Barton 1997; Pannell and Charlesworth 1999; Wakeley and Aliacar 2001). Similarly, genetic bottlenecks or founder events associated with colonisation are expected to reduce the average amount of diversity that we expect to find within local populations, usually written as HS or pS for allele frequency data or sequence data, respectively (Slatkin 1977; Pannell and Charlesworth 1999) (Figure 1). In addition to reducing the average genetic diversity of local populations, colonisation should also alter the frequency distribution of alleles in favour of more common variants (Luikart et al. 1998a, b). Figure 1. A graphical depiction of the signature of colonisation and its erosion by subsequent migration. Populations are colonised by one or a small number of founder individuals. Population growth increases the number of individuals but not the genetic diversity of the population, so that initially withinpopulation diversity is low. Because different populations are founded by different genotypes, recently colonised populations are expected to be genetically well differentiated. With time, migration between extant populations (represented by the vertical arrows) both increases the within-population diversity and reduces the genetic differentiation amongst different populations. Colonisation also affects the genetic differentiation amongst populations, because different populations will by chance be colonised by individuals with different combinations of neutral genes (Wade and McCauley 1988; Whitlock and McCauley 1990). With time, migration amongst established populations will tend to reduce the differentiation caused by colonisation, so that the genetic signature of colonisation is gradually erased (Figure 1). Genetic differentiation is often calculated as FST, or the fraction of the specieswide diversity that can be accounted for by differences amongst populations (Hartl and Clark 1997). FST is calculated on the basis of loci with two segregating alleles, but similar ratios can be calculated for loci with more than two alleles (e.g., GST) or for microsatellite loci where alleles differ in sequence length (RST). These measures have often been used to infer the amount of historical gene flow amongst subpopulations of geographically separated populations, using the expression FST ¼ 1 ; 1 þ 4Nm where Nm is the average number of immigrants that move into each subpopulation per generation. However, this expression is not valid when populations are not at a demographic equilibrium, e.g., when populations fluctuate in size or exist in a metapopulation with extinctions and colonisations (Whitlock and McCauley 1999). For a dynamic metapopulation, more complex formulas have been derived that take into account not only the amount of gene flow amongst established populations, but also the rate at which new populations are established and the number and origin of individuals that colonise them (Wade and McCauley 1988; Whitlock and McCauley 1990). In the simple metapopulation model introduced by Slatkin (1977) and further developed by Wade and McCauley (1988); Whitlock and McCauley (1990) and others (Pannell and Charlesworth 2000), genetic differentiation is always increased by colonisation above that predicted by the above equation if populations are founded by individuals from a single source population. If the founding individuals represent a random sample of the whole metapopulation, genetic differentiation is increased if the colonists are fewer than approximately twice the number of migrants that move between established populations (Wade and 840 McCauley 1988; Whitlock and McCauley 1990). Only if there are more than approximately twice as many colonists than the number of subsequent migrants between extant sites per generation will genetic differentiation in a metapopulation be lower than that predicted by models that do not account for population turnover (Wade and McCauley 1988; Whitlock and McCauley 1990). Importantly, these predictions apply to a simple demographically stable metapopulation in which extinctions are balanced by colonisation events, and also to the peripheral populations of a species expanding its range (Austerlitz et al. 1997; Le Corre and Kremer 1998). In this latter case, colonisations are not balanced by extinctions, but the genetic differentiation amongst peripheral populations is still governed by the relative numbers and origins of migrants into new extant populations. It is important to stress that the metapopulation models reviewed here are not spatially explicit. These models are useful for comparisons between species in different contexts that may be subjected to different rates of population turnover or different migration rates between established populations. However, they do not account for the strong spatial structure that populations are likely to have in a fragmented landscape and that might contribute to the detailed way in which genetic diversity is patterned amongst neighbouring and more widely separated populations. Analysis that incorporates this sort of spatial structure can be more revealing, particularly when we are interested in the patterns of movement of individuals across a landscape rather than in just the average effect of processes occurring at a regional scale (Gaggiotti et al. 2004). Finally, we note that the demographic complexity of metapopulation scenarios will be difficult to characterise precisely when based only on variation at a single locus. This is because each locus represents a single genealogical history, drawn from a statistical distribution