Selberg and Ruelle zeta functions for compact hyperbolic manifolds Oberseminar Globale Analysis Summer Semester 2014 September 26, 2014 The dynamical zeta functions are certain functions on complex numbers. As their name declares, they are functions that can be used as a tool to count the periodic orbits of a dynamical system. These dynamical functions become even more interesting since one can use a geometrical approach to study them. Namely, we can consider the periodic orbits of a geodesic ow on a compact hyperbolic manifold. But, where are these functions coming from? The mother (or the grandmother, according to D.Ruelle) of all the zeta functions is the Riemann zeta function, dened by ζRiem (s) = ∞ X n−s , n=1 for Re(s) > 1. The Euler product formula gives another expression of ζRiem (s) in terms of prime numbers: ζRiem (s) = Y (1 − p−s )−1 . (1) p prime The analytic properties of the Riemann zeta function are summarized as follows: The Riemann zeta function admits a meromorphic continuation to the whole com- C, with a simple pole at s = 1. It has zeros at sk = −2k, k = 1, 2. . . ., ζRiem (−2k) = 0. These are the trivial zeros of the zeta function. In addition, ζRiem (s) satises a functional equation relating ζRiem (s) and ζRiem (1 − s). plex plane i.e. The Riemann hypothesis is still an open problem of mathematics. It can be 1 stated as follows: The non-trivial zeros lie on Re(s) = 2 (the critical line). 1 Pólya and Hilbert approached the Riemann hypothesis from a geometrical and spectral point of view. The idea was to connect the zeros of the zeta function with the eigenvalues of certain (self-adjoint) operators. How are the dynamical zeta functions related to the Riemann zeta function? There is a correspondence p prime ↔ prime periodic orbits, where the prime periodic orbits correspond to, roughly speaking, the closed geodesics of minimum length l(γ). Regarding the Euler product formula (1), the correspon- dence above is given by p prime ⇔ el(γ) . s ∈ C by Y R(s) := (1 − e−sl(γ) )−1 , The Ruelle zeta function is dened on [γ] prime for Re(s) > 1. The best way to understand this connection is to consider a compact hyperbolic surface X, dened as X := Γ\H2 , where H2 ∼ = SL2 (R)/ SO(2) ds2 = dx2 +dy 2 /y 2 , and Γ is a discrete torsion-free cocompact subgroup of SL2 (R). For a given γ ∈ Γ we denote by [γ] the Γ-conjugacy class of γ . The conjugacy class [γ] is called prime k if there exist no k > 1 and γ0 ∈ Γ such that γ = γ0 . If γ 6= e, then there is a unique closed geodesic cγ associated with [γ] of minimum length. Let l(γ) denote the length of cγ . We mention here that this minimum length corresponds to the period of a periodic orbit of a geodesic ow on S(X) rather that on X . The Selberg zeta function is dened on s ∈ C by is the uper upper half-plane equipped with the Poincaré mettric Z(s) := ∞ Y Y (1 − e−(s+k) l(γ)), [γ] prime k=0 for Re(s) > 1. Using the Selberg trace formula, it can be shown that the Selberg zeta function has similar analytic properties to the Riemann zeta function. particular, C, Z(s) admits a meromorphic continuation to the whole complex plane it satses functional equations and has zeros at • s = −m, In m = 0, 1, 2, . . . 2 • sk = λn where 1 2 ±i q 1 4 − λn , n = 1, 2, . . ., are the discrete positive eigenvalues of the Laplace operator smooth functions on X. Clearly, the zeros sk ∆ acting on lie on the critical line and hence, we can consider these tools from spectral analysis as an approach to prove the Riemann hypothesis. Moreover, by this approach we have a connection beetween the classical mechanics (geodesic ow) and quantum mechanics (with the Hamil- tonian ∆). This connection has been studied in relation with quantum chaos (see [Rue02]). Why is it important to study the Ruelle and Selberg zeta functions? There are several results concerning the value of the Ruelle zeta function at s=0 and the analytic torsion. We conisder a more abstract geometrical setting. Let Hd d-hyperbolic be the space Hd = {(x1 , . . . , xd ) ∈ Rd+1 : x21 − x22 . . . − x2d+1 = 1, x1 > 0}, where d = 2n + 1, n ∈ N>0 , is Rd+1 an odd integer, together with the restriction of the Minkowski metric from ds2 = dx21 − dx22 . . . − dx2d+1 Hd . Then, SO0 (d, 1) acts transitively on Hd . The stabilizer of the point (1, 0, . . . , 0) is SO(d), which is a maximal compact subgroup of SO0 (d, 1). We 0 consider the universal coverings G = Spin(d, 1) and K = Spin(d) of SO (d, 1) and SO(d) respectively. We set e := G/K. X to Then, e∼ X = Hd . Γ ⊂ G be a discrete torsion-free cocompact subgroup of G. Then X := e is a compact hyperbolic manifold of dimension d and constant Γ\G/K = Γ\X e . Let Let G = KAN be the negative curvature −1, with universal covering X Iwasawa decomposition of G. The subgroup A of G is a mulitplicative torus of c dimension 1, i.e. A ∼ = R+ . We set M := CentrK (A). We conisder the set M of the equivalence classes of the irreducuble unitary representations (σ, Vσ ) of M . Let also (χ, Vχ ) be a nite-dimensional representation of Γ. We dene the Selberg zeta function S(s; σ, χ) and the Ruelle zeta function R(s; σ, χ) on s ∈ C associated with the representations σ and χ of M and Γ respectively. c. The twisted Ruelle zeta function R(s; σ, χ) is dened Denition 1. Let σ ∈ M Let by the innite product R(s; σ, χ) := Y det Id −χ(γ) ⊗ σ(mγ )e−sl(γ) [γ]6=e [γ] prime 3 (−1)d−1 , (2) with Re(s) > c, Denition 2. for some positive constant Let c. σ∈M c. The twisted Selberg zeta function Z(s; σ, χ) is dened by the innite product ∞ Y Y Z(s; σ, χ) := det Id −(χ(γ)⊗σ(mγ )⊗S k (Ad(mγ aγ )n ))e−(s+|ρ|)l(γ) , (3) [γ]6=e k=0 [γ] prime s ∈ C, n = θn is the sum of the negative root spaces of a, S k (Ad(mγ aγ )n ) denotes the k -th symmetric power of the adjoint map Ad(mγ aγ ) restricted to n, and ρ is a positive number. It converges absolutely and uniformly on compact subsets of the half-plane Re(s) > r , where r is a positive constant. where In Fried ([Fri86]) the zeta functions have been studied explicitly for a closed ori- X of dimension d. He considers the standard represenM = SO(d−1) on Λj Cd−1 and an orthogonal representation ρ : Γ → O(m) −t∆j , induced by the of Γ. Using the Selberg trace formula for the heat operator e Hodge Laplacian ∆j on j -forms on X , he managed to prove the meromorphic continuation of the zeta functions to the whole complex plane C, as well as functional ented hyperbolic manifold tation of equations for the Selberg zeta function ([Fri86, p.531-532]). He proved also the following theorem, in the case of ρ d = dim(X) being odd and ∗ being acyclic, i.e. the vector spaces of the twisted cohomology classes H (X; ρ) vanish for all j. Theorem 1 ([Fri86, Theorem 1]). Let X = Γ\Hd be a compact hyperbolic manifold of odd dimension. Assume that ρ : Γ → O(m) is acyclic, Then, for Re(s) > d − 1, the Ruelle zeta function R(s; ρ) = Y det(1 − ρ(γ)e−sl(γ) ) [γ]6=e, [γ] prime admits a meromorphic extension to C and for ε = (−1)d−1 |R(0; ρ)ε | = TX (ρ)2 , where TX (ρ) is the Ray-Singer analytic torsion dened as in [RS71]. This theorem is of great importance, since it connects the Ruelle zeta function evaluated at zero with the analytic torsion under certain assumptions. How can one generalize this result for a non-unitary representation of case of a compact hyperbolic odd-dimensional manifold? 4 Γ in the Wotzke dealt with this conjecture in his thesis ([Wot08]). he considered a nite-dimensional complex representation and its restrictions τ |K and τ |Γ to K and Γ More specically, τ : G → GL(V ) of G respectively. By [MM63, Proposition 3.1] there exists an isomorphism between the locally homogenous vector bundle Eτ over with X τ |Γ associated with : τ |K and the at vector bundle Cartan involution of R(s; τ |Γ ) over X associated Γ\(G/K × V ) ∼ = (Γ\G × V )/K. τ 6= τθ , With the additional assumption that Theorem 2 Ef l G, τθ = τ ◦ θ and θ denotes the he proved the following theorem. . ([Wot08, Theorem 8.13]) is regular at where (4) s=0 Let τ 6= τθ . Then the Ruelle zeta function and R(0; τ |Γ ) = TX (τ |Γ )4 . For the applications (see [Mül12]), it is important to have results available for general nite-dimensional representations. How can one generalize these results for an arbitrary non-unitary representation of Γ? The answer to this question gives rise to further research. arbitrary nite-dimensional representation χ : Γ → GL(Vχ ) of We consider an Γ. Our approach to the problem of proving the meromorphic continuation and functional equations for both the Selberg and Ruelle zeta functions is dierent from the method of Wotzke, since we consider an arbitrary representation of Γ and we can not apply the isomorphism (4). Then, we dene the Selberg and the Ruelle zeta functions associated with χ and prove that they converge in some half-plane Re(s) > c. σ and We prove also that they admit a meromorphic continuation to the whole complex plane and describe the singularities of the Selberg zeta function in terms of the discrete spectrum of certain twisted dierential operators on equations relating their values at s X. Furthermore, we provide functional with those at −s. The main tool that we use is the Selberg trace formula for integral trace-class operators induced by the at ] Laplacian ∆ , acting on smooth sections of the twisted vector bundle E ⊗ Eχ , rst introduced in [Mül11]. τ : K → GL(Vτ ) be a complex nite-dimensional unitary representation of eτ := G ×τ Vτ → X e be the associated homogenous vector bundle. Let K . Let E Eτ := Γ\(G ×τ Vτ ) → X be the locally homogenous vector bundle. Let ∆τ be the ] Bochner-Laplace operator associated with τ . We dene the operator ∆τ,χ acting ∞ on C (X, Eτ ⊗ Eχ ). Locally it can be described as Let e] = ∆ e τ ⊗ IdVχ , ∆ τ,χ 5 (5) where e] ∆ τ,χ and eτ ∆ are the lifts to e X of ∆]τ,χ and ∆τ , respectively. Contrary to the setting of Wotzke, our operator is not self-adjoint. However, it ] still has nice spectral properties, i.e. the spectrum of ∆τ,χ is a discrete subset of a −t∆]τ,χ positive cone in C. We consider the corresponding heat semi-group e acting on the space of smooth sections of the vector bundle Eτ ⊗ Eχ . It is an integral operator with smooth kernel, given by Hτ,χ (x, y) = X Htτ (e x, γe y ) ⊗ χ(γ) IdVχ . γ∈Γ The kernel function belongs to the Harish-Chandra Lq -Schwartz space. We have Htτ ∈ (C q (G) ⊗ End(Vτ ))K×K for t>0 and for every q > 0. Hence, we can consider the trace of the operator ] e−t∆τ,χ and derive a corresponding trace formula. Proposition 1 (Selberg trace formula for non unitary representations). Let Eχ be e a at vector bundle over X = Γ\X , associated with a nite-dimensional complex ] representation χ : Γ → GL(Vχ ) of Γ. Let ∆τ,χ be the twisted Bochner-Laplace ∞ operator acting on C (X, Eτ ⊗ Eχ ). Then, Z X −t∆]τ,χ tr Htτ (g −1 γg)dg. Tr(e )= tr χ(γ) Γ\G γ∈Γ ] In fact, we use specic twisted Bochner-Laplace-type operators Aτ,χ (σ), in] duced by ∆τ,χ . These operators are dened as follows. We want to associate the Selberg and Ruelle zeta functions with irreducible representations σ of M . We ∗ obtain these representations by the pullback i : R(K) → R(M ) of the embedding i : M ,→ K , where R(K), R(M ) denote the representation M , respectively. There are always two distinct cases: • case (a): σ • case (b): σ rings over Z of K is invariant under the action of the restricted Weyl group and WA . is not invariant under the action of the restricted Weyl group WA . In both cases we construct a graded vector bundle of the form E(σ) = ⊕ τ ∈Kb Eτ , mτ (σ) 6 mτ (σ) ∈ {−1, 0, 1}. We sections of E(σ) ⊗ Eχ , given by where consider the operator M A]τ,χ (σ) := A]τ,χ (σ) acting on smooth A]τ,χ + c(σ), mτ (σ)6=0 c(σ) The operator Aτ,χ ] is dened in a similar way as the twisted Bochner-Laplace operator ∆τ,χ in (5). where is a number dened by the highest weight of Namely, if we consider the operator Ω, σ. Aτ := −R(Ω) induced by the Casimir element then eτ ⊗ IdVχ , e]τ,χ = A A where e] , A eτ A τ,χ denotes the lift to e X of A]τ,χ , Aτ respectively. We describe here the case (a), since the case (b) can be treated similarly. We prove the trace formula for the corresponding heat semi-group ] e−tAτ,χ . Theorem 3 (trace formula for the operator e−tAτ,χ (σ) ). ] −tA]τ,χ (σ) Trs (e Z ) = dim(Vχ ) Vol(X) For every c we σ∈M have 2 e−tλ Pσ (iλ)dλ R 2 X l(γ) e−l(γ) /4t + Lsym (γ; σ) . nΓ (γ) (4πt)1/2 [γ]6=e Let N ∈ N. We use the generalized resolvent identity: N Y R(s2i ) = i=1 N Y N X i=1 1 R(s2i ), 2 2 s − s i j=1 j (6) j6=i where R(s2i ) := (A]τ,χ (σ) + s2i )−1 , si ∈ C − spec(A]τ,χ (σ)). The trace formula together with this identity are the main tools to prove our results. The proofs of the meromorphic continuation of the zeta functions are based on the fact that if −tA]τ,χ (σ) we insert the trace formula for the operator e in the integral N Z X i=1 0 ∞ Y N ] 1 2 e−tsi Tr e−tAτ,χ (σ) dt, 2 2 s − si j=1 j j6=i then the integral that includes the term of the hyperbolic contribution is related to the logarithmic derivative of the Selberg zeta function: L(s) := d log Z(s; σ, χ). ds 7 Dχ] (σ) acting on the space C ∞ (X, Eτs (σ) ⊗ Eχ ). Here Eτs (σ) denotes the locally homogenous vector bundle over X , associated b. with τs (σ) := s ⊗ τ (σ), where s is the spin representation of K , and τ (σ) ∈ K We dene the twisted Dirac operator Locally it can be described as follows e e χ] (σ) = D(σ) ⊗ IdVχ , D where e χ] (σ), D(σ) e e D are the lifts to X Dirac operator associated with the Dχ] (σ), D(σ), respectively, and D(σ) is the representation τs (σ) of K . We state our main of results. Theorem 4. Z(s; σ, χ) admits a meromorphic contin± uation to the whole complex plane C. The set of the singularities equals {sk = ±iλk : λk ∈ spec(Dχ] (σ)), k ∈ N}. The orders of the singularities are equal to m(λk ), where m(λk ) ∈ N denotes the algebraic multiplicity of the eigenvalue λk . For λ0 = 0, The Selberg zeta function the order of the singularity is equal to Theorem 5. The Selberg zeta function Z(s; σ, χ) = exp Z(−s; σ, χ) where Pσ Z(s; σ, χ) 2m(0). satises the functional equation Z − 4π dim(Vχ ) Vol(X) s Pσ (r)dr , (7) 0 denotes the Plancherel polynomial associated with c. σ∈M The proof of this theorem is based again on the generalised resolvent identity (6) and the connection of the hyperbolic contribution in the trace formula to the logarithmic derivative L(s) of the Selberg zeta function. Then, one can show that the logarithmic derivative satses the following equation L(s) + L(−s) = −4π dim(Vχ ) Vol(X)Pσ (s), and hence obtain (7). Furthermore, we have the following theorem. Theorem 6. Let det(A]τ,χ (σ) + s2 ) be the regularized determinant associated to the operator A]τ,χ (σ) + s2 . Z(s; σ, χ) = Then, the Selberg zeta function has the representation det(A]τ,χ (σ) 2 + s ) exp Z − 2π dim(Vχ ) Vol(X) s Pσ (t)dt . (8) 0 This determinant formula is crucial for connecting the Ruelle zeta function and a renement of the analytic torsion, as it is dened in [BK05]. In particular, one can derive a product formula that provides a representation of the Ruelle zeta function as a product of Selberg zeta functions with shifted arguments. 8 Theorem 7. Let c. σ∈M Then the Ruelle zeta function has the representation R(s; σ, χ) = d−1 Y p Zp (s; σ, χ)(−1) , (9) p=0 where Zp (s; σ, χ) := Y Z(s + ρ − λ; ψp ⊗ σ, χ). (ψp ,λ)∈Jp The above representation of the Ruelle zeta function, given by equation (9), leads to the meromorphic comtinuation of the Ruelle zeta function. Theorem 8. For every c, σ∈M the Ruelle zeta function morphic continuation to the whole complex plane R(s; σ, χ) admits a mero- C. By equations (8) and (9), it can be proved that there exists also a determinant formula for R(s; σ, χ). Proposition 2. The Ruelle zeta function has the representation R(s; σ, χ) = d Y (−1)p det(A]τ,χ (σp ⊗ σ) + (s + ρ − λ)2 ) p=0 exp − 2π(d + 1) dim(Vχ ) dim(Vσ ) Vol(X)s . (10) Hence, we are motivated to consider the Ruelle zeta function evaluated at zero as a candidate for the rened analytic torsion. References [BK05] Maxim Braverman and Thomas Kappeler, A renement of the Ray-Singer torsion, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris [Fri86] 341 (2005), no. 8, 497502. David Fried, Analytic torsion and closed geodesics on hyperbolic mani- folds, Invent. Math. 84 (1986), no. 3, 523540. [MM63] Yozô Matsushima and Shingo Murakami, On vector bundle valued har- monic forms and automorphic forms on symmetric riemannian manifolds, Ann. of Math. (2) 78 (1963), 365416. [Mül11] Werner Müller, A Selberg trace formula for non-unitary twists, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2011), no. 9, 20682109. 9 [Mül12] , The asymptotics of the Ray-Singer analytic torsion of hyperbolic 3-manifolds., Metric and dierential geometry. 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