The fontspec package Will Robertson 2005/03/07 v1.6 Abstract This package provides functionality for selecting families of fonts with extended feature sets in XETEX-based LATEX in Mac OS X. \fontspec[!opts"]{!font"} selects arbitrary fonts; \defaultromanfont sets the default for the whole document, with analogous commands for sans and mono. Other commands are provided for the advanced selection of a large (and extensible) number of rich font features. Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Usage 1.2 Warning 1.3 About this manual 2 2 2 2 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 2 Font selection 2.1 Default font families 2.2 Arbitrary bold/italic fonts 2.3 Font instances for efficiency 2 3 3 3 Selecting font features 3.1 Default settings 3.2 Changing the currently selected features 4 4 5 Defining new features 12 5 6 fontspec in the future 14 4 Available font features 4.1 Different features for different font shapes 4.2 Font independent options 4.3 Ligatures 4.4 Letters 5 7 The code 7.1 User commands 6 7.2 Internal macros 6 7.3 keyval definitions 7 7.4 Italic small caps 7 7.5 Selecting maths fonts 15 16 18 24 36 37 4 1 Number Options Swashes Diacritics Vertical position Fractions Character Alternates Variants Style Options AAT font axes OpenType scripts and languages 8 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 1 Introduction With the introduction of Jonathan Kew’s XETEX,1 Mac OS X users can now easily access system-wide fonts directly in a TEX variant, providing a best of both worlds environment. XETEX eliminates the need for all those files required for installing fonts (.tfm, .vf, .map,…) and provides an easy way to select fonts in Plain TEX: \font\zapf="Times New Roman" at 10pt. However, it was still necessary to write cumbersome font definition files for LATEX, since the NFSS had a lot more going on behind the scenes to allow easy commands like \bfseries and \emph. This package almost entirely eliminates this need by providing a completely automatic way to select font families in LATEX for arbitrary fonts. Furthermore, it allows (again, almost) total control over the selection of rich font features such as number case and fancy ligatures present in many modern fonts provided with Mac OS X. 1.1 Usage There are no options for this package: simply call it in your preamble somewhere. As of v1.6, it is necessary to explicitly request Ross Moore’s xunicode package if you want access to use LATEX’s various methods for accessing extra characters and accents (for example, \textbullet, \"u, \O, and so on). This is highly recommended, since macros such as \% will otherwise give you incorrect output. Note however that this will also break some characters in the default Computer Modern fonts, but you’re not using XETEX to use them, are you! \usepackage{fontspec,xunicode} 1.2 Warning (→ An example warning!) I still consider this package to be experimental, so I’m not ensuring backwards compatibility at all costs. v1.6 has introduced some changes in font options. I don’t want to weigh the package down with old ways of doing things, so unfortunately this will mean that some old documents will need to be modified in order to compile correctly again. Such things, and some other comments, are noted in the margin like this (←), with a red arrow if the change is relevant to the current release of the package. 1.3 About this manual This document has been typeset with XETEX using a variety of fonts to display various features that the package supports. Examples of AAT fonts are displayed in a shade of blue, whereas OpenType examples (which are a little more scarce; there will be more in the next version) are in red. 2 Font selection \fontspec \fontspec["font features#]{"font name#} is the base command of the package, used 1 2 for selecting the specified "font name# (which is the Mac OS X display name of the font) in a LATEX family. We shall look at font features later. As an example, look how easy it is to select the Hoefler Text typeface: \fontspec{Hoefler Text} \shortpangram \\ {\itshape \shortpangram}\\ {\scshape \shortpangram}\\ {\itshape\scshape\shortpangram}\\ \bfseries \shortpangram \\ {\itshape \shortpangram}\\ {\scshape \shortpangram}\\ {\scshape\itshape\shortpangram}\\ The five boxing wizards jump quickly. The five boxing wizards jump quickly. T"# $%&# '()%*+ ,%-./01 2345 63%789:. T"# $%&# '()%*+ ,%-./01 2345 63%789:. The five boxing wizards jump quickly. The five boxing wizards jump quickly. T"# $%&# '()%*+ ,%-./01 2345 63%789:. T"# $%&# '()%*+ ,%-./01 2345 63%789:. The fontspec package takes care of the necessary font definitions for those shapes as shown above automatically. Furthermore, it is not necessary to install the font for XETEX in any way whatsoever: every font that exists in one of Mac OS X’s font folders may be accessed. Note that this package redefines the \itshape and \scshape commands in order to allow them to select italic small caps in conjunction. 2.1 Default font families \setromanfont \setsansfont \setmonofont The \setromanfont, \setsansfont, and \setmonofont commands are used to select the default font families for the entire document. They take the same arguments as \fontspec. For example: Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. \setromanfont{Baskerville} \setsansfont[Scale=0.86]{Skia Regular} \setmonofont[Scale=0.8]{Monaco} \rmfamily\pangram\par \sffamily\pangram\par \ttfamily\pangram To match the families’ sizes, you should use the Scale option with trial and error until the heights of the lowercase letters are equal. (Although there are more factors involved, this can often give a reasonable result.) Unlike \fontspec, these commands may also be used in the preamble. In fact, they must be used there if you wish to set the default math fonts (e.g., \mathrm et al.). The fontspec package must also be loaded after any maths-font–changing packages (e.g., euler) for this to occur. There are some warnings that get printed in this situation, but they don’t affect the output (as far as I know). I don’t yet know enough about maths fonts to know why this happens or how to prevent it. 2.2 Arbitrary bold/italic fonts The automatic bold, italic, and bold italic font selections will not be adequate for the needs of every font: while some fonts mayn’t even have bold or italic shapes, others can have many to chose between.2 The BoldFont and ItalicFont 2 In the former case, a skilled (or lucky) designer may be able to chose well-matching accompanying shapes from a different font altogether. 3 (→ These options used to be called Bold and Italic, and these shorter names may still be used if you desire.) options (←) are provided for these situations. If only one of these is used, the bold italic font is requested as the default from the new font. \fontspec[BoldFont={Helvetica Neue}] {Helvetica Neue UltraLight} Helvetica Neue UltraLight \\ {\itshape Helvetica Neue UltraLight Italic} \\ {\bfseries Helvetica Neue } \\ {\bfseries\itshape Helvetica Neue Italic} \\ Helvetica Neue UltraLight Helvetica Neue UltraLight Italic Helvetica Neue Helvetica Neue Italic (→ Yes, BoldItalic also works) If a bold italic shape is not defined, or you want to specify both custom bold and italic shapes, the BoldItalicFont option is provided (←). Optima Optima Italic Optima ExtraBlack Optima ExtraBlack (italic?) Optima Bold Italic \fontspec[BoldFont={Optima ExtraBlack}]{Optima Regular} Optima \\ {\itshape Optima Italic } \\ {\bfseries Optima ExtraBlack } \\ {\bfseries\itshape Optima ExtraBlack (italic?) } \\ \addfontfeature{BoldItalic={Optima Bold Italic}} {\bfseries\itshape Optima Bold Italic } The \addfontfeature command is described in Section 3.2 on the following page. (By rights, the \bfseries\itshape declaration should have resulted in an error because the shape doesn’t exist. I don’t know why it doesn’t in this case.) 2.3 Font instances for efficiency \newfontinstance For cases when a specific font with a specific feature set is going to be re-used many times in a document, it is inefficient to keep calling \fontspec for every use. While the command does not define a new font instance after the first call, the feature options must still be parsed and processed. For this reason, instances of a font may be created with the \newfontinstance command, as shown in the following example: F(*; %*1;.*7#1 $(/ #$$%7%#*7: \newfontinstance\secfont[Letters=SmallCaps]{Hoefler Text} \secfont Font instances for efficiency 3 Selecting font features The four commands discussed each take one optional argument for accessing the features of the requested font. These features that are generally unavailable or harder to access in regular LATEX. These options are described in Section 4 on the next page. There are, however, two other commands which are used to choose font features, and they must be introduced first. 3.1 Default settings \defaultfontfeatures It is possible to define options that are applied with every subsequent font selection command. This is done with the \defaultfontfeatures{"options#} command, with the desired options as for any other font call. This command was used to automatically colour all of the examples in this document. New calls of \defaultfontfeatures overwrite previous ones. 4 Some ‘defaulť Hoefler Text 0123456789 Now in green with lining figures: ?@ABCDEFGH \fontspec{Hoefler Text} Some `default' Hoefler Text 0123456789 \par \defaultfontfeatures {Numbers=Uppercase, Colour=009900} \fontspec{Hoefler Text} Now in green with lining figures: 0123456789 3.2 Changing the currently selected features \addfontfeatures The \addfontfeatures command allows font features to be changed without knowing what features are currently selected or even what font is being used. A good example of this could be to add a hook to all tabular material to have monospaced numbers: ‘In 1842, 999 people sailed 97 miles in 13 boats. In 1923, 111 people sailed 54 miles in 56 boats.’ Year People Miles Boats 1842 1923 999 111 75 54 13 56 \addfontfeature \fontspec[Numbers=OldStyle]{Skia Regular} `In 1842, 999 people sailed 97 miles in 13 boats. In 1923, 111 people sailed 54 miles in 56 boats.' \vspace{3em} \addfontfeatures{Numbers={Monospaced,Lining}} \begin{tabular}{@{} cccc @{}} \toprule Year & People & Miles & Boats \\ \midrule 1842 & 999 & 75 & 13 \\ 1923 & 111 & 54 & 56 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} This command may also be executed under the alias \addfontfeature. 3.2.1 Priority Features defined with \addfontfeatures override features specified by \fontspec, which in turn override features specified by \defaultfontfeatures. If in doubt, whenever a new font is chosen for the first time, an entry is made in the transcript (.log) file displaying the font name and the features requested. 4 Available font features This section covers each and every font feature catered for by this package. Some have been used already in examples for the font commands. There are too many to list in this introduction, but for a first taste of what is available, here is an example of the Apple Chancery typeface: \fontspec[ Colour=CC00CC, Numbers=OldStyle, VerticalPosition=Ordinal, Variant=2]{Apple Chancery} \Large My 1st example of\\ Apple Chancery !y 1"# e$amp%e o& 'pp%e C(ancer) 5 4.1 Different features for different font shapes It is entirely possible that separate fonts in a family will require separate options; e.g., Hoefler Text Italic contains various swash options that are unavailable in the upright shapes. Using the Bold-, Italic-, and BoldItalicFeatures options, separate font features may be added to those shapes. As an example, let’s colour each shape differently: \fontspec[ Numbers=Lining, BoldFeatures={Colour=AA0000}, ItalicFeatures={Colour=008833}, BoldItalicFeatures={Colour=AA8833}, ]{Hoefler Text} 0 -- Normal\par {\itshape 1 -- Italic}\par {\bfseries 2 -- Bold}\par {\bfseries\itshape 3 -- Bold Italic} ? – Normal ; – Italic ; – Bold ; – Bold Italic Combined with the options for selecting arbitrary fonts for the different shapes, these separate feature options allow the selection of arbitrary weights in (at least) the Skia typeface: \fontspec[ BoldFont={Skia Regular}, BoldFeatures={Weight=2}, ]{Skia Regular} Skia Regular\par {\bfseries Skia Regular `Bold'}\par Skia Regular Skia Regular ‘Bold’ 4.2 Font independent options These features may be used with any font. Scale takes a single numeric argument for scaling the font glyphs, and was demonstrated in Section 2.1 on page 3. Mapping enables an XETEX text-mapping scheme. \fontspec[Mapping=tex-text]{Cochin} ``!