Problems and Procedures - Introduction to Computing

Problems and Procedures
A great discovery solves a great problem, but there is a grain of discovery in the solution of
any problem. Your problem may be modest, but if it challenges your curiosity and brings into
play your inventive faculties, and if you solve it by your own means, you may experience the
tension and enjoy the triumph of discovery.
George Pólya, How to Solve It
Computers are tools for performing computations to solve problems. In this
chapter, we consider what it means to solve a problem and explore some strategies for constructing procedures that solve problems.
Solving Problems
Traditionally, a problem is an obstacle to overcome or some question to answer.
Once the question is answered or the obstacle circumvented, the problem is
solved and we can declare victory and move on to the next one.
When we talk about writing programs to solve problems, though, we have a
larger goal. We don’t just want to solve one instance of a problem, we want an
algorithm that can solve all instances of a problem. A problem is defined by problem
its inputs and the desired property of the output. Recall from Chapter 1, that a
procedure is a precise description of a process and a procedure is guaranteed
to always finish is called an algorithm. The name algorithm is a Latinization
of the name of the Persian mathematician and scientist, Muhammad ibn Mūsā
al-Khwārizmı̄, who published a book in 825 on calculation with Hindu numerals. Although the name algorithm was adopted after al-Khwārizmı̄’s book, algorithms go back much further than that. The ancient Babylonians had algorithms
for finding square roots more than 3500 years ago (see Exploration 4.1).
For example, we don’t just want to find the best route between New York and
Washington, we want an algorithm that takes as inputs the map, start location,
and end location, and outputs the best route. There are infinitely many possible
inputs that each specify different instances of the problem; a general solution to
the problem is a procedure that finds the best route for all possible inputs.1
To define a procedure that can solve a problem, we need to define a procedure
that takes inputs describing the problem instance and produces a different information process depending on the actual values of its inputs. A procedure
1 Actually
finding a general algorithm that does without needing to essentially try all possible
routes is a challenging and interesting problem, for which no efficient solution is known. Finding one (or proving no fast algorithm exists) would resolve the most important open problem in
computer science!
4.2. Composing Procedures
takes zero or more inputs, and produces one output or no outputs2 , as shown in
Figure 4.1.
Figure 4.1. A procedure maps inputs to an output.
Our goal in solving a problem is to devise a procedure that takes inputs that
define a problem instance, and produces as output the solution to that problem
instance. The procedure should be an algorithm — this means every application
of the procedure must eventually finish evaluating and produce an output value.
There is no magic wand for solving problems. But, most problem solving involves breaking problems you do not yet know how to solve into simpler and
simpler problems until you find problems simple enough that you already know
how to solve them. The creative challenge is to find the simpler subproblems
that can be combined to solve the original problem. This approach of solving
problems by breaking them into simpler parts is known as divide-and-conquer.
The following sections describe a two key forms of divide-and-conquer problem
solving: composition and recursive problem solving. We will use these same
problem-solving techniques in different forms throughout this book.
Composing Procedures
One way to divide a problem is to split it into steps where the output of the first
step is the input to the second step, and the output of the second step is the
solution to the problem. Each step can be defined by one procedure, and the two
procedures can be combined to create one procedure that solves the problem.
Figure 4.2 shows a composition of two functions, f and g . The output of f is
used as the input to g.
Figure 4.2. Composition.
We can express this composition with the Scheme expression (g (f x)) where x
is the input. The written order appears to be reversed from the picture in Figure 4.2. This is because we apply a procedure to the values of its subexpressions:
2 Although procedures can produce more than one output, we limit our discussion here to procedures that produce no more than one output. In the next chapter, we introduce ways to construct
complex data, so any number of output values can be packaged into a single output.
Chapter 4. Problems and Procedures
the values of the inner subexpressions must be computed first, and then used as
the inputs to the outer applications. So, the inner subexpression (f x) is evaluated first since the evaluation rule for the outer application expression is to first
evaluate all the subexpressions.
To define a procedure that implements the composed procedure we make x a
(define fog (lambda (x) (g (f x))))
This defines fog as a procedure that takes one input and produces as output the
composition of f and g applied to the input parameter. This works for any two
procedures that both take a single input parameter.
For example, we can compose the square and cube procedures from Chapter 3:
(define sixth-power (lambda (x) (cube (square x))))
Then, (sixth-power 2) evaluates to 64.
Procedures as Inputs and Outputs
All the procedure inputs and outputs we have seen so far have been numbers.
The subexpressions of an application can be any expression including a procedure. A higher-order procedure is a procedure that takes other procedures as in- higher-order
puts or that produces a procedure as its output. Higher-order procedures give us procedure
the ability to write procedures that behave differently based on the procedures
that are passed in as inputs.
For example, we can create a generic composition procedure by making f and g
(define fog (lambda (f g x) (g (f x))))
The fog procedure takes three parameters. The first two are both procedures
that take one input. The third parameter is a value that can be the input to the
first procedure.
For example, > (fog square cube 2) evaluates to 64, and > (fog (lambda (x) (+
x 1)) square 2) evaluates to 9. In the second example the first parameter is the
procedure produced by the lambda expression (lambda (x) (+ x 1)). This procedure takes a number as input and produces as output that number plus one.
We use a definition to name this procedure inc (short for increment):
(define inc (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))
A more useful composition procedure would separate the input value, x, from
the composition. The fcompose procedure takes two procedures as inputs and
produces as output a procedure that is their composition:3
(define fcompose
(lambda (f g ) (lambda (x) (g (f x)))))
The body of the fcompose procedure is a lambda expression that makes a procedure. Hence, the result of applying fcompose to two procedures is not a simple
3 We name our composition procedure fcompose to avoid collision with the built-in compose procedure that behaves similarly.
4.3. Recursive Problem Solving
value, but a procedure. The resulting procedure can then be applied to a value.