of histories with very high variance (Nordborg 2001). Power to discriminate between different scenarios is thus weak (Pannell 2003). To increase statistical power of discrimination between contrasting models, or to increase the precision for statistical inference of model parameters, we are therefore compelled to sample from several genetic loci. For populations that have been recently colonised, it is possible to assign source populations to the colonising individuals by analysing the genetic associations between different loci in the genome before these are broken down by subsequent mating and recombination (Gaggiotti et al. 2004). However, these powerful analytic tools only allow inference for populations that are a single generation old. In plants, the longer-term signature of colonisation will be left largely in maternally inherited genes (chloroplast or mitochondrial DNA), because pollen dispersal is expected to rapidly erase signals at biparentally inherited loci (nuclear DNA). Unfortunately, this places a severe limit on the precision of inference or model discrimination, because maternally inherited genes together only represent a single locus, because they are inherited as a single genetic unit and do not recombine. This constraint may become an advantage when our aim is to infer the specific historical context of colonisation. Phylogeography and the historical context of colonisation Metapopulation theory predicts that geographic groups within a species will display contrasting levels of genetic diversity if they differ in their rates of population turnover. The fact that such differences have typically not been found (Charlesworth and Pannell 2001) is most likely due to the fact that metapopulation-wide absolute diversity levels equilibrate slowly, at a rate governed by the mutation process (Pannell and Charlesworth 1999), and may thus be more strongly influenced by the historical patterns of colonisation that first established the metapopulation. In other words, for long periods following the occupation of a new region, e.g., after post-glacial range expansion, the effect of recurrent colonisation in a metapopulation will simply be the re-distribution of a sub-sample of the standing genetic variation maintained in the species’ glacial refugium. It is thus important to consider the historical context of inter-regional colonisation as well as the effect of on-going colonisation within regions, e.g., in metapopulations (Figure 2). Phylogeography is the study of the evolutionary relationships among populations in a geographical region and provides the historical context for understanding how gene flow, colonisation, range 841 Figure 2. The expected qualitative effects of regional colonisation during range expansion and local colonisation in a metapopulation on three measures of diversity: regional absolute diversity, denoted as HT; diversity within local populations or populations, denoted as HS; and genetic differentiation amongst populations within a region, denoted as FST. Range expansion can occur from either an established metapopulation (left) or from a single large refugium population (right). expansion and adaptation affect the present-day distribution of genetic variation in a species’ range (Avise 2000). Phylogeographic studies offer insights into a wide variety of research topics in ecology and evolution, including species invasions (Saltonstall 2003; Schaal et al. 2003), the demographic history of species (Tobler et al. 2004), and the evolution of different character states (Dorken and Barrett 2004). In general, however, the primary focus of phylogeographic studies has been to examine patterns of post-glacial colonisation by plants and animals. These studies have revealed the location of glacial refugia and the historical routes of migration, providing insights that are not apparent from the fossil record (Stehlik 2002; Petit et al. 2003). Phylogeography can thus be seen as a particular field of landscape genetics (Manel et al. 2003). Phylogeographic inferences are made from the distribution of genetic variation among populations, typically in organelle genomes (i.e., mitochondria in animals and plants, and chloroplasts in plants). Recombination in these genomes is rare, and inheritance is usually uniparental, so that the various genotypes in a sample (i.e., unique combinations such as gene sequences or socalled restriction site combinations) may be placed in an ordered hierarchy of genealogical descent (Olmstead and Palmer 1994). The result is a phylogenetic network of genotypes from the populations sampled, revealing the evolutionary relationships of populations across a landscape (Avise 2000). The most informative markers for phylogeographic inference are those that have evolved on a timescale similar to that of the migration or colonisation process. Using such markers, dispersal routes can be traced with reference to a genetic signature left in populations that formed its stepping stones (Cruzan and Templeton 2000). For relatively quickly evolving genes or regions of the genome, DNA sequences provide the most information, largely because a simple model of mutation can be assumed (i.e., each new mutation is unique, back mutation does not occur, and the accumulation of new mutations along a sequence reflects shared ancestry). For studies of animals, the rapidly evolving mitochondrial genome has been useful to this end (Avise 2000). However, mitochondria and chloroplast sequences evolve much more slowly in plants, and this places a limit on the resolution of