TECHNICAL MATHEMATICS ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, TRIGONOMETRY Prepared by Rabie Soliman: Senior Teacher of Math (Sur V T C) Ridha Bechir Gharbi: Senior Teacher of Math (Sur V T C) Mohammed Fatoh: Senior Teacher of Math (Saham V T C) Mahmod Badrawy: Senior Teacher of Math (Saham V T C) Deogracias E. Joaquin: Senior Teacher of Math (Shinas V T C) Raafat Sayed Mohammed: Revised by Senior Teacher of Math (Saham V T C) Ghareeb Zaki : Curriculum Specialist of Mathematics & Physics 2 3 مكدمــــــــــــ٘ بضه اهلل الزمحً الزسٔه ( ّقل رب سدىٕ علناَ ) صدق اهلل العظٔه قاو بإعداد املادٗ العلنٔ٘ هلذا اللتاب الشمالء املعلنٌْ مً مزاكش التدرٓب املَين -صْر ،صشه ،عياص ّ -قد قنيا مبزادع٘ تلم املادٗ العلنٔ٘ ّتصئفَا بالغلل املكبْل ّاملياصب كنزدع جلنٔع الشمالء معلنٕ الزٓاضٔات مبزاكش التدرٓب املَين احللْمٔ٘ ّمعَدٖ تأٍٔل الصٔادًٓ ،سٔح قنيا بتصئف املادٗ العلنٔ٘ علٕ ٍٔئ٘ ثالخ ّسدات ٍٕ اجلرب ّاهليدص٘ ّسضاب املجلجات. ٓغتنل اجلشء اخلاص باجلرب علٕ صت٘ فصْل تغطٕ معظه مْضْعات امليَر للنضتْٓني األّل ّالجاىٕ مبزاكش التدرٓب املَين ّمعاٍد تأٍٔل الصٔادًٓ ّفكا للنياٍر املطْرّٗٓ ،غتنل اجلشء اخلاص باهليدص٘ عل ٙفصلني ٓغطٔاٌ معظه مْضْعات اهليدص٘ املضتْٓ٘ ّالفزاغٔ٘(ٍيدص٘ الفطاء) ّاهليدص٘ التشلٔلٔ٘(اإلسداثٔ٘) املكزرٗ للنضتْٓني األّل ّالجاىٕ مبزاكش التدرٓب املَين ّفكا للنياٍر املطْرٗ ،أما اجلشء اخلاص حبضاب املجلجات فٔغتنل عل ٙفصلني ٓغطٔاٌ معظه مْضْعات املياٍر املكزرٗ علٙ املضتْٓني األّل ّالجاىٕ مبزاكش التدرٓب املَين. ىغلز مجٔع الشمالء معلنٕ الزٓاضٔات الذًٓ صاٍنْا بإعداد املادٗ العلنٔ٘ :أ .ربٔع صلٔناٌ مً مزكش صْر عل ٙدلَْدِ الْافز يف إعداد املادٗ العلنٔ٘ باإلضاف٘ إىل قامْظ املصطلشات الزٓاضٔ٘ ّالذٖ قنيا مبزادعتُ ّسذف ّإضاف٘ بعض الللنات ّقد ّضعياِ يف مؤخزٗ املزدع كٕ ٓلٌْ معٔيا للشمالء املعلنني أٓطا أبيائيا املتدربني يف مزاكش التدرٓب املَين ّمعَدٖ تأٍٔل الصٔادًٓ ،كنا أتْدُ بالغلز إىل أ .رضا البغري مً مزكش صْر عل ٙاملادٗ العلنٔ٘ اليت كاىت ميظن٘ ّمزتب٘ بغلل دٔد ّمل تلً صٔغ الكْاىني اليت اصتددمَا بعٔدٗ عً تلم املضتددم٘ ف ٙالتعلٔه العاو بضلطي٘ عناٌ . كنا أتْدُ بالغلز إىل أ .ذلند فتْح مً مزكش صشه عل ٙدلَْدِ الْفري يف إعداد املادٗ العلنٔ٘ اخلاص٘ حبضاب املجلجات ، كنا أتْدُ بالغلز إلٕ أ .ذلنْد بدراّٖ مً مزكش صشه عل ٙاملادٗ العلنٔ٘ الغشٓزٗ ّاخلاص٘ باهليدص٘ املضتْٓ٘ ّالفزاغٔ٘، كنا أتْدُ بالغلز اىل ك ًال مً أ .رأفت صٔد مً مزكش صشه ،أ .دٓٔذْراصٔط مً مزكش عياص عل ٙمضاٍنتَه يف إعداد املادٗ العلنٔ٘ . كنا أتكدو بالغلز إىل الفاضل /منز محاد – أخصائٕ ّصائل تعلٔنٔ٘ بدائزٗ تطْٓز املياٍر -عل ٙتعاّىُ يف إخزاز ٍذا املزدع بالغلل املكبْل. ّأخريا أردْ أٌ ٓلٌْ ٍذا املزدع عْىا إلخْاىيا املعلنٌْ عل ٙأداء رصالتَه الرتبْٓ٘ ّالعلنٔ٘ ّفكا مليظْم٘ التدرٓب املَين يف صلطي٘ عناٌ. ( ربيا ال تؤاخذىا إٌ ىضٔيا أّ أخطاىا ) غريب زكي أخصائٕ مياٍر الزٓاضٔات ّالفٔشٓاء مضكط 2010- 4 و Contents Chapter No. 0 Subject Page No. INTRODUCTION 4 NUMERICAL SYSTEMS 8 1.1 Sets of numbers 8 1.2 Operations with decimals 11 1.3 Operations with fractions 14 1.4 Percentage and ratio 20 1.5 Approximation 21 1.6 Ratio 22 1.7 Proportion 22 1.8 Simple interest 23 1.9 Mental arithmetic 24 1 2 POLYNOMIALS 27 2.1 Operation on polynomials 27 2.2 Factorizing polynomials 30 SOLUTION OF EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES 35 3.1 Solution of linear equations 35 3.2 Solution of linear inequality in one variable 36 3.3 Solving Quadratic Equation 37 SEQUENCES AND SERIES 40 4.1 Sequences 40 4.2 Series 41 4.3 Arithmetic Sequences and Series 42 4.4 Geometric Sequences and Series 45 LOGARITHMS 49 5.1 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 49 PERMUTATION, COMBINATIONS AND BINOMIAL 57 6.1 Introduction 57 6.2 Permutations 58 6.3 Combinations 58 6.4 Binomial Expansion 59 3 4 5 6 5 7 PLANE AND SOLID GEOMETRY 61 7.1 Area of Squares and Rectangles 61 7.2 Area of Triangles 63 7.3 Area of Parallelograms 66 7.4 Area of Trapezoids 68 7.5 Circumference and Area of Circles 70 7.6 Surface Areas of Prisms and Cylinders 72 7.7 Surface Area of Pyramids and Cones 75 7.8 Volume of Prisms and Cylinders 79 7.9 Volumes of Pyramids and Cones 81 7.10 Surface Area and Volume of Spheres 83 7.11 Table of Area 89 7.12 Table of Solids 91 ANALYTIC GEOMETRY 94 8.1 Cartesian Coordinate 94 8.2 Mid-point Coordinate of a Line Segment 95 8.3 Slope of a Straight Line 95 8.4 Straight Line Equation 97 8.5 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 97 8 TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS 103 9.1 The Pythagorean Theorem 103 9.2 Degree Measure 111 9.3 Radian Measure 113 9.4 The Trigonometric Functions of Acute Angles 118 9.5 Trigonometric Functions of Special Angles 126 SOLUTION OF TRIANGLE 132 10.1 Sine Rule 132 10.2 Cosine Rule 137 10.3 Solving Right Triangles 140 10.4 Solving Oblique Triangles 143 10.5 Applications Of Solving Triangles 151 DICTIONARY 164 9 10 APPENDIX 6 ALGEBRA Chapter 1: Numerical Systems Rabie Soliman (Sur V T C) Chapter 2: Polynomials Deogracias E. Joaquin (Shinas V T C) Chapter 3: Solution of Equations and Inequalities Raafat Sayed Mohammed (Saham V T C) Chapter 4: Sequences and Series Rabie Soliman (Sur V T C) Ridha Bechir Gharbi (Sur V T C) Chapter 5: Logarithms Raafat Sayed Mohammed (Saham V T C) Ridha Bechir Gharbi (Sur V T C) Chapter 6: Permutation, Combinations and Binomial theorem Ridha Bechir Gharbi (Sur V T C) 7 Chapter 1 Numerical Systems Sets of numbers The set of natural numbers N Where N 0,1,2,3,............ The set of Integers z Where Z ...........,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,....... We can divide this set into The set of Positive integers Z 1,2,3,...... the set of Negative integers Z 1,2,3,...... The set of non - zero integers Z * Z 0 Note that Z Z 0 Z Z N Z 8 The set of rational numbers Q Where p Q : p, q Z , q 0 q / The set of Irrational numbers Q This set contains the numbers which cannot put on the form p , q 0 , such as 5 , 3 9 ,....... q Note that Q n Q'= Ø DRILL 1 Which of the following numbers belongs to Q and which of them belongs to Q / 25 , 9 3 27 , 7 , 2.1 , 0.4 9 The set of real numbers The set of real numbers is the union of the set of rational numbers and the set of irrational numbers. Let R denotes the set of real numbers so R Q Q/ Real numbers R Rational numbers Irrational numbers Q Q/ Non integers Integers Z Negative integers Natural numbers Z N 0 Positive integers Z 10 Operations with decimals Addition of decimals When adding decimal quantities place the numbers in columns so that the decimal points occur directly underneath one another. Eg.1 Find the value of: 3.518 1.64 5.047 Solution 3. 5 1 8 1. 6 4 5. 0 4 7 10. 2 0 5 Subtraction of decimals When subtracting decimal quantities use the same column arrangement as for addition taking care to write the decimal points directly underneath one another. Eg.2 Find the value of 14.301-8.576 Solution 14. 3 0 1 8 .57 6 __________ 5.725 11 Multiplication of decimals When multiplying two decimal quantities the number of decimal places in the answer will be the same as the total number of decimal places in both quantities. Eg.3 Find the value of 2.78 × 1.3 Solution Step 1 Disregard the decimal points 2 7 8 1 3 _________ 8 3 4 2 7 8 0 __________ 3 6 1 4 Step 2 The total number of decimal places in both numbers is 2+1=3. Step 3 Insert the decimal point. Then the answer is 3.614 Drill 1 Multiply 5.62 by 3.13 Division of decimals To make division by a decimal quantity the divisor must be converted to a whole number by multiplying by 10, 100, 1000, etc. The dividend must also be multiplied by the same value. 12 Eg.4 Find the value of 33.5 divided by 1.34 Solution Take care 33.5 is the dividend 1.34 is the divisor To find the answer do as follows:Step 1 Convert the divisor to a whole number by multiply it by 100 1.34 × 100=134 Step 2 Multiply the dividend by the same value 33.5 × 100=3350 Step 3 Divide 3350 by 134 25 1343350 2 6 8 6 7 0 6 7 0 0 0 0 The answer is 25 13 Operations with fractions Vulgar fractions This type of fraction has a value which is always less than 1.The number above the dividing line called the numerator is always less than the number below the dividing line which is called the denominator. Eg.1 1 3 2 6 7 7 7 7 (Note: the fractions have a common denominator so we add the numerators) Eg.2 11 5 6 13 13 13 Improper fractions In this fractions the numerator is greater than the denominator such as: 9 17 5 , , 5 8 2 Mixed fractions If the numerator is greater than the denominator then the answer is a whole number and a vulgar fraction and this is called a mixed number or mixed fraction thus: 7 2 2 1 3 1 ,1 , 3 , 7 5 5 3 2 5 Are mixed numbers. Note that Mixed numbers can be converted into improper fractions by multiplying the whole number by the denominator and adding the numerator. Eg.3 4 3 5 4 19 3 5 5 5 14 Drill 2 Place each of the following values under head in the following table 5 2 12 6 13 3 ,3 , ,4 , ,2 7 5 17 7 10 7 Vulgar fraction Improper fraction Mixed number Addition of fractions 1- If the fractions have the same denominator (common denominator) we add the numerator. Eg.4 3 2 5 7 7 7 2- If the fractions have different denominators In this case we replace the fractions by an equivalent fractions to give a common denominator. Eg.5 Simplify 1 2 4 3 Solution Both fractions must be replaced by equivalent fractions 1 1 3 3 4 4 3 12 2 2 4 8 3 3 4 12 Then 1 2 3 8 11 4 3 12 12 12 Eg.6 Find the value of: 1 3 5 3 1 1 2 4 8 15 Solution There are two methods: 1- Collect the whole number together 1 3 5 4 1 2 3 1 3 3 1 1 5 2 4 8 8 465 5 8 15 5 8 7 6 8 2-converting the mixed numbers to improper fractions 1 3 5 7 7 13 3 1 1 2 4 8 2 4 8 4 7 2 7 113 8 28 14 13 55 7 6 8 8 8 Subtraction of fractions Eg.7 Simplify 5 3 6 4 Solution 5 3 2 5 3 3 10 9 1 6 4 12 12 12 Drill 3 Simplify 2 5 5 4 2 3 5 7 13 16 Multiplication of fractions To carry out multiplication we multiply the numerators together and the denominators together. Eg.8 Simplify 3 2 7 3 Solution 3 2 3 2 6 3 7 3 7 3 21 7 Drill 4 Simplify 3 1 3 1 5 4 7 2 1 2 1 3 3 2 Division of fractions Eg.9 Simplify 4 2 5 3 Solution 4 2 4 3 6 1 1 5 3 5 2 5 5 17 Conversion of fractions to decimals Eg. 10 Convert to decimal 2 5 7 2) 8 1) Solution 1) 2 25 5 0.4 5 2.0 Then 2) 2 0.4 5 7 7 8 8 8 Then 0.875 7.000 64 _____ 60 56 _____ 40 40 _____ 00 7 0.875 8 18 Conversion of decimals to fractions In a decimal fraction the first figure to the right of the point gives the number of tenths; the second figure gives hundredths, the third gives thousandths. Eg.11 For the decimal 0.531 Place the values 1 ths 10 0.5 1 ths 100 3 5 Thus 0.5 10 531 i.e 0.531 1000 1 ths 1000 1 0.53 1 ths 10000 53 100 0.001 1 1000 Eg.12 Convert 9.345 to a mixed number Solution The whole number 9 does not change 0.345 345 1000 Then 9.345 9 345 1000 19 Percentage and ratio Conversion of fractions to percentages To convert a fraction ( or decimal fraction (To a percentage, multiply by 100. .Eg.13 Convert 3 to a percentage 20 Solution 3 100 15% 20 Eg.14 Convert 0.35 to a percentage Solution 0.35×100=35% Conversion of percentages to fractions To convert a percentage to a fraction divide by 100. Eg.15 Convert 42% to a vu lg ar fraction Solution 42% 42 21 100 50 Eg.16 Convert 14 % to decimal fraction Solution 14 14% 0.14 100 Percentage of quantities The percentage of quantity can be found by multiplying the quantity by the fraction equivalent of the percentage. Eg.17 Find 12% of 300 kg Solution 12 300 36kg 100 20 Approximation To reduce the number of decimal places does as follows: 1- If the first figure after the required number of places is 5 or greater, then add 1 to the previous figure and omit the first figure. 2- If the first figure after the required number of places is less than 5 then simply omit the first figure without any change. Eg.5 2.345 correct to 2 decimal places is 2.35 4.093 correct to 2 decimal places is 4.09 Exercises I) find the value of) 1- 43.3+9.15+10.06 2-3.8451+0.219+11.2713 3-2.103+0.125+1.3518+0.0073 4-87.64-37.95 5-40.589-18.335 6-17.408-9.075 7-8.305×4.64 8-1.5×2.6×0.3 9-135.5×14.3 10-5.58÷1.8 11-592.47÷9 12-62.3÷0.7 (ii) Multiply 4.71 by 2.35 and give the answer correct to 2 decimal places (iii) Show the value 1.8919 correct to: 1- 3 decimal places. 2- 2 decimal places. 21 Ratio The relationship between two quantities having the same units may be expressed in the form of a ratio. Eg.18 Consider two metal bars A and B where A is 5m long and B is 7m long. The length of A is to. 5 : 7 or 5 The length of B as 7 Note that 5 is called the first term, 7 is called the second term and both 5, 7 called the terms of the fraction. Proportion Definition Proportion is an equality of two or more ratios (equivalent fractions) Eg . 1 3 12 ............ 2 6 24 Drill 5 Complete the following table to make the corresponding numbers in two rows proportional ….. 15 75 ….. ….. ….. 2 10 50 ….. ….. ….. 22 Important remark * We know that: 2 6 3 9 2 is called the first term. 3 is called the second term. 6 is called the third term. 9 is called the fourth term. Both 2, 9 called the extremes. Both 3, 6 called the means. * The product of the extremes = the product of the means. Drill 6 Find the value of x if 5 x 3 2 Drill 7 The price of 20 liters of oil is RO 10 . Evaluate: 1-the price of 30 liters of the same oil. 2-number of liters of price RO 12.5. Simple interest I CPT 100 WHERE I is the simple int erest C principal amount P rate of int erest T time int erval in years Drill 8 Salem borrowed OR 30000 from bank Muscat to open a project if the rate of interest charged is 8% per annum. Find the interest at the end of 5 years. 23 Mental arithmetic Divisibility by 2 Any number is divisible by 2 if its units digit contains 0, 2,4,6,8. Such as 234,1026,18 etc. Divisibility by 3 Any number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3 such as 2001, 429, 9342, etc. Divisibility by 4 Any number is divisible by 4 if the number formed by the units digit and tens digit is divisible by 4 such as 100, 416, 2324, etc. Divisibility by 5 Any number is divisible by 5 if its unit's digit contains 0 or 5.such as 500, 515, 7015, etc. Divisibility by 6 Any number is divisible by 6 if it is divisible by both 2and 3 such as 5310, 300, 150, etc. Divisibility by 9 Any number is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 9 such as 513, 402030, etc. Divisibility by 11 Any number is divisible by 11 if the difference between the sum of the odd places and the sum of the even places is divisible by 11 or the difference is 0 such as 10846 where : The sum of the odd places =6+8+1=15 The sum of the even places=4+0=4 The difference =15-4=11 So 10846 are divisible by 11. Also 1331 is divisible by 11. Divisibility by 25 Any number is divisible by 25 if the number formed by the digits in the units place and tens place is divisible by 25 such as 100, 2125, etc. Multiplying by 9 To multiply a number by 9 multiply this number by 10 and subtract the original number from the result. 