Focusing on Informal Strategies When Linking Arithmetic to Early Algebra Author(s): Barbara A. Van Amerom Reviewed work(s): Source: Educational Studies in Mathematics, Vol. 54, No. 1, Realistic Mathematics Education Research: Leen Streefland's Work Continues (2003), pp. 63-75 Published by: Springer Stable URL: . Accessed: 03/11/2011 01:28 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Springer is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Educational Studies in Mathematics. BARBARA A. VAN AMEROM FOCUSING ON INFORMAL STRATEGIES WHEN LINKING ARITHMETIC TO EARLY ALGEBRA ABSTRACT. In early algebrastudentsoften struggle with equationsolving. Modeled on Streefland'sstudies of students' own productionsa prototypepre-algebralearningstrand was designed which takes students'informal(arithmetical)strategiesas a startingpointfor solving equations.In orderto make availablethe skills and tools needed for manipulating equations,the studentsare stimulatedand guided to develop suitable algebraiclanguage, notationsand reasoning.One of the results of the study is thatreasoningand symbolizing appearto develop as independentcapabilities.For instance,studentsin grades6 and 7 can solve equations at both a formal and an informallevel, but formal symbolizing has been found to be a majorobstacle. KEY WORDS: arithmetic,early algebra, equations, history of mathematics,reasoning, symbolizing INTRODUCTION Many secondary school students experience great difficulty in learning how to solve equations.Arithmeticand elementaryalgebraappearto be a world apart. Comparedto arithmetic,algebraic skill requires another approachto problem solving. Several researchprojectshave reportedon these learning difficulties related to algebraic equation solving (Kieran, 1989, 1992; Filloy and Rojano, 1989; Sfard, 1991, 1995; Herscovics and Linchevski, 1994; Linchevski and Herscovics, 1996; Bednarz and Janvier, 1996). Key difficulties mentioned in these reportsare constructing equationsfrom word problems,as well as interpreting,rewritingand simplifying algebraicexpressions. In 1995 a project'Reinventionof algebra'was startedat the Freudcnthal Instituteto investigatewhich didacticalmeans enable studentsto make a smooth transitionfrom arithmeticto early algebra.The project resulted in a PhD Thesis (Van Amerom, 2002) that describes two possible ways of approachingthe difficultiesstudentshave with this transition.The first way, which was strongly influenced by Streefland'sinterest in students' own productions,is to startfrom the students'informal strategiesand to build more formal methods out of these. How this was researchedand which resultscame out is reportedin this paper. # EducationalStudies in Mathematics 54: 63-75, 2003. ? 2003 KluwerAcademicPublishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 64 BARBARA A. VANAMEROM The second approach,which functionedratherin the backgroundof the project,is to use inputfrom the historyof mathematics.This aspect of the projectfollows recentresearchon the advantagesandpossibilitiesof using and implementinghistory of mathematicsin the classroom (Fauvel and Van Maanen,2000). Streefland(1996) also emphasizedthe use of history as a sourceof inspirationfor instructionaldevelopment.Accordingto him, looking backat the originsmakesone betterpreparedto teachin the future. ALGEBRA AND ARITHMETIC Similaritiesand differences There is not one generally accepted point of view on what algebrais or how it shouldbe learned,because it has so many applications.But for the sake of practicality,it is useful to distinguishfour basic perspectives:(1) algebraas generalizedarithmetic,(2) algebraas a problem-solvingtool, (3) algebraas the studyof relationships,and (4) algebraas the studyof structures. Each of these operatesin a differentmedium, where, for example, lettershave a specific meaningand role (Usiskin, 1988). In this study we restrict ourselves to linear relationships,formulas and equation solving. The proposed learning activities correspondwith the second and third perspectives of algebra as mentioned, and they depend on the dialectic relationshipbetween algebraand arithmetic. A closer look at the similaritiesand differencesbetween algebraand arithmeticcan help us understandsome of the problemsthatstudentshave with the early learningof algebra.Arithmeticdeals with straightforward calculationswith known numbers,while algebrarequiresreasoningabout unknown or variable quantitiesand recognizing the difference between