Voting Efficiency and the Even-Odd Effects of Corporate Board: Theory and Evidence Xin Deng, Huasheng Gao, Wei-Lin Liu* This Version: April 2012 Abstract: We analyze a simple model of board voting and find that in comparison to boards with an even number of directors (even boards), those with an odd number of directors (odd boards) improve voting efficiency by better aggregating directors’ information. Consistent with the model’s implications, we empirically find that firms with an odd board derive higher Tobin’s q, deliver better operating performance, exhibit stronger CEO turnover-performance sensitivity, and have lower levels of CEO compensation but higher CEO pay-performance sensitivity, than do firms with an even board. Furthermore, these even-odd effects diminish as board size increases. Overall, our findings are consistent with the even-odd characteristic of board playing an important role in influencing board voting efficiency and thus the quality of board decisions. Keywords: Voting Efficiency, Odd Boards, Even Boards, Firm Performance, Corporate Governance JEL Classification: G32; G34; K22 * Xin Deng (, Huasheng Gao (, and Wei-Lin Liu ( are from the Nanyang Technological University. We thank Chishen Wei, Chuan Yang Hwang, and seminar participants at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), National University of Singapore (NUS), University of Hong Kong, and 24th Australasian Banking and Finance conference, for helpful comments. We also thank Zheng Qiao for excellent research assistance. All remaining errors are our own. 1. Introduction Understanding the relation between board characteristics and the efficacy of board decisions is an important issue that has attracted considerable research interests. Extant finance literature has put under scrutiny the effects of key board characteristics, including board size, fraction of independent directors, CEO-chairman duality, etc., on boards’ role in advising CEOs on major corporate strategy, monitoring CEO conduct, and, when circumstances necessitate, disciplining CEOs.1 This paper extends the existing literature by examining the link between board characteristics and board voting efficiency – the extent to which voting outcomes aggregate directors’ information. Since major board decisions are generally preceded by a voting process, voting efficiency is of critical importance to the quality of such decisions. The board characteristic we focus on relates to the even-odd nature of the number of directors. This focus is motivated in part by anecdotal evidence suggesting that the even-odd characteristic of a board may significantly influence the board’s voting process. For example, the 2003 proxy filing of Del Global Technologies Corp., a manufacturer of medical devices, described how the company, in an effort to improve board voting outcomes, switched to an odd board by expanding its board members from four to five.2 As another example, the corporate governance guidelines of Enliven Corporation (Nasdaq: ENLV), in addition to prescribing the range of board size, explicitly states that an odd number of directors is desirable, though not 1 A partial list of the previous studies include Weisbach (1988), Byrd and Hickman (1992), Brickley et al. (1994), Yermack (1996), Baliga et al (1996), Brickley et al. (1997), Eisenberg et al. (1998), Adams and Ferreira (2007), and Linck et al. (2008). Also see Adams, Hermalin, and Weisbach (2010) for an excellent survey of the recent research on corporate boards. 2 1 required.3 A similar statement appears in the corporate governance guidelines of Gleacher & Company, Inc. (Nasdaq: GLCH).4 Our focus on the even-odd characteristic of board is also motivated by Yermack’s (1996) classical study on corporate board. While Yermack (1996) focuses on the effects of board size, his findings also reveal a possible relation between the even-odd characteristic of boards and firm values. In particular, Figure 1, which is reproduced from Yermack (1996), shows that odd boards tend to be associated with a higher Tobin’s q relative to even boards, especially among small boards. Reading from the figure, for instance the average Tobin’s Q is 2.1 for five-member boards, whereas for four-member and six-member boards the averages of Tobin’s Q assume much smaller values of 1.6 and 1.55, respectively. Surprisingly, this empirical pattern appears to have so far eluded the attention of finance researchers. As a result, there remains a lack of understanding of the potentially distinctive role of the even-odd characteristic of boards in determining firm values. To explore the relation between the even-odd characteristic of board and voting efficiency, we first analyze a simple model of board voting, which is inspired by the previous studies on group voting in economics and political science. The key element of our model is that each director has both a performance preference and a conformity preference. The performance preference aligns a director’s incentive with ensuring high quality board decision, and thus motivates the director to vote based on his own information. The conformity preference, on the 3 4 2 other hand, induces an incentive for the director to vote for the decision favored by a majority of other directors.5 The analysis of our model reveals that because of the conformity preference, voting in odd boards may better aggregate directors’ information than that in even boards. The intuition behind this finding is as follows. Because of the conformity preference, in deciding what decision to vote for each director considers not only his own information but also how the other directors vote. In an odd board, each director faces an even number of other directors. Since, on average, opposing votes among an even number of directors tend to balance out one another, in an odd board the conformity preference becomes moot, and the performance preference causes each director to vote based on own information. In contrast, in an even board each director faces an odd number of other directors, among whom opposing votes generally do not balance out one another. Consequently, a strong conformity preference can cause a director to vote in accordance to the anticipated net vote by the other directors, even if his own information suggests otherwise. To empirically examine the implications of our model, we analyze a large sample of corporate boards over the period 1999-2009. Directly testing our model, however, requires an accurate measurement of voting efficiency, which appears to be quite challenging. To circumvent this problem, we follow most of the previous studies on corporate boards by assuming that higher quality of board decisions should manifest in improved firm performance and strengthened corporate governance. Our tests, therefore, focus on the implications of the even-odd characteristic of boards on firm performance and corporate governance. 5 Director conformity preference has previously been employed by several theoretical studies to provide explanations to a multitude of empirical regularities of corporate boards (Gillette, Noe, and Rebello, 2003; Chemmanur and Fedaseyeu, 2010; Malenko, 2011). 3 Our empirical analysis yields several important findings. First, we find that firms with an odd board are associated with significantly higher firm values, as measured by Tobin’s Q, than do firms with an even board. In terms of economic significance, the firm fixed-effect regression shows that odd boards on average derive 2.7% higher Tobin’s Q relative to even boards. To put this number in perspective, Yermack (1996) finds that in the firm fixed-effect regression, expanding an eight-person board by one member results in a reduction in Tobin’s Q by 4%. Thus, in terms of firm value, the even-odd effect we document represents close to 70% of the above size effect in Yermack (1996), suggesting that the former effect provides an important modification to the latter effect. Moreover, we show that firms with an odd board are associated with significantly better operating performance, as measured by return-on-asset (ROA), than do firms with an even board. In sum, consistent with our model implications, odd boards significantly improve firm values and operating performance relative to even boards. Second, we find that the benefits of odd boards exhibit patterns of cross-sectional variations that are consistent with improved voting efficiency being the source of these benefits. In particular, we find that the differences in firm value and operating performance between firms with even and odd boards are especially evident when directors have a strong conformity preference but weak performance preference. Furthermore, since the extent to which board decisions aggregate directors’ information is likely to be of critical importance to firms that actively make informationally intensive investments (e.g., R&D expenditure), the difference in firm value and operating performance between even and odd boards should be particularly pronounced among firms that have high R&D expenditures. observation. 4 Our result also confirms this Third, we find significant differences in the occurrences of CEO turnovers and CEO compensation practice between firms with an odd board and those with an even board. In particular, firms with an odd board show higher CEO turnover-performance sensitivity, and have lower levels of CEO compensation but higher pay-to-performance sensitivity, than do firms with an even board. Moreover, both of the differences in CEO turnover and CEO compensation between firms with an odd board and those with an even board are generally more pronounced when directors have strong conformity preference but weak performance preference, and when firms actively make R&D investments. Prior studies suggest that the settings of CEO turnover policy and CEO pay are important governance mechanisms that align a CEO’s incentive with that of shareholders’ (e.g., Weisbach,1988; Hartzell and Starks,2003; Core et al. 1999). Our findings, therefore, indicate that odd boards enhance the boards’ effectiveness in corporate governance relative to even boards, and the enhanced effectiveness is likely to arise from improved board voting efficiency. Finally, as an extension of our model, we consider the possibility that directors may face varying costs in acquiring information critical to board decisions or in participating in board voting. We argue that because of these costs, the even-odd effects tend to diminish as board size increases. The results from additional analyses on Tobin’s q, operating performance, CEO turnover, and CEO compensation, strongly confirm this argument. There may be two concerns with our findings. First, as with any study on board structure, our results may also suffer from endogeneity problems. To alleviate these problems, we control for an extensive list of firm characteristics in our regression analysis. In addition, we explicitly control for other board characteristics, including board size, proportion of independent directors, and CEO-chairman duality, so as to mitigate the concern that the differences between even and 5 odd boards are a mere reflection of the effects associated with these other characteristics. To further mitigate possible endogeneity problems, we conduct two additional robustness tests. In the first test, we use firm fixed effect to control for firm-specific and time-invariant factors that potentially correlate with firm propensity of having an odd board, and also affect firm performance and corporate governance. Next, we perform a two-stage treatment regression, using as instrumental variables the prevalence of odd boards in the firm’s industry and that in the state in which the firm is located. We find that our key results on the difference between firms with even and odd boards survive both tests. Second, if our findings suggest genuine benefits of odd boards, it might appear that firms should invariably opt for odd boards. Yet, many firms in our sample have even boards. Our response to the seemingly conflicting evidence follows from the views in Adams et al. (2010) and Coles et al. (2010). Specifically, since each firm operates within the confines of its exogeneously given environment, a firm’s choice between an even and odd board represents the firm’s best solution to the constrained optimization problem relating to the design of the board. If changing the exogenous environment is costly and takes time, the firm may optimally adopt an even board, even if an odd board is more desirable when the firm can freely choose its exogenous environment.6 Such reasoning also explains why we are able to empirically find the significant effects of odd boards in the first place. This paper makes two important contributions to the literature. First, while there is a voluminous literature on group voting in economics and political science, the finance literature on board voting remains small and mostly theoretical in nature (e.g., Warther, 1998; Gillette et al, 6 For instance, a firm wishing to switch from an even board to an odd board may be constrained from doing so when the supply of competent directors is limited. Since the firm cannot freely change the availability of competent directors, staying with an even board may be the firm’s solution to the constrained optimization problem. 