24 Eg.1 Find 46×9 Solution 46×9=46×10-46=414 Multiplying by 99 To multiply a number by 99 multiply this number by 100 and subtract the original number from the result. Eg.2 Find 46×99 Solution 46×99=46×100-46=4554 Multiplying by 999 To multiply a number by 999 multiply this number by 1000 and subtract the original number from the result. Eg.3 Find 46×999 Solution 46×999=46×1000-46=45954 Multiplying by 11 To multiply a number by 11 multiply this number by 10 and add the original number to the result. Eg.4 Find 2643×11 Solution 2643×11= 2643×10+2643=29073 Multiplying by 5 To multiply a number by 5 add 0 for the number and divide the result (new number) by 2 Eg.5 Find 4286×5 Solution 4286×5=42860÷2=21430 25 Multiplying by 25 To multiply number by 25 add 00 to the number and divide the result (new number) by 4 Eg.6 Find 58×25 Solution 58×25=5800÷4=1450 Multiplying by 125 To multiply number by 125 add 000 to the number and divide the result (new number) by 8 Eg.7 Find 48×125 Solution 48×125=48000÷8=6000 Multiplying by 15 To multiply number by 15 we add the number with its half and multiply the result by 10. Eg.8 Evaluate 15×24 Solution 24+12=36 36×10=360 Then 15×24=360 26 Chapter 2 Polynomials Pre-requisite knowledge: (2-1) Operations of integers Laws of exponents Identify similar terms Identify numerical and literal coefficients Operations on Polynomials In adding polynomials, combine similar terms. Examples: Find the sum. 1) 3 x 2) 7 y 2 3) 12 x 3 y 2x 3y 2 5x 3 y 5x 10 y 2 7x3 y 4) 7 a 3b 5a b 5) 15 x 10 y 5 9x 6 y 3 12a 2b 6) 7 x 2 2 x 10 5x 3 24 x 4 y 2 7 x 2 3 x 13 In subtracting polynomials, change the sign of all terms of the subtrahend and proceed to the rule of addition. Examples: Find the difference. 1) 5 x 7x ( subtrahend ) 5x 7x (add ) 2x 2) 6a 3b 5a 2b ( subtrahend ) 6a 3b 5a 2b a 5b 27 (add ) 3) x 3 2 x 2 x 7 5 x 2 3x 2 x3 2x 2 x 7 ( subtrahend ) 5 x 2 3x 2 x 3 3x 2 4 x 9 Removal of a Grouping Symbol A grouping symbol can be removed by observing these rules: 1. If the grouping symbol is preceded by a plus sign (+), remove the plus sign and the grouping symbol right away. 2. If the grouping symbol is preceded by a minus sign (-), remove the minus sign and the grouping symbol, but CHANGE the sign of all terms inside that grouping symbol. Examples: 1) (3 x 2) ( x 7) 3x 2 x 7 4x 5 final answer 2) (8a 6b 4c) (5a 3b 2c) 8a 6b 4c 5a 3b 2c 13a 9b 6c final answer 3) 4 x x (6 x 1) 4 x x 6 x 1 4 x 7 x 1 4x 7x 1 3x 1 final answer 4) 2a 34a 2a 3 2a 34a 2a 3 2a 32a 3 2a 6a 9 4a 9 final answer 28 Multiplication of polynomials 1. In multiplying monomial by another monomial, multiply their numerical coefficients, and multiply the literal coefficients using the multiplication law of exponents. Examples: Find the product. 1) (5 x) (2 x) 10 x 2 2) (3a 5 ) (4a 6 ) 12a 11 3) (10 x 3 y 2 z ) ( x 4 y ) 10 x 7 y 3 z 4) (6a ) (3b) 18ab 5) (7 ax) (9bx 2 ) 63abx 3 2. In multiplying polynomial by a monomial, multiply the monomial to each term of the polynomial. Examples: Find the product. 1. (2 x)( x 2 3 x 5) 2 x 3 6 x 2 10 x 2. (4a 7b) (3) 12a 21b 3. (5 xy ) (2 x 3 y 1) 10 x 2 y 15 xy 2 5 xy 4. (10a ) ( x 2 y 3 z ) 10ax 20ay 30az 3. In multiplying polynomial by another polynomial, multiply each term of the multiplicand to each term of the multiplier. Combine similar terms, if possible. 29 Examples: Find the product. 1) ( x 5) ( x 6) x 2 6 x 5 x 30 x 2 11x 30 final answer 2) (2 x 3) (3 x 5) 6 x 2 10 x 9 x 15 6 x 2 x 15 final answer 3) (a b) (c d ) ac ad bc bd final answer 4) ( x 2 2 x 3) (5 x 1) 5x 3 x 2 10 x 2 2 x 15 x 3 5 x 3 9 x 2 13 x 3 final answer 5) ( x 2 3 x 1) ( x 2 x 2) x 4 x3 2x 2 3x 3 3x 2 6 x 2x 2 6x 2 x 4 2 x 3 x 2 12 x 2 final answer (2-2) Factorizing polynomials Factorization of polynomials means to find the prime factors of the given polynomial. There are various ways of factoring a polynomial and some are presented below: Common Factor ax ay az a ( x y z) 30 Examples: Factor out the following. 1) 15 x 10 y 5 5 (3 x 2 y 1) 2) 2 x 3 y 8 xy 3 2 xy ( x 2 4 y 2 ) 3) 4 x 10 y 2 (2 x 5 y ) 4) 3 x 3 y 2 x x (3 x 2 y 2) Difference of Two Squares x 2 y 2 ( x y) ( x y) Examples: Factor out the following. 1) x 2 4 x 2 22 ( x 2) ( x 2) final answer 2) 100 x 4 1 (10 x 2 ) 2 12 (10 x 2 1) (10 x 2 1) final answer 3) 9 36a 2 9 (1 4a 2 ) 9 (1 2a ) (1 2a ) final answer Trinomials 2 x (a b) x ab ( x a) ( x b) 31 Examples: Find the factors of the following. 1) x 2 7 x 12 ( x 4) ( x 3) 2) x 2 2 x 24 ( x 6) ( x 4) 3) x 2 10 x 25 ( x 5) ( x 5) 4) x 4 x 2 30 ( x 2 5) ( x 2 6) 5) x 2 x 20 ( x 5) ( x 4) Exercises: Perform the indicated operation. I – Find the sum. 1) 5 x 2) 2 y 3 3) 10 x 3 y 4x y3 4x3 y 4) 4a b a 3b 5) 3x 2 x 6 4x 3 II – Find the difference. 1) 3x 2) 2 y 3 3) 8 x 3 y 4x 7 y3 5x 3 y 4) 4a b 5) 3x 2 5 x 1 5a 6 b x 2 4x 3 32 III – Simplify the following expressions by removing the grouping symbol/s. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) (3 x 5) (4 x 2) (a 6b 4c) (5a 3b c) 6 x 2 x ( x 1) 3a 24a a 5 a 2a 5 a (3a 1) IV – Find the product. 1) (3 x) (7 x) 2) (2a 4 ) (5a 7 ) 3) (8 x 2 y 5 z ) ( x 3 y ) 4) (3a ) (9b) 5) (2ax) (5bx 6 ) 6. 7. 8. 9. (4 x)( x 2 3 x 2) (5a 2b) (6) (3 xy ) ( x 5 y 2) ( 4a ) ( x y 5 z ) 10. (5 x 2 y ) (3 x 2 y xy ) 11. ( x 3) ( x 4) 12. ( x 5) (2 x 3) 13. (3x 1) (2 x 1) 14. ( x 2 2 x 5) (3x 1) 15. ( x 2 2 x 1) ( x 2 3x 2) V – Factor out the following completely. 1. 18 x 36 y 6 2. 7 x 4 y 21xy 3 3. 8 x 30 y 4. 3 x 3 y 9 x 5. 25 x 3 15 x 2 10 x 33 6. x 2 81 7. 64 x 4 9 8. 1 25a 4 9. 49 x 6 1 10. 100 x 4 81 y 2 11. x 2 12 x 35 12. x 2 2 x 63 13. x 2 13 x 40 14. x 2 8 x 7 15. x 4 5 x 2 36 VI – Practical applications 1. In the WELDING workshop, a trainee worked x + 5 in Saturday, 3x – 2 in Sunday, 2x + 3 in Monday, and absent himself in Tuesday and Wednesday. How much work did he do for that week? 2. In Shinas VTC, the mechatronics workshop is rectangular whose length is x + 5 and whose width is 2x – 1. What is the area of the mechatronics workshop? (Note: Area of a rectangular = length times width). 3. The total land area of the rectangular lot of Shinas VTC is 100x2 – 36y2 square units. If one side is 10x + 6y, how long is the other side of the VTC? In the ELECTRICAL workshop, the teacher told the trainees to finish individually the 4. work 3x2 + 7x + 3. Nadir, one of the trainees, has finished x2 – 4x – 1 of the work. How much is the unfinished work? 5. In Shinas VTC, the teacher walked from faculty room to the workshop at 2x – 3y distance, and went to the principal’s office at 5x + 7y. How far did the teacher walked? References: Greer A. and Taylor G.W., BTEC First MATHEMATICS for Technicians, TJ International Ltd, Padstow, Cornwall, 1982. Vance, Elbridge P., Modern College Algebra, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc., 1983. Systems Technology Institute Inc., College Algebra, STI, Inc. 1997. Haag, Vincent H., Structure of Algebra, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc., 1966. 34 Chapter 3 Solution of Equations and Inequalities Solution of linear equations solution of linear equations in one variable: The equation 2x + 5 = 1 . is a linear equation in one variable x and is required: Example: Find the value of x in the following equation: 2 x + 5 = 1→ 2x=1–5 →2x=-4 →x= -2 Exercise : solve the following equations: 1)3+x=2 2)3x-1= 8 Solving Linear equations in two variable: The equation 2x + y = 7 is a linear equation in two variable x and y are required: Example: Solving Linear equations in two variables: 2x+y=7 Sol : , 3x–y = 8 2 x + y = 7 (1) 3 x – y = 8 (2) ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ 5x = 15 → by substitution 2x + y = 7 → 2 ( 3 ) + y = 7 S.S = {(3 , 1 )} 35 x=3 →6+y=7 → y=1 Example: Solve the following equations 4 x + 5 y = 10 , 3 x + y = 13 Sol : 4 x + 5 y = 10 ( 1) 3 x + y = 13 (2)→ ×( – 5 ) ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ 4 x + 5 y = 10 -15 x – 5 y = - 65 ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ -11 x = - 55 →x=5 by substitution 3 x + 5y = 13 → 3 ( 5 ) + 5 y = 13 → 15 + 5 y = 13 y = -2/5 5y=-2→ → S . S = { ( 5 , -2/5 )} Exercises: Solving Linear equations in two variables: 1) x–y=1 , x +y = 9 2)6x–y =5 , 4y -6 x = 1 3) x+3y=9 , 2x+y = 1 Solution of linear inequality in one variable 3 x + 5 > 11 is a linear inequality in one variable x and is required: Example: Find the value of x in the following inequality: 3 x + 5 > 11 Sol: 3 x + 5 > 11 → 3 x > 11 – 5 → 3 x >6÷ 3) → x > 2 36 Example: Find the value of x in the following inequality: 1 x 1 2 2 ×2 ( X–2≤ 4 X≤6 Sol: Example: Find the value of x in the following inequality: -2 > x - 5 > 1 Sol : - 2 + 5 > x > 1 + 5 3 > x > 6 Exercise: Find the value of x in the following inequality: 1)x+4<7 3) 2)2x–3>7 x- 2≤-3 4) -1 > x - 2 > 1 Solving Quadratic Equation 1 ) by factorizing 2 ) by formula 1 ) by factorizing: Ex: Solving the following Equations: 2 1) x – 5 x +6 = 0 2 2) x – 9 = 0 2 3 ) x + 6 x – 16 2 Sol : 1 ) x – 5 x +6 = 0 ( x – 3 )=0 ( x – 2 )=0 X–3=0 x- 2 = 0 X=3 X=2 → SS={2,3} 2 Sol : 2) x – 9 = 0 ( x + 3 ) =0 ( x - 3 )=0 X=-3 Sol X = 3 → S. S = { 3 , - 3 } 2 : 3 ) x + 6 x – 16 ( x + 8 ) =0 X=-8 ( x – 2 )=0 x=2 37 → S . S = { -8 , 2 } 2) By formula: Equation can be solved by Quadratic Formula ax+by+c=0 by using the formula b b 2 4ac x 2a where: a is X-Factor, b is Y-Factor, Ex : Solve the equation following by formula: c the absolute term 2 x –2x- 2=0 Sol : a = 1 , b = -2 , C = -2 b b 2 4aC x 2a 2 2 2 4 1 2 x 2 1 2 12 x 2 2 3 .5 x1 2.75 2 2 3 .5 x2 0.75 2 38 Exercise 1) Solving the following Equations by factorizing: 2 1 ) x + 7 x + 10 = 0 2 2 ) x – 5 x – 14 = 0 2 3)x –4=0 2) Solving the following Equations by formula : 2 1 ) x + 2x – 4 = 0 2 2)x + x -2 = 0 39 Chapter 4 Sequences and Series I) Sequences: 1-Definition: A sequence is a set of real numbers u1 , u 2 , u3 ,..........u n which is arranged (ordered). Example: 3,9,27,..........,3n Each number u k is a term of the sequence. We called u1 - First term and u 45 - Forty-fifth term The n th term u n is called the general term(final term) of the sequence. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Example1: If , , , , , , is a sequence. a. Find u1 , u 2 , u3 , u5 , u7 b. Find u n 2-Sequences types: Finite sequence Infinite sequence Example2: 2; 4; 6; 8;.............. infinite sequence . 1 1 1 1 1 finite sequence . ; ; ; ; 2 4 8 16 24 Example3: Write the 3 first terms of the sequences where the general term is: a. c. b. un 2n 1 u n 3n 2 un 1 1 n n 2 d. u n 1 40 Example4: Write the 5 first terms of the sequences: a. 3; 5; 7;................. b. 5; 9;13;................. c. 2; 4; 8;................. Example5: Write the general term of the sequences: a. b. c. d. 1; 5; 9;13;17;................. 1;1; 1;1; 1;................. 1; 8; 27;64;125;................. 0; 5; 10; 15; 20; ................. II) Series: 1-Definition: The symbol ∑ (sigma) is called the summation sign. This symbol will represents the sum of the first n terms as follows: n u1 u 2 u 3 ......... u n u r r 1 N.B: To express a series using summation sign ∑, we have to find the general term of the sequence 2- Series types: Finite series : it is same as finite sequence Infinite series: it is same as infinite sequence Example6: Express the following using the summation sign ∑: a. 1 2 3 4 .............. 10 b. 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 c. 1 1 1 1 ......... 2 4 8 16 Example7: Write all the terms of the series: a. b. 5 2 1 r r 1 4 3 1 n n3 n 1 41 III) Arithmetic Sequences and series: Consider the following lists of numbers )i) 1,2,3,4,……… (ii) 50,40,30,20,…… (iii) -10,-8,-6,-4,……. Each number in the above lists is called a term. Note that In (i) each term is 1 more than the term preceding it. In (ii) each term is 10 less than the term preceding it. In (iii) each term is obtained by adding 2 to the term preceding it. 1-Definition: An Arithmetic sequence is a sequence in which the difference between any two consecutive terms is a constant. The constant difference is called the common difference and it is denoted by the letter d ; ( d u k 1 u k ) An arithmetic sequence with first term u1 a and common difference d , can be written as follows: a; a d ; a 2d ; a 3d ;.........; a (n 1)d The general term of an Arithmetic sequence is: u n a (n 1)d Drill 1 For the arithmetic sequence 5,7,9,…… Write the first term a and the common difference d. 42 Drill 2 Which of the following list of numbers does form an A.S? If they form an A.S write the next two terms. (i) 4,9,14,19,…… (ii) -3,3,-3,3,-3,…… (iii) 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,……. Drill 3 Write first four terms of the A.S when the first term a and the common difference d are given as follows:(1) a=10 , d=10 (2) a=-4 , d=1 (3) a=1 , d=0.5 Drill 4 Which term of the A.S? 21,18,15,………is -81 Example8: Write the first 5 terms of the arithmetic sequence whose first term 3 and common difference 4 . Example9: Show that 2;1;4;7;............ is an arithmetic sequence and find its 10th term. Example10: Find the number of terms in the arithmetic series: 3 5 7 ............... 61 43 2- Sum of arithmetic series: Theorem: The sum to n terms of an arithmetic sequence a, a d , a 2d ,...........; p n 2 Is given by S n (a p) N.B: where: a =first term ; p = final term (general term) p u n a (n 1)d , then the sum to n- terms is given by: Sn n (2a (n 1)r ) 2 Drill 5 1- Find the sum of the first 20 terms of the A.S 8,3,-2, ……………. 2- Find the sum of the first 1000 positive integers. 3- Find the sum of first 20 terms of the list of numbers whose nth term is given by: an= 3+2n Example11: Find the sum of the following series: a. 3;7;11;..........; n( 15) b. 7 3n 2 n 1 c. Odd natural numbers from 1 to 99 . d. Even natural numbers from 2 to 100 . 