specific and general situations.There are differencesregardingthe interpretationof letters, symbols, expressionsand the concept of equality.For instance, in arithmeticletters are usually abbreviationsor units, whereas algebraicletters are stand-insfor variableor unknownnumbers.Several researchers(Booth, 1988; Kieran, 1989, 1992; Sfard, 1991) have studied problemsrelatedto the recognitionof mathematicalstructuresin algebraic expressions. Kieran speaks of two conceptions of mathematicalexpressions: procedural(concernedto operationson numbers,workingtowards an outcome) and structural(concernedwith operationson mathematical objects).In the 1960s it was alreadyclearthatdiscrepanciesbetweenarithmetic andalgebracan cause greatdifficultiesin earlyalgebralearning.The difficulty of algebraiclanguage is often underestimatedand certainlynot self-explanatory.Freudenthalexplainsthat FROMARITHMETICTO EARLYALGEBRA 65 [ilts syntaxconsistsof a largenumberof rulesbasedon principleswhich,partially,contradictthoseof everydaylanguageandof the languageof arithmetic, and which are even mutuallycontradictory. (Freudenthal,1962, p. 35) He then says: The most strikingdivergenceof algebrafrom arithmeticin linguistic habits is a semanticalone with far-reachingsyntacticimplications.In arithmetic3 + 4 means a problem. It has to be interpretedas a command:add 4 to 3. In algebra 3 + 4 means a number,viz. 7. This is a switch that proves essential as letters occur in the formulae.a + b cannoteasily be interpretedas a problem. (ibid.) The two interpretations(arithmeticaland algebraic)of the sum 3 + 4 in the citationabove correspondwith the termsproceduraland structural(or operationaland structural,Sfard, 1991, 1995). But despite their contrastingnatures,algebraand arithmeticalso have definiteinterfaces.For example,algebrarelies heavily on arithmeticaloperationsand arithmeticalexpressionsare sometimes treatedalgebraically. Arithmeticalactivities like solving additionproblemswith a missing addend, and the backtrackingof operationspreparethe studentsfor studying linearrelations.Furthermore,the historicaldevelopmentof algebrashows that word problems have always been a part of mathematicsthat brings togetheralgebraicand arithmeticalreasoning. Cognitiveobstacles of learningalgebra An enormnous increasein researchduringthe last decade has producedan abundanceof new conjectureson the difficult transitionfrom arithmetic to algebra.For instance, with regardto equationsolving there is claimed to be a discrepancyknown as cognitive gap (Herscovics and Linchevski, 1994) or didactic cut (Filloy and Rojano, 1989). These researcherspoint out a breakin the developmentof operatingon the unknownin an equation. Operatingon an unknownrequiresa new notionof equality.In the transfer from a word problem(arithmetic)to an equation(algebraic),the meaning of the equal sign changes from announcinga resultto statingequivalence. And when the unknownappearson both sides of the equalitysign instead of one side, the equationcan no longerbe solved arithmetically(by inverting the operationsone by one). Kieran(1989) reportsthatMatz and Davis have done researchon students'interpretationof the expressionx + 3. Students see this as a process (adding3) ratherthana finalresultthatstandsby itself. They have called this difficultythe 'process-productdilemma'.Sfard (1995) comparesdiscontinuitiesin studentconceptionsof algebrawith the historicaldevelopmentof algebra.She writesthatabbreviated(or so-called syncopated)notations in algebraare linked to an operationalconception of algebra,whereas symbolic algebracorrespondswith a structuralcon- 66 BARBARA A. VAN AMEROM ception of algebra.' Da Rocha Falcao (1995) suggests that the disruption between arithmeticand algebrais containedin the approachto problem solving. Arithmeticalproblemscan be solved directly,possibly with intermediateanswersif necessary.Algebraicproblems,on the otherhand,need to be translatedandwrittenin formalrepresentationsfirst,afterwhich they can be solved. Mason formulatesthe difference between arithmeticand algebraas follows: Arithmeticproceedsdirectlyfrom the known to the unknownusing known computations;algebraproceedsindirectlyfrom the unknown,via the known,to equations and inequalities which can then be solved using established techniques. (Mason, 1996, p. 23) THE LEARNING STRAND In this studywe set out to findout whethera bottom-up-approach (starting frominformalmethodsthatstudentsalreadyuse) towardsalgebracan minimize