Here are some examples using fcompose:
> (fcompose inc inc)
> ((fcompose inc inc) 1)
> ((fcompose inc square) 2)
> ((fcompose square inc) 2)
Exercise 4.1. For each expression, give the value to which the expression evaluates. Assume fcompose and inc are defined as above.
a. ((fcompose square square) 3)
b. (fcompose (lambda (x) (∗ x 2)) (lambda (x) (/ x 2)))
c. ((fcompose (lambda (x) (∗ x 2)) (lambda (x) (/ x 2))) 1120)
d. ((fcompose (fcompose inc inc) inc) 2)
Exercise 4.2. Suppose we define self-compose as a procedure that composes a
procedure with itself:
(define (self-compose f ) (fcompose f f ))
Explain how (((fcompose self-compose self-compose) inc) 1) is evaluated.
Exercise 4.3. Define a procedure fcompose3 that takes three procedures as input, and produces as output a procedure that is the composition of the three
input procedures. For example, ((fcompose3 abs inc square) −5) should evaluate to 36. Define fcompose3 two different ways: once without using fcompose,
and once using fcompose.
Exercise 4.4. The fcompose procedure only works when both input procedures
take one input. Define a f2compose procedure that composes two procedures
where the first procedure takes two inputs, and the second procedure takes one
input. For example, ((f2compose + abs) 3 −5) should evaluate to 2.
Recursive Problem Solving
In the previous section, we used functional composition to break a problem into
two procedures that can be composed to produce the desired output. A particularly useful variation on this is when we can break a problem into a smaller
version of the original problem.
The goal is to be able to feed the output of one application of the procedure
back into the same procedure as its input for the next application, as shown in
Figure 4.3.
Here’s a corresponding Scheme procedure:
Chapter 4. Problems and Procedures
Figure 4.3. Circular Composition.
(define f (lambda (n) (f n)))
Of course, this doesn’t work very well!4 Every application of f results in another
application of f to evaluate. This never stops — no output is ever produced and
the interpreter will keep evaluating applications of f until it is stopped or runs
out of memory.
We need a way to make progress and eventually stop, instead of going around
in circles. To make progress, each subsequent application should have a smaller
input. Then, the applications stop when the input to the procedure is simple
enough that the output is already known. The stopping condition is called the
base case, similarly to the grammar rules in Section 2.4. In our grammar ex- base case
amples, the base case involved replacing the nonterminal with nothing (e.g.,
MoreDigits ::⇒ e) or with a terminal (e.g., Noun ::⇒ Alice). In recursive procedures, the base case will provide a solution for some input for which the problem is so simple we already know the answer. When the input is a number, this
is often (but not necessarily) when the input is 0 or 1.
To define a recursive procedure, we use an if expression to test if the input matches
the base case input. If it does, the consequent expression is the known answer
for the base case. Otherwise, the recursive case applies the procedure again but
with a smaller input. That application needs to make progress towards reaching
the base case. This means, the input has to change in a way that gets closer to
the base case input. If the base case is for 0, and the original input is a positive
number, one way to get closer to the base case input is to subtract 1 from the
input value with each recursive application.
This evaluation spiral is depicted in Figure 4.4. With each subsequent recursive
call, the input gets smaller, eventually reaching the base case. For the base case
application, a result is returned to the previous application. This is passed back
up the spiral to produce the final output. Keeping track of where we are in a
recursive evaluation is similar to keeping track of the subnetworks in an RTN
traversal. The evaluator needs to keep track of where to return after each recursive evaluation completes, similarly to how we needed to keep track of the stack
of subnetworks to know how to proceed in an RTN traversal.
Here is the corresponding procedure:
(define g
(lambda (n)
(if (= n 0) 1 (g (− n 1)))))
Unlike the earlier circular f procedure, if we apply g to any non-negative integer
4 Curious
readers should try entering this definition into a Scheme interpreter and evaluating (f
0). If you get tired of waiting for an output, in DrRacket you can click the Stop button in the upper
right corner to interrupt the evaluation.
4.3. Recursive Problem Solving
Figure 4.4. Recursive Composition.
it will eventually produce an output. For example, consider evaluating (g 2).
When we evaluate the first application, the value of the parameter n is 2, so the
predicate expression (= n 0) evaluates to false and the value of the procedure
body is the value of the alternate expression, (g (− n 1)). The subexpression, (− n
1) evaluates to 1, so the result is the result of applying g to 1. As with the previous
application, this leads to the application, (g (− n 1)), but this time the value of
n is 1, so (− n 1) evaluates to 0. The next application leads to the application, (g
0). This time, the predicate expression evaluates to true and we have reached the
base case. The consequent expression is just 1, so no further applications of g
are performed and this is the result of the application (g 0). This is returned as
the result of the (g 1) application in the previous recursive call, and then as the
output of the original (g 2) application.
We can think of the recursive evaluation as winding until the base case is reached,
and then unwinding the outputs back to the original application. For this procedure, the output is not very interesting: no matter what positive number we
apply g to, the eventual result is 1. To solve interesting problems with recursive
procedures, we need to accumulate results as the recursive applications wind
or unwind. Examples 4.1 and 4.2 illustrate recursive procedures that accumulate the result during the unwinding process. Example 4.3 illustrates a recursive
procedure that accumulates the result during the winding process.
Example 4.1: Factorial
How many different arrangements are there of a deck of 52 playing cards?
The top card in the deck can be any of the 52 cards, so there are 52 possible
choices for the top card. The second card can be any of the cards except for
the card that is the top card, so there are 51 possible choices for the second card.
The third card can be any of the 50 remaining cards, and so on, until the last card
for which there is only one choice remaining.