44 IV) Geometric Sequences and Series: Consider the following lists of numbers: )i) 2,4,8,16,……… (ii) 3,12,48,192,…… (iii) -4,2,-1,1/2,……. Each number in the above lists is called a term. Note that The ratio between any term and the preceding term is the same. 1-Definition: A Geometric sequence is a sequence in which the ratio between any term and its preceeding term is a constant. The constant ratio is called the common ratio and it is denoted by the letter r ( r Vk 1 ) Vk A Geometric sequence with first term V1 a and common ratio r , can be written as follows: a; ar; ar 2 ; ar 3 ;.............; ar n1 The general term of a Geometric sequence is: Vn a r n1 Drill 1 For the G.S: 3,6,12,……. Write the first term a and the common ratio r. 45 Drill 2 Which of the following list of numbers does form a G.S? If they form a G.S write the next two terms. (i) 100,50,25,….. (ii) -3,3,-3,3,-3,…… (iii) 1,2,6,…. Drill 3 Write first four terms of the G.S when the first term a and the common ratio r are given as follows:(1) a=10 ,r=2 (2) a=-4 ,r=0.5 (3) a=1 , r=-3 Drill 4 The first term of geometric sequence is 5 and its common ratio 2 write the first six terms and what the order of the term whose value is 5120. Example12: Find the common ratio and the 7th term of the geometric sequence 3,9,27,81,.......... Example13: Find the number of terms in the geometric sequence whose first term is 625 , the last term is 1 and common ratio is 1 . 5 Example14: Find the first term of a geometric sequence whose V5 311and V7 448 46 2- Sum of geometric series: Theorem: The sum to n- terms of a geometric series whose first term is a and common ratio is r is given by : a(1 r n ) Sn 1 r ; r 1 N.B: The sum of a geometric series whose first term is a and common ratio is r and the last term is p is given by: Sn a pr 1 r ; r 1 Drill 5 1- Find the sum of the first 20 terms of the G.S 2,4,8,……. 2- Find the sum of first 20 terms of the list of numbers whose nth term is given by: Example15: Find the sum of the first 6 terms of the geometric sequence whose first 1 2 term is 6 and common ratio is ( ) . Example16: Find the first 7 terms of the geometric series: 7 14 (28) .............. Example17: Find the sum of the geometric series: 1 1 1 1 1 ............ 2 4 8 64 Example18: Find the first term of a geometric series whose common ratio is (2) and the sum of the first 6 terms is (63) Example19: Find the first term in a geometric series whose sum is 240 ,the common ratio is 3 and the last term is 162 . 47 Note that 1-To prove any sequence is an arithmetic sequence you must prove the difference of any two consecutive terms is the same. 2- if a,b,c is an A.S then b=(a+c)/2 and b is called the arithmetic mean of a and c. 3 If a, b, c is a G.S then b a.c B is called geometric mean of a and b. 4- If the sequence has a last term then it is called finite sequence. and if it does not have a last term it is called infinite sequence. 48 Chapter 5 Logarithms Exponential and Logarithmic functions I) Exponential function: 1-Definition: The exponential function is a real function. Its domain is IR and its range is IR+ . ; a IR \ 1 f : IR IR f ( x) a x Example 1: Given the exponential function f with base 3 : a. find f (1), f (3), f (2), f (0) b. If f ( x) 1 , find the value of x ? 81 N.B: The symbol a n signifies to multiply a a number of n factors: an = axaxax…xa a =Base n = Exponent 2- Law s of exponential: If a, b IR ; n, p z then: 1) a n . a p a n p an a n p p a 5) (a n ) p a n. p 6) a 0 1 2) a n n 1 n a an a n 7) b b 3) (a.b) a . b 4) n n n a 49 n p a n 8) p a IR ; وp IN Example 2: Find the value a- 32 1 5 b- 64 1 3 c- 3 2 Example3: Write in fractional exponents form 7 a- 3 42 b- 5 26 c- 43 Example4: Simplify the following expressions A 1 3 x 5y 3 1 2 2 x 15 y B 3 4 2 3 (81) 8 1 4 1 ( ) 3 3 5 2n2 7 4n (49) 2 n (25)12 n C 3- Exponential equations: The exponential equation is any equation which contains variable in the exponent for example x . Solve an exponential equation is to find the unknown variable x . We write the exponential equation in the form of a x a c ,then: a x ac ; a 0 x c Example5: Solve the exponential equations a- x 3 27 b- 64 x 4 c- 3 x 81 d- 132 x 1 5 2 x 1 e- 6 x 2 3 x 2 f- ( ) x N.B: 1 4 a x b x ; a , b 0 ; a b x 0 Example6: Solve the equations a- 1252 x3 59 x6 b- 4 x 17 2 x 16 0 Example7: 1 2 If f ( x) (a x a x ) prove that f ( x y) f ( x y) 2 f ( x) f ( y) Example8: Prove that ( x 2 x 1)( x x ) 1 1 1 x 50 1 256 4- Curves of exponential functions: To draw the curve of any function,we take some numbers and find their images, we obtain some ordered pairs representing points. We fix these points in the cartesian coordinate and we connect them with a curved line. Example9: Draw the curve of f ( x) 2 x . x 3 2 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 2 4 f (x) 1 8 N.B: In the figure we draw the curve of the function g ( x) 2 x and we have g ( x) f ( x) then the curve of f and g are Corresponding with y -axis. All curves of exponential functions pass through the point (0;1) . Example10: Draw the curve of the function f ( x) 3 x and deduce the curve of f ( x) 3 x . 51 II) Logarithmic function: 1-Definition: The Logarithmic function is a real function. Its domain is IR and its range is IR . f Log a : IR IR ; a IR \ 1 f ( x) Log a ( x) 2-Laws of logarithmic functions : a. Log a (xy ) Log a (x) + Log a ( y) ; x; y IR* x y b. Log a ( ) Log a (x) Log a ( y) c. Log a ( x n ) nLog a x 1 x e. Log a (a ) 1 d. Log a ( ) Log a (x) f. Log a (a n ) n 1 2 g. Log a ( x ) Log a ( x) ; Log a (n x ) 1 Log a ( x) n N.B: Log e ( x) Ln( x) ; ( e 2,71 ) (Normal function of logarithm) e Log( x ) x ; Log (e y ) y Loga 1 0 Log a a 1 Example11: Find the value A log 4 64 log 4 16 log 2 32 B 52 log 3 5 2 log 3 4 1 log 3 80 3 3-The logarithm and its relation with indices: The logarithmic function is the inverse of the exponential function: Log a ( y) x y a x Example11: Express in logarithmic form a- 2 8 3 b- 5 3 1 125 1 4 c- 81 3 Example12: Express in exponential form a- log 3 81 4 b- log 2 1 4 16 c- log 2 2 2 3 2 4- Solution of Logarithmic equations : Definition: The solution of logarithmic equation depends on the solution of exponential equation To solve the logarithmic equation we express it in the exponential form and then we find the desired variable . Example13: Find the solution set of the following equations: a- Log 2 x 3 b- Log x 81 4 d- Log 5 ( x 1) 2 e- Log 2 ( x 2 1) 3 f- Log x1 27 3 h- Log3 ( x 1) 6 k- Log x (5x 6) 2 g- Log x 2 125 2 53 c- Log3 x 2 5- Curves of logarithmic functions: To draw the curve of any logarithmic function, we take some numbers and find their images; we obtain some ordered pairs representing points. We fix these points in the Cartesian coordinate and we connect them with a curved line then we obtain the desired curve. f ( x) Log 2 x Example14: Draw the curve of x f (x) 1 8 3 1 4 1 2 4 8 2 0 1 2 3 N.B: The curve of y a x and the curve of y Log a (x) are corresponding with the axis : yx All curves of logarithmic functions passes through the point (1;0) . 54 Exercises Exponential and Logarithmic functions Exercise1: Find the value 1 1 a) 81 4 b) 125 3 c) 5 3 Exercise2: Write in fractional exponents form a) 6 b) 43 3 25 c) 5 42 Exercise3: Simplify the following expressions A 1 5 x 5y 5 1 2 2 x 10 y 3 4 2 3 (256) 8 B 1 2 1 ( ) 3 4 5 3n 2 7 5 n C (49) n (25) 2n Exercise4: Find the simplest value of 1 4 a) 81 3 2 1 2 b) 49 27 2 3 5 n 3 9 5 n c) 5 n 1 9 2 Exercise5: Solve the exponential equations a) x 3 64 b) 64 x 2 c) 5 x 225 d) 5 2 x1 32 x1 e) 10 x2 3 x2 f) ( ) x 1 3 1 81 Exercise6: Solve the exponential equations a) 64 2 x3 49 x6 b) 9 x 36 3 x 243 0 c) 49 x 50 7 x 49 0 Exercise7: Draw the curve of f ( x) 4 x and deduce the curve of f ( x) 4 x 55 Exercise8: Express in logarithmic form a) 3 27 b) 4 3 3 1 4 1 64 c) 16 2 Exercise9: Find the value log 3 81 log 3 9 log 5 25 a) b) log 4 5 2 log 4 3 3 log 4 45 2 3 1 log a 2 27 Exercise10: If find the value of a Exercise11: Find the solution set of the following equations a) Log 2 x 5 b) Log x 32 5 c) Log3 x 4 d) Log 2 (2 x 1) 6 e) Log 4 ( x 2 1) 2 f) Log x116 2 g) Log x 5 1 2 12 2 h) Log 5 (3x 10) 0 k) Log x (3x 2) 2 Exercise12: Draw the curve of f ( x) Log3 x and deduce the curve of y 3 x . Exercise13:Choose the correct answer : 1) Log5 5 .... a) 0 2) Log31 .... 3) a) 4 b) 1 b) 1 c) 10 a) 1 c) 128 b) 3 d) 7 56 d) 25 c) 0 d) 4 Log2 (2)7 .... Chapter 6 Permutation, Combinations And Binomial Theorem I)Introduction: ***Fundamental Principle of Counting: If it is possible to achieve an operation with m method and to achieve a second operation with n method and a third operation to them with p method then these 3 operations can be achieved successively with m n p methods . We can generalize the result for all successively operations ◙ Example1: How many possible numbers between 100 and 1000 can be formed with 5 in the first decimal place? ● Application: How many three digit numbers having three different digits can be made from the set 9,3,8,6,5? ***Factorial of a number: If nIN then factorial n is : n ! n(n 1)(n 2)........... 3 2 1 n(n 1) ! N.B: 0! 1 ◙ Example2: ; 1! 1 Factorial 3 is 3! 3 2 1 6 Factorial 4 is 4! 4 3 2 1 24 Factorial 5 is 5! 5 4 3 2 1 120 ● Application: Find the value of: 10! 8! ; 6! 4! ; 6!3! 5! 57 II) Permutations: Rule1: If E is finite set its elements’ number n then the number of its permutation elements is n ! where n IN ◙ Example3: What is the number of permutation methods of the set E a, b, c, d Rule2: If E is finite set its elements’ number n then the number of its permutation elements lemmas m elements each time is: n! ;mn (n m)! n(n 1)(n 2)..........(n 1 m) Pnm N.B: Pn0 1 ; Pn1 n ; Pnn n! ◙ Example4: How many 3 digit numbers can be formed formed from the elements E 1,2,3,4,5 without repetition of any number in each one. ● Application: 10 trainees participate in a race ,how many methods the trainees can occur (get) the three first ranks . ◙ Example5: What is the value of n if Pn2 30 ? III) Combinations: Rule3: If E is finite set its elements’ number n then the number of its permutation elements lemmas m elements each time with out consider the order of elements is: C N.B: m n Pnm n! m! m!(n m)! ; mn 1 C n0 1 ; C n n ; C nn 1 ◙ Example6: How many methods can we choose a subset formed by three numbers from the set of numbers 1, 3,7,9. ◙ Example7: Find the value of C 73 and C106 ◙ Example8: What is the value of n if Cn3 35 ? 58 IV) Binomial Expansion: Rule4: In the expansion of the binomial a bn where n IN there are (n 1) terms. ◙ Example9: Expand a b 2 and write the number of terms in it. ◙ Example10: How many terms are there in the expansion of x y 7 , 2a b4 Rule5: The expan of a bn is : n a b n C nk a nk b k k 0 C n0 a n C n1 a n 1b C n2 a n 2 b 2 .............. C nn 1 ab n 1 C nn b n an ◙ Example11: C n1 a n 1b C n2 a n 2 b 2 .............. C nn 1 ab n 1 b n Expand: x y 5 , a b4 N.B: The quantity t k 1 Cnk a nk b k is the general term of the expansion a bn . ◙ Example12: Find the 5 th term in the expansion of a) a b 6 b) x y 10 ● Application: What’s the value of : a) b) n C k n C k n k 0 n k 0 (1) k 59 GEOMETRY Chapter 7: Plane and Solid Geometry Mahmood Badrawy (Saham V T C) Chapter 8: Analytic Geometry Rabie Soliman (Sur V T C) Ridha Bechir Gharbi (Sur V T C) 60 Chapter 7 Plane and Solid Geometry 1- Area of Squares and Rectangles 61 62 2- Area of Triangles 63 64 65 3- Area of Parallelograms 66 67 4- Area of Trapezoids 68 69 5- Circumference and Area of Circles 70 71 6- Surface Areas of Prisms and Cylinders 72 73 74 7- Surface Area of Pyramids and Cones 75 76 77 78 8- Volume of Prisms and Cylinders 79 80 9- Volumes of Pyramids and Cones 81 82 10- Surface Area and Volume of Spheres 83 Example: find area ? Solution Exercise : find the area of a square its perimeter =24 cm . Example: find the area of the parallelogram in the opposite figure. Area of parallelogram = b×h=8×9=72 cm2 Example : - in the opposite figure find the perimeter and area. 84 Example : find the area and circumference of the circle Solution : The radius is half of the diameter. Then r =5 Area =πr2=3.14×25=78.5 C.F=πd=3.14×10=31.4 Ex : in the opposite figure find the lateral surface area, total surface area and the volume. Solution L.S.A=2πr×h=2×3.14×4×10=251.2 cm2 Area of two base =100.48cm2 T.S.A=351.68 cm2 Volume =502.4 cm3 Example: find the area and the volume of the sphere where its radius =7 cm solution area of a sphere =4πr2=4× volume = 85 Example The radius of opposite sphere is 4 feet. Find the area of the of this sphere and the volume Solution Area of the sphere= 4r2=4×3.14×16=200.96 feet2 The volume = feet3 = Example: in the opposite figure find The total area and the volume 3 3 Solutions 3cm total surface area =6L2=6×3×3=54cm2 volume =L3=3×3×3=27cm3 The opposite figure shows a cuboid. Given that the volume of the cuboid is 250 cm3, find the height of the cuboid. Volume = length x breadth x height Height= 5 86 5 Expression Definitions The edge Intersection of two faces The vertex Intersection of three edges Or Intersection of three faces The solid That object (thing )which occupies space Cubic cm Volume of a cube with edge length 1cm Cubic m Volume of a cube with edge length 1m Volume Number of cubic units in the solid Circular sector A portion of a circular region which is bounded by an arc of the circle and two radii passing through the end points of the arc. The height of a triangle The length of The line segment which drawn from vertex perpendicular to its opposite side The radius Line segment joining the center and any point on the circle The chord Line segment joining any two points on the circle The circle Simple closed curve equidistant from a fixed point 87 Perimeter is the word used to describe the distance around the outside of a figure. To find the perimeter, add together the lengths of all of the sides of the figure. Circumference is the word used to describe the distance around the outside of a circle Like perimeter, the circumference is the distance round the outside of the figure. Unlike perimeter, in a circle there are no straight segments to measure, so a special formula is needed. Use when you know the radius. Use when you know the diameter. 