H STORY OF MECHANICAL COMPUTING MACHINERY George C. Monroe Calculating i~. President, men,hers of the Associa- came first, 5he chicken or the Did arithmetic give birth to the mechanic~ al.computing device? general impression. than tem o f numeration came R~aan in ~r numeral era into ope, use. the During theory the of multiplication and division was taught only ia That seems to be the the highest institutions of learning, and But let us look deeper mathematicians who could solve problems in the mere words and sentences of recorded multiplication and division without resort- history by using those words and sentences to ing to an abacus were regarded with awe, and paint pictures of conditions and things as they were, with dates in true perspective. Co. of decimal notation until the Hindu-Arabic sys- gentlemen: egg? Machine these advanced branches of mathematics in terms tion for Computing Nachine~r~, ladies and ~ich Chase as possessing supernatural powers. When this The abacus appears to have been the is done, I think it becomes clear that mechanic- first computing device providLu~ fixed deci- al computing devices gave birth to aritb~etico mal orders; and the conception of the cipher I refer to the arithmetic we know, based on the to indicate an empty order doubtless resulted Hh~du-Arabic numeration which was born in the directly from its widespread use. ninth century, and gradually came into use in It was the conception of the cipher ~arope during the next two or three centuries. which gave birth to the Hindu-Arabic system Roman numerals and the countless other systems of n~neration, and this, in turn, lifted the of number notation fell short of the needs of teaching of the four rules of ari~qmetic out arithmetic, which must, of necessity, be re- of the highest institutions of learning, aud garded as including the four cardinal rules: placed them in prSmary grade schools. addition, subtraction, multiplication, and Weird and awescme were the mmay systems division. of numeration in use by different peoples Let us picture the situation before the ninth century. prior to the Hindu-Arabic notation. In their struggle for number The Egyptians expressed the di@its 1 to 9 by compreI~nsion, primitive races passed through oue to nine staves or vertical lines; lO the eras of finger counting, notched sticks, was a U or a circle; leo was a coiled rope; knotted strings, and other devices. 1,O00 was a lotus blosscm; lO, O00, a pointed Then came the abacus, by the use of which man foref;huger; lOO,O00, a tadpole, a ~ doubtless first learned ~itiplication and 1,OO0,O00 was expressed by a man ~ith arms division, but rema~led unable to f~.ulate stretched ~oward heaven in amazement. ~ Page i For 3,6~7,5~3, they had to show listing" machines, such as the ~garroughs, and in 3 ~nazed men, key-driven machines such as the Comptometer. 6 tadpoles, While rotary actuators are inherently 4 pointed forefingers, o~oable of making repeated cycles of registration 7 lotus blossoms, more rapidly than reeiprocato~y actuators, the 5 coiled ropes, rotary mechanimn does not lend itself readily to 4 hoops, and the operation of prLnting values entered in the 3 staves. machine, and totals. Some of the earlier calculating machines, I have a question. How many men should be such as the Grant and the Nercedes, which did shown with arms outstretched toward heaven in multiplication by repeated additions, wer@ s~azement at our national debt? eq~ipped with reciprocatory actuators driven by The history of mechanical computing a rotary drive; and more recently, some of the machinery in its essence is the story of the reciprocatory actuator listing machines, such numeral wheel, and the devices which rotate it as the Remington, have been fitted with auto- to register digital and tens-carry values. matic controls which facilitate the operations Ignoring zero-setting mechanism which of ~ltiplication and division by repeated clears the numeral wheels to zero after a calcu- additive or subtractive registrations. lation is cc~pleted, there are two fundamental There has also been developed another elements which rotate the numeral wheels: species of numeral wheel actuating mechanism 1 - Digital value actuators which rotate the wheels 1 to 9 steps to register the digits 1 to 9; which may be classified as partial product actuating mechanism. These devices do not require that ? shall 2 - Tens-carrying mechanisms which advance or retract the next higher order wheel as a given wheel passes through ten units of registration. be added six times to multiply 7 by 6, but provide for the turning of the lower of two adja- The basic classification ~o be considered cent numeral wheels two steps, or figures, and relates to the digital value actuators which may the higher wheel four steps, thereby register- be divided into two major groups: ing the partial product h2. Such machines are (a) Rotary digital actuators; usually equipped with reciprocatory actuators. (b) Reciprocatory digital actuators. The Nillionaire calculating machine and the We often speak of rotary or crank-type calculat- Burroughs Noon-Hopkins billing machine are