phylogeographic inference (Schaal et al. 1998). Studies of plant populations have therefore tended to use more variable loci, such as allozymes, AFLPs, or microsatellites. The use of these variable markers allows the examination of the geographic distribution of neutral genetic variation, at the cost of making historical inferences based on phylogenetic reconstructions. However, this drawback can be overcome if there is clear geographic structure in the genetic variation (Charlesworth et al. 2003). Microsatellites are sequences of repetitive DNA in which mutations theoretically cause changes in the number of di-, tri-, or tetra-nucleotide repeats (Goldstein and Schlötterer 1999). They may be particularly useful for inferring patterns of migration and gene flow for two reasons. First, their high mutation rate means that spatial patterns of genetic diversity can be informative over short time scales (although they may be less informative over longer time scales; Provan et al. 2001). And second, because microsatellites are thought to increase or decrease incrementally in length with each new mutation, correlations in length between different sequences can help to reveal patterns of descent in a way that is not possible for loci at which alleles are simply either the same or different. In particular, they can be used to reveal the extent to which genetic differentiation 842 contains a signature of historical colonisation in range expansion (Pons and Petit 1996). Although they are less useful, measures of genetic diversity such as HT and HS can also provide evidence of patterns of historical colonisation. For example, gradients of reduced genetic variation in previously glaciated areas relative to putative historical refugia can point to range expansion along specific colonisation routes (Hewitt 2000). Nevertheless, the geographic structure of genetic diversity can reflect ongoing as well as historical processes, and phylogeographic interpretations must be made with caution. Another caveat is that areas of high diversity may not correspond to the location of glacial refugia, but rather to the recently colonised areas in which variation is the outcome of colonisation from more than one refugium. For example, Petit et al. (2003) used a comparative approach for their investigation of the history of colonisation of 22 widespread and co-distributed European trees and shrubs. They found that hotspots of genetic diversity in the colonised ranges were the result of mixed colonisation from genetically isolated eastern and western European refugia (Petit et al. 2003). The effect of colonisation and of the sexual system on genetic diversity It has long been recognised that patterns of genetic diversity in plants vary with aspects of life history and sexual systems (Stebbins 1950; Baker 1953; Brown 1979; Hamrick and Godt 1996; Charlesworth and Pannell 2001). For instance, geographical patterns of genetic diversity differ between long-lived perennials and annuals (Hamrick and Godt 1996; Austerlitz et al. 2000), and between self-fertilising and outcrossing plants (Charlesworth and Pannell 2001). Simple population genetic theory predicts that, all else being equal, fully selfing species should maintain half the total genetic diversity as outcrossing species (Pollak 1987). All else is seldom equal, however, and there is little empirical support for this prediction from comparisons between related taxa that differ in their mating system: species-wide genetic diversity in selfers and outcrossers does not differ in a predictable way (Charlesworth and Pannell 2001). This is perhaps not surprising, given the differing evolutionary histories and different population sizes possessed by different species. Although selfing and outcrossing species do not differ in their genetic diversity at a regional level in a consistent way, many studies have shown that selfers tend to have much lower diversity within local populations, and that geographically separated selfing populations are typically more highly differentiated than outcrossers (Charlesworth and Pannell 2001; Charlesworth 2003). These differences may be partly due to the smaller local effective population size of selfers (Pollak 1987), but it is usually much too high to be explained in this way alone. Reasons for the discrepancy are not totally clear, but two causes seem plausible, one demographic and the other genetic (Figure 2). The first possible cause of the reduced withinpopulation diversity and the higher differentiation amongst populations of selfing lineages is the effect of colonisation itself. Because selfers are more likely to be colonising species than outcrossers (Baker 1955; Pannell and Barrett 1998), there will be automatic associations between mating system and patterns of genetic diversity caused by genetic bottlenecks during colonisation, and by the reduced levels of gene flow that occur among established populations of self-fertilising plants. Reasons for this reduction in gene flow are discussed briefly in the next section. The dramatically low diversity found within selfing populations might also be due to so-called genetic hitchhiking associated with local adaptation (Charlesworth et al. 1997). It is well known that environmental conditions vary amongst localities and that natural selection may cause adaptations to differ amongst sites as a result of the spread of alleles that confer a selective advantage locally. In outcrossing species, the increase in frequency of an allele at a selected locus can occur largely independently of neutral loci