24 Scientific Notation abbreviate Scientific Notation is a way to ________________ very large or very small numbers. 1 and 10 10 Scientific Notation Format: a number between _________ multiplied by _____ positive negative zero with an exponent. The exponent can be _________, _________, or _________. positive large 10 Numbers with _________ exponents are _________ (anything greater than ____). negative small 10 Numbers with _________ exponents are _________ (anything less than ____.) zero 1 10 Numbers with _________ as an exponent are between ____and ____. Examples: Expanded form Scientific Notation 4.3 x 10^6 4,300,000 7.49 x 10^-5 0.0000749 264,500,000 2.645 x 108 0.0000000709 7.09 x 10−8 scientific notation Your scientific calculator will use ____________ _________ for very large or very 6 small numbers. 4.3 x 10 will be shown on your calculator as 4.3 E6 exponent E stands for _____________. When writing your answers in scientific notation, 6 use the form: 4.3 x 10 Online Scientific Notation Practice Go to the USJ Chemistry website: http://www.usjbruins.org/malea-mullins Click on the “Honors Chemistry” tab at the top and then click on “Scientific Notation Practice” at the bottom right side. Metric Prefixes The initials, SI stand for the International System ________________ ___________ of Units ____ _______. The three fundamental units measure the length mass quantities of _______ , _______, and time meter _______. The _______ is the SI unit second of length. The _______ is the SI unit kilogram of time. The ____________ is the SI unit of mass. Other units are called derived _______ units because they are combinations __________________ of fundamental units. All metric units use the same _______ prefixes. Prefix Symbol tera T giga G mega M kilo k hecto h deca da unit deci d centi c milli m micro nano n pico p Multiple 10 ^12 10 ^9 10 ^6 10 ^3 10 ^2 10 ^1 10 ^0 10 ^-1 10 ^-2 ^-3 10 10 ^-6 10 ^-9 10 ^-12 25 Conversion between units is simple. List the prefixes with spaces in order from largest smallest __________ to __________. n da unit d c m k h M __ __ __ p T__ __ __ G __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ number direction Move the decimal point the same __________ and __________ that you move to get to the new unit. 12 right To convert Gs to ms, move the decimal ________ places to the ________. 5,000,000,000,000 Therefore, 5 Gs = _______________________ ms 9 left To convert µm to km, move the decimal ________ places to the ________. 0.000 000 003 Therefore, 3 µm = _________________ km Chapter 1 Problem Set 3: Scientific Notation Problems Convert the following expanded numbers to scientific notation: 1. 28,000,000 6. 0.000000000000057 2. 305,000 7. 20,100 3. 0.000000463 8. 0.00025 4. 0.000201 9. 65,000,000,000,000,000 5. 3,010,000 10. 8,540,000,000,000 Expand the following numbers in scientific notation: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 2.101 x 10−16 3.051 x 107 5.94 x 10−16 8.27 x 1019 3.86 x 10−22 Metric Conversions Make the following conversions. 1. 83 cm → m 2. 459 L → mL 3. 1123 pg → ng 4. 0.032 hL → nL 5. 2.5 mm → µm 6. 1.2 ns → Ms 7. 0.7824 Tg → dag 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2.511 x 1012 4.82 x 10−12 3.21 x 1012 2.88 x 105 4.05 x 1011 Use scientific notation if necessary. 15. 8. 34, 981 µg → Gg 16. 9. 285 cg → pg 17. 10. 94.778 Mm → mm 18. 11. 1.43 x 109 ns → das -2 19. 12. 8.14 x 10 Tm → cm 20. 13. 4.02 x 105 cg → hg 3 14. 8.77 x 10 pL → µL 1.33 x 100 m → Mm 7.49 x 10-8 hs → ns 6.81 x 106 GL → pL 3.18 x 10-4 kg → Tg 6.72 x 102 dm → nm 5.51 x 10-7 Ms → das