About the author Mr. M . S . M . Dahlan M r . M . S . M . D a h l a n is a veteran teacher i n m a t h e m a t i c s who has a l m o s t 35-year experience in teaching m a t h e m a t i c s i n g o v e r n m e n t schools. A n d also he has taught i n an a t o l l s c hool i n t h e R e p u b l i c o f M a l d i v e s f o r t w o years. M r . D a h l a n has served as a Project O f f i c e r attached t o the M a t a r a D i s t r i c t E d u c a t i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t Project ( M E D P ) f u n d e d b y S I D A , f r o m 1993 t o 1995. H e has served i n the Subject Specialist Panel o f the Text B o o k s E v a l u a t i o n C o m m i t t e e o f the E d u c a t i o n a l Publication Department, Isurupaya, Battaramulla. In a d d i t i o n t o that he w a s a resource p e r s o n attached t o the B i l i n g u a l E d u c a t i o n P r o g r a m m e o f the N a t i o n a l Institute o f M a h a r a g a m a . H e r e t i r e d f r o m g o v e r n m e n t service i n 2008 after a c o m m e n d a b l e service at St. T h o m a s ' C o l l e g e M a t a r a for over fifteen years a n d presently attached t o t h e Academic Staff o f Ceylinco-Sussex College, Matara. I S B N 978-955-590-096-6 NATION \ l 1 SGIENCI 1(11 SDMION H National Science Foundation S i o n t m s e i E n l e m M a e t n h e t m a a t r i y c 47/5, M a i t l a n d Place M. S. M. Dahlan Colombo 07 Tele: 0 1 1 - 2 6 9 6 7 7 1 - 3 Fax: 011-2694754 Rs. 150/= NATION\i National Science Foundation s Science Books Series - 11 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics M. S. M. Dahlan NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNUAHON Published by National Science Foundation 47/5, Maitland Place Colombo-07. © National Science Foundation 2000 No responsibility is assumed by the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka for statements and opinions expressed by the author in this book ISBN 978-955-590-096-6 Publication Coordination: Upuli Rathnayake Cover page design: Dimuthu Weerasuriya Printing Division National Science Foundation Science Books Series - 1 1 Some Elementary Hints Mathematics CONTENTS R e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f N u m b e r s i n a Place- V a l u e T a b l e 1 R e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f D e c i m a l N u m b e r s i n a Place - V a l u e T a b l e 1 Estimation o f Decimal Numbers 2 Integers-Addition & Subtraction 2 Some Properties o f M u l t i p l i c a t i o n 5 H i n d u Lattice Multiplication 6 Division 7 Classification o f Triangles 8 Classification o f Quadrilaterals 9 A p p l i c a t i o n o f B O D M A S Sequence 10 Powers & Exponents 11 Variables & Expressions 12 Substitution 13 Equations 15 Prime Factorization 18 Greatest C o m m o n F a c t o r ( G C F ) 19 Least C o m m o n M u l t i p l e ( L C M ) 20 Perimeter & A r e a 21 Use o f V e n n Diagrams to Solve Problems 23 M a i n R e p r e s e n t a t i o n a l V a l u e s i n Statistics 25 Representation o f Data in Frequency Tables 26 Quartiles & Inter-quartile Range 27 Construction o f Bar Graphs 28 Metric System 29 S o m e C o m m o n t e r m i n o l o g y used i n M a t h e m a t i c s Representation of Numbers in a Place-Value Table H o w to write a number in Standard Form and Expanded Form Ones (Units) Zone Thousands Zone H T 0 H T 0 2 3 8 9 6 1 How lo write a larger number Millions Zone Thousands Zone H Ones Zone T O H T O H T O 6 4 9 3 5 7 3 4 W o r d N a m e : Sixty-four million nine hundred and thirty-five thousand seven hundred and thirty four. Standard Form: 6 4 935 7 3 4 Expanded Form: 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 + 9 0 0 0 0 0 + 3 0 0 0 0 +5 000+700+30+4 Representation of Decimal Numbers Thousands Hundreds 2 1 - Tens Ones - Tenths Hundredths Thousandths ,9 2 - 1 6 7 2 S o m e Elementary Hints in Mathematics Standard Form: 2 192.167 Expanded Form: 2 0 0 0 + 100 + 9 0 + 2 + 0.1 + 0.06 + 0.007 Estimation of Decimal Numbers Estimate: 3.78 + 5.97round to the nearest whole number 3^78 + 5|97 4 + 6=10 Estimate: 6 . 2 4 9 - 0 . 8 1 9 6.249-0.819 1 6 1 i - l = 5 Integers A l l the integers can be written as a set o f { . . . - 4 , - 3 , - 2 , - 1 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 3,4...