the discrepancybetweenarithmeticand algebra.In orderto do so we designed a learningstrandfor the primaryschool grades5 and 6, and the secondarygrade 7. The general topic of the primaryschool lesson series is recognizingand describingrelationsbetween quantitiesusing different representations:tables, sums, rhetoricdescriptionsand (word) equations. No priorknowledgewas requiredapartfromthe basic operationsandratio tables. The mathematicalcontentof the studentmaterialsincludes: - - comparingquantitiesand equalizingthem in differentways; discussingconflicts of notationsand differentmeaningsof symbols; practicingwith operations(+, -, x, . ) and invertingoperations; problemsolving by reasoningwith multipleconditions; reasoningaboutexpressions(substitution,inversion,andglobal interpretation). In the secondaryschool units these topics were repeatedin a compressed way and then extendedwith solving systems of equations. In the learningstrandthe studentsare challengedto solve pre-algebraic problemsmanyof which were inspiredby history.Historically,wordproblems form an obvious link between arithmeticand algebra.Although algebra has made it much simplerto solve word problemsin general, it is remarkablehow well specific cases of such mathematicalproblemswere dealt with before the inventionof algebra,using arithmeticalprocedures. Some types of problems are even more easily solved without algebra. The history of algebrahas inspiredus to design the learningmaterialas FROMARITHMETICTO EARLYALGEBRA 67 follows. Word or story-problemsoffer ample opportunityfor mathematizing activities. Babylonian,Egyptian,Chinese and early Westernalgebra was primarilyconcerned with the solving of problems situatedin every day life, althoughthese civilizations also showed interestin mathematical riddles and recreationalproblems.Barter,fair exchange,money, mathematical riddles and recreationalpuzzles were rich contexts for developing handy solution methods and notationsystems and these contexts are also appealingand meaningfulfor students. Anotherpossible access is based on notationuse, for instanceby comparing the historical progress in symbolizationand schematizationwith that of modernstudents.Rhetoricalalgebra(writtenin words) finds itself in between arithmeticand symbolic algebra,so to speak:an algebraicway of thinking about unknowns combined with an arithmetic(procedural) conceptionof numbersand operations. The naturalpreferenceand aptitudefor solving word problemsarithmeticallyformsthe basis for the firsthalf of the learningstrand,wherestudents' own informalstrategiesshouldbe adequatelyincluded.The transfer to a more formal algebraicapproachis instigatedby the guided development of algebraicnotation,especially the change from rhetoricalto syncopated notation, as well as a more algebraicway of thinking.We were interestedin determiningwhetherthe evolutionof intuitivenotationsused by the learner shows similarities with the historical developmentof algebraic notation.The bartercontext in particularappearsto be a natural, suitable setting to develop (pre-)algebraicnotations and tools such as a good understandingof the basic operationsand their inverses, an open mind to what letters and symbols mean in different situations, and the abilityto reasonabout(un)knownquantities. The following Chinese barterproblemfrom the 'Nine Chapterson the MathematicalArt' inspiredStreefland(1995, 1996) and the authorto use the contextof barteras a naturalandhistorically-foundedstartingpoint for the teachingof linearequations: By selling 2 buffaloesand 5 wethersand buying13 pigs, 1000 qian remains.One can buy 9 wethers by selling 3 buffaloesand 3 pigs. By selling 6 wethers and 8 pigs one can buy 5 buffaloesand is short of 600 qian. How muchdo a buffalo,a wetherand a pig cost? In modernnotationwe can write the following system: 2b + 5w 13p + 1000 3b + 3p =9w 6w + 8p + 600 = Sb (1) (2) (3) 68 A. VANAMEROM BARBARA where the unknownsb, w andp standfor the price of a buffalo, a wether and a pig respectively.From the perspectiveof mathematicalphenomenology, Streeflandand Van Amerom (1996) posed a numberof questions regardingthe origin, meaningand purposeof (systems of) equations.The example given above is interestingespecially when looking at the second equation,whereno numberof 'qian'is present.In this 'barter'equationthe unknownsb, w andp can also representthe numberof animalsthemselves, instead of their money value. The introductionof an isolated numberin the equations (1) and (3) thereforechanges not only the medium of the equation (from number of animals to money) but also the meaning of the unknowns(fromobject-relatedto quality-of-object-related). Streefland (1995) found in his teaching experimentin which students had to find out how packages can be filled with candies of differentprices, that the meaning of literal symbols is an importantconstituentof the progressive formalizationof the pupils. Accordingto Streefland,the studentsneed to be awareof the changes of meaning that lettersundergo.In this way, the children'slevel of mathematicalthinkingevolves. Streeflandmentionsthe example of asking for the meaning of the equality sign, which indicates 'costs so much', as well as the usual 'is equal to'. These considerations indicatesteps in the conceptualdevelopmentof variables. We also aimed to investigatehow notationand mathematicalabstraction are related. The categorizationrhetorical- syncopated- symbolic is the result of the currentconception of how algebradeveloped, and for this reasonit is often mistakenfor a gradationof mathematicalabstraction (Radford,1997). When the developmentof algebrais seen from a socioculturalperspectiveinstead, syncopatedalgebrawas not an intermediate stage of maturationbut it was merely a technical matter.As Radfordexplains, the limitationsof writingand lack of book printingquite naturally led to abbreviationsandcontractionsof words.Studentsmay revealsimilar needs for efficiency when they develop theirown notations(fromcontextboundnotationto an independent,generalmathematicallanguage),butthis need not coincide with the conceptualdevelopmentof letteruse. CLASSROOM EXAMPLES The field testingof the units of the learningstrandwas done in two rounds. In the firstroundthe materialswere triedout in two primaryclasses each consistingof 30 grade5-6 students(10-12 year olds). In the second round the revised materialswere proposedto three grade 6 primaryclasses and two grade7 secondaryclasses (12-13 yearolds). Duringthe trialdatawere collected in severalways: observinglessons, gatheringstudentsnotes, ad- FROMARITHMETICTO EARLYALGEBRA 69 ministratingpost-tests, and having questionnairescompleted by students and teachers. In this paperwe will focus on the issues of symbolizingand reasoning by taking one case from the first roundsituatedin grade 5-6 and another case from the second roundin grade7. Case 1: Symbolizingand the meaningof letters Evoking shortenednotationsforms one of the spearpoints in the learning strand.The introductionof shortenednotations in grade 5-6 is done in the context of a game of cards. In this activity the students work with cards displaying the scores of each round. There are four types of representations:a descriptionof what happensin each round, the scores of all the playersin points, a descriptionof a relationbetween the scores (for example, 'Petrahas 5 points more than Jacqueline')and a word formula expressinga certainrelation('points Petra= points Jacqueline+ 5'). The childrenare asked to find the right cardsfor every round,and then design their own cardsfor two more roundsof playing cards. Sometimesthereis more than one card to describe the scores, when the scores are related in two different ways (for example, 'twice as much' and '5 more'), in which case a switch of perspectiveis needed. The following classroom vignette shows how a pupil carriedout the task of shorteningnotationstoo rigorously(VanAmerom,2002, p. 132). Classroomvignette 1 Robert: Points Petraplus Anton is Jacqueline. Teacher: Somethingis not rightthere .. .. Well, maybe the calculationis. Tim: Points Petraplus points Anton. Teacher: Indeed!You have shortenedtoo much. It is all aboutthe points of these people. Youcan'tjust addpeople to the points thatthey get, that'simpossible! (Laughingin the class.) Teacher: It is actually aboutthe numberof points: the numberof points that Petra has plus the numberof points that Anton has is the numberto points thatJacquelinehas. Renske: That'swhat I had! Teacher: Yes, we talkedaboutthatfor a little bit yesterday.It is not wrong what you say, Robert,but it is not clear when it is too short.It is importantthatyou say it clearly. In this way the pupils and the teacherascertainedtogetherthat when you use abbreviations,it must be clear to everyone what you mean. At the same time one can wonderif it is necessaryto be so precise at this stage, 70 BARBARA A. VAN AMEROM because the pupils realize exactly what the letters are