6 2003; Harris and Raviv, 2006; Baranchuck and Dybvig, 2008; Chemmanur and Fedaseyeu, 2010; Malenko, 2011). Lack of sufficiently detailed data on the process and outcome of board voting renders challenging direct tests of these theories, which typically involve subtle assumptions on board composition and director preference. Perhaps for this reason, empirical analysis on board voting remains scarce. Our model and empirical analysis focus on an easily measurable board characteristic, the even-odd nature of the number of directors. Our findings help empirically establish a link between board characteristics and board voting efficiency. Second, we complement the existing literature on corporate board by identifying the even-odd characteristic of boards as a new measure of the boards’ effectiveness in improving firm performance and strengthening corporate governance. Our analysis suggests that this new measure represents an economically significant yet under-explored aspect of boards that is distinct from those captured by the conventional measures. As such, our results complement the existing studies by Yermack (1996) and Coles et al (2008) in providing a precise characterization of the relation between firm value and the number of directors. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a simple model of board voting and develops the empirical implications of the model. Section 3 describes the data and the summary statistics of the key variables. Section 4 presents the main empirical findings. We describe the results of additional tests in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper. 2. A simple model of voting and model implications 2.1. A simple model of board voting 2.1.1. Model setup 7 A firm can undertake one of two actions: sticking to the status quo, which is denoted as a=0, and adopting a new strategy, which is denoted as a=1. The new strategy can be a decision to change CEO compensation scheme, replace the current CEO, adapt key firm policies, etc. The firm’s performance improvement depends on the suitability of the new strategy firm, which can be either high or low to the , and the action undertaken: ; , (1) . (2) From Eq. (1), if the status quo is maintained the performance improvement is invariably 0. On the other hand, from Eq. (2) adopting the new strategy enhances the firm’s performance if it is highly suitable to the firm, but leads to a decline in performance if its suitability is low. In the example of CEO replacement decision (a=1 if the current CEO is replaced, and a=0 if the current CEO is retained), suitability is determined by the difference in the overall abilities between a new CEO candidate and the current CEO. If the new CEO candidate is more (less) competent than the current CEO, replacing the current CEO is a highly suitable (unsuitable) strategy, and it improves (reduces) firm performance. The firm’s choice of action is determined by the firm’s board through voting. The board has n>2directors. 7 Prior to casting their votes, the directors learn aspects of the new strategy. Specifically, director i, i=1, 2, …, n, can privately learn the ith aspect of the new strategy which can be either good, , or bad, they share a common prior belief that each . Before the directors learn about the s, is equally likely to be good or bad. Since s represent distinct aspects of the new strategy, they are independently distributed. 7 , The smallest board in our sample has three directors. 8 Collectively, the various aspects of the new strategy stochastically determine its suitability. Specifically, let =( ,…, ) be the set of the directors’ information, and be the n directors’ collective information about the new strategy. The probabilities of high and low suitability conditional on are: , (3) . (4) Eqs. (3) and (4) suggest that positive (negative) collective information, i.e. ( ), is indicative of high (low) suitability. Moreover, as increases, high suitability becomes increasingly more likely. In the limit when all the directors get positive (negative) information, i.e. ( for all i, suitability ( with certainty. Note that before the directors obtain their information, according to the common prior belief and are equally likely. In the running example of CEO replacement, suitability is likely to reflect the aggregate of the differences between the two individuals in multiple aspects. These aspects may include knowledge and understanding about the firm’s business, creative ideas about how to grow the firm, the abilities to work with the firm’s other senior executives and provide leadership, personal charisma, etc. Collectively, the differences in these aspects determine which one of the two individuals is likely to be the more competent CEO. Upon obtaining information about , each director votes for either or .8 In casting his vote, a director does not know the information that other directors have and how each 8 Implicitly, we are assuming that the directors cannot choose to abstain. In our model, this is without loss of generality as directors will either vote based on own information when performance preference dominates conformity preference, or vote to conform to the majority opinion. Thus, even if abstention is allowed, directors will not invoke that option. 9 of the other directors votes, but holds rational expectations about others’ information and voting strategies. After the directors cast their votes, each director’s vote is revealed, and the board chooses the action to implement based on the pre-specified voting rule strategy is adopted, i.e., . part, , if the number of directors voting for , so that the new is greater or equal to All of the directors have the same utility function, which consists of two parts. The first , produces a performance preference that is perfectly aligned with maximizing the firm’s expected performance improvement. performance improvement Specifically, , so that is proportional to the , where constant and measures the strength of the directors’ preference for performance maximization. The directors’ performance preference may arise directly from their share ownership, as greater ownership benefit directors more when firm performance improves. Performance preference can also arise from directors’ reputational concerns: Poor firm performance may be seen by the director labor market as a sign of the directors’ inability in providing quality monitoring and advising services, thereby jeopardizing the directors’ pursuit of retaining their incumbent directorships or obtaining new directorships. The basic setup outlined so far parallels the standard setup widely used in the previous studies on common value voting (e.g., Austen-Smith and Banks, 1996; Feddersen and Pesendorfer, 1996). We enrich the basic setup by considering a second part of the director’s utility function that gives rise to a conformity preference – that to vote for the same action as the one that the board ends up adopting (Gillette et al, 2003; Chemmanur and Fedaseyeu, 2010; Malenko, 2011). Specifically, we assume that each director faces a personal cost if the action he votes for turns out to disagree with the action that the board chooses. Thus, the total utility for director i 10 , (5) is an indicator function that takes the value of one if director i’s vote disagrees with where the board’s decision, and zero otherwise. Cost measures the strength of the directors’ conformity preference. 2.1.2. The analysis of the model Before examining the voting equilibrium, consider the optimal decision that utilizes the directors’ collective information to maximize the expected performance improvement. Since based on the prior belief the two actions yield the same expected performance improvement, one good (bad) aspect of the new strategy tips the balance toward favoring action a=1 (a=0). Thus, the optimal decision is determined by the difference between the numbers of the good and bad aspects that the directors observe. Given a set of the directors’ observations aspects is let , the total number of the good , while that of the bad aspects is . If ( . When n is an odd number, , the directors observe a strictly greater (smaller) number of good aspects than that of bad aspects, so the optimal decision chooses When n is an even number, we set . If ( ( ). , the directors observe a strictly greater (smaller) number of good aspects than that of bad aspects, so the optimal decision chooses ( ). If , there is an equal number of good and bad aspects. In this case, the two alternative actions provide the same expected performance improvement, and without loss of generality, we assume that the optimal decision chooses . To achieve the optimal decision through board voting, it is essential that in equilibrium each director follows an informative voting strategy, according to which a director votes for 11 action ( ) upon observing a good (bad) aspect. It follows from the above discussion on the optimal decision that the appropriate voting rule is a simple majority voting rule with (the proof of Proposition 1 shows that this is indeed the optimal rule). The following proposition describes the respective voting equilibrium for an odd board (n is odd) and an even board (n is even). The proof of the proposition is in Appendix B. Proposition 1: For an odd board, informative voting is an equilibrium strategy for the directors. Thus, voting fully aggregates the directors’ information, and board decision coincides with the optimal decision. For an even board, if strategy. However, when , informative voting is also an equilibrium , informative voting is not an equilibrium strategy, so board voting fails to aggregate directors’ information. In this case, the board’s decision does not coincide with the optimal decision. Since the performance preference is aligned with maximizing the firm’s expected performance improvement, this preference produces an incentive for the directors to vote informatively. However, as Proposition 1 indicates, for an even board the conformity preference can conflict with the performance preference, and when the former is stronger than the latter, in equilibrium the directors no longer vote informatively. In particular, even after observing a good (bad) aspect of the new strategy, a director may vote for ( ) if he expects that other directors’ votes are likely to lead the board to stick to the status quo (adopt the new strategy). In other words, in an even board when the directors’ conformity preference dominates the performance preference, they tend to vote based on their conjectures about how the other directors will vote instead of on their own information. To illustrate the differential effects of the conformity preference on voting in even and odd boards, consider an odd board with n=5, and the voting decision by one of the directors, say director 1, when all the other directors vote informatively. Because director 1 does not know the 12 other directors’ information, he thinks that the other directors’ possible voting profile can be (4, 0), (3, 1), (2, 2), (1, 3), or (0, 4), where the first (second) component in each binary is the number of other directors who vote for a=0 (a=1). Given voting rule , profile (2, 2) represents a pivotal case in which director 1’s vote determines the board’s choice of action. In this case, director 1 can always ensure his vote to be in line with the board’s decision, so the conformity preference does not bias director 1’s choice between the two alternative actions. For the four (even number of) remaining non-pivotal cases, the board’s choice of action is independent of director 1’s vote. However, because these non-pivotal cases are paired, on net conformity preference does not bias director 1’s choice between the two actions, either. Specifically, when the other directors’ voting profile is (1, 3), the board chooses action a=1 regardless of director 1’s vote, so the conformity preference causes director 1 to bias toward voting for a=1. But, in the case of voting profile being (3, 1), the board chooses a=0 regardless of director 1’s vote, so director 1 is biased toward voting for a=0. Since the directors’ information is statistically independent, director 1 views (1, 3) and (3, 1) as equally likely. 