Hindawi Publishing Corporation ξ e Scientiο¬c World Journal Volume 2014, Article ID 858527, 10 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/858527 Research Article Fraction Reduction in Membrane Systems Ping Guo,1,2 Hong Zhang,1 Haizhu Chen,3 and Ran Liu1 1 College of Computer Science, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China Chongqing Key Laboratory of Software Theory & Technology, Chongqing 400044, China 3 Department of Software Engineering, Chongqing College of Electronic Engineering, Chongqing 401331, China 2 Correspondence should be addressed to Ping Guo; guoping cqu@163.com Received 18 September 2013; Accepted 12 February 2014; Published 16 March 2014 Academic Editors: H. Cheng and B. Nagy Copyright © 2014 Ping Guo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Fraction reduction is a basic computation for rational numbers. P system is a new computing model, while the current methods for fraction reductions are not available in these systems. In this paper, we propose a method of fraction reduction and discuss how to carry it out in cell-like P systems with the membrane structure and the rules with priority designed. During the application of fraction reduction rules, synchronization is guaranteed by arranging some special objects in these rules. Our work contributes to performing the rational computation in P systems since the rational operands can be given in the form of fraction. 1. Introduction Membrane computing (also called P systems) is a branch of natural computing introduced by PaΜun in 1998 which abstracts computing models from the architecture and the functioning of living cells [1]. Membrane computing model takes the living cell as multihierarchical structural regions which are referred to as the membranes [2]. In the compartments defined by membranes there are objects that can evolve to other objects and pass through the membranes. After PaΜun proposed and proved that P systems based on membrane division can solve SAT problems in polynomial time [3], many variants of P systems, including cell-like [4, 5], tissuelike [6], and neural-like ones [7], have been successfully used to design solutions for NP-complete problems. The introductions of the complexity, parallelism, decomposition of membrane, and hierarchical structure can be found in [8, 9]. Based on cell-like P systems which are one kind of common systems in membrane computing, Atanasiu firstly constructs arithmetic P systems to implement arithmetic operations [10]. Reference [11] designs multilayer P systems without priority rules to lower the complexity of the operations. And, in [12], the membrane structure is simplified greatly and efficiency of the computations is also improved owing to arithmetic operations being performed in a single membrane without priority rules. Furthermore, multimembrane P systems are constructed for signed arithmetic operations [13] and the operational range of P system can be extended to the whole integer field. In [14] arithmetic expression is evaluated with primary arithmetical operations implemented in single membranes. Reference [15] proposes an algorithm and builds expression P systems without priority rules for evaluating arithmetic expression. And [16] implements primary arithmetic operations of fractions in P systems and builds a bridge between rational numbers and membrane computing. In cell-like P systems, the operands of the arithmetic operations are represented by multiset, which is composed by the objects and their cardinalities. The rational number can be given by the form of fraction, whose numerator and denominator can be represented by multisets, respectively, so the fraction can be a bridge for implementing the calculations of the rational numbers in P systems. However, [16] has not further processed the computation results which need to be reduced to lighten the load of the subsequent fraction computations. This paper proposes a suitable method of fraction reduction and implements it in P systems. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces cell-like P systems, and Section 3 proposes and proves the fraction reduction method. In Section 4, 2 The Scientific World Journal based on cell-like P system, the rules for implementing fraction reduction are described in detail with the membrane structure designed. The conclusions are drawn in the final section. (i) Nondeterminism. Suppose π rules compete for the reactants which can only support π (π < π) rules to be applied; then the π rules are chosen nondeterministically. 