`A small amount of--- text!'' “¡A small amount of— text!” Colour (or Color), also shown in Section 3.1 on page 4 and Section 4 on the preceding page, uses XETEX font calls to set the colour of the font. The colour is defined as a triplet of two-digit Hex RGB values, with optionally another value for the transparency (where 00 is completely transparent and FF is opaque.) WSPR \fontsize{48}{48} \fontspec{Hoefler Text Black} {\addfontfeature{Color=FF000099}W}\kern-1ex {\addfontfeature{Color=0000FF99}S}\kern-0.8ex {\addfontfeature{Color=DDBB2299}P}\kern-0.8ex {\addfontfeature{Color=00BB3399}R} XETEX has more advanced colour management abilities, but they cannot be accessed through this package (yet, if at all). 6 4.3 Ligatures Ligatures refer to the replacement of two separate characters with a specially drawn glyph for functional or æsthetic reasons. For AAT fonts, you may choose from any combination of Required, Common, Rare (or Discretionary), Logos, Rebus, Diphthong, Squared, AbbrevSquared, and Icelandic. The first three are also supported in OpenType fonts, which may also use Historical and Contextual. To turn a ligature option off, prefix its name with No: e.g., NoDiphthong. striK firefly strict firefly Rare: Ð Þ ð þ Logos: Rebus: ‰ Diphthong: Æ Œ æ œ \fontspec[Ligatures=Rare]{Hoefler Text} \Large strict firefly \par \fontspec[Ligatures=NoCommon]{Hoefler Text} strict firefly\vspace{1em} \fontspec [Ligatures={Rare,Logos,Rebus,Diphthong}] {Palatino} \large Rare: Dh Th dh th \par Logos: apple \par Rebus: \%0 \par Dipht\null hong: AE OE ae oe Some other Apple AAT fonts have those ‘Rare’ ligatures contained in the Icelandic feature. Notice also that the old TEX trick of splitting up a ligature with an empty brace pair does not work in XETEX; you must use a 0 pt kern or \hbox to split the characters up. 4.4 Letters (→ This feature changed names along with its options in v1.6, breaking backwards compatibility!) The Letters feature (←) specifies how the letters in the current font will look. For AAT fonts, you may choose from Normal, Uppercase, Lowercase, SmallCaps, and InitialCaps. THIS SENTENCE NO VERB. this sentence no verb. This Sentence No Verb. \fontspec[Letters=Uppercase]{Palatino} THIS Sentence no verb. \par \fontspec[Letters=Lowercase]{Palatino} THIS Sentence no verb. \par \fontspec[Letters=InitialCaps]{Palatino} THIS Sentence no verb. OpenType fonts have some different options: SmallCaps, PetiteCaps, SMALLCAPS, PETITECAPS, and Unicase. Petite caps are smaller than small caps. Mixed case commands turn lowercase letters into the smaller caps letters, whereas uppercase options turn the capital letters to the smaller caps (good, e.g., for applying to already uppercase acronyms like ‘NASA’). Finally, unicase is a weird hybrid of upper and lower case letters. THIS SENTENCE ɴ ʀʙ. ʜɪ ɴɴ no verb. \fontspec[Letters=SmallCaps]{Warnock Pro} THIS SENTENCE no verb. \par \fontspec[Letters=SMALLCAPS]{Warnock Pro} THIS SENTENCE no verb. 7 4.5 Number Options The Numbers feature defines how numbers will look in the selected font. For both AAT and OpenType fonts, they may be a combination of Lining or OldStyle and Proportional or Monospaced (the latter is good for tabular material). The synonyms Uppercase and Lowercase are equivalent to Lining and OldStyle, respectively. The differences have been shown previously in Section 3.2 on page 5. For OpenType fonts, there is also the SlashedZero option which replaces the default zero with a slashed version to prevent confusion with an uppercase ‘O’ (I presume). 0123456789 123456789 \fontspec[Numbers=Lining]{Warnock Pro} 0123456789 \fontspec[Numbers=SlashedZero]{Warnock Pro} 0123456789 4.6 Swashes Swashes are fancy ornaments on letters. The options are WordInitial, WordFinal, LineInitial, LineFinal, and Inner (also known as ‘non-final’). As non-exclusive selectors, like the ligatures, you can turn them off by prefixing their name with No. =her> is a? th> @egemit> ‘Inner’ MwaNes can Aometimes contain the archaic long s. \fontspec [Swashes={WordInitial,WordFinal}] {Hoefler Text Italic} where is all the vegemite \bigskip \fontspec[Swashes=Inner]{Hoefler Text} `Inner' swashes can \emph{sometimes} \\ contain the archaic long~s. For OpenType fonts, all but the LineInitial and Inner features are also supported in OpenType, and Contextual turns on contextual swashes. Without Contextual Swashes With Contextual Swashes; cf. W C S \fontspec{Warnock Pro}\itshape Without Contextual Swashes\par \fontspec[Swashes=Contextual]{Warnock Pro} With Contextual Swashes; cf. W C S 4.7 Diacritics (→ Note that Hoefler Text has a bug which means that diacritics cannot be turned off at all!) Diacritics refer to characters that are made up from multiple elements, for example, accented characters. You may either choose to Show, Hide or Decompose them in AAT fonts. I would recommend using the proper TEX input conventions for obtaining such characters instead. Some fonts include O/ etc. as diacritics for writing Ø. I believe this to be a mistake (they should be ligatures instead if anything), but we’re stuck with it now. You’ll want to turn them off (imagine typing hello/goodbye and getting ‘helløgoodbye’ instead!) by decomposing the two characters in the diacritic into the ones you actually want (←). 8 Ó Ö Ø O´ O¨ O/ Better: Ó Ö Ø \fontspec[Diacritics=Show]{Palatino} O´ \quad O¨ \quad O/ \par \fontspec[Diacritics=Decompose]{Palatino} O´ \quad O¨ \quad O/ \par Better: \'O \"O \O The Hide option is for Arabic-like fonts which may be displayed either with or without vowel markings. No options for OpenType fonts. 4.8 Vertical position Some subscript (Superior) and superscript (Inferior) numbers and letters (and a small amount of punctuation, sometimes) are availabe in various fonts. The Ordinal feature is (supposed to be) contextually sensitive to only raise characters that appear directly after a number. Normal /0123453 6789:6;: 1/< 2ⁿ> 33> 4<? 0<? 8ABC>2 \fontspec{Skia Regular} Normal \fontspec[VerticalPosition=Superior]{Skia Regular} Superior \fontspec[VerticalPosition=Inferior]{Skia Regular} Inferior\\ \fontspec[VerticalPosition=Ordinal]{Skia Regular} 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 0th 8abcde OpenType fonts also have the option ScientificInferior which extends further below the baseline than Inferiors, as well as Numerator and Denominator for creating arbitrary fractions (see next section). Beware, the Ordinal feature will not work correctly for all OpenType fonts! Sup ˡⁿʳˢ ⁽⁻¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁾ Numerator Denominator Scientific Inferior ₁₂₃₄₅ ‘Ordinals’ 1ˢt 2ⁿd 3ʳd 4h 0h \fontspec[VerticalPosition=Superior]{Warnock Pro} Sup abdehilmnorst (-\$12,345.67) \fontspec[VerticalPosition=Numerator]{Warnock Pro} Numerator 12345 \fontspec[VerticalPosition=Denominator]{Warnock Pro} Denominator 12345 \fontspec[VerticalPosition=ScientificInferior]{Warnock Pro} Scientific~Inferior 12345 \fontspec[VerticalPosition=Ordinal]{Warnock Pro} `Ordinals' 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 0th 4.9 Fractions This feature works with both AAT and OpenType fonts, with some differences, to create ‘vulgar’ fractions. In AAT fonts, the ‘fraction slash’ or solidus character, which may be obtained by typing OPT SHIFT 1, is (supposed) to be used to create fractions. If the Fractions feature is used, then (supposedly) only pre-drawn fractions will be used. Using DiagonalFractions (AAT only), the font will attempt to create the fraction from superscript and subscript characters. This is shown in the following example by Hoefler Text, whose font support may not be turned off. 9 \fontspec{Hoefler Text} 13579⁄24680 (fraction slash) \par \quad 13579/24680 (regular slash) \bigskip OPQRS⁄TUVWX (fraction slash) 13579/24680 (regular slash) ½ 5⁄6 (fraction slash) 1/2 5/6 (regular slash) \fontspec[Fractions]{Palatino} ½ \quad 5⁄6 (fraction slash) \par 1/2 \quad 5/6 (regular slash) It appears that my ‘verbatim’ font is actually also applying these rules. How irritating. OpenType fonts simply use a regular text slash to create fractions: 1/2 ½ 1/4 5/6 13579/24680 ¼ 5/6 13579/24680 \fontspec{Warnock Pro} 1/2 \quad 1/4 \quad 5/6 \quad 13579/24680\par \fontspec[Fractions]{Warnock Pro} 1/2 \quad 1/4 \quad 5/6 \quad 13579/24680\par In both AAT and OpenType fonts, NoFractions turns off such fractions. You may wish to use a command like the following to build arbitrary vulgar fractions in fonts with numerator and denominator glyphs if the font doesn’t support it explicitly: (it is not necessary considered good form to use such fractions) There’s a reason they’re called ‘vulgar’! ⁄ \newcommand*\vulgarfraction[2]{% {\addfontfeature{VerticalPosition=Numerator}#1}% \textfractionsolidus {\addfontfeature{VerticalPosition=Denominator}#2}} \fontspec{Warnock Pro} There's a reason they're called `vulgar'! \vulgarfraction{13579}{24680} (Requires the xunicode package for \textfractionsolidus; also note that \vulgarfraction is not provided by fontspec.) 4.10 Character Alternates Alternates are tricky, because there’s no definition for what they can be. This is where the swashes are in Hoefler Text, but you can’t guarantee that this is where they’ll always be or that they’ll use the same number. So unfortunately selection of Character Alternates must be done numerically on a per font basis (although Section 5 on page 12 may help a little in this regard). Sphinx Of Black Quartz, J30+# M: V(, Bphinx Cf Dlack Quartz, J30+# E: F(, \fontspec[Alternate=0]{Hoefler Text Italic} Sphinx Of Black Quartz, {\scshape Judge My Vow} \fontspec[Alternate=1]{Hoefler Text Italic} Sphinx Of Black Quartz, {\scshape Judge My Vow} For an OpenType font, any assignment of the alternates will turn on stylistic alternates (OpenType feature +salt). \fontspec{Warnock Pro}\large K Q R k v w y\par \fontspec[Alternate=1]{Warnock Pro} K Q R k v w y KQRkvwy KQRkvwy 10 4.11 Variants The Variant feature takes a single numberical input for choosing different alphabetic shapes. Don’t mind my fancy example :) I’m just looping through the nine ( ! ) variants of Zapfino. d!"#$%&'( \Huge \newcounter{var}\newcounter{trans} \raisebox{0pt}[\height][0pt]{% \whiledo{\value{var}<9}{% \stepcounter{trans}% \fontspec[Variant=\thevar, Colour=005599\thetrans\thetrans]{Zapfino}% \makebox[0.75\width]{d}% \stepcounter{var}}} For OpenType fonts, Variant selects a Stylistic Set, specified numerically between one and twenty. I don’t have a font to demonstrate this feature with, unfortunately. 4.12 Style Options Style options are defined in AAT as one of the following: Display, Engraved, IlluminatedCaps, TitlingCaps (supported by OpenType), or TallCaps. I only wish I had a font that could demonstrate them all. [\]^_`abcdefgh ijklmnopqrstuv \fontspec[StyleOptions=Engraved]{Hoefler Text} [ABCDEFGHIJKLM \hfill\null\par\hfill NOPQRSTUVWXYZ] 4.13 AAT font axes Weight and Width are continuous font parameter axes like you used to be able to find in Multiple Master fonts. The only font I know of which supports these is Skia. Luckily it comes with Mac OS X! Really light and extended Skia Really fat and condensed Skia \fontspec[Weight=0.5,Width=3]{Skia Regular} Really light and extended Skia \par \fontspec[Weight=2,Width=0.5]{Skia Regular} Really fat and condensed Skia 4.14 OpenType scripts and languages When dealing with fonts that include glyphs for various languages, they may contain different font features for the different character sets and languages it supports. These may be selected with the Script and Language features. The possible options are tabulated in Table 1 on the next page and Table 2 on page 13, respectively. Note however that very few fonts even take some of these options into account, so most of them are included only for completeness. In the following example, the same font is used to typeset the verbatim input and the XETEX output. Because the Script is only specified for the output, the text is rendered incorrectly in the verbatim input. Many thanks to Jonathan Kew, Yves Codet and Gildas Hamel for their contributions towards this example. 