9 Thus, for the paired equal probable profiles (1, 3) and (3, 1), the conformity preference creates exactly offsetting biases between the two actions. The same logic applies to the pair (4, 0) and (0, 4). Consequently, in an odd board conformity preference does not bias directors’ voting decision, which will be based on their own information, and board voting fully aggregates directors’ information. Consider next director 1’s voting decision in an even board with n=4. To director 1, the other directors’ possible voting profiles include (3, 0), (2, 1), (1, 2), and (0, 3). Given voting rule 9 The probability for profile (3, 1) is , while the probability for profile (1, 3) is . 13 , profile (1, 2) is the pivotal case, for which the conformity preference does not bias director 1’s choice between the two actions. However, among the three (odd number of) remaining non-pivotal profiles, one profile must be unpaired, thereby creating a net bias in director 1’s preference between the two actions. Specifically, it is clear that (3, 0) and (0, 3) are paired equal probable profiles for which the conformity preference creates exactly offsetting biases between the two actions. In the case of the unpaired profile (2, 1), the board adopts action a=0 regardless of director 1’s vote, so the conformity preference biases director 1’s decision towards voting for a=0. When this bias is stronger than the incentive that performance preference creates to vote informatively, director 1 votes for a=0 even after observing a good aspect of the new strategy, rendering an equilibrium with informative voting infeasible. Thus, in an even board, conformity preference creates systematical biases in directors’ voting decisions, and may prevent board voting from fully aggregating directors’ information. 2.1.3. Discussion The main intent of our model is to provide a simple and focused illustration of the difference in information aggregation between voting in odd and even boards. Our model can be extended in a variety of ways. For example, in our model directors can both costlessly acquire private information about the relative merits of the two actions and costlessly participate in voting. It is conceivable that information acquisition may be costly as in Fedderson and Pensendorfer (1997) and Persico (2004), and directors may have to incur private costs in attending board meetings and participating in voting as in Borgers (2004). Furthermore, in our model, directors proceed directly to the formal voting after they obtain information about the performance consequences of the actions. In practice, directors may take part in pre-voting 14 communication that can be modeled as directors taking a straw poll (e.g.,Coughlan, 2000) or engaging in cheap talk (e.g., Gerardi and Yariv, 2007; Lizzeri and Yariv, 2011). Making the above and other extensions to our model undoubtedly will enrich the characterization of board voting. However, these enrichments will necessarily bring into the model additional key variables that are likely to be hard to measure empirically. The main implications from our simple model revolve around the even-odd characteristic of boards, which can be easily and unambiguously measured. Ultimately, whether, on average, our model provides a useful abstraction of board voting process and the revealed difference between odd and even boards bears a first-order effect on the quality of board decisions are empirical issues. Consequently, rather than seeking to provide a comprehensive model of board voting, we believe that it is more fruitful to take our model to the data. 2.2. Model implications Our model indicates that odd boards enhance the quality of board decision by better aggregating directors’ information than do even boards. Previous studies show that better decision making by the board generally leads to increased firm value and operating performance. For example, supporting the arguments by Lipton and Lorsch (1992) and Jensen (1993) that small boards improve board decision by affording efficient communication, Yermack (1996) finds that small boards are associated with greater firm value and better operating performance. Following the previous studies, we measure firm value by Tobin’s Q and operating performance by return-on-asset (ROA). Our model, thus, implies that firms with an odd board, on average, derive higher Tobin’s Q and ROA than do firms with an even board. 15 Furthermore, our model suggests that directors’ conformity preference is the culprit of the low voting efficiency of even boards. In our empirical analysis, we measure conformity preference by CEO tenure. The idea here is that a CEO with a longer tenure tends to have greater influence over the board (e.g. Hermalin and Weisbach, 1998, and Coles et al, 2010). With a more influential CEO, the directors are likely to try harder to anticipate the board’s final decision and vote in support of that decision for two reasons. First, in instances when the board sides with the CEO in its final decision, a dissident director can be denied future nomination for reelection, as the influential CEO can exercise significant control over the selection of directors (Mace, 1971; Lorsch and MacIver, 1994; Tejada 1997). Second, when the board decides against an influential CEO, a director may also suffer a significant personal cost from dissenting from the majority. For example, Farrell and Whidbee (2000) examine forced CEO succession, a process that can get rather contentious especially if the CEO has normally been quite influential. Farrell and Whidbee find that outside directors that are closely aligned with the outgoing CEO face increased likelihood of leaving the board subsequent to the departure of the CEO. Thus, longer CEO tenure is likely to be associated with strengthened director conformity preference. Directors’ performance preference, on the other hand, provides a countervailing force that mitigates the effect of conformity preference. In our empirical analysis, we use the average director ownership as the proxy for directors’ performance preference. This is reasonable because directors receive more benefits from improvements in firm performance when they hold larger financial stakes in the firms.10 10 Directors’ reputational concerns can also provide strong performance preference (Fama and Jensen, 1983). However, it is not clear how the average reputational concern for directors can be empirically measured in a meaningful way. 16 Taken together, our model implies that the differences in Tobin’s Q and ROA between firms with an even board and those with an odd board increase as CEO tenure increases, and as average director ownership decreases. In stating the above implication, we fully recognize that CEO tenure and director ownership may influence Tobin’s Q and ROA through other effects. For example, the larger CEO influence over the board that comes with longer CEO tenure may lead to greater CEO entrenchment and thus managerial agency problems, which can negatively affect Tobin’s Q and ROA. On the other hand, by better aligning directors’ interest with those of shareholders larger director ownership can have a positive effect on Tobin’s Q and ROA. However, there are no obvious reasons why these other effects should operate differently between even and odd boards. The unique aspect of our model implication is that because of the disparate influences on board voting in even and odd boards, CEO tenure and director ownership affect Tobin’s Q and ROA differently between the two types of boards. Finally, board voting efficiency is likely to have varying benefits to different firms. In particular, board decision making that better aggregates directors’ information should be especially beneficial to firms that more actively make investments whose payoffs are highly uncertain and informationally sensitive. A primary example of such type of investments is R&D investment. Consequently, our model implies that the differences in Tobin’s Q and ROA between firms with an even board and an odd board are particularly pronounced when firms make large amounts of R&D investments. These arguments lead to the following implication. Implication 1: All else equal, firms with an odd board are associated with higher Tobin’s Q and ROA than are firms with an even board. These differences tend to be larger among firms with longer CEO tenure and lower average director ownership, and among those that more heavily engage in R&D investments. 17 Better board decision making should also improve boards’ effectiveness in corporate governance. A key governance function of boards involves properly evaluating CEOs and acting promptly to replace those who are performing poorly. Prior studies show that poor CEO performance is associated with high likelihood of CEO turnover (Coughlan and Schmidt,1985; Warner et al,1988; Huson et al, 2001). Moreover, evidence shows that more effective boards tend to be timelier in taking actions against under-performing CEOs, elevating the turnoverperformance sensitivity. For example, Weisbach (1988) finds that boards with more independent directors are more likely to promptly remove poorly-performing CEOs. On the other hand, Goyal and Park (2002) find that captured boards are slower in replacing poorly performing CEOs. Thus, in parallel with Implication 1, our model provides the following implication regarding CEO turnover decision. Implication 2: All else equal, firms with an odd board show higher sensitivity of CEO turnover to performance than do firms with an even board. This difference tends to be larger among firms with longer CEO tenure and lower average director ownership, and among those that more heavily engage in R&D investments. Another important governance function of boards is to set appropriate managerial incentives through well-designed CEO compensation. A large number of previous studies show a close link between the quality of corporate governance and CEO pay. For example, Core et al. (1999) and Faleye (2007) find that in firms where boards are less capable of providing effective corporate governance, CEOs tend to receive higher compensation, and their pay tends to be less sensitive to firm performance. Thus, in parallel with the previous implications, our model provides the following implication. Implication 3: All else equal, firms with an odd board are associated with lower level of CEO compensation and higher pay-for-performance sensitivity than are firms with an even board. 18 This difference tends to be larger among firms with longer CEO tenure and lower average director ownership, and among those that more heavily engage in R&D investments. 