52 ∗ 51 ∗ 50 ∗ · · · ∗ 2 ∗ 1
This is known as the factorial function (denoted in mathematics using the exclamation point, e.g., 52!). It can be defined recursively:
0! = 1
n! = n ∗ (n − 1)! for all n > 0
The mathematical definition of factorial is recursive, so it is natural that we can
define a recursive procedure that computes factorials:
Chapter 4. Problems and Procedures
(define (factorial n)
(if (= n 0)
(∗ n (factorial (− n 1)))))
Evaluating (factorial 52) produces the number of arrangements of a 52-card deck:
a sixty-eight digit number starting with an 8.
The factorial procedure has structure very similar to our earlier definition of the
useless recursive g procedure. The only difference is the alternative expression
for the if expression: in g we used (g (− n 1)); in factorial we added the outer
application of ∗: (∗ n (factorial (− n 1))). Instead of just evaluating to the result
of the recursive application, we are now combining the output of the recursive
evaluation with the input n using a multiplication application.
Exercise 4.5. How many different ways are there of choosing an unordered 5card hand from a 52-card deck?
This is an instance of the “n choose k” problem (also known as the binomial
coefficient): how many different ways are there to choose a set of k items from
n items. There are n ways to choose the first item, n − 1 ways to choose the
second, . . ., and n − k + 1 ways to choose the kth item. But, since the order does
not matter, some of these ways are equivalent. The number of possible ways to
order the k items is k!, so we can compute the number of ways to choose k items
from a set of n items as:
n ∗ ( n − 1) ∗ · · · ∗ ( n − k + 1)
(n − k)!k!
a. Define a procedure choose that takes two inputs, n (the size of the item set)
and k (the number of items to choose), and outputs the number of possible
ways to choose k items from n.
b. Compute the number of possible 5-card hands that can be dealt from a 52card deck.
c. [?] Compute the likelihood of being dealt a flush (5 cards all of the same suit).
In a standard 52-card deck, there are 13 cards of each of the four suits. Hint:
divide the number of possible flush hands by the number of possible hands.
Exercise 4.6. Reputedly, when Karl Gauss was in elementary school his teacher
assigned the class the task of summing the integers from 1 to 100 (e.g., 1 + 2 +
3 + · · · + 100) to keep them busy. Being the (future) “Prince of Mathematics”,
Gauss developed the formula for calculating this sum, that is now known as the
Gauss sum. Had he been a computer scientist, however, and had access to a
Scheme interpreter in the late 1700s, he might have instead defined a recursive
procedure to solve the problem. Define a recursive procedure, gauss-sum, that
takes a number n as its input parameter, and evaluates to the sum of the integers
from 1 to n as its output. For example, (gauss-sum 100) should evaluate to 5050.
Karl Gauss
4.3. Recursive Problem Solving
Exercise 4.7. [?] Define a higher-order procedure, accumulate, that can be used
to make both gauss-sum (from Exercise 4.6) and factorial. The accumulate procedure should take as its input the function used for accumulation (e.g., ∗ for
factorial, + for gauss-sum). With your accumulate procedure, ((accumulate +)
100) should evaluate to 5050 and ((accumulate ∗) 3) should evaluate to 6. We assume the result of the base case is 1 (although a more general procedure could
take that as a parameter).
Hint: since your procedure should produce a procedure as its output, it could
start like this:
(define (accumulate f )
(lambda (n)
(if (= n 1) 1
Example 4.2: Find Maximum
Consider the problem of defining a procedure that takes as its input a procedure,
a low value, and a high value, and outputs the maximum value the input procedure produces when applied to an integer value between the low value and high
value input. We name the inputs f , low, and high. To find the maximum, the
find-maximum procedure should evaluate the input procedure f at every integer value between the low and high, and output the greatest value found.
Here are a few examples:
> (find-maximum (lambda (x) x) 1 20)
> (find-maximum (lambda (x) (− 10 x)) 1 20)
> (find-maximum (lambda (x) (∗ x (− 10 x))) 1 20)
To define the procedure, think about how to combine results from simpler problems to find the result. For the base case, we need a case so simple we already
know the answer. Consider the case when low and high are equal. Then, there
is only one value to use, and we know the value of the maximum is (f low). So,
the base case is (if (= low high) (f low) . . . ).
How do we make progress towards the base case? Suppose the value of high is
equal to the value of low plus 1. Then, the maximum value is either the value of
(f low) or the value of (f (+ low 1)). We could select it using the bigger procedure
(from Example 3.3): (bigger (f low) (f (+ low 1))). We can extend this to the case
where high is equal to low plus 2:
(bigger (f low) (bigger (f (+ low 1)) (f (+ low 2))))
The second operand for the outer bigger evaluation is the maximum value of the
input procedure between the low value plus one and the high value input. If we
name the procedure we are defining find-maximum, then this second operand
is the result of (find-maximum f (+ low 1) high). This works whether high is
equal to (+ low 1), or (+ low 2), or any other value greater than high.
Putting things together, we have our recursive definition of find-maximum:
Chapter 4. Problems and Procedures
(define (find-maximum f low high)
(if (= low high)
(f low)
(bigger (f low) (find-maximum f (+ low 1) high))))
Exercise 4.8. To find the maximum of a function that takes a real number as
its input, we need to evaluate at all numbers in the range, not just the integers.
There are infinitely many numbers between any two numbers, however, so this
is impossible. We can approximate this, however, by evaluating the function at
many numbers in the range.
Define a procedure find-maximum-epsilon that takes as input a function f , a
low range value low, a high range value high, and an increment epsilon, and
produces as output the maximum value of f in the range between low and high
at interval epsilon. As the value of epsilon decreases, find-maximum-epsilon
should evaluate to a value that approaches the actual maximum value.
For example,
(find-maximum-epsilon (lambda (x) (∗ x (− 5.5 x))) 1 10 1)
evaluates to 7.5. And,
(find-maximum-epsilon (lambda (x) (∗ x (− 5.5 x))) 1 10 0.01)
evaluates to 7.5625.