about. Thereforea compromiseshouldbe found between precise and unambiguousnotations on one hand, and intuitive(probablyinconsistent)productionsof children on the other. Sometimes the teacher let a good opportunitypass by, as shown in classroomvignette 2. In one of the lessons childrensuggested what could be the meaning of the expression 'pA = 3 x pJ'. Our decision to use this kind of symbolism is based on otherpupils' free productionsin a preliminary try-out.The letter combinationmaintainsthe link with the context: the letterp standsfor 'numberof pointsbelongingto' andthe capitalletter stands for the person in question,in this case Annelies and Jeroen.In the expression, such a letter combinationbehaves like a variablefor which numberscan be substituted.When the score of one of the playersis given, the expressionbecomes an equationthatcan be solved. The teacherasked the childrenfor an examplethatwill illustratethatthe relationbetweenthe variablespA andpJ is '3 times as much'. Classroomvignette 2 Teacher: If we think of points, what would be possible? You have to write it down in a handy way,just like in PocketMoney,which numbersare possible. Yvette: 3 and 9. Teacher: Who has 3 and who has 9? Yvette: Annelies has 9. Teacher: How would you write it down? Why don't you show us on the blackboard. Yvette writes: A-9p j-3p Sanne: I would write an equal sign, not a line. The teachermissed a good opportunityto discuss three samples of inconsistent symbolizing:Yvette's choice to write a capitalletterA and then a small letterj, her use of the letterp as a unit even thoughit is alreadypart of the variable,and Sanne's suggestionat the end. Apparentlyit was not a problemto the childrenthatlettersmean differentthings at the same time. As long as the pupils and the teacher are all conscious of this fact, the developmentandrefinementof notationsis a naturalprocess. On the other hand, it is not our intentionto cause unnecessaryconfusion regardingthe meaningof letters.It was decided that if childrenhave a naturaltendency to use the letterp as a unit, it shouldnot be includedin the expressionsand formulas. The lesson materialswere adjustedand tested again in 1999. The dual characterof the learning strand- to develop reasoning and symbolizing 71 FROMARITHMETIC TOEARLYALGEBRA OX cx-& .~ iAL V-OW*.,,, S,, 6 K I + LAxR1,5C) . ~.. s. 8 ..Ut TCki I. )_., .7 Figure 1. Symbolic notationsand informalreasoning. skills in the study of relations - was maintainedbut placed in a more problem-orientedsetting and with a more explicit historical component at primaryand secondarylevel. Case 2: Symbolizing versus reasoning Anotherimportantissue to be studiedwas the students'reasoningin connection with their symbolizing. In the following we will discuss two examplesof studentworkfromthe secondroundof the classroomexperiment to demonstratethat (pre-)algebraicsymbolizingtends to be more difficult for studentsthanreasoning. Encouragedby the ideas and results of the classroom experimenton candy by Streefland(1995), a grade 7 unit on equation solving was designed based on mathematizingof fancy fair attractionsinto equations. One of the tasks in the writtentest was: Sacha wants to make two bouquetsusing roses and phloxes. Theflorist replies: "Uhm... IO roses and 5 phloxesfor 15,75, and 5 roses and IOphloxesfor 14,25; that will be 30 guilders altogetherplease." Whatis the price of one rose? And one phlox? Show your calculations. One of the outcomes of the experimentis that algebraicequationsolving need not necessarilydevelop synchronouslywith algebraicsymbolization. BARBARA A. VANAMEROM 72 kIodbIaadje L 66% wk 1211 .tXh + x z;z zh Xy2< zk Figure2. Informalnotationsand algebraicreasoning. For instance, we have observed student work where a correct symbolic system of equationswas followed by an incorrector lower orderstrategy, or where the studentproceededwith the solutionprocess rhetorically.The student whose work is shown in Figure 1 (Van Amerom, 2002, p. 230) mathematizesthe problemby constructinga system of equations,andthen applies an informal,pre-algebraicexchange strategywhich is developed in the unit. Below the equationsshe writes: "Weget 5 roses more and 5 phloxes less, the differenceis 1.50. We get 1 rose more and 1 phlox less, the differenceis 0.30."The calculationsshow thatshe continuesthe pattern to get 15 roses for the price of 17.25 guilders,and then she determinesthe priceof 1 rose and 1 phlox. The level of symbolizingmay appearto be