3. Data and Summary Statistics Our starting point is the RiskMetrics database, which covers directors of S&P 1500 companies. We obtain CEO turnover and compensation data from Execucomp, accounting information from Compustat, and stock price data from CRSP. Our final sample consists of 12, 075 firm-year observations from 1999 to 2009.11 [Insert Table 1 Here] Table 1 presents descriptive statistics of sample firms. All dollar values are in 2009 dollars, and all continuous variables are winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentiles. The median board of our sample firms has around 9 directors, 71.4% of which are outside directors. In a median firm, the median dollar-value director ownership is 6.4 million. The median firm is quite large with market value of equity of $1,685 million. The sample firms have a median ROA of 8.9%, and annual stock return of 5.1%. Moreover, the median firm has a leverage of 56.1%, and makes considerable investment with Capex at 3.9% of the total sales. On average, about 80% of the CEOs are also the chairman of the board, and their median tenure is 5 years. The median firm has a Tobin’s Q of 1.5 and pays $3.3 million annual compensation to the CEO. We also split the sample into subsamples of firms that respectively have an even board and an odd board. There are 6,462 (54%) odd boards and 5,613 (46%) even boards. These 11 We start from 1999 because the director ownership information is available in RiskMetrics from 1998 and control variables are lagged by one year. 19 numbers indicate a greater but not significantly larger likelihood of odd boards, and, thus, might appear to be inconsistent with the hypothesized benefits of odd boards. Caution needs be exercised in jumping to this conclusion, however. As we pointed out earlier, a firm’s choice between an even and odd board represents the solution to the constrained optimization problem relating to the design of board structure (Cole et al, 2010; Adams et al, 2010). To the extent a firm cannot freely and instantly change the external environment it resides in, an even board may indeed be the firm’s best solution to the constrained optimization problem it faces. Comparisons between the subsamples of firms with even and odd boards show several differences between the two types of firms. Specifically, in comparison to firms with an even board, those with an odd board have smaller boards, fewer independent directors, are younger, have simpler corporate structure with a smaller number of business segments, use less leverage, and have slightly longer CEO tenure. Comparisons based on median show that firms with an odd board are smaller in size, as measured by the market value of equity. Furthermore, consistent with our model implications, firms with an odd board have higher Tobin’s Q and ROA, and pay less to their CEOs, than do firms with an even board. 4. Empirical Results 4.1. Firm Value We begin our investigation of the ramifications of odd boards by examining firm value, as measured by Tobin’s Q. The results are reported in Table 2. In all of the regression models we control for an extensive set of board, firm, and CEO characteristics. We also control for year fixed effects and, except for firm fixed effects regression, industry fixed effects. Here and throughout our analysis, all standard errors are adjusted for heteroscedasticity and firm clustering. 20 [Insert Table 2 Here] In the baseline regression model, we focus on Odd , which is a dummy variable that takes a value of one if the firm has an odd board and zero otherwise. We calculate Odd dummy based on the board structure at the end of the previous fiscal year, since the impact of board decisions are likely to take some time to show up in firm performance. Likewise, we use lagged values for all the other independent variables. In unreported tests, we have also experimented with using the contemporaneous variables, and find that results remain unchanged. Column (1) of Table 2 shows that the coefficient of the Odd dummy is positive at 0.060 and significant at the 1% level. Thus, in consistency with Implication 1 of our model, firms with an odd board have on average a significantly higher Tobin’s Q than do firms with an even board. Column (1) also shows that the coefficient of big board dummy, which takes a value of one if board size is above sample median size and zero otherwise, is negative at -0.17 and significant at the 1% level. Thus, consistent with Yermack (1996), board size bears a negative effect on firm value. Similar to Hermalin and Weisbach (1991), Column (1) shows that the proportion of independent directors does not have a significant effect on Tobin’s Q. Our theoretical arguments suggest that the difference in Tobin’s Q between firms with an odd board and those with an even board increases as CEO tenure (the proxy for directors’ conformity preference) increases. To test this prediction, in the second regression model we include the interaction term between the Odd dummy and CEO tenure. Consistent with Implication 1, Column (2) shows that the coefficient of the interaction term is positive and significant at the 1% level. 21 Furthermore, our theoretical arguments suggest that the difference in Tobin’s Q between firms with an odd board and those with an even board narrows when the directors’ average ownership (the proxy for directors’ performance preference) increases. In Column (3), we include the interaction between the Odd dummy and average director ownership. The coefficient of the interaction term is negative and significant at the 5% level. Thus, consistent with Implication 1 of our model, this result indicates that the contrast in Tobin’s Q between even and odd boards is more evident when directors have lower ownerships. Finally, our theoretical arguments suggest that improved board voting efficiency is likely to be especially beneficial to firms that heavily engage in R&D investments. To test for this prediction, we interact the Odd dummy with R&D expenditure in Column (4).12 Consistent with Implication 1, the interaction term is positive and significant at the 1% level. The last two regressions in Table 2 provide additional tests of the findings. First, to account for possible biases due to omitted variables that are associated with firm-specific and time-invariant characteristics, we perform a firm fixed-effect regression by including fixed-effect dummies in the baseline regression. The result in column (5) shows that the Odd dummy remains positive and significant. Second, the univariate comparison in Table 1 shows that odd boards are generally smaller in size than are even boards. While we have tried to control for board size using the big board dummy, this control may nevertheless be imperfect. In light of the findings in Yermack (1996), it is important to further verify that the even-odd effect we document is not simply a reflection of the board-size effect. To more precisely control for board size, we select boards with 6, 7, 8 12 To address the concern that firms in financial and utility industries tend to have very small R&D intensities, we exclude all the financial and utility firms from our sample and re-do all the regressions. The results are largely the same. 22 directors, with 10, 11, 12 directors, with 14, 15,16, and so on. The idea here is that in the group of boards with 6, 7, and 8 directors, the even boards (with 6 and 8 directors) have a weighted average board size close to 7, so the comparison between even and odd boards within the group is conducted with closely matched board size. Similar logic applies to the comparison in the group of boards with 10, 11, and 12 directors, and to those in the other groups. We then rerun the baseline regression in the sample of the selected firms. To account for the differences in the average sizes of the groups of boards, we also include a set of group dummies in the regression. The Odd dummy in this size-matched regression, therefore, measures the average difference between odd and even boards across the groups. The regression result is reported in Column (6) of Table 1. As Column (6) shows, the Odd dummy remains significant at 5% level and positive at 0.046, suggesting a marginal effect of over 4% increase in market value when a firm switches from an even board to an odd board. In an unreported test, we repeat the above size-matched regression by selecting boards with 4, 5, 6 directors, with 8, 9, 10 directors, and so on. We find that the Odd dummy remains significant and is positive at 0.041. Note that we cannot combine the two regressions as boards with 6 directors will belong to both the group with 4, 5, 6 directors and the group with 6, 7, 8 directors, cofounding the interpretation of the Odd dummy. The same problem applies to boards with 8 directors, and so on. In the rest of the paper, when referring to size-matched regression, we report the one where the boards are selected as in the previous regression. However, each time in the unreported test we also verify that the result remains similar when the boards are selected as in the second regression. 23 Taken together, our findings show a pronounced and robust difference in Tobin’s Q between firms with an even board and those with an odd board, and this difference exhibits cross-sectional variations that are consistent with Implication 1 of our model. 4.2. Firm Operating Performance We compare ROA between firms with an even board and those with an odd board. Table 3 presents the regression results. We include in the regressions the same set of control variables as in Table 2. [Insert Table 3 Here] Column (1) of Table 3 shows that the coefficient of the Odd dummy is 0.251 and significant at the 1% level. Thus, in comparison to firms with an even board, those with an odd board deliver significantly better operating performance. Next, we respectively include the interaction term between the Odd dummy with CEO tenure and with director ownership in Columns (2) and (3). We find that the coefficient of Odd × (CEO tenure) is significantly positive in Column (2), while the coefficient of Odd × (Director ownership) is significantly negative in Column (3). When we include the interaction term between the Odd dummy with R&D expenditure in Column (4) we find that the interaction term is positive and significant at the 1% level. Finally, we perform the fixed-effect and size-matched regressions respectively in Columns (5) and (6). We find that in each of the regressions, the coefficient on the Odd dummy remains positive and significant. In sum, the analysis of firm operating performance provides results that are consistent with Implication 1 of our model. 24 4.3. CEO Turnover In this subsection, we compare CEO turnover decision and, in particular, CEO turnoverperformance sensitivity between firms with an even board and those with an odd board. We estimate the probability of CEO turnover using logit regression, where the dependent variable is the CEO turnover indicator, which equals one if the CEO is in his last year in office, and zero otherwise. Based on the recent findings by Kaplan and Minton (2010) and Jenter and Lewellen (2010), we do not separate turnover events into forced and unforced ones. Kaplan and Minton (2010) show that the determinants of forced turnovers are similar to those of voluntary turnovers, because turnovers labeled as unforced using the algorithms in, for example, Parrino (1997), may not be de facto voluntary. Furthermore, Jenter and Lewellen (2010) suggest that treating all turnovers equally can avoid the bias caused by misclassifying forced ones as voluntary ones.13 [Insert Table 4 Here] Table 4 presents the results of the logit estimation. The key explanatory variables are the Odd dummy and firm stock return over the previous three years. We use past three-year performance because using short-term performance (e.g., performance in the previous 12 or 24 months) tends to under-estimate turnover-performance sensitivity (Jenter and Lewellen (2010)). Looking at Panel A of Table 4, Column (1) shows that the coefficient of Odd dummy is 0.170 and significant at the 1% level, indicating that firms with an odd board are more likely to experience CEO turnover relative to firms with an even board. Moreover, consistent with findings in the prior studies, the coefficients of the firm’s stock return performance is negative and significant at the 5% level, indicating that CEO turnover becomes more likely subsequent to poor firm performance. 13 As a robustness check, we delete events where CEO departures are likely to be due to retirements, namely CEOs who are either over 60 or over 65. We find similar results as in the full sample. 