Exercise 4.9. [?] The find-maximum procedure we defined evaluates to the
maximum value of the input function in the range, but does not provide the
input value that produces that maximum output value. Define a procedure
that finds the input in the range that produces the maximum output value.
For example, (find-maximum-input inc 1 10) should evaluate to 10 and (findmaximum-input (lambda (x) (∗ x (− 5.5 x))) 1 10) should evaluate to 3.
Exercise 4.10. [?] Define a find-area procedure that takes as input a function
f , a low range value low, a high range value high, and an increment epsilon,
and produces as output an estimate for the area under the curve produced by
the function f between low and high using the epsilon value to determine how
many regions to evaluate.
Example 4.3: Euclid’s Algorithm
In Book 7 of the Elements, Euclid describes an algorithm for finding the greatest
common divisor of two non-zero integers. The greatest common divisor is the
greatest integer that divides both of the input numbers without leaving any remainder. For example, the greatest common divisor of 150 and 200 is 50 since
(/ 150 50) evaluates to 3 and (/ 200 50) evaluates to 4, and there is no number
greater than 50 that can evenly divide both 150 and 200.
The modulo primitive procedure takes two integers as its inputs and evaluates to
the remainder when the first input is divided by the second input. For example,
(modulo 6 3) evaluates to 0 and (modulo 7 3) evaluates to 1.
4.3. Recursive Problem Solving
Euclid’s algorithm stems from two properties of integers:
1. If (modulo a b) evaluates to 0 then b is the greatest common divisor of a
and b.
2. If (modulo a b) evaluates to a non-zero integer r, the greatest common
divisor of a and b is the greatest common divisor of b and r.
We can define a recursive procedure for finding the greatest common divisor
closely following Euclid’s algorithm5 :
(define (gcd-euclid a b)
(if (= (modulo a b) 0) b (gcd-euclid b (modulo a b))))
The structure of the definition is similar to the factorial definition: the procedure body is an if expression and the predicate tests for the base case. For the
gcd-euclid procedure, the base case corresponds to the first property above. It
occurs when b divides a evenly, and the consequent expression is b. The alternate expression, (gcd-euclid b (modulo a b)), is the recursive application.
The gcd-euclid procedure differs from the factorial definition in that there is no
outer application expression in the recursive call. We do not need to combine
the result of the recursive application with some other value as was done in the
factorial definition, the result of the recursive application is the final result. Unlike the factorial and find-maximum examples, the gcd-euclid procedure produces the result in the base case, and no further computation is necessary to
produce the final result. When no further evaluation is necessary to get from
the result of the recursive application to the final result, a recursive definition is
tail recursive said to be tail recursive. Tail recursive procedures have the advantage that they
can be evaluated without needing to keep track of the stack of previous recursive calls. Since the final call produces the final result, there is no need for the
interpreter to unwind the recursive calls to produce the answer.
Exercise 4.11. Show the structure of the gcd-euclid applications in evaluating
(gcd-euclid 6 9).
Exercise 4.12. [?] Provide a convincing argument why the evaluation of (gcdeuclid a b) will always finish when the inputs are both positive integers.
Exercise 4.13. Provide an alternate definition of factorial that is tail recursive.
To be tail recursive, the expression containing the recursive application cannot
be part of another application expression. (Hint: define a factorial-helper procedure that takes an extra parameter, and then define factorial as (define (factorial
n) (factorial-helper n 1)).)
Exercise 4.14. Provide a tail recursive definition of find-maximum.
Exercise 4.15. [??] Provide a convincing argument why it is possible to transform any recursive procedure into an equivalent procedure that is tail recursive.
5 DrRacket provides a built-in procedure gcd that computes the greatest common divisor. We
name our procedure gcd-euclid to avoid a clash with the build-in procedure.
Chapter 4. Problems and Procedures
Exploration 4.1: Square Roots
One of the earliest known algorithms is a method for computing square roots. It
is known as Heron’s method after the Greek mathematician Heron of Alexandria
who lived in the first century AD who described the method, although it was also
known to the Babylonians many centuries earlier. Isaac Newton developed a
more general method for estimating functions based on their derivatives known
as Netwon’s method, of which Heron’s method is a specialization.
Square root is a mathematical function that take a number, a, as input and outputs a value x such that x2 = a. For many numbers (including 2), the square
root is irrational, so the best we can hope for with is a good approximation. We
define a procedure find-sqrt that takes the target number as input and outputs
an approximation for its square root.
Heron’s method works by starting with an arbitrary guess, g0 . Then, with each
iteration, compute a new guess (gn is the nth guess) that is a function of the previous guess (gn−1 ) and the target number (a):
gn =
g n −1 +
gn −1
As n increases gn gets closer and closer to the square root of a.
The definition is recursive since we compute gn as a function of gn−1 , so we can
define a recursive procedure that computes Heron’s method. First, we define a
procedure for computing the next guess from the previous guess and the target:
(define (heron-next-guess a g ) (/ (+ g (/ a g )) 2))
Next, we define a recursive procedure to compute the nth guess using Heron’s
method. It takes three inputs: the target number, a, the number of guesses to
make, n, and the value of the first guess, g.
(define (heron-method a n g )
(if (= n 0)
(heron-method a (− n 1) (heron-next-guess a g ))))
To start, we need a value for the first guess. The choice doesn’t really matter
— the method works with any starting guess (but will reach a closer estimate
quicker if the starting guess is good). We will use 1 as our starting guess. So, we
can define a find-sqrt procedure that takes two inputs, the target number and
the number of guesses to make, and outputs an approximation of the square
root of the target number.
