Optimization Problems

College Calculus (Conway)
Optimization Problems
©l m2N021136 UKhumtlaS kSPo2fBtkwhaYrTeR VLOL6C0.C w DAklqlh 9rVibgwhCtfs2 PrLepsNevr3vGe3dz.E
Solve each optimization problem.
1) A supermarket employee wants to construct an open-top box from a  by  in piece of
cardboard. To do this, the employee plans to cut out squares of equal size from the four
corners so the four sides can be bent upwards. What size should the squares be in order to
create a box with the largest possible volume?
Illustration of problem
 in
 in
V = the volume of the box x = the length of the sides of the squares
Function to maximize: V( x)( x) x where  x
Sides of the squares:
©q h2q0g1b3W xKtuktdax NStoAf3tvwnaBrGek CLNLZCm.N R JAPlLlc RrHingThWtKsT Yrje2sreUrnveeXdN.k K vMEapdpej 0wfiUtYhl MIvnPfDi9nNiltqeJ cCuaIlqcQuulhudsH.E
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
2) A cryptography expert is deciphering a computer code. To do this, the expert needs to
minimize the product of a positive rational number and a negative rational number, given that the
positive number is exactly  greater than the negative number. What final product is the expert
looking for?
Illustration of problem
No illustration necessary for this problem
P = the product of the two numbers x = the positive number
Function to minimize: P x( x) where   x 
Smallest product of the two numbers: 
©K I280g1o3y OKgudt7a0 ISJoDfotJwSa5r4ea kLILfCB.h 8 RAdlNlP XruiNgrhLtAsU 7rrefs3eurbvTepdO.r U QMeaudWer FwAiptchD nIanRfDiTn8iptSeP 8CMa7lpcTuElnuGsr.7
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
3) A farmer wants to construct a rectangular pigpen using  ft of fencing. The pen will be built
next to an existing stone wall, so only three sides of fencing need to be constructed to enclose
the pen. What dimensions should the farmer use to construct the pen with the largest possible
Illustration of problem
A = the area of the pigpen x = the length of the sides perpendicular to the stone wall
Function to maximize: A x( x) where  x
Dimensions of the pigpen:  ft (perpendicular to wall) by  ft (parallel to wall)
©1 q2l0k1f3d pKKuatEan aSpoifftyw7a9rteF ML5LFCl.6 7 fASlSlo drWirgnh4t3sy pr8efsEeOrXvUeYdd.M v 2M3aAdUeQ GwViTtOhX IIjnVf6i2n0iUtqeK VCzaBl9cwu9lyuUsN.d
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
4) A rancher wants to construct two identical rectangular corrals using  ft of fencing. The
rancher decides to build them adjacent to each other, so they share fencing on one side. What
dimensions should the rancher use to construct each corral so that together, they will enclose the
largest possible area?
Illustration of problem
A = the total area of the two corrals x = the length of the non-adjacent sides of each corral
 x
Function to maximize: A x
where  x
Dimensions of each corall:
ft (non-adjecent sides) by
ft (adjacent sides)
©z 62N0g1w3k EKAuytgad 7SroTfFtowTahrmen MLrL4Cv.H X xAnlTlK trUi6gAhXtms4 Rr7eZsteWruvze8dF.W u EMka1dZeK nwji1tPhb GIFntfIiJngiUt7eV vCLa4lLcRu3lhuQsh.e
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
5) A company has started selling a new type of smartphone at the price of $ x where x
is the number of smartphones manufactured per day. The parts for each smartphone cost $
and the labor and overhead for running the plant cost $ per day. How many smartphones
should the company manufacture and sell per day to maximize profit?
Illustration of problem
No illustration necessary for this problem
p = the profit per day x = the number of items manufactured per day
Function to maximize: p x( x)( x) where  x 
Optimal number of smartphones to manufacture per day: 
©b N2k0a1y3q YKauBtdab 2SQoTfstswnaBrleS 6LbL1CK.B b YAIlElW zrViogBhYtvsl trKeusUeXrovae5dt.q 9 wMOaCdgeq 7wUiftphd rIHnSfjiQn2istpeN 3CFaylPceuSlvussn.Z
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
6) Engineers are designing a box-shaped aquarium with a square bottom and an open top. The
aquarium must hold  ft³ of water. What dimensions should they use to create an acceptable
aquarium with the least amount of glass?
Illustration of problem
A = the area of the glass
x = the length of the sides of the square bottom
Function to minimize: A x   x  where  x 
Dimensions of the aquarium:  ft by  ft by  ft tall
©J i2o0c1h3p 8K2u1tdaB GSpogfBtRwtaIrZeO 1LBLxCp.s T ZAilZlB ardiogsh7tgs6 0rRensJeHrGvTe0dR.Q W UMUaHddeU 6w3i4t0hh tIingfVinnSiatYeP jCaavlHcVuYlMuWsf.V
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
7) A geometry student wants to draw a rectangle inscribed in the ellipse x   y  . What is
the area of the largest rectangle that the student can draw?
Illustration of problem
 x
Example rectangle not optimal
A = the area of the rectangle
x = half the base of the rectangle
Function to maximize: A x
 x 
where  x
Area of largest rectangle: 
©u E23011K3M AKIuQtra3 RSooofJtRwoaErDeb uL8LGCs.s 9 BAXltls grQing6hCtHsg OreensjeqrVvdeodB.J x qMuacd4em awzietMh9 XIPnqfOibnBiBt6e3 LCBa0l8cZuSlyuCsJ.Y
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
8) Which points on the graph of y x  are closest to the point (, )?
Illustration of problem
 x
d = the distance from point (, ) to a point on the parabola
x  ( x  )
x = the x-coordinate of a point on the parabola
where   x 
 
