Math 3560 HW Set 4

Math 3560 HW Set 4
September 24, 2013
(6.1) Note that we first apply the column element and then we apply the row element.
1. (1734)(26)(58)=(14)(13)(17)(26)(58)
2. (4568)(1245)=(125)(468)=(15)(12)(48)(46)
3. (624)(253)(876)(45)=(25687)(34)=(27)(28)(26)(25)(34)
Only the element in (b) is an even permutation i.e. in A8 .
(6.4) By the previous exercise, the subset H1 consisting of all permutations sending 1, 2, 3
among themselves (that is fixing 4) is a subgroup and its order is 3! = 6. Similarly
Hi = {permutations fixing i} for i = 1, 2, 3 are subgroups of order 6.
To prove. These are the only subgroups of order 6.
Proof. H needs to contain an element of order 3, i.e. 3-cycle, and some element of order 2
as these are prime divisors of 6. H cannot contain any element of order 4, as 4 does not
divide 6. Up to relabeling we can assume the 3-cycle is σ = (1 2 3). Then H also contains
σ 2 = σ −1 = (1 3 2). Can we have more 3-cycles? Any other 3-cycle in S4 will move element
4. Then together with σ, σ 2 they would generate all A4 which already has 12 elements.
(check that. hint - ex 6.9). Therefore there are precisely two 3-cycles in H: σ, σ 2 . Now
analyze the element of order 2. It cannot be a transposition involving 4 as then its product
with σ would give a 4-cycle:
(123)(34) = (1234)
(123)(24) = (231)(24) = (21)(23)(24) = (3124)
(123)(14) = (13)(12)(14) = (1423).
Also it cannot be a product of disjoint transpositions, as then its product with σ gives an
even nontrivial permutation (so in S4 it has to be a 3-cycle) moving 4 and we cannot have
such elements in H as explained above. Therefore H can only contain transpositions not
moving 4. Counting the elements of H we see it has to contain all such transpositions.
Thus H is a subgroup fixing element 4. Relabeling the elements we obtain all 4 subgroups
found in the first part of this exercise.
(6.9) We want to show that (123) and (12 · · · n) generate An when n is odd and (123) and
(23 · · · n) generate An if n is even. Note that the claim is true for n = 3 as (123) generates
A3 . The proof consists of a few steps. We know that An is generated by 3-cyles if n ≥ 3 by
Theorem 6.5 in the book. Actually, it proves An is generated by the 3-cycles of the form
(1ba) if n ≥ 3.
Step 1: An is generated by the 3-cycles of the form (1 k k + 1).
In order to show this, we will prove that 3-cycles of the form (1ba) can be written as a
word in the 3-cycles of the form (1 k k + 1). Assume a > b. Then
(1ba) = (1 a − 1 a)(1 a − 2 a − 1) · · · (1 b + 1 b + 2)(1 b b + 1)
(e.g (127) = (167)(156)(145)(134)(123))
If b > a, then (1ba) = (1ab)(1ab) and we can write (1ab) as a word in the 3-cycles of the
form (1 k k + 1).
Step 2: An is generated by the 3-cycles of the form (k k + 1 k + 2).
In order to show this, we will prove that 3-cycles of the form (1 a a + 1) can be written
as a word in the 3-cycles of the form (k k + 1 k + 2). First observe that we can write
(134) = (234)(123)(234)−1 . Let us generalize this to a > 1 as follows:
(1 a a+1) = (a−1 a a+1)(a−2 a−1 a) · · · (234)(123)(234)−1 · · · (a−2 a−1 a)−1 (a−1 a a+1)−1
Step 3: Assume n is odd, then (12 · · · n) is in An . We will prove that a 3-cycle of the form
(k k + 1 k + 2) can be written as a word in terms of (123) and (12 · · · n). First observe that
we can write (234) = (12 · · · n)(123)(12 · · · n)−1 . We can generalize this to
(k k + 1 k + 2) = (12 · · · n)k−1 (123)(12 · · · n)1−k
for 2 ≤ k ≤ n − 2.
Now assume n is even, then (23 · · · n) is in An . We will show that a 3-cycle of the form
(1 k k + 1) can be written as a word in terms of (123) and (23 · · · n) since we know that
An is generated by the 3-cycles of the form (1 k k + 1) by Step 1. First observe that
(134) = (23 · · · n)(123)(23 · · · n)−1 . We can generalize this to
(1 k k + 1) = (23 · · · n)k−2 (123)(23 · · · n)2−k
for 3 ≤ k ≤ n − 1.
(6.11) We will use exercise (6.12) to find the orders of permutations listed in (6.2). The
order of (1734)(26)(58) is 4, the order of (125)(468) is 3 and the order of (25687)(34) is
To prove. The order of α ∈ Sn is the least common multiple of the lengths of the cycles
which are obtained when α is written as a product of disjoint cyclic permutations.
Proof. Let α ∈ Sn , then we know that we can write it as a product of disjoint cycles.
Suppose α = τ1 τ2 · · · τk , where each τi is a disjoint cycle of length `i . Let ` be the least
common multiple of all the `i ’s. Since the τi ’s are disjoint cycles, they commute. Therefore,
αj = τ1j τ2j · · · τkj for any j ∈ Z. Since the τi ’s are disjoint, then the τij ’s are also disjoint.
Let n be the order of α, then αn = id. This means τ1n τ2n · · · τkn = id, which implies τin = id
for all i since the τin ’s are disjoint. Then we get `i divides n for all i, which implies ` divides
n since ` is the least common multiple of `i ’s. (note that the order of a cycle is equal to
its length and if order of x ∈ G, where G is a group, is n and if xm = id, then n divides
m). Also, we have α` = τ1` τ2` · · · τk` = id since τi`i = id for each i and ` is the least common
multiple of `i for each i. So order of α divides `. Thus, α has order `.