11 얎씭않앨앻씩 ٽځ뾯٪ڂ ھۘۦ މݾݽ쁢މݶ-ݸݶޑނݸފ ݥݪލޅ ࣻऀघऀएऒࣲ ࣼऌंࣾं쪳 ܺܚܴ ܦܸܷܗܺܜ ܺܚܴ ܦܸ܌ ࠇ뽙ࠑࠢ ࠝࠇ뼹 쐬쐽 ӼԀ ԋӴ ԠӸ Arabic Armenian Balinese Bengali Bopomofo Braille Buginese Buhid Byzantine Music Canadian Syllabics Cherokee CJK Ideographic Coptic Cypriot Syllabary Cyrillic Default Deseret Devanagari Ethiopic Georgian Glagolitic Gothic Greek Gujarati Gurmukhi Hangul Jamo Hangul Hanunoo Hebrew Hiragana Katakana Japanese Javanese Kannada Kharosthi Khmer Lao Latin \fontspec[Script=Arabic]{Code2000} ՏԲԻՃՉԱ \par\bigskip \fontspec[Script=Devanagari]{Code2000} ځٽ٬ڏ٪ڂ \par\bigskip \fontspec[Script=Bengali]{Code2000} ۘھۦ \par\bigskip \fontspec[Script=Gujarati]{Code2000} މݶމݾޖݿݽ-ݸݶޑނފݸ ݥݪލޅ \par\bigskip \fontspec[Script=Malayalam]{Code2000} ࣻऀघऀएࣲऒ ࣼऌंࣾंघँ \par\bigskip \fontspec[Script=Gurmukhi]{Code2000} ܺܚܴ ܸܦܷܗܺܜ ܺܚܴ ܸܦ܌ \par\bigskip \fontspec[Script=Tamil]{Code2000} ࠇࠋ࠘ࠑࠢ ࠇࠝࠅ࠘ \par\bigskip \fontspec[Script=Hebrew]{Code2000} ӿԌԀӼӿԢӴԋӸԠ Limbu Linear B Malayalam Math Maths Mongolian Musical Symbols Myanmar N’ko Ogham Old Italic Old Persian Cuneiform Oriya Osmanya Phags-pa Phoenician Runic Shavian Sinhala Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform Syloti Nagri Syriac Tagalog Tagbanwa Tai Le Tai Lu Tamil Telugu Thaana Thai Tibetan Tifinagh Ugaritic Cuneiform Yi Table 1: Defined Scripts for OpenType fonts. 5 Defining new features \newfontfeature This package cannot hope to contain every possible font feature. Two commands are provided for selecting features that have are not available out of the box. If you are using them a lot, chances are I’ve left something out, so please let me know. \newfontfeature{"tag#}{"feature string#} takes two arguments: "tag# is the name to reference the new feature by when selecting it in your font; and "feature string# the string that activates the particular font feature. For example, Zapfino contains a non-standard feature ‘Avoid d-collisions’. To access it with this package, you could do the following: 12 Abaza Abkhazian Adyghe Afrikaans Afar Agaw Altai Amharic Arabic Aari Arakanese Assamese Athapaskan Avar Awadhi Aymara Azeri Badaga Baghelkhandi Balkar Baule Berber Bench Bible Cree Belarussian Bemba Bengali Bulgarian Bhili Bhojpuri Bikol Bilen Blackfoot Balochi Balante Balti Bambara Bamileke Breton Brahui Braj Bhasha Burmese Bashkir Beti Catalan Cebuano Chechen Chaha Gurage Chattisgarhi Chichewa Chukchi Chipewyan Cherokee Chuvash Comorian Coptic Cree Carrier Crimean Tatar Church Slavonic Czech Danish Dargwa Woods Cree German Default Dogri Divehi Djerma Dangme Dinka Dungan Dzongkha Ebira Eastern Cree Edo Efik Greek English Erzya Spanish Estonian Basque Evenki Even Ewe French Antillean Farsi Finnish Fijian Flemish Forest Nenets Fon Faroese French Frisian Friulian Futa Fulani Ga Gaelic Gagauz Galician Garshuni Garhwali Ge’ez Gilyak Gumuz Gondi Greenlandic Garo Guarani Gujarati Haitian Halam Harauti Hausa Hawaiin Hammer-Banna Hiligaynon Hindi High Mari Hindko Ho Harari Croatian Hungarian Armenian Igbo Ijo Ilokano Indonesian Ingush Inuktitut Irish Irish Traditional Icelandic Inari Sami Italian Hebrew Javanese Yiddish Japanese Judezmo Jula Kabardian Kachchi Kalenjin Kannada Karachay Georgian Kazakh Kebena Khutsuri Georgian Khakass Khanty-Kazim Khmer Khanty-Shurishkar Khanty-Vakhi Khowar Kikuyu Kirghiz Kisii Kokni Kalmyk Kamba Kumaoni Komo Komso Kanuri Kodagu Korean Old Hangul Konkani Kikongo Komi-Permyak Korean Komi-Zyrian Kpelle Krio Karakalpak Karelian Karaim Karen Koorete Kashmiri Khasi Kildin Sami Kui Kulvi Kumyk Kurdish Kurukh Kuy Koryak Ladin Lahuli Lak Lambani Lao Latin Laz L-Cree Ladakhi Lezgi Lingala Low Mari Limbu Lomwe Lower Sorbian Lule Sami Lithuanian Luba Luganda Luhya Luo Latvian Majang Makua Malayalam Traditional Mansi Marathi Marwari Mbundu Manchu Moose Cree Mende Me’en Mizo Macedonian Male Malagasy Malinke Malayalam Reformed Malay Mandinka Mongolian Manipuri Maninka Manx Gaelic Moksha Moldavian Mon Moroccan Maori Maithili Maltese Mundari Naga-Assamese Nanai Naskapi N-Cree Ndebele Ndonga Nepali Newari Nagari Norway House Cree Nisi Niuean Nkole N’ko Dutch Nogai Norwegian Northern Sami Northern Tai Esperanto Nynorsk Oji-Cree Ojibway Oriya Oromo Ossetian Palestinian Aramaic Pali Punjabi Palpa Pashto Polytonic Greek Pilipino Palaung Polish Provencal Portuguese Chin Rajasthani R-Cree Russian Buriat Riang Rhaeto-Romanic Romanian Romany Rusyn Ruanda Russian Sadri Sanskrit Santali Sayisi Sekota Selkup Sango Shan Sibe Sidamo Silte Gurage Skolt Sami Slovak Slavey Slovenian Somali Samoan Sena Sindhi Sinhalese Soninke Sodo Gurage Sotho Albanian Serbian Saraiki Serer South Slavey Southern Sami Suri Svan Swedish Swadaya Aramaic Swahili Swazi Sutu Syriac Tabasaran Tajiki Tamil Tatar TH-Cree Telugu Tongan Tigre Tigrinya Thai Tahitian Tibetan Turkmen Temne Tswana Tundra Nenets Tonga Todo Turkish Tsonga Turoyo Aramaic Tulu Tuvin Twi Udmurt Ukrainian Urdu Upper Sorbian Uyghur Uzbek Venda Vietnamese Wa Wagdi West-Cree Welsh Wolof Tai Lue Xhosa Yakut Yoruba Y-Cree Yi Classic Yi Modern Chinese Hong Kong Chinese Phonetic Chinese Simplified Chinese Traditional Zande Zulu Table 2: Defined Languages for OpenType fonts. Note that they are sorted in alphabetical not by name but by OpenType tag (which you don’t need to know, now). 13 )*+,d*-./0 012d*3 )*+,!*-./0 012!*3 \newfeaturecode \newfontfeature{AvoidD}{Special=Avoid d-collisions} \newfontfeature{NoAvoidD}{Special=!Avoid d-collisions} \fontspec[AvoidD,Variant=1]{Zapfino} sockdolager rubdown \par \fontspec[NoAvoidD,Variant=1]{Zapfino} sockdolager rubdown Of course, you may perform similar operations with OpenType features, e.g., \newfontfeature{OTSwash}{+swsh} to activate swash forms. \newfeaturecode{"tag#}{"feature number#}{"selector number#} performs the same function as the last macro, but instead of using a string, it takes two arguments to define the "feature number# and "selector number# of the feature. It works only for AAT fonts. There is no mechanism yet for the package to help inform you what codes are available for a specific font, sorry. \newfeaturecode{Swash}{17}{1} \fontspec[Swash]{Hoefler Text Italic} This is XeTeX by Jonathan Kew. Gis is HeIeH by Jonathan Jew. 6 fontspec in the future This package is still under development, so there are some features I mean to include that haven’t yet made it. It also serves as my to-do list :) 1. If/when XETEX allows it, I’d like to be able to automatically scale fonts to match their x-heights. At present this is not possible, however. 2. Support for fonts with a range of optical sizes. 3. I’d like to build in a mechanism in the package that can inform the user what font features are available for a requested font. 4. Far off into the future: can fonts with Greek letters be used for ad-hoc maths fonts? (Probably not, but worth investigation.) Change History v1.0 General: Initial version. v1.1 General: Name change to fontspec. \setromanfont: Implemented (with friends). v1.2 General: Initial OpenType support. v1.3 General: More OpenType support. \defaultfontfeatures: Implemented. \newfeaturecode: Implemented. \newfontfeature: Implemented. v1.3a General: Bug fix for OpenType small caps. 14 1 1 16 1 1 17 18 18 34 v1.4 General: Support for Weight and Width AAT features. 25 \AtBeginDocument: Selects the default \mathXX fonts. 37 \defaultfontfeatures: Name changed from \setdefaultoptions. 17 v1.5 General: New options for arbitrary bold/italic shapes. 24 \addfontfeatures: Implemented. 17 \ifEqFonts: Added check for empty font. 23 \zf@fontspec: Added code for choosing arbitrary bold/italic fonts. 19 Checks if the font family has already been defined. 19 NFSS specifiers now take the default values. 19 \zf@make@font@shapes: Absorbed font-checking from \zf@fontspec 20 v1.5a \AtBeginDocument: Added fix for Computer Modern maths. 37 v1.6 General: Bold option aliased to BoldFont 24 LetterCase is now Letters and options changed appropriately. 34 All AAT Fractions features offered. 36 Feature selection code uses more keyval. 24 New OpenType feature: Language 25 New OpenType feature: Script 25 OpenType letters features: PetiteCaps and PETITECAPS. 34 OpenType ligature features: Contextual and Historical. 34 OpenType stylistic sets supports under the Variant option. 36 \addfontfeatures: Removed \relaxing of temporary macros. 17 \AtBeginDocument: Removed mathtime support since XeTeX doesn’t handle virtual fonts. Why did I put it in in the first place? 37 \fontspec: Removed \zf@currfont (don’t think it’s necessary) 16 \ifEqStr: Removed entirely from code. keyval \setkeys used instead. 23 \newfontfeature: newff counter now uses LaTeX methods rather than primitive TeX. I don’t know if there is any advantage to this. 18 \newfontinstance: Implemented. 17 \setromanfont: Changed \..default assigning to use \let 16 \zf@fontspec: Added code for choosing arbitrary bold/italic font features. 19 Writes some info to the .log file 19 \zf@get@feature@requests: Removed the space between the comma and \zf@options when it’s concatenated with the defaults. This fixes that bug in the big Apple Chancery example. 21 7 The code Herein lies the implementation details of this package. Welcome! It’s my first. For some reason, I decided to prefix all the package internal command names and variables with zf. I don’t know why I chose those letters, but I guess I just liked the look/feel of the letters together at the time. 1 !∗fontspec" Only proceed if it is XETEX that is doing the typesetting. 2 \expandafter\ifx\csname XeTeXversion\endcsname\relax 3 4 \@latex@error{^^J *************************************************^^J 15 *** Sorry! ^^J *** The fontspec package only works with XeTeX. ^^J *************************************************^^J } 5 6 7 8 9 \fi While the business of encoding names is up in the air, I’ll continue to use the U encoding. 10 \def\zf@enc{U} 11 %\RequirePackage[\zf@enc]{fontenc} 12 \renewcommand\encodingdefault{\zf@enc} \define@key \setkeys The keyval package makes processing comma separated inputs very simple with the \define@key and \setkeys commands: — \define@key{"family#}{"option#}{"commands to process#} — \setkeys{"family#}{"input list#} \define@key is used to define each "option#, grouped by "family#, each of which executes its "commands to process# when it is included in an "input list# in a call to \setkeys. 13 \RequirePackage{keyval} 7.1 User commands This section contains the definitions of the commands detailed in the user documentation. Only the ‘top level’ definitions of the commands are contained herein; they all use or define macros which are defined or used later on in Section 7.2 on page 18. 7.1.1 Font selection \fontspec This is the main command of the package that selects fonts with various features. It takes two arguments: the Mac OS X font name and the optional requested features of that font. It simply runs \zf@fontspec, which takes the same arguments as the top level macro and puts the new-fangled font family name into the global \zf@family. Then this new font family is selected. 14 \newcommand*\fontspec[2][]{% 15 16 \setromanfont \setsansfont \setmonofont \zf@fontspec[#1]{#2}% \fontfamily\zf@family\selectfont} The following three macros perform equivalent operations setting the default font (using \let rather than \renewcommand because \zf@family will change in the future) for a particular family: roman, sans serif, or typewriter (monospaced). I end them with \normalfont so that if they’re used in the document, the change registers immediately. 