elsewhere in the genome, because each generation genetic recombination allows the independent segregation of alleles at unlinked loci (e.g., loci on different chromosomes). In contrast, genetic recombination is much less effective in selfing populations (because it occurs in largely homozygous genomes), so that associations between physically unlinked loci in the genome are broken down more slowly. When an allele is swept to high frequency in the population by natural selection, neutral alleles at other loci are also likely to be 843 Figure 3. An illustration of the reduction of within-population diversity as a result of a selective sweep caused by local adaptation. Horizontal lines represent chromosomes; vertical strokes represent neutral genetic loci that differ amongst individuals within the population before local adaptation and the selective sweep have occurred. Before the selective sweep (a), the population is genetically diverse. One individual (indicated by the asterisk) acquires an advantageous mutation (indicated by the open circle on its chromosome). This mutation is positively selected and sweeps to fixation in the population. Thus, after the sweep (b), all individuals possess the advantageous mutation (the population has become more locally adapted). If the sweep takes place more quickly than migration occurs from other populations, within-population diversity is also depleted at genetically linked neutral loci. dragged to high frequency by association (Figure 3). The result is a decline in diversity at all hitchhiking loci, because only those neutral alleles associated with the selected allele will be left in the population after the sweep has ended (Maynard Smith and Haigh 1974; Charlesworth and Pannell 2001). If different alleles are swept to high frequency in different populations, the process will also lead to increased levels of population differentiation at neutral loci, which is in fact observed (Charlesworth et al. 1997). Colonisation and selection on the sexual system Plants are outstanding in the variation they display amongst species in their mating system and sex allocation (Barrett 2002). Much of this variation can be interpreted in terms of sexual specialisation, the abundance of mates and/or pollinators, competition between individuals and/or gametes for mating opportunities and fertilisation success, or reduced progeny fitness upon inbreeding. However, in colonising species, or in species with a history of long-distance dispersal during range expansions, the bottlenecks associated with the occupation of new habitat can themselves become a selective agent that acts on the sexual system. One effect of colonisation on the sexual system was first noted by Baker (1955), who drew attention to the fact that a capacity for uniparental reproduction, i.e., selfing tends to be more frequent on islands and on the edge of a species range. This association, known as Baker’s Law (Stebbins 1957), is illustrated by examples from both plants and animals and points to the selective advantage that colonising individuals enjoy when they are able to reproduce on their own. Baker’s Law originally referred to long-distance colonisation of remote habitat patches, but the same selective process will occur in a metapopulation in which colonisations take place repeatedly (Pannell and Barrett 1998). The action of Baker’s Law in a metapopulation has been modelled from the perspective of both selection for selfing vs. outcrossing (Pannell and Barrett 1998) and for combined vs. separate sexes (Pannell 1997). A key result is that the selective advantage of individuals capable of self-fertilisation is expected to increase dramatically as the proportion of habitat within a landscape occupied by a given species approaches zero, because colonisation by single individuals becomes increasingly prevalent (Pannell and Barrett 1998). This, of course, corresponds to the situation that we expect to find at the edge of species distribution during range expansion. From the point of view of combined vs. separate sexes, modelling has confirmed the intuitive idea that hermaphroditism becomes increasingly common with increases in the rate of population turnover and/or reductions in the numbers of individuals immigrating into new habitat as colony founders (Pannell 1997; Figure 4). At the same time, the repeated events of colonisation select for increased allocation of resources 844 Figure 4. The proportion of males or females (unisexuals) maintained in a metapopulation with hermaphrodites, as a function of the mean number of individuals immigrating into local populations per generation (i.e., the mean number of colonists that establish new populations, or the mean number of individuals moving into established populations). The model assumes an extinction and colonisation rate of 0.05, unisexuality determined by a dominant allele, and colonisations by as Poisson-distributed number of colonists. Modified after Pannell (1997). to female function at the expense of the male function, as a result of enforced inbreeding when populations are small (Hamilton 1967; Pannell 2001). This latter effect is likely to affect the genetic diversity found in colonising species: selection that reduces resource allocation to pollen production and dispersal in self-fertilising species will tend to reduce gene flow through pollen migration amongst populations (Charlesworth and Pannell 2001). The increased genetic differentiation amongst populations that also results from restricted gene flow will accentuate the bottleneck effect of