Chapter 5: Exponents and Polynomials 5.3 An Application of Exponents: Scientific Notation Learning Objectives 1. Express numbers in scientific notation 2. Convert numbers in scientific notation to numbers wihout exponents. 3. Use scientific notation in calculation. Key Terms Use the vocabulary terms listed below to complete each statement in exercises 1 - 3. scientific notation left right 1) A number written in ___________________has the form a x 10n, where 1 integer. 2) To write a number in the form a x 10n, where 1 x 10 and n decimal to the __________________________n places. x 10 and n is an 1, without exponents, move the 3) To write a number in the form a x 10n, where 1 x 10 , and n -1, wihtout exponents, move the decimal to the _______________________ n places. Objective 1: Express numbers in scientfic notation. Determine whether or not the number is written in scientific notation. 4) 2.67 × 1012 5) 0.70 × 109 6) 0.0002 Write the number in scientific notation. 7) 27.3 8) 280,000 9) 0.000632 10) 0.000094116 Objective 2: Convert numbers in scientific notation to numbers without exponents. Write the number without exponents. 11) 1.90 × 103 1 12) 7.932 × 105 13) 9.15 × 10-4 14) 6.949 × 10-6 15) 6.03 × 100 Objective 3: Use scientific notation in calculations. Perform the indicated operation. Write the answer in scientific notation, and then write your answers without exponents. 16) (4 × 105)(7 × 108) 17) 20 × 105 5 × 102 18) 12.25 × 10-1 5 × 10-6 2