17 \newcommand*\setromanfont[2][]{% \zf@fontspec[#1]{#2}% \let\rmdefault\zf@family 20 \normalfont} 21 \newcommand*\setsansfont[2][]{% 18 19 16 \zf@fontspec[#1]{#2}% \let\sfdefault\zf@family 24 \normalfont} 25 \newcommand*\setmonofont[2][]{% 26 \zf@fontspec[#1]{#2}% 27 \let\ttdefault\zf@family 28 \normalfont} 22 23 \newfontinstance This macro takes the arguments of \fontspec with a prepended "instance cmd# (code for middle optional argument generated by Scott Pakin’s This command is used when a specific font instance needs to be referred to repetitively (e.g., in a section heading) since continuously calling \zf@fontspec is inefficient because it must parse the option arguments every time. \zf@fontspec defines a font family and saves its name in \zf@family. So then this value is expanded in a temporary macro also containing the unexpanded commands to later select the font family to which it refers. Finally, the requested name for the font instance is \leted from the temporary macro. 29 \newcommand\newfontinstance[1]{% 30 \@ifnextchar[{\newfontinstance@i#1}{\newfontinstance@i#1[]}} 31 \def\newfontinstance@i#1[#2]#3{% 32 33 34 \zf@fontspec[#2]{#3}% \edef\zf@tempinst{\noexpand\fontfamily{\zf@family}\noexpand\selectfont}% \let#1\zf@tempinst} 7.1.2 Font feature selection \defaultfontfeatures \zf@default@options This macro takes one argument that consists of all of feature options that will be applied by default to all subsequent \fontspec, et al., commands. It stores its value in \zf@default@options (initialised empty), which is concatenated with the individual macro choices in the \zf@get@feature@requests macro. 35 \newcommand*\defaultfontfeatures[1]{\def\zf@default@options{#1}} 36 \let\zf@default@options\@empty \addfontfeatures In order to be able to extend the feature selection of a given font, two things need to be known: the currently selected features, and the currently selected font. Every time a font family is creating, this information is saved inside a control sequence with the name of the font family itself. This macro extracts this information, then appends the requested font features to add to the already existing ones, and calls the font again with the top level \fontspec command. The default options are not applied (which is why they’re saved and restored with \zf@default@options@old), so this means that the only added features to the font are strictly those specified by this command. \addfontfeature is defined as an alias, as I found that I often typed this instead when adding only a single font feature. 37 \newcommand*\addfontfeatures[1]{% 38 39 40 41 \let\zf@default@options@old\zf@default@options \let\zf@default@options\@empty \edef\zf@thisinfo{\csname\f@family\endcsname}% \fontspec 17 [\expandafter\@firstoftwo\zf@thisinfo, #1]% {\expandafter\@secondoftwo\zf@thisinfo}% 44 \let\zf@default@options\zf@default@options@old} 45 \let\addfontfeature\addfontfeatures 42 43 7.1.3 Defining new font features \newfontfeature \newfontfeature takes two arguments: the name of the feature tag by which to reference it, and the string that is used to select the font feature. It uses a counter to keep track of the number of new features introduced; every time a new feature is defined, a control sequence is defined made up of the concatenation of +zfand the new feature tag. This long-winded control sequence is then called upon to update the font family string when a new instance is requested. 46 \newcounter{newff} 47 \newcommand*\newfontfeature[2]{% 48 49 50 51 52 \newfeaturecode \stepcounter{newff}% \expandafter\edef\csname +zf-#1\endcsname{+zf-\thenewff}% \define@key{zf}{#1}[true]{% \zf@update@family{\csname +zf-#1\endcsname}% \zf@update@ff{#2}}} This is similar to above, but simply defines a new AAT feature code (second two arguments) with a new name (first argument). Maybe I should just give users access to the \zf@make@feature command? 53 \newcommand*\newfeaturecode[3]{% 54 \define@key{zf}{#1}[true]{\zf@make@feature{#2}{#3}{}}} 7.2 Internal macros \zf@fontspec This is the command that defines font families for use. Given a list of font features for a requested font (#1, which is later set in \zf@macname globally for the \zf@set@font@type and \zf@make@aat@feature@string macros), it will define an NFSS family for that font and put the family name into \zf@family. Then we check with \zf@set@font@type whether the font is AAT or OpenType, and convert the requested features to font definition strings. This is performed with \zf@get@feature@requests, in which \setkeys retrieves the requested font features and processes them. To build up the complex family name, it concatenates each font feature with the family name of the font. So since \setkeys is run more than once (since different font faces may have different feature names), we only want the complex family name to be built up once, hence the zf@firsttime conditionals. 55 \newcommand*\zf@fontspec[2][]{% 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 \edef\zf@options{#1}% \edef\zf@macname{#2}% \edef\zf@family{\zap@space #2 \@empty}% \zf@set@font@type{#2}% \zf@firsttimetrue \zf@get@feature@requests \zf@firsttimefalse 18 Now that we have the complex family name, we can check to see if the family has already been defined, and if not, do so. Once the family name is created, save in it the user string of the requested options and font name for use with \addfontfeatures (this info is separately braced for easy extraction with the \@first- and \@secondoftwo commands). 63 64 65 66 67 \expandafter\ifx\csname\zf@family\endcsname\relax \wlog{fontspec: Defining font family for "#2" with options [\zf@current@options]}% \edef\zf@info{{\zf@current@options}{#2}}% \expandafter\let\csname\zf@family\endcsname\zf@info Now the font family and its shapes are defined in the NFSS. All NFSS specifications take their default values, so if any of them are redefined, the shapes will be selected to fit in with the current state. For example, if \bfdefault is redefined to b, all bold shapes defined by this package will also be assigned to b. The strings \zf@bf, et al., are used to store the name of the custom bold, et al., font, if requested as user options. If they are empty, the default bold, et al., fonts are used. 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 \DeclareFontFamily{\zf@enc}{\zf@family}{}% \zf@make@font@shapes{#2}{\mddefault}{\updefault}% % BOLD \let\zf@options@old\zf@options \def\zf@options{\zf@options@old,\zf@bf@options}% \ifx\zf@bf\@empty \zf@make@font@shapes[#2]{#2/B}{\bfdefault}{\updefault}% \else \zf@make@font@shapes{\zf@bf}{\bfdefault}{\updefault}% \fi \let\zf@options\zf@options@old % ITALIC \let\zf@options@old\zf@options \def\zf@options{\zf@options@old,\zf@it@options}% \ifx\zf@it\@empty \zf@make@font@shapes[#2]{#2/I}{\mddefault}{\itdefault}% \else \zf@make@font@shapes{\zf@it}{\mddefault}{\itdefault}% \fi \let\zf@options\zf@options@old If requested, the custom fonts take precedence when choosing the bold italic font. When both italic and bold fonts are requested and the bold italic font hasn’t been explicitly specified (a rare occurance, presumably), the new bold font is used to define the new bold italic font. 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 \let\zf@options@old\zf@options \def\zf@options{\zf@options@old,\zf@bfit@options}% \ifx\zf@bfit\@empty \ifx\zf@bf\@empty \ifx\zf@it\@empty \zf@make@font@shapes[#2]{#2/BI}{\bfdefault}{\itdefault}% \else 19 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 \zf@make@font@shapes{\zf@it/B}{\bfdefault}{\itdefault}% \fi \else \zf@make@font@shapes{\zf@bf/I}{\bfdefault}{\itdefault}% \fi \else \zf@make@font@shapes{\zf@bfit}{\bfdefault}{\itdefault}% \fi \let\zf@options\zf@options@old \fi} 7.2.1 Fonts \zf@set@font@type This macro sets zf@aat or zf@opentype booleans accordingly depending if the font in \zf@macname is an AAT font or an OpenType font, respectively. 105 \newcommand*\zf@set@font@type[1]{% \zf@aatfalse \zf@opentypefalse 108 \font\zf@testfont = "#1" at 10pt 109 \count255 = \XeTeXcountfeatures\zf@testfont 110 \ifnum\count255 > 0 111 \zf@aattrue 112 \zf@opentypefalse 113 \else 114 \count255 = \XeTeXOTcountscripts\zf@testfont 115 \ifnum\count255 > 0 116 \zf@opentypetrue 117 \zf@aatfalse 118 \fi 119 \fi} 120 \newif\ifzf@aat 121 \newif\ifzf@opentype 106 107 \zf@make@font@shapes This macro uses \DeclareFontShape to define the font shape in question. It is necessary to wrap the whole thing in \nfss@catcodes so that the scale factor works. This necessitates \globaldefs=1 so the macro is visible to the rest of the package. The mandatory arguments are: the font name, the font series, and the font shape. The optional argument checks against the font name and doesn’t proceed with the macro if they are equal. 122 \begingroup 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 \nfss@catcodes \globaldefs=1 \newcommand*\zf@make@font@shapes[4][]{% \ifEqFonts{#1}{#2}\then\else \edef\zf@macname{#2}% \zf@get@feature@requests \ifx\zf@scale\@empty \let\zf@scale@str\@empty \else \edef\zf@scale@str{s*[\zf@scale]}% \fi 20 134 135 \DeclareFontShape{\zf@enc}{\zf@family}{#3}{#4}% {<-> \zf@scale@str "#2:\zf@ff"}{}% Next, the small caps are defined. \zf@test@smallcaps is used to define the appropriate string for activating small caps in the font, if they exist. If we are defining small caps for the upright shape, then the small caps shape default is used. For an italic font, however, the shape parameter is overloaded and we must call italic small caps by their own identifier. See Section 7.4 on page 36 for the code that enables this usage. \zf@test@smallcaps \ifx\zf@smallcaps\@empty\else 138 \ifx #4\updefault 139 \edef\zf@scshape{\scdefault}% 140 \fi 141 \ifx #4\itdefault 142 \edef\zf@scshape{\sidefault}% 143 \fi 144 \DeclareFontShape 145 {\zf@enc}{\zf@family}{#3}{\zf@scshape}% 146 {<-> \zf@scale@str "#2:\zf@ff\zf@smallcaps"}{}% 147 \fi 148 \fi} 149 \endgroup 136 137 \zf@update@family This macro is used to build up a complex family name based on its features. It basically concatenates the family name with a string of lower case letters which uniquely denote its features. \zf@firsttime is set true in \zf@fontspec only the first time \f@get@feature@requests is called, so that the family name is only created once. 150 \newcommand*{\zf@update@family}[1]{% \ifzf@firsttime \let\zf@family@old\zf@family 153 \xdef\zf@family{\zf@family@old #1}% 154 \fi} 155 \newif\ifzf@firsttime 151 152 7.2.2 Features \zf@get@feature@requests This macro is a wrapper for \setkeys which expands and adds a default specification to the original passed options. It begins by initialising the commands used to hold font-feature specific strings. 156 \newcommand*\zf@get@feature@requests{% 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 \ifzf@firsttime \let\zf@scale\@empty \let\zf@bf \@empty \let\zf@it \@empty \let\zf@bfit \@empty \let\zf@bf@options \@empty \let\zf@it@options \@empty \let\zf@bfit@options\@empty \fi 21 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 \zf@test@smallcaps \let\zf@ff\@empty \ifx\zf@default@options\@empty \edef\zf@current@options{\zf@options}% \else \edef\zf@current@options{\zf@default@options,\zf@options}% \fi \edef\zf@process@options {\noexpand\setkeys{zf}{\zf@current@options}}% \zf@process@options} This macro checks if the font contains small caps, and if so creates the string for accessing them in \zf@smallcaps. The OpenType portion of this macro has been adapted/stolen from Jonathan Kew’s osxfonts.sty package. 175 \newcommand*\zf@test@smallcaps{% \let\zf@smallcaps\@empty \ifzf@aat 178 \zf@make@aat@feature@string{3}{3}{zf@smallcaps@string}% 179 \ifx\zf@smallcaps@string\@empty\else 180 \edef\zf@smallcaps{\zf@smallcaps@string;}% 181 \fi 182 \fi 183 \ifzf@opentype 184 \font\zf@testfont="\zf@macname" at 10pt 185 \count255 = \XeTeXOTcountscripts\zf@testfont 186 \ifnum\count255 > 0 187 \count255 = 0 188 \zf@featurecount = \XeTeXOTcountfeatures\zf@testfont "6C61746E "0 189 \loop\ifnum\count255 < \zf@featurecount 190 \ifnum\XeTeXOTfeaturetag\zf@testfont "6C61746E "0 191 \count255 = "736D6370 % 'smcp' 192 \edef\zf@smallcaps{+smcp,}% 193 \count255 = \zf@featurecount 194 \else 195 \advance\count255 by 1 196 \fi 197 \repeat 198 \fi 199 \fi} 200 \newcount\zf@featurecount 176 177 \zf@update@ff \zf@ff is the string used to define the list of specific font features. Each time another font feature is requested, this macro is used to add that feature to the list. AAT features are separated by semicolons, OpenType features by commas. 201 \newcommand*{\zf@update@ff}[1]{% 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 \begingroup \let\zf@ff@old\zf@ff \ifzf@aat \xdef\zf@ff{\zf@ff@old #1;}% \fi \ifzf@opentype \xdef\zf@ff{\zf@ff@old #1,}% \fi 22 210 \zf@make@feature \endgroup} This macro is called by each feature key selected, and runs according to which type of font is selected. Note that it does not check to see if an OpenType feature exists. 211 \newcommand*\zf@make@feature[3]{% 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 \zf@make@aat@feature@string \ifzf@aat \zf@make@aat@feature@string{#1}{#2}{zf@thisfontfeature}% \ifx\zf@thisfontfeature\@empty\else \zf@update@family{+#1,#2}% \zf@update@ff{\zf@thisfontfeature}% \fi \fi \ifzf@opentype \zf@update@family{#3}% \zf@update@ff{#3}% \fi} This macro takes the numerical codes for a font feature and creates a specified macro containing the string required in the font definition to turn that feature on or off. Used primarily in \zf@make@aat@feature, but also used to check if small caps exists in the requested font. 223 \newcommand*\zf@make@aat@feature@string[3]{% 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 \ifEqStr \font\zf@fontone="\zf@macname" at 10pt \edef\zf@this@featurename{\XeTeXfeaturename\zf@fontone #1}% \ifx\zf@this@featurename\@empty \expandafter\edef\csname #3\endcsname{\@empty}% \else \edef\zf@this@selectionname{\XeTeXselectorname\zf@fontone #1 #2}% \ifx\zf@this@selectionname\@empty \expandafter\edef\csname #3\endcsname{\@empty}% \else \expandafter\edef\csname #3\endcsname {\ifnum\XeTeXisexclusivefeature\zf@fontone #1 > 0 \zf@this@featurename=\zf@this@selectionname% \else \ifodd #2 \zf@this@featurename=!\zf@this@selectionname% \else \zf@this@featurename=\zf@this@selectionname% \fi \fi}% \fi \fi} \ifEqStr was a conditional for checking it two strings are the same. It no longer exists. \ifEqFonts A conditional for checking if two fonts are the same. If one of the arguments is empty, special provision needs to be taken, since there is no font with an empty string for a name. This case arises when \zf@make@font@shapes doesn’t take its optional argument. 23 245 \let\then\iftrue 246 \def\ifEqFonts#1#2\then{% 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 \edef\@tempa{#1}% \ifx\@tempa\@empty \let\@tempa\@empty \else \font\zf@fontone = "#1" at 10pt \edef\@tempa{\fontname\zf@fontone}% \fi \font\zf@fonttwo = "#2" at 10pt \edef\@tempb{\fontname\zf@fonttwo}% \ifx\@tempa\@tempb} 7.3 keyval definitions This is the tedious section where we correlate all possible (eventually) font feature requests with their XETEX representations. 7.3.1 Bold/italic choosing options The Bold, Italic, and BoldItalic features are for defining explicitly the bold and italic fonts used in a font family. v1.6 introduced arbitrary font features for these shapes (BoldFeatures, etc.), so the names of the shape-selecting options were appended with Font for consistency. 257 \define@key{zf}{Bold}{\edef\zf@bf{#1}% 258 \zf@update@family{bf:\zap@space #1 \@empty}} 259 \define@key{zf}{Italic}{\edef\zf@it{#1}% 260 \zf@update@family{it:\zap@space #1 \@empty}} 261 \define@key{zf}{BoldItalic}{\edef\zf@bfit{#1}% 262 \zf@update@family{bfit:\zap@space #1 \@empty}} 263 264 \define@key{zf}{BoldFont}{\edef\zf@bf{#1}% 265 \zf@update@family{bf:\zap@space #1 \@empty}} 266 \define@key{zf}{ItalicFont}{\edef\zf@it{#1}% 267 \zf@update@family{it:\zap@space #1 \@empty}} 268 \define@key{zf}{BoldItalicFont}{\edef\zf@bfit{#1}% 269 \zf@update@family{bfit:\zap@space #1 \@empty}} 270 271 \define@key{zf}{BoldFeatures}{\def\zf@bf@options{#1}} 272 \define@key{zf}{ItalicFeatures}{\def\zf@it@options{#1}} 273 \define@key{zf}{BoldItalicFeatures}{\def\zf@bfit@options{#1}} 7.3.2 Font-independent options These options can be applied to any font. Both spellings (American and correct) of ‘colour’ offered. 274 \define@key{zf}{Scale}{% \zf@update@family{+scale:#1}% \edef\zf@scale{#1}} 277 \define@key{zf}{Colour}{% 278 \zf@update@family{+col:#1}% 279 \zf@update@ff{color=#1}} 275 276 24 280 \define@key{zf}{Color}{% \zf@update@family{+col:#1}% \zf@update@ff{color=#1}} 283 \define@key{zf}{Mapping}{% 284 \zf@update@family{+map:#1}% 285 \zf@update@ff{mapping=#1}} 281 282 7.3.3 AAT-exclusive features 286 \define@key{zf}{Weight}{% \ifzf@aat \zf@update@family{+weight:#1}% 289 \zf@update@ff{weight=#1}% 290 \fi} 291 \define@key{zf}{Width}{% 292 \ifzf@aat 293 \zf@update@family{+width:#1}% 294 \zf@update@ff{width=#1}% 295 \fi} 287 288 7.3.4 OpenType-exclusive features 296 \define@key{zf}{Script}{\ifzf@opentype\bgroup\setkeys{zf@scpt}{#1}\egroup\fi} 297 \newcommand*\zf@make@scpt@feature[2]{% \define@key{zf@scpt}{#1}[true]{% \zf@update@family{+scpt:#2}% 300 \zf@update@ff{script=#2}}} 301 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Arabic}{arab} 302 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Armenian}{armn} 303 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Balinese}{bali} 304 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Bengali}{beng} 305 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Bopomofo}{bopo} 306 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Braille}{brai} 307 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Buginese}{bugi} 308 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Buhid}{buhd} 309 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Byzantine Music}{byzm} 310 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Canadian Syllabics}{cans} 311 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Cherokee}{cher} 312 \zf@make@scpt@feature{CJK Ideographic}{hani} 313 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Coptic}{copt} 314 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Cypriot Syllabary}{cprt} 315 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Cyrillic}{cyrl} 316 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Default}{DFLT} 317 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Deseret}{dsrt} 318 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Devanagari}{deva} 319 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Ethiopic}{ethi} 320 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Georgian}{geor} 321 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Glagolitic}{glag} 322 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Gothic}{goth} 323 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Greek}{grek} 324 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Gujarati}{gujr} 325 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Gurmukhi}{guru} 326 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Hangul Jamo}{jamo} 327 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Hangul}{hang} 298 299 25 328 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Hanunoo}{hano} 329 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Hebrew}{hebr} 330 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Hiragana}{kana} 331 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Katakana}{kana} 332 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Japanese}{kana} 333 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Javanese}{java} 334 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Kannada}{knda} 335 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Kharosthi}{khar} 336 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Khmer}{khmr} 337 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Lao}{lao } 338 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Latin}{latn} 339 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Limbu}{limb} 340 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Linear B}{linb} 341 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Malayalam}{mlym} 342 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Math}{math} 343 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Maths}{math} 344 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Mongolian}{mong} 345 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Musical Symbols}{musc} 346 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Myanmar}{mymr} 347 \zf@make@scpt@feature{N'ko}{nko } 348 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Ogham}{ogam} 349 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Old Italic}{ital} 350 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Old Persian Cuneiform}{xpeo} 351 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Oriya}{orya} 352 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Osmanya}{osma} 353 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Phags-pa}{phag} 354 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Phoenician}{phnx} 355 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Runic}{runr} 356 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Shavian}{shaw} 357 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Sinhala}{sinh} 358 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform}{xsux} 359 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Syloti Nagri}{sylo} 360 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Syriac}{syrc} 361 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Tagalog}{tglg} 362 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Tagbanwa}{tagb} 363 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Tai Le}{tale} 364 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Tai Lu}{talu} 365 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Tamil}{taml} 366 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Telugu}{telu} 367 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Thaana}{thaa} 368 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Thai}{thai} 369 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Tibetan}{tibt} 370 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Tifinagh}{tfng} 371 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Ugaritic Cuneiform}{ugar} 372 \zf@make@scpt@feature{Yi}{yi } 373 374 \define@key{zf}{Language}{\ifzf@opentype\bgroup\setkeys{zf@lang}{#1}\egroup\fi} 375 \newcommand*\zf@make@lang@feature[2]{% \define@key{zf@lang}{#1}[true]{% \zf@update@family{+lang:#2}% 378 \zf@update@ff{language=#2}}} 379 \zf@make@lang@feature{Abaza}{ABA} 376 377 26 380 \zf@make@lang@feature{Abkhazian}{ABK} 381 \zf@make@lang@feature{Adyghe}{ADY} 382 \zf@make@lang@feature{Afrikaans}{AFK} 383 \zf@make@lang@feature{Afar}{AFR} 384 \zf@make@lang@feature{Agaw}{AGW} 385 \zf@make@lang@feature{Altai}{ALT} 386 \zf@make@lang@feature{Amharic}{AMH} 387 \zf@make@lang@feature{Arabic}{ARA} 388 \zf@make@lang@feature{Aari}{ARI} 389 \zf@make@lang@feature{Arakanese}{ARK} 390 \zf@make@lang@feature{Assamese}{ASM} 391 \zf@make@lang@feature{Athapaskan}{ATH} 392 \zf@make@lang@feature{Avar}{AVR} 393 \zf@make@lang@feature{Awadhi}{AWA} 394 \zf@make@lang@feature{Aymara}{AYM} 395 \zf@make@lang@feature{Azeri}{AZE} 396 \zf@make@lang@feature{Badaga}{BAD} 397 \zf@make@lang@feature{Baghelkhandi}{BAG} 398 \zf@make@lang@feature{Balkar}{BAL} 399 \zf@make@lang@feature{Baule}{BAU} 400 \zf@make@lang@feature{Berber}{BBR} 401 \zf@make@lang@feature{Bench}{BCH} 402 \zf@make@lang@feature{Bible Cree}{BCR} 403 \zf@make@lang@feature{Belarussian}{BEL} 404 \zf@make@lang@feature{Bemba}{BEM} 405 \zf@make@lang@feature{Bengali}{BEN} 406 \zf@make@lang@feature{Bulgarian}{BGR} 407 \zf@make@lang@feature{Bhili}{BHI} 408 \zf@make@lang@feature{Bhojpuri}{BHO} 409 \zf@make@lang@feature{Bikol}{BIK} 410 \zf@make@lang@feature{Bilen}{BIL} 411 \zf@make@lang@feature{Blackfoot}{BKF} 412 \zf@make@lang@feature{Balochi}{BLI} 413 \zf@make@lang@feature{Balante}{BLN} 414 \zf@make@lang@feature{Balti}{BLT} 415 \zf@make@lang@feature{Bambara}{BMB} 416 \zf@make@lang@feature{Bamileke}{BML} 417 \zf@make@lang@feature{Breton}{BRE} 418 \zf@make@lang@feature{Brahui}{BRH} 