} The called ellipses, means that the set continues without end, following the same pattern. The positive integers are often written without + sign. So + 2 and 2 are the same. O n the number line, 0 , is considered the starting point with the positive numbers to the right and negative numbers to the left. Zero is neither negative nor" positive. —i—i—r—r—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1. 0 t t I r> negative <j I 1 t 2 3 4 5 ••' L__r>positive <q • 6 t | Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics 3 T h e arrows show that the numbers continue without end. -4 is read "negative 4 " and + 2 is read "positive 2". T o graph an integer, you locate the number and draw as a dot at that point on the line. Letters are sometimes used to name points on a number line. The integers that correspond to the letter'is called the ordinates o f that particular point. Example: Graph points A , B, C and D on a number line. Their corresponding ordinates are 8, - 3 , -7 and 3 respectively. C <—i o _8 -7 IB 1 1 -6- -5 -4 1 G -J3 A i t i i i D a i i i i • fc. -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A d d i n g ; integers w i t h same s i g n : T h e s u m o f t w o p o s i t i v e integers is p o s i t i v e T h e s u m o f t w o negative integers is negative Example: i) 3 +2 = 5 i i ) (-6) + (-2) = (-8) Representing the above t w o examples o n a n u m b e r l i n e 4 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics Subtracting integers The opposite of an integer is called its additive inverse Example: I f a number is 6, its additive inverse is (-6). I f a number is -7 its additive inverse is +7. Property o f integers and additive inverse: The sum o f an integer and its additive inverse is 0. Arithmetic Algebra 6 + (-6) = 0 X + (-X) = 0 Some Pattern of Properties 7 x 2 = 14 1 x 3.5 = 3.5 1 x 0.004 = 0.004 7 x 2 0 = 140 10 x 3.5 = 35 10 x 0.004 = 0.04 7 x 2 0 0 = 1400 100 x 3.5 = 350 100 x 0.004 « 0.4 7 x 2 0 0 0 = 14000 1000 x 3.5 = 3 5 0 0 1000 x 0.004 = 4 Some Properties of Addition Commutative property of addition: The order of Addends does not change the sum 3 + 4= 4+3 Associative Property of addition: The ways the Addends are grouped does not change the sum. (2+ l)+5 = 2 + (l +5) Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics Identity Property: The sum of any number and zero equals the number. 5 + 0 = 5 and 0 + 5 = 5 ' Example: Solve 12+ (48+8) 1 2 + ( 4 8 + 8) = 1 2 + ( 8 + 48) Commutative Prop. = ( 1 2 + 8 ) + 48 Associative Prop. = 2 0 + 48 = 68 Some Properties of Multiplication Commutative Property of Multiplication The order of the factors does not change the Product 6x8=8x6 Associative Property of Multiplication The way the factors are grouped does not change the product 5x(8x7) = (5x8)x7 Zero Property of Multiplication The product of any factor and zero equals zero. 49 x 0 = 0 5 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics 6 Hindu L a t t i c e Multiplication th I n the 1 2 century, mathematicians in India used a lattice method to multiply. Trnv is the lattice method for 5 x 876 = 4 3 8 0 Step 1. Place the factors outside the grid 8 7 6 5 Step 2. Find the products o f 5 x 8, 5 x 7, 5 x 6 8 7 6 Step 3. W r i t e the sum o f the diagonals. Start from right. 8 7 4 3 6 8 Therefore the answer is 4 3 8 0 Solve: 3 4 2 x 2 5 3 731 x 36 4 7 3 1 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics 7 Division 47 divided by 3 = 47/3 Quotient 15 Divisor 47-* Dividend 2 _ 17 JL5_ 2 + Remainder T h e answer o f 47/3 is 15 R 2 R = remainder Therefore the dividend = quotient x divisor + remainder Squaring of L a r g e r l u m b e r s when the Unit Place values are 5 Example 1: 25x25 < Multiplier Multiplicand Step 1 : M u l t i p l y the unit place number o f the multiplicand .by the unit place number o f the multiplier. That is 5 x 5 = 25 Step 2: M u l t i p l y the unit place number o f the multiplicand b y the next consecutive number that occurs after the tenth place number o f the multiplicand. That is 2 x 3 = 6. Therefore the answer is 25 x 25 = 625 Example 2 65 x 65 5 X 5 = 25 6 x 7 = 42 Therefore the answer is 4225 8 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics Example 3 125 x 125 5 x 5 = 25 12x13=156 Therefore the answer is 15 625 Classification o f Triangles W h a t is a triangle? A triangle is a 3-sided closed plane figure bounded by straight lines. Classification of triangles by the lengths of the sides Equilateral triangle Isosceles triangle Scalene triangle A l l 3 sides the same 2 sides the same length N o sides the length same length Identification of triangles by the kind of angles Right-angled triangle 1 right angle acute- angled triangle 3 acute angles obtuse-angled 1 obtuse angle Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics 9 Classification of Quadrilaterals Quadrilaterals: a four sided closed plane figure bounded by straight lines. rectangle square J •L n r 4 right angles 4 equal sides in length parallelogran. D 4 right angles opposite side equal in length a rhombus opposite side equal in length opposite sides parallel trapezium (trapezoid) kite A l l sides equal i n only one pair o f 2 pairs o f equal length parallel sides adjacent sides opposite sides parallel 10 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics Application of BODMAS sequence in mathematical calculation To accurately solve mathematical problems with multiple operations a specific sequence is being followed. This process is called B O D M A S sequence. B Bracket O - Of D Division M Multiplication A Addition S Subtraction Example: solve 3 x 60/4 + 1/3 o f (25 - 10) - 5 Step 1: do the operations given within the brackets Step 1 r 3 x 60/4 + 1/3 o f | ( 2 5 - 1 0 ) | - 5 Step 2: do the operation containing ' o f 3 x 60/4 -r| 1/3 o f 15| - 5 t Step 3: do the division 3 x! 60/4 Step 2 + 5-5 -*— Step 3 Step 4: do the multiplication 3 x 15 + 5 - 5 Step 4 11 S o m e Elementary Hints in Mathematics Step 5: do the addition 145 + 5 - 5 Step 5 -4— Step 6: do the subtractions 50-5 Step 6 Therefore the answer is 45 Powers and Exponents Generation family tree number Person P 1 Parents FM FM FM FM FM FM FM 1x2 = 2 Grand parents Great-grand parents G reat- great- grand 2x2 = 4 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM Parents Study the pattern in the number column o f the table. W h a t is the next value would be? W h e n two or more numbers are multiplied, these numbers are called factors o f the product. W h e n the same facfor is repeated, you may use an exponent to simplify the notation. ' : 16 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 >• 2 4 four is the exponent 4 A n expression like 2 is called a p o w e r and is read; 2 to the power 4 ' or ' 2 to the fourth power'. The 2 in this expression is the base. Powers are often used to write a product in a shorter form. Example: 3 3 x 4 x 4 x 3 x 4 x 3 x 3 = 4 x3 4 12 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics Variables a n d E x p r e s s i o n s In mathematics w e also use substitution. Let us consider the numerical expression 5 + 6.it has a value o f 1 l.how ever the expression x + 4 does not have a value until a value for x is given. B u t when you substitute the value x = 10 or put 10 i n place o f x i n the v expression, it becomes 10 + 4, which is equal to 14. In order to evaluate, or find the value o f a numerical expression, w e need to follow an order of operations. That is you need to know which operation to do first when there is more than one operation i n the expression. Order o f operations: 1. D o all operations within grouping symbols first; start w i t h innermost grouping symbols. 2. D o all powers before other operations. 3. N e x t , do all multiplications ;ind division in order from left to right 4. Then do all addition and subtraction. Example: 2 evaluate (4 + 8) / 3 x 5 + ( 2 + 7) Y o u may have to follow the order o f operations to do this step. D o operations in the parentheses first. 2 (4 x 8)/3 x 5 + ( 2 + 7) = 12/3 x 5 + 11 = 4 x 5 + 11 = 20+11 = 31 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics 13 Algebra is a language o f symbols. In algebra, w e use letters, called variables to represent unknown quantities. I n the expression x + 4, x is a variable. Expressions that contain variables are called algebraic expressions. In order to evaluate algebraic expressions, you must k n o w how to read expressions. ! means 3 xa ab 3a means a xb 5x2y means 5 x2 xy a[b(cd)] means a x (b x c x d) t/3b means t / (3 x b) Substitution Algebraic Expressions: Expressions involving algebraic symbols. 