early history of school mathematics in north america 1607 - ICME-12

12th International Congress on Mathematical Education
Program Name XX-YY-zz (pp. abcde-fghij)
8 July – 15 July, 2012, COEX, Seoul, Korea
AMERICA 1607-1861
M. A. (Ken) Clements
Illinois State University
Nerida F. Ellerton
Illinois State University
Published histories dealing with the teaching and learning of school mathematics in the North
American colonies (1607-1776), and during the first 85 years of the United States of America, have
not recognized the fundamental importance of the “cyphering tradition”. For most of the period
1607-1861 printed textbooks were less used and, from a mathematics teaching and learning
perspective, were less important, than handwritten “cyphering books” prepared by learners. We
outline our recent argument (Ellerton & Clements, 2012) that the cyphering tradition, translated
from European nations to the North American colonies, defined modes of practice and provided the
theoretical base for early North American school mathematics.
Cyphering, ciphering, history of school mathematics, mathematics textbooks, education history
Historians of school mathematics education in North America have often written from a
top-down, largely urban elite, and definitely mathematical, perspective. Undue emphasis has
been given to the mathematics that needed to be studied in schools in order that students
would be well prepared to enter college. Much weight has been given to the importance of
certain textbooks, textbook authors, and college courses and professors. The end result has
been that historians have been more concerned with elaborating the intended rather than
implemented or attained curricula.
School mathematics education practices in the United States of America are very different
now from what they were in the 18th and early 19th centuries in the colonies and states. In
the early 1800s many school-age children in the United States rarely attended school. Of
those who did attend, many (especially boys in the New England colonies or states)
attended during winter months only, and did not study any mathematics beyond elementary
arithmetic. In the 1820s, for example, Abraham Lincoln attended subscription schools in
Indiana for a total of about nine months, spread over three years, and as late as the 1870s the
hero of Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn went to school for only “three or
four months” during which time he learnt the rudiments of reading, writing, spelling, and
“the multiplication table up to six times seven is thirty-five” (Clemens, 1885, p. 18).
Much of our analyses were based on a principal data set which comprised the largest-known
single collection of North American cyphering books. We also analyzed other published and
unpublished materials, including textbooks. Most of the 212 cyphering books in the
principal data set were prepared by school and not college students, and by studying these
books we have been able to look closely at what went on in the name of mathematics
(usually “arithmetic”) for students who did not necessarily intend to proceed to college.
Elsewhere (Ellerton & Clements, 2012), we have shown that school mathematics in
European settlements in North America during the period 1607-1861 was very different
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from what it is today. Space limitations do not permit us to present and interpret the data
here fully—it suffices to repeat our assertion that two centuries ago:
American teachers did not stand at the front of the room and teach, and most students,
even those studying mathematics, did not own a mathematics textbook. Written
examinations of any kind were not used. Most teachers of any branch of mathematics
did not have formal qualifications in mathematics. (p. 2)
In this paper we review changes to the principal method of teaching and learning
mathematics in North America in the 17th, 18th, and early 19th centuries. Our brief analysis
for the period 1840-1860 reveals that in just two decades a cyphering tradition, that had
spread to Europe and America after originating in India and in Arabic nations, and had
endured for over 600 years, lost its grip on North American schools. We shall offer a brief
explanation for how and why this occurred.
School mathematics in the fledgling European-background communities in North America
in the 17th and 18th centuries differed in important ways from school mathematics in
Western Europe at that time. The most compelling of the reasons why this was the case
related to population density and spread.
In 1700 the total population of European-background settlements on the eastern coast of
North American) was about 300000. At that time the most populated settlements—Boston
(with about 6700 people), New York (about 4900), and Philadelphia (about 4400)—were
little more than villages. By contrast, in 1700 the city of London had a population of about
600000, and England and Wales had a total population of about 5 million (Finlay &
Shearer, 1986). When factors such as geographical isolation and lack of access to books are
linked to the reality that about 95 percent of the North American settlers lived in tiny rural
hamlets that were struggling to survive (Finlay & Shearer, 1986), it should not be a matter
for surprise that most children of settlers received very little education with respect to
formal mathematics. If boys went to school then this was often in winter months only
(Wickersham, 1886), and many girls did not study any form of mathematics beyond
numeration and the four operations on whole numbers. Even in public schools in urban
centres like Boston, printed arithmetics were rarely to be found (Fowle, 1866; Michalowicz
& Howard, 2003; Monroe, 1912, 1917; Webb, 2008; Wickersham, 1886).