419 \zf@make@lang@feature{Braj Bhasha}{BRI} 420 \zf@make@lang@feature{Burmese}{BRM} 421 \zf@make@lang@feature{Bashkir}{BSH} 422 \zf@make@lang@feature{Beti}{BTI} 423 \zf@make@lang@feature{Catalan}{CAT} 424 \zf@make@lang@feature{Cebuano}{CEB} 425 \zf@make@lang@feature{Chechen}{CHE} 426 \zf@make@lang@feature{Chaha Gurage}{CHG} 427 \zf@make@lang@feature{Chattisgarhi}{CHH} 428 \zf@make@lang@feature{Chichewa}{CHI} 429 \zf@make@lang@feature{Chukchi}{CHK} 430 \zf@make@lang@feature{Chipewyan}{CHP} 431 \zf@make@lang@feature{Cherokee}{CHR} 27 432 \zf@make@lang@feature{Chuvash}{CHU} 433 \zf@make@lang@feature{Comorian}{CMR} 434 \zf@make@lang@feature{Coptic}{COP} 435 \zf@make@lang@feature{Cree}{CRE} 436 \zf@make@lang@feature{Carrier}{CRR} 437 \zf@make@lang@feature{Crimean Tatar}{CRT} 438 \zf@make@lang@feature{Church Slavonic}{CSL} 439 \zf@make@lang@feature{Czech}{CSY} 440 \zf@make@lang@feature{Danish}{DAN} 441 \zf@make@lang@feature{Dargwa}{DAR} 442 \zf@make@lang@feature{Woods Cree}{DCR} 443 \zf@make@lang@feature{German}{DEU} 444 \zf@make@lang@feature{Default}{DFLT} 445 \zf@make@lang@feature{Dogri}{DGR} 446 \zf@make@lang@feature{Divehi}{DIV} 447 \zf@make@lang@feature{Djerma}{DJR} 448 \zf@make@lang@feature{Dangme}{DNG} 449 \zf@make@lang@feature{Dinka}{DNK} 450 \zf@make@lang@feature{Dungan}{DUN} 451 \zf@make@lang@feature{Dzongkha}{DZN} 452 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ebira}{EBI} 453 \zf@make@lang@feature{Eastern Cree}{ECR} 454 \zf@make@lang@feature{Edo}{EDO} 455 \zf@make@lang@feature{Efik}{EFI} 456 \zf@make@lang@feature{Greek}{ELL} 457 \zf@make@lang@feature{English}{ENG} 458 \zf@make@lang@feature{Erzya}{ERZ} 459 \zf@make@lang@feature{Spanish}{ESP} 460 \zf@make@lang@feature{Estonian}{ETI} 461 \zf@make@lang@feature{Basque}{EUQ} 462 \zf@make@lang@feature{Evenki}{EVK} 463 \zf@make@lang@feature{Even}{EVN} 464 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ewe}{EWE} 465 \zf@make@lang@feature{French Antillean}{FAN} 466 \zf@make@lang@feature{Farsi}{FAR} 467 \zf@make@lang@feature{Finnish}{FIN} 468 \zf@make@lang@feature{Fijian}{FJI} 469 \zf@make@lang@feature{Flemish}{FLE} 470 \zf@make@lang@feature{Forest Nenets}{FNE} 471 \zf@make@lang@feature{Fon}{FON} 472 \zf@make@lang@feature{Faroese}{FOS} 473 \zf@make@lang@feature{French}{FRA} 474 \zf@make@lang@feature{Frisian}{FRI} 475 \zf@make@lang@feature{Friulian}{FRL} 476 \zf@make@lang@feature{Futa}{FTA} 477 \zf@make@lang@feature{Fulani}{FUL} 478 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ga}{GAD} 479 \zf@make@lang@feature{Gaelic}{GAE} 480 \zf@make@lang@feature{Gagauz}{GAG} 481 \zf@make@lang@feature{Galician}{GAL} 482 \zf@make@lang@feature{Garshuni}{GAR} 483 \zf@make@lang@feature{Garhwali}{GAW} 28 484 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ge'ez}{GEZ} 485 \zf@make@lang@feature{Gilyak}{GIL} 486 \zf@make@lang@feature{Gumuz}{GMZ} 487 \zf@make@lang@feature{Gondi}{GON} 488 \zf@make@lang@feature{Greenlandic}{GRN} 489 \zf@make@lang@feature{Garo}{GRO} 490 \zf@make@lang@feature{Guarani}{GUA} 491 \zf@make@lang@feature{Gujarati}{GUJ} 492 \zf@make@lang@feature{Haitian}{HAI} 493 \zf@make@lang@feature{Halam}{HAL} 494 \zf@make@lang@feature{Harauti}{HAR} 495 \zf@make@lang@feature{Hausa}{HAU} 496 \zf@make@lang@feature{Hawaiin}{HAW} 497 \zf@make@lang@feature{Hammer-Banna}{HBN} 498 \zf@make@lang@feature{Hiligaynon}{HIL} 499 \zf@make@lang@feature{Hindi}{HIN} 500 \zf@make@lang@feature{High Mari}{HMA} 501 \zf@make@lang@feature{Hindko}{HND} 502 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ho}{HO} 503 \zf@make@lang@feature{Harari}{HRI} 504 \zf@make@lang@feature{Croatian}{HRV} 505 \zf@make@lang@feature{Hungarian}{HUN} 506 \zf@make@lang@feature{Armenian}{HYE} 507 \zf@make@lang@feature{Igbo}{IBO} 508 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ijo}{IJO} 509 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ilokano}{ILO} 510 \zf@make@lang@feature{Indonesian}{IND} 511 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ingush}{ING} 512 \zf@make@lang@feature{Inuktitut}{INU} 513 \zf@make@lang@feature{Irish}{IRI} 514 \zf@make@lang@feature{Irish Traditional}{IRT} 515 \zf@make@lang@feature{Icelandic}{ISL} 516 \zf@make@lang@feature{Inari Sami}{ISM} 517 \zf@make@lang@feature{Italian}{ITA} 518 \zf@make@lang@feature{Hebrew}{IWR} 519 \zf@make@lang@feature{Javanese}{JAV} 520 \zf@make@lang@feature{Yiddish}{JII} 521 \zf@make@lang@feature{Japanese}{JAN} 522 \zf@make@lang@feature{Judezmo}{JUD} 523 \zf@make@lang@feature{Jula}{JUL} 524 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kabardian}{KAB} 525 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kachchi}{KAC} 526 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kalenjin}{KAL} 527 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kannada}{KAN} 528 \zf@make@lang@feature{Karachay}{KAR} 529 \zf@make@lang@feature{Georgian}{KAT} 530 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kazakh}{KAZ} 531 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kebena}{KEB} 532 \zf@make@lang@feature{Khutsuri Georgian}{KGE} 533 \zf@make@lang@feature{Khakass}{KHA} 534 \zf@make@lang@feature{Khanty-Kazim}{KHK} 535 \zf@make@lang@feature{Khmer}{KHM} 29 536 \zf@make@lang@feature{Khanty-Shurishkar}{KHS} 537 \zf@make@lang@feature{Khanty-Vakhi}{KHV} 538 \zf@make@lang@feature{Khowar}{KHW} 539 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kikuyu}{KIK} 540 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kirghiz}{KIR} 541 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kisii}{KIS} 542 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kokni}{KKN} 543 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kalmyk}{KLM} 544 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kamba}{KMB} 545 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kumaoni}{KMN} 546 \zf@make@lang@feature{Komo}{KMO} 547 \zf@make@lang@feature{Komso}{KMS} 548 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kanuri}{KNR} 549 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kodagu}{KOD} 550 \zf@make@lang@feature{Korean Old Hangul}{KOH} 551 \zf@make@lang@feature{Konkani}{KOK} 552 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kikongo}{KON} 553 \zf@make@lang@feature{Komi-Permyak}{KOP} 554 \zf@make@lang@feature{Korean}{KOR} 555 \zf@make@lang@feature{Komi-Zyrian}{KOZ} 556 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kpelle}{KPL} 557 \zf@make@lang@feature{Krio}{KRI} 558 \zf@make@lang@feature{Karakalpak}{KRK} 559 \zf@make@lang@feature{Karelian}{KRL} 560 \zf@make@lang@feature{Karaim}{KRM} 561 \zf@make@lang@feature{Karen}{KRN} 562 \zf@make@lang@feature{Koorete}{KRT} 563 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kashmiri}{KSH} 564 \zf@make@lang@feature{Khasi}{KSI} 565 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kildin Sami}{KSM} 566 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kui}{KUI} 567 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kulvi}{KUL} 568 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kumyk}{KUM} 569 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kurdish}{KUR} 570 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kurukh}{KUU} 571 \zf@make@lang@feature{Kuy}{KUY} 572 \zf@make@lang@feature{Koryak}{KYK} 573 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ladin}{LAD} 574 \zf@make@lang@feature{Lahuli}{LAH} 575 \zf@make@lang@feature{Lak}{LAK} 576 \zf@make@lang@feature{Lambani}{LAM} 577 \zf@make@lang@feature{Lao}{LAO} 578 \zf@make@lang@feature{Latin}{LAT} 579 \zf@make@lang@feature{Laz}{LAZ} 580 \zf@make@lang@feature{L-Cree}{LCR} 581 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ladakhi}{LDK} 582 \zf@make@lang@feature{Lezgi}{LEZ} 583 \zf@make@lang@feature{Lingala}{LIN} 584 \zf@make@lang@feature{Low Mari}{LMA} 585 \zf@make@lang@feature{Limbu}{LMB} 586 \zf@make@lang@feature{Lomwe}{LMW} 587 \zf@make@lang@feature{Lower Sorbian}{LSB} 30 588 \zf@make@lang@feature{Lule Sami}{LSM} 589 \zf@make@lang@feature{Lithuanian}{LTH} 590 \zf@make@lang@feature{Luba}{LUB} 591 \zf@make@lang@feature{Luganda}{LUG} 592 \zf@make@lang@feature{Luhya}{LUH} 593 \zf@make@lang@feature{Luo}{LUO} 594 \zf@make@lang@feature{Latvian}{LVI} 595 \zf@make@lang@feature{Majang}{MAJ} 596 \zf@make@lang@feature{Makua}{MAK} 597 \zf@make@lang@feature{Malayalam Traditional}{MAL} 598 \zf@make@lang@feature{Mansi}{MAN} 599 \zf@make@lang@feature{Marathi}{MAR} 600 \zf@make@lang@feature{Marwari}{MAW} 601 \zf@make@lang@feature{Mbundu}{MBN} 602 \zf@make@lang@feature{Manchu}{MCH} 603 \zf@make@lang@feature{Moose Cree}{MCR} 604 \zf@make@lang@feature{Mende}{MDE} 605 \zf@make@lang@feature{Me'en}{MEN} 606 \zf@make@lang@feature{Mizo}{MIZ} 607 \zf@make@lang@feature{Macedonian}{MKD} 608 \zf@make@lang@feature{Male}{MLE} 609 \zf@make@lang@feature{Malagasy}{MLG} 610 \zf@make@lang@feature{Malinke}{MLN} 611 \zf@make@lang@feature{Malayalam Reformed}{MLR} 612 \zf@make@lang@feature{Malay}{MLY} 613 \zf@make@lang@feature{Mandinka}{MND} 614 \zf@make@lang@feature{Mongolian}{MNG} 615 \zf@make@lang@feature{Manipuri}{MNI} 616 \zf@make@lang@feature{Maninka}{MNK} 617 \zf@make@lang@feature{Manx Gaelic}{MNX} 618 \zf@make@lang@feature{Moksha}{MOK} 619 \zf@make@lang@feature{Moldavian}{MOL} 620 \zf@make@lang@feature{Mon}{MON} 621 \zf@make@lang@feature{Moroccan}{MOR} 622 \zf@make@lang@feature{Maori}{MRI} 623 \zf@make@lang@feature{Maithili}{MTH} 624 \zf@make@lang@feature{Maltese}{MTS} 625 \zf@make@lang@feature{Mundari}{MUN} 626 \zf@make@lang@feature{Naga-Assamese}{NAG} 627 \zf@make@lang@feature{Nanai}{NAN} 628 \zf@make@lang@feature{Naskapi}{NAS} 629 \zf@make@lang@feature{N-Cree}{NCR} 630 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ndebele}{NDB} 631 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ndonga}{NDG} 632 \zf@make@lang@feature{Nepali}{NEP} 633 \zf@make@lang@feature{Newari}{NEW} 634 \zf@make@lang@feature{Nagari}{NGR} 635 \zf@make@lang@feature{Norway House Cree}{NHC} 636 \zf@make@lang@feature{Nisi}{NIS} 637 \zf@make@lang@feature{Niuean}{NIU} 638 \zf@make@lang@feature{Nkole}{NKL} 639 \zf@make@lang@feature{N'ko}{NKO} 31 640 \zf@make@lang@feature{Dutch}{NLD} 641 \zf@make@lang@feature{Nogai}{NOG} 642 \zf@make@lang@feature{Norwegian}{NOR} 643 \zf@make@lang@feature{Northern Sami}{NSM} 644 \zf@make@lang@feature{Northern Tai}{NTA} 645 \zf@make@lang@feature{Esperanto}{NTO} 646 \zf@make@lang@feature{Nynorsk}{NYN} 647 \zf@make@lang@feature{Oji-Cree}{OCR} 648 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ojibway}{OJB} 649 \zf@make@lang@feature{Oriya}{ORI} 650 \zf@make@lang@feature{Oromo}{ORO} 651 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ossetian}{OSS} 652 \zf@make@lang@feature{Palestinian Aramaic}{PAA} 653 \zf@make@lang@feature{Pali}{PAL} 654 \zf@make@lang@feature{Punjabi}{PAN} 655 \zf@make@lang@feature{Palpa}{PAP} 656 \zf@make@lang@feature{Pashto}{PAS} 657 \zf@make@lang@feature{Polytonic Greek}{PGR} 658 \zf@make@lang@feature{Pilipino}{PIL} 659 \zf@make@lang@feature{Palaung}{PLG} 660 \zf@make@lang@feature{Polish}{PLK} 661 \zf@make@lang@feature{Provencal}{PRO} 662 \zf@make@lang@feature{Portuguese}{PTG} 663 \zf@make@lang@feature{Chin}{QIN} 664 \zf@make@lang@feature{Rajasthani}{RAJ} 665 \zf@make@lang@feature{R-Cree}{RCR} 666 \zf@make@lang@feature{Russian Buriat}{RBU} 667 \zf@make@lang@feature{Riang}{RIA} 668 \zf@make@lang@feature{Rhaeto-Romanic}{RMS} 669 \zf@make@lang@feature{Romanian}{ROM} 670 \zf@make@lang@feature{Romany}{ROY} 671 \zf@make@lang@feature{Rusyn}{RSY} 672 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ruanda}{RUA} 673 \zf@make@lang@feature{Russian}{RUS} 674 \zf@make@lang@feature{Sadri}{SAD} 675 \zf@make@lang@feature{Sanskrit}{SAN} 676 \zf@make@lang@feature{Santali}{SAT} 677 \zf@make@lang@feature{Sayisi}{SAY} 678 \zf@make@lang@feature{Sekota}{SEK} 679 \zf@make@lang@feature{Selkup}{SEL} 680 \zf@make@lang@feature{Sango}{SGO} 681 \zf@make@lang@feature{Shan}{SHN} 682 \zf@make@lang@feature{Sibe}{SIB} 683 \zf@make@lang@feature{Sidamo}{SID} 684 \zf@make@lang@feature{Silte Gurage}{SIG} 685 \zf@make@lang@feature{Skolt Sami}{SKS} 686 \zf@make@lang@feature{Slovak}{SKY} 687 \zf@make@lang@feature{Slavey}{SLA} 688 \zf@make@lang@feature{Slovenian}{SLV} 689 \zf@make@lang@feature{Somali}{SML} 690 \zf@make@lang@feature{Samoan}{SMO} 691 \zf@make@lang@feature{Sena}{SNA} 32 692 \zf@make@lang@feature{Sindhi}{SND} 693 \zf@make@lang@feature{Sinhalese}{SNH} 694 \zf@make@lang@feature{Soninke}{SNK} 695 \zf@make@lang@feature{Sodo Gurage}{SOG} 696 \zf@make@lang@feature{Sotho}{SOT} 697 \zf@make@lang@feature{Albanian}{SQI} 698 \zf@make@lang@feature{Serbian}{SRB} 699 \zf@make@lang@feature{Saraiki}{SRK} 700 \zf@make@lang@feature{Serer}{SRR} 701 \zf@make@lang@feature{South Slavey}{SSL} 702 \zf@make@lang@feature{Southern Sami}{SSM} 703 \zf@make@lang@feature{Suri}{SUR} 704 \zf@make@lang@feature{Svan}{SVA} 705 \zf@make@lang@feature{Swedish}{SVE} 706 \zf@make@lang@feature{Swadaya Aramaic}{SWA} 707 \zf@make@lang@feature{Swahili}{SWK} 708 \zf@make@lang@feature{Swazi}{SWZ} 709 \zf@make@lang@feature{Sutu}{SXT} 710 \zf@make@lang@feature{Syriac}{SYR} 711 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tabasaran}{TAB} 712 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tajiki}{TAJ} 713 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tamil}{TAM} 714 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tatar}{TAT} 715 \zf@make@lang@feature{TH-Cree}{TCR} 716 \zf@make@lang@feature{Telugu}{TEL} 717 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tongan}{TGN} 718 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tigre}{TGR} 719 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tigrinya}{TGY} 720 \zf@make@lang@feature{Thai}{THA} 721 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tahitian}{THT} 722 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tibetan}{TIB} 723 \zf@make@lang@feature{Turkmen}{TKM} 724 \zf@make@lang@feature{Temne}{TMN} 725 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tswana}{TNA} 726 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tundra Nenets}{TNE} 727 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tonga}{TNG} 728 \zf@make@lang@feature{Todo}{TOD} 729 \zf@make@lang@feature{Turkish}{TRK} 730 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tsonga}{TSG} 731 \zf@make@lang@feature{Turoyo Aramaic}{TUA} 732 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tulu}{TUL} 733 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tuvin}{TUV} 734 \zf@make@lang@feature{Twi}{TWI} 735 \zf@make@lang@feature{Udmurt}{UDM} 736 \zf@make@lang@feature{Ukrainian}{UKR} 737 \zf@make@lang@feature{Urdu}{URD} 738 \zf@make@lang@feature{Upper Sorbian}{USB} 739 \zf@make@lang@feature{Uyghur}{UYG} 740 \zf@make@lang@feature{Uzbek}{UZB} 741 \zf@make@lang@feature{Venda}{VEN} 742 \zf@make@lang@feature{Vietnamese}{VIT} 743 \zf@make@lang@feature{Wa}{WA} 33 744 \zf@make@lang@feature{Wagdi}{WAG} 745 \zf@make@lang@feature{West-Cree}{WCR} 746 \zf@make@lang@feature{Welsh}{WEL} 747 \zf@make@lang@feature{Wolof}{WLF} 748 \zf@make@lang@feature{Tai Lue}{XBD} 749 \zf@make@lang@feature{Xhosa}{XHS} 750 \zf@make@lang@feature{Yakut}{YAK} 751 \zf@make@lang@feature{Yoruba}{YBA} 752 \zf@make@lang@feature{Y-Cree}{YCR} 753 \zf@make@lang@feature{Yi Classic}{YIC} 754 \zf@make@lang@feature{Yi Modern}{YIM} 755 \zf@make@lang@feature{Chinese Hong Kong}{ZHH} 756 \zf@make@lang@feature{Chinese Phonetic}{ZHP} 757 \zf@make@lang@feature{Chinese Simplified}{ZHS} 758 \zf@make@lang@feature{Chinese Traditional}{ZHT} 759 \zf@make@lang@feature{Zande}{ZND} 760 \zf@make@lang@feature{Zulu}{ZUL} 7.3.5 Ligatures The call to the nested keyval family must be wrapped in braces to hide the parent list (this later requires the use of global definitions (\xdef) in \zf@update@...). Both AAT and OpenType names are offered to chose Rare/Discretionary ligatures. 761 \define@key{zf}{Ligatures}{\bgroup\setkeys{zf@lig}{#1}\egroup} 762 \define@key{zf@lig}{Required} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{0}{+rlig}} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{1}{-rlig}} 764 \define@key{zf@lig}{Common} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{2}{+liga}} 765 \define@key{zf@lig}{NoCommon} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{3}{-liga}} 766 \define@key{zf@lig}{Rare} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{4}{+dlig}} 767 \define@key{zf@lig}{NoRare} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{5}{-dlig}} 768 \define@key{zf@lig}{Discretionary} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{4}{+dlig}} 769 \define@key{zf@lig}{NoDiscretionary}[true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{5}{-dlig}} 770 \define@key{zf@lig}{Contextual} [true]{\zf@make@feature{}{}{+clig}} 771 \define@key{zf@lig}{NoContextual} [true]{\zf@make@feature{}{}{-clig}} 772 \define@key{zf@lig}{Historical} [true]{\zf@make@feature{}{}{+hlig}} 773 \define@key{zf@lig}{NoHistorical} [true]{\zf@make@feature{}{}{-hlig}} 774 \define@key{zf@lig}{Logos} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{6}{}} 775 \define@key{zf@lig}{NoLogos} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{7}{}} 776 \define@key{zf@lig}{Rebus} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{8}{}} 777 \define@key{zf@lig}{NoRebus} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{9}{}} 778 \define@key{zf@lig}{Diphthong} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{10}{}} 779 \define@key{zf@lig}{NoDiphthong} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{11}{}} 780 \define@key{zf@lig}{Squared} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{12}{}} 781 \define@key{zf@lig}{NoSquared} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{13}{}} 782 \define@key{zf@lig}{AbbrevSquared} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{14}{}} 783 \define@key{zf@lig}{NoAbbrevSquared}[true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{15}{}} 784 \define@key{zf@lig}{Icelandic} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{32}{}} 785 \define@key{zf@lig}{NoIcelandic} [true]{\zf@make@feature{1}{33}{}} 763 \define@key{zf@lig}{NoRequired} 7.3.6 Letters 786 \define@key{zf}{Letters}{\bgroup\setkeys{zf@letters}{#1}\egroup} 34 787 \define@key{zf@letters}{Normal} [true]{\zf@make@feature{3}{0}{}} [true]{\zf@make@feature{3}{1}{+cpsp}} 789 \define@key{zf@letters}{Lowercase} [true]{\zf@make@feature{3}{2}{}} 790 \define@key{zf@letters}{SmallCaps} [true]{\zf@make@feature{3}{3}{+smcp}} 791 \define@key{zf@letters}{PetiteCaps} [true]{\zf@make@feature{}{}{+pcap}} 792 \define@key{zf@letters}{SMALLCAPS} [true]{\zf@make@feature{}{}{+c2sc}} 793 \define@key{zf@letters}{PETITECAPS} [true]{\zf@make@feature{}{}{+c2pc}} 794 \define@key{zf@letters}{InitialCaps}[true]{\zf@make@feature{3}{4}{}} 795 \define@key{zf@letters}{Unicase} [true]{\zf@make@feature{}{}{+unic}} 788 \define@key{zf@letters}{Uppercase} 7.3.7 Numbers These were originally separated into NumberCase and NumberSpacing following AAT, but it makes more sense to combine them. Both naming conventions are offered to select the number case. 796 \define@key{zf}{Numbers}{\bgroup\setkeys{zf@num}{#1}\egroup} 797 \define@key{zf@num}{Monospaced} [true]{\zf@make@feature{6}{0}{+tnum}} 798 \define@key{zf@num}{Proportional} [true]{\zf@make@feature{6}{1}{+pnum}} 799 \define@key{zf@num}{Lowercase} [true]{\zf@make@feature{21}{0}{+onum}} [true]{\zf@make@feature{21}{0}{+onum}} 801 \define@key{zf@num}{Uppercase} [true]{\zf@make@feature{21}{1}{+lnum}} 802 \define@key{zf@num}{Lining} [true]{\zf@make@feature{21}{1}{+lnum}} 803 \define@key{zf@num}{SlashedZero} [true]{\zf@make@feature{}{}{+zero}} 804 \define@key{zf@num}{NoSlashedZero}[true]{\zf@make@feature{}{}{-zero}} 800 \define@key{zf@num}{OldStyle} 7.3.8 Swashes 805 \define@key{zf}{Swashes}{\bgroup\setkeys{zf@swash}{#1}\egroup} 806 \define@key{zf@swash}{Contextual} [true]{\zf@make@feature{}{}{+cswh}} [true]{\zf@make@feature{8}{0}{+init}} 808 \define@key{zf@swash}{NoWordInitial}[true]{\zf@make@feature{8}{1}{-init}} 809 \define@key{zf@swash}{WordFinal} [true]{\zf@make@feature{8}{2}{+fina}} 810 \define@key{zf@swash}{NoWordFinal} [true]{\zf@make@feature{8}{3}{-fina}} 811 \define@key{zf@swash}{LineInitial} [true]{\zf@make@feature{8}{4}{}} 812 \define@key{zf@swash}{NoLineInitial}[true]{\zf@make@feature{8}{5}{}} 813 \define@key{zf@swash}{LineFinal} [true]{\zf@make@feature{8}{6}{+falt}} 814 \define@key{zf@swash}{NoLineFinal} [true]{\zf@make@feature{8}{7}{-falt}} 815 \define@key{zf@swash}{Inner} [true]{\zf@make@feature{8}{8}{}} 816 \define@key{zf@swash}{NoInner} [true]{\zf@make@feature{8}{9}{}} 807 \define@key{zf@swash}{WordInitial} 7.3.9 Diacritics 817 \define@key{zf}{Diacritics}{\bgroup\setkeys{zf@diacritics}{#1}\egroup} 818 \define@key{zf@diacritics}{Show} [true]{\zf@make@feature{9}{0}{}} [true]{\zf@make@feature{9}{1}{}} 820 \define@key{zf@diacritics}{Decompose}[true]{\zf@make@feature{9}{2}{}} 819 \define@key{zf@diacritics}{Hide} 7.3.10 Vertical position 821 \define@key{zf}{VerticalPosition}{\bgroup\setkeys{zf@vertpos}{#1}\egroup} 822 \define@key{zf@vertpos}{Normal}[true]{\zf@make@feature{10}{0}{}} 823 \define@key{zf@vertpos}{Superior}[true]{\zf@make@feature{10}{1}{+sups}} 824 \define@key{zf@vertpos}{Inferior}[true]{\zf@make@feature{10}{2}{+subs}} 825 \define@key{zf@vertpos}{ScientificInferior}[true]{\zf@make@feature{}{}{+sinf}} 826 \define@key{zf@vertpos}{Ordinal}[true]{\zf@make@feature{10}{3}{+ordn}} 35 827 \define@key{zf@vertpos}{Numerator}[true]{\zf@make@feature{}{}{+numr}} 828 \define@key{zf@vertpos}{Denominator}[true]{\zf@make@feature{}{}{+dnom}} 7.3.11 Fractions 829 \define@key{zf}{NoFractions}[true]{\zf@make@feature{11}{0}{-frac}} 830 \define@key{zf}{Fractions}[true]{\zf@make@feature{11}{1}{+frac}} 831 \define@key{zf}{DiagonalFractions}[true]{\zf@make@feature{11}{2}{+frac}} 7.3.12 Alternates and variants Selected numerically because they don’t have standard names. Very easy to process, very annoying for the user! 832 \define@key{zf}{Alternate}{\zf@make@feature{17}{#1}{\ifnum #1 > 0 +salt\fi}} 833 \define@key{zf}{Variant}{\zf@make@feature{18}{#1}{% 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 \ifnum #1 > 0 \ifnum #1 < 21 \ifnum #1 > 9 +ss#1% \else +ss0#1% \fi \else \PackageWarning{fontspec}{OpenType variant range must be between 1 and 20.}% \fi \else \PackageWarning{fontspec}{OpenType variant range must be between 1 and 20.}% \fi}} 7.3.13 Style options 849 \define@key{zf}{StyleOptions}{\bgroup\setkeys{zf@style}{#1}\egroup} 850 \define@key{zf@style}{Display}[true]{\zf@make@feature{19}{1}{}} 851 \define@key{zf@style}{Engraved}[true]{\zf@make@feature{19}{2}{}} 852 \define@key{zf@style}{IlluminatedCaps}[true]{\zf@make@feature{19}{3}{}} 853 \define@key{zf@style}{TitlingCaps}[true]{\zf@make@feature{19}{4}{+titl}} 854 \define@key{zf@style}{TallCaps}[true]{\zf@make@feature{19}{5}{}} 7.4 Italic small caps The following code for utilising italic small caps sensibly is taken pretty much verbatim from Philip Lehman’s Font Installation Guide. Note that \upshape needs to be used twice to get from italic small caps to regular upright (it always goes to small caps, then regular upright). \sishape \textsi First, the commands for actually selecting italic small caps are defined. I use si as the NFSS shape for italic small caps, but I have seen itsc and slsc also used. \sidefault may be redefined to one of these if required for compatibility. 855 \providecommand*{\sidefault}{si} 856 \DeclareRobustCommand{\sishape}{% \not@math@alphabet\sishape\relax \fontshape\sidefault\selectfont} 859 \DeclareTextFontCommand{\textsi}{\sishape} 857 858 36 \zf@merge@shape This is the macro which enables the overload on the \..shape commands. It takes three such arguments. In essence, the macro selects the first argument, unless the second argument is already selected, in which case it selects the third. 