Concept 9: Order of Operations DUE DATE: Friday, Dec 13th (initial score in the gradebook, on the LIST if not completed) DEADLINE: Friday, Dec 20th (no more work accepted on this Concept) Pre-Quiz Score = _____/5 Level 4: Score 5 Level 3: Score 3-4 Level 2: Score 0-2 Level 2 1. Watch the video (Order of Operations Level 2) Complete the Notes & Basic Practice Check the Key and Correct Mistakes 2. Complete 2 of the following tasks IXL Practice B1 (Alg 1) Worksheets Order of Operations Level 2 Score = __________ (at least 90) Score = 3. Take the Schoology Quiz (Level 2: Order of Operations) Score of 4 or higher move to level 3 Score of 3 or less, complete 1 of the following tasks BuzzMath Fix Mistakes Complete an assigned task in BuzzMath (must earn gold star) Mr. Sieling’s Signature Quiz Scores Gaming Complete through stage 2 of PEDMAS BLASTER on Manga High (ask Mr. Sieling for login info) Write up the questions you got wrong and hand it in. All work and steps must be shown. Level 2 Quiz Score: Creating Create a short iMovie or Google Presentation showing how to solve 2 order of operation problems Level 3 1. Watch the video (Order of Operations Level 3) Complete the Notes & Basic Practice, Check the Key and Correct Mistakes 2. Complete 2 of the following tasks IXL Practice Worksheets Gaming B2 Complete through stage 2 of (Alg 1) Order of Operations PEDMAS BLASTER on Manga High Level 3 (ask Mr. Sieling for login info) Score = __________ (at least 90) Score = 3. Take the Schoology Quiz (Level 3: Order of Operations) Level 3 Score of 4 or higher move to level 4 Quiz Score: Score of 3 or less, complete 1 of the following tasks BuzzMath Fix Mistakes Creating Complete an Write up the questions you got assigned task wrong and hand it in. Create a short iMovie or Google in BuzzMath All work and steps Presentation showing how to solve (must earn gold star) must be shown. 2 order of operation problems Mr. Sieling’s Signature: Level 4 1. Watch the video (Order of Operations Level 4) Complete the Notes & Basic Practice, Check the Key and Correct Mistakes 2. Complete 2 of the following tasks IXL Practice Worksheets Gaming B3 Complete through stage 2 of (Alg 1) Order of Operations PEDMAS BLASTER on Manga High Level 4 (ask Mr. Sieling for login info) Score = __________ (at least 90) Score = 3. Take the Schoology Quiz (Level 4: Order of Operations) Level 4 Score of 4 or higher, Congratulations Math Master! Quiz Score: Score of 3 or less, complete 1 of the following tasks BuzzMath Fix Mistakes Creating Complete an Write up the questions you got assigned task wrong and hand it in. Create a short iMovie or Google in BuzzMath All work and steps Presentation showing how to solve (must earn gold star) must be shown. 2 order of operation problems Mr. Sieling’s Signature: Notes Level 2: Goals: Arithmetic with positive and negative numbers Evaluate expressions using the order of operations Notes: Big Ideas Arithmetic Review Adding Subtraction Mult/Div GEMS Definition Examples Examples/Details Concept # ________ Level 2 Practice: Arithmetic Practice Order of Operations Practice Worksheet Level 2: Goals: Arithmetic with positive and negative numbers Evaluate expressions using the order of operations Practice #1 Practice #2 Practice #3 Practice #4 Practice #5 Concept # ________ Practice #6 Show your work below for each of the expressions. Notes Level 3: Goals: Evaluate expressions with the order of operations (including negative #s) Notes: Big Ideas GEMS Definition Example 1 Example 2 Examples/Details Concept # ________ Level 3 Practice: SHOW ALL WORK Worksheet Level 3: Goals: Evaluate expressions with the order of operations (including negative #s and exponents) Practice #1 Practice #2 SHOW WORK FOR EACH OF THE 6 EXPRESSIONS BELOW Concept # ________ Practice #3 Practice #4 Add parenthesis to the following expression to get the smallest possible answer. Add parenthesis to the following expression to get the largest possible answer. (must be bigger than 30) Practice #5 Add parenthesis to each expression to make the statement true. Show your work to prove the answer is correct. Notes Level 4: Goals: Evaluate expressions using the order of operations. Evaluate algebraic expressions using substitution and the order of operations. Notes: Big Ideas GEMS Definition Example 1 Example 2 Examples/Details Concept # ________ Level 4 Practice Worksheet Level 4: Goals: Evaluate expressions using the order of operations. Evaluate algebraic expressions using substitution and the order of operations. Practice #1 Practice #2 Concept # ________ Practice #3