the ing machines, referring specifically to the best known of this species. machines which perform multiplication and divi- We are now ready to view some of the sion by rapidly repeated cycles of operation. machines and mechanisms which have played a Evsn though motor-driven, such machines are still major role in the history of mechanical com- sometimes referred to as "crank-type machines .,, puting machinery. Reciproeatory digital actuators first came into general use in the so-called "adding end Page 2 2 i - "A CHINAMAN STARTED IT" 2 - I expect the caption of this picture, The abacus was the first computing de- "A Chinaman Started It," to start an argument. it. vice I ever saw. One may say the Babylonians started with a stiffly starched bosom, and an equal- But I like the picture ly stiff detachable collar, one of mF week- which I clipped from an old-time Sundstrand ly chores was to fetch m F father's laundry advertising leaflet, because it was a Chinaman who started it with me. frcm the Chinaman. This picture What he could do with his abacus ~nazed me. clearly shows the two-bead section known as He tried to show me how it was done, but could not explain it "Heaven," and the five-bead section known as "Earth." As a lad in the Gay Nine- ties when men,s daily attire was a shirt Another may say the abacus drifted to China frcm India. CHINESE L A ~ D R Y in any terms of arithmetic I could under- The Japanese abacus has but stand. one bead in each order of "Heaven." He knew nothing of the arithmetic I had learned in school, and could not do with pencil and paper the examples he could solve on his abacus skillfully ~ud accurately. Later, I learned he had been taught in China to operate the abacus as his forefathers had been taught, before Hindu-Arabic numeration was ~mown. Page 3 ~,l~ ~1 RIIII ~ \ l l . l l l L3.I VON LEEIIBNII'Z Abe9 PhllJpp M I t h | a | J/tin g Page 4 3 - Academy of Science in paris. PASCAL AND HIS MACHINE It is particularly appropriate that The first known numeral wheel regis- we at this meeting should take note that ter was made by Blaise Pascal of Paris, about it was Gottfried Wilhelm yon Leibnitz, who, the year 162$2. Pascal's father was a super- nearly three centuries ago, became the intendent of taxes; and the inspiration of first advocate of binary numeration. the boy, Pascal, was to build a machine which would be helpful to his father in his figure work. 6 - At the age of 19, he had ex- perimented with several models. P H!L~pP MATHAUS HAHN AND HIS MACHINE Of the The first dependable four rules cal- seven which have been preserved, none would culating machine was built by a churchman give dependable results because of deficient and mathematician, Philipp Math~us Hahn, mechanical construction. about lOO years after Leibnitz c ~ p l e t e d his machine. - Hahn used the stepped cylinder originated by Leibnitz. PORTRAIT OF LEIBNITZ The next important advance toward the 7 development The honor of first establishing the was that of Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz, the illustrious philosopher and scientist manufacture who shares with Sir Isaac Newton, the industry goes to Charles Xavier Thomas of credit for the development of calculus. Colmar, Francej or Thomas de Colmar, as he Like Pascal, Leibnitz's incentive to develop is more commonly known. of calculating machines as an Like Hahn, de Colmar used the stepped a calculating machine was to facilitate 5he 5 - PORTRAIT OF THC~AS of a numeral wheel calculator work of his father, who was actuary of the cylinder invented by Leibnitz, University of Leipzig. al value actuator. LEIBNITZ' S MACHINE 8 - as his digit- THOMAS MACHINE OF 1820 Here is a picture of the first It is believed Leibnitz built two machines, but only one has been preserved. machine built by Thomas. That machine was recently in the possession is said to have been started in 1820 and of the State Museum in Hanover. finished in 1822. It is Its construction It provides for four known to have been completed in the year digits in the multiplicand and six in the 1673. product. T h e Leibnitz machine attracted wide- The first model did not have a hand spread notice, and although its operation was never dependable, crank for rotating the actuators, it was exhibited be- as did all of Thomas, s subsequent machines ; it fore the Royal Society in London and the Pane 5 Fig. 13: -- Petit arithmom~tre Thomas de Colmar, original de IS20 (n~ I~'~), O FRANKSTEPHENBALDWIN 1838-1925 BALDWINCALCULATINGMACHINE,1875 l ]I. 4 Sheets--S~eet" F. S. BALDWIN Calculating-Machine Pstcnted Feb, 2,1675 No. I5g 244 F [ C f FIo. ~. ~,," ~o.3. 12 Pa~e 6 13 was driven by pulling on a belt which may rotary four rules calculators which became be seen protruding frcm the lower left known as the "Baldwin principle." c During the 75 years that followed, the number of orner. manufacturers of Baldwin type machines 9 - THOMAS NACHINE OF 1870 equalled or exceeded the number of manufacturers of Thomas type machines. Here is one of the Thomas machines as built about the year 1870. came to this country. Several of them 12 - BALDWIN PATENT This one was in use Although Mr. Baldwin completed his for many years at Yale University, and may design in 1872 and his first machine in be seen in my exhibition adjacent to the 1873, it became known as "Baldwin's 1875 registration desk. machine" because during that year his The fundamental principles of the patent was issued, and he was awarded the Thomas machine have been used in scores of John Scott medal by the Franklin Institute. different makes of calculating machines I have seen the statement in print placed on the market during the past sev@nthat Mr. Baldwin did not know of the ty years. Machines based on these principles Thomas machine at the time he made his became known as "Thomas type machines." invention, but I find the following in Nr. Baldwin's memoirs: i0- PORTRAIT OF BALDWIN "In the office of a life insurance company in St. Louis, I had seen the A basically different principle was developed by Frank Stephen Baldwin in 1872, Thomas type of calculating machine, de- at which time Mr. Baldwin was a resident of vised by C. X. Thomas of Kolmar, France, St. Louis. about 1820. I contrived the plan of sub- stituting one cylinder for the nine cyll - BALDWIN 1875 NACHINE linders in that machine, making a working model which is now in the Patent Office at Here is a picture of one of the first Washington." machines built by ~r. Baldwin embodying that principle. It may be seen in my exhi13 - THC~AS AND ~ bition. DIAGRAMS That Mr. Baldwin's conception of It was not, however, the substitution this machine was complete in 1872 is of one cylinder for the nine of Thomas established by a caveat he filed in the which was the outstanding characteristic United States patent Office during that yesm. of the Baldwin invention. Having completed his first machine in 1873, illustrate the fundamental difference be- he moved to Philadelphia where he rented a tween the Thomas and Baldwin actuators. The small shop and started the construction of his first lot of ten machines. These diagrams upper one shows the stepped cylinder of This marked Thomas. the beginning of the calculating machine in- These cylinders are rotated in the sane direction for subtraction as for dustry in the United States, and the develop- addition. ment of the second fundamental principle in Page 7 Additive or subtractive regis- W. T. Odlu~e¢ 1~..~-.-190£ 14 BALDWINCALCULATINGMACHINE PLACEDON,SALE~NI902 BALDWINS ' RECORDINGCALCULATOR I @ Page 8 JAY R. MONROE 1885-~937 15 tration is effected by shifting the bevel 15 - BALDWIN 1902 MACHINE gears C-C', to rotate the numeral wheels in the appropriate direction. This picture shows Mr. Baldwin's These gears next venture in his effort to commercialize must be properly set before the calculation his invention. is started. the market in 1902. In the Baldwin machine several orders The one in my exhibi- tion was in commercial use for more than of radially extendable teeth are provided twenty years. within the single cylinder for the setting of digit values. He placed this machine on The first Baldwin machine I ever saw was like this one. This diagram shows an It was demon- strated and explained to me by an actuary actuator set to register the digit 5o Five of an insurance company in Springfield, teeth stand projected so as to rotate the Massachusetts, in 19Oh. That day marked numeral wheel five steps at each revolution the beginning of my interest in the study of the actuator. The outstanding advance and development of adding and calculating by Baldwin was the elimination of the machines. reversing gears between the actuators and the numeral wheels, and the lever 56- BALDWIN'S RECORDING CALCULATOR (1907) for setting those gears, by providing Even though Mr. Baldwin' s 1902 comthat the actuator may itself be rotated mercial venture did not yield a profit, he forwardly for addition and reversely did not quite for subtraction. In 1908 he was granted a patent on his "Recording Calculator" (United States l~ - PORTRAIT OF ODHNER AND HIS MACHINE patent number 890,888), a workihg model of This is a picture of which was ccmpleted a year or two earlier. Willgodt Theophil Odhner and his first This machine retained the Baldwin principle, machine. but embodied a revised construction of the About the year 1878, Mr. Odhner digital actuators which provided for the developed a machine fundamentally like installation of values through a keyboard, that of Baldwin. and the printing of installed values. For many years European historians of the art credited 0dhner as the first inventor of the principle used 17 - PORTRAIT OF MR. MONROE by both Baldwin and Odhner, but Mr. Odhner did not make that claim; in his earliest In 1911 he showed this machine to United States patent he conceded that he Mr. Jay Randolph Monroe who was then an was not the originator of that principle. auditor with the Western Electric Cc~pany. However, the term "Odhner type machine" Recognizing the merit of Mr. Baldwin's grew up in Europe where copies of his inventions, Mr. Monroe made a deal with machine were eventually widely made and Mr. Baldwin whereby they were to Jointly sold by many manufacturers, develop a more compact machine, and put it and it is now recognized that the terms "Baldwin type" on the market in a big way. and "Odhner type" are synonymous. Page 92 18 - NO.i MONROE CALCULATOR developed the classification shown in this pictuu'e. This is the first machine built by their combined efforts. cycle of operation of a Thomas type machine. Although entirely handmade~ it was completed in 1912. The middle circle illustrates the The cycle comprises two phases of registra- It was patterned after Baldwin's Recording C~[cu- tion; the ordinal or digital actuation phase, lator, but the printing feature was om&tted. followed by a phase of tens-carry regis- ~le Monroe Calculating Machine Company was tration. organized, a factory was established and sequence of the phases is unidirectional. duplicates of this machine were sold in I designated such machines as "polyphase, volume, and with profit. In those years non-reversible cycle." Mr. Baldwin was frequently referred to as ized by reversing gears between the actua- "a man who achieved success after 80." tors and numeral wheels to provide reverse I became associated with Mr. Monroe The arrows indicats that the They are characber- rotation of the wheels in subtractive and Mr. Baldwin in 1917, at about the time registration. Mr. Baldwin was planning to retire. the three-phase cycle of Baldwin type The lower circle illustrates machines, which I designated "polyphase, 19 - P I C T U ~ OF BALDWIN A~D CHASE reversible cycle." Fm. Baldwinwas affectionately known The two direction arrows indicate that the phase sequence of the cycle as "Dad" to those of us who were closely is reversible, a tens-carry phase following associated ~lth him. the digitation phase in each direction. This picture was taken during "Dad's" The upper circle represents a third eighty-fifth birthday party, April 10, 1923. species of four-rules calculating machine which I have not yet mentioned. I desig- 20 - CLASSIFICATIGN OF SPECIES nated it the "monophase cycle machine;" that We have followed the invention and is, a machine in which digital registration ccmmercial development of two basic t2pes fills the cycle, and in which tens-carrying of rotary calculating machines; the Thomas action must merge with digital registration. type and the Baldwin type. These types were 21 - S~.TJ.TNG MACHINEs 1886 first identified in Germany where the Thomas type was known as ,,Staffelwalzen This is the best known of the early maschinen," meaning ,stepped-drum machines," monophase cycle machines. and the Baldwin type was known as "Sprossen- Dr. Edward Selling, Professor of Mathematics radmaschinen," meaning "sprocket-wheel and Astronomy, at the University of Wurzburg machines." in 1886, and is now preserved in the As the art expanded, these It was built by designations became inadequate because some Deutsches Museum at Munich. In this machine, Baldwin type machines embodied the stepped- Selling used reciprocatory actuators driven drums of Thomas, and the so-called ,,sprocket- by "lazy-tongs," but the monophase type of wheel" of Baldwin was usable in Thomas type registration is better adapted to rotary machines. actuation. Selling' s reciprocatory actua- 5ors differ from those I have previously In the drafting of patent claims in mentioned in that they are longer and may be 1922, it became necessary for me to more driven in one direction through several cyc- definitely designate these types, so I Page I0 FIRST MONROE CALCULATING MACHINE, 191I-1912 DEC.22,1925 18 1,566,650 ~,C.CHAS~ 0PERATING MEANS FOR OL.LCULATORS FIL£D NG~/,21.1922 STARTii,~ . E ANO$~0Pl~ NC~~INT SELLING MACHINE,1886 ATTHE~EUTCHES~USE~I,MUNICH ~0~0PHASE STARTINGAND$'~OPPI.~_~~IH1 90L¥2HASE ~v~smL~ CYCLE .C 20 Page II E. SELLING. CALCULATING MA~INE, No, 420,667. Patented Feb. 4, 1890, HAROLD T. AVERY 27 Page 12 les of registration. Instead of turning a 25 - MONROE ~dACHINE crank six revolutions to multiply 7 by 6, This is the present day Monroe, which Selling moves an actuating handle six steps is still a Baldwin type, or polyphase, in a straight line, registering 7 during reversible cycle machine. each step, or cycle. 22 - SELLING PATENT-U.S.~2p~667 26 - MARCHA]~T IiACHINE United States patent h20,667 was The Narchant is illustrative of the issued to Dr. Selling in 1890. It clearly present day emoodiment of the monophase shows the "lazy-tongs" which drive the recycle machine. ciprooatory actuators through one or more cycles of registration, ro merge the tens- carry with digital registration, Selling used a crawl, or gas meter, type of carrying 27 - HAROLD T. AVERY mechanism. It was invented by another very good Dr. Selling built several machines, friend, Mr. Harold T. Avery. some of them considerably more advanced Lhan the one illustrated here. It is recorded that a few of his machines were used in 28 - PORTRAIT OF RECHNITZER commercial work. At this poin% I shall digress long enough to trace the history of the develop- 23 - FRIDEN MACHINE ment of automatic division in rotary actuaHaving ccmpleted my review of the three tor calculating machines. basic types of rotary calculating machines, That was first developed by