Figure Drawing Proportion Guidelines

Name________________________________GOAL: Refresh proportion rules, and demonstrate knowledge and skill in drawing human figures using correct propotions
HUMAN FIGURE PROPORTION REVIEW- ASSIGNMENT- AGE/RANGE FIGURE SKETCHES: All people are a different height- most adults range inbetween 6-8 heads tall,
youth and young children have varying ranges of heights- You can use the head as a measuring tool no matter who you are drawing. Complete the guided practice
below to refine your application of correct figure proportion with a range of ages.
Drawing Guided Practice- Using the age/proportion guide image below (fig.2) - create simplified (Wooden art Man style) drawings for each age- (trace the first one if
you like- repeat the figures on another page- experiment with adding clothes/ details etc. – Apply rules that stay the same for any height:
Elbows align with waist, finger tips with upper middle thigh, knees in the middle of leg, shoulder 3 head widths wide (if true frontal angle)
Creative Drawing: Pick any age range- Draw from life or a photograph, or pose maniacs online- use color pencil or watercolor to develop detail and a sense of
character- Spend at least 30 minutes- can be more- Due next Tuesday! Develop into an animated (cartoon) figure if you like- but stay true to the proportion rules!!!!
How many heads tall is each figure?- Replicate on your own drawing