Recommendation with Implicit Feedbacks: Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) Weike Pan College of Computer Science and Software Engineering Shenzhen University 1502030001: Semantic Web (Spring 2015) Focus on Intelligent Recommendation Technology W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 1 / 18 Outline 1 Introduction 2 Method 3 Experiments 4 Conclusion 5 References W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 2 / 18 Introduction Recommendation with Implicit Feedbacks We may represent users’ implicit feedbacks in a matrix form: If we can estimate the missing values (denoted as “?”) in the matrix or rank the items directly, we can make recommendations for each user. W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 3 / 18 Introduction Notations (1/2) Table: Some notations. n m u ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} i, i ′ ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m} rui P A, |A| = ρ|P| W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) user number item number user ID item ID observed rating of user u on item i the whole set of observed (user, item) pairs a sampled set of unobserved (user, item) pairs Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 4 / 18 Introduction Notations (2/2) Table: Some notations. bu ∈ R bi ∈ R d ∈R Vi· , Wj· ∈ R1×d V, W ∈ Rm×d r̂ui T W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) user bias item bias number of latent dimensions item-specific latent feature vector item-specific latent feature matrix predicted rating of user u on item i iteration number in the algorithm Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 5 / 18 Method Factored Item Similarity Model (FISM) FISM with different loss functions, FISMrmse FISMauc W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 6 / 18 Method Prediction Rule The predicted rating of user u on item i, −i T r̂ui = bu + bi + Ūu· Vi· (1) where, −i Ūu· = W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) 1 |Iu \{i}|α X Wi ′ · , 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 i ′ ∈Iu \{i} Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 7 / 18 Method Objective Function The objective function of FISMrmse , X min Θ fui (2) (u,i)∈P∪A where Θ = {Vi· , Wi ′ · , bu , bi }, i, i ′ = 1, . . . , m, u = 1, . . . , n, and fui = 1 αv αw (rui − r̂ui )2 + ||Vi· ||2F + 2 2 2 X ||Wi ′ · ||2F + i ′ ∈Iu \{i} βu 2 βv 2 b + bi 2 u 2 Notes: P is the whole set of observed (user, item) pairs A is a sampled set of unobserved (user, item) pairs According to the loss function, we can see that FISMrmse is a pointwise method W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 8 / 18 Method Gradients For each (u, i) ∈ P ∪ A, we have the gradients, ∇bu = ∇bi = ∇Vi· = ∇Wi ′ · = ∂fui = −eui + βu bu ∂bu ∂fui = −eui + βv bi ∂bi ∂fui −i = −eui Ūu· + αv Vi· ∂Vi· 1 ∂fui = −eui V + αw Wi ′ · , i ′ ∈ Iu \{i} ∂Wi ′ · |Iu \{i}|α i· where eui = rui − r̂ui . Note that rui = 1 if (u, i) ∈ P, and rui = 0 if (u, i) ∈ A. W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 9 / 18 Method Update Rules For each (u, i) ∈ P ∪ A, we have the update rules, bu = bu − γ∇bu bi = bi − γ∇bi Vi· = Vi· − γ∇Vi· Wi ′ · = Wi ′ · − γ∇Wi ′ · , i ′ ∈ Iu \{i} where eui = rui − r̂ui . Note that rui = 1 if (u, i) ∈ P, and rui = 0 if (u, i) ∈ A. W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 10 / 18 Method Algorithm Initialize the model parameters Θ for t = 1, . . . , T do 3: Randomly pick up a set A with |A| = ρ|P| 4: for each (u, i) ∈ P ∪ A in aP random order do −i 1 = |Iu \{i}| 5: Calculate Ūu· α i ′ ∈Iu \{i} Wi ′ · 1: 2: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: −i T Vi· Calculate r̂ui = bu + bi + Ūu· Calculate eui = rui − r̂ui Update the bu , bi , Vi· and Wi ′ · , i ′ ∈ Iu \{i} end for end for Figure: The SGD algorithm for FISMrmse . W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 11 / 18 Experiments Data Set We use the files u1.base and u1.test of MovieLens100K1 as our training data and test data, respectively. user number: n = 943; item number: m = 1682. u1.base (training data): 80000 rating records, and the density (or sparsity) is 80000/943/1682 = 5.04%. u1.test (test data): 20000 rating records. Pre-processing (for simulation): we only keep the (user, item) pairs with ratings 4 or 5 in u1.base and u1.test as preferred (user, item) pairs, and remove all other records. Finally, we obtain u1.base.OCCF and u1.test.OCCF. 1 W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 12 / 18 Experiments Evaluation Metrics Pre@5: The precision of user u is defined as, k 1X δ(i(ℓ) ∈ Iute ), Preu @k = k ℓ=1 where δ(x) δ(x) = 0 otherwise. Then, we have P= 1 if x is true and te Pre@k = u∈U te Preu @k/|U |. Rec@5: The recall of user u is defined as, 1 X δ(i(ℓ) ∈ Iute ), |Iute | ℓ=1 k Recu @k = which means how many preferred items P are recommended in the top-k list. Then, we have Rec@k = u∈U te Recu @k/|U te |. W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 13 / 18 Experiments Initialization of Model Parameters We use the statistics of training data to initialize the model parameters, bu = m X = n X yui /m − µ i=1 bi yui /n − µ u=1 Vik = (r − 0.5) × 0.01, k = 1, . . . , d = (r − 0.5) × 0.01, k = 1, . . . , d P P where r (0 ≤ r < 1) is a random variable, and µ = nu=1 m i=1 yui /n/m. Wi ′ k W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 14 / 18 Experiments Parameter Configurations We fix α = 0.5 and γ = 0.01, and search the best values of the following parameters, αv = αw = βu = βv ∈ {0.001, 0.01, 0.1} T ∈ {100, 500, 1000} Finally, we use α = 0.5, γ = 0.01, ρ = 3, d = 20, αv = αw = βu = βv = 0.001 and T = 100, which performs best in our experiments. It takes about 75 seconds for training. W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 15 / 18 Experiments Results Table: Prediction performance of PopRank and FISMrmse on MovieLens100K (u1.base.OCCF, u1.test.OCCF). Pre@5 Rec@5 W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) PopRank 0.2338 0.0571 FISMrmse 0.3846 0.1270 Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 16 / 18 Conclusion Conclusion Learning factored (item, item) similarities is helpful. W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 17 / 18 Conclusion Homework Implement FISMrmse and conduct empirical studies on u2.base.OCCF, u2.test.OCCF of MovieLens100K with similar pre-processing Read the KDD 2013 paper [Kabbur et al., 2013], and study the algorithm of FISMauc W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 18 / 18 References Kabbur, S., Ning, X., and Karypis, G. (2013). Fism: Factored item similarity models for top-n recommender systems. In Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, KDD ’13, pages 659–667, New York, NY, USA. ACM. W.K. Pan (CSSE, SZU) Factored Item Similarity Models (FISMrmse ) 1502030001 (Spring 2015) 18 / 18