88 Table of area Area (triangle) Area (rectangle) or Area (rectangle) = (length)•(width) Area (square) Area (parallelogram) Area (trapezoid) 89 Area (rhombus) d1=diagonal 1 d2= diagonal 2 or Area (circle) Remark to get the side length of a square 90 also Table of Solids Rectangular Solid V=lwh SA=2lh + 2hw + 2lw. Cylinder Sphere Cone .. Volume = 1/3 (area of base) (height) SA=area of base +area of lateral surface area 91 Exercises 1) Which biggest area of a square with side length 5cm or rectangle with dimensions 4 cm and 6 cm? Area of the square =……. Area of the rectangle = …… The area of the ……… is bigger 2) Complete Cube with edge length 20 cm. then = ……. cm 2 b) The total surface area = …… cm 2 a) The face area c) The volume = …… 3) Complete The perimeter of one face of a cube = 20 cm .then 2 = ….. cm 2 b) The total surface area = …… cm 2 c) The lateral surface area = …… cm 3 d) The volume = ….. cm a) The face area 92 4) Solve the following ? 1. Cube with edge length 1.2cm find its volume approximated to nearest cm 3 . 2. Cube with volume 1000 cm 3 find its edge length. 3. Which greater volume cube with edge length 7cm or cuboid with dimensions 4 , 6 and 8 cm 4. If the sum of edges of a cube is 48cm find its volume 5. Find the volume of a cylinder with a radius r=1 m and height h=2 m. Find the volume of a cone with a radius r=1 m and height h=1 m 5) Put true or false edge length the height of a cuboid = volume base area 1- the volume of a cube = face area 2- 3- cube is a cuboid with square base ( ) ( ) ( ) 4- the volume of a cuboid with square base of side length 5cm and height 7cm is 35 cm 3 ( ) 5- the base area of a cuboid with rectangular base=length × width ( 93 ) Chapter 8 Analytic Geometry I) Cartesian coordinate: The cartesian coordinate formed by two orthogonal axes ,the horizontal is ( X -axis) and the vertical is ( Y -axis). Y M ( x, y) B A 1 X 0 1 C D (The orthogonal axes makes 4 quadrants in the plane:A;B;C;D) Any point M in the plane is defined by an unique couple of real numbers ( x, y) named coordinates of M .In contrary any couple ( x, y) is represented by an unique point in the plane. Example 1: Represent the points A(2,3) ; B(4,4) ; C(2,5) ; D(4,2) in the cartesian coordinate.what do you observe? N.B: The four quadrants A;B;C and D recognized by: The quadrant A: The quadrant B: The quadrant C: The quadrant D: x 0 ; y 0 x 0 ; y 0 x 0 ; y 0 x 0 ; y0 94 II) Mid -point coordinate of a line segment: If A( x1 , y1 ) and B( x2 , y 2 ) are the end points of the line segment A B and I ( x, y) is the mid-point then: x x1 x 2 2 y y1 y 2 2 Example 2: Find the coordinates of I mid-point of the line segment joining the points: a. A(2, 3) ; B(4, 5) b. A(1,4) ; B(1, 0) c. A(0, 1) ; B(1, 2) Drill If m is the midpoint of pq where p(2,3) and q(5,1) find the coordinate of m. III) Slope of a straight line: Definition 1: The slope of a straight line L is the angle tangent that L makes with the positive X -axis. m tan We write: ; 0 y y L L x x 95 Example 3: Find the slope of a straight line L which makes an angle of a) 2 3 b) 60 c) 130 d) 4 with the positive direction of X -axis. Definition 2: If A( x1 , y1 ) and B( x2 , y 2 ) are any two points on the straight line L which is not vertical,its slope is given by: m y 2 y1 x 2 x1 Note that * The slope of a line may be positive or negative or 0 or not defined. For a horizontal line which is parallel to the x- axis the slope = 0 and vice versa . * For a vertical line which is parallel to y- axis the slope is not defined and vice versa. * For the equation y = mx+b the slope =m. Example 4: Find the slope of staight line t L hat passes through the two points: a. A(1, 3) ; B(4,1) b. A(2,3) ; B(4, 1) Definition 3: If the equation of straight line L is ax by c 0 ; a 0 then the slope of L is: m a b Example 5: Find the slope of the straight line L : 3x 2 y 6 96 IV) Straight line equation : Theorem: 1) The equation of a straight line whose slope is m and passes through the y y1 m ( x x1 ) point A( x1 , y1 ) is : 2) The equation of a straight line whose slope is m and its Y - intercept is b is given by: y mx b 3) The equation of a straight line whose X -intercept is a and Y intercept is b is given by: x y 1 a b Example 6: Find the equation of a straight line whose slope is (1) and passes through the point (2,3) . Example 7: Find the equation of a straight line whose slope is (3) and its intercept with Y -axis is (4) . Example 8: Find the equation of a straight line which passes through the points (1,3) and (4,2) . Example 9: Find the equation of a straight line whose X -intercept is 3 and Y intercept is 4 . Example 10: Find the equation of a straight line which passes through the point (2,3) and makes angle of 45 with the positive X -axis. V) Parallel and perpendicular lines: Theorem: If we have two lines L1 and L2 with slopes m1 , m2 respectively then: 1- L1 // L2 (L1 is parallel to L2) if and only if m1=m2. L2 ( 2- L1 L1 is perpendicular to L2) if and only if m1 × m2=-1 97 Drill Find the slope of the lines which passes through the following points 1- (3,4),(2,5) 2- (1,6),(3,7) 3- (5,1),(5,-2) 4- (1,4),(3,4) Drill Prove that the points A(2,3),B(4,4) and C(8,6) are collinear . Example 11: Find the value of a that makes L1 :4 x a y 8 and L2 : 2 x 3 y 5 0 a. Perpendicular b. Parallel Example 12: By using the slope prove that the points A(1,3) ; B(3,7) ; C(7.5) are the summits of a right triangle. 98 Exercises Analytic Geomerty Exercise1: Represent the points A(4,3) ; B(2,5); C(4,1); D(3,2); E(0,2); F (3,0); G(4,0); H (0,4) in the Cartesian coordinate .What do you observe? Exercise2: Find the coordinates of the mid-point of the line segment joining the points : B(3, 5) ; A(1, 3) a) B(2, 0) ; A(0,4) b) B(2, 2) ; A(1, 1) c) Exercise3: Find the Slope of the straight line L making an angle of 45 d) 30 c) 120 b) a) with the positive direction of X -axis. 3 Exercise4: Find the slope of staight line L that passes through the two points: B(4, 2) ; A(1, 3) a) B(1, 1) ; A(2,0) b) Exercise5: Find the slope of the straight line L in the following cases. 2 x 3 y 1 a) 3 y x 2 0 b) 99 Exercise6: Find the equation of a straight line whose slope is (2) and passes through the point (1,3) . Exercise7: Find the equation of a straight line whose slope is (1) and its intercept with Y -axis is 3. Exercise8: Find the equation of a straight line which passes through the points (1,2) and (4,3) . Exercise9: Find the equation of a straight line whose X -intercept is (2) and Y intercept is 5 . Exercise10: Find the equation of a straight line which passes through the point (4,1) and makes an angle of 30 with the positive X -axis. Exercise11: Find the value of k that makes L1 : 2 x k y 4 and L2 : 3x 2 y 1 0 a) Perpendicular b) Parallel Exercise12: Find the slope of straight line L1 knowing that L1// L2 and the equation of L2 is 3x 2 y 1 0 Exercise13: a) Find the slope of the straight line L which passes through the points A(1,3) and B(1,1) . b) Find the equation of the straight line L. c) Find the slope of the straight line L1 knowing that L1 L 100 d) Find the equation of the straight line L1 that passes through the point I the mid- point of the line segment A B . Exercise14: Prove that the points A(2,4) ; B(2,3) ; C(5,3) represent the summits of a rightangled triangle. Exercise15: Prove that the straight line L1 passing through the two points (2,3),(4,5) is parallel to the straight line L2 passing through the two points (1,5),(2,6) Exercise16: Prove that the straight line L1 whose equation is 2y-x=3 is parallel to the straight line L2 whose equation is y=0.5x-5 Exercise17: Prove that the straight line L1 passing through the two points (4,1),(7,-3) is perpendicular to the straight line L2 passing through the two points (7,4),(3,1). Exercise18: Find the value of k if the two straight lines: L1: y=2x-1 , L2 : y=kx+5 are : 1- parallel 2- perpendicular Exercise19: Write the equation of the line passing through the given point with the given slope ( write the final answer on the form y=mx+b) 1- p(3,2) ,m=2 2- p(2,0) ,m=-4/3 101 TRIGONOMETRY Chapter 9: Trigonometric Functions Mohammed Fatoh (Saham V T C) Chapter 10: Solution of Triangle Ridha Bechir Gharbi (Sur V T C) Mohammed Fatoh (Saham V T C) 102 Chapter 9 Trigonometric Functions The Pythagorean Theorem ( Pythagoras’ Theorem ) : The ancient Egyptians had used a triangle made by ropes with dimensions 3, 4, and 5 units of length to construct a right angle to be used in constructing vertical walls .That means that the ancient Egyptians had known this theorem before Pythagoras. Investigating the idea : 103 Calculate the area of the smaller squares A and B and the larger square C for each triangle above then complete the table: Discuss figure 4 : Remarks : There is a special relationship between the lengths of the legs and the length of the hypotenuse. This relationship is known today as the Pythagorean Theorem. 104 OR In a right-angled triangle, the sum of the squares of the lengths of the legs equals the square of the length of the hypotenuse. In other words , If a right-angled triangle has sides of lengths a, b and c, where c is the length of the hypotenuse, then a 2 b 2 c 2 . Example 1 : How high up on the wall will a 20-foot ladder touch if the foot of the ladder is placed 5 feet from the wall ? Solution : The ladder is the hypotenuse of a right triangle, so a2 b 2 c 2 105 h 375 19.4 ft The top of the ladder will touch the wall about 19.4 feet up from the ground. Notice that the exact answer in this example is 375 However , this is a practical application , so you need to calculate the approximate answer . Example 2 : Find the area of the rectangular rug if the width is 12 feet and the diagonal measures 20 feet. Solution : Example 3 : A 17 ft ladder leaning against a wall has its foot 8 ft from the base of the wall. At what height is the top of the ladder touching the wall ? 106 Solution : Let h be the height at which the ladder touches the wall. We can assume that the ground makes a right angle with the wall, as in the picture on the right. Then we see that the ladder, ground, and wall form a right triangle with a hypotenuse of length 17 meters ( the length of the ladder ) and legs with lengths 8 meters and h meters. So by the Pythagorean Theorem, we have : h 2 + 82 = 172 h 2 = 289 - 64 = 225 h = 15 meters 107 Exercises : In Exercises 1–11, find each missing length. All measurements are in centimeters. Give approximate answers accurate to the nearest tenth of a centimeter : 12) The diagonal of a square measures 32 meters .What is the area of the square? 13) What is the length of the diagonal of a square whose area is 64 cm2 108 14) 15) 109 16) 17) A surveyor places poles at points A, B, and C in order to measure the distance across a pond. The distances AC and BC are measured as shown. Find the distance AB across the pond. 110 Degree measure ( Sexagesimal system ): To measure an angle in degrees, we imagine the circumference of a circle divided into 360 equal parts; and we call each of those equal parts a "degree" . Its symbol is a small : 1° " 1 degree " The full circle, then, will be 360° . The measure of an angle has been expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds. / One minute, denoted 1 , is such that 60/ 1 , or 1/ // One second, denoted 1 , is such that 60/ / 1/ , or 1/ / Then 19 degrees, 25 minutes, 13 seconds could be written as This D M / S // 1 1 . 60 1 1/ . 60 19 25/ 13/ / . form was common before the widespread use of scientific calculators. Now the preferred notation is to express fractional parts of degrees in decimal degree form. The D M / S // notation is still widely used in navigation . Most calculators can convert D M / S // notation to decimal degree notation and vice versa. Example 1 : Convert 5 42/ 30// to decimal degree notation. Solution : By using the calculator , the result is 5 42/ 30// 5.71 Example 2 : Convert 64.18 to D M / S // notation . Solution : By using the calculator , the result is 64.18 64 10/ 48// 111 Remarks : A degree is defined as the measure of the central angle subtended by an arc of a circle equal to 1 of the 360 circumference of the circle. A minute / a minute, or is 1 of a degree ; a second 60 // is 1 of a degree. 3600 Exercise 1 : Convert to decimal degree notation. Round to two decimal places : Exercise 2 : Convert to degrees, minutes, and seconds. Round to the nearest second : 1) 2.4 2) 67.84 3) 11.75 4) 20.14 5) 83.025 6) 47.8268 7) 29.8 8) 0.253 9) 0.9 10) 39.45 11) 30.2505 12) 17.6 112 1 of 60 Radian measure ( Circular system ): Degree measure is a common unit of angle measure in many everyday applications. But in many scientific fields and in mathematics (calculus, in particular), there is another commonly used unit of measure called the radian. To assign a radian measure to an angle , consider to be a central angle of a circle of radius 1, as shown in Figure 1 . The radian measure of is then defined to be the length of the arc of the sector. Because the circumference of a circle is 2 r , the circumference of a unit circle ( of radius 1 ) is 2 . This implies that the radian measure of an angle measuring 360 is 2 . In other words, 360 2 radians or 113 Some Conversions Between Degrees And Radians : Remarks : 1) An angle of 2 rad is the same as an angle of 360 , or an angle of t rad rad is the same as a 180 angle. This suggests the formula rad 180 for converting radian measure t to degree measure or vice versa. 2) You should know the conversions of the common angles shown in Figure 2 . For other angles, use the fact that 180 is equal to radians . 114 3) The radian–degree equivalents of the most commonly used angle measures are illustrated in the following figures. Example 1 : Convert each of the following to radians : Solution : 115 Example 2 : Convert each of the following to degrees : Solution : Exercise 1 : Exercise 2 : 116 Exercise 3 : Exercise 4 : Exercise 5 : Express each of the following angles in radian measure : Exercise 6 : Express each of the following angles in degree measure : Exercise 7 : 117 The Trigonometric Functions Of Acute Angles : We begin our study of trigonometry by considering right triangles and acute angles measured in degrees. An acute angle is an angle with measure greater than 0 and less than 90 . Greek letters such as ( alpha ), ( beta ) and ( theta ) are often used to denote an angle. Consider a right triangle with one of its acute angles labeled . The side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse . The other sides of the triangle are referenced by their position relative to the acute angle . One side is opposite and one is adjacent to . The lengths of the sides of the triangle are used to define the six trigonometric ratios. OR : 118 Example 1 : In the right triangle shown at left, find the six trigonometric function values of : (a) and (b) Solution : We use the definitions. Remarks : 1) For any angle, the cosecant, secant, and cotangent values are the reciprocals of the sine, cosine, and tangent function values, respectively. 2) If we know the values of the sine, cosine, and tangent functions of an angle, we can use these reciprocal relationships to find the values of the cosecant, secant, and cotangent functions of that angle . 119 Example 2 : Given that sin = 4 3 4 , cos = and tan = , find csc , sec and cot . 5 5 3 Solution : Example 3 : If sin = 6 7 and is an acute angle, find the other five trigonometric function values of . Hint We know from the definition of the sine function that the ratio 6 7 is opp Using hyp this information, let’s consider a right triangle in which the hypotenuse has length 7 and the side opposite has length 6. To find the length of the side adjacent to , we recall the Pythagorean theorem 120 Exercise 1 : In Exercises 1–6, find the six trigonometric function values of the specified angle : 121 7. Given that sin 8. Given that sin 2 5 5 , cos and tan , find csc , sec and cot . 3 3 2 1 2 2 , cos and tan 2 2 , find csc , sec and cot . 3 3 Given a function value of an acute angle, find the other five trigonometric function values : 17. To find the length of a lake, a person set stakes at point A and made the following measurements: a. What is the measure of angle BAC? b. What is the length of the lake? 18. 122 19. 123 20. 21. 124 22. 23. 24. A is an acute angle such that sin A 2 . Find the values of the other trigonometric functions of A. 3 125 Trigonometric Functions Of Special Angles : For certain special angles such as 30 , 45 and 60 which are frequently seen in applications, we can use geometry to determine the function values. A right triangle with a 45 angle actually has two 45 angles. Thus the triangle is isosceles, and the legs are the same length. Let’s consider such a triangle whose legs have length 1 . Then we can find the length of its hypotenuse, c , using the Pythagorean theorem as follows : Such a triangle is shown below. From this diagram, we can easily determine the trigonometric function values of 45 : It is sufficient to find only the function values of the sine, cosine, and tangent, since the others are their reciprocals. It is also possible to determine the function values of 30 and 60 : Since we will often use the function values of 30 , 45 and 60 ,either the triangles that yield them or the values themselves should be memorized. 126 Remarks : 1) 2) 127 3) Example : Find the value of each of the following without using the calculator : 1) sin 30 cos 60 sin 90 tan 45 cos 2 60 cos 2 30 2) sec30 tan 30 Solution : 1) sin 30 cos 60 sin 90 tan 45 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 4 2 2 5 2 2 4 4 cos 2 60 cos 2 30 2) sec 30 tan 30 1 2 Exercise 1 : Prove each of the following : 1) cos 60 2cos2 30 1 2) sin 90 2sin 45 cos 45 3) tan 60 4) cos90 cos2 45 sin 45 2 3 1 3 2 4 4 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 tan 30 1 tan 2 30 128 Exercise 2 : Find the missing measures .Write all radicals in simplest form : 129 130 Exercise 3 : Find the distance a across the river . Exercise 4 : The length of the shorter leg of a 30° - 60° - 90° triangle is 24 meters. Find the length of the hypotenuse . Exercise 5 : At the same time that the sun's rays make a 60 angle with the ground ,the shadow cast by a flagpole is 24 feet . To the nearest foot , find the height of the flagpole . 131 Chapter 10 Solution of Triangle Sine rule In any triangle ABC , a b c sin A sin B sin C * Thus in any triangle , the sides are proportional to the sines of the opposite angles. * The sine rule is used to solve triangle if a) Two angles and one side is given . b)Two sides and non-included angle is given Example 1 : In EFG , e 4.56 , E 43 and G 57 . Find f and g . Solution : 132 Using the law of sines : Example 2 : Given the triangle below, solve for the missing parts. Solution : 133 Exercise 1 : Given the triangle below, solve for the missing parts. Exercise 2 : abc is a triangle where a 10 cm , A 30 , B 45 Find c , b Exercise 3 : In triangle ABC , a= 5.75 , B=650 and C = 420 . Find b and c . 134 . Exercise 4 : In triangle ABC , a = 15 , c= 17 and C = 1150 . Find angle A . Remarks : The surface area K of any ABC is one half the product of the lengths of two sides and the sine of the included angle. K 1 1 1 b c sin A = a c sin B a b sin C 2 2 2 Exercise 5 : DEF is a triangle where d 30 cm , D 60 , E 45 Find e , f and the surface area of the triangle DEF . Exercise 6 : Prove that the area of a parallelogram is the product of two adjacent sides and the sine of the included angle. 135 Exercise 7 : 136 Cosine rule In any triangle ABC , a 2 b 2 c 2 2 b c cos A b 2 a 2 c 2 2 a c cos B c 2 a 2 b 2 2 a b cosC And cos A = cos B = cos C = b 2 c a 2b c 2 2 a 2 c b 2ac 2 a 2 b c 2ab 2 2 2 * Thus, in any triangle , the square of a side is the sum of the squares of the other two sides , minus twice the product of those sides and the cosine of the included angle . * When the included angle is 90 , the law of cosines reduces to the Pythagoras ,s theorem . * The cosine rule is used to solve triangle if: a)Two sides and included angle given b)Three sides are given 137 Example 1 : ABC is a triangle in which a 32 , c = 48 , and B = 125.2 Find b and A . Solution : Using the cosine rule : b cos A = 2 c a 71 48 32 = 0.9273768 2b c 2 71 48 2 2 2 2 2 A 22 Example 2 : RST is a triangle in which r = 3.5 , s = 4.7, and t = 2.8 . Find S and R Solution : 138 . Example 3 : In triangle ABC given that a = 4, b = 6 and C=600 . Find c . Example 4 : In triangle ABC given that a = 7, b = 4 and c=5 . Find A . Example 5 : In triangle ABC where a = 3, b= 4 and C = 650 . find c . Example 6 : In triangle ABC where a = 40, c = 25 and B = 400 . Find b . Example 7 : In triangle ABC given that a = 20, b = 15 and c = 12 . Find C . Exercise 1 : ABC is a triangle in which b 30 cm , c = 14 cm , and A = 60 Find a and B . Exercise 2 : DEF is a triangle in which d 17 cm , e 14 cm , f 15 cm Find D and E . 139 Solving Right Triangles : Since we can find function values for any acute angle, it is possible to solve right triangles. To solve a triangle means to find the lengths of all sides and the measures of all angles. Example 1 : In ABC ( shown at right ) , find a, b, and B, where a and b represent lengths of sides and B represents the measure of B . Here we use standard lettering for naming the sides and angles of a right triangle: Side a is opposite angle A, side b is opposite angle B, where a and b are the legs, and side c, the hypotenuse, is opposite angle C, the right angle. Solution : B = 180 90 61.7 28.3 140 Example 2 : In DEF ( shown at right ) ,find D and F .Then find d. Solution : F = 180 90 55.58 34.42 141 Exercises : Exercise 7 : Solve ABC if B 90 , C 50 Exercise 8 : Exercise 9 : 142 and b 8 cm . Solving Oblique Triangles : To solve a triangle means to find the lengths of all its sides and the measures of all its angles. The trigonometric functions can also be used to solve triangles that are not right triangles. Such triangles are called oblique . Any right triangle , or oblique, can be solved if at least one side and any other two measures are known. The five possible situations are illustrated as follows: In order to solve oblique triangles, we need to derive the law of sines and the law of cosines. The law of sines applies to the first three situations listed above. The law of 143 cosines applies to the last two situations.The law of sines is used to solve triangles given a side and two angles or given two sides and an angle opposite one of them . The law of cosines is needed to solve triangles given two sides and the included angle or given three sides. Example 1 : Solution : Using the sine rule : Thus , 144 Example 2 : Solution : Using the cosine rule : r t s 2 cos S = 2 2r t s t r 2 cos R = 2 2 2 2s t Example 3 : ABC is a triangle where the unknown angles a 20 , b 25 , c 30 solve the triangle ABC by finding 145 Solution : cos A = b2 c2 a2 2bc 25 2 30 2 20 2 1125 0.75 2 25 30 1500 A 41.4 cos C = 20 2 25 2 30 2 125 a2 b2 c2 = 0.125 2 20 25 1000 2ab C 82.8 B 180 ( A C ) = 180 ( 41.4 82.8 ) 55.8 Example 4 : ABC is a triangle where a = 30, b = 40 and C = 750 .Find the unknown side and the angles Solution : c 2 a 2 b 2 2ab cos C 30 2 40 2 2 30 40 cos 75 c 45 cos A b2 c2 a2 40 2 45 2 30 2 2725 0.7569 = 2bc 2 40 45 3600 A 40 .8 B 180 ( A C ) 180 ( 40 .8 75 ) 64 .2 Example 5 : Solve the following triangle A B C in which: a = 30 B=750 C = 250 146 Solution : A 180 (75 25 ) 80 a b c 30 b c sin sin sin C sin 80 sin 45 sin 25 30 b 30 0.7071 b b 21.54 sin 80 sin 45 0.9848 b c 21.54 0.4226 c c 12.87 sin 45 sin 25 0.7071 Exercise 1 : Exercise 2 : Exercise 3 : Three gears are arranged as shown in the figure at right .Find the angle . 147 Exercise 4 : During a rescue mission, a Marine fighter pilot receives data on an unidentified aircraft from an AWACS plane and is instructed to intercept the aircraft. The diagram shown below appears on the screen, but before the distance to the point of interception appears on the screen, communications are jammed. Fortunately, the pilot re members the law of sines . How far must the pilot fly? Exercise 5 : 148 Exercise 6: In ABC , three measures are given. Determine which law to use when solving the triangle then solve ABC : Exercise 7 : Exercise 8 : 149 Exercise 9 : Exercise 10 : Exercise 11 : Exercise 12 : 150 Applications Of Solving Triangles : Angles of Depression and Elevation : Many applications with right triangles involve an angle of elevation or an angle of depression . The angle between the horizontal and a line of sight above the horizontal is called an angle of elevation . 151 The angle between the horizontal and a line of sight below the horizontal is called an angle of depression. For example, suppose that you are looking straight ahead and then you move your eyes up to look at an approaching airplane . The angle that your eyes pass through is an angle of elevation. If the pilot of the plane is looking forward and then looks down, the pilot’s eyes pass through an angle of depression . Remarks : 1) Since the vertical and horizontal directions are perpendicular, the elements of problems dealing with the relationship between lines of sight and the horizontal lead naturally to right triangles. 2) Since both angles are measured from horizontal lines, which are parallel, the line of sight AB isa transversal, and since alternate interior angles for parallel lines are equal, 152 Notice: Suppose that we want to find the height of this tree.We mark point A and measure how far it is from the base of the tree.Then we measure the angle of elevation from A to the top of the tree. h tan( ) h x tan( ) x we have measured x and , so we can calculate tan( ) and thus we can find h , which is the height of the tree. Example 1 : from apoint on the ground 12m away from the foot of tree, the angle of the elevation of the top of the tree is 300 find its height . C B A Solution : by using trigonometric ratios we write BC 1 tan 30 AB 3 BC AB 3 12 3 4 3 6.928 7 m 153 Example 2 : From the top of a vertical cliff 40 m high, the angle of depression of an object that is level with the base of the cliff is 34º. How far is the object from the base of the cliff? Solution : Let x m be the distance of the object from the base of the cliff * angle of depression= 34 but APˆ O BOˆ P (Alternative angles) then APˆ O 34 * From the triangle APO ,we have: tan 34 40 40 40 x x 0.6745 tan 34 x 59.30 m So, the object is 59.3 m from the base of the cliff Example 3 : A tower stands vertically on the ground. From apoint on the ground, 20m away form the foot of the tower ,the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 66 what is the height of the tower? Example 4 : John wants to measure the height of a tree. He walks exactly 100 feet from the base of the tree and looks up. The angle from the ground to the top of the tree is 33 . How tall is the tree? 154 Example 5 : An airplane is flying at a height of 2 miles above the ground. The distance along the ground from the airplane to the airport is 5 miles. What is the angle of depression from the airplane to the airport? Example 6 : An aerial photographer who photographs farm properties for a real estate company has determined from experience that the best photo is taken at a height of approximately 475 ft and a distance of 850 ft from the farmhouse . What is the angle of depression from the plane to the house ? Solution : The angle of depression from the plane to the house, , is equal to the angle of elevation from the house to the plane, so we can use the right triangle shown in the figure. Since we know the side opposite B and the hypotenuse, we can find by using the sine function .We first find sin sin sin B 475 0.5588 850 Thus the angle of depression is approximately 34 . 155 Exercise 1 : A logger walks off 40 ft from the base of a tree and estimates the angle of elevation to the tree , s peek to be 70 . Approximately, how tall is the tree ? Exercise 2 Exercise 2 : What is the angle of elevation of the sun when a 35- ft casts a 20-ft shadow ? Exercise 3 : A person stands at the window of a building so that his eyes are 12.6 m above the level ground in the vicinity of the building. An object is 58.5 m away from the building on a line directly beneath the person. Compute the angle of depression of the person’s line of sight to the object on the ground. 156 Exercise 4 : Exercise 5 : A man drives 500 m along a road which is inclined 20 to the horizontal. How high above his starting point is he ? Exercise 6 : A tree broken over by the wind forms a right triangle with the ground. If the broken part makes an angle of 50 with the ground and the top of the tree is now 20 m from its base, how tall was the tree? Exercise 7 : Exercise 8 : To measure cloud height at night, a vertical beam of light is directed on a spot on the cloud. From a point 135 ft away from the light source, the angle of elevation to the spot is found to be 67.35 . Find the height of the cloud. 