Alexander it is interesting to node that of the three Rechnitzer, a citizen of Czecho-Slovakia rotary calculators now manufactured in the and a resident of Germar~, who built his United States, there is one of each type. first experimental model at the age of 19. The Friden machine is a Thomas, or polyphase, non-reversible cycle type. 29 - R E C H N I T Z E R ' S A U T A R I T H 2h - C A R L F R I D ~ ~ HORSE This is a picture of what I believe to It was developed by my good friend, the late Carl Friden, who, aside fram being be the world's first motor-driven calculat~ig a great calculating machine inventor, was a machine; also the first machine Do embody full aut~natic multiplication, lover of fine horses. PaRe 13 and the first 3@ Fage 14 machine would automatically complete the cal- construction of this model in 1912. culation. pulley on the left end provided for a belt This machine was built about the year drive. This machine can do automatic short- 1902, and may be seen in my exhibition. cut multiplication, with full automatic division. and contains "memory" mechanism. full automatic division, seen in my exhibition. It is patterned after the Thomas machine, The It may be I can operate it slowly by a hand crank; I have never dared and was named "Autarith." to drive it by a motor. Multiplication was done by setting the The memory makes it multiplicand in the lower setting slides, the possible to install a second multiplicand and multiplier in the upper slides, then moving multiplier while the machine is making the the control lever to "multiply" position, last preceding multiplication, causing the machine to automatically cQmplete stall a new dividend during the computation the calculation. of the last preceding division. and to in- Although departing widely from the Thomas construction, Division was done by setting the dividend in the numeral wheels, the divisor in the this machine is of the polyphase, non- lower setting slides, then moving the control reversible cycle type. lever to "divide" position, whereupon the in despondency in 1922; his body was found Mr. Rechnitzer died in New YorkWs East River, but his life was 30 - R E C H N I T Z E R not a failure. PATENTS 809tO75 AND 1,292,513 His inventions have been widely commercialized by others. This picture shows figures taken from Rechnitzer's two earliest United States patents, 8099075 and 1,292,513. 32 -MADAS MACHINE The earlier patent shows the Construction of his The first commercial machine to embody first model, except that it was driven by a the division controlling mechanism invented clockweight instead of by a spring motor as by Rechnitzer was the Madas, which came on shown in the patent. the market about the year 1914. The later patent shows In this the construction of the machine I have been machine the Rechnitzer principle of divi- talking about. sion control was refined and improved by Rechnitzer's system of division control Edwin jahnz of Zurich, where this machina was to subtract to an overdraft and to make was manufactured by the same company which one cycle of addition to correct the over- produced the Millionaire. Many other manufactUrers have adopted draft in the computation of each digit of Rechnitzer's system of automatic division the quotient. control, or variations of it. 31 - RECHNITZER'S LAST MACHINE •3 3 - TORRES y QUEVEDO MACHINE This picture shows Rechnitzer's final A fundamentally different type of effort to produce a salable automatic fourrules calculating machine. division control was developed by He started the PaRe 15 ~Sr h~T" ,, ~;:.N , FTl {FT-'I " ...... .......... ..... +i~J j 34 E, O BARBOUR hY~provement in Ca~culating,~achines. 36 14ZCH~ - 1878 Page 16 ] Torres y Quevedo, a Spanish gentleman of Madrid. automatic control of the progrsm of opera- This is a picture of an electro-mechanical tion ~ndivision. machine which he and completed in 1922, exactly one hundred built and exhibited at the paris Centen- years from the time Thomas de Colmar planned nial of 1820, held in honor of Thomas de Colmar. It was planned in 1920 and built his first model. This machine is typewriter con- This machine also embodies full automatic multiplication trolled. and the first commercially successful plus and minus bar controls. 34 - TORRES DIAGRAM After the features of this machine were commercialized, the The Torres principle provides for the Franklin Institute awarded my company the control of the program of operation in diviJohn price Wetherill Medal in recognition of sion by means of a device known as "comparithe attainment of full automatism in the four son" mechanism. The dividend is "cempared" rules of arithmetic, which had been the ob- with the divisor during each subtractive jective of the industry dnring the hundred cycle, the registration~of each quotient years following the first commercialization digit terminating with that cycle in which of a calculating machine by Thomas de Colmar. the dividend becomes less than the divisor. The diagram shown here is copied from the 36 - BARBOURPATENT 130,LOb Bulletin de la Societe d'Encouragement pour I shall now direct your attention to the L'Industrie Nationale, published in Paris, September-October development of "direct" or ,partial product" issue, 1920.