Warm up: p. 185 # 69 ­ 74 Nov 15­11:57 AM OBJECTIVES: • express numbers in standard form and in scientific notation • compare and order numbers written in scientific notation Section 4­8 _______________ scientific notation ­­ 5.0 X 106 standard notation ­­ 5,000,000 Nov 15­11:59 AM 1 Example 1: Express each number in standard notation. a. 3.78 X 106 = ***move the decimal point 6 places to the right b. 5.1 X 10­5 = ***move the decimal point 5 places to the left Nov 15­12:02 PM . 4 Write 4.58 X 10 using standard notation. ­2 Write 3.4 X 10 using standard notation. Nov 15­12:21 PM 2 Example 2: Express each number in scientific notation. ***move the decimal point so that only one number is left of the decimal point, then count the places you moved to determine the exponent. a. 60,000,000 = ____ X 10 b. 32,800 = _____ X 10 c. 0.0049 = ______ X 10 Nov 15­12:05 PM Example 3: Order the numbers from least to greatest. 5.80 X 107 1.43 X 109 7.78 X 108 2.28 X 108 Step 1: Order the numbers by exponents Step 2: Compare the numbers with the same exponents Step 3: Insert < signs Nov 15­12:10 PM 3 Guided Practice: 1. Write a number in standard notation and then write the number in scientific notation. Express in standard notation. 2. 3.08 X 10­4 3. 1.4 X 102 4. 5.495 X 105 Nov 15­12:14 PM Write using scientific notation. 5. 139, 000 = 0.0307 = 0.2004 = Nov 15­12:16 PM 4 Write using scientific notation. 4 12,450 = 1.2450 X 10 0.2362 = 2.362 X 10 ­1 0.00236 = 3200 = Nov 15­12:22 PM Write using standard notation. 3 1.25 X 10 = 5 7 X 10 = ­3 4.8 X 10 = ­4 1.8 X 10 = Nov 15­12:21 PM 5 Do you have any Vocab questions? OBJECTIVES: HOMEWORK: p. 189­190 # 12­33, 35­38, 51, 52 *** Quiz next time over 4­5 to 4­8*** Nov 15­12:28 PM 6