157 Exercise 9 : Exercise 10 : A flagpole casts a shadow 25 meters long when the angle of elevation of the Sun is 40°. How tall is the flagpole to the nearest meter? Exercise 11 : A surveyor is finding the width of a river for a proposed bridge. A theodolite is used by the surveyor to measure angles. The distance from the surveyor to the proposed bridge site is 40 feet. The surveyor measures a 50° angle to the bridge site across the river. Find the length of the bridge to the nearest foot. 158 Exercise 12 : The angle of elevation from a small boat to the top of a lighthouse is 25°. If the top of the lighthouse is 150 feet above sea level, find the distance from the boat to the base of the lighthouse. Exercise 13 : A painter props a 20-foot ladder against a house. The angle it forms with the ground is 65°. To the nearest foot, how far up the side of the house does the ladder reach? Exercise 14 : A surveyor is 85 meters from the base of a building.The angle of elevation to the top of the building is 20°. If her eye level is 1.6 meters above the ground, find the height of the building to the nearest meter. Exercise 15 : A fire is sighted from a fire tower at an angle of depression of 2°. If the fire tower has a height of 125 feet, how far is the fire from the base of the tower round to the nearest foot? Exercise 16 : 159 Exercise 17 : Exercise 18 : 160 Exercises Trigonometry Exercise1: a 10 In triangle ABC : A 130 B 20 find b with out using tables. Exercise2: Solve the triangle ABC by finding the unknown sides and angles If a 5 b 12 A 60 Exercise3: In triangle ABC if a 6.25 B 73 C 45 find b and c . Exercise4: In triangle ABC if a 13 c 15 C 110 find angle A . Exercise5: In triangle ABC given that a 6 b8 C 80 find c . Exercise6: In triangle ABC given that a 7 b3 c5 find A . Exercise7: In triangle ABC where a 35 c 22 161 B 50 Find b . Exercise8: ABC is a triangle where a 18 , b 23 , c 35 solve the triangle ABC by finding the unknown angles Exercise9: ABC is a triangle where a 20 , b 25 , C 65 find the unknown side and the angles. Exercise10: Solve the following triangle ABC if: a 20 , B 85 , C 15 Exercise11: from apoint on the ground 10m away from the foot of tree, the angle of the elevation of the top of the tree is 40 find its height . C 10m A B 162 Exercise12: From the top of a vertical cliff 50m high, the angle of depression of an object that is level with the base of the cliff is 48 . How far is the object from the base of the cliff ? Exercise13: An airplane is flying at a height of 4 miles above the ground. The distance along the ground from the airplane to the airport is 7 miles. What is the angle of depression from the airplane to the airport? a) 62.51 b) 22.33 c) 29.7 d ) 21.8 e) 0.47 Exercise14: John wants to measure the height of a tree. He walks exactly 100 feet from the base of the tree and looks up. The angle from the ground to the top of the tree is 33 . How tall is the tree? Exercise15: A building is 50 feet high. At a distance away from the building, an observer notices that the angle of elevation to the top of the building is 41 . How far is the observer from the base of the building? 163 APPENDIX DICTIONARY Prepared by Rabie Soliman Senior Teacher of Math (Sur V T C) Revised by Ghareeb Zaki Curriculum Specialist of Math & Physics 164 Table of contents Subject Pages List of symbols 166 Addition and subtraction 167 Algebra 167 Algebraic expressions 174 ANGLES 166 Arcs 178 Axes 178 Calculus 179 Circle 181 Complex numbers 182 Division 183 Ellipse 184 Energy 185 Equations 186 Factorization 187 Force 188 Fractions 190 Functions 191 Geometry 192 Groups 198 Interest 198 Lines 199 Matrices 201 Names 201 Numbers 202 Ratio 203 Sequences 204 165 Sets 205 Solid geometry 206 Statistics 207 Trigonometry 210 Variables 211 Vectors 212 List of symbols Symbol Is read as Therefore ,so or then Is an element of or belongs to Is not an element of or does not belongs to Empty set Is a subset of Is not a subset of Union Intersection Parallel or is parallel to Perpendicular or is Perpendicular to Triangle Right angle (of measure 90 ) Parallelogram 166 Addition and subtraction ػالِخ اٌطشػ Sign of subtraction Subtraction ؽشػ Subtrahend ػٚاٌّطش ِٕٗ ػٚاٌّطش Minuend ) شطت٠ – ؾزف٠ ( خزضي٠ Cancel ) اخزضاي ( ؽزف – شطت Cancellation اٌطشػٟثبل Difference (remainder =left) خ اٌطشػ١ٍّ ػٟاالعزؼبسح(االعزالف)ف Bridging in subtraction (borrow ) )اٌؾزف ( االعزجؼبد Elimination اٌطشػٚاٌؾزف ثبٌغّغ أ Elimination by addition or subtraction Algebraic operations خ٠بد اٌغجش١ٍّاٌؼ Algebraic sum ٞع اٌغجشّٛاٌّغ غّغ٠ Add خ اٌغّغ١ٍّػ Addition Additive identity ٟذ اٌغّؼ٠اٌؼٕظش اٌّؾب Additive inverse ٟط اٌغّؼٛاٌّؼى اٌؾغبة Arithmetic Algebra )ٗس ئشبسرٟٞٔمً(ٔمً ؽذ ِٓ ؽشف ألخش ثزغ Transpose ً٠ٛرؾ Transformation ًٟ ٕ٘ذع٠ٛرؾ Geometrical transformation Trivial solution )ٗؾ ( ربف١ؽً ثغ Magic squares خ٠اٌّشثؼبد اٌغؾش ِمذاس Magnitude خ٠ٚذ٠ ػٍّخ Manual operation ٟغ١اٌٍّف اٌشئ Master file فزشح Interval 167 ؽخٛفزشح ِفز Open interval فزشح ِغٍمخ Closed interval ؽخٛ ٔظف ِفزٚفزشح ٔظف ِغٍمخ أ half open (closed) interval ِٜٛغز Level ُز٠غبسٌٍٛا Logarithm Table يٚعذ Imaginary ٍٟ١رخ Index شطٙف ) x + y < 5 ( ٕخ٠ِزجب Inequation ٕخ اٌّضٍش٠ِزجب Triangle inequality ) x < y ( خ٠ٚال ِزغب Inequality Plus infinity - Minus infinity Infinity Quantity خ١ّو ٌخٛٙخ ِغ١ّو Unknown quantity خٙش ِزغ١خ غ١ّو Scalar quantity ًشى Figure Kinds of the roots سٚاع اٌغزٛٔأ Solution set ( s s) ًػخ اٌؾِّٛغ Using the formula ْٛٔثبعزخذاَ اٌمب Sum at roots ٓ٠ع اٌغزسِّٛغ ٓ٠ؽبطً ػشة اٌغزس Product at roots خ١خ األسػ١اٌغبرث Gravity ذ٠اٌؼٕظش اٌّؾب Identity element ِٕطمخ ؽشعخ Critical region فه اٌشِض٠ Decode وبف Sufficient ٟع اٌؾغبثّٛاٌّغ Arithmetic sum 168 ً اٌغزس١ٌد Surd index ػشة Times Midpoint ٔمطخ إٌّزظف Multiple ِؼبػف ِؼبػف ِشزشن Common multiple اٌّؼبػف اٌّشزشن األطغش Lowest Common Multiple (L C M ) ؽبطً اٌؼشة Product Multiplication خ اٌؼشة١ٍّػ Multiplication Table ي اٌؼشةٚعذ ٟذ اٌؼشث٠اٌّؾب Multiplicative identity ) طٛش ( ِؼى١ٔظ Inverse ٟش اٌؼشث١إٌظ Multiplicative inverse اطٚاصد Couple اطٚرساع االصد Arm of couple Range ٜاٌّذ Row طف Column دّٛػ ػالِخ ايعزس Root sign Square root ٟؼ١اٌغزس أٌزشث Cube root ٟج١اٌغزس اٌزىؼ Resultant ِؾظٍخ ٟٕشعُ ِٕؾ٠ Plotting a curve ) ح ( أطٛل Power حٛاوجش ل Greatest power Precision اٌذلخ Prime ٌٝٚأ ٌٟٚػبًِ أ Prime factor ) بد١بػ٠ اٌشٟن ( فِٛفى Expansion خ االٔؼىبط١خبط Reflexive relation 169 Symmetric relation ًخ اٌزّبص١خبط Transitive relation ٞخ اٌزؼذ١خبط ةِٚؼش Factorial ؽمً ِشرت Ordered field ٟؼ٠صٛر Distributive غ٠صْٛ اٌزٛٔلب Distributive law غ٠صٛخ اٌز١خبط Distributive property أط Exponent ٝ أعِٕٕٝؾ Exponential curve ِغبٌطخ Fallacy ًؽم Field اٌّغمؾ Projection First projection يِٚغمؾ أ Second projection ِْغمؾ صب Law of indices ْ األعظٛٔلب Left hand side غش٠ايؽشف األ Right hand side ّٓ٠اٌطشف األ Reciprocal image خ١سح ػىغٛط اخزضاي Reduction ( reducing ) ػاللخ رىبفإ Relation of equivalence ت١ػاللخ رشر Relation of order ) ًٕفظً ( لبثً ٌٍفظ٠ Separable )شاد١فظً(ِضً فظً اٌّزغ Separation ٔمؾ ِٕفظٍخ Separated points غ٠ٛرؼ Substitution غ١ّػالِخ اٌزغ Summation sign Double point اطٚٔمطخ اصد Initial value خ١ّخ اثزذائ١ل ِٕبظش Corresponding 170 Master data خ١غ١بٔبد سئ١ث Determinant ِؾذد ػشة اٌّؾذداد Multiplication(product) of determinants ِؾذد اٌّؼبِالد Determinant of the Coefficients ُسل Digit )بس١ّخ اٌّطٍمخ ( ِؼ١اٌم Absolute value ( modulus ) ُز٠غبسٌٍٛأعبط ا Base of logarithm Base of a power أعبط األط Binomial ٓ٠راد اٌؾذ ٓ٠ن راد اٌؾذِٛفى Binomial expansion False خبؽئ Foreword ِمذِخ Substitution set غ٠ٛػخ اٌزؼِّٛغ Vertical motion خ١اٌؾشوخ اٌشأع ؼ١اؽذ اٌظؾٌٛس اٚعز Roots of unity يِٛٙغ Unknown ؽذح ِشثؼخٚ Square unit خ١عشػخ اثزذائ Initial velocity خ١بئٙٔ عشػخ Terminal velocity عطخٛاٌغشػخ اٌّز Mean speed )عشػخ ِٕزظّخ (عشػخ صبثزخ Uniform speed ذ١ؽٚ Unique ذ١ؽٚ ًؽ Unique solution خ١ٔمطخ صالص Triple point Trisection )خ٠ٚ أعضاء ِزغب3ءُٟ اٌش١ش( رمغ١ٍرض Topology )خ ٌإلشىبي١ٕذعٌٙ اٌخظبئض اٟجؾش ف٠ بد١بػ٠ فشع سٛ٘ ( ب١عٌٛٛثٛر ؾ١ش ثغ١ؽً غ Non- trivial solution Container ْخضا Plot ُشع٠ 171 Drawing scale ُبط اٌشع١ِم Meaningless ٕٝظ ٌٗ ِؼ١ٌ اؽذٚ ً شىٟاسعُ ف Graph in one diagram اٌغجش اٌّغشد Abstract algebra ٟبػ٠لغ اٌشٛاٌز Mathematical expectation ٟبػ٠االعزمشاء اٌش Mathematical induction ٟبػ٠إٌّطك اٌش Mathematical logic ٟبػ٠رط سّٛٔ Mathematical model ٟبػ٠ً اٌش١ٍاٌزؾ Mathematical analysis Logic value خ١ّخ ِٕطم١ل Absolute constant صبثذ ِطٍك )10 خ ( األعبط٠بد١زّبد اػز٠غبسٌٛ Common logarithms ك١افٛاٌز Combinations Permutation ً٠رجذ Permute جذي٠ Common ِشزشن Element ػٕظش خ٠ٚس ِزغبٚعز Equal roots Continued equality اح ِغزّشحِٚغب (A=b=c=d) اٌؾزف ثبٌّمبسٔخ Elimination by comparison غ٠ٛاٌؾزف ثبٌزؼ Elimination by substitution اٌّشافك Conjugate لشاس Decision ٟلشاس ِٕطم Logical decision ئصاؽخ Displacement ٓ١ٓ ٔمطز١اٌجؼذ ث Distance between two points Estimate ش٠رمذ Evaluate ؾغت٠ سٚغبد اٌغز٠ئ Evolution 172 Factorial ةِٚؼش Reaction ًسد اٌفؼ ًفؼ Action خ١ٍّػ Operation خ١خ صٕبئ١ٍّػ Binary operation خ١بع١سح لٛط Standard form خ١بد األعبع١ٍّاٌؼ Fundamental operations Irreducible radical ) 5 ًخ ِض٠ش عزس١سح غّٛىٓ وزبثزٗ ثظ٠ الٞ اٌغزس اٌزٛ٘( ؾ١ش لبثً ٌٍزجغ١عزس غ سٚاعزخشاط اٌغز Extraction of roots ) ّب ٘زا اٌغزسٕٙ١ٕؾظش ث٠ ٓ١ٓ ِزمبسث٠غبد ػذد٠خ ئ١ٍّؼضي اٌغزس (ػ٠ Isolate a root Abstract ِغشد Respect to ؽجمب ٌـ Participated شبسن٠ خ١بد اٌؾغبث١ٍّت اٌؼ١رشر Order of mathematical operations ٟٔب١ً اٌج١اٌزّض Graphical representation بط١ِم Scale عؾُٛ ِز١ِغزم Midline ػذد األثؼبد Dimensionality Geometric solution )ٟٔب١ ( ثٟؽً ٕ٘ذع Permissible ) ٓػ ثٗ ( ِّىِّٛغ آٌخ ؽبعجخ Calculator ؽغبة Calculation ٟىبسر٠ؽبطً اٌؼشة اٌذ Cartesian product ض١ٌّّا Discriminant ِْش Elastic ٔخِٚش Elasticity Distance – time curve ِٓاٌضٚ اٌّغبفخِٟٕٕؾ Natural logarithms خ١ؼ١زّبد اٌطج٠غبسٌٍٛا 173 ِخطؾ Diagram ُٙع Arrow Arrow diagram ِّٟٙخطؾ ع Center of a curve ِٟٕشوض ِٕؾ Corollary غخ١ٔز Principle ) لبػذح ( لبثٍخ ٌإلصجبد Converse ػىظ Distance ِغبفخ خ٠ٚأعضاء ِزغب Equal parts Method مخ٠ؽش Relationship (Relation) ػاللخ Note that ْالؽع أ Together ً ِؼب Therefore ٌزٌه Determine ) ٓ ( ؽذد١ّػ ٌٍٕمطخٟٕ١األؽذاس اٌغ x-coordinate ( abscissa ) ٌٍٕمطخٞاألؽذاس اٌظبد y-coordinate اٌؼىظ ثبٌؼىظ Vise versa خ١بر١خ ؽ١بػ٠ِغبئً س Mathematical life problems طِٛؾغ Concrete Imaginary roots خ١ٍ١س رخٚعز Numerical measure ٞبط ػذد١ل Algebraic expressions ) ٞؽذ ػجبسح (ؽذ ِمذاس عجش Term of an expression ٞؽذ عجش Algebraic term ٞاٌّمذاس اٌغجش Algebraic expression Adding and expressions subtracting خ٠ش اٌغجش٠ؽشػ اٌّمبدٚ عّغ algebraic 174 خ٠د اٌغجشٚػشة اٌؾذ Multiplying algebraic terms Multiplying an algebraic term by an algebraic expressions ِمذاسٟ فٞػشة ؽذ عجش ٞعجش اٌؼشة ثّغشد إٌظش Multiplying directly ( by inspection ) Sign ئشبسح Simplification ؾ١رجغ Solution ًاٌؾ Triple ٟصالص Trinomial دٚ اٌؾذٟصالص Absolute term اٌؾذ اٌّطٍك Algebraic symbols خ٠ص اٌغجشِٛاٌش Solve algebraically ب٠ؽً عجش ب١ٔب١ؽً ث Solve graphically غ٠صٛاٌز Distribution Distribution addition Coefficient of multiplication اٌغّغٍٝغ اٌؼشة ػ٠صٛر over ًِِؼب ) ؾ١( اٌجغ Least common denominator اٌّمبَ اٌّشزشن األطغش دٚشح اٌؾذ١دسعخ وض Degree of polynomial ) ٗش ِزشبث١ِخزٍف ( غ Dissimilar خٙد ِزشبثٚؽذ Similar ( like) terms خٙش ِزشبث١د غٚؽذ Dissimilar (unlike) terms طٚعزس ِضد Double root خ١ٔ اٌذسعخ اٌضبِٕٕٝؾ Quadric ( quadratic) curve ٟج١ اٌزىؼٕٝإٌّؾ Cubic curve يِٛٙغ Unknown Value ّخ١ل Satisfy ؾمك٠ Verify ؽمك دٚغ اٌؾذ١ّرغ Grouping terms 175 ِزغبٔظ Homogeneous Homogeneous algebraic Polynomial د٘ب ِٓ ٔفظ اٌذسعخ ثبٌٕغجخٚغ ؽذ١ّْ عٛد رىٚشح ؽذ١ وضٟ٘ ( خ اٌّزغبٔغخ٠د اٌغجشٚشح اٌؾذ١وض )رح ِؼبٛشاد ِأخ١غ اٌّزغ١ٌّغ Involution ٞٛ اٌمٌٝاٌشفغ ئ Irreducible ) ً١ٍؾ ( اٌزؾ١ش لبثً ٌٍزجغ١غ ؾ١ش لبثٍخ ٌٍزجغ١د غٚشح ؽذ١وض Irreducible polynomial Multiplicand ٛ٘ 7 فبْ اٌؼذد4 × 7 ؼشة ثؼذد آخش فّضال ئرا ػشة اٌؼذد٠ ٞ اٌؼذد اٌزٛ٘ ةِٚؼش ةٚاٌّؼش Multiplicator ٗ١ة فٚاٌّؼش Numerical analysis ًٞ اٌؼذد١ٍاٌزؾ Numerical coefficient ِٞؼبًِ ػذد Respectively ت١ اٌزشرٍٝػ سحٛ( ثّغؾ ) اثغؾ ط Simplify Rule of signs لبػذح اإلشبساد Closure property خ االٔغالق١خبط اٌذِظ Association اٌذِظٞ خبصح Associative property Commutation اإلثذاي Distribution غ٠صٛاٌز )ش أعب١ٗ اٌّزغ١ْ فٛى٠ ؽذٛ٘ ( ٝؽذ أع Exponential term Angles خ٠ٚصا Angle Interior angles خ١ٍب داخ٠اٚص Exterior angle خ خبسعخ٠ٚصا Obtuse angle خ ِٕفشعخ٠ٚصا Right angle خ لبئّخ٠ٚصا Acute angle خ ؽبدح٠ٚصا Reflex angle خ ِٕؼىغخ٠ٚصا ٔظف دائشحِٟخ فٛخ ِشع٠ٚصا Angle in semicircle (inscribed angle ) 176 ؽٚخ ٌٍّخش١خ ٔظف اٌشأع٠ٚاٌضا Semi-vertical angle of a cone ّخ١خ ِغزم٠ٚصا Straight angle خ٠ٚسأط اٌضا Vertex of angle خ سأط اٌّضٍش٠ٚصا Vertical angle of a triangle Alternate angles ْزبْ ِزجبدٌزب٠ٚصا Adjacent angles ْسربٚزبْ ِزغب٠ٚصا complementary angles ْزبْ ِززبِزب٠ٚصا Supplementary angles ْزبْ ِزىبٍِزب٠ٚصا Corresponding angles ْزبْ ِزٕبظشرب٠ٚصا اؽذح ِٓ اٌمبؽغٚ خٙ عٟزبْ ف١ٍزبْ داخ٠ٚصا Interior angles on the same side of transversal Vertically opposite angles زبْ ِزمبثٍزبْ ثبٌشأط٠ٚصا Coterminal angles ) ب ِزىبفئخ ( ِزبخّخ٠اٚص )ٓ١ّ١ٓ ِغزم١خ ث٠ٚخ( صا٠ٛخ ِغز٠ٚصا Plane angle Angle of friction خ االؽزىبن٠ٚصا Arms of an angle خ٠ٚػٍؼب اٌضا خ٠ِٕٚظف اٌضا Bisector of an angle Central angle خ٠خ اٌّشوض٠ٚاٌضا Angle at circumference خ١ط١خ اٌّؾ٠ٚاٌضا ٞش اٌذائش٠خ ةاٌزمذ٠ٚبط اٌضا١ؽذح لٚ Radian خ٠خ اٌظفش٠ٚاٌضا Zero Angle ٓ١ٓ ِزىبفئز١ز٠ٚصا Equivalent angles ب اٌخبطخ٠اٚاٌض Special angles خ٠ٚ ٌضاٟإٌّظف اٌخبسع External bisector خ االٔؾشاف٠ٚصا Angle of deflection ٞخ االخزالف اٌّشوض٠ٚصا Eccentric angle Quadrantal angles ٗ١ب سثؼ٠اٚص Consecutive angles خ١ٌب ِززب٠اٚص خ ِغغّخ٠ٚصا Solid angle 177 Arcs طٛل Arc ط دائشحٛل Arc of a circle Major arc ط األوجشٛاٌم Minor arc ط األطغشٛاٌم اٌذائشحٟط األطغش فٛاٌم Minor arc of a circle Axes سٚاٌّؾب Axes ٟس اٌشأعٛاٌّؾ Vertical axis ٟس األفمٛاٌّؾ Horizontal axis Rectangular axes س لبئّخِٚؾب Axis of symmetry ًس اٌزّبصِٛؾ س اٌمطغ اٌّىبفئِٛؾ Axis of the parabola x-axis ٕبد١س اٌغِٛؾ y-axis س اٌظبدادِٛؾ First quadrant يٚاٌشثغ األ Second quadrant ٟٔاٌشثغ اٌضب Third quadrant اٌشثغ اٌضبٌش Fourth quadrant اٌشثغ اٌشاثغ ع، ص، س طِٚؾب X-,Y-,Z-, Axes X,Y,Z, co – ordinates ع، ص، بد ط١ئؽذاص Oblique coordinates ) ب لبئّخِٕٙ ٓ٠سٛٓ وً ِؾ١خ ث٠ْٚ اٌضاٛ ال رىٟس اٌزٚ اٌّؾبٟ٘(س ِبئٍخِٚؾب Co-ordinates system بد١ٔظبَ ئؽذاص Origin point (Origin ) ًٔمطخ األط 178 Calculus Deceleration رجبؽإ Acceleration ) ً١اٌزغبسع ( اٌؼغٍخ – اٌزؼغ ًؽغبة اٌزفبػ Differential calculus ًِػالِخ رىب Sign of integration ًِؽغبة اٌزىب Integral calculus ًِاٌزىبٚ ًؽغبة اٌزفبػ Calculus Differentiation ًرفبػ Differential ٍٟرفبػ ٍِٟؼبًِ رفبػ Differential coefficient ٌٍّشزمبدٝعطٌّٛخ ا١خ اٌم٠ٔظش Mean value theorem for Derivatives