* It illus- multiplying machines. trates the stepped c c m ~ t a t o r electric The first attempt I know of to directly clrcuit arrangement which makes the "comparison" and controls the operation of the machine. ..Comparison" mechanisms have totalize partial products on numeral Wheels was made by Edmund D. Barbour of Boston. This picture shows Figure h of his also been developed which are wholly mechanical3 United States Patent 130~0h, one form is used in the which was is- Harchant machine as a partial control of sued in 1872. In so far as I know, the con- the program of operation in division. structional principle of Barbour has never been commercialized. *The ,,Bulletin" explains an error in this diagram. 37 - V F ~ A I believe the credit for having develop- 35 - FIRST FULL AUTONATIC M O N R O E ed partial product multiplying mechanism in The problem of the control of the the form in which it has been widely usedj program of operation in division in a goes to Ramon Verea, a Spanish resident of reversible actuator machine is fundamentally New York City. different from the control of division in a unidirectional actuator machine. MACHINE for a patentj he submitted this small model This to the United States Patent Office, where it picture shows what I believe to be the first reversible actuator machine b u i l t w i t h When he filed his application remained for many years. full Pa~el7 R. VEg~A. OilCuls~iag-Ma~hine, 38 e_lIP~ Pa~e 18 38 - VEREA ~ T ~ T Associated with my brother, I sold This is a copy of Figs. I aid 2 of Millionaire machines in New England in 1905 United States patent 207,918, issued bo sad 1906. Verea in 1878. Dr. Percival Lowell, who told us his observa- At the right you may observe Our most interesting sale was to the partial product cylinders having holes tions of the orbit of Uranus disclosed the of graded size to limit the movements of presence of a more distant unknown planet, the conical plungers which enter those holes, and bought a Millionaire machine to make in accordance with partial product values. computations which he hoped would lead to 0he such cylinder was provided for each its discovery. order of the multiplicand. more than three years to make those computa- Mr. Verea made He told us it would t ~ e and patented this invention with no ccm- tions with paper and pencil. mercial ambitions; it was apparently his In 1916, I read of his death at the hobby. Lowell Observatory at Flagstaff, where I ! understand he had been searching for the un- 39 - BOLT~E AND HIS M A C H I N E discovered plauet. t In 1930, Pluto was discovered by Leon Bollee, the famous French builder of racing automobiles, made a partial product Dr. C. W. Tombaugh, at the Observatory. multiplying machine, completed in 1889, at that discovery the Encyclopaedia Britannica the age of 18. says : During the next few years Of "It is believed among those most he made and sold several machines like the one shown here, but finding the making of conversant with this field of astronc~v, automobiles more profitable, he abandoned however, that the finding of Pluto was a the manufacture of calculating machines. happy accident of the search." If the existence of something has been 40 - ~ILLIONAIRE MACHINE detected arid established by mathematical deduction, aud searched for a score of years, The Millionaire calculating machine which embodies partial product multiplying who shall say its finding "was a happy mechanism came on the market a few years be- accident." fore the turn of the last century. It was invented by Otto Steiger of Munich, in the 41 - BURROUGHS MOON-HOPKINS early nineties, and manufactured in Zurich. The Millionaire was widely sold throughout The Burroughs Moon-Hopkins billing and Europe and America during the first quarter bookkeeping machine is the best known partial of the present century. product multiplying machine now on the market. Although I have spoken of these partial It was invented by Hubert Hopkins of St.Louis, product machines as "multiplying machines," during the first decade of the present cen- they were also usable for addition, sub- tury. traction and division. Pa~e 19 h2 - MERCEDES MACHINE racks move respectively O to 9 steps for addition, and 9 to O steps for subtraction. Special means are provided to rotate the There is one variation of the polyphase, numeral wheel of lowest order one addinon-reversible cycle type machine which tional steps or figure, during subtraction, should not be overlooked; the Nercedes. The thereby adding the complement of the sub- numeral wheels of this machine always rotate trehend or divisor in the numeral ~ e e l s in an additive direction; subtraction and Do effect subtractive registration. division are done by a~tomatically adding the complement of the subtrehend or the divisor. h5 - S ~ A ~ T Z A O H m S Although operated by a rotary drive, this machine has reciprocatory digital value This machine was invented by actuators. George B. Grant of Lexington, Massachusetts, and manufactured by the