colonisation by single individuals. Inferences from case studies The interactive effects of colonisation and breeding-system evolution on regional patterns of genetic diversity are brought into focus by plants that display variation in their sexual systems between geographical regions. In this section, we briefly discuss the cases of four species that have been the subject of intensive study: Eichhornia paniculata and Sagittaria latifolia, which are both aquatic herbs in South and North America, respectively, and Mercurialis annua and Silene vulgaris, which are annual colonisers of disturbed habitat in Europe; S. vulgaris has also been introduced into North America. These species all display sexual polymorphisms in which the frequencies of easily identifiable phenotypes vary across space in ways that point to the importance of colonisation during range expansion and/or in a balance with extinction in a metapopulation. Indeed, it is difficult to account for the phenotypic variation observed in these species without invoking the effects of colonisation. Eichhornia paniculata is a self-compatible and tristylous herb: populations comprise three classes of individuals that differ in the position of their anthers and stigmas (Barrett 1985). The reciprocal placement of anthers and stigmas between phenotypes promotes mating between phenotypes and hinders mating amongst individuals with the same phenotype. In a large part of its range in northeastern Brazil, the three phenotypes are equally frequent within populations. However, one or two of the phenotypes are absent from many populations in extensive areas, where populations are smaller and geographically more separated (Barrett 1985; Barrett et al. 1989). It is likely that these populations were colonised by smaller numbers of individuals, and that reproductive assurance during population establishment has selected for phenotypes with increased selfing rates. Indeed, there is a high proportion of individuals with modified stamens that promote self-pollination in these regions (Husband and Barrett 1995). These populations are also more highly differentiated genetically, as we might expect if inter-population gene flow is reduced or populations have been recently colonised as part of a metapopulation. Similar observations have been made on the island of Jamaica, where only two of the three phenotypes successfully established following colonisation and where genetic variation is greatly reduced in comparison with mainland populations (Husband and Barrett 1991). Selfing variants are also more common on the island than in mainland South America, and levels of genetic differentiation among populations in Jamaica are higher than corresponding estimates from mainland populations (Glover and Barrett 1987). Sagittaria latifolia is an aquatic herb whose populations are either monoecious (or functionally hermaphroditic) or dioecious (with males and females co-occurring), with the two systems often 845 occurring in close geographic proximity (Wooten 1971). Self-compatibility and the occupation of more disturbed habitats by monoecious populations suggest that colonisation could be differentially involved in structuring genetic variation among populations. The higher rate of population turnover (Dorken and Barrett 2003) and the greater genetic differentiation among monoecious compared with dioecious populations support this idea (Dorken et al. 2002). Nevertheless, the lack of gene flow between monoecious and dioecious populations in areas of geographic overlap (Dorken and Barrett 2003) also suggests the importance of an historical perspective for explaining the regional coexistence of sexual systems in S. latifolia. Indeed, dioecious populations are genetically divergent from monoecious populations, and phylogeographic evidence indicates that both breeding systems recolonised the north of their current range independently of one another (Dorken and Barrett 2004). Mercurialis annua varies in its sexual system across Europe, with dioecy, monoecy and androdioecy (the co-occurrence of males and hermaphrodites) all common over large parts of its range (Durand 1963; Pannell et al. 2004). This variation points to the differential importance of metapopulation dynamics (Pannell 1997, 2001; Figure 5). Under the metapopulation model, selection for reproductive assurance during the repeated bouts of colonisation favours self-fertile hermaphroditism, because only hermaphrodites are able to found new populations on their own (Pannell 1997). The recurrent inbreeding that accompanies colonisation selects for female-biased sex allocation in the hermaphrodites, and this sets the stage for the invasion and local spread of males (Pannell 2001; Figure 5). This provides a possible explanation for the mix of monoecious and androdioecious populations in the regions of M. annua in which males occur (Durand 1963). If the rate of population turnover is sufficiently high, however, males are excluded from the metapopulation altogether, and it is thought that monoecious regions of M. annua that lack males correspond to areas of elevated rates of colonisation and extinction. In the absence of population turnover, or with low rates of extinction and high levels of inter-population gene flow, males are maintained at high frequencies and the potentially hermaphroditic phenotype is functionally female (J.R. Pan- nell, unpubl. data). This situation may characterise the large areas in which dioecy prevails. Preliminary estimates of genetic diversity in monoecious vs. androdioecious populations, as