2. Foundations (ii) Maximal parallelism. All of the rules that can be applied must be applied simultaneously. 2.1. Cell-Like P Systems. Our work in this paper is based on cell-like P systems, and such system (of degree π ≥ 1) can be defined formally as [1, 2] From now on we only deal with cell-like P systems with membrane creation and call them P systems for brevity. Π = (π, π, π1 , . . . , ππ , π 1 , . . . , π π , π1 , . . . , ππ , ππ ) , 2.2. Fraction Arithmetic Operations. Reference [16] discusses how to perform fraction arithmetic operations by P systems based on multiple membranes. In [16], the fraction arithmetical operations are written in the form as (1) where (i) π is the alphabet of the system. Each symbol represents one kind of object. π∗ is the finite and nonempty multiset over π where π is empty string; π+ = π∗ − {π}; (ii) π is a membrane structure with π membrane, labeled by 1, 2, . . . , π; (iii) ππ (1 ≤ π ≤ π) is string over π representing the multiset of objects placed in membrane π. For example, there are 5 copies of object π and 3 copies of object π in membrane π; then we have ππ = π5 π3 ; ππ = π means that there is no object in membrane π; (iv) ππ is output region of the system and it saves the final results; (v) π 1 , π 2 , . . . , π π are finite sets of possible evolution rules over π associated with the regions 1, 2, . . . , π of π. The rules in π π (1 ≤ π ≤ π) are of the form π → π|π , with π ∈ π, π ∈ π+ , π = (πσΈ , π), or π = (πσΈ , π) πΏ, πσΈ ∈ π∗ and π = {here, out, inπ | 1 ≤ π ≤ π}: here means the product πσΈ remains in the same region; out means πσΈ goes out of the region and enters into another membrane which includes membrane π as its submembrane; and inπ means πσΈ goes into membrane π which is a submembrane of membrane π. Specifically, when π = here, (πσΈ , π) can be abbreviated as πσΈ . πΏ is a special symbol not in π, and it means that the membrane which includes it will be dissolved and the contents of this membrane will be left in the outer membrane. Object π is a promoter in the rule π → π|π ; this rule can only be applied in the presence of object π; (vi) ππ (1 ≤ π ≤ π) defines a partial order relation among the rules in π π . If ππ = {π → π > π → π} and both objects π and π are available, then only π → π can be applied although the two rules do not compete for any objects. Beside the above rules, we also consider rules for membrane creation, which is of the form π → [ π π ]π , with π ∈ π, π ∈ π∗ , and π is a number from a given list of the labels; the idea is that the object π creates a new membrane labeled by π, including multiset π and associated with evolution rules [17]. In each membrane, rules are applied according to the following principles. (+/−) π1 (+/−) π1 ππ , π2 π2 ππ ∈ {+, −, ×, ÷} , (2) where π1 , π2 , π1 , and π2 are all integers; π2 > 0, π2 > 0, π1 ≥ 0, and π1 ≥ 0. Fraction operands are converted into the format which the integer arithmetic requires when the operation is processed. The process of initialization makes the fraction operand be represented in a unified form and it simplifies the operation rules since different operands can be represented by the same objects in the P systems. After initialization, [16] designs four kinds of fraction arithmetic P systems to implement primary arithmetic operations of fractions (namely, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). The computation results obtained by the systems in [16] are not in reduced form. So they are required to be processed further for lightening the load of the subsequent fraction computations. However, the current methods for fraction reductions are not available in P systems. In this paper, we propose a method of fraction reduction and discuss how to carry it out in cell-like P systems. 3. A Method for Fraction Reduction The goal of fraction reduction is to obtain the simplest fraction, and it means the numerator and denominator are coprimes. Generally, fractions can be reduced by the following methods. (i) Numerator and denominator are divided by the prime factors that they share until their common factor is 1. (ii) Numerator and denominator are divided directly by their greatest common factor. These two methods are simple, but both of them are not suitable for being implemented in P systems owing to the following. (i) For the first one, we need to enumerate the primes, such as 2, 3, 5,7, . . ., to find out the common prime factors of the numerator and denominator. This method involves large calculation and cannot be processed in parallel. If it is implemented in P system, a rule or several rules should be designed for testing whether a The Scientific World Journal 3 prime is their common factor. It means that the more prime factors they share, the more rules are designed and the more complex membrane structure is. (ii) For the second one, the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator should be calculated by Euclidean algorithm, but it cannot be performed efficiently in P systems. For designing a set of generally universal rules to implement fraction reduction in P systems, we present a new fraction reduction method, based on which the designed system works independently on the size of the input. In this section, some theories on the new method are given and the corresponding algorithm is proposed subsequently with its correctness ensured by the present theories. 3.1. The Principles for Fraction Reduction. Assume that we have integers π, π (0 < π < π) and let π0 = π, π1 = π, the sequences {ππ }, {ππ }, and {ππ } can be constructed as π 1 ππ = π = , ππ−1 ππ + (ππ+1 /ππ ) 0 ≤ ππ+1 < ππ , π ≥ 1, ππ+1 = ππ−1 mod ππ . ππ‘ = = ππ‘−2 = = Proof. (i) Obviously, {π0 , π1 , . . . , ππ } is monotone decreasing according to the procedure of the construction. (ii) Assume that ππ‘ is the minimum in {π0 , π1 , . . . , ππ } and ππ‘ > 0. From the construction, we have (5) It is easy to see that 0 ≤ ππ‘+1 < ππ‘ . According to the assumption, we obtain ππ‘+1 = 0 and let V = π‘ + 1, namely, πV = 0. ππ = 1 , ππ + ππ+1 (6) (10) π2 π 1 = = 2. π1 + π2 π1 × π2 + π3 π1 (11) Theorem 2. π1 and π2 are coprimes, and π2 /π1 is the simplest proper fraction of π/π. Proof. let π be the common factor of π1 and π2 . According to the construction of {ππ }, we can obtain π1 = π1 ×π2 +π3 , so π is also the factor of π3 . Similarly, π is the common factor of ππ‘−1 and ππ‘ . It means that there are π1 and π2 , such that ππ‘−1 = π×π1 and ππ‘ = π × π2 . According to the definition of ππ‘−1 , we have ππ‘− 1 = π × π1 = ππ‘−1 × (π × π2 ) + 1. (12) π × (π1 − ππ‘−1 × π2 ) = 1. (13) (7) (8) The proofs of the above theories show that the proposed method is feasible for fraction reduction; namely, the simplest proper fraction can be obtained by this method for any fraction. ππ‘+1 = 1, ππ‘−1 = ππ‘−1 × ππ‘ + 1. Generally, 1 ≤ π < π‘ − 2. ππ+1 1 1 = = ππ + ππ+1 ππ + (ππ+2 /ππ+1 ) ππ × ππ+1 + ππ+2 Namely, π is the factor of 1. Hence, π = 1. So π1 and π2 are coprimes. According to the construction of {ππ } and (11), we have π2 /π1 = π1 = π/π, so π2 /π1 is the simplest proper fraction of π/π. The sequence {ππ } can be constructed as follows: ππ = ππ × ππ+1 + ππ+2 , (9) That is, 0 ≤ π < π‘ − 1. ππ‘ = ππ‘ , ππ‘−1 . ππ‘−2 π1 = From (3), we have ππ‘ 1 1 = = , ππ‘−1 ππ‘ + (ππ‘+1 /ππ‘ ) ππ‘ ππ‘−1 1 1 = = ππ‘−2 + ππ‘−1 ππ‘−2 + (ππ‘ /ππ‘−1 ) ππ‘−2 × ππ‘−1 + ππ‘ π = π+1 . ππ Theorem 1. Integer sequence {π0 , π1 , . . . , ππ } is monotone decreasing, and there is an integer V > 0, such that πV = 0. ππ‘ = ππ‘ , ππ‘−1 Specifically, For {π0 , π1 , . . . , ππ }, we have the following. ππ‘+1 = ππ‘−1 mod ππ‘ . ππ‘ 1 1 = = ππ‘−1 + ππ‘ ππ‘−1 + (1/ππ‘ ) ππ‘−1 × ππ‘ + 1 Generally, for 0 < π < π‘, ππ = (4) 1 , ππ‘ ππ‘−1 = (3) where, for π ≥ 1, ππ = ππ−1 div ππ , So, 4 The Scientific World Journal Input: π, π(π ≥ π > 0); Output: π1 , π2 (π2 /π1 is the simplest proper fraction of π/π); Procedure: //calculate {ππ }, {ππ } π ← 1; π1 ← π, π0 ← π; repeat ππ ← ππ−1 div ππ ; ππ+1 ← ππ−1 mod ππ ; π ← π + 1; until ππ+1 = 0; //calculate {ππ }; π ← π − 1; ππ+1 ← 1; ππ ← ππ ; while π > 1 { ππ−1 ← ππ−1 ∗ ππ + ππ+1 ; π ← π − 1; } End. Algorithm 1: Fraction reduction. 3.2. The Algorithm for Fraction Reduction. Assume that we want to reduce the fraction π/π (0 < π < π); from the discussion in Section 3.1, the procedure for fraction reduction can be described as follows: (i) input π, π (0 < π ≤ π); (ii) compute {ππ }, {ππ }, π = 2, 3, . . . π’, and π1 = π, π0 = π; (iii) compute {ππ }, π = π‘, π‘ − 1, . . . , 1; (iv) output π1 ,π2 . We can present an algorithm for fraction reduction in Algorithm 1. In this algorithm, the complexity of the algorithm is π(1) when π is a multiple of the π. Generally, for sequence {ππ }, we know ππ‘+1 = 0 if the algorithm performs mod operation for π‘ times. Comparing sequence {ππ } with Fibonacci sequence {πΉπ }, we have πΉ0 = 1 ≤ ππ‘ and πΉ1 = 1 ≤ ππ‘−1 . And ππ ≥ ππ+1 + ππ+2 can be obtained due to ππ mod ππ + 1 = ππ + 2 (0 ≤ π ≤ π‘ − 1). So ππ ≥ πΉπ‘−π can be concluded by mathematical induction. Furthermore, we can obtain π = π0 ≥ πΉπ‘ and π = π1 ≥ πΉπ‘−1 . That is to say, π must be not less than πΉπ‘−1 if our algorithm performs mod operation for π‘ times and vice versa. We have πΉπ‘−1 ≥ (1.618)π‘ /√5 according to the feature of Fibonacci sequence; namely, π ≥ (1.618)π‘ /√5 and π‘ ≤ log1.618 (√5π), so the complexity of the algorithm is π(log π) in the worst case. 4. Fraction Reduction in P Systems In this section, a kind of P systems is designed for fraction reduction based on the algorithm proposed in Section 3.2. 4.1. The P Systems for Fraction Reduction. The P systems for fraction reduction can be defined as the form of (1) given in Section 2.1, where: am bn c M1 1 Figure 1: The initial configuration of P system for fraction reduction. (i) π is the (finite and nonempty) alphabet of objects which occur in the rules in the designed P system; (ii) π is the structure of the system and it can be decided by the rules presented subsequently; (iii) ππ = 1, and it means that the final result can be found in membrane 1 when the whole system halts. Figure 1 describes the initial configuration of this P system: membrane 1 is responsible for keeping the final results and dissolving the other objects coming from membrane π1 , while fraction reduction is processed in membrane π1 . Except the two membranes, other membranes will be dynamically created during the reduction, and the rules in the new membranes are the same as the ones in membrane π1 . In Figure 1, objects π and π are used to label the denominator and numerator, respectively; π and π, which are the cardinalities of π and π, represent the absolute value of the denominator and numerator, respectively; object π is used to trigger the rules in membrane π1 . The algorithm proposed in Section 3.2 can be implemented by the P system as shown in Figure 2. In Figure 2, membrane π1 and the created membranes are responsible for computing {ππ }, {ππ }, and {ππ }. These membranes are nested one by one: the new membrane π2 is created in membrane π1 , and another new membrane π3 is created in membrane π2 . Finally, membrane ππ‘ is created in membrane ππ‘−1 (π‘ is decided in Section 3.2). The Scientific World Journal 5 a n0 b n1 a n1 a n2 b n2 k1 a n3 k anπ−1 ... k k2 b nπ ... anπ+1 k kπ ... anπ‘−2 b nπ‘−1 a ... anπ‘−1 nπ‘ b nπ‘ k kt kkπ‘−1 Mt Mt−1 Mi M2 M1 1 (a) Calculating {ππ } and {ππ } kkπ‘−1 qfπ‘+1 k k k1 qf4 f3 f3 q ff2 f f1 q q k2 f2 f q ... k kπ qfπ+2 ... ffπ‘ ffπ‘+1 qfπ‘ ... qfπ‘−1 Mt ffπ‘+1 qfπ f2 ... Mt−1 Mi f1 M2 M1 1 (b) Calculating {ππ } Figure 2: Schematic diagrams for the algorithm in Section 3.2 being implemented by the P systems. As shown in Figure 2(a), the procedure of calculating {ππ } and {ππ } is as follows (the cardinalities of the objects are the items in {ππ } and {ππ }). (i) In membrane π1 , multiset ππ0 is consumed with new multisets ππ2 and ππ1 produced by applying several rules. Furthermore, ππ2 and ππ1 are sent into membrane π2 , and ππ1 is kept in π1 . (ii) When ππ2 and ππ1 are sent into π2 , they are converted to ππ2 and ππ1 , respectively. In membrane π2 , ππ1 is consumed with new multisets ππ3 and ππ2 produced. Furthermore, ππ3 and ππ2 are sent into membrane π3 , and ππ2 is kept in π2 . (iii) Generally, in membrane ππ (2 ≤ π ≤ π‘ − 1), multisets πππ and πππ−1 coming from ππ−1 are transformed to πππ and πππ−1 , respectively. And then πππ−1 is consumed with the new multisets πππ+1 and πππ produced. Furthermore, πππ+1 and πππ are sent into membrane ππ+1 , and πππ is kept in ππ . (iv) Finally, πππ‘ and πππ‘−1 leave membrane ππ‘−1 and they are transferred to πππ‘ and πππ‘−1 , respectively, after arriving in membrane ππ‘ . In membrane ππ‘ , πππ‘−1 is consumed with the πππ‘ produced. As shown in Figure 2(b), the