Meeting on methodologies and data needs for im mpact indicators Proportion of the poopulation in affected areas living abovee the poverty line (PPPL) Alejand dro León Bonn, Junee 11, 2010 A word of o caution z z z z Indicators should not be used in isolation. In the case of poverty, as with others, there are MANY other variables s that condition the outcome Difficulties with some definitions: for e.g. “affected affected areas” areas Can we assume that there t is some sort of link in between (macro o)economic policies and those addressing land degradation? IIt is i lik likely l that h every country keeps k trackk off the evolution of poverrty and d.... z This has been an exercise to review a short time! Methodologies z z Economic welfare: consumption, income Poverty line: absolute, relative, relative national national, international z H d Headcount t z Household surveys z International data Spatial Scales z z Monitoring within a co ountry is sometimes done nationally. In oth her cases, subnationally. In both cas ses, comparison between countries is unreliable. u According to ECLAC, international statistics (for e.g. World Bank, o others) are, in many cases,better than national ones because of more observations == => comparability p y Outcome und derstood and accep pted? z ECLAC found that pov verty measurements are generally well und derstood and that there is a high potential to tu urn them into public policies Monitoring syste ems and reliable da ata z No clear answer z Great disparity betwee en countries re re. z z − Tracking frequen ncy − Data quality Human and computing resources Data collection related d to poverty seems quite straighforward z Frequency: my sugge estion: every 5 years z The big question: harm monization. Relev vance z z PPPL might be releva ant in LDC, but no so in DC. At the global level, the ere seems to be enough data Other issues i z If data are lacking: use international datasets z Report indicator at glo obal level: relevant? z z z Do we need to tell the e Focal Points what an affected ff t d area is? i ? The UNCCD Secretarriat can do a great job facilitating the reportin ng process: repository,designing a simple format As a Group of Experts s said, the PPPL is a starting point....