In the North American New World, none of the main requirements for successful formal
mathematics teaching and learning—necessary mathematical knowledge among teachers,
sufficient teaching power, student readiness for learning arithmetic, and adequate
resources—was satisfied (Vermont, Historical Society, 1937). In a particular situation,
occasionally one of these four requirements was met, but rarely more than that (Ellerton &
Clements, 2012). Most of the adult settlers had little formal mathematical knowledge and,
even into the 19th century, relatively few teachers in North America had strong
mathematical backgrounds. There was also a lack of teaching power, for many persons who
offered tuition in arithmetic (or any other form of mathematics) had had little experience as
teachers (Cohen, 2003). Most students were not ready to follow a curriculum inherited from
Europe, largely because they had not spent enough time learning elementary mathematics.
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If they did not learn from printed textbooks, then how did the children of the European
settlers in the New World acquire the kind of calculational and geometrical skills that they
needed to survive? We shall comment here on what we believe were the two main factors
influencing learning: (a) ethnomathematical factors, and (b) the cyphering tradition.
Ethnomathematical factors
Emigh (2002) has argued that all 17th- and 18th-century North American communities
engaged in ethnomathematical practices, in the sense that they passed on to children and
apprentices the personal numeracies and measurement skills that they needed. Not
everyone learned to read or write, or calculate, or measure, in standard ways but, as in
many European nations, oral traditions and practical skills acquired in community life
taught most people at all levels of society not only to count, but also to become familiar
with, and use, concepts like “more,” “less,” “the same,” etc. (Unger, 1888). Daily-life
experiences taught them to perform actions in appropriate sequences, and to estimate and
measure context-relevant distances, times, capacities, areas, and other quantities, when this
was required. Schoen (1938) offered an example of how this happened:
In the days when the “bounds” of great wilderness tracts were being marked off by
deep-cut blazes in the trees along the line, a knowledge of land surveying was a useful
skill, and many a boy learned its elements by following the “boundsgoer” in his work
of “running the line.” And those who did not actually take part in running the line must
have attended many a gay springtime “processioning,” when neighbors made a festive
occasion out of “perambulating the bounds.”
Vague land grants and inaccurate surveys made the subject of boundary lines a prime
issue in the everyday life of colonial homes, one that caused many arguments and
demanded much time and attention. (p. 83)
During the period 1607-1861 it was unusual for someone to take a formal course in
surveying or navigation (although such courses were available in colleges, and also in
private academies). But that did not mean that the challenges of dividing land tracts, or
doing other practical things that required mathematics, were not faced, and often solved.
The cyphering tradition
The subtitle of our recent book Rewriting the History of School Mathematics in North
America 1607-1861 is the “The Central Role of Cyphering Books” (Ellerton & Clements,
2012). Our thesis is that the main teaching and learning aid for school mathematics during
the period 1607-1861 was the cyphering book, and that instruction and learning were
consistent with what we have called the “cyphering tradition.”
A cyphering book was a handwritten manuscript with the following properties:
1. Either the contents were written by a student who, through the act of preparing it,
was expected to learn and be able to apply whatever content was under
consideration; or, the book was prepared by a teacher who wished to use it as a
model that could be followed by students preparing their own cyphering books.
2. All entries in the book appeared in ink—either as handwriting or as illustrations.
Headings and sub-headings were presented in a decorative, calligraphic style.
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3. The book was dedicated to setting out rules and cases associated with a sequence of
mathematical topics, with each topic being followed by problems linked with that
topic. The problems were in arithmetic, especially business arithmetic, or in algebra,
or geometry, or trigonometry, or were applications of mathematics in the fields of
navigation, surveying, military strategy, etc.