Grant Gear Works of Boston. It deserves mention because of the h3 - CHRISTEL HAMANN substantial number made and sold during the final 15 or 20 years of the last century, particularly in and near Boston. During the It was patented by Christel Hamann years 1905 and 1906, I saw many of these in 1911, and brought on the market at about machines in use in that vicinity. It was a that time. crank-operated, reciprocatory actuator machine of the polyphase, non-reversible cycle type, usable for the solution of - HAMANN P A T ~ T i;Oll;617 problems in the four rules of arithmetic. The means for adding the cQmplement to efZect subtractive registration may be ~6 - WILLIAM SEWARD BURROUGHS seen in the drawings of Hamann's United States patent 1,Oil,617. The numeral This brings us to the consideration wheels are driven by ten racks numbered 28. of reciprocatory actuator listing machines. These racks are driven to aud fro The pioneer inventor of this type was by a lever 1 which swings about a pivot William Seward Burroughs. at its rearward end for addition, and which grew out of his series of inventions, about a pivot at its forward end for subtraction. The machines which began in the 1880s, are so well known From rear to front, these ten that there is no occasion for comment by me. ~¢e 20 42 "Ciphering Hand-Orlcan;~ By Oemqr. B. O m t . 1,o11,e17. c. K A M A N N . osx~Tnm MA~S~ • , e U O I ~ U ,IL,~ ~ . z u . . , o : ~T.~J~ 'J" ~ ~ ~' . . . . 1 / / 1 ~ . I. ! i - *:- ~, ~' ~- -' -i '-,~~- - D T - ~.~ t~,d.~" / , ~t 44 T H E T E N FIGURE M A O H I N E . Ten, inches s(I.are, Addl tezl columns wi~le. Welgh~ ; e . pounds. .~h,lt,l,lies five h~,,re- I,) six. Divides ten filzure~ I,? five 45 Page 21 WILLIAM SEWARD BURROUGHS 1857-1898 "I¢U JAMES L. DALTON 1866 - zgz6 HUBERT HOPKINS Inventor The $uflQ~tr~nd Cnlcutattnl~ and Add~nE Mschine, Page 22 u ~ r Dalton, known as "Jim," was admired and h7 - FIRST B~ff{OUGHS I~ACHINE AND FACTORY respected by all of us who knew him; particularly, by all who worked with him. Here is an of%en-published picture of the first Burroughs machine and factory. It is interesting to note that throughout the history of the art, m~l F of the outstanding 50 - OSCAR SUNDSTRAND inventors had close personal contacts with one another. Burrough~ and Baldwin were intimately acquainted. Oscar Sundstrand was another boy Speaking in his inventor who, at the age of 19, built a memoirs o£ his first model completed in 1873, machine destined to take a prominent place ~Iro Baldwin wrote: "It was on this model in the history of the art. that I had William Seward Burroughs do some work for me. Oscar and his brother David established the manufacture Mr. Burroughs, with his father, of the Sundstrand machines at Rockford, had a small general machine shop in St.Louis. Illinois, about ~O years ago. Not until about 1880, ~did Mr. Burroughs Oscar survives his brother and now start work on his own adding machine with a lives in West Hartford, Connecticut, where keyboard set-up." he is still developing adding and calculating machine mechanisms with undiminished zeal and vigor. 48 - STANDARD ADDING MACHINE The Standard Adding Machine came on 51 - SUNDSTRAND ~ACHINE the market about 1901, and was widely sold for several years. It was invented by The arrangement of the lO value William W. Hopkins of St. Louis, who, I entry keys of the Sundstrand gained such assume was the brother of Hubert Hopkins popularity as to have been copied by a of Moon-Hopkins fame. The Standard was score or more of ten-key listing machiues the forerunner of a long line of ten-key which followed it on the market in Europe machines. Aside from the ten digital keys, and America. the Standard had a row of red and white Modernized machines based on the column-finding keys. Sundstrand invention are being manufactured in Hartford, and are known as the UnderwoodSundstrand. 49 - DALTON AND HIS MACHINE 52 - ELLIS ADDING TYPEWRITER Another product of a St. Louis inThe next ten-key listing machine to ventor was the Ellis Adding Typewriter, gain prominence was the Dalton, another developed by Halcolm Ellis about ~O years creation of Hubert Hopkins. James L. Page 2,3 A Visible A d d i n g Machine a n d a Visible Ty Fig. Fig. 6. 4. ~ -- Portrait Portrait de de ......... Felt. oJWO Babbage. Page 24 ago. The Ellis machines were manufactured Smithsonian Institute in Washington. At in Ne~ark~ New Jersey, for many years, snd the present time several key-driven machines finally consolidabed with the National e~bodying reciprocatory actuators are made Cash Register Company. in the United States ~id Europe. 15 seems that many of 5he machines developed in the United States~ had their beginnings in or near 55 - PORTRAIT OF BABBAGE St. Lomis, which is surprising, since no adding or calculating machines are manu- There is one more subject which merits factured in that city at the present time.