©TeeJay Publishers Homework for Level F book Ch 7 - Scientific Notation Scientific Notation Chapter 7 Exercise 1 1. Copy and complete the following :– 39 000 = 3900 x 10 = 390 x .... x .... = 3·9 x ...................... = 39 x .... x .... x .... (Stop here, since 3·9 lies between 1 and 10). = 3·9 x 10... 2. Using the same method as Qu 1., write the following numbers in scientific notation :– (a) 4800 (b) 6780 (c) 31 000 (d) 35 200 (e) 54 350 (f) 970 000 (g) 487 000 (h) 109 100 (i) 4 400 000. Exercise 2 1. 2. Using the “quick” method, write the following numbers in scientific notation :– (a) 49 000 (b) 547 000 (c) 234 000 (d) 660 (e) 1 482 (f) 9 000 (g) 70 000 (h) 1 680 000 (i) 47 300 000. You have learned that :- 3 million = 3 000 000 = 3·0 x 10 6 1·27 million = 1 270 000 = 1·27 x 10 6 Write out each of the following in full, then write each in scientific notation :– (a) 7 million = 7 000 000 = 7·0 x 10 .... (b) 2·5 million (c) 9·19 million (d) 4 21 million (e) 17 million (f) 27 million (g) 2·8 million (h) 1·97 million (i) 12 21 million (j) 15 21 million (k) 5·714 million (l) 5 14 million (m) 6 34 million. this is Chapter Seven page 13 SCIENTIFIC NOTATION ©TeeJay Publishers 3. 4. Homework for Level F book Ch 7 - Scientific Notation This table gives the areas of various stretches of water throughout the world. Write each of the areas in scientific notation. Sea / Ocean Area (km2 ) Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Mediterranean River Clyde Loch Ness English Channel 165 380 000 82 ·21 million 73·6 million 2 510 000 2 130 56 103 600 Nessie ? A golf caddie earns £250 000 per annum. Write his earnings in scientific notation. 5. The population of Canada in May 2004 was 31 million and 629 thousand. Write this number in scientific notation. Exercise 3 1. 2. Change each of the following from scientific notation to number form :(a) 3·8 x 104 (b) 7·5 x 102 (c) 3·24 x 105 (d) 6·47 x 103 (e) 1·478 x 104 (f) 3 x 101 (g) 9 x 106 (h) 2·9 x 106 (i) 6·014 x 104 (j) 7 x 107 (k) 5·37 x 107 (l) 8·888 x 108. Player Valuation Figo £1·525 x 107 Woodgate £5·75 x 106 Novo £8·755 x 105 Coyle £3·285 x 104 McCracken £1·004 x 102 this is Chapter Seven This table shows the valuation of certain football players as of June 2004. Write out each of the valuations in full. page 14 SCIENTIFIC NOTATION ©TeeJay Publishers 3. Homework for Level F book What large numbers are shown on the calculators below ? (a) 9·2 5 (b) 8 3·47 On/Off 4. Ch 7 - Scientific Notation (c) 11 1·42 On/Off On/Off Write the amount, £1 billion :(a) as a very large number in figures. (b) in scientific notation. Exercise 4 1. 2. 3. Write the following small numbers in scientific notation :– (a) 0·003 (b) 0·000 074 (c) 0·0286 (d) 0·000 006 (e) 0·000 482 (f) 0·287 (g) 0·003 93 (h) 0·000 07. Write the following numbers in full :– (a) 5·1 x 10–2 (b) 3·6 x 10–4 (c) 2·74 x 10–3 (d) 5·06 x 10–5 (e) 3·2741 x 10–1 (f) 4 x 10–3 (g) 7 x 10–5 (h) 8·009 x 10–6. A box of toffees weighs 5·81 x 10–2 kilograms. Is this more or less than 58 grams ? 4. What small numbers are shown on the calculators below ? (a) 3·7 –2 (b) 7·09 On/Off 5. (c) –1 1·001 On/Off On/Off Write out in full :– (a) 4·2 x 10–2 6. –4 (b) 7·8 x 106 (b) 8·01 x 10–4 (d) 9·021 x 103. (c) 0·000 39 (d) 21 500 000. Write in scientific notation :– (a) 0·003 this is Chapter Seven (b) 5 470 page 15 SCIENTIFIC NOTATION ©TeeJay Publishers Homework for Level F book Ch 7 - Scientific Notation Revision Exercise 1. 2. Write the following numbers in scientific notation :– (a) 400 (b) 8 000 (c) 16 500 (d) 5 million (e) 1·89 million (f) 3 14 million (g) 70 000 (h) 1 680 000 (i) 47 300 000. Change each of the following from scientific notation to number form :(a) 2·4 x 104 3. 4. 5. € (b) 6·2 x 102 (c) 7·361 x 105 (d) 9 x 107. Write the amount TWO BILLION POUNDS :(a) as a very large number in figures. (b) in scientific notation. Write the following small numbers in scientific notation :– (a) 0·05 (b) 0·000 092 (c) 0·0274 (d) 0·000 002 (e) 0·000 175 (f) 0·368 (g) 0·001 81 (h) 0·000 09. Write the following numbers in full :– (a) 3·9 x 10–2 (b) 2·1 x 10–4 (c) 4·97 x 10–3 (d) 7·02 x 10–5 (e) 3·2748 x 10–1 (f) 5 x 10–3 (g) 9 x 10–5 (h) 3·007 x 10–6. this is Chapter Seven page 16 SCIENTIFIC NOTATION