(define (find-sqrt a guesses)
(heron-method a guesses 1))
Heron’s method converges to a good estimate very quickly:
> (square (find-sqrt 2 0))
> (square (find-sqrt 2 1))
2 1/4
Heron of
4.3. Recursive Problem Solving
> (square (find-sqrt 2 2))
2 1/144
> (square (find-sqrt 2 3))
2 1/166464
> (square (find-sqrt 2 4))
2 1/221682772224
> (square (find-sqrt 2 5))
2 1/393146012008229658338304
> (exact->inexact (find-sqrt 2 5))
The actual square root of 2 is 1.414213562373095048 . . ., so our estimate is correct
to 16 digits after only five guesses.
Users of square roots don’t really care about the method used to find the square
root (or how many guesses are used). Instead, what is important to a square root
user is how close the estimate is to the actual value. Can we change our find-sqrt
procedure so that instead of taking the number of guesses to make as its second
input it takes a minimum tolerance value?
Since we don’t know the actual square root value (otherwise, of course, we could
just return that), we need to measure tolerance as how close the square of the
approximation is to the target number. Hence, we can stop when the square of
the guess is close enough to the target value.
(define (close-enough? a tolerance g )
(<= (abs (− a (square g ))) tolerance))
The stopping condition for the recursive definition is now when the guess is
close enough. Otherwise, our definitions are the same as before.
(define (heron-method-tolerance a tolerance g )
(if (close-enough? a tolerance g )
(heron-method-tolerance a tolerance (heron-next-guess a g ))))
(define (find-sqrt-approx a tolerance)
(heron-method-tolerance a tolerance 1))
Note that the value passed in as tolerance does not change with each recursive
call. We are making the problem smaller by making each successive guess closer
to the required answer.
Here are some example interactions with find-sqrt-approx:
> (exact->inexact (square (find-sqrt-approx 2 0.01)))
> (exact->inexact (square (find-sqrt-approx 2 0.0000001)))
a. How accurate is the built-in sqrt procedure?
b. Can you produce more accurate square roots than the built-in sqrt procedure?
c. Why doesn’t the built-in procedure do better?
Chapter 4. Problems and Procedures
Evaluating Recursive Applications
Evaluating an application of a recursive procedure follows the evaluation rules
just like any other expression evaluation. It may be confusing, however, to see
that this works because of the apparent circularity of the procedure definition.
Here, we show in detail the evaluation steps for evaluating (factorial 2). The evaluation and application rules refer to the rules summary in Section 3.8. We first
show the complete evaluation following the substitution model evaluation rules
in full gory detail, and later review a subset showing the most revealing steps.
Stepping through even a fairly simple evaluation using the evaluation rules is
quite tedious, and not something humans should do very often (that’s why we
have computers!) but instructive to do once to understand exactly how an expression is evaluated.
The evaluation rule for an application expression does not specify the order in
which the subexpressions are evaluated. A Scheme interpreter is free to evaluate
them in any order. Here, we choose to evaluate the subexpressions in the order
that is most readable. The value produced by an evaluation does not depend on
the order in which the subexpressions are evaluated.6
In the evaluation steps, we use typewriter font for uninterpreted Scheme expressions and sans-serif font to show values. So, 2 represents the Scheme expression that evaluates to the number 2.
Evaluation Rule 3(a): Application subexpressions
(factorial 2)
Evaluation Rule 2: Name
(factorial 2)
((lambda (n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))))) 2)
Evaluation Rule 4: Lambda
Evaluation Rule 1: Primitive
((lambda (n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))))) 2)
((lambda (n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))))) 2)
Evaluation Rule 3(b): Application, Application Rule 2
Evaluation Rule 5(a): If predicate
(if (= 2 0) 1 (* 2 (factorial (- 2 1))))
(if (= 2 0) 1 (* 2 (factorial (- 2 1))))
Evaluation Rule 3(a): Application subexpressions
Evaluation Rule 1: Primitive
(if (= 2 0) 1 (* 2 (factorial (- 2 1))))
(if (= 2 0) 1 (* 2 (factorial (- 2 1))))
Evaluation Rule 3(b): Application, Application Rule 1
(if false 1 (* 2 (factorial (- 2 1))))
Evaluation Rule 5(b): If alternate
(* 2 (factorial (- 2 1)))
Evaluation Rule 3(a): Application subexpressions
(* 2 (factorial (- 2 1)))
Evaluation Rule 1: Primitive
(* 2 (factorial (- 2 1)))
Evaluation Rule 3(a): Application subexpressions
(* 2 (factorial (- 2 1)))
Evaluation Rule 3(a): Application subexpressions
(* 2 (factorial (- 2 1)))
Evaluation Rule 1: Primitive
(* 2 (factorial (- 2 1)))
Evaluation Rule 3(b): Application, Application Rule 1
(* 2 (factorial 1))
Continue Evaluation Rule 3(a); Evaluation Rule 2: Name
(* 2 ((lambda (n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))))) 1))
Evaluation Rule 4: Lambda
(* 2 ((lambda (n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))))) 1))
(* 2 (if (= 1 0) 1 (* 1 (factorial (- 1 1)))))
Evaluation Rule 3(b): Application, Application Rule 2
Evaluation Rule 5(a): If predicate
6 This is only true for the subset of Scheme we have defined so far. Once we introduce side effects
and mutation, it is no longer the case, and expressions can produce different results depending on
the order in which they are evaluated.