~ our attention: automatic sequence control. There is but little early history of sequence control as it is known today, and ~Each of the following machines was originated or had an early history in or near St.Louis: that early history appears to be restricted to the so-called difference engines, and to Baldwin-Monroe Burroughs Standard Dalton Universal (acquired by Burroughs) Moon-Hopkins " " " United Multiplier (acquired by P~ers-Samas of London and incorporated in the Powers punched card controlled machines to add m d multiply in British money) Teetor, a listing machine manufactured in St.Louis about 1919. pike (acquired by Burroughs) Ellis Adding Typewriter (acquired by National Cash Register) Brennan (acquired by Remington Rand), machines controlled by plmched cards. It appears that a Hessian military engineer, J. H. Muller, had a conception of the principles of a difference engine as 1! early as 1786. Mullerrs conception is des- cribed in an article published during that year in Frankfurt am Main b y E . Klipstein, entitled, "Description of a Newly Invented Calculating Machine." Beginning in 1812 and devoting most of 53 - DORR E. FELT; INVENTOR OF THE C OMPTOMETER his life to the subjectj Charles Babbage, invented and constructed several difference engine mechanisms, which, although not a The name of Dorr E. Felt is well known to us all. complete success, contributed generously He commercialized the reciproca- toward the advance of the art. tory type of digital actuator in another form 3 the key-driven computing machine known as the Oomptometer° 56- BABBAGE'S DIFFER~qCE F~qOINE This is a picture of the best known 54 - FELT'S "MACARONI BOX" of the Babbage machines, which I understand is now preserved in the museum at South Like many others, he was a mere lad Kensington, England° The objective of when he built his first computing machine. difference engines was the computation and This is his first experimental model, printing of mathematical tables by the autok n o w n ~ s the "macaroni box," constructed in matic sequential addition of multiple orders 1885. I saw it a few days ago at the of differences. Page 2 5 57 - SCHEUTZ MACHINE the year 1890. This picture illustrates one of his early models. At the time the Franklin Institute The first dependable and useful made the award of the John Price Wetherill difference engine was built by George Medal in recognitionof the attainment of Scheutz and his son Edouard, of Stockholm. full automatism in the four rules of The first Scheutz machine was completed in arithmetic, lOO years after the production 1853. of commercial machines was started by One of the Scheutz machines was presented to the Dudley Observatory at Thomas de Colmar, sane of Us at Monroe Albany, New York, by an American, Hr. J. H. realized that the first era of development Rathbone, whereit was used to compute and of four rules calculators had been csmpleted. print mathematical tables. We sensed that the next logical advance Difference engines have also been con- would be automatic sequence control; but we structed by Wiberg of Sweden, and George B. did not realize its potentialities, Grant of Boston, the manufacturer of the nothing about it. and did Grant Calculating Machine, previously described. The Grant difference engine was 59 - D O C T O R HO~2D ~K~ exhibited at the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia in 1876. It remained for Doctor Howard Aiken to inaugurate the second era of development of computing machinery, the large-scale digit- 58 - H(NoLF,WITH HACHINES al computer with autc~atic sequence control. 0nApril 22, 1937, Doctor Aiken out- Herman Hollerith of New York City, lined to me his conception of this advanced began his work which lead to the com- type of equipment, and explained what it mercial development of punched card con- could accomplish in the field of mathe- trolled computing machines shortly before matics, science and sociology. PaGe 26 He told me o..~6 i• -- II Ill Iiiili 58 Page 27 i~ ~,~jlilili%i!i !i i !i ~!i~!!i~ :{ ili i Dr. HOWARD AIKEN'S MARK [ Dr. HOWARDH. AIKEN 5 9 a feasible construction in the outline of , !! the mechanism he proposed to build. What he had in mind at that time was the construction of an electro-mechanical of certain branches of science which had machine, but the plan he outlined was not reached a barrier which could not be passed restricted to any specific type of mechanuntil means could be found which would solve ism~ it embraced a broad coordination of mathematical problems too large to be under- components which could be resolved by taken with the then known computing equip- various constructive mediums. ment. I knew then that the second era of He outlined to me the components of a development of computing machineryhad machine which would solve those problems. started. His plans provided automatic computation in the four rules of arithmetics pre-established sequence eontrolj storage and memory of 60 - DOCTOR A I K ~ ' S MARK I installed or computed values, sequence When later I saw Doctor Aiken's control which could automatically respond Mark I at the Computation Laboratories to computed results or symbols, together of Harvard University, I knew that era with a printed record of all that trans- was well under way, pires within the machine, and a recording of all the computed results. I recognized PaTe 28 iiilii i