ٌٍزىبِالدٝعطٌّٛخ ا١خ اٌم٠ٔظش Mean value theorem for Integrals صبثذ Constant ) ًِ (ِضً صبثذ اٌزىبٞبس١صبثذ اخز Arbitrary constant لبػذح Rule Chain rule لبػذح اٌغٍغٍخ Constant of integration ًِصبثذ اٌزىب ًِزظ Continuous ِزظً ػٕذ ٔمطخ Continuous at a point ) ًش ِزظ١ِزمطغ ( غ Discontinuous Derivative ِشزمخ Derivation اشزمبق ٍِٝشزمخ ِٓ سرجخ أػ Derivative of higher order ٌٝٚاٌّشزمخ األ First derivative خ١ِشزمخ عضئ Partial derivative ّٟٕرفبػً ػ Implicit differentiation ٌٝي ئٚإ٠ To approach 179 عجخِٛ خ٠بٙٔ الٌٝي ئٚإ٠ To approach plus infinity خ عبٌجخ٠بٙٔ الٌٝي ئٚإ٠ To approach minus infinity اٌظغشٟ فٜ ٖاٌّزٕب Infinitesimal ) خ١بئٙٔ خ ال١ّ رىبًِ وٟز٠بٙٔ ٜرىبًِ ِؼزً ( ئرا وبٔذ ئؽذ Improper integration ٍٝأػ Upper ٍٝاٌؾذ األػ Upper limit ًِ ٌٍزىبٍٝاٌؾذ األػ Upper limit of integration Lower limit ٝٔاٌؾذ األد Integrable ًِلبثً ٌٍزىب خ٠بٙٔ Limit Limit of a sequence خ١ٌخ اٌّززب٠بٙٔ Limit on the right ّٟٕ١ٌخ ا٠بٌٕٙا Limit on the left ٜغش١ٌخ ا٠بٌٕٙا أمالة Inflexion ٔمطخ أمالة Inflexion point )عٛٔمطخ أمالة ( ٔمطخ سع Turning point Open up wards ٍٟػ ألػِٛفز Open down wards ًػ ألعفِٛفز Integration ًِرىب Unbounded دٚش ِؾذ١غ دٚرىبًِ ِؾذ Definite integration دٚش ِؾذ١رىبًِ غ Indefinite integration ٟاٌزىبًِ ثبٌزغضئ Integration by parts غ٠ٛاٌزىبًِ ثبٌزؼ Integration by substitution أؾٕبء Bend ( bending ) ٔمطخ االٔؾٕبء Bend point Concave downwards ًِمؼش ألعف Concave upwards ٍِٝمؼش ألػ سحٚد Cycle 180 Cycle full سح وبٍِخٚد Complete turn سح وبٍِخٚد ٞسٚد Cyclic ( Periodic ) خ٠سٚؽشوخ د Periodic motion Relative ٝٔغج Neighborhood اسٛع Relative acceleration ٝرغبسع ٔغج Differential geometry خ١ٍٕ٘ذعخ رفبػ فبدٚاٌّمز Projectiles فخ٠ِغبس اٌمز Path of projectile Circle رّبط Tangency ٔمطخ اٌزّبط Point of tangency ِّبط Tangent طِّٚبط ِضد Double tangent Length of tangent ي اٌّّبطٛؽ Chord of contact رش اٌزّبطٚ Chord of a circle رش اٌذائشحٚ Arc of a circle ط اٌذائشحٛل Area of a circle ِغبؽخ اٌذائشح لطش Diameter لطش اٌذائشح Diameter of a circle Null circle خ٠اٌذائشح اٌظفش Unit circle ) ؽذحٌٛٔظف لطش٘ب اٚ ً ِشوض٘ب ٔمطخ األطٟؽذح ( اٌذائشح اٌزٌٛدائشح ا اٌّّبط اٌّشزشن Common tangent ٓ١اٌّّبط اٌّشزشن ٌذائشر Common tangent to two circles ِشوض Center ( centre ) ِشوض اٌذائشح Center of a circle 181 ٓ ِٓ اٌخبسط١ِزّبعز Touching externally Externally touching circles دائشربْ ِزّبعزبْ ِٓ اٌخبسط Internally touching circles ًدائشربْ ِزّبعزبْ ِٓ اٌذاخ ٔظف لطش اٌذائشح اٌذاخٍخ Inradius ٓ١ٓ اٌّزجبػذر١اٌذائشر Two distant circles اٌّشوضٟٓ اٌّزؾذر١اٌذائشر Concentric circle ٓ١ٓ ِزمبؽؼز١دائشر Intersecting circles ٓ٠خؾ اٌّشوض Line of centers ٓ اٌذائشح١١رؼ Identifying اٌذائشح اٌذاخٍخ Inscribed circle Inscribed circle of a triangle اٌذائشح اٌذاخٍخ ٌٍّضٍش Escribed circle of a triangle اٌذائشح اٌخبسعخ ٌٍّضٍش Subtended arc ًط اٌّمبثٛاٌم Anile(angle) of Tangency خ اٌزّبط٠ٚصا خ١ٍ١دائشح رخ Imaginary circle Circumscribed circle of a polygon (circumcircle) طخ ثّؼٍغ١اٌذائشح اٌّؾ لبؽغ اٌذائشح Secant of a circle Complex numbers ػذد ِشوت Complex number Real part ٟم١اٌغضء اٌؾم Imaginary part ٍٟ١اٌغضء اٌزخ ٍٟ١اٌزخٚ ٟم١ساْ اٌؾمٛاٌّؾ Real and imaginary axes اٌغؼخ Amplitude ( argument ) of a complex )خ اٌؼذد اٌّشوت٠ٚعؼخ اٌؼذد اٌّشوت ( صا Absolute value of a complex number ( modulus ) بط اٌؼذد اٌّشوت١ِم Amplitude ( argument number( ٓ١ٓ ِشوج٠ ػذدٞٚرغب Equality of two complex numbers 182 ْػذداْ ِشوجبْ ِزشافمب Conjugate complex numbers خ١خ لطج٠ٚصا Polar angle Polar coordinates خ١بد لطج١ئؽذاص Polar form خ١سح اٌمطجٛاٌظ خ ٌٍؼذد اٌّشوت١سح اٌمطجٛاٌظ Polar form of a complex number ٗ١غخ ِضٍض١ط Trigonometric form ٗ ٌؼذد ِشوت١غخ ِضٍض١ط Trigonometric form of a complex number Division ُمغ٠ Divide Division خ اٌمغّخ١ٍّػ Divisibility خ اٌمغّخ١ٍلبث ٍٝمجً اٌمغّخ ػ٠ Divisible by َٛاٌّمغ Dividend ) ُٗ (اٌمبع١ٍَ ػٛاٌّمغ Divisor خبسط اٌمغّخ Quotient Short division شح١اٌمغّخ اٌمظ Long division ٍخ٠ٛاٌمغّخ اٌط ذ٠أعش Carried out ًِٓ األفؼ It is preferable Arranging terms دٚت اٌؾذ١رشر Descending order ٌٟت رٕبص١رشر Ascending order ٞت رظبػذ١رشر Common divisor اٌمبعُ اٌّشزشن ُاٌمبعُ اٌّشزشن األػظ Greatest common divisor First decimal place ؽبد٢ِشرجخ ا Nearest ten ألشة ػششح Nearest unit ؽذحٚ ألشة 183 Aliquot parts ) 12 ، 6 ، 4 ، 3 2 ، 1 ِضال12 اعُ اٌؼذدٛاعُ ( لٛاٌم Approximate مشة٠ ت٠اٌزمش Approximation Approximation sign ت٠ػالِخ اٌزمش Approximately equal ت٠ ثبٌزمشٞٚرغب Units number ( digit) ؽبد٢سلُ ا Denotes ٌٝش ئ١رش Perform لُ ثاعشاء ) ُِمذاس( و Magnitude ٟاٌخطأ إٌغج Margin of error (relative error) Ellipse اٌمطغ إٌبلض Ellipse ٞاخزالف ِشوض Eccentricity Major axis ) اٌمطغ إٌبلضٟس األوجش (فٛاٌّؾ Minor axis ) اٌمطغ إٌبلضٟس األطغش ( فٛاٌّؾ Semi-major axis س األوجشٛٔظف اٌّؾ Semi-minor axis س األطغشٛٔظف اٌّؾ ٍٟ١لطغ ٔبلض رخ Imaginary ellipse ٞ االخزالف اٌّشوضٟدائشر Eccentric circle ِغبؽخ اٌمطغ إٌبلض Area of an ellipse ٗ ٌٍمطغ إٌبلض١عٛدائشح اٌز Director circle of an ellipse Ellipsoid ِغغُ اٌمطغ إٌبلض Center of ellipse ِشوض اٌمطغ إٌبلض خ ٌٍمطغ٠ربس اٌجإسٚاأل Focal chords of a conic Focal radius of a conic ) ٗ١ٍالؼخ ػٚ ٔمطخٞأٚ ٓ ثإسح اٌمطغ١اطً ثٌّٛخ ا١ي اٌمطؼخ اٌّغزمٛ ٌٍمطغ ( ؽٞاٌجؼذ اٌجإس ثإسح اٌمطغ Focus of a conic اٌمطغ اٌّىبفئ Parabola 184 اٌمطغ اٌضائذ Hyperbola Energy ؽبلخ Energy Thermal energy خ٠اٌطبلخ اٌؾشاس Electrical energy خ١شثبئٙاٌطبلخ اٌى Atomic energy خ٠اٌطبلخ اٌزس Nuclear energy خ٠ٌٕٚٛاٌطبلخ ا خ١ى١ٔىب١ٌّاٌطبلخ ا Mechanical energy Kinetic energy ؽبلخ اٌؾشوخ Potential energy ػغٌٛؽبلخ ا ْ ؽفع اٌطبلخٛٔلب Conservation of energy ذٙع Potential ذٙفشق اٌغ Potential difference ( P.D) ٓرٛ١ٌٕ َْ اٌغزة اٌؼبٛٔلب Newton's law of universal gravitation ٔظف لطش اٌزغبرة Gravitational radius Stress بدٙاإلع Spiral ٟٔٚؽٍض ٓعبو Stationary لفٛٔمطخ ر Stationary point ) َىب(ػٍُ ؽشوخ األعغب١ِٕب٠اٌذ Dynamics Kinematics اٌضِبْ ثغغ إٌظشٚ ْب ثبٌّىبٙش ػاللز١ دساعخ ؽشوخ األعغبَ ِٓ ؽٟجؾش ف٠ ىب ( فشع١ّٕبر١اٌى ) َب ٘زٖ األعغبِٕٙ ػٓ اٌّبدح اٌّشوجخ )ب ثبٌؾشوخٙػاللزٚ ٜٛي دساعخ اٌمٚزٕب٠ ٞىب( اٌفشع اٌز١ٕبر١اٌى Kinetics Electrostatics ) اٌشؾٕبد اٌغبوٕخٟجؾش ف٠ ٞشثبء اٌزٙخ اٌغبوٕخ( رٌه اٌفشع ِٓ اٌى١شثبئٙػٍُ اٌى )ىب(دساعخ األعغبَ اٌغبوٕخ١ػٍُ االعزبر Statics اٌزّذد Dilatation Dilatation coefficient ِؼبًِ اٌزّذد Center of dilatation ِشوض اٌزّذد 185 Coefficient of linear expansion ٌِٟٛؼبًِ اٌزّذد اٌط Coefficient of volume expansion ِّٟؼبًِ اٌزّذد أٌؾغ Equations ِؼبدٌخ Equation Coefficient of an equation ِؼبِالد اٌّؼبدٌخ System of linear equations خ١ٔظبَ اٌّؼبدالد اٌخط ؽً اٌّؼبدالد Solution of equations خ١ِٔؼبدالد آ Simultaneous equations خ١خ خط١ِٔؼبدالد آ Simultaneous linear equations س اٌّؼبدٌخٚعز Roots of an equation ٓ١ٌٛٙ ٌّؼبدٌخ ثّغٟٔب١ً اٌج١اٌزّض Graph of an equation in two variables ٟٔب١اٌؾً اٌج Graphical solution ِٟٕؼبدٌخ إٌّؾ Equation of a curve دٚشح اٌؾذ١دسعخ اٌّؼبدٌخ وض Degree of a polynomial equation ٟ اٌّؼبدٌخ فٟثؼشة ؽشف Multiplying both sides of the equation by Satisfies the equation ؾمك اٌّؼبدٌخ٠ Exponential equation خ١ِؼبدٌخ آع Inconsistent equation افمخٛش ِز١ِؼبدالد غ Irrational (radical) equation ش١ب اٌّزغٙ١ْ فٛى٠ ٚش رؾذ ئشبسح اٌغزس أ١ب اٌّزغٙ١ش فٙظ٠ ٟ اٌّؼبدٌخ اٌزٟ٘ ( ِؼبدٌخ طّبء 3 2 x 1 0 ٚأ x 3 x 5 )ًؼ ِض١ش طؾ١ػب ألط غِٛشف Cartesian equation خ٠ض١اٌّؼبدٌخ اٌىبسر Fractional equation خ٠ِؼبدٌخ وغش خ١ٍِؼبدٌخ رفبػ Differential equation خ١خ خط١ٍِؼبدٌخ رفبػ Linear differential equation خ١فِٛؼبدٌخ ِظف Matrix equation ِؼبدٌخ اٌؾشوخ Equation of motion 186 خ٠ِؼبدٌخ ػذد Numerical equation اؽذٚ يِٛٙؼبدٌخ راد ِغ Equation in one unknown ٓ١ٌِٛٙؼبدٌخ راد ِغ Equation in two unknowns ٌِٟٚؼبدٌخ ِٓ اٌذسعخ األ Equation of first degree ِِٓؼبدٌخ اٌض Equation of time خ ِزغبٔغخ١ٍِؼبدٌخ رفبػ Homogeneous differential equation ) اؽذحٚ د٘ب ِٓ دسعخٚغ ؽذ١ّْ عٛ ِؼبدٌخ رىٟ٘ ( اٌّؼبدٌخ اٌّزغبٔغخ Homogeneous equation ؾ١ش لبثٍخ ٌٍزجغ١ِؼبدٌخ غ Irreducible equation خ١ِؼبدٌخ لطج Polar equation خ٠اٌّؼبدٌخ اٌغجش Algebraic equation Cubic equation خ١ج١ِؼبدٌخ رىؼ Linear equation خ١ِؼبدٌخ خط خ١ّز٠غبسٌٛ ِؼبدٌخ Logarithmic equation Quadratic equation خ١ؼ١ِؼبدٌخ ثشث Sides of an equation ؽشفب اٌّؼبدٌخ Degree of equation دسعخ اٌّؼبدٌخ ِؼبدٌخ ِٓ اٌذسعخ اٌخبِغخ Quintic equation Quintic polynomial د ِٓ اٌذسعخ اٌخبِغخٚشح ؽذ١وض Equation of a circle ِؼبدٌخ اٌذائشح Equation of a plane ِٞٛؼبدٌخ اٌّغز Polynomial equation دٚشح اٌؾذ١ِؼبدٌخ وض Reciprocal equation ثخٍٛش ثّم١ش ئرا اعزجذي اٌّزغ١اؽذ ال رزغٚ يٛٙ ِؼبدٌخ ثّغٟ٘ خ١ِؼبدٌخ أمالث Redundant equation ِؼبدٌخ فبئؼخ Degrees of freedom ) ِؼبدٌخ ِبٟ رذخً فٟ اٌّغزمٍخ اٌزٚشاد اٌؾشح أ١ ػذد اٌّزغٟ٘( خ٠دسعبد اٌؾش Factorization Difference of two squares ٓ١ٓ ِشثؼ١اٌفشق ث Difference of two cubes ٓ١ٓ ِىؼج١اٌفشق ث 187 ٓ١ع ِىؼجِّٛغ Sum of two cubes ُ١ً ثبٌزمغ١ٍاٌزؾ Factorization by grouping ًِِشثغ وب Perfect square دٚ صالصخ ؽذِٚشثغ وبًِ ر Perfect square trinomial )ً١ٍئوّبي اٌّشثغ ( اٌزؾ Completing square ًِاٛ ػٌٝؽًٍ ئ Factorize ًِاٛ اٌؼًٌٝ ئ١ٍاٌزؾ Factoring ( factorization) ًِاٛ ػًٌٝ ئ١ٍرؾ Decomposition into factors خ١ٌٚاًِ أٛ ػًٌٝ ئ١ٍرؾ Decomposition into prime factors Resolution ً١ٍرؾ Irreducible ) ً١ٍؾ ( ٌٍزؾ١ش لبثً ٌٍزجغ١غ ٍٝاٌؼبًِ اٌّشزشن األػ The highest common factor ( H.C.F) ً١ٍلبثً ٌٍزؾ Factorable Force حٛل Force Arm of force حٛرساع اٌم Attraction force ح اٌغزةٛل Direction of force حٛارغبٖ اٌم Moment of a force حٛػضَ ل حٛش اٌم١ٔمطخ رأص Point of application of force Force of pressure ح ػغؾٛل Force of reaction ًح سد اٌفؼٛل Composition of forces ٜٛت اٌم١رشو Equivalence of forces ٜٛرىبفإ اٌم خ٠اصٛ ِزٜٛل Parallel forces ٜٛ أػالع اٌمٞاصٛلبػذح ِز Rule of parallelogram of forces ٞٛلبػذح ِؼٍغ اٌم Rule of polygon of forces 188 Friction اؽزىبن حٛخؾ ػًّ اٌم Line of action of a force Centrifugal force ٞح اٌطشد اٌّشوضٛل Centripetal force ٞح اٌغزة اٌّشوضٛل ح عزةٛل Attraction force ح اؽزىبنٛل Friction force ِؼبًِ االؽزىبن Coefficient of friction ٜٛلبػذح ِضٍش اٌم Rule of triangle of forces َلذ Foot Foot – pound ه ٔمطخ٠ رؾشٟاؽذ فٚ ٔذٚح ِمذاس٘ب ثبٛ رٕزغٗ لٞ ِمذاس اٌشغً اٌزٝ٘ٚ ًؽذح شغٚ ( َٔذ لذٚثب ) اؽذحٚ َش٘ب ِغبفخ لذس٘ب لذ١رأص Foot- poundal َٔذاي لذٚثب Harmonic motion ) ط ِمذاس اإلصاؽخ، أ صبثذ، حٛش ق اٌم١ أ ط ؽ- = خ )ق١افمٛاٌؾشوخ اٌز ٟافمٛعؾ اٌزٌٛا Harmonic average (mean) Relativity خ١خ إٌغج٠ٔظش Inertia ٟس اٌزارٛاٌمظ ٟس اٌزارٛػضَ اٌمظ Moment of inertia اٌؾشوخٟرٓ فٛ١ٔ ٓ١ٔاٛل Newton's laws of motion Parallel forces خ٠اصٛ ِزٜٛل Resolution of forces ًٜٛ اٌم١ٍرؾ لذسح Power خ١ٕ٘ذعخ ئؽذاص Co-ordinate geometry خ اٌؾشوخ١ّو Momentum ؽشوخ Motion ؽشوخ ِٕزظّخ Uniform motion Weigh ْض٠ Weight ْصٚ , ًصم Centre of gravity ًِشوض اٌضم Centre of mass ِشوض اٌىزٍخ 189 َاٌؼض Moment Centre of moments َِشوض اٌؼض Moment of couple اطٚػضَ االصد ت١لؼ Rod Fractions ٞبد١وغش اػز Vulgar fraction Common fraction ٜوغش ػبد Compound fraction وغش ِشوت ٍٟوغش فؼ Proper fraction e.g. 2/5 ٞوغش ِغبص Improper fraction e.g. 7/3 ٟوغش عضئ Partial fraction رغضئخ اٌىغش Decomposition of a fraction ) 0.2, 0.10( ٞوغش ػشش Decimal fraction خ٠فبطٍخ ػشش Decimal point Mixed decimal ) 38.21 ً ِضٞوغش ػششٚ ؼ١ْ ِٓ ػذد طؾٛزى٠ ٞ ػذد ػششٛ٘ ( ِشوتٞوغش ػشش اخزضاي اٌىغش Reduction of a fraction Repeating decimal(circulating decimal= recurring decimal ) ٞسٚوغش د ٞوغش عجش Algebraic fraction ) 1 = ؽذح ( اٌجغؾٌٛوغش ا Unit fraction ِمبَ اٌىغش Denominator of a fraction ٜوغش Fractional ٜػذد وغش Mixed number سٛاٌزخٍض ِٓ اٌىغ Clearing of fractions خ١ٌّخ إٌّض١اٌم Place value ٌٝٚخ األ٠إٌّضٌخ اٌؼشش First decimal place ٗٙس ِزشبثٛوغ Similar fractions س اٌّزىبفئخٛاٌىغ Equivalent fractions 190 سٛت اٌىغ١رشر Ordering fractions Functions Analytic function ٍٟ١ٍالزشاْ رؾ Function ) الزشاْ ( داٌخ الزشاْ ِشوت Composite function الزشاْ صبثذ Constant function )الزشاْ ِزظً (ِغزّش Continuous function ِزٕبلض Decreasing Decreasing function الزشاْ ِزٕبلض Increasing function ذ٠الزشاْ ِزضا ًِش شب١الزشاْ غ Into function ٟااللزشاْ اٌؼىغ Inverse function ) ٓ٠اؽذ ( ِزجبٌٛ اؽذٚ ْالزشا One-to-one(injection) function )ٜالزشاْ شبًِ(اٌّغبي اٌّمبثً=اٌّذ Onto (surjection ) function الزشاْ اٌزٕبظش One - to - one (biJection) function Composition of functions ت االلزشأبد١رشو Equality of functions االلزشأبدٜٚرغب Monotonic functions الٟ اٌّزٕبلظخ اٌزٚ ال رزٕبلض أثذا أٟذح اٌز٠ االلزشأبد اٌّزضاٟ٘ ) )ٗ (ِطشدح٠ش١رٚ الزشأبد ) ذ أثذا٠رزضا ) خ٠ٗ ( دائش١الزشأبد ِضٍض Trigonometric functions Zeros of function أطفبس اٌذاٌخ Constant function اٌذاٌخ اٌضبثزخ خ٠اٌذاٌخ اٌىغش Fractional function اٌذاٌخِٞذ Range of function ايٚاؽشاد اٌذ Monotony of functions Density function داٌخ اٌىضبفخ Even function خ١عٚداٌخ ص Odd function خ٠داٌخ فشد 191 خ١اي اٌّضٍضٚاٌذ Trigonometric function Function of a function داٌخ اٌذاٌخ Derivative function داٌخ ِشزمخ Limit of a function خ اٌذاٌخ٠بٙٔ ؾخ٠داٌخ طش Explicit function خ١داٌخ آع Exponential function Reciprocal function خ١داٌخ ػىغ Integrable function ًِداٌخ لبثٍخ ٌٍزىب سح ػٕظشٛط Image of an element ِغبي Domain ِغبي اٌذاٌخ Domain of a function اٌّغبي اٌّشزشن Common domain Co-domain ًاٌّغبي اٌّمبث Field of definition ف٠ِغبي اٌزؼش Geometry Triangle اٌّضٍش Square اٌّشثغ ِشثؼبد ِزذاخٍخ Interfered squares Rhombus ٓ١ايِؼ Rectangle ً١اٌّغزط ) لبئُ ( ِزؼبِذ Rectangular شجٗ ِٕؾشف Trapezoid ( trapezium ) لبػذح شجٗ إٌّؾشف Trapezoidal rule Median of trapezium (or trapezoid) ٌشجٗ إٌّؾشفٝعطٚ لبػذح Isosceles trapezoid ٓ١ اٌغبلٞٚشجٗ ِٕؾشف ِزغب أػالعٞاصِٛز Parallelogram ِٟؼٍغ خّبع Pentagon 192 Hexagon ٟاٌغذاع Heptagon ٟاٌغجبػ Octagon ٟٔاٌضّب Nonagon ٟاٌزغبػ Decagon ٞاٌؼشبس دائشح Circle ٔظف دائشح Semi circle Curve ِٕٕٝؾ Polygon ِؼٍغ ُِؼٍغ ِٕزظ Regular polygon ُِشوض ِؼٍغ ِٕزظ Center of a regular polygon لطش اٌّؼٍغ Diagonal of a polygon اسرفبع اٌّضٍش Altitude of a triangle ًّئٔشبء ػ Construction ٟٕذعٌٙلبػذح اٌشىً ا Base اٌّضٍشٟزب اٌمبػذح ف٠ٚصا Base angles of a triangle ػٍغ Side ػٍغ ِشزشن Common side خ٠ٔظش Theorem خ٠ػىظ إٌظش Converse of a theorem سثغ دائشح Quadrant of a circle ٟشىً سثبػ Quadrilateral ٞ دائشٟسثبػ Circular quadrilateral (cyclic) Subtend )خ٠خ اٌّشوض٠ٚمبثً اٌضا٠ ط اٌذائشحٛ ل،خٙاعٌّٛخ ا٠ٚمبثً اٌضا٠ مبثً ( ػٍغ اٌّضٍش٠ Similar figures خٙأشىبي ِزشبث Similar triangles خِٙضٍضبد ِزشبث ؾ١ٔظف ِؾ Semi -circumference ) بٖ لبئّخ٠اٚ ِٓ صْٞ أٛ ال رىِٞضٍش ِبئً ) اٌّضٍش اٌز Oblique triangle ) ٔمطخ اٌزمبء اسرفبػبد اٌشىً وبٌّضٍش ِضالٛ٘ ( االسرفبػبدٍِٝزم Orthocenter 193 اع اٌّضٍشٛٔأ Types of triangle Right-angled triangle خ٠ِٚضٍش لبئُ اٌضا Hypotenuse ُرش اٌّضٍش اٌمبئٚ Acute - angled triangle ب٠اِٚضٍش ؽبد اٌض األػالعِٞٚضٍش ِزغب Equilateral triangle Isosceles triangle ٓ١ اٌغبلِٞٚضٍش ِزغب Scalene triangle ِضٍش ِخزٍف األػالع ) بد١بٔبد ( ِؼط١ث Data (Given) ٕظف٠ Bisect ٗرشبث Similitude (similarity) Center of similitude ِٗشوض اٌزشبث Ratio of similitude ٗٔغجخ اٌزشبث ؾ١اٌّؾ Perimeter Circumference ؾ اٌذائشح١ِؾ Plane geometry خ٠ٕٛ٘ذعخ ِغز ٕذعخٌٙا Geometry Area ِغبؽخ اٌّغبؽخ اٌّظٍٍخ Shaded area يٛاٌط Length Breadth ( width ) اٌؼشع Height االسرفبع خ١ٍ١ٍٕذعخ اٌزؾٌٙا Analytic geometry خ١م١بد