high at firstdue to the presenceof symbolic equations,but the studentdoes not operateon the equations.The equationsmay have helpedher structurethe problembutthey arenot a partof the solutionprocess.And even thoughthe unknownnumbersof flowers are an integralpartof her reasoning,the lettersrepresentingthemarenot neededin the calculations.Thereis a parallel here with the historicaldevelopmentof symbolizing the solution. In the rhetoricaland syncopatedstages of algebrathe unknownwas mentioned only at the startand at the end of the problem;the calculationswere done using only the coefficients. Alternativelythe solution in Figure 2 (Van Amerom, 2002, p. 227) illustrateshow the level of reasoningcan be higherthanthe level of symbolizing. This studentsolves the system of equations 2 x h + 2 x k = 66 3 x h + 4 x k = 114 FROMARITHMETIC TOEARLYALGEBRA 73 by doublingthe firstequationandthen subtractingthe second fromit. First he deals with the right hand sides of the equations (66 x 2 and 132 114). In between the two horizontallines we observe how he multiplies the termswith the unknowns.Then he writes:"Butthe task says 3h so 18 is 1 h." Finally he substitutesthe value 18 to solve for k. A remarkable contrastpresents itself. This studentsuccessfully applies a formal algebraic strategyof eliminatingone unknownby operatingon the equations, while his symbolizingis still at a very informallevel. Again the unknown is only partiallyincluded in the solution process; it appearsonly where necessary.In otherwords,both examplesof equationsolving illustratethat competenceof reasoningand symbolizingare separateissues. EPILOGUE Difficulties in the learningof algebracan be partiallyascribedto ontological differencesbetween arithmeticand algebra.Ourstudyuses informal, pre-algebraicmethodsof reasoningand symbolizing as a way to facilitate the transitionfrom an arithmeticalto an algebraicmode of problemsolving. We have shown some examples in which informalnotationsdeviate from conventionalalgebrasyntax, such as the inconsequentuse of letters and the pseudo-absenceof the unknownin solving systems of equations. These side effects bring new considerationsfor teaching: how can we bridge the gap between students'intuitive,meaningfulnotationsand the more formallevel of conventionalsymbolism?The observationthat symbolizing and reasoningcompetenciesare not necessarilydevelopedat the same pace - neitherin ancientnor in modem times - also has pedagogical implications.It appearsthat equationsolving does not dependon a structuralperceptionof equations,nor does it rely on correctmanipulationsof the equation. In retrospectwe can say that knowledge of the historicaldevelopment of algebrahas led to a sharperanalysisof studentworkandthe discoveryof certainparallelsbetweencontemporaryandhistoricalmethodsof symbolizing. Streefland'snotice to look back at the origins in orderto anticipate has turnedout to be a valuablepiece of his legacy. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author acknowledges helpful comments from Jan van Maanen and Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizenand two anonymous reviewers on an earlierdraftof this paper. 74 BARBARA A. VAN AMEROM NOTE 1. According to Struik (1990) this classification of algebra problems into rhetorical, syncopated and symbolic algebra appearedfirstly in Nesselmann, Die Algebra der Griechen,Berlijn 1842. REFERENCES Bednarz,N. and JanvierB.: 1996, 'Emergenceand developmentof algebraas a poblemsolving tool: Continuitiesanddiscontinuitieswith arithmetic',in N. Bednarz.C. Kieran, andL. Lee (eds.), Approachesto Algebra,KluwerAcademicPublishers,Dordrecht,The Netherlands,pp. 115-136. Booth, L.R.: 1988, 'Children'sdifficulties in beginning algebra', in A.F. Coxford (ed.), The ideas of algebra, K-12 (1988 NCTM Yearbook),National Council of Teachersof Mathematics,Reston, VA, pp. 20-32. 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Struik,D.J.: 1990, Geschiedenisvan de wiskunde[Historyof Mathematics],Het Spectrum, Utrecht,The Netherlands. Usiskin, Z.: 1988, 'Conceptionsof school algebra and uses of variables', in A. Coxford (ed.), TheIdeas ofAlgebra, K-12, NationalCouncilof Teachersof Mathematics,Reston, VA, pp. 8-19. VanAmerom,B.A.: 2002, Reinventionof EarlyAlgebra,CD P-Press/Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht,The Netherlands. FreudenthalInstitute,UtrechtUniversity, Aidadreef12, 3561 GE Utrecht,TheNetherlands Telephone+31 (0)302635555, Fax +31 (0)302660430, E-mail: