Page 25 Converting A Fraction To A Decimal Number To convert a fraction to its decimal form divide the denominator into the numerator. If you have a mixed number you can change it into an improper fraction first if you like. Example 1 2 Convert to a decimal 5 .4 5) 2.0 = 5) 2.0 = 0.4 Example 2 3 Convert to a decimal 4 .75 4) 3.0 = 4 ) 3.00 = 0.75 Example 3 Convert 2 2 1 to a decimal 2 1 5 = 2 2 2.5 2) 5.0 = 2) 5.0 = 2.5 Change each fraction to an equivalent decimal. No Calculators Allowed. Show your work. 2 3 13 1. 2. 3. 5 8 4 4. 6 3 4 Page 25 answers 1. 0.4 Chapter 1 2. .375 3. 3.25 4. 6.75 © 2015 Eitel page 26 Converting a Decimal Number To a Fraction Every decimal number can be converted into a proper fraction or a mixed number. The digits to the LEFT of the decimal are the whole number part of the mixed number. The digits to the RIGHT of the decimal represent the fractional part. The decimal place of the digit farthest to the right determines the value of the denominator of the fraction. The first place to the right of a decimal is the tenths place. .9 is read 9 tenths and is 9 written as the fraction 10 5.7 is read 5 and 7 tenths and is written as the mixed number 5 7 10 The second place to the right of the decimal is the hundredths place. .18 is read 18 hundredths and is 18 written as the fraction 100 4.27 is read 4 and 27 hundredths and is 27 written as the mixed number 4 100 To convert a decimal to a fraction place the whole number part in front of a fraction with the part to the right of the decimal over either 10 or 100 or 1000 etc. depending on where the last digit ends. You must then reduce the fraction if it can be reduced. Example 1 Example 2 .4 is read 4 tenths 0.75 is read 75 hundredths 4 = 10 2 = 5 75 = 100 7/ 5/ 3 3 = = 1/ 0/ 0/ 4 4 Example 53 2.35 is read 2 and 35 hundredths 35 100 3/ 5/ 7 =2 1/ 0/ 0/ 20 7 =2 20 =2 Change each decimal to an equivalent fraction or mixed number and reduce if possible. 1. .7 Page 26 answers 7 3 1. 2. 10 5 Chapter 1 2. .6 3. 6 25 3. 4. .24 4. .35 7 20 © 2015 Eitel page 27 Converting A Percent To A Decimal To convert a percent (part of a hundred) to its decimal form move the decimal two places to the left and remove the % sign. 23% = .23 54% = .54 345% = 3.45 43% = .43 If there are not enough digits to allow you to move the decimal to the left two places then add zeros to the left of your number and then move the decimal two places to the left. 8.4% = 0.084 .72% = 0.0072 .023% = 0.00023 Convert each percent to its decimal form. 1. 35% Answers 1. .35 2. 6.2% 2. .062 3. 217% 3. 2.17 4. 8.5% 4. .085 5. 0.2% 5. .002 Converting A Decimal Number To A Percent. To convert a decimal number to its percent form move the decimal two places to the right and add a % sign. 0.34 = 34% 3.56 = 356% 0.03 = 3% 0.0023 = .23% Convert each decimal to its percent form. 11. 0.43 Answers 11. 43% Chapter 1 12. 0.06 12. 6% 13. 17% 13. 0.17 14. 312% 14. 3.12 15. 0.3 15. 30% © 2015 Eitel