4. The topics covered were sequenced so that they became progressively more
difficult. The content also reflected the expectation that, normally, no child less than
10 years of age would be assigned the task of preparing a cyphering book. (Ellerton
& Clements, 2012, pp. 3-4)
After reviewing changes to the principal method of teaching and learning mathematics in
North America in the 17th, 18th and early 19th centuries, our analysis for the period 1840–
1860 revealed that in just two decades a cyphering tradition that had spread to Europe and
America after originating in India and in Arabic nations, and had endured for over 600
years, was done away with in North American schools. In our book we have offered an
explanation for how and why that occurred.
Our principal data set comprised almost 300 handwritten cyphering books, of which 212
originated in North America between 1701 and 1861. Since we are the present owners of
those cyphering books, we have had the opportunity to examine them carefully, over a long
period of time. We have also studied smaller collections of cyphering books held in the New
York Public Library, in the Phillips Library (in Salem, Massachusetts), and at Harvard
University, Columbia University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the
College of William and Mary (Williamsburg), and the University of Michigan.
The following five research questions provided the foci for the study which is summarized
in this paper, and in Ellerton and Clements (2012):
Where and when were the cyphering books prepared, and by whom?
Were the manuscripts consistent with abbaco traditions, especially in relation to
mathematical content and sequencing, genre, and “writing as also arithmeticke”?
What theoretical base, if any, can be identified to encapsulate the educational
purposes of the cyphering books?
Why, between 1840 and 1861, was there such a sharp decline in the use of the
cyphering approach in the Unites States?
What were the main educational advantages and disadvantages of the cyphering
Most of the North American cyphering books in our principal data set were prepared in the
North-Eastern regions of what is now the United States of America. About 83 percent of
them were prepared by males, usually during winter months only. After 1840, the extent of
the use of cyphering books declined sharply. Three reasons are identified for the decline:
first, cyphering books were no longer regarded as important in relation to evaluating the
quality of an instructor’s teaching or of a student’s learning; second, key state education
leaders favoured pedagogical reform by which mathematics would be taught to graded
classes, rather than to individuals; and third, young teachers graduating from state normal
schools discouraged the use of the cyphering approach, especially in the new high schools
that were being established.
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The second of the research questions mentioned above referred to abbaco traditions. In our
book we argued that the handwritten cyphering books generated in North America between
1607 and 1861 were the American equivalents of the handwritten abbaci which were
prepared in Western Europe throughout the period 1200–1850 (and probably well before
that period in India and in certain Arabic nations). What were the elements of this abbaco
tradition? Van Egmond (1976, 1980) claimed that cyphering books, or abbaci, represented a
continuous and uniform tradition that stretched from the work of Leonardo Pisano, around
1200 (and perhaps before that—see Høyrup, 2005) to the end of the 16th century, shifting
from handwritten to printed books as the primary means of publication changed from
manuscript to printing. Van Egmond (1980) then linked this tradition with modern school
mathematics textbooks:
The long list compiled by Augustus De Morgan (1847) shows that the abbaci are only
the beginning of a tradition of arithmetical writing that extends to the present day. The
elementary books that we all used to learn basic arithmetic are the direct descendants
of the abbacus books of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Many of the problems
and methods that are first found here are repeated in our “modern” books. The abbaci
are more than just a source for the history of mathematics and business in Renaissance
Italy, they are themselves a distinct chapter in the history of mathematics. (p. 31)
Our analysis of various collections of handwritten European and North American cyphering
manuscripts suggested that those manuscripts (or abbaci) provided the model for cyphering
books in Great Britain, Germany, and France, as well as in other nations, including North
America. However, once printed arithmetics became more available and affordable, the
model evolved so that commercially-printed texts were often used as a complement to the
traditional cyphering book. We commented that “the order implied in the last sentence—
that textbooks developed as a complement to the cyphering books—has usually been
reversed by historians of education and commerce” (Ellerton & Clements, 2012, p. 11).
Penmanship and calligraphy in the abbaci
According to Van Egmond (1980), in Western Europe the quality of the penmanship,
calligraphic headings, and diagrams in the abbaci varied considerably. The most elaborate
cyphering books, such as those produced by scholars at Christ’s Hospital in London,
featured exquisite penmanship, calligraphy, and detailed and colorful diagrams. Such was
the quality of penmanship in the cyphering books prepared by students of the Royal
Mathematical School at Christ’s Hospital that it is hard to believe that those who prepared
these books were aged between 10 and 16—but that, indeed, was the case.
Many historians have failed to recognize that throughout the period 1200–1800 the extent of
instruction in arithmetic was often masked by the fact that with respect to school curricula,
arithmetic was often regarded as part of writing and therefore was not mentioned in school
reports (Heal, 1931). In particular, it was assumed that the best writing masters should also
teach arithmetic—and that assumption was inherently a part of the abbaco tradition (Heal,
1931; Monaghan, 2007; Smith, 2005). One of the results of arithmetic being a part of
writing has been that historians have underestimated the amount of arithmetic taught in the
local schools in 17th- and 18th-century North America (Monroe, 1912).
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Until well into the second half of the 19th century, private tutors and schools in Great
Britain insisted that their students prepare abbacus-like cyphering books that featured high
penmanship, calligraphy, and drawing. That requirement found its expression in abbacuslike published books authored by well-known writing masters, such as George Bickham,
William Butler, Edward Cocker, James Hodder and Humphry Johnson. Charles Hutton,
who would become a well-regarded mathematician (Howson, 1982), once described himself
as a “writing master and mathematics teacher” (Hutton, 1766, p. i). Hutton argued that since
“all mercantile affairs as well as all arts and sciences do absolutely depend on arithmetic”
(p. ii), all scholars should prepare a printed book in which they recorded their work in
arithmetic. Isaac Newton, who believed that elementary arithmetic provided the basis for all
higher studies of mathematics (Pearce, 1901), was part of the late 17th-century committee
that insisted upon Christ’s Hospital students preparing cyphering books which featured the
highest possible standards of penmanship and calligraphy. In the 17th and 18th centuries,
this “writing-as-if-arithmeticke” phenomenon was translated into the North American
European settlements (Ellerton & Clements, 2012).
The abbaco arithmetic curriculum
The abbaco arithmetic curriculum, which featured the Hindu-Arabic numerals 0, 1, 2, …, 9
and took advantage of the genius of place value—as this could be applied to the four
operations—had a strong mercantile emphasis (Ifrah, 2000). It had originally been
developed within Hindu/Arabic nations and many historians believe it was passed on to
European merchants, reckoners and scholars by Leonardo Pisarno (Fibonaaci), especially
through his classic Liber Abbaci (Swetz, 2005; Van Egmond, 1976). That tradition,
together with its writing-as-if-arithmeticke presumptions, defined the cyphering
tradition, which was translated to the American colonies. But, after 1820 the tradition
was challenged within the American states, and its demise came quickly.
Almost all colonial cyphering books which were prepared by students who were
beginning their formal studies of arithmetic included entries on notation and numeration,
the four operations, compound operations, currency exchange, reduction, the various
rules of three (relating to proportional reasoning), vulgar and decimal fractions, and
percentage. If more advanced topics were studied, then questions on loss and gain,
barter, brokage, tare and tret, annuities, alligation, fellowship, false position, equation of
payments, mensuration, duodecimals, arithmetical and geometrical progressions,
permutations and combinations, and involution and evolution were likely to be found.
With the exception of decimal fractions and percentage, whose popularity grew both in
Europe and America from about 1650 onwards (Whitrow, 1988), all of these topics had
always been part of the abbaco tradition. Some writers (e.g., Cajori, 1890; Doar, 2006)
have asserted that the mercantile emphasis in the early North American arithmetic
curriculum was unfortunate, and arose because “the sins of early English pedagogues”
were “visited upon the children in England and America” (Cajori, 1890, p. 50). Such an
argument fails to take into account the Continental origins of the abbaco curriculum.
The one-room school house, individual preparation, and recitation tradition
An integral component of the cyphering tradition was the idea that teachers should set
problems for their students to do, and that the students should then individually prepare
written answers, on scraps of paper or on slates if these were available. Then, on a
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regular basis (once a day, say), a student’s written answers would be checked by the
teacher, during what became known as “recitation” sessions. If the solutions were
deemed to be correct then the student would enter the tasks, and their solutions,
meticulously into his, or her, cyphering book. This form of education suited the oneroom schoolhouses which were to be found in villages all across the northeastern
colonies or states. It also suited proprietors of subscription schools which were operated
for children of planters in the South. Under such circumstances, the teacher did not teach
the whole class, and that was convenient, for in most of the schoolrooms 15 to 40
students, aged from, say, 4 to 21 years, were likely to be present.