4.4. Evaluating Recursive Applications
(* 2 (if (= 1 0) 1 (* 1 (factorial (- 1 1)))))
(* 2 (if (= 1 0) 1 (* 1 (factorial (- 1 1)))))
(* 2 (if (= 1 0) 1 (* 1 (factorial (- 1 1)))))
(* 2 (if false 1 (* 1 (factorial (- 1 1)))))
Evaluation Rule 3(a): Application subexpressions
Evaluation Rule 1: Primitives
Evaluation Rule 3(b): Application Rule 1
(- 1 1))))
(- 1 1))))
(- 1 1))))
(- 1 1))))
(- 1 1))))
(- 1 1))))
Evaluation Rule 5(b): If alternate
Evaluation Rule 3(a): Application
Evaluation Rule 1: Primitives
Evaluation Rule 3(a): Application
Evaluation Rule 3(a): Application
Evaluation Rule 1: Primitives
Evaluation Rule 3(b): Application, Application Rule 1
(* 2 (* 1 (factorial 0)))
Evaluation Rule 2: Name
(* 2 (* 1 ((lambda (n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (fact... )))) 0)))
(* 2 (* 1 ((lambda (n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))))) 0)))
(* 2 (* 1 (if (= 0 0) 1 (* 0 (factorial (- 0 1))))))
(* 2 (* 1 (if (= 0 0) 1 (* 0 (factorial (- 0 1))))))
(* 2 (* 1 (if (= 0 0) 1 (* 0 (factorial (- 0 1))))))
(* 2 (* 1 (if (= 0 0) 1 (* 0 (factorial (- 0 1))))))
(* 2 (* 1 (if true 1 (* 0 (factorial (- 0 1))))))
Evaluation Rule 4, Lambda
Evaluation Rule 3(b), Application Rule 2
Evaluation Rule 5(a): If predicate
Evaluation Rule 3(a): Application subexpressions
Evaluation Rule 1: Primitives
Evaluation Rule 3(b): Application, Application Rule 1
(* 2 (* 1 1))
(* 2 (* 1 1))
(* 2 1)
Evaluation Rule 5(b): If consequent
Evaluation Rule 1: Primitives
Evaluation Rule 3(b): Application, Application Rule 1
Evaluation Rule 3(b): Application, Application Rule 1
Evaluation finished, no unevaluated expressions remain.
The key to evaluating recursive procedure applications is if special evaluation
rule. If the if expression were evaluated like a regular application all subexpressions would be evaluated, and the alternative expression containing the recursive call would never finish evaluating! Since the evaluation rule for if evaluates
the predicate expression first and does not evaluate the alternative expression
when the predicate expression is true, the circularity in the definition ends when
the predicate expression evaluates to true. This is the base case. In the example,
this is the base case where (= n 0) evaluates to true and instead of producing
another recursive call it evaluates to 1.
The Evaluation Stack. The structure of the evaluation is clearer from just the
most revealing steps:
(factorial 2)
(* 2 (factorial 1))
(* 2 (* 1 (factorial 0)))
(* 2 (* 1 1))
(* 2 1)
Step 1 starts evaluating (factorial 2). The result is found in Step 42. To eval-
Chapter 4. Problems and Procedures
uate (factorial 2), we follow the evaluation rules, eventually reaching the body
expression of the if expression in the factorial definition in Step 17. Evaluating
this expression requires evaluating the (factorial 1) subexpression. At Step 17,
the first evaluation is in progress, but to complete it we need the value resulting
from the second recursive application.
Evaluating the second application results in the body expression, (∗ 1 (factorial
0)), shown for Step 31. At this point, the evaluation of (factorial 2) is stuck in
Evaluation Rule 3, waiting for the value of (factorial 1) subexpression. The evaluation of the (factorial 1) application leads to the (factorial 0) subexpression,
which must be evaluated before the (factorial 1) evaluation can complete.
In Step 40, the (factorial 0) subexpression evaluation has completed and produced the value 1. Now, the (factorial 1) evaluation can complete, producing 1
as shown in Step 41. Once the (factorial 1) evaluation completes, all the subexpressions needed to evaluate the expression in Step 17 are now evaluated, and
the evaluation completes in Step 42.
Each recursive application can be tracked using a stack, similarly to processing RTN subnetworks (Section 2.3). A stack has the property that the first item
pushed on the stack will be the last item removed—all the items pushed on
top of this one must be removed before this item can be removed. For application evaluations, the elements on the stack are expressions to evaluate. To
finish evaluating the first expression, all of its component subexpressions must
be evaluated. Hence, the first application evaluation started is the last one to
Exercise 4.16. This exercise tests your understanding of the (factorial 2) evaluation.
a. In step 5, the second part of the application evaluation rule, Rule 3(b), is used.
In which step does this evaluation rule complete?
b. In step 11, the first part of the application evaluation rule, Rule 3(a), is used.
In which step is the following use of Rule 3(b) started?
c. In step 25, the first part of the application evaluation rule, Rule 3(a), is used.
In which step is the following use of Rule 3(b) started?
d. To evaluate (factorial 3), how many times would Evaluation Rule 2 be used to
evaluate the name factorial?
e. [?] To evaluate (factorial n) for any positive integer n, how many times would
Evaluation Rule 2 be used to evaluate the name factorial?
Exercise 4.17. For which input values n will an evaluation of (factorial n) eventually reach a value? For values where the evaluation is guaranteed to finish,
make a convincing argument why it must finish. For values where the evaluation would not finish, explain why.
Developing Complex Programs
To develop and use more complex procedures it will be useful to learn some
helpful techniques for understanding what is going on when procedures are
evaluated. It is very rare for a first version of a program to be completely correct,
even for an expert programmer. Wise programmers build programs incrementally, by writing and testing small components one at a time.
4.5. Developing Complex Programs
The process of fixing broken programs is known as debugging . The key to debugging effectively is to be systematic and thoughtful. It is a good idea to take
notes to keep track of what you have learned and what you have tried. Thoughtless debugging can be very frustrating, and is unlikely to lead to a correct program.
A good strategy for debugging is to:
1. Ensure you understand the intended behavior of your procedure. Think of
a few representative inputs, and what the expected output should be.
2. Do experiments to observe the actual behavior of your procedure. Try your
program on simple inputs first. What is the relationship between the actual outputs and the desired outputs? Does it work correctly for some inputs but not others?