procedure of calculating {ππ } is as follows (the cardinalities of the objects are the items in {ππ }). (i) In membrane ππ‘ , multiset πππ‘+1 (ππ‘+1 = 1) is produced and πππ‘ (πππ‘ is kept in membrane ππ‘ previously) is transformed to πππ‘ (here, ππ‘ = ππ‘ ). Then, πππ‘+1 and πππ‘ are sent into membrane ππ‘−1 . (ii) When πππ‘+1 and πππ‘ are sent into ππ‘−1 , they are converted to πππ‘+1 and πππ‘ , respectively. In membrane ππ‘−1 , πππ‘+1 and πππ‘−1 (πππ‘−1 is kept in membrane ππ‘−1 previously) are consumed with multisets πππ‘−1 produced. Then, πππ‘−1 and πππ‘ are sent into membrane ππ‘−2 . (iii) Generally, membrane ππ+1 sends πππ+1 and πππ+2 into membrane ππ . πππ+1 and πππ+2 are transformed to πππ+1 and πππ+2 after arriving in membrane ππ . Then πππ+2 6 The Scientific World Journal and πππ (πππ is kept in membrane ππ previously) are consumed with new multisets πππ produced. π1 π2 (iv) When membrane π1 sends π and π into membrane 1, the cardinalities of objects π and π compose the result of the reduction, namely, π2 /π1 . For convenience, we have some conventions in the rest of the paper as follows. (i) The rules should have priority, and they are described as the form (π → π, π), where π → π is rewritten rule, and π indicates the priority. The smaller value π is set, higher priority the corresponding rule will have. When π = 1, the corresponding rule will have the highest priority. For example, there are two rules in membrane π1 : π1 : (ππ → π₯, 1) and π2 : (ππ¦ → ππ, 2), and the priority of π1 is higher than π2 , so the π1 will be applied firstly when both of them can be applied. (ii) The created membranes named π2 , π3 , . . ., and ππ‘ and the rules in all of them are the same as the ones in membrane π1 . (iii) The objects appearing in the rest of the paper have the same meaning, so they will not be explained any more once they are introduced previously. 4.2. The Rules for Fraction Reduction. In this subsection the rules in the P systems for fraction reduction will be discussed in detail. There are two kinds of rules: one is in membrane 1 and the other is in membranes π1 , π2 , π3 , . . ., and ππ‘ . According to Section 3, we know that the fraction reduction mainly includes calculating {ππ }, {ππ }, and {ππ }. So membrane π1 and the created membranes π2 , π3 , . . ., and ππ‘ should carry out the computations including division (for calculating {ππ } and {ππ }), multiplication and addition (for calculating {ππ }). 4.2.1. The Rules in Membrane π1 (i) Calculating {ππ } and {ππ }. Firstly multiset ππ ππ π is put in membrane π1 . In this membrane and the created membranes, object π evolves to π¦ for controlling the division which is used to calculate {ππ }, {ππ }, and objects π and π label the denominator and numerator: in membrane π1 , objects π and π label π0 and π1 , respectively; in membrane π2 , objects π and π label π1 and π2 , respectively; in membrane π3 , objects π and π label π2 and π3 , respectively; . . .; in membrane ππ‘ , objects π and π label ππ‘−1 and ππ‘ , respectively. The rules for calculating {ππ } and {ππ } should include π1 : (ππ σ³¨→ π₯, 1) , π3 : (ππ¦ σ³¨→ ππ, 2) , π5 : (π σ³¨→ ππ, 4) , π7 : (π σ³¨→ [π]π |π , 3) , π2 : (π σ³¨→ π¦, 1) , π4 : (π₯ σ³¨→ π|π , 3) , π6 : (ππ¦ σ³¨→ πππ, 2) , π8 : (π σ³¨→ β, 3) , π9 : (π₯ σ³¨→ (ππ, in) |β , 4) , π11 : (β σ³¨→ (π, in) , 5) , π13 : (π₯ σ³¨→ π|π§ , 3) , π10 : (π σ³¨→ (π, in) |β , 4) , π12 : (π¦ σ³¨→ ππ§π, 3) , π14 : (π§ σ³¨→ π, 4) . (14) If π > π, π1 , π2 , π3 , π4 , and π5 should be applied in the order of {π1 , π2 } → π3 → {π4 , π5 } (for convenience, the rules ππ1 , ππ2 , . . ., and πππ will be represented as {ππ1 , ππ2 , . . . , πππ }, if they can be executed simultaneously). π and π are consumed by π1 with π₯ produced; it means that the values of the numerator and denominator are subtracted by π simultaneously and (π − π) copies of object π will remain. Object π¦, which is produced by π2 , evolves to π with the help of π by applying π3 . Once π occurs, π₯ evolves to π by applying π4 and it means that the numerator is restored for the next division. π evolves to ππ by applying π5 . This procedure may be repeated for several times. Finally, the cardinality of object π represents the quotient of the current division. If π < π, π1 , π2 , π6 , π7 , π8 , π9 , π10 , and π11 should be applied in the order of {π1 , π2 } → π6 → {π7 , π8 } → {π9 , π10 , π11 }. π1 and π2 are applied as described previously, and (π − π) copies of object π will remain. Object π¦, which is produced by π2 , evolves to ππ with the help of π by applying π6 . By applying π7 , π triggers to a new membrane to be created in the current membrane in the presence of object π and the new membrane will be used to calculate new items in {ππ } and {ππ }. In the presence of object β which is produced by π8 , π9 , and π10 will be applied: by π9 , π₯ evolves to ππ (they will be sent into the new membrane), and it means that the numerator and denominator consumed by π1 will be restored in the created membrane; by π10 , π evolves to π (π will be sent into the new membrane). The applications of π9 and π10 mean that the numerator becomes the new denominator and the denominator becomes the new numerator in the new membrane for the next division since the division rules will not be triggered in the case of π < π (there is multiset ππ ππ in the new membrane). Object π will be produced and sent into the new membrane by applying π11 . If π = π, π1 , π2 , π12 , π13 , and π14 should be applied in the order of {π1 , π2 } → π12 → π13 → π14 . π¦ evolves to ππ§π by applying π12 . In the presence of π§, π₯ will be dissolved by applying π13 . Then π§ will be dissolved by applying π14 . When π occurs in the innermost membrane, it means that the calculations of {ππ } and {ππ } will be ended. (ii) Calculating {ππ }. The calculations of {ππ } and {ππ } will be terminated when object π appears and π does not appear in the innermost membrane. At this moment, the operations of multiplication and addition should be triggered to calculate {ππ }. Concerning (10) in Section 3, we know that in membrane ππ in Figure 2(b), the copies of objects π and π will be produced at several steps. So we can design the rules to realize that multisets πππ−1 and πππ can be produced in membrane ππ−1 while multisets πππ and πππ+1 are produced in membrane ππ . Based on this consideration, we design the rules for calculating {ππ } and they can be applied in several membranes The Scientific World Journal 7 simultaneously. For example, in membrane ππ in Figure 2(b), several copies of objects π and π are sent into membrane ππ−1 once they are produced and they will trigger the rules in membrane ππ−1 . It means that the rules in membranes ππ and ππ−1 will be applied together at the subsequent steps. Maximal parallelism is implemented in the P systems for fraction reduction. The rules for the operations of multiplication and addition can be designed as follows: π15 : (π σ³¨→ ππ, 4) , π16 : (π σ³¨→ (π, out) , 2) , π17 : (π σ³¨→ (π, out) |π , 1) , q f k2 = 1 3 2 q f a4 b2 k3 = 2 2 1 q f M3 M2 M1 1 π18 : (π σ³¨→ (πππ€, out) πΏ, 2) , π20 : (π σ³¨→ (π, out) , 3) , π21 : (π σ³¨→ π (π, out) |π , 3) , π22 : (π σ³¨→ V|π , 3) , π25 : (π σ³¨→ π|π , 4) , k1 = 1 5 3 a6 b4 Figure 3: Schematic diagram for reducing 6/10 by the P system. π19 : (π€ σ³¨→ (πππ€, out) , 3) , π23 : (ππ σ³¨→ π (π, out) , 3) , a10 b6 π24 : (V σ³¨→ π, 4) , π26 : (π σ³¨→ π|π , 4) , π27 : (π σ³¨→ πΏ, 5) . (15) Rule π15 is only applied in the innermost membrane ππ‘ and is responsible for π evolving to ππ. Object π evolves to π by applying π16 , and it means that 1 is assigned to ππ‘+1 in membrane ππ‘ as shown in Figure 2(b). π and π represent the numerator and denominator, respectively. Object π evolves to π and π is sent into the outer membrane in the presence of π by applying π17 (it is only applied in membrane ππ‘ ); it means that ππ‘ is assigned to ππ‘ in membrane ππ‘ as shown in Figure 2(b). Rule π18 is only applied in membrane ππ‘ and is responsible for sending out multiset πππ€ to the outer membrane ππ‘−1 . Simultaneously, membrane ππ‘ is dissolved because of the occurrence of the special symbol πΏ when π18 is applied. Except for the rules π15 ∼ π18 , the rest of the rules are available in ππ‘−1 , ππ‘−2 , . . ., and π1 . By applying π19 , object π€ evolves to πππ€ and πππ€ is sent into the outer membrane for triggering rules π19 , π22 , and π23 in the outer membrane. Object π coming from the inner membrane evolves to π and π is sent into the outer membrane by applying π20 . Rules π21 and π22 are applied to generate objects π, π, and V both in the presence of object π and the new generated object π is sent into the outer membrane. Rule π23 is applied to generate objects π and π (π is sent into the outer membrane). Rules π17 , π20 , π21 , and π23 are responsible for calculating {ππ } as shown in Figure 2(b). Object V evolves to π by applying π24 for triggering rules π25 ∼ π27 . Rules π25 and π26 are applied to consume objects π and π completely in the presence of object π. Rule π27 is applied to dissolve the current membranes. 