Scientific Notation Project 1. Look up a fact involving a very large number or very small number. This must be a provable fact about which you can write at least one sentence. example: distance between planets (large); size of an atom (small) 2. Fill out the form below. 3. Have the Scientific Notation checked and initialed by your teacher. 4. Get a piece of construction paper. 5. Decide on a shape or design that would depict your fact. 6. Cut out your design. 7. On your design: a. Write the fact out in sentence form. b. Write the number in Standard From AND in Scientific Notation. c. Include at least one illustration dealing with your fact. d. Make it colorful, we will post it around the room. 8. Put your name and period on the front of the project. Scientific Notation Project Form Complete the following BEFORE starting your poster • What is your FACT: Minimum of 2 sources. “Google” is NOT a source – I need the web address! • SOURCE 1: • SOURCE 2: • STANDARD NOTATION: • SCIENTIFIC NOTATION: Scientific Notation Project Rubric Accuracy of Numbers Neatness Followed Directions Creativity Novice (7) The number is incorrectly written both times The project is not cut out and/or not colored. The project is extremely messy. The student did not follow three or more directions. The project is not creative and/or is not on construction paper Apprentice (8) The number is written correctly only once Practitioner (9) The number is written correctly both in Scientific Notation and Standard Notation The project The project is cut out and is cut, colored but it colored, and could be written neater neatly with no misspellings. The student did not follow two of the directions. The student did not follow one of the directions. The project includes a depiction of the large number but could be more creative. The project includes a creative depiction of the large number. Expert (10) All of practitioner and an explanation of Scientific Notation on the back All of practitioner and the numbers and written portions are done on the computer. The student followed all instructions exactly. All of the practitioner plus the depiction must be exact with other details added.