3. Make changes to your procedure and retest it. If you are not sure what to
do, make changes in small steps and carefully observe the impact of each
First actual bug
From Grace Hopper’s notebook,
For more complex programs, follow this strategy at the level of sub-components.
For example, you can try debugging at the level of one expression before trying
the whole procedure. Break your program into several procedures so you can
test and debug each procedure independently. The smaller the unit you test at
one time, the easier it is to understand and fix problems.
DrRacket provides many useful and powerful features to aid debugging, but the
most important tool for debugging is using your brain to think carefully about
what your program should be doing and how its observed behavior differs from
the desired behavior. Next, we describe two simple ways to observe program
One useful procedure built-in to DrRacket is the display procedure. It takes one
input, and produces no output. Instead of producing an output, it prints out the
value of the input (it will appear in purple in the Interactions window). We can
use display to observe what a procedure is doing as it is evaluated.
For example, if we add a (display n) expression at the beginning of our factorial
procedure we can see all the intermediate calls. To make each printed value
appear on a separate line, we use the newline procedure. The newline procedure
prints a new line; it takes no inputs and produces no output.
(define (factorial n)
(display "Enter factorial: ") (display n) (newline)
(if (= n 0) 1 (∗ n (factorial (− n 1)))))
Evaluating (factorial 2) produces:
Enter factorial: 2
Enter factorial: 1
Enter factorial: 0
The built-in printf procedure makes it easier to print out many values at once.
It takes one or more inputs. The first input is a string (a sequence of characters
enclosed in double quotes). The string can include special ~a markers that print
Chapter 4. Problems and Procedures
out values of objects inside the string. Each ~a marker is matched with a corresponding input, and the value of that input is printed in place of the ~a in the
string. Another special marker, ~n, prints out a new line inside the string.
Using printf , we can define our factorial procedure with printing as:
(define (factorial n)
(printf "Enter factorial: ˜a˜n" n)
(if (= n 0) 1 (∗ n (factorial (− n 1)))))
The display, printf , and newline procedures do not produce output values. Instead, they are applied to produce side effects. A side effect is something that side effects
changes the state of a computation. In this case, the side effect is printing in
the Interactions window. Side effects make reasoning about what programs do
much more complicated since the order in which events happen now matters.
We will mostly avoid using procedures with side effects until Chapter 9, but
printing procedures are so useful that we introduce them here.
DrRacket provides a more automated way to observe applications of procedures.
We can use tracing to observe the start of a procedure evaluation (including the
procedure inputs) and the completion of the evaluation (including the output).
To use tracing, it is necessary to first load the tracing library by evaluating this
(require racket/trace)
This defines the trace procedure that takes one input, a constructed procedure
(trace does not work for primitive procedures). After evaluating (trace proc), the
interpreter will print out the procedure name and its inputs at the beginning
of every application of proc and the value of the output at the end of the application evaluation. If there are other applications before the first application
finishes evaluating, these will be printed indented so it is possible to match up
the beginning and end of each application evaluation. For example (the trace
outputs are shown in typewriter font),
> (trace factorial)
> (factorial 2)
(factorial 2)
|(factorial 1)
| (factorial 0)
| 1
The trace shows that (factorial 2) is evaluated first; within its evaluation, (factorial 1) and then (factorial 0) are evaluated. The outputs of each of these applications is lined up vertically below the application entry trace.
4.5. Developing Complex Programs
Exploration 4.2: Recipes for π
The value π is the defined as the ratio between the circumference of a circle and
its diameter. One way to calculate the approximate value of π is the GregoryLeibniz series (which was actually discovered by the Indian mathematician Mādhava
in the 14th century):
4 4 4 4 4
− + − + −···
1 3 5 7 9
This summation converges to π. The more terms that are included, the closer
the computed value will be to the actual value of π.
a. [?] Define a procedure compute-pi that takes as input n, the number of terms
to include and outputs an approximation of π computed using the first n
terms of the Gregory-Leibniz series. (compute-pi 1) should evaluate to 4 and
(compute-pi 2) should evaluate to 2 2/3. For higher terms, use the built-in
procedure exact->inexact to see the decimal value. For example,
(exact->inexact (compute-pi 10000))
evaluates (after a long wait!) to 3.1414926535900434.
The Gregory-Leibniz series is fairly simple, but it takes an awful long time to converge to a good approximation for π — only one digit is correct after 10 terms,
and after summing 10000 terms only the first four digits are correct.
Mādhava discovered another series for computing the value of π that converges
much more quickly:
12 ∗ (1 −
− . . .)
3 ∗ 3 5 ∗ 32
7 ∗ 33
9 ∗ 34
Mādhava computed the first 21 terms of this series, finding an approximation of
π that is correct for the first 12 digits: 3.14159265359.
b. [??] Define a procedure cherry-pi that takes as input n, the number of terms
to include and outputs an approximation of π computed using the first n
terms of the Mādhava series. (Continue reading for hints.)
To define faster-pi, first define two helper functions: faster-pi-helper, that takes
√ input, n, and computes the sum of the first n terms in the series without the
12 factor, and faster-pi-term that takes one input n and computes the value
of the nth term in the series (without alternating the adding and subtracting).
(faster-pi-term 1) should evaluate to 1 and (faster-pi-term 2) should evaluate to
1/9. Then, define faster-pi as:
(define (faster-pi terms) (∗ (sqrt 12) (faster-pi-helper terms)))
This uses the built-in sqrt procedure that takes one input and produces as output an approximation of its square root. The accuracy of the sqrt procedure7
limits the number of digits of π that can be correctly computed using this method
(see Exploration 4.1 for ways to compute a more accurate approximation for the
square root of 12). You should be able to get a few more correct digits than
7 To test its accuracy, try evaluating (square
(sqrt 12)).