well as measures of population size and separation are consistent with the metapopulation hypothesis (D.J. Obbard, S.A. Harris, S.M. Eppley and J.R. Pannell, unpubl. data). Finally, Silene vulgaris is a weedy annual that displays gynodioecy, a dimorphism in which females and hermaphrodites co-occur at varying frequencies. As in the case of M. annua, hermaphrodites should have an advantage of reproductive assurance during colonisation, and they have been found to produce more seeds than females when spatially isolated from potential mates (Taylor et al. 1999). Within local populations, however, females produce more seeds than hermaphrodites, especially when females are rare (McCauley et al. 2003). Selection thus occurs in opposite directions at the population and metapopulation levels in S. vulgaris, as it does in M. annua. In S. vulgaris, genetic variation is similar between northern and southern regions in the sample, indicating that Figure 5. A graphical depiction of a model for the maintenance of androdioecy (the co-existence of males and hermaphrodites) in a metapopulation. Males and hermaphrodites are symbolised by open and closed circles, respectively; block arrows represent population growth; simple arrows represent dispersal. According to the model, established androdioecious populations (1) disperse propagules across the metapopulation (2 and 5). Only hermaphrodites can establish populations as sole colonisers due to reproductive assurance (2). New populations (3) grow initially through self-fertilisation (4). With population growth, levels of inbreeding fall, allowing the invasion of males (5). The age structure of the metapopulation is maintained through a balance of extinction and recolonisation. Inbreeding during repeated colonisation events selects for female-biased sex allocation in the hermaphrodites From Pannell et al. (2004), with permission. 846 ongoing, long-distance seed dispersal is involved in the establishment of populations (Olson and McCauley 2002). Within regions, however, most genetic variation is distributed among local populations, an observation consistent with recurrent genetic bottlenecks that occur during colonisation (Olson and McCauley 2002). Conclusions It is sometimes useful to contrast equilibrium with non-equilibrium processes when interpreting patterns of genetic diversity. However, the non-equilibrium process assumed in models of range expansion and the equilibrium process assumed in metapopulation models share the process of colonisation as a common factor. Colonisation shapes the differences in diversity levels between the genetic source, often a glacial refugium, of a species and the more recently occupied parts of its range, as well as the details of within-population diversity and differentiation between populations at the leading edge of an expanding range. Similarly, it is colonisation, and its importance compared with migration amongst extant populations, that governs the patterns of diversity in a metapopulation at equilibrium. This is why predictions made for diversity patterns at the leading edge of a range expansion and amongst local populations in a metapopulation are largely the same (Le Corre and Kremer 1998). It is also why the effects of colonisation by long-distance dispersal and of repeated bouts of colonisation in a metapopulation might be expected to select similar sexual strategies (Barrett and Pannell 1999). Nevertheless, the interpretation of the effects of colonisation on genetic diversity may benefit by being placed within their phylogeographic context, because regional processes largely re-pattern the genetic variation inherited from a more distant past. The majority of phylogeographic studies have largely set out to describe the history of a species range expansion (Avise 2000). However, by revealing the geographic distribution of genetic variation, phylogeographic studies also have the potential to address specific hypotheses in ecology and evolution. For example, a key gap in our understanding of the factors regulating the size of species distributions and the potential for range expansion are the demographic and genetic prop- erties of populations at the edge of species’ ranges. Various measures of genetic diversity, such as the numbers of alleles and gene diversity, as well as differences in DNA sequences, are commonly observed to be lower towards the extremities of a species’ range (Dorken and Eckert 2001). Peripheral populations are, in some cases, associated with uniparental modes of reproduction such as selffertilisation or asexual propagation (Eckert et al. 1999), causing reduced genetic variation at the edge of the species’ range. These differences in genetic diversity among populations may be due to reduced rates of population growth or to reductions in the size of local populations and of the regional density of populations. However, they may also be influenced by patterns of colonisation, and these alternatives can be distinguished using phylogeographic techniques. Because of the sessile habit of plants and the often strong geographical structure of their populations, plants offer broad scope for the study of dispersal. This applies not only to effects on neutral genetic diversity, but also to non-neutral genetic variation affecting aspects of a species’ biology such as its sexual system. Indeed, plant species that display polymorphism in their sexual system have provided us with excellent natural experiments for testing ecological and evolutionary theory. 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