25 To examine the difference in the performance sensitivity of CEO turnover between firms with an even board and those with an odd board, in the second regression we include the interaction between the Odd dummy with past stock performance. Column (2) shows that the coefficient on the interaction term is negative and significant. This result indicates that firms with an odd board are more likely to fire CEO in response to poor firm performance than do firms with an even board, in consistency with Implication 2 of our model. We control for firm fixed effects in Column (3) and run size-matched regression in Column (4), and find that in both instances the coefficient of Odd ×(past 3-year return) remains negative and significant.14 In Panel B of Table 4, we conduct sub-sample analysis on CEO turnover-performance sensitivity. In the first two columns of Panel B, we divide the sample based on the sample median CEO tenure. We find that the coefficient on Odd × (past 3-year return) is -0.112 (-0.196) for the subsample with short (long) CEO tenure, and is insignificant (significant at the 1% level). Thus, in terms of both economic magnitude and statistical significance, the effect of odd boards in strengthening turnover-performance sensitivity is greater for firms with longer CEO tenure, consistent with Implication 2 of our model. In Columns (3) and (4) of Panel B, we split our full sample into two subsamples based on the sample median director ownership. The coefficient of the interaction term, Odd × (past 3year return), is -0.178 in the low director ownership subsample, and -0.091 in the high director ownership subsample. Thus, in terms of the economic significance, the difference in turnover- 14 Given that we are using 3-year past stock performance, we conduct robustness checks by focusing on the subsample of CEOs who stay in office for at least three years, and our results are largely the same. 26 performance sensitivity between firms with an odd board and those with an even board is more pronounced when director ownership is lower, consistent with Implication 2 of our model. In the last two columns of Panel B, we conduct subsample analysis based on R&D expense. The coefficient on Odd × (3-year return) is -0.177 (-0.166) for the high (low) R&D subsample, and is significant at the 5% (10%) level. Thus, in terms of both economic magnitude and statistical significance, the effect of odd board in enhancing CEO turnover-performance sensitivity is more pronounced for the high R&D firms, consistent with Implication 2 of our model. 4.4. CEO Compensation In this subsection, we compare both the level of CEO pay and the pay-for-performance sensitivities between firms with an odd board and those with an even board. Table 5 contains the results of this analysis. To alleviate the influence of extreme observations, we use the natural logarithm of total compensation as the dependent variable in the regressions.15 [Insert Table 5 Here] The first regression model examines the total CEO compensation (Execucomp item TDC1). Column (1) of Panel A in Table 5 shows that the coefficient on the Odd dummy is 0.042 and is significant at the 5% level, indicating that CEOs of firms with an odd board tend to receive around 4% less total compensation. On the other hand, the coefficient on past 3-year stock return is positive and significant, indicating that good past performance leads to high compensation to CEO. 15 We conduct robustness check by focusing on the subsample of CEOs who stay in office for at least three years; our results are the same. 27 A possible reason behind the lower total compensation might be that CEO compensation for firms with an odd board has lower performance sensitivity so that less pay is needed to compensate CEOs for bearing the compensation risk. To examine this possibility, in Column (2) we look at the pay-for-performance sensitivity. Column (2) shows that the coefficient of the interaction between the Odd dummy and past 3-year stock return is positive and significant. Thus, in comparison to firms with an even board, CEO compensation of firms with an odd board is more closely tied to firm performance. In sum, in consistency with Implication 3 of our model firms with an odd board have lower total CEO compensation but higher pay-for-performance sensitivity. We control for firm fixed effects in Column (3) and run size-matched regression in Column (4). In both instances, we continue to find that firms with an odd board pay less to their CEOs (though the Odd dummy loses significance in the firm-fixed effect regression) and have stronger CEO pay-for-performance sensitivity than do firms with an even board. In Panel B of Table 5, we conduct subsample analysis on CEO compensation, and the results are generally consistent with Implication 3 of our model. In Columns (1) and (2), we find that the coefficient on Odd× (past 3-year return) is -0.004 (0.045) and is insignificant (significant) for the subsample with short (long) CEO tenure. In Columns (3) and (4), we divide the sample based on the median director ownership. The coefficient on the interaction term Odd× (past 3-year return) is significantly positive in the low director ownership subsample, but is negative and insignificant in the high director ownership subsample. Finally, in Columns (5) and (6), we divide the sample based on the median R&D expenditure. The coefficient on Odd× (past 3-year return) is significantly positive in the high R&D subsample, but is close to zero and insignificant in the low R&D subsample. 28 Taken together, the results in this subsection show that consistent with Implication 3, odd boards are associated with lower CEO compensation and higher pay-for-performance sensitivity. Furthermore, the higher pay-for-performance sensitivity of firms with an odd board is especially evident when CEOs have long tenures but directors have low ownerships, and when firms actively engage in R&D investments. 5. Additional Tests 5.1. The dependence of even-odd effects on board size In the regression analysis so far, we have focused on the Odd dummy variable as the measure of the average even-odd effects and used the big board dummy to control for board size. Intuitions suggest that the significance of the even-odd effects is likely to diminish as board size increases. Specifically, extending our model of voting in Section 2, suppose that directors face varying costs to obtain information about the suitability of the new strategy or to participate in board voting. Since a director’s chance of being pivotal in voting declines as board size increases, in large boards directors facing high costs of information acquisition or voting have reduced incentives to acquire information (e.g., Persico, 2004), or show up for voting (Adams and Ferreira, 2008a, b). Thus, with odd boards voting outcomes may still fail to capture sufficient information. As a result, the difference in the voting efficiency between even and odd boards narrows when board size increases. [Insert Table 6 Here] We formally test the above prediction in Table 6. In Columns (1) and (2), the dependent variables are Tobin’s Q and ROA, respectively. In both columns, the coefficient on the interaction term, Odd×(Bigboard dummy), is negative and significant, indicating that the 29 differences in Tobin’s Q and ROA between firms with an odd board and those with an even board abate when board size increases. These results are consistent with Figure 1 of Yermack (1996). Next, we divide the sample based on the median of board size and examine CEO turnover and CEO compensation in the respective subsamples. The results on CEO turnover are in Columns (3) and (4). We find that the interaction between Odd dummy and firm’s past stock performance is significantly negative in the subsample of firms with small boards, but is not significant in the subsample of firms with large boards. Similarly, from the results on CEO compensation in Columns (5) and (6), the coefficient on Odd dummy is significantly negative, and that on the interaction between Odd dummy and past stock performance is significantly positive, only in the subsample of firms with below median board size. These results reveal that the difference in CEO turnover and CEO compensation between firms with even and odd boards declines as board size increases. Overall, the results in Table 6 reveal that the even-odd effects of board are most pronounced in small boards. In addition, these results are consistent with directors’ costs of information acquisition and voting presenting a significantly negative effect on the voting efficiency of large boards. 5.2. The treatment regression In the previous regression models, we have tried to mitigate potential endogeneity problems by explicitly including in the models a comprehensive list of control variables and by running firm fixed-effect regressions. To further substantiate our results, we conduct a treatment regression analysis. 30 According to Table 1, a firm’s decision to have an odd board has its own determinants. It is well known that if self-selecting firms are not random subsets of population, the usual OLS estimators will not be consistent (Heckman (1979)). To correct for the potential selection effect, the odd board effect can be modeled as follows: In the equation above, X is a list of control variables. The coefficient of key interest is . indicates the latent propensity of a firm having odd board. For the purpose of identification, we include instruments variables that affect a firm’s propensity of having odd board, but do not directly affect firm performance and corporate governance. The odd dummy is allowed to be endogenous in the sense that corr( . The positive (negative) correlation suggests that the firm performance and corporate governance practice are better (worse) based on the unobservable heterogeneity. Therefore, the coefficient estimate on odd dummy or on the interaction of odd dummy × 3 year return in OLS or logit regression is upward (downward) biased where the endogeneity is not properly controlled. To allow for time-varying unobserved heterogeneity across firms, we employ the treatment regression using the maximum likelihood estimator developed by Maddala (1983, Chapter 5), where the Odd dummy is considered endogenous. We use two instrumental variables. The first is the prevalence of odd boards in the firm’s industry, which is computed as the ratio of the number of companies with an odd board to the 31 total number of companies in the firm’s industry. The second is the prevalence of odd boards in the state in which the firm is located, which is measured as the ratio of the number of companies with an odd board to the total number of companies in the firm’s state. Since peer firms in the same industry or geographic region tend to face similar product market, factor market, and legal environment, an individual firm is likely to share a similar propensity to have an odd board as the peer firms. Supporting this view, Knyazeva, Knyazeva, and Masulis (2009) provide evidence that a firm’s board structure is significantly influenced by the same-industry firms in the same state. Thus, the instruments are likely to satisfy the relevance condition. Furthermore due to the exogeneity of industry(state)-level variables, there are no clear reasons to believe that the instruments directly affect firm performance and corporate governance practice after controlling for various firm characteristics. Thus, the instruments are also likely to satisfy the exogeneity condition. [Insert Table 7 Here] The results are reported in Table 7. We find that in the first-stage probit regression, the coefficient estimates on industry odd board prevalence and state odd board prevalence are 2.549 and 2.695, respectively, and are significant at the 1% level. In the second-stage OLS regression of Tobin’s Q, we find that the coefficient on the odd dummy is 0.351 and is significant at the 5% level, indicating that after controlling for self-selection bias, the effect of the odd board on the firm value is still positive. In Column (3) we report the second-stage OLS regression ROA and find that, after controlling for self-selection bias, the coefficient of Odd dummy is still positive and significant at the 1% level. In Columns (4) and (5), we report the results of the second-stage logit regressions of CEO turnover and compensation, respectively. The coefficients on the interaction Odd×3-year return are significantly negative in the turnover regression, and significantly positive in the compensation analysis. 