Genre considerations
Students were expected to conform to a well-defined genre when making quill-and-ink
entries in their cyphering books. Genres established via the European cyphering tradition
incorporated a combination of what we have called the IRCEE (“introduction-rule-caseexample-exercises”) genre and, when answers to problems were being presented in writing,
the PCA (“problem-calculation-answer”) genre.
Kilpatrick (2012), in commenting on these genres, stated:
As Ellerton and Clements show, the cyphering approach to learning mathematics has
both an extensive history and a complex rationale. In the approach, the learner was to
become an independent problem solver by learning to identify problems of various
types, learning the rules for their solution, solving such problems, having each solution
checked by a tutor or teacher, and only when the solution was correct, copying that
solution into a cyphering book using exemplary calligraphy. The handwriting process
was not meant to be only copying; it was to be an accompaniment to thinking. The
learner was not simply inscribing the solution on to paper; he or she was inscribing it
into memory. (p. vi)
The principal aim was to assist students to become independent problem solvers, for life.
Probably, most students were not aware that important structural similarities, embedded in
carefully-chosen, mathematics-based, problem scenarios, were being dealt with. They did
know, though, that they were expected to select and apply appropriate rules and then solve
problems. They knew they had to locate a problem within a major problem category, and
then within appropriate sub-categories; they also knew that for each sub-category they had
to attend to how a type problem was solved, and use this as a model for tackling problems
that were structurally identical to the type problems. They could only enter their tentative
solutions into their cyphering books when these had been confirmed to be correct. After all
of these hurdles had been crossed they were expected to use impressive penmanship when
entering their solutions.
After all the main categories of problems had been considered, students attempted
“promiscuous questions” which embodied several of the main structures that had been
considered. Each concerned a real-life situation that was either relevant to the student then,
or might be in the not-too-distant future. It was assumed that through writing correct
solutions to problems, students would “reflect” on problem structures, and that would assist
them to recognize and solve similar problems in the future (Van Egmond, 1980). This
theoretical rationale is summarized in Figure 1 (taken from Ellerton and Clements, 2009).
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Mathematical Structures
Master and
becomes the
for each sub-structure
“Type” Problems for
each sub-structure.
Real“ Problems
in whichExercises
each student
structure is appropriate
and Master
Figure 1. Educational rationale for the cyphering approach.
Of the 212 cyphering books in our collection, only one was prepared after 1860, and that
book was prepared in 1861. In all the other cyphering book collections that we have
examined we have not found a cyphering book prepared after 1861. In Ellerton and
Clements (2012) we concluded that the cyphering tradition lost its influence quickly
because of the following three reasons:
1. The introduction of written examinations into North America in the 1840s. This
resulted in teachers abandoning the cyphering tradition because they now needed
more time to prepare their students for written tests.
2. Leaders of the recently-established normal schools thought they knew of methods for
teaching arithmetic that generated better learning than the cyphering approach. They
favored whole-class methodologies, based on Pestalozzian inductive theory, and
normal school graduates were expected to use these methods in the schools.
3. It became increasingly recognized that the traditional abbaco arithmetic curriculum
did not suit the needs of American society. Much larger numbers of North American
children than ever before began to attend school and to study arithmetic, and the old
emphasis on business-related arithmetic no longer seemed to be relevant, especially
for students who lived in rural areas.
Between 1607 and 1861, assumptions associated with the cyphering tradition more or less
defined what mathematics was taught, and how it was taught and learned, in North
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American schools. In particular, the tradition provided the backdrop against which the
IRCEE (introduction-rule-case-example-exercise) and PCA (problem-calculation-answer)
genres defined how students learned, and it could be argued that those genres still bedevil
everyday practices in school mathematics in the 21st century in the United States.
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Kilpatrick, J. (2012). Foreword. In N. F. Ellerton & M. A. Clements, Rewriting the history
of school mathematics in North America 1607-1861 (pp. v-vi). New York, NY: Springer.
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