اٌزطج١بػ٠اٌش Applied mathematics Mathematics of finance خ١ٌبد اٌّب١بػ٠اٌش Pure mathematics بد اٌجؾزخ١بػ٠اٌش ِمذِخ Foreword Perpendicular bisector ٞدّٛإٌّظف اٌؼ Geometric instrument خ١ٍخ ) ٕ٘ذع١عٚ( أداح 194 A set – square ) خ١( ِضٍش لبئُ – أداح ٕ٘ذع أٔظبف ألطبس Radii ِٕمٍخ Protractor ًعٓ اٌجشع Pin ( sharp point ) ) ؾ١ؽجً ( خ Thread ؾ٠شش Tape إٌّطمخ اٌّظٍٍخ Shaded region Scissors ِمض Generalization ُ١ّاٌزؼ Median of a triangle عؾ اٌّضٍشِٛز Opposite figure ًاٌشىً اٌّمبث ِغأٌخ Problem Deduce that ْرغزٕزظ أ Longest side اوجش ػٍغ Compasses فشعبس Conclusion اعزٕزبط ْاٌجش٘ب Proof Fixed point ٔمطخ صبثزخ Point of division ُ١ٔمطخ رمغ ٔمطخ خبسعخ External point ُ ِٓ اٌخبسط١اٌزمغ External division لطؼخ Segment ٟٕلطؼخ ِٓ ِٕؾ Segment of a curve ّخ١لطؼخ ِغزم Line segment Midpoint of a line segment ّخ١ف لطؼخ ِغزم١رٕظ Length of a line segment ّخ١ي اٌمطؼخ اٌّغزمٛؽ رشٚ Chord ٟٕرش إٌّؾٚ Chord of a curve ) طٚسأط ( سؤ Vertex ( vertices ) 195 Consecutive vertices خ١ٌط ِززبٚسؤ Vertices of a triangle ط اٌّضٍشٚسؤ ٍٝ ػٞدّٛػ Perpendicular to ٓ٠ِزؼبِذ Orthogonal اؽذحٚ اعزمبِخٍٝػ Collinear Collinear points اؽذحٚ اعزمبِخٍٝٔمؾ ػ Non-collinear اؽذحٚ اعزمبِخٍٝا ػٛغ١ٌ سأط لّخ اٌّضٍش Apeso ٔمطخ رمبؽغ االسرفبػبد ٌٍّضٍش Ortho Centre عطبد اٌّضٍشِٛز Medians of the Triangles Convex Polygon ِؼٍغ ِؾذة Concave polygon ِؼٍغ ِمؼش Convex curve ِؾذةِٕٕٝؾ Concave curve ِمؼشِٟٕٕؾ ةٍٛاٌّط Required to Prove (R.T.P) َِٛٙف Concept ف٠رؼش Definition أثؼبد Dimensions ثبٌؼىظٚ And Conversely سحٛط Image ب٠اٚ اٌضِٞٚزغب Equiangular Equiangular figures ب٠اٚخ اٌض٠ٚأشىبي ِزغب Equiangular polygon ب٠اٚ اٌضِٞٚؼٍغ ِزغب Equiangular triangle ب٠اٚ اٌضِٞٚضٍش ِزغب األػالعِٞٚزغب Equilateral األػالعِٞٚؼٍغ ِزغب Equilateral polygon Translation االٔزمبي Rotation ْساٚد ْساِٚشوض اٌذ Center of rotation 196 أؼىبط Reflection ُ١ِغزمٚ ٓ ٔمطخ١اٌجؼذ ث Distance from a point to a line Distance between two parallel lines ٓ١٠اصٛٓ ِز١ّ١ٓ ِغزم١اٌجؼذ ث Distance between two parallel planes ٓ١٠اصٛٓ ِز١٠ٛٓ ِغز١اٌجؼذ ث ِٜٛغزٚ ٓ ٔمطخ١اٌجؼذ ث Distance from a point to a plane رطبثك Congruence رطبثك األشىبي Congruence of figures ِزطبثك Congruent Congruent polygons ِؼٍؼبد ِزطبثمخ Congruent triangles ِضٍضبد ِزطبثمخ Identical(Congruent) figures أشىبي ِزطبثمخ Coincident configurations أشىبي ِزطبثمخ ِطبثمخ Identification Identify ؽبثك Identity ِطبثمخ، رطبثك ِطبثك ٌـ Identical ٛعطؼ ِغز Flat surface plane ٌِٟضب Ideal Ideal points خ١ٌٔمؾ ِضب If and only if فمؾ ئراٚ ئرا If …….then ْ فا....... ئرا ِؾبؽ Inscribed دائشح ِؾبؽخ Inscribed circle Inscribed circle of a polygon دائشح ِؾبؽخ ثّؼٍغ Inscribed triangle of a circle ِضٍش ِؾبؽ ثذائشح خ٠اصٛأػالع ِز Parallel sides Hexagonal ب٠اٚاٌضٚ األػالعٟعذاع Hexahedral ػٛ اٌغطٟعذاع 197 Lamina ؾخ١طف Shrinking ش١رظغ ش١رىج Magnification (Enlargement ) Magnification center ش١ِشوض اٌزىج Magnification ratio ش١ِؼبًِ اٌزىج ٟٕ٘ذع Geometric Groups صِشح Group Commutative group ٗ١ٍ٠صِشح رجذ Commutative law ً٠ْ اٌزجذٛٔلب Composite group صِشح ِشوجخ Cyclic group خ٠سٚصِشح د Finite group خ١ٙصِشح ِٕز خ١ٙش ِٕز١صِشح غ Infinite group Permutation group ً٠صِشح اٌزجبد Simple group طخ١صِشح ثغ Sub-group خ١صِشح عضئ ) ٗٔظف ( شج Semi شجٗ صِشح Semi- group Interest فبئذح Interest Rate of interest عؼش اٌفبئذح Compound interest فبئذح ِشوجخ طبف Net ٟاٌشثؼ اٌظبف Net profit ِؼذي Rate 198 ) ٓ ( لشع٠ّد Debt ظؾؼ٠ Debug Decade ) ادٕٛػمذ ( ػشش ع Receipt )ظبي٠طً اعزالَ ( ئٚ خ١ٌّخ اٌؾب١اٌم Present value خ٠ٕٛخ ٌٍذفغ اٌغ١ٌّخ اٌؾب١اٌم Present value of an annuity خ٠ٕٛخ ع١ٌدفؼخ ِب Annuity ّخ٠ ِغزذٚاطٍخ أٛخ ِز١ٌدفؼخ ِب Continued annuity Annuity contract ػمذ اٌذفغ Deferred annuity خ ِإعٍخ١ٌدفؼخ ِب Ordinary annuity خ٠خ ػبد١ٌدفؼخ ِب Perpetual annuity ّخ٠دفغ ِغزذ Semi – annual ٕٞٛٔظف ع Broker عّغبس Brokerage عّغشح Instalment ) ؾ١لغؾ ( رمغ ألغبؽ Instalments ) سحٛبٌخ ( فبر١وّج Bill ذاػبد٠اإل Deposits اعزجذاي اٌؼٍّخ Exchange of money ربعش Merchant الدِٚؾب Trials Lines ُ١ِغزم Straight ُ١خؾ ِغزم Straight line ً١ٌّا Slope ( gradient ) ُ١ً اٌّغزم١ِ Slope of a straight line 199 ِزؼبِذ Orthogonal ٓ١٠اصٛٓ ِز١ّ١ٓ ِغزم١ ثٞدّٛاٌجؼذ اٌؼ Distance between two parallel lines ٍٝد إٌبصي ِٓ إٌمطخ ػّٛي اٌؼٛ ؽٛ٘ (ِٞٛغزٚ ٓ ٔمطخ١اٌجؼذ ث Distance from a point to plane )ٜٛاٌّغز ُ١ِغزمٚ ٓ ٔمطخ١اٌجؼذ ث Distance from a point to a line ٔظف Half )ُ١شؼبع ( ٔظف ِغزم Half line=RAY Curved Line ٕٝخؾ ِٕؾ Line Symmetry ًخؾ اٌزّبص ٖارغب Direction ُ١ارغبٖ ِغزم Direction of a line ٝش خط١غ Non- linear ُ١ خؾ ِغزمٟاالٔؼىبط ف Reflection in a line Parallel lines خ٠اصّٛبد ِز١ِغزم Perpendicular lines ّبد ِزؼبِذح١ِغزم Oblique lines ّبد ِبئٍخ١ِغزم Perpendicular ٞدّٛػ Common perpendicular اٌّشزشنٞدّٛاٌؼ Perpendicular to a plane ٛ ِغزٍٝ ػٞدُّٛ اٌؼ١اٌّغزم ٌٟخؾ ِضب Ideal line Parallel lines خ٠اصٛؽ ِزٛخط Concurrent lines خ١ؽ ِزاللٛخط ًخؾ ِبئ Inclined line خؾ ِٕىغش Broken line ) ُ١لبؽغ ( خؾ ِغزم Secant Transversal ) ُ لبؽغ١لبؽغ ( ِغزم Vertical line ) ٟ ( سأعٞدّٛخؾ ػ ٟخؾ اثزذائ Initial line اءٛخؾ االعز Equator 200 Matrices فخِٛظف Matrix فخ ِشثؼخِٛظف Square matrix أػّذحٌٝف ئًٛ اٌظف٠ٛفخ (رؾٛي اٌّظفِٕٛم Transpose of a matrix )اٌؼىظٚ Rank of matrix فخٛسرجخ اٌّظف A djoint matrix فخ ِشافمخِٛظف ِٕفشدح Singular Non – Singular ش ِٕفشدح١غ فخ اٌّؼبِالدِٛظف Matrix of coefficients )فبد اٌّشثؼخٛ اٌّظفٟاٌؼبًِ اٌّشافك( ف Cofactor فخٛط ) اٌّظفٛش ( ِؼى١ٔظ Inverse of matrix سرجخ Rank (Order ) ٟغ١اٌمطش اٌشئ Principal or leading diagonal خش٢اٌمطش ا Secondary diagonal Conjugate diameters ْلطشاْ ِزشافمب Conjugate elements اٌؼٕبطش اٌّزشافمخ Names ِخطؾ ( شىً ) أسعب ٔذ Argand diagram De Moivre's formula فشِٛ ْٞ دٛٔلب Apollonlus' theorem طٛ١ٌٔٛ ٛخ أث٠ٔظش ْشِب١عج Spearman ْ ِشعبٞٔب دٛٔلب De Morgan laws ِٓخطؾ ف Venn diagram Pythagoras' theorem سسٛضبغ١خ ف٠ٔظش Ptolemy's theorem طّٛ١ٍخ ثط٠ٔظش 201 لبػذح وشاِش Cramer's rule ِٟلبػذح ال Lami's rule ٓ٠سٍِٛزغٍغٍخ ِبو Maclaurin's series Taylor's series سٍٛ١ِزغٍغٍخ ر Pascal triangle ِضٍش ثبعىبي ِغٍّخ Postulate ذط١ٍِغٍّخ ئل Postulate of Euclid Numbers خ١ؼ١األػذاد اٌطج Natural numbers Sum of cubes of natural numbers خ١ؼ١ع ِىؼجبد األػذاد اٌطجِّٛغ Sum of squares of natural numbers خ١ؼ١ع ِشثؼبد األػذاد اٌطجِّٛغ ؾخ ِزطبثمخ١أػذاد طؾ Congruent integers خ١ش إٌغج١أالػذاد غ Irrational numbers Rational numbers خ١أالػذاد إٌغج Real numbers خ١م١األػذاد اٌؾم خ١م١ػشة األػذاد اٌؾم Product of real numbers خ١ٍ١األػذاد اٌزخ Imaginary numbers األػذاد اٌّخزٍطخ Mixed numbers بط األػذاد١ِم Number scale ٚب ئِب عبٌجخ أٙ ئشبسارٟخ ( األػذاد اٌزٙأػذاد ِزغ Directed numbers )عجخِٛ خ٠األػذاد اٌغجش Algebraic numbers ٟعٚص Even ٟعٚػذد ص Even number ٞفشد Odd ٞػذد فشد Odd number Number theory خ األػذاد٠ٔظش Arabic numerals خ٠ٕذٌٙاألسلبَ ا 202 ؼ١ػذد طؾ Whole number ) ىب ( ػششح أػؼبف٠د Deca ) ادٕٛػمذ( ػشش ع Decade ة ػذدٍِٛم Reciprocal of a number ٌٟٚػذد أ Prime number ٌٟٚش أ١ػذد غ Composite number Inverse of a number ة اٌؼذدٍِٛم Whole number ؼ١ػذد طؾ Number of units ؽذادٌٛػذد ا ٔفظ اٌؼذد Same number ؼ١ػذد طؾ Integer عبٌت Negative ؼ عبٌت١ػذد طؾ Negative integer عتِٛ Positive عتِٛ ؼ١ػذد طؾ Positive integer Cube of a number ِىؼت اٌؼذد Absolute number )ض١ِّ ش١ غّٟاٌؼذد اٌّطٍك ( ػذد سل ؼ١اؽذ اٌظؾٌٛا Unity Ratio ٔغجخ Ratio ِزٕبعت ح Proportional رٕبعت Proportion ؽذا ٔغجخ Terms of a ratio Antecedent ) َي ( اٌّمذٚاٌؾذ األ Consequent ) ٌٟ ( اٌزبٟٔاٌؾذ اٌضب خ٠ٛٔغجخ ِئ Percent Numerator (Top) اٌجغؾ Denominator َاٌّمب 203 Reduction of fractions to a common denominator ذ اٌّمبِبد١ؽٛر Fourth proportional اٌشاثغ اٌّزٕبعت Third proportional اٌضبٌش اٌّزٕبعت Mean proportional عؾ اٌّزٕبعتٌٛا Extremes of proportion اٌزٕبعتٟؽشف Extreme ؽشف اٌزٕبعت Means of proportion اٌزٕبعتٟعطٚ Continued proportion ًاٌزٕبعت اٌّزغٍغ Proportional division ُٟ اٌزٕبعج١اٌزمغ Proportional quantities بد ِزٕبعجخ١ّو صبثذ اٌزٕبعت Factor of proportionality ؽذ رٕبعت Term of proportion ش١ِؼذي اٌزغ Rate of change Directly proportional ٞرٕبعت ؽشد Inversely proportional ٟرٕبعت ػىغ Direct variation ٞش ؽشد١رغ Inverse variation ٟش ػىغ١رغ sequences ) خ١ٌاٛخ ( ِز١ٌِززب Sequence( progression) خ١ٌؽذ ِززب Term of sequence خ١خ ) ؽغبث١ٌاٛخ ( ِز١ٌِززب Arithmetic progression (sequence) خ١خ اٌؾغبث١ٌأعبط اٌّززب Common difference in an arithmetic progression ) ٞعؾ اٌؼذدٌٛ (اٟعؾ اٌؾغبثٛاٌّز Arithmetic mean ِزغٍغٍخ Series خ١ِزغٍغٍخ ؽغبث Arithmetic series Term of a series ؽذ ِزغٍغٍخ Geometric series خ١ِزغٍغٍخ ٕ٘ذع 204 خ ِزٕبلظخ١ِزغٍغٍخ ٕ٘ذع Decreasing geometrical series خ١ِزغٍغٍخ آع Exponential series Finite series خ١ِٙزغٍغٍخ ِٕز Geometric progression خ١خ ٕ٘ذع١ٌِززب خ١ٕذعٌٙخ ا١ٌأعبط اٌّززب Common ratio ٟٕذعٌٙعؾ اٌٛا Geometric average (mean) The first term يٚاٌؾذ األ The last term ش١اٌؾذ األخ The nth term ٌٟٕٔٛاٌؾذ ا َاٌؾذ اٌؼب The general term Consecutive terms خ١ٌد ِززبٚؽذ Respectively ٌٟاٛ اٌزٍٝػ Sets ػخ اٌشبٍِخّٛاٌّغ Universal set ) Belonging ٖاالٔزّبء ( سِض ػذَ أزّبء Not belonging ٞٚخ اٌزغب١خبط Equality property خ٠ٚػبد ِزغبِّٛغ Equal sets خ١ٌػخ اٌخبّٛاٌّغ Empty (null) set ٞٚ اٌزغبٚاح أٚاٌّغب Equality ػخِّٛىٍّخ اٌّغ Complement of a set اٌفشق Difference ٓ١ػزّٛٓ ِغ١اٌفشق ث Difference of two sets خ١ِٕٙز Finite ) خ١بئٙٔ خ ( ال١ٙش ِٕز١غ Infinite خ١ٙش ِٕز١ػخ غِّٛغ Infinite set رمبؽغ Intersection 205 ٓ١ػزّٛرمبؽغ ِغ Intersection of two sets ارؾبد Union ٓ١ػزّٛارؾبد ِغ Union of two sets ػخ لبثٍخ ٌٍؼذِّٛغ Denumerable set ( countable set ) ) ضح١ِّ خ ( طفخ١خبط Characteristic ) ( ْشا١عبْ طغٛل Brackets Braces ْشا١عبْ وجٛل اطٛأل Parentheses خٙاط ِزشبثٛأل Like brackets ػبدّٛخ اٌّغ٠ٔظش Set theory خ١ػخ عضئِّٛغ Subset ػخّٛ ِغٟػٕظش ف Element of a set مخ اٌمبئّخ٠ؽش Listing method Solid geometry خ١ٕ٘ذعخ فشاغ Solid geometry فؼبء Space ) فشاؽ ( ٔظف فؼبء Half space اٌىشح Sphere Center of a sphere ِشوض وشح Chord of a sphere رش اٌىشحٚ الد١ ِغزطٞاصِٛز Cuboid ِىؼت Cube أخٛاعط Cylinder خ اٌمبئّخ٠أخ اٌذائشٛاالعط Right circular cylinder ٟٔاًٛ اٌغطؼ األعط١ٌد Directrix of a cylindrical ػٛش اٌغط١لطش وض Diagonal of a polyhedron ؽٚاٌّخش Cone 206 ٟؽًٚ اٌمطغ اٌّخش١ٌد Directrix of a conic سٛإٌّش Prism ٟس عذاعِٕٛش Hexagonal prism ُس لبئِٕٛش Right prism ؽٚلبػذح اٌّخش Base of a cone َ٘ش Pyramid ٟ٘شَ صالص Tetrahedron )خ األػالع٠ٚٗ ِضٍضبد ِزغبٙعٚغ أ١ّ ِٕزظُ ( ٘شَ عٟ٘شَ صالص Regular tetrahedron َسأط ٘ش Vertex of pyramid َشٌٍٙ ٟعٗ اٌغبٔجٌٛا Lateral face of a pyramid ػبئٍخ Family بد١ٕػبئٍخ ِٓ إٌّؾ Family of curves ػٛػبئٍخ ِٓ اٌغط Family of surfaces Geometric figure ٟشىً ٕ٘ذع ٞٛشىً ِغز Plane figure Capacity اٌغؼخ Volume ُؽغ ّٟؽغ Volumetric Volume of a solid ُؽغُ ِغغ Rectangular solid ُِغغُ لبئ Dense ف١وض Density وضبفخ Depth ػّك خ١اٌّغبؽخ اٌغبٔج Lateral area خ١ٍاٌّغبؽخ اٌى Total area خ١ٍخ اٌى١اٌّغبؽخ اٌغطؾ Total surface area 207 Statistics اإلؽظبء Statistics Statistical data خ١بٔبد ئؽظبئ١ث Statistical analysis ًٟ ئؽظبئ١ٍرؾ )ش٘ب١غٚ عؾ – اٌزشزذٛ – اٌّزٜغبد اٌّذ٠بٔبد( ئ١ ٌٍجًٟ اإلؽظبئ١ٍاٌزؾ Statistical analysis of data خ٠إٌضػخ اٌّشوض Central tendency االعزذالي Inference ٟاالعزذالي اإلؽظبئ Statistical inference Ordered data بٔبد ِشرجخ١ث Data representation بٔبد١ً اٌج١رّض اٌّؼذيٚعؾ أٛاٌّز Average Correlation اسرجبؽ Variance ٓ٠اٌزجب ) االؽزّبالدٟٓ ( ف٠غ راد اٌؾذ٠صٛر Binomial distribution ؽذس Event ادس ِغزمٍخٛؽ Independent events ش ِغزمٍخ١ادس غٛؽ Dependent events ) ْب١ؽبدصبْ ِٕفظالْ ( ِزٕبف Mutually exclusive events اٌؾذس اٌّإوذ Certain (Sure) event ِٟؼبًِ االسرجبؽ اٌخط Linear correlation coefficient ) r= ± 1( َاسرجبؽ رب Perfect correlation ٕخ١ػ Sample ِؼبًِ اسرجبؽ اٌشرت Rank correlation coefficient رشزذ Dispersion ٕخ١فشاؽ اٌؼ Sample space ارظٌٕٛفشاؽ ا Outcome ؽغش إٌشد Dice 208 ً١ؽبدس ِغزؾ Null ( empty ) event لغٛر Expectation ٟائٛػش Random خ١ائٕٛخ ػش١ػ Random sample ْٛشع١ِؼبًِ ث Pearson's coefficient اؽزّبي Probability ٟائٛش ػش١ِزغ Random variable اٌّشب٘ذاد Observations Mode ايٌّٕٛا Median ؾ١عٌٛا رىشاس Frequency Frequency distribution ٞغ اٌزىشاس٠صٛاٌز Frequency Table ٞي اٌزىشاسٚاٌغذ Cumulative frequency ّٟاٌزىشاس اٌزشاو اٌفئبد Sets Histogram ٞاٌّذسط اٌزىشاس Frequency polygon ٞاٌّؼٍغ اٌزىشاس اٌّزغّغ اٌظبػذ Ascending cumulative اٌّزغّغ اٌظبػذٞي اٌزىشاسٚاٌغذ Ascending cumulative frequency table اٌّزغّغ إٌبصي Descending cumulative اٌّزغّغ إٌبصيٞي اٌزىشاسٚاٌغذ Descending cumulative frequency table ِشوض فئخ Center of class خ١اؽزّبالد ششؽ Conditional probabilities Standard deviation ٞبس١االٔؾشاف اٌّؼ Average (Mean ) deviation عؾٛاالٔؾشاف اٌّز Quartile deviation ٟؼ١االٔؾشاف اٌشث Coefficient of variation ِؼبًِ االخزالف Coefficient of regression ِؼبًِ االٔؾذاس حٚػال Bonus 209 ْئؽظبء اٌغىب Census )د أخطبءٛعٚ َاخزجبس( ٌٍزأوذ ِٓ ػذ Check ٟٕذعٌٙاٌشعُ ا Geometrical drawing ً ثبألػّذح١اٌزّض Bar graph خ٠ً ثبٌمطبػبد اٌذائش١اٌزّض Circular graph (pie graph ) ُ١رٕظ Organization Rate of consumption النِٙؼذي االعز Monthly salary ٞشٙاٌشارت اٌش ٌخّٛػ Commission ) ٖبس١زُ اخز٠ ُػذ( ٔجذأ اٌؼذ ِٓ سل Count Trigonometry Trigonometry ؽغبة اٌّضٍضبد Periodic curve ٞسٚ دِٟٕٕؾ خ االٔخفبع٠ٚصا Angle of depression خ االسرفبع٠ٚصا Angle of elevation يٚ اٌشثغ األٟخ ف٠ٚصا First quadrant angle Negative angle خ عبٌجخ٠ٚصا Positive angle عجخِٛ خ٠ٚصا Initial of point خ٠ٔمطخ اٌجذا Terminal point خ٠بٌٕٙٔمطخ ا خٙخ ِزغ٠ٚصا Directed (oriented=sensed) angle خ٠لطؼخ دائش Segment of a circle ( circular segment) Major segment ٞلطؼخ وجش Standard position ٟبع١ػغ لٚ ٟبع١ػغ لٚ ٟخ ف٠ٚصا Angle in standard position Clockwise ارغبٖ ػمبسة اٌغبػخ Counterclockwise (Anti-Clockwise) ػىظ ػمبسة اٌغبػخ 210 Compass طٍخٛث Compasses فشعبس Cosine ( Cos ) ) ت اٌزّبَ ( عزب١ع Secant ( Sec) ) خ ( لب٠ٚلبؽغ اٌضا Sine ( Sin ) ) خ ( عب٠ٚت اٌضا١ع Cosecant (Csc = cosec) ) لبؽغ اٌزّبَ ( لزب Tangent ( Tan) ) خ ( ظب٠ٚظً اٌضا ) خ ( ظزب٠ٚظً رّبَ اٌضا Cotangent ( Cot) دسعخ Degree خ٠ٚػؼف اٌضا Double angle لطبع Sector ٞلطبع دائش Sector of a circle ٟٕ١ش ) اٌغز٠بط(اٌزمذ١اٌم Sexagesimal measure The sixtieth measure ٟٕ١ش اٌغز٠اٌزمذ Circular measure ٞبط اٌذائش١اٌم ٗ١ٔغت ِضٍض Trigonometric ratios خ١اٌّؼبدالد اٌّضٍض Trigonometric equations Law of sine ت١ْ اٌغٛٔلب Initial side ٟػٍغ اثزذائ Tangent curve ً اٌظِٟٕٕؾ ًْ اٌظٛٔلب Tangent law طٍخٛث Compass ؽً اٌّضٍش Solution of a triangle Variables ش١ِزغ Variable ش ربثغ١ِزغ Dependent variable ًِغزم Independent 211 ًش ِغزم١ِزغ Independent variable Vectors ِٗزغ Vector Zero vector ٞاٌّزغٗ اٌظفش Unit vector ؽذحٌِٛزغٗ ا Position vector ػغٌِّٛزغٗ ا Vector addition بدٙعّغ ايِزغ Sum of vectors بدٙع ِزغِّٛغ ٗاٌؼشة اٌّزغ Vector Multiplication Dot product =inner product=dot multiplication ٍٟاٌؼشة اٌذاخ Vector quantity ) اٌغشػخ- حٛخ( ِضً اٌمٙخ ِزغ١ّو Norm of vector ٗبس اٌّزغ١ِؼ Free vector اٌؼبدح ِطٍك ئال ئرا ؽذدد ٔمطخٟ فٛ٘ ٗوً ِزغٚ ش ِؾذدح١شٖ غ١ ِزغٗ ٔمطخ رأصٛ٘ (ِزغٗ ِطٍك ) ٖش١رأص )خ ِٕزظّخ (صبثزخٙعشػخ ِزغ Uniform velocity Vector algebra بدٙعجش اٌّزغ Vector analysis بدًٙ اٌّزغ١ٍرؾ Vector geometry بدٕٙ٘ذعخ اٌّزغ Vector field ِٟٙغبي ِزغ Vector operator ٟٙػبًِ ِزغ ٍِخض Summary 212 213 214