2x + 3 < 5x + 2 y + 1 • * an expression with one variable. an expression with two variables. Solving expressions with one variable Example: find the value o f 2x + 1, when x = 3 Substitute the numerical values 3 for the algebraic symbol x or variable. 2x + 1 := 2 x 3 + 1 = 6+1 = 7 14 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics Solving expressions in two variables Example: find the value of 3 a - 2b, when a = 5 and b = 3 Let us substitute the values of a and b Then3a-2b = 3 x 5 - 2 x 3 = 15-6 = 9 Substitution related to equations Example: in the equation y = 6m - 2 find the value of y when m = '/z.Let us substitute the value m = 1/2 in the equation Then y = 6m - 2 = 6x1/2-2 = 3-2 = 1 Example: Evaluate x + y - 4 i f x = 5 and y = 3 First replace each variable in the expression with its value. Then use the order of operations. x + y- 4 = 5+ 3- 4 = 8-4 = 4 Example: Evaluate 2a + 3b if a = 4 and b = 12 2a + 3b = 2(4) + 3(12) = 8 + 36 = 44 2 Example: Evaluate b / 3a if b = 6 and a = 3 The bar, which means division, is also a grouping symbol. Evaluate the expressions in the numerator and denominator separately before dividing. S o m e Elementary Hints in Mathematics 2 b /3a 2 = 6 = 36/9 = 15 / 3 x 3 4 Equations A situation that can be represented b y a m a t h e m a t i c a l sentence w i t h a n equal sign is called an e q u a t i o n . Equation 50- 30= y T h e v a l u e that m a k e s sentence (statement) t r u e is c a l l e d t h e solution o f that e q u a t i o n . I n t h e a b o v e e q u a t i o n 5 0 - 3 0 = y , 2 0 i s t h e s o l u t i o n o f that e q u a t i o n . T h e process o f f i n d i n g t h e s o l u t i o n i s c a l l e d solving the 1 equation. S o m e e q u a t i o n s d o n o t h a v e the v a r i a b l e a l o n e o n o n e side o f the e q u a l s i g n . F o r e x a m p l e , let us l o o k at t h e e q u a t i o n 4 5 + a = 6 4 T r y 19 f o r v a l u e o f a T h e n y o u get 4 5 + 1 9 = 6 4 64 = 64 true Addition Property o f Equality: I f y o u add the same n u m b e r t o each side o f an equation, then the sides r e m a i n equal. Arithmetic 15 = 5 5 + 2 = 5 + 2 7 = 7 Algebra a = b a +c= b + c 16 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics Subtraction Property o f Equality: I f you subtract the same number from each side o f an equation, then the sides remain equal. Arithmetic Algebra 5 = 5 a= b 5-2=5-2 3 = 3 a - c= b - c Examples: 1. solve y - 34 = 15 y - 3 4 + 3 4 = 15 + 34 y 2. = 49 solve p + 17 = 4 8 p+17-17 p =48-17 =31 Solving statement problems Kanthi is thinking o f a number. She divides her number by 4 and subtract 6.The result is 3.What number Kanthi is thinking of? Let us think • divided by 4 — • subtract 6 — • result is 3. K.anthis number as y N o w let us write the equation: y/ 4 - 6 = 3 y / 4 - 6 + 6 = 3+6 y/4 = 9 ' 4 x y / 4 = 9x4 y = 36 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics 17 Writing Expressions and Equations Verbal Phrase Algebraic Expression 8 more than a number n+ 8 A number decreased by 10 m - 10 The sum o f twice a number and four 2y + 4 A number divided into 5 groups m / 5 Verbal statements may be translated into equations. The equations can often be used to solve a problem. Verbal Statement Algebraic Equation Three is five more than a number 3= a+ 5 Four times a number is one hundred 4n = 100 Example: Ravi has Rs.5 more than the twice the amount Kapila has. Ravi has Rs. 15. W r i t e an equation to represent this problem. Let y = the amount Kapila has T w i c e the amount Kapila has Rs.5 more than that— • > Ravi's amount, Rs.15, equal this 2y 2y + 5 > 2y + 5 =15 H o w to find the value o f y 2 y + 5 = 15 2y+ 5 - 5 = 15-5 2y / 2 = 10 / 2 y= 5 < equation subtract 5 from each side divide each side by 2 18 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics Prime Factorization In mathematics, w e use factoring to separate a number into smaller parts. T h e basic elements o f a number are