4.2.2. The Rule in Membrane 1. There is only one rule in membrane 1 and it is responsible for keeping the final results and dissolving the objects coming from membrane π1 . The rule can be designed as π28 : (πππ€ σ³¨→ π, 1) , (16) where objects π, π, and π€ sent from membrane π1 are dissolved. Owing to maximal parallelism, the complexity of the P systems for fraction reduction must be not more than π(log π). 4.3. The Instance for Fraction Reduction. In this subsection, we will give an instance to show how to implement the fraction reduction in the P system designed previously. For example, 6/10 can be reduced by the P system as shown in Figure 3. The rules in this P system can be applied as follows. 4.3.1. Initial Configuration. Firstly multiset π10 π6 π is put in membrane π1 , as Figure 4(a) shows: the cardinality of object π is 10, and it is the denominator of the fraction; the cardinality of object π is 6 and it is the numerator. 4.3.2. Calculating {ππ } and {ππ } (i) In Figure 4(a), rule π1 is applied 6 times to generate multiset π₯6 until π6 is consumed completely, and rule π2 is applied to generate π¦ at the same time. Then only rule π3 can be applied to generate multiset ππ. Rule π4 is applied to restore π₯6 to π6 in the presence of object π. At the same time, π5 is applied to generate multiset ππ and there is multiset π4 π6 ππ in membrane π1 . In this case, due to the fact that the cardinality of π is less than the one of π, the available rules are applied in the order of {π1 , π2 } → π6 → {π7 , π8 } → {π9 , π10 , π11 } : π1 is applied 4 times to consume π4 completely; π6 is applied to generate multiset πππ; by applying π7 , a new membrane is created with the label π2 ; by applying π9 , π10 , and π11 , π₯4 and π2 are sent into the new created membrane as the new numerator and denominator with object β also sent into the new membrane (see Figure 4(b)). (ii) At this moment, there is multiset π6 π4 π in membrane π2 (see Figure 4(b)). Hence, the available rules are applied in the order of {π1 , π2 } → π3 → {π4 , π5 } to generate multiset π2 π4 ππ. Owing to the fact that the cardinality of π is less than the one of π, the available rules are applied in the order of {π1 , π2 } → π6 → {π7 , π8 } → {π9 , π10 , π11 }: by applying π7 , a new 8 The Scientific World Journal a10 b6c M1 M2 1 (a) Initial configuration k k M3 M1 M2 M1 M2 1 q2 fkj M1 q2 fkj M1 1 kjo M2 1 (g) Rules are applied in membranes π2 and π1 q 4 f2 1 (f) Membrane π3 is dissolved qkjv M2 M1 q2 fkojw (e) Rule π15 is applied in membrane π3 q2 fkojw M2 (d) Division is performed in membrane π3 k M3 1 k2 e 1 k2 pr k k M3 M2 (c) Moves new denominator and numerator to membrane π3 k M1 (b) Moves new denominator and numerator to membrane π2 a4 b2 c k a4 b2 c k M1 1 (h) Rules are applied in membranes 1, π1 , and π2 q 5 f3 qkjo M1 (i) Membrane π2 is dissolved 1 1 (j) System halts and the final result can be obtained Figure 4: The procedure of reducing 6/10 in the designed P system. membrane is created with the label π3 ; by applying π9 , π10 , and π11 , π₯2 and π2 are sent into the new created membrane as the new numerator and denominator with object β also sent into the new membrane (see Figure 4(c)). (iii) There is multiset π4 π2 π in membrane π3 ; the available rules are applied in the order of {π1 , π2 } → π3 → {π4 , π5 } to generate multiset π2 π2 ππ. Due to the fact that the cardinality of π equals the one of π, the available rules are applied in the order of {π1 , π2 } → π12 → π13 → π14 : π12 is applied to generate multiset ππ§π; π13 is applied 2 times to consume π₯2 completely; then π§ will be dissolved by applying π14 (see Figure 4(d)). The Scientific World Journal 4.3.3. Calculating {ππ } (i) There is multiset π2 π in membrane π3 , and π15 is applied to generate multiset ππ (see Figure 4(e)). (ii) There is multiset π2 ππ in membrane π3 now. At this moment, π16 is applied