Chapter 4. Problems and Procedures
Mādhava was able to get without a computer 600 years ago, but to get more
digits would need a more accurate sqrt procedure or another method for computing π.
The built-in expt procedure takes two inputs, a and b, and produces ab as its
output. You could also define your own procedure to compute ab for any integer
inputs a and b.
c. [? ? ?] Find a procedure for computing enough digits of π to find the Feynman point where there are six consecutive 9 digits. This point is named for
Richard Feynman, who quipped that he wanted to memorize π to that point
so he could recite it as “. . . nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, and so on”.
Exploration 4.3: Recursive Definitions and Games
Many games can be analyzed by thinking recursively. For this exploration, we
consider how to develop a winning strategy for some two-player games. In all
the games, we assume player 1 moves first, and the two players take turns until
the game ends. The game ends when the player who’s turn it is cannot move; the
other player wins. A strategy is a winning strategy if it provides a way to always
select a move that wins the game, regardless of what the other player does.
One approach for developing a winning strategy is to work backwards from the
winning position. This position corresponds to the base case in a recursive definition. If the game reaches a winning position for player 1, then player 1 wins.
Moving back one move, if the game reaches a position where it is player 2’s move,
but all possible moves lead to a winning position for player 1, then player 1 is
guaranteed to win. Continuing backwards, if the game reaches a position where
it is player 1’s move, and there is a move that leads to a position where all possible moves for player 2 lead to a winning position for player 1, then player 1 is
guaranteed to win.
The first game we will consider is called Nim. Variants on Nim have been played
widely over many centuries, but no one is quite sure where the name comes
from. We’ll start with a simple variation on the game that was called Thai 21
when it was used as an Immunity Challenge on Survivor.
In this version of Nim, the game starts with a pile of 21 stones. One each turn, a
player removes one, two, or three stones. The player who removes the last stone
wins, since the other player cannot make a valid move on the following turn.
a. What should the player who moves first do to ensure she can always win the
game? (Hint: start with the base case, and work backwards. Think about a
game starting with 5 stones first, before trying 21.)
4.5. Developing Complex Programs
b. Suppose instead of being able to take 1 to 3 stones with each turn, you can
take 1 to n stones where n is some number greater than or equal to 1. For
what values of n should the first player always win (when the game starts
with 21 stones)?
A standard Nim game starts with three heaps. At each turn, a player removes any
number of stones from any one heap (but may not remove stones from more
than one heap). We can describe the state of a 3-heap game of Nim using three
numbers, representing the number of stones in each heap. For example, the
Thai 21 game starts with the state (21 0 0) (one heap with 21 stones, and two
empty heaps).8
c. What should the first player do to win if the starting state is (2 1 0)?
d. Which player should win if the starting state is (2 2 2)?
e. [?] Which player should win if the starting state is (5 6 7)?
f. [??] Describe a strategy for always winning a winnable game of Nim starting
from any position.9
The final game we consider is the “Corner the Queen” game invented by Rufus
Isaacs.10 The game is played using a single Queen on a arbitrarily large chessboard as shown in Figure 4.5.
On each turn, a player moves the Queen one or more squares in either the left,
down, or diagonally down-left direction (unlike a standard chess Queen, in this
game the queen may not move right, up or up-right). As with the other games,
the last player to make a legal move wins. For this game, once the Queen reaches
the bottom left square marked with the ?, there are no moves possible. Hence,
the player who moves the Queen onto the ? wins the game. We name the squares
using the numbers on the sides of the chessboard with the column number first.
So, the Queen in the picture is on square (4 7).
g. Identify all the starting squares for which the first played to move can win
right away. (Your answer should generalize to any size square chessboard.)
h. Suppose the Queen is on square (2 1) and it is your move. Explain why there
is no way you can avoid losing the game.
i. Given the shown starting position (with the Queen at (4 7), would you rather
be the first or second player?
j. [?] Describe a strategy for winning the game (when possible). Explain from
which starting positions it is not possible to win (assuming the other player
always makes the right move).
k. [?] Define a variant of Nim that is essentially the same as the “Corner the
Queen” game. (This game is known as “Wythoff’s Nim”.)
Developing winning strategies for these types of games is similar to defining a
recursive procedure that solves a problem. We need to identify a base case from
8 With the standard Nim rules, this would not be an interesting game since the first player can
simply win by removing all 21 stones from the first heap.
9 If you get stuck, you’ll find many resources about Nim on the Internet; but, you’ll get a lot more
out of this if you solve it yourself.
10 Described in Martin Gardner, Penrose Tiles to Trapdoor Ciphers. . .And the Return of Dr Matrix,
The Mathematical Association of America, 1997.
Chapter 4. Problems and Procedures
Figure 4.5. Cornering the Queen.
which it is obvious how to win, and a way to make progress fro m a large input
towards that base case.
By breaking problems down into simpler problems we can develop solutions
to complex problems. Many problems can be solved by combining instances
of the same problem on simpler inputs. When we define a procedure to solve a
problem this way, it needs to have a predicate expression to determine when the
base case has been reached, a consequent expression that provides the value for
the base case, and an alternate expression that defines the solution to the given
input as an expression using a solution to a smaller input.
I’d rather be an
optimist and a fool
than a pessimist
and right.
Albert Einstein
4.6. Summary
Our general recursive problem solving strategy is:
1. Be optimistic! Assume you can solve it.
2. Think of the simplest version of the problem, something you can already
solve. This is the base case.
3. Consider how you would solve a big version of the problem by using the
result for a slightly smaller version of the problem. This is the recursive
4. Combine the base case and the recursive case to solve the problem.
For problems involving numbers, the base case is often when the input value
is zero. The problem size is usually reduced is by subtracting 1 from one of the
In the next chapter, we introduce more complex data structures. For problems
involving complex data, the same strategy will work but with different base cases
and ways to shrink the problem size.