32 In conclusion, the results of treatment regression are generally consistent with those of OLS and logit regression, suggesting that our results are robust to controlling for the endogeneity problem. 5.3. The choices of switching to an odd board In evaluating the even-odd effects of board, we have so far used pooled regressions. To gain further insights about the effects, we explore the time-series aspect of our sample, focusing in particular on instances when firms switch from even boards to odd boards. Given that the advantage of odd boards over even boards in aggregating directors’ information is particularly pronounced when CEO tenure is longer, director ownership is lower, and R&D expenditure is higher, we expect that firms are more likely to switch to an odd board in response to increase in CEO tenure and R&D expenditure, and decrease in director ownership. [Insert Table 8 Here] In our sample, there are 2,187 firm-year observations where an even board changes to an odd board. In Table 8, we apply propensity score matching method to investigate what drive these changes. The matching procedure that we employ is a one-to-one nearest neighbor matching with replacement (Heckman, et al. (1997)). In particular, we start with a probit regression, using board size, prior-year stock return, prior-year ROA, Ln(MV), leverage, and return volatility as the independent variables, and the indicator variable on whether a firm switches to an odd board as the dependent variable. Then using the predicted probabilities, propensity scores, from the estimated probit regressions, we match to each firm that switches to an odd board, a firm without such changes that minimizes the absolute value of the difference between propensity scores. Column (3) of Table 8 indicates that, compared to the matched sample, firms that switch to odd boards are associated with greater increase in CEO tenure and R&D expenditure, and greater decrease in average director ownership. 33 In sum, Table 8 shows that firms have a tendency to switch to odd boards when the benefits associated with odd boards are larger. 6. Conclusions This paper examines the voting efficiency of corporate boards. We develop a simple model of board voting that predicts that odd boards enhance voting efficiency by enabling better aggregation of directors’ information relative to even boards. Our empirical analysis provides evidence supporting the implications of the model. In particular, we find that in comparison to firms with an even board, those with an odd board have higher firm values and better operating performance. Moreover, our analysis reveals that odd boards strengthen corporate governance by increasing both CEO turnover-performance sensitivity and CEO pay-for-performance sensitivity. Finally, the cross-sectional variations in the differences in firm value, operating performance, and the corporate governance measures, between the two types of boards display patterns that are consistent with greater voting efficiency of odd boards being the source of these differences. 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Variable Definitions Odd dummy One if an odd number of directors are on board, and zero otherwise. Big board dummy One if the number of directors is greater than the sample median and zero otherwise. Independent director proportion The ratio of the number of independent directors over the total number of directors. Director ownership The average number of shares owned by directors times the stock price at the end of fiscal year. Tobin’s Q ROA Return Market value of assets (total book value of assets minus book value of equity plus market value of equity) over book value of assets. Return on total assets, calculated as (Operating income before depreciation – Net interest expense – Cash taxes – Change in net working capital) / Total assets. The buy-and-hold return on the firm’s stock for the prior twelve months. 3-year return The buy-and-hold return on the firm’s stock for the prior thirty-six months. Sale growth The ratio of sales over previous year sales. Capx/sale Capital expenditure divided by sale. R&D/sale Research and development expense divided by sale. MV Leverage The number of shares outstanding times the stock price at the end of fiscal year. The book value of total asset minus book value of equity divided by the book value of total assets. No. of segments Firm age Return volatility CEO duality dummy CEO tenure CEO total pay Turnover dummy The number of segments the firm has. The number of years since the firm first appears in CRSP. The standard deviation of monthly stock return for the prior sixty months. One if the CEO is also the chairman of the board and zero otherwise. The number of years since the person became CEO. The variable TDC1 in Execucomp, which consists of salary, bonus, value of restricted stock granted, value of options granted (using Black-Scholes), long-term incentive payouts, and other compensation. One if the CEO is in his last year in office, and zero otherwise Industry odd-number board prevalence The ratio of the number of firms with the odd board in the same industry to the total number of firms in that industry. State odd-number board prevalence The ratio of the number of firms with the odd board in the same state to the total number of firms in that state. 38 Appendix B Proof of Proposition 1: To examine if informative voting is an equilibrium strategy, consider director 1’s voting decision when all the other directors follow the informative voting strategy. In the following, we define a voting profile as an outcome in which among directors other than director 1, a vote for a=1. number vote for a=0 and Suppose first that n is an odd number. Given voting rule , director 1’s voting strategy is determined by considering the pivotal case ((n-1)/2, (n-1)/2), i.e., the case in which his vote changes the board’s choice of action. Since the other directors follow the informative voting strategy, in this pivotal case the other directors’ collective information . Thus, when ( , director 1 views the new strategy as providing a strictly positive (negative) expected performance improvement. Consequently, based on the performance preference, director 1 strictly prefers to follow the informative voting strategy. To see the effect of conformity preference on director 1’s voting decision, note first that in the pivotal case director 1 can always ensure himself to be in conformity with the board’s decision irrespective of which action he votes for. Thus, in the pivotal case the conformity preference leaves director 1 indifferent between voting for a=1 and for a=0. Consider next a non-pivotal case , where . If , the board will choose a=1 independent of director 1’s vote. In this case, by voting for a=1 director 1 avoid the disconformity cost. However, by voting for a=1, director 1 will incur the disconformity cost if the voting profile for the other directors is , in which case the board chooses action a=0. Conversely, by voting for a=0, director 1 avoids the disconformity cost in the case of in the case of . Since the , but incurs the cost s are uncorrelated, director 1 view the profiles 39 and as equally likely irrespective of what he observes. Thus, these two paring non- pivotal case leaves director 1 indifferent between voting for a=1 and for a=0. When n is an odd number, there are n-1 directors other than director 1. These n-1 directors produce a total of n possible voting profile, namely, (n-1, 0),…, (0, n-1). Excluding the pivotal case, there is an even number ((n-1)) of non-pivotal cases. Thus, each non-pivotal case be uniquely paired with an equally likely non-pivotal case , where , can . Consequently, in all the non-pivotal cases, conformity preference also leaves director 1 indifferent between voting for a=1 and for a=0. In sum, for an odd board, the conformity preference does not produce a strict preference for director 1 between the two actions. Taken together, the above discussions suggest that when other directors follow informative voting strategy, Director 1 also prefers to adopt the same strategy. Thus, in an odd board, informative voting strategy is an equilibrium strategy for the directors. Suppose next that n is an even number. If the voting rule director 1 is pivotal when the voting profile for the other directors is ((n/2)-1, n/2). Since the other directors follow the informative voting strategy, in this pivotal case the other directors’ collective information . Thus, if ( ), director 1 views the new strategy as providing a strictly positive (zero) expected performance improvement, and based on performance preference director 1 strictly (weakly) prefers to vote for a=1 (a=0). Consider next the effect of conformity preference on director 1’s voting decision. In the pivotal case, the conformity preference leaves director 1 indifferent between the two actions. Consider the (n-1) non-pivotal cases. Since n is even, there is an odd number of non-pivotal cases. Consequently, there is one non-pivotal case that does not have an equally probable paring 40 non-pivotal case. It is easy to see that this unpaired non-pivotal case corresponds to the profile (n/2, (n/2)-1). Given this profile, the board will adopt action a=0, so director 1 strictly prefers to vote for a=0. Combining the pivotal and the non-pivotal cases, the conformity preference produces a strict preference for director 1 to vote for a=0. The discussion indicates that when n is even, the conformity preference reinforces the performance preference, so that upon observing a=-1. However, when director 1 observes director 1 strictly prefers to vote for conformity preference conflicts with the performance preference. In this case, by voting for a=1 and ensuring that the board adopts a=1 in the pivotal case ((n/2)-1, n/2), director 1 derives an expected gain of However, voting for a=1 imposes an expected discomformity cost due to non-pivotal case ((n/2)1, n/2) of . If , director 1 is better off voting for a=1 after getting , so informative voting is an equilibrium strategy. In contrast, if , the discomformity cost dominates the gain from enabling better board decision, so director 1 strictly prefers to vote for a=1 upon observing . It follows therefore that if voting cannot be an equilibrium strategy. 41 informative Table 1. Summary Statistics The sample consists of 6,462 firm-year observations with an odd number of directors and 5,613 firm-year observations with an even number of directors from 1999 to 2009. We collect the information of the board of director from RiskMetrics, accounting information from Compustat, stock price data from CRSP, and CEO compensation and turnover information from ExecuComp. Definitions of all variables are provided in the appendix. All dollar values are in 2009 dollars. All continuous variables are winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentiles. Superscripts ***, ** and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. Full sample (N=12,075) Number of director Mean 9.3 Median 9.0 Odd-number subsample (A) (N=6,462) Mean Median 9.2 9.0 Independent director proportion (%) 68.7% 71.4% 68.4% 71.4% 69.0% 71.4% -0.60%** 0.00%** Director ownership ($M) 27.6 6.4 26.9 6.3 28.4 6.4 -1.425 -0.122 Stock return (%) 8.2% 5.1% 8.4% 5.1% 8.1% 5.2% 0.30% -0.10% Sale growth (%) 111.3% 108.4% 111.1% 108.4% 111.4% 108.3% -0.33% 0.10% Capex (%) 7.2% 3.9% 7.2% 3.9% 7.3% 4.0% -0.08% -0.08% R&D (%) 4.1% 0.0% 4.1% 0.0% 4.1% 0.0% -0.04% 0.00% MV($M) 7,381.6 1,685.3 7,265.3 1,612.0 7,515.6 1,773.8 -250.3 -161.8*** Leverage (%) 55.1% 56.1% 54.8% 56.0% 55.5% 56.1% -0.69%* -0.07% No. of segments 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 -0.053* 0.000* Firm age 24.3 18.0 23.9 17.0 24.8 19.0 -0.809** -2.000** Return volatility (%) 12.1% 10.7% 12.1% 10.7% 12.1% 10.7% -0.01% 0.07% CEO duality 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.0 -0.002 0.000 CEO tenure 6.8 5.0 6.9 5.0 6.7 5.0 0.215* 0.000** Tobin's Q 1.9 1.5 1.9 1.5 1.8 1.5 0.043** 0.005 ROA (%) 8.8% 8.9% 8.9% 9.0% 8.7% 8.8% 0.2% 0.2%* CEO turnover 0.112 0.000 0.122 0.000 0.101 0.000 0.021*** 0.000*** CEO total pay ($K) 5,636 3,284 5,537 3,175 5,752 3,372 -215.7 -196.9*** 42 Even-number subsample (B) (5,613) Mean Median 9.4 10.0 Mean -0.162*** Median -1.000*** Test of difference: (A)-(B) Table 2. Firm Value and Odd Board The sample consists of 6,462 firm-year observations with an odd number of directors and 5,613 firm-year observations with an even number of directors from 1999 to 2009. The dependent variable is Tobin’s Q, calculated as market value of assets (total book value of assets minus book value of equity plus market value of equity) over book value of assets. Odd dummy is equal to 1 if the number of directors on the board is an odd number and 0 otherwise. All other controls are defined in Appendix A. Two-digit SIC code dummies are used to control for industry fixed effects. In Columns (1)(4), we control for industry fixed effects. In Column (5) we control for the firm fixed effects. In Column (6) we control for the board size dummies. The p-values in parentheses are based on standard errors adjusted for heteroscedasticity and firm clustering. Superscripts ***, ** and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. Oddt-1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 0.060*** (0.001) 0.010 (0.667) 0.007*** (0.006) 0.074*** (0.000) -0.030 (0.155) 0.027* (0.088) 0.046** (0.048) 2.233*** (0.000) -0.194*** (0.000) 0.000 (0.901) 1.676*** (0.000) 0.250*** (0.000) 5.409*** (0.000) 0.038 (0.520) -0.141 (0.469) 0.214*** (0.000) 0.165*** (0.000) -0.255** (0.043) -0.058*** (0.000) -0.033 (0.139) 2.243*** (0.000) -0.073** (0.019) 0.004* (0.097) 0.519*** (0.001) -0.084** (0.016) -0.001 (0.548) 1.548*** (0.000) 0.268*** (0.000) 1.123*** (0.005) 0.026 (0.575) -0.079 (0.113) -0.417 (0.439) 0.012 (0.682) -0.173 (0.232) -0.027** (0.011) -0.305*** (0.000) 1.075** (0.029) 0.017 (0.570) -0.001 (0.687) 2.652*** (0.000) -0.001 (0.260) 1.904*** (0.000) 0.254*** (0.000) 3.863*** (0.000) 0.107 (0.191) -0.194 (0.368) 3.814*** (0.000) 0.160*** (0.000) -0.154 (0.296) -0.055*** (0.000) -0.024 (0.335) 0.549 (0.221) -0.074** (0.028) 0.002 (0.413) 1.095*** (0.000) Odd t-1×CEO tenure t-1 Odd t-1× Director ownership t-1 -0.110** (0.034) Odd t-1×R&D t-1 Big board dummy t-1 Independent director proportion t-1 Director ownership t-1 Return t-1 ROA t-1 Sale growth t-1 Capex t-1 R&D t-1 Ln(MV) t-1 Leverage t-1 Segment number t-1 Ln(firmage) t-1 Volatility t-1 Duality t-1 CEO tenure t-1 Constant t-1 -0.170*** (0.000) -0.000 (0.629) 1.819*** (0.000) 0.269*** (0.000) 6.125*** (0.000) 0.035 (0.549) -0.186 (0.332) 3.923*** (0.000) 0.133*** (0.000) -0.042 (0.743) -0.049*** (0.000) -0.029 (0.177) 1.080** (0.010) -0.055* (0.065) 0.003 (0.151) 0.530*** (0.000) -0.169*** (0.000) -0.000 (0.631) 1.802*** (0.000) 0.270*** (0.000) 6.118*** (0.000) 0.036 (0.539) -0.181 (0.345) 3.921*** (0.000) 0.132*** (0.000) -0.044 (0.736) -0.049*** (0.000) -0.029 (0.178) 1.075** (0.011) -0.055* (0.063) -0.000 (0.848) 0.559*** (0.000) 43 -0.217*** (0.000) -0.001 (0.434) 0.203*** (0.002) 0.258*** (0.000) 3.363*** (0.000) 0.154** (0.031) -0.064 (0.752) 0.367*** (0.000) 0.216*** (0.000) -0.435*** (0.001) -0.067*** (0.000) -0.037 (0.127) 2.270*** (0.000) -0.096*** (0.003) 0.005** (0.046) 0.453*** (0.007) Year FE Industry FE Firm FE Board size dummies Observations Adj R2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 12075 45% 12075 45% 44 12075 44% 12075 43% 12075 76% 8882 41% Table 3. Operating Performance and Odd Board The sample consists of 6,462 firm-year observations with an odd number of directors and 5,613 firm-year observations with an even number of directors from 1999 to 2009. The dependent variable is ROA, where ROA is calculated as (Operating income before depreciation – Net interest expense – Cash taxes – Change in net working capital) deflated by total asset. Odd dummy is equal to 1 if the number of directors on the board isan odd number and 0 otherwise. All other controls are defined in Appendix A. Two-digit SIC code dummies are used to control for industry fixed effects. In Columns (1)-(4), we control for industry fixed effects. In Column (5) we control for the firm fixed effects. In Column (6) we control for the board size dummies. The p-values in parentheses are based on standard errors adjusted for heteroscedasticity and firm clustering. Superscripts ***, ** and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. Odd t-1 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 0.251*** (0.007) -0.102 (0.729) 0.049* (0.098) 0.459 (0.164) 0.294 (0.261) 0.240* (0.086) 0.179* (0.090) 1.915*** (0.000) -0.575 (0.230) 0.012 (0.341) -0.578 (0.303) 2.106*** (0.000) 0.852*** (0.000) -4.686* (0.096) 0.785 (0.773) -6.473*** (0.000) 0.445*** (0.004) -0.672 (0.664) 0.068 (0.461) -0.287 (0.120) -9.066** (0.039) -0.519*** (0.001) 0.012 (0.579) 4.344* (0.077) -0.592 (0.332) -0.015 (0.249) -0.177 (0.231) 2.319*** (0.000) 0.300*** (0.000) -5.692 (0.354) -0.780 (0.769) -11.075* (0.053) 0.913 (0.285) -3.141* (0.061) -0.014 (0.884) -0.815 (0.295) -0.511 (0.928) -0.017 (0.941) -0.016 (0.415) 10.590** (0.027) -0.002 (0.678) 0.936 (0.213) 1.894*** (0.000) 0.530*** (0.000) -0.370 (0.358) 2.843* (0.057) -3.744* (0.056) 0.416*** (0.000) -0.126 (0.815) -0.147*** (0.001) 0.005 (0.960) -7.691*** (0.000) -0.398** (0.010) 0.009 (0.381) 1.973 (0.154) Odd t-1×CEO tenure t-1 Odd t-1× Director ownership t-1 -2.698** (0.049) Odd t-1×R&D t-1 Bigboard dummy t-1 Independent director proportion t-1 Director ownership t-1 Return t-1 ROA t-1 Sale growth t-1 Capex t-1 R&D t-1 Ln(MV) t-1 Leverage t-1 Segment number t-1 Ln(firmage) t-1 Volatilityt-1 Dualityt-1 CEO tenuret-1 Constant -0.323** (0.025) -0.003 (0.427) 0.209 (0.797) 1.821*** (0.000) 0.520*** (0.000) -0.605* (0.094) 3.264** (0.011) -4.013** (0.021) 0.395*** (0.000) -0.300 (0.513) -0.140*** (0.000) -0.018 (0.832) -9.007*** (0.000) -0.430*** (0.002) 0.016* (0.076) 3.689*** (0.000) -0.793*** (0.002) 0.010 (0.171) -0.469 (0.771) 1.837*** (0.000) 0.862*** (0.000) -4.581*** (0.000) 1.300 (0.352) -10.625*** (0.000) 0.435*** (0.000) -0.129 (0.887) 0.058 (0.405) -0.243 (0.102) -1.457 (0.577) -0.520** (0.047) -0.019 (0.375) 3.689*** (0.001) 45 -0.806 (0.199) 0.016 (0.377) 0.026 (0.765) 1.669*** (0.000) 0.840*** (0.000) -4.548* (0.089) -2.755 (0.330) -24.354** (0.032) 0.710** (0.021) -2.440 (0.368) 0.032 (0.633) -0.375* (0.079) -2.355 (0.266) -0.647*** (0.009) 0.016 (0.493) 3.648* (0.064) Year FE Industry FE Firm FE Board size dummies Observations 2 Adj R Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 11968 60% 11968 63% 46 11968 64% 11968 63% 11968 74% 8806 60% Table 4. CEO Turnover and Odd Board The sample consists of 6,462 firm-year observations with an odd number of directors and 5,613 firm-year observations with an even number of directors from 1999 to 2009. Turnover is a dummy variable defined as 1 if the CEO is in his last year in office, and zero otherwise. Odd dummy is equal to 1 if the number of directors on the board is an odd number and 0 otherwise. All other controls are defined in Appendix A. Two-digit SIC code dummies are used to control for industry fixed effects. Panel A presents the full sample analysis and Panel B presents the subsample analysis. The p-values in parentheses are based on standard errors adjusted for heteroscedasticity and firm clustering. Superscripts ***, ** and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. 47 Panel A Full Sample Analysis Odd dummy t-1 (1) (2) (3) (4) 0.170*** (0.006) -0.087** (0.033) -0.766 (0.158) 0.260*** (0.000) 0.005** (0.024) -0.125 (0.838) -0.316** (0.037) 0.235 (0.542) -0.077 (0.881) 0.031 (0.219) -0.178 (0.324) 0.021 (0.285) 0.019 (0.650) 1.592** (0.043) 0.184** (0.014) 0.011** (0.014) -34.711 0.242*** (0.000) -0.179*** (0.002) 0.030 (0.175) -0.780 (0.147) 0.262*** (0.000) 0.005** (0.024) -0.117 (0.848) -0.362** (0.018) 0.211 (0.586) -0.049 (0.924) 0.028 (0.280) -0.164 (0.365) 0.021 (0.281) 0.020 (0.634) 1.470* (0.061) 0.183** (0.014) 0.011** (0.015) -35.529*** 0.020** (0.017) -0.017** (0.011) 0.003 (0.395) -0.102 (0.276) 0.031** (0.021) 0.001** (0.021) 0.092 (0.546) -0.011 (0.557) -0.126 (0.132) 0.152 (0.263) 0.009 (0.382) -0.064 (0.139) -0.000 (0.916) -0.034 (0.134) -0.295* (0.068) 0.029*** (0.004) 0.015*** (0.000) -0.129 0.333*** (0.000) -0.227*** (0.004) 0.035 (0.212) -0.881 (0.147) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Odd t-1×3-year return 3-year return ROA t-1 Bigboard dummy t-1 Independent director proportion t-1 Director ownership t-1 Sale growth t-1 Capex t-1 R&D t-1 Ln(MV) t-1 Leverage t-1 Segment number t-1 Ln(firm age) t-1 Volatility t-1 Duality t-1 Tenure t-1 Constant Year FE Industry FE Firm FE Board size dummies Observations Pseudo R2 0.004 (0.106) 0.039 (0.953) -0.414** (0.020) 0.475 (0.321) -0.564 (0.373) 0.021 (0.497) -0.195 (0.378) 0.015 (0.518) 0.043 (0.407) 1.463 (0.119) 0.161* (0.070) 0.009* (0.078) -34.348*** Yes Yes Yes Yes 11252 2.5% 48 11252 2.6% 11252 19.6% 8208 3.0% Panel B Subsample Analysis Short CEO tenure subsample (1) Long CEO tenure subsample (2) 0.080 (0.439) -0.112 (0.307) -0.090 (0.235) -0.835 (0.333) 0.162 (0.157) 0.003 0.346*** (0.000) -0.196*** (0.007) 0.063** (0.023) -0.461 (0.548) 0.324*** (0.001) 0.006** 0.213** (0.019) -0.178* (0.095) -0.014 (0.847) 0.352 (0.529) 0.364*** (0.001) 0.004 (0.444) 0.897 (0.319) -0.150 (0.522) 0.170*** (0.002) -0.447 (0.560) -0.024 (0.553) -0.642** (0.019) -0.033 (0.281) 0.013 (0.833) 2.084* (0.090) 0.217** (0.042) (0.027) -1.122 (0.242) -0.655*** (0.001) 0.302 (0.389) 0.129 (0.839) 0.063* (0.066) 0.248 (0.326) 0.074*** (0.006) 0.014 (0.832) 0.276 (0.722) 0.180 (0.124) -18.894 Year FE Industry FE Observations Odd dummy t-1 Odd t-1×3-year return 3-year return ROA t-1 Bigboard dummy t-1 Independent director proportion t-1 Director ownership t-1 Sale growth t-1 Capex t-1 R&D t-1 Ln(MV) t-1 Leverage t-1 Segment number t-1 Ln(firm age) t-1 Volatility t-1 Duality t-1 Low R&D subsample (5) High R&D subsample (6) 0.241** (0.012) -0.091* (0.086) 0.042 (0.152) -0.527 (0.413) 0.180 (0.104) 0.002 0.230** (0.018) -0.166* (0.093) 0.003 (0.969) -0.856 (0.228) 0.312*** (0.003) 0.002 0.235** (0.015) -0.177** (0.020) 0.029 (0.226) -0.437 (0.325) 0.218** (0.040) 0.006* (0.190) (0.503) -0.335 (0.128) -0.519 (0.306) -0.130 (0.869) 0.088** (0.021) -0.043 (0.872) 0.048* (0.094) 0.004 (0.954) 1.431* (0.092) 0.223** (0.039) 0.004 (0.469) -17.890 (0.075) -1.410 (0.218) -0.345** (0.031) 0.195*** (0.000) -20.291 -0.361* (0.085) 0.289 (0.158) 0.938 (0.140) -0.073* (0.085) -0.168 (0.500) -0.001 (0.971) 0.011 (0.850) 0.549 (0.531) 0.243** (0.029) 0.021*** (0.005) -2.450*** (0.443) 0.747 (0.318) -0.259 (0.250) 0.599 (0.184) 0.033 (0.393) -0.151 (0.548) 0.012 (0.671) 0.006 (0.924) 3.609*** (0.001) 0.272*** (0.010) 0.017*** (0.007) -3.247*** 0.016 (0.649) -0.210 (0.395) 0.030 (0.261) 0.037 (0.523) 0.384 (0.691) 0.120 (0.257) 0.004 (0.511) -36.337*** Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5407 3.9% 5845 3.8% 5626 3.5% 5626 3.5% 6202 3.8% 5050 3.0% Tenure t-1 Constant Pseudo R2 Low director High director ownership ownership subsample subsample (3) (4) 49 Table 5. CEO Compensation and Odd Board The sample consists of 6,462 firm-year observations with an odd number of directors and 5,613 firm-year observations with an even number of directors from 1999 to 2009. The dependent variable is Ln(CEO total compensation), where total compensation is Item TDC1 in Execucomp, which consists of salary, bonus, value of restricted stock granted, value of options granted (using Black-Scholes), long-term incentive payouts, and other compensation. Odd dummy is equal to 1 if the number of directors on the board is an odd number and 0 otherwise. All other controls are defined in Appendix A. Twodigit SIC code dummies are used to control for industry fixed effects. Panel A presents the full sample analysis and Panel B presents the subsample analysis. The p-values in parentheses are based on standard errors adjusted for heteroscedasticity and firm clustering. Superscripts ***, ** and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. 50 Panel A Full Sample Analysis Odd t-1 (1) (2) (3) (4) -0.042** (0.011) 0.129*** (0.000) -0.575*** (0.008) 0.051* (0.061) 0.005*** (0.000) -1.521*** (0.000) -0.108*** (0.010) -0.227 (0.147) 0.051 (0.797) 0.465*** (0.000) 0.641*** (0.000) 0.007 (0.386) -0.032* (0.055) 1.870*** (0.000) 0.103*** (0.000) -0.005** (0.025) 3.984*** (0.000) -0.066*** (0.000) 0.075** (0.010) 0.027 (0.321) -0.446** (0.046) 0.046* (0.091) 0.005*** (0.000) -1.549*** (0.000) -0.070* (0.093) -0.237 (0.134) 0.036 (0.853) 0.469*** (0.000) 0.639*** (0.000) 0.007 (0.393) -0.033* (0.053) 1.868*** (0.000) 0.097*** (0.000) -0.005** (0.032) 3.923*** (0.000) -0.025 (0.125) 0.072*** (0.002) 0.042** (0.050) -0.085 (0.711) -0.005 (0.847) 0.002* (0.095) 0.078 (0.762) -0.069 (0.106) -0.012 (0.942) -0.495 (0.139) 0.291*** (0.000) 0.050 (0.623) 0.019* (0.077) -0.011 (0.838) 0.659 (0.130) 0.008 (0.751) -0.001 (0.798) 5.885*** (0.000) -0.039* (0.061) 0.047* (0.078) 0.061*** (0.005) -0.323 (0.151) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Odd t-1×3-year return 3-year return ROA t-1 Bigboard dummy t-1 Independent director proportion t-1 Director ownership t-1 Sale growth t-1 Capex t-1 R&D t-1 Ln(MV) t-1 Leverage t-1 Segment number t-1 Ln(firm age) t-1 Volatility t-1 Duality t-1 Tenure t-1 Constant Year FE Industry FE Firm FE Board size dummies Observations 2 Adj R 0.006*** (0.000) -1.381*** (0.001) -0.110** (0.019) -0.308* (0.090) 0.063 (0.774) 0.462*** (0.000) 0.600*** (0.000) 0.011 (0.208) -0.052*** (0.005) 2.006*** (0.000) 0.094*** (0.000) -0.004 (0.137) 3.529*** (0.000) Yes Yes Yes Yes 10520 53% 51 10520 52% 10520 76% 7731 53% Panel B Subsample Analysis Short CEO tenure subsample (1) Long CEO tenure subsample (2) -0.033 (0.109) -0.004 (0.901) 0.149*** (0.000) -0.691*** (0.005) 0.059* (0.054) 0.004*** -0.062** (0.015) 0.045* (0.071) 0.037** (0.037) -0.327 (0.313) 0.055 (0.135) 0.008*** -0.025 (0.158) 0.030* (0.091) 0.079*** (0.000) -0.444*** (0.002) 0.038* (0.067) 0.004*** (0.000) -0.606 (0.137) -0.162*** (0.004) -0.340** (0.039) -0.108 (0.663) 0.454*** (0.000) 0.551*** (0.000) 0.021** (0.019) -0.050*** (0.005) 2.223*** (0.000) 0.088*** (0.001) (0.000) -0.688*** (0.000) -0.048 (0.411) -0.178 (0.405) 0.179 (0.509) 0.466*** (0.000) 0.742*** (0.000) 0.001 (0.909) -0.020 (0.408) 1.407*** (0.001) 0.085** (0.030) 4.214*** (0.000) Year FE Industry FE Observations 2 Adj R Odd dummy t-1 Odd t-1×3-year return 3-year return ROA t-1 Bigboard dummy t-1 Independent director proportion t-1 Director ownership t-1 Sale growth t-1 Capex t-1 R&D t-1 Ln(MV) t-1 Leverage t-1 Segment number t-1 Ln(firm age) t-1 Volatility t-1 Duality t-1 Low R&D subsample (5) High R&D subsample (6) -0.048* (0.060) -0.030 (0.220) 0.144*** (0.000) -0.648*** (0.001) 0.076*** (0.007) 0.007*** -0.039 (0.121) -0.000 (0.998) 0.109*** (0.000) -0.370 (0.210) 0.071* (0.061) 0.005*** -0.058** (0.019) 0.068* (0.069) 0.035 (0.248) -0.728*** (0.004) 0.007 (0.856) 0.005*** (0.000) (0.000) -0.040 (0.346) -0.135 (0.380) -0.055 (0.413) 0.432*** (0.000) 0.767*** (0.000) -0.023*** (0.002) 0.004 (0.814) 1.639*** (0.000) 0.091*** (0.001) -0.006*** (0.000) 3.140*** (0.000) (0.000) -1.614*** (0.010) -0.069 (0.242) -0.486** (0.047) 3.645*** (0.000) -0.141*** (0.000) -0.038 (0.732) -0.023** (0.048) 0.468*** (0.000) 0.512*** (0.000) 0.031*** (0.000) -0.045*** (0.000) 2.013*** (0.000) 0.108*** (0.000) 0.000 (0.973) 3.758*** (0.000) (0.000) -1.366*** (0.004) -0.093 (0.103) -0.152 (0.435) 0.461*** (0.000) 0.953*** (0.000) 0.018 (0.110) -0.031 (0.232) 3.079*** (0.000) 0.129*** (0.000) -0.003 (0.375) 3.548*** (0.000) 0.469*** (0.000) 0.349*** (0.000) -0.003 (0.779) -0.011 (0.625) 0.925** (0.033) 0.067* (0.059) -0.006** (0.038) 4.247*** (0.000) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 5005 58% 5515 51% 5260 57% 5260 47% 5608 52% 4912 55% Tenure t-1 Constant Low director High director ownership ownership subsample subsample (3) (4) 52 Table 6. Board Size and Odd Board The sample consists of 6,462 firm-year observations with an odd number of directors and 5,613 firm-year observations with an even number of directors from 1999 to 2009. Tobin’s Q is calculated as market value of assets (total book value of assets minus book value of equity plus market value of equity) over book value of assets. ROA is calculated as (Operating income before depreciation – Net interest expense – Cash taxes – Change in net working capital) deflated by total asset. Turnover is a dummy variable defined as 1 if the CEO is in his last year in office, and zero otherwise. CEO total compensation is Item TDC1 in Execucomp, which consists of salary, bonus, value of restricted stock granted, value of options granted (using Black-Scholes), long-term incentive payouts, and other compensation. Odd dummy is equal to 1 if the number of directors on the board is an odd number and 0 otherwise. All other controls are defined in Appendix A. Twodigit SIC code dummies are used to control for industry fixed effects. The p-values in parentheses are based on standard errors adjusted for heteroscedasticity and firm clustering. Superscripts ***, ** and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. VARIABLES Odd t-1 Odd t-1×Bigboard dummy t-1 Tobin’s q (1) 0.093*** (0.007) -0.124*** (0.001) ROA (2) 0.353*** (0.002) -0.314** (0.015) Odd t-1×3-year return 3-year return Bigboard dummy t-1 Independent director proportion t-1 Director ownership t-1 Return t-1 ROA t-1 Sale growth t-1 Capex t-1 R&D t-1 Ln(MV) t-1 Leverage t-1 Segment number t-1 Ln(firmage) t-1 Volatilityt-1 -0.140*** (0.000) -0.000 -0.279* (0.052) -0.003 (0.639) 1.802*** (0.000) 0.265*** (0.000) 6.103*** (0.000) 0.031 (0.592) -0.180 (0.354) 3.899*** (0.000) 0.138*** (0.000) -0.038 (0.770) -0.049*** (0.000) -0.026 (0.226) 1.086*** (0.010) (0.429) 0.163 (0.840) 1.810*** (0.000) 51.967*** (0.000) -0.617* (0.088) 3.275** (0.011) -4.077** (0.019) 0.410*** (0.000) -0.277 (0.546) -0.138*** (0.000) -0.008 (0.926) -9.041*** (0.000) Turnover Ln(CEO total pay) Small board subsample (3) Big board subsample (4) 0.316*** (0.001) 0.290*** (0.004) -0.045* (0.054) -0.018 (0.472) -0.144* (0.090) 0.061 (0.383) -0.191 (0.114) -0.107 (0.228) 0.088*** (0.004) 0.010 (0.708) -0.016 (0.618) 0.133*** (0.000) 0.005* 0.005 0.005*** 0.006*** (0.092) 0.332 (0.748) (0.129) -0.285 (0.717) (0.000) -2.719*** (0.000) (0.000) -0.755** (0.031) -0.071 (0.915) -0.584*** (0.004) -0.235 (0.673) 0.713 (0.241) -0.032 (0.414) -0.009 (0.970) 0.028 (0.340) 0.016 (0.789) 0.965 (0.328) -1.715* (0.085) 0.033 (0.894) 0.723 (0.178) -1.417 (0.130) 0.091** (0.011) -0.432 (0.145) 0.023 (0.409) 0.078 (0.241) 2.108 (0.150) -0.387 (0.131) -0.081 (0.137) 0.006 (0.971) 0.008 (0.972) 0.492*** (0.000) 0.575*** (0.000) 0.003 (0.766) -0.025 (0.222) 1.456*** (0.000) -0.488* (0.097) -0.107* (0.089) -0.870*** (0.002) 0.162 (0.628) 0.449*** (0.000) 0.748*** (0.000) 0.015 (0.158) -0.023 (0.331) 2.970*** (0.000) 53 Small board subsample (5) Big board subsample (6) Dualityt-1 CEO tenuret-1 Constant Year FE Industry FE Observations 2 2 Adj R /Pseudo R -0.055* (0.061) 0.004 (0.142) 0.469*** (0.002) -0.432*** (0.001) 0.016* (0.076) 3.524*** (0.000) 0.186* (0.053) 0.003 (0.626) -34.867 0.217* (0.089) 0.022*** (0.001) -35.422 0.104*** (0.001) -0.008*** (0.002) 3.896*** (0.000) 0.076** (0.038) 0.002 (0.397) 3.868*** (0.000) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 12075 45% 11968 60% 6541 3.8% 4711 4.3% 6307 45% 4213 58% 54 Table 7. Controlling for Self-Selection Bias The sample consists of 12,075 firm-year observations based on RiskMetrics/CRSP/Compustat merged data from 1999 to 2009. Tobin’s Q is calculated as market value of assets (total book value of assets minus book value of equity plus market value of equity) over book value of assets. ROA is the return on asset, calculated as (Operating income before depreciation – Net interest expense – Cash taxes – Change in net working capital) deflated by total asset. Turnover is a dummy variable defined as 1 if the CEO is in his last year in office, and zero otherwise. CEO total compensation is Item TDC1 in Execucomp, which consists of salary, bonus, value of restricted stock granted, value of options granted (using Black-Scholes), long-term incentive payouts, and other compensation. Odd dummy is equal to 1 if an odd number of directors are on board and 0 otherwise. Industry odd-number board prevalence is measured as the ratio of the number of firms with the odd board in the same industry to the total number of firms in that industry. State odd-number board prevalence is measured as the ratio of the number of firms with the odd board in the same state to the total number of firms in that state. All other controls are defined in Appendix. Two-digit SIC code dummies are used to control for industry fixed effects. The p-values in parentheses are based on standard errors adjusted for heteroscedasticity and firm clustering. Superscripts ***, ** and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. VARIABLES 1st stage Odd dummy (1) Odd dummy t-1 2nd stage Tobin’s Q 2nd stage ROA 2nd stage Turnover (2) (3) (4) 2nd stage Ln(CEO total pay) (5) 0.351** (0.012) 5.054*** (0.000) 0.098 (0.874) -0.091*** (0.001) 0.017 (0.191) 0.087 (0.998) 0.075*** (0.000) 0.025*** (0.000) -0.076* (0.053) -0.000 (0.673) 1.846*** (0.000) 0.268*** (0.000) 6.128*** (0.000) 0.047 (0.223) -0.193* (0.070) 3.883*** (0.000) 0.131*** (0.000) -0.085* -1.475*** (0.000) -0.001 (0.746) 0.300 (0.689) 1.756*** (0.000) 49.006*** (0.000) -0.508** (0.029) 2.768*** (0.000) -5.612*** (0.000) 0.553*** (0.000) -0.374 0.143 (0.335) 0.003** (0.035) -0.080 (0.820) 0.010 (0.567) 0.005*** (0.000) -1.549*** (0.000) -0.366 (0.243) -0.198** (0.013) 0.117 (0.147) -0.046 (0.864) 0.015 (0.504) -0.076 -0.469*** (0.000) -0.070** (0.035) -0.243*** (0.008) 0.016 (0.893) 0.473*** (0.000) 0.650*** Odd t-1×3-year return 3-year return Instrument variables: Industry odd-number board prevalence t-1 State odd-number board prevalence t-1 2.549*** (0.000) 2.695*** (0.000) Control variables: Big board dummy t-1 Independent director proportion t-1 Director ownership t-1 Stock Return t-1 ROA t-1 Sale growth t-1 Capex t-1 R&D t-1 Ln(MV) t-1 Leverage t-1 -0.628*** (0.000) -0.002** (0.028) -0.181 (0.305) -0.013 (0.664) -0.040 (0.828) -0.086 (0.122) 0.099 (0.388) 0.058** (0.021) 0.038*** (0.000) 0.243*** 55 Number of segments t-1 Ln(firm age) t-1 Return volatility t-1 Duality dummy t-1 Tenure t-1 Constant t-1 Year fixed effect Industry fixed effect Observations Rho Chi-2 statistic (0.000) 0.009 (0.226) 0.027* (0.094) -1.652*** (0.000) 0.022 (0.454) -0.001 (0.705) -2.604*** (0.000) (0.099) -0.051*** (0.000) -0.034*** (0.003) 1.366*** (0.000) -0.058*** (0.004) 0.004*** (0.001) -0.644 (0.307) (0.207) -0.130*** (0.000) 0.155** (0.028) -9.804*** (0.000) -0.426*** (0.001) 0.009 (0.220) -0.667 (0.855) (0.472) 0.012 (0.284) 0.008 (0.777) 0.818* (0.060) 0.095** (0.023) 0.006** (0.014) -11.098 (0.000) 0.009* (0.085) -0.028*** (0.005) 1.857*** (0.000) 0.096*** (0.000) -0.005*** (0.000) 3.722*** (0.000) Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 12,075 12,075 -0.373 6.19** 11,968 -0.568 64.28*** 11,252 0.018 0.078 10,520 -0.133 0.250 56 Table 8. Firms that Change from an Even Board to an Odd board, Propensity Score Matching The sample consists of 2,187 firm-year observations that an even board changes to an odd board from 1999 to 2009. We match each observation to a firm-year observation without such changes using the nearest neighborhood matching approach. The variables used in the matching are number of directors, prior-year stock return, prior-year ROA, Ln(MV), leverage, return volatility, industry (two-digit SIC code) indicators, and year indicators. All continuous variables are winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentiles. P-values based on bootstrapped standard errors of 50 replications with replacement are reported in parentheses. Superscripts ***, ** and * denote statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively. Δ CEO tenure Δ Director ownership ($M) Δ R&D Firms that change from an even board to an odd board (1) -0.05 Matched firms (2) Test the difference: (1) - (2) -0.26*** 0.21* (0.534) (0.002) (0.065) -1.32*** 0.13 -1.45** (0.008) (0.760) (0.043) 0.8% -1.6% 2.4%* (0.246) (0.167) (0.075) 57 Figure 1. Board Size and Tobin’s Q This graph is extracted from Figure 1 of Yermack (1996) and illustrates sample means and medians of Tobin’s Q for different sizes of boards of directors. Yermack’s sample consists of 3,438 annual observations from 452 firms between 1984 and 1991. Figure 1 58