its factors. W h e n a whole number greater than 1 'uas exactly two factors, 1 and itself, it is called a prime number. For example, 5 is a prime number since it has two factors, I and 5. A n y whole number, except 0 and 1 , that is not prime can be written as a product o f prime numbers. W h e n a whole number greater than composite 1 has more than two factors, it is called a number. For example 6 is a composite number since it has four factors, 1 , 2 , 3 and 6. The numbers 0 and 1 are neither prime nor composite. Notice that 0 has an endless number o f factors and that I has only one factor, itself. T o find the prime factors o f any composite numbers begin by expressing number as a product o f two factors. Then continue to factorize until all the factors are prime. W h e n a number is expressed as a product o f factors that are all prime. T h e expression is called the prime factorization o f the number. Example: 84 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 90 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 The diagrams below each show a different way to find the prime factorization o f 24. These diagrams are called factor trees. 24 24 2 x 3 x 2 x 2 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics 19 24 Every number has a unique set o f prime factors. Notice that the bottom row o f "branches" in each factor tree is the same except for the order in which the factors are written. Greatest Common Factor The greatest o f the factors common to two numbers is called the greatest c o m m o n factor ( G C F ) o f the numbers. Y o u can use prime factorization to find the G C F . Consider the prime factorization o f 84 and 9 0 below. 84 2 2 x ^ 2 90 x ^ x 3 42 2 ^ x 7 2 x 3 x ^ x 45 3 x T h e integers 84 and 9 0 have 2 and 3 as common factors. T h e product o f these prime factors, 2 x 3 or 6 is the G C F o f 84 and 90. Example: Use prime factorization to find the G C F o f 84,126 and 2 1 0 . W r i t e each number as a product o f prime factors. 5 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics 20 84 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 126 = 2 x 3 x 3 x 7 2 1 0 = 2 x 3 x 5 x 7 the common factors 2, 3, and 7 Thus, the G C F is 2 x 3 x 7 or 4 2 . L e a s t C o m m o n Multiple ( L C M ) The least o f the common multiple o f two or more numbers is called the least c o m m o n multiple ( L C M ) Example: Find the L C M o f 2 , 4 and 6 Method 1: Multiples o f 2 = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 Multiples o f 4 = 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 2 0 , Multiples o f 6 = 0, 6, 12, 18, 2 < 3 0 , C o m m o n multiples are 12, 2 4 , 36, 4 8 , T h e r e f o r e L C M is 12 Method 2: Prime factorization can be used to find the L C M o f a set o f numbers. A common multiple contains all the factors o f each number in the set. The L C M contains each factor the greatest number o f times it appears in the set. 2 = 2 x 1 21 = 3 x 7 4 = 2 x 2 25 = 5 x 5 6 = 2 X 9 = 3x3 1 2 x 2 x 3 = 12 The greatest power o f 3 is 3 2 The greatest power o f 5 is 5 2 The greatest power o f 7 is 7 l Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics 2 21 2 Therefore the L C M o f 21,25,9 is 3 x 5 x 7 ' = 1 575 Method 3: find the L C M o f 6, 8, and 12 2 - 6 , 8 , 12 2 3,4,6 3 G o on dividing the set o f numbers 3,2,3 2 by prime factors 1,2,1 Then you get 2x2x2x3 Therefore the L C M is 24 P e r i m e t e r and A r e a The perimeter o f a geometric plane figure is the sum o f the measures o f all sides. T o find the perimeter o f the rectangular piece o f glass you can add up the length o f all the sides or you can use an equation. The equation for the perimeter o f any rectangle is P = 2a + i2b where ' a ' represents the length and ' b ' represents the width. Example: 11 cm P = 2a + 2b 4cm = . 2 ( 1 1 ) + 2(4) = 22 + 8 = 30cm A square is a special rectangle in'which the lengths o f all sides are equal. The values for a and b in the perimeter equation are the same number. For this reason, the perimeter equation for a square is often written as P = 4s, w h e r e ' s ' is the length o f a side. 22 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics Example: 5 cm P = 4s 5 cm 5 cm -4(5) = 20cm 5cm Squares and rectangles are special types o f parallelograms. Each pair o f opposite sides o f a parallelogram are parallel and have the s a m e length. T o find the perimeter o f a parallelogram, you add the length o f the sides. Example: 7cm P = 2a + 2b = 2 ( 7 ) + 2(6) = 14+12 = 26cm. 7cm T o find the perimeter o f a triangle, you add the length o f all 3 sides. Example: 9cm 23 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics Area The area of a geometric plane figure is the measure of the surface enclosed by the figure. The area of any rectangle can be found by multiplying the length and width. Rectangle square parallelogram b a A= ab x A=x b 2 A' = bh Trapezium b a A = l/2(a + b).h Use of Venn Diagrams to Solve Problems. Example: There are 27 students in a class. 14 of them are members of the Tennis Club, 7 are members of the Basketball Club. 3 of them are members of the both the Tennis Club and Basketball Club. How many students are not in either Club. To solve the above problem you can use a Venn Diagram to show the above information as follows. 24 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics A d d to find the number o f students in either Clubs or in both Clubs. 4 + 3 + 11 = 18 subtract to find the total number o f students who are not in either Club. 27-18 = 9 N o w try this problem N u m b e r o f students passed in Maths, Science ,and English is represented in the above V e n n Diagram. Find the following data by using the above diagram. 25 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics 1. 2. N u m b e r o f students passed in Maths? • N u m b e r o f students passed in all 3 subjects? , 3. Numbers o f students passed in Maths and English? *. 4. N u m b e r o f students passed in Science and Maths only? M a i n R e p r e s e n t a t i o n a l Values in Statistics • Example: Grade nine students were asked how many times they have eaten ice-cream lastweek. the results were 3, 0, 1, 1 , 5, 2, 0, 1, 8 W r i t e the numbers in order from the least to the gratest. 0, 0 , 1 , 1 , 1,2,3,5,8 the R a n g e is the difference between the greatest and the least number. 8-0 = 8 the Mode is the number that occurs most often. There fore the mode is 1 The Median is the middle number,if they are arranged in ascending (increasing) or discending (decreasing) order.since the data has a nine numbers the middle number is the fifth one.therefore the median also one here. 0, 0 , 1 , 1 , ( 1 ) 2 , 3 , 5 , 8 i f there are two middle numbers in a group o f data.to find the median o f 0 , 1 , 2 , 3,|5, 6,|7, 7, 8, 9 add the two middle numbers and divide the number b y 2. 26 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics Hence 5 + 6 = 1 1 is 5.5 11 / 2 = 5.5 therefore the median M e a n : the sum o f data divided by the number o f data. W h e n w e consider the above example the mean = ( 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 7 + 8 + 9 ) divided by 10 = 4 8 / 10 Hence the answer is 4.8 R e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f D a t a in a F r e q u e n c y T a b l e These are often used in statistics. Statistics is a branch o f mathamatics that deals with collecting, organizing and analyzing data. One type o f table used in statistics is a frequency table. A frequency rable tells how many times each piece o f data occurs in a set o f information. The tabic below shows the result o f a survey done by a sports club regarding some games Game Soccer Hockey Cricket Tennis Tally fHJ fW fW fW / rw rw rw rw a fW fHJ fW /// rw rw rw //// Frequency 21 22 18 19 W h e n statisticians study the data and make conclusions from the numbers they are observing, w e call it data analysis. Some times when there is a wide range o f data, statisticians w i l l group the data into intervals. Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics 27 In a large set o f data, such as exam results, it is helpful to separate the data into four equal parts called quartiles. Interquartile Range: T h e inter quartile range is the range o f the middle half o f data. Example: Step 1. Find the median o f the data since the median separate the data into halves. 3, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 10, 10, 10, 12, 12, 14, 16, 17, 20 Median Step 2. Find the median o f the upper half. This number is called U p p e r Q u a r t i l e , indicated by U Q . Step 3. Find the median o f the lower half. This number is called the L o w e r Q u a r t i l e , indicated by LQ. Therefore the interquartile Range = U Q - L Q = 1 4 - 6 = 8 According to the above data the interquartile Range is 8. 28 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics Construction of B a r Graphs In a bar graph the data are represented in the form o f bars. • No. of Student English French German Russian Horizontal Axis represents the languages chosen Vertical Axis represents the number o f students Use the above graph to answer the following questions. 1. 2. W h a t language is mostly spoken by the six graders? H o w many students have chosen French? 3. H o w many students have chosen Russian? 4. H o w many students are in grade six? 5. What is the difference between the number o f students who have chosen English and the number o f students who have chosen German? Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics 2 9 The Metric System The metric system was created by a French scientist in the late 1 8 century, as a standard Measurement. The United State is the only large nation of the world that does not commonly use this system, the Metric system is a decimal system, that means it is based on 10. th The standard unit of length in the Metric system is the meter(m).the standard of capacity is the liter ( L ) and the standard unit of mass is the gram (g). Prefix kilohectodecadecicentimilli- Symbol k h ,da d c m Meaning Example 1000 100 10 0.1 0.01 0.001 1km = 1000m lhL = 1 0 0 L l d a g = lOg ldg = 0 . 1 g 1cm = 0.01m lmL = 0 . 0 0 1 L The diagram bellow shows how you change one unit to another by multiplying or b y dividing. xlO xlO i xlO 11 kilo ( k m ) hecto- ( h m ) t 11 ii deka- (dam) meter ( m ) It divided by 10 xlO It divided by 10 xlO ii 10 11 deci- (dm) Jt divided by xlO IL divided by 10 i centi (cm) milli (mm) It divided by 10 I divided by 10 Some Elementary Hints in Mathematics Relationship between 31 units of measurement in the metric system W h e n you multiply b y 10 ,100 and 1000 you can determine the answer b y moving the decimal point right as many places as there are zeros in the multiplier. 1 0 0 x 6.54 = 6 5 4 . = 654 1 0 0 0 x 6 . 5 4 = 6 5 4 0 . = 6540 W h e n you divide b y 10,100, and 1000 you move the decimal point left as many places as you have zeros in the divisor. 78/1 = 78 78/10 = 7 £ / =• 7.8 7 8 / 100 = 0.78 = 0.78 7 8 / 1000= 0.078 = 0.078 Common Termminology used in Mathematics Base Absolute Adjacent 6)cJO Basis Addition d r s q j iSS*® Basic Adjustment Sdi®3di© Bearing OC.25}® Addi'ive Bond Bisector A d d i t i v e Inverse Bisection C3®0®l5^®C3 0®C®(5^2»C3 Binary <S®C3 Algebraic 9c5c3 Bilateral Algebraic Expression Algebraic Function 86c3 @C1C3 Bar Graph Allied Angles Binomial <f9oe. Alternate Angle Capacity Altitude Circle QoSSM© Qaeftscs A n g l e o f Depression Circumference oSSca Corresponding A n g l e Angle o f Elevation A n t i - c l o c k w i s e (Counter Clockwise) Oo®aQt)C& Congruent Approximate Curve Axioms Curvature Axis Chord Axis of Symmetry Component A x i s o f Rotation Composite Arithmetic Co-ordinate A r i t h m e t i c Progression Concave A r m s o f an A n g l e Arc Convex 6>3C3C3 cotee Complex Equal Complementary Equality Coefficient Equilibrium Constant Equivalent Conclusion Equilateral »®0S) o®q>Ss«5>3cD Concept Equation Consequent Element Consecutive Estimation j9®3S5C3 Construction Exterior 3a£d Direct Numbers esc|ta C 3 o S s a esSSzsd-eSca Factor Division Factorization csoOs) © o S ® Dividend Fraction 0)30X9 Divisor Formula Denominator eodca F l o w Chart Direction QOO® Function Geometry Distribution Distributive Law Geometrical Domain £te© Geometrical Progression Decimal C_<B® Geoboard Diameter Graph Graphical C5oSS3CK3 Fixed Digit Discount Frequency ge&5»o*s> (§©-e6:fate)d ©cs^Sca Height Lamina epdcodca Hemisphere Linear ©bales Hexagon Least Common Multiple 2^6)3 ©C33£ Q2€S3Z3Ddc3 Histogram 6dQ ©tJS)C3 Logarithm Homogeneous C3®daSc3 Locus Horizontal Sdtf Lattice C3C5C3 Hypothesis Linear ©baWt&sd Index Line ©babe) Mean ®OS2S5BC3 Median ®033C3*C)C3 Intersection Mode ®3C0C3 Inverse Maximum CC30® Inequality Minimum cfO® Irrational Numbers Monomial Integers Infinity - Isosceles T r i a n g l e es®c*So3e~ Improper Fraction 8 ® ® ED3CD ^©zs^-eSca Matrix Interior A n g l e S s S d ©ExJcSca Magnitude Intercept Interest Multiple Numerator ©C33f3c3 Numerical Intermediate Negative Inter - Quartile Range Notation Irregular Nomenclature Grid Gradient C2-eS3!3X5c5 ep^ig®-eSc3 C3oS)33as5®23 2S13®Z5>d«SC3 Octagon Opposite A n g l e Proportional g&SjS) © z s o W C3®3^C3DSS) Property Ordered Pair Proper Fraction C33®a2S3G CD3CD Origin Principle DeQfr®c3 Obtuse A n g l e ®203 ©JSJ€SC3 Obtuse A n g l e d Triangle ®s>3 © o d ^ S a Octahedron «frf3 E5K3C3 Quality G2-C&C3 Odd Numbers ® e j © £ i C3oS333 Qualitative (^•«S3Sf®S) Parallel C3®02rfCDd Quantity g®3«Sc3 Parallelogram C3®3lrfet>CbQC3 Quantitative g®o-eS3s5®S) Percentage gSoamcs Quadrilateral ©Qdga Perfect o8gt$-©S Quadrant o f C i r c l e SacJcO 03C.23C3 Pentagon OoOsgca Quadratic Equation Perimeter oSSSca Perpendicular Plane ^©S)i«sc3 Positive Quartile Quotient Pictogram SS@C3 Radius Cfdc3 Probability c3®to3Sa»© Random £f!Og/C3C3®eD38 Product Process Rate 3§C33©gc3 Ratio Place V a l u e Range Profit Real Progression Reciprocal Proportion C5®3QO30SO Cf2gc33EDC3 odefodcs Rectangle Simultaneous cs®eoo® Rectangular eaa^eaxJ-eSagaaxKJ Simplification gdSa® Rectilinear eso*c3 ©bolca Statement gzswcsxa Recurring Statistics C3o£)B3CX3 Reflex Angle Set 3>Cmca Regular oSS Straight L i n e Relation Surface oaaftSca Relationship e3®S>2rfQO»0 Square o®©^dgca Relative C33©C3*»I» Substitution c?30<f(B S S ® Successive cfzgcaacD Representation Representative Value fidtaca ejeDca Right Angle Symmetry ea®®fic3 Systematic g®Od gco-eSs) Right Angled Triangle e a a ^ S Q J S ® @©a>J-eSca Tally Rotation gS-eSca Tetrahedron (325-eS Rhombus ©dD®Sesc3 Theory ScJQaafaxa Rhomboid ®Cb®3acDC3 Theorem g©®caca Rounding Off Numbers C5oS)B3 O x O Q ® Term oca Remainder ©C&BC3 Triangle ^©sxf-esca Scale 08®3<SC3 Triangular ^©csji-^SzB Scalene Triangle 5 » ® ooc; Transversal fiBcari Sector ©afcrfgss S ) « £ Q c a Transformation Sequence cj^®ca Translation Caf033d<SC3 Similar Triangle C3®d|8 @©S)3*-GSC3 Tessellation ©OcaeoocS-eSca Similarity ca®di8o»£) fijerai-efica ®B5bQ Unit Value q'Goca U n i t Fraction Variable Se)e»c3 Universal Variation S&csrc Unitary Vertex Seleses Unequal Uniform Vertical dzS>3S5)3d Bdd Vertically Opposite A n g l e g S g z s ©sDieSca Unknown Vector ©©qSzsjcs Unlike Volume oS®3© SOLIDS Cube usages Cuboid Cone Cylinder 632512336X3 Prism Pyramid Tetrahedron §C*®C3 Sphere Complex 8d@£Jc3 ©codecs About the author Mr. M . S . M . Dahlan M r . M . S . M . D a h l a n is a veteran teacher i n m a t h e m a t i c s who has a l m o s t 35-year experience in teaching m a t h e m a t i c s i n g o v e r n m e n t schools. A n d also he has taught i n an a t o l l s c hool i n t h e R e p u b l i c o f M a l d i v e s f o r t w o years. M r . D a h l a n has served as a Project O f f i c e r attached t o the M a t a r a D i s t r i c t E d u c a t i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t Project ( M E D P ) f u n d e d b y S I D A , f r o m 1993 t o 1995. H e has served i n the Subject Specialist Panel o f the Text B o o k s E v a l u a t i o n C o m m i t t e e o f the E d u c a t i o n a l Publication Department, Isurupaya, Battaramulla. In a d d i t i o n t o that he w a s a resource p e r s o n attached t o the B i l i n g u a l E d u c a t i o n P r o g r a m m e o f the N a t i o n a l Institute o f M a h a r a g a m a . H e r e t i r e d f r o m g o v e r n m e n t service i n 2008 after a c o m m e n d a b l e service at St. T h o m a s ' C o l l e g e M a t a r a for over fifteen years a n d presently attached t o t h e Academic Staff o f Ceylinco-Sussex College, Matara. I S B N 978-955-590-096-6 NATION \ l 1 SGIENCI 1(11 SDMION H National Science Foundation S i o n t m s e i E n l e m M a e t n h e t m a a t r i y c 47/5, M a i t l a n d Place M. S. M. Dahlan Colombo 07 Tele: 0 1 1 - 2 6 9 6 7 7 1 - 3 Fax: 011-2694754 Rs. 150/= NATION\i National Science Foundation s