Points on the parabola that are closest to the point (, ): 
, ,
 
Function to minimize: d
©w 92f0M1b3I mK2uGthar eSRotfctXwJawrfeA SLjLwCZ.E z NAhldla sr2iCgch7t6sm Ur4e7sZe2rcv4eQdb.C w ZMAayddeX QwEiTt6hA jI9n4f7iqnAittMex XCxavlEcluxlgunsl.W
 
 
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
9) A geometry student wants to draw a rectangle inscribed in a semicircle of radius . If one side
must be on the semicircle's diameter, what is the area of the largest rectangle that the student
can draw?
Illustration of problem
Example rectangle not optimal
A = the area of the rectangle
 x
x = half the base of the rectangle
Function to maximize: A x    x  where  x
Area of largest rectangle: 
©z C2H0W1V3W KKfuDtTaR NS0oJf3tawYaDrieJ xLyLiCY.e 3 5AKlClu 3rRiggDhIt1sm 7rOerscemrCvgepdY.n n PM2aXdBe0 rwViitQh6 oIIn5fkiyn6iitCeX KCYaqlVcBu2lauYs5.A
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
10) A graphic designer is asked to create a movie poster with a  in² photo surrounded by a  in
border at the top and bottom and a  in border on each side. What overall dimensions for the
poster should the designer choose to use the least amount of paper?
Illustration of problem
 in
 in
 in
 in
A = the area of the poster
x = the width of the photo
Function to minimize: A( x)
  where  x 
Dimensions of the entire poster:  in wide by  in tall
©D t2l0M1w3v VKluEt6aX 6SDoof3tnwkaCrweg ULWLdCC.q 1 zAElPlr WrciugZhCtnsV xrwe3smeprKvNeVdr.Y Z FMnaNdfel iw3iVtTho yIBnof7iBn6i6t5ew fCyaLlUcTuWlSuhsL.G
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
11) Which point on the graph of y
x is closest to the point (, )?
Illustration of problem
 x
d = the distance from point (, ) to a point on the curve
( x)  (
x = the x-coordinate of a point on the curve
x ) where   x 
Point on the curve that is closest to the point (, ):
Function to minimize: d
©V g2F0c1n3r RKHuPt4aL jSho4fstgwiamrpe8 eLcL0Ca.y 5 SAYlols frCiYgjhXtXsz MrMedsteyrNvSeedt.M n nM8azd2ef bwjiutUhG LIInefAi7nQiNtxeA eCLasl5c4uilUupsr.e
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
12) Two vertical poles, one  ft high and the other  ft high, stand  feet apart on a flat field. A
worker wants to support both poles by running rope from the ground to the top of each post. If
the worker wants to stake both ropes in the ground at the same point, where should the stake
be placed to use the least amount of rope?
Illustration of problem
 ft
 ft
 ft
L = the total length of rope
x = the horizontal distance from the short pole to the stake
Function to minimize: L x     ( x)    where  x
Stake should be placed:  ft from the short pole (or  ft from the long pole)
©q E2A0S1U3H UKYuLtiaC tSToDfHt6wJaJrseg tLbL0CE.s v oAwlClO ArcisgGhbt0sg Lr5e2sCe8rev1eYdL.z 3 lMWaYdnef ZwWiRt7hG MItnffWi7nkiqtZeZ BCkaslAcZudl2uns0.M
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
13) An architect is designing a composite window by attaching a semicircular window on top of a
rectangular window, so the diameter of the top window is equal to and aligned with the width of
the bottom window. If the architect wants the perimeter of the composite window to be  ft,
what dimensions should the bottom window be in order to create the composite window with
the largest area?
Illustration of problem
A = the area of the composite window x = the width of the bottom window = the diameter of the top window
x x
Function to maximize: A x
  
 
where  x
Dimensions of the bottom window:
ft (width) by
ft (height)
©M I2x0D1B3q hK1u9tUaS 5SOohfHtXw0a1rQeq dL9LCCk.K E LASlFl4 trKi0gKhUtdsE drgewsZevrBvOe6dn.j U ZMtaedue0 pwFi3tmhG cIdnMfMiCnSiwtseo XCsailicDuBl0ugs6.i
Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC