Factors, Multiples, Prime or Composite Numbers, & Patterns Study

Factors, Multiples, Prime or Composite Numbers, & Patterns Study Guide
Name: ___________________________________ Date of TEST ______________
___ I can identify a prime number and explain how I know it is prime.
Example: Explain which of these numbers is prime.
___ I can identify a composite number and explain how I know it is composite.
Example: Explain which of these numbers is composite.
___ I can identify or list the multiples of any given number.
Example: What are the multiples of 24?
___ I can identify or list all of the factors or factor pairs of any given number.
Example: Which of these are factor pairs for 32?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 16, 32
___ I know and can apply divisibility rules to any number. (See math notebook for
additional study tool containing all divisibility rules.)
Example: Which divisibility rules apply to 74? _________________________________
Which divisibility rules do NOT apply to 74? ____________________________________
___ I can answer word problems associated with the content of this study guide.
Example: Ryan wants to buy an organizer for his collection of 55 movies. The organizer
comes in two styles: 3 shelves or 5 shelves. Ryan wants to place the same number of
movies on each shelf. Which movie organizer should he buy? Explain your answer.