to generate π and π is sent into the outer membrane. Then π17 is applied 2 times to generate π2 and π2 is sent into the outer membrane in the presence of object π. Rule π18 is applied to generate multiset πππ€πΏ and πππ€ is sent into the outer membrane. Simultaneously, membrane π3 is dissolved (see Figure 4(f)). (iii) There is multiset π2 πππππ€ in membrane π2 . The following rules can be applied in a step: π19 and π20 are applied to generate objects π, π, π, and π€ (all of them are sent into the outer membrane); π21 and π22 are applied to generate objects π, π, and V both in the presence of object π and the new generated object π is sent into the outer membrane; π23 is applied to generate objects π and π (π is sent into the outer membrane) (see Figure 4(g)). (iv) There are multisets π2 πππππ€ and πππV in membranes π1 and π2 , respectively. In membrane π1 , the following rules can be applied in a step: π19 and π20 are applied to generate objects π, π, π, and π€ (all of them are sent into the outer membrane); π21 and π22 are applied to generate objects π, π, and V both in the presence of object π and the new generated object π is sent into the outer membrane; π23 is applied to generate objects π and π (π is sent into the outer membrane). Simultaneously in membrane π2 , the available rules can be applied: π21 is applied to generate multiset ππ in the presence of object π and the new generated object π is sent into the outer membrane; π23 is applied to generate multiset ππ and π is sent into the outer membrane, and π24 is applied to generate object π at the same time (see Figure 4(h)). (v) There are multisets π2 ππππ€, π2 πππV, and πππ in membranes 1, π1 , and π2 , respectively. In membrane 1, rule π28 is applied to consume multiset πππ€ completely. In membrane π1 , the following rules can be applied in a step: π20 is applied to generate object π (π is sent into the outer membrane); π21 is applied to generate objects π and π in the presence of object π and the new generated object π is sent into the outer membrane; π23 is applied to generate objects π and π (π is sent into the outer membrane); π24 is applied to generate object π. In membrane π2 , rules π25 and π26 are applied to consume objects π and π completely; then membrane π2 is dissolved after applying π27 (see Figure 4(i)). The aforementioned rules in membranes 1, π1 , and π2 are applied simultaneously. (vi) There are multisets π4 π2 and ππππ in membranes 1 and π1 , respectively. In membrane π1 , the following rules can be applied in a step: π20 is applied to generate object π (π is sent into the outer membrane); π21 and π22 are applied to generate objects π, π, and V both 9 in the presence of object π and the new generated object π is sent into the outer membrane; π23 is applied to generate objects π and π (π is sent into the outer membrane). Then there is multiset ππV in membrane π1 , so the following rules can be applied: π24 is applied to generate object π; π25 and π26 are applied to consume objects π and π completely; membrane π1 is dissolved after applying π27 (see Figure 4(j)). (vii) There is multiset π5 π3 in membrane 1 (see Figure 4(j)). At this time, no rules can be applied, so the whole system halts. The cardinalities of π and π represent the values of the denominator and numerator, respectively, so the final result of reducing 6/10 is 3/5. 5. Conclusions Fraction (rational number) computing is foundational in most of the computing models and systems, and the computation results of the fractions often need to be reduced to lighten the load of the subsequent computations. This paper proposes and proves a new suitable reduction method and implements it in P systems. Furthermore, we give an instance to illustrate how to carry out the fraction reduction effectively in this system. For the fact that the rational number can be given by the form of fraction, whose numerator and denominator can be represented by multisets, respectively, our work will contribute to implementing the computation of the rational numbers in P systems. Further, we will research the signed fraction reduction in P systems and the fraction reduction in the case that the denominator or numerator is 0. Conflict of Interests The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. 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