860 \newcommand*{\zf@merge@shape}[3]{% 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 \edef\@tempa{#1}% \edef\@tempb{#2}% \ifx\f@shape\@tempb \expandafter\ifx \csname\f@encoding/\f@family/\f@series/#3\endcsname \relax\else \edef\@tempa{#3}% \fi \fi \fontshape{\@tempa}\selectfont} \scshape Here the original \..shape commands are redefined to use the merge shape macro. \upshape 871 \DeclareRobustCommand{\itshape}{% \itshape \not@math@alphabet\itshape\mathit \zf@merge@shape\itdefault\scdefault\sidefault} 874 \DeclareRobustCommand{\scshape}{% 875 \not@math@alphabet\scshape\relax 876 \zf@merge@shape\scdefault\itdefault\sidefault} 877 \DeclareRobustCommand{\upshape}{% 878 \not@math@alphabet\upshape\relax 879 \zf@merge@shape\updefault\sidefault\scdefault} 872 873 7.5 Selecting maths fonts Here, the fonts used in math mode are redefined to correspond to the default roman, sans serif and typewriter fonts. Unfortunately, you can only define maths fonts in the preamble, otherwise I’d run this code whenever \defaultromanfont and friends was run. \AtBeginDocument Everything here is performed \AtBeginDocument in order to overwrite euler’s attempt. This means fontspec must be loaded before euler. The Computer Modern font family contain uppercase Greek math letters in its main text font, cmr. Since this is also the font used for the operators, the default roman font, any redefinition of this will make the uppercase Greek letters disappear. This is not a problem using any other math font, however, so first we check to see if that is the case: (TODO: it would be more robust to simply check if the currently selected maths font is indeed cmmi or whatever.) 880 \newif\ifzf@math@package 881 \AtBeginDocument{% 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 \@ifpackageloaded{euler}{\zf@math@packagetrue}{} \@ifpackageloaded{lucbmath}{\zf@math@packagetrue}{} \@ifpackageloaded{lucidabr}{% \zf@math@packagetrue \PackageWarningNoLine{fontspec}{ It would be better to use the lucbmath package,\MessageBreak since the lucidabr package also defines the text\MessageBreak 37 fonts, which are unavailable in XeTeX.}}{} 889 If default maths, redefine the uppercase Greek letters to a different math symbol font (which is cmr, what it originally was) so that font changes don’t make XETEX try and look for them in the new Mac OS X font: 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 \ifzf@math@package\else \DeclareSymbolFont{Greek}{OT1}{cmr}{m}{n} \SetSymbolFont{Greek}{bold}{OT1}{cmr}{bx}{n} \DeclareMathSymbol{\Gamma}{\mathalpha}{Greek}{0} \DeclareMathSymbol{\Delta}{\mathalpha}{Greek}{1} \DeclareMathSymbol{\Theta}{\mathalpha}{Greek}{2} \DeclareMathSymbol{\Lambda}{\mathalpha}{Greek}{3} \DeclareMathSymbol{\Xi}{\mathalpha}{Greek}{4} \DeclareMathSymbol{\Pi}{\mathalpha}{Greek}{5} \DeclareMathSymbol{\Sigma}{\mathalpha}{Greek}{6} \DeclareMathSymbol{\Upsilon}{\mathalpha}{Greek}{7} \DeclareMathSymbol{\Phi}{\mathalpha}{Greek}{8} \DeclareMathSymbol{\Psi}{\mathalpha}{Greek}{9} \DeclareMathSymbol{\Omega}{\mathalpha}{Greek}{10} \fi Finally we change the font definitions. I’m not sure if every single declaration below is necessary, but I thought it would be best to include everything. Some may be redundant, and others may not be desired since there are only a limited number of math fonts available for declaration at any one time. 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 \DeclareSymbolFont{operators}\zf@enc\rmdefault\mddefault\updefault \SetSymbolFont{operators}{normal}\zf@enc\rmdefault\mddefault\updefault \SetMathAlphabet\mathrm{normal}\zf@enc\rmdefault\mddefault\updefault \SetMathAlphabet\mathit{normal}\zf@enc\rmdefault\mddefault\itdefault \SetMathAlphabet\mathbf{normal}\zf@enc\rmdefault\bfdefault\updefault \SetMathAlphabet\mathsf{normal}\zf@enc\sfdefault\mddefault\updefault \SetMathAlphabet\mathtt{normal}\zf@enc\ttdefault\mddefault\updefault \SetSymbolFont{operators}{bold}\zf@enc\rmdefault\bfdefault\updefault \SetMathAlphabet\mathrm{bold}\zf@enc\rmdefault\bfdefault\updefault \SetMathAlphabet\mathit{bold}\zf@enc\rmdefault\bfdefault\itdefault \SetMathAlphabet\mathsf{bold}\zf@enc\sfdefault\bfdefault\updefault} The end! Thanks for coming. 916 !/fontspec" Index Numbers written in italic refer to the page where the corresponding entry is described; numbers underlined refer to the code line of the definition; numbers in roman refer to the code lines where the entry is used. \@tempb . . . . . . . . . . . . 255, 256, 862, 863 Symbols \@firstoftwo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 \@ifnextchar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 \@ifpackageloaded . . . . . . . . . 882–884 \@secondoftwo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 38 A \addfontfeature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 45 \addfontfeatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 37 \AtBeginDocument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 880 \newfeaturecode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 53 B ................... 74, 76, 93, 95, 98, 101, 909, 912–915 \bfdefault \newfontfeature . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 46 \newfontinstance D \DeclareFontFamily . . . . \DeclareFontShape . . . . \DeclareMathSymbol . . . . \DeclareSymbolFont . . . . \DeclareTextFontCommand \defaultfontfeatures . . . . . . . . . . . .. \define@key . . . . . . . . . . . . \Delta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 134, 144 893–903 891, 905 . . . . 859 . . . 4, 35 . . . . 16 . . . . 894 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 29 . . . . . . . . 30, 31 120, 121, 155, 880 . . . . . . . . . . 123 . . . . . 20, 24, 28 857, 872, 875, 878 O P \PackageWarning . . . . . \PackageWarningNoLine \Phi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \providecommand . . . . . \Psi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865 . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 865 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863 108, 184, 224, 251, 254 . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 33 . . . . . . . . . . 252, 255 . . . . . . . . . . 858, 870 . . . . . . . . . . 2, 14, 41 \rmdefault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842, 846 . . . 886 . . . 901 . . . 898 . . . 855 . . . 902 R . . . . . . 19, 905–909, 912–914 S \scdefault . . . . . . . . . 139, 873, 876, 879 \scshape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871 \setkeys . . . . . . . . . . . G 16, 173, 296, 374, 761, 786, 796, 805, 817, 821, 849 \SetMathAlphabet . . . . 907–911, 913–915 \setmonofont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 17 \setromanfont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 17 \setsansfont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 17 \SetSymbolFont . . . . . . . . . 892, 906, 912 \sfdefault . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23, 910, 915 \sidefault . . 142, 855, 858, 873, 876, 879 \Sigma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899 \sishape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855 \stepcounter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 \Gamma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893 \globaldefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126, 245 \ifEqStr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 \ifzf@aat . . . 120, 177, 204, 212, 287, 292 \ifzf@firsttime . . . . . . . . 151, 155, 157 \ifzf@math@package . . . . . . . . . 880, 890 \ifzf@opentype 121, 183, 207, 219, 296, 374 \itdefault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83, 85, 93, 95, 98, 101, 141, 873, 876, 908, 914 \itshape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871 \ifEqFonts T \textsi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855 L \thenewff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 \Theta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895 \ttdefault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 911 \Lambda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 896 U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69, 74, 76, 138, 879, 905–907, 909–913, 915 \upshape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871 \Upsilon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 \updefault M \mathalpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893–903 \mddefault . 69, 83, 85, 905–908, 910, 911 \MessageBreak . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887, 888 N \newcounter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Omega . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903 E \encodingdefault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 \f@encoding \f@family . \f@series . \f@shape . . \font . . . . . \fontfamily \fontname . \fontshape \fontspec . .. . . . . . \newfontinstance@i \newif . . . . . . . . . . \nfss@catcodes . . . \normalfont . . . . . . \not@math@alphabet W 46 \wlog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 64 \zf@make@aat@feature@string . . . . . X \XeTeXcountfeatures . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 \XeTeXfeaturename ....... \XeTeXisexclusivefeature . \XeTeXOTcountfeatures . . . . \XeTeXOTcountscripts . . . . . \XeTeXOTfeaturetag . . . . . . . \XeTeXselectorname . . . . . . . \Xi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 . . . . 234 . . . . 188 114, 185 . . . . 190 . . . . 229 . . . . 897 \zf@aatfalse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106, 117 Z \zf@aattrue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 \zf@bf . . . . . . 73, 76, 91, 98, 159, 257, 264 \zf@bf@options . . . . . . . . . . 72, 162, 271 \zf@bfit . . . . . . . . 90, 101, 161, 261, 268 \zf@bfit@options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178, 213, 223 . . . . . . . . 54, 211, 762–785, 787–795, 797–804, 806-816, 818–820, 822–833, 850–854 \zf@make@font@shapes . . . . . . . . 69, 74, 76, 83, 85, 93, 95, 98, 101, 122 \zf@make@lang@feature . . . 375, 379–760 \zf@make@scpt@feature . . . 297, 301–372 \zf@math@packagetrue . . . . 882, 883, 885 \zf@merge@shape . . . . . 860, 873, 876, 879 \zf@opentypefalse . . . . . . . . . 107, 112 \zf@opentypetrue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 \zf@options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56, 71, 72, 78, 80, 81, 87–89, 103, 168, 170 \zf@options@old . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71, 72, 78, 80, 81, 87–89, 103 \zf@process@options . . . . . . . . 172, 174 \zf@scale . . . . . . . . . . 129, 132, 158, 276 \zf@scale@str . . . . . . . 130, 132, 135, 146 \zf@scshape . . . . . . . . . . . . 139, 142, 145 \zf@set@font@type . . . . . . . . . . 59, 105 \zf@smallcaps . . . 137, 146, 176, 180, 192 \zf@smallcaps@string . . . . . . . 179, 180 \zf@tempinst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33, 34 \zf@test@smallcaps . . . . . . . . . 136, 175 \zf@testfont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108, 109, 114, 184, 185, 188, 190 \zf@this@featurename . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225, 226, 235, 238, 240 \zf@this@selectionname . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229, 230, 235, 238, 240 \zf@thisfontfeature . . . . . . . . 214, 216 \zf@thisinfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40, 42, 43 \zf@update@family . . . 51, 150, 215, 220, 258, 260, 262, 265, 267, 269, 275, 278, 281, 284, 288, 293, 299, 377 \zf@update@ff . . . . . . . 52, 201, 216, 221, 279, 282, 285, 289, 294, 300, 378 \zf@make@feature . . . . . . . . 89, 164, 273 \zf@current@options 65, 66, 168, 170, 173 \zf@default@options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 38, 39, 44, 167, 170 . . . . . . 38, 44 \zf@enc . . . . 10–12, 68, 134, 145, 905–915 \zf@family . . . . . . . . . 16, 19, 23, 27, 33, 58, 63, 67, 68, 134, 145, 152, 153 \zf@family@old . . . . . . . . . . . . 152, 153 \zf@featurecount . . . . 188, 189, 193, 200 \zf@ff . . . . . . 135, 146, 166, 203, 205, 208 \zf@ff@old . . . . . . . . . . . . 203, 205, 208 \zf@firsttimefalse . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 \zf@firsttimetrue . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 \zf@fontone . . 224, 225, 229, 234, 251, 252 \zf@fontspec . . . . . . 15, 18, 22, 26, 32, 55 \zf@fonttwo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254, 255 \zf@get@feature@requests . 61, 128, 156 \zf@info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66, 67 \zf@it . . . . . . 82, 85, 92, 95, 160, 259, 266 \zf@it@options . . . . . . . . . . 81, 163, 272